Please be aware that Exhibitors entering into these classes must also be familiar with the General Rules

Page created by Lucille Mccoy
Please be aware that
 Exhibitors entering
  into these classes
must also be familiar
   with the General
on sale each year. Original champion recipes will not
                                                                      be displayed with the exhibit but will be available for
                                                                      pick up on Sunday.
                                                                 E.   No mixes. (exception, class 1955).
                                                                      No breads made by machine accepted. All fruits used in
                                                                      food exhibits must be cooked, baked, canned or dried.
                                                                 F.   Candy, cookies, muffins, cupcakes, breads and rolls
                                                                      should be exhibited on oblong trays in a plastic bag.
           HOME ECONOMICS                                        G.   Pies should be exhibited in Aluminum foil pans.
Chairman: Noreen Soos                                            H.   All other baked goods are to be exhibited on foil
SUPERINTENDENT: JOANNE CARLIN                                         covered cardboard. Attach entry tag to base.
ASSISTANT SUPT: ROSIE FLANAGAN                                   I.   No cream or custard fillings, raw eggs, meringue.
Registration deadline – August 1, 2020                           J.   Whipped cream or nondairy whipped toppings or
Registration deadline – August 1, 2021                                cream cheese may not be used alone as a frosting, filling
                                                                      or topping substitute, but may be used as an ingredient
               FAIR WEEK SCHEDULE                                     in baked goods or frosting.
Entry ---- Sunday – Fair Week –                                  K.   NO liquor, wine or beer in any recipe and/or flavorings,
                  2:00 pm – 8:00 pm                                   extracts, oils, etc. that have a liquor, wine or beer in the
Judging - Sunday – All Classes                                        name of the product, may be used.
Events --- Tuesday – 12:00 pm – Mall Stage                       L.   NO CBD oil, Cannabis (marijuana) or related products
            “Presentation of Foods Award”                             may be used in any recipe.
            All Champ. & Res. Champ. winners                     M.   No meat or meat products in any baked recipe.
        --- Wednesday – 12:00 pm – Mall Stage                    N.   All entries not meeting full requirements of the class
            “Presentation of Clothing Awards”                         will be disqualified.
            All Champ. & Res. Champ. winners                     O.   If an exhibitor wins Champion in a food class, he/she
        --- Wednesday – 1:30 pm– Style Show-Mall stage                cannot win again in the following year in any class
   Exhibit Release – Yellow sheet or claim tag required.              using the same recipe.
            Sunday – 9:00 am – 1:00 pm                           P.   Honorable Mention ribbons will be awarded through-
                                                                      out the Home Economics Dept. if in the judge’s opinion
        ALL JUDGING AND SPECIAL EVENTS                                the exhibit merits the award.
             WILL TAKE PLACE IN THE                              Q.   Exhibitors of the same family or the Exhibitor can NOT
       HOME EC BUILDING EXCEPT AWARDS                                 enter the identical recipe in the same class or any other
                                                                 ROSETTES AWARDED TO 1ST & 2ND PLACE WINNERS
                                                                 IN ALL CHAMPIONSHIP CLASSES

                                                                 CANDY                                Dept. 61 – Div. 1
              DEPT. 61 - DIVISIONS 1& 2
                          FOODS                                  No divinity, cereal, crackers, noodle or whole pretzel
                                                                 candies. Recipe must be included with exhibit. No dipped
COORDINATOR: EVELYN KEIGLEY                                      fresh fruit.
ALL EXHIBITORS 14 thru 17 years of age are required to                       Premiums for all classes in Foods are:
exhibit one (1) “Major Exhibit” or two (2) non-major                            A - $3.75, B - $3.00, C - $1.50
exhibits to be eligible to receive a free pass. All exhibitors             AGES 5 THRU 8 YRS – NO MIXES
18-20 yrs are REQUIRED to exhibit one (1) major exhibit.         1901. Molded/Decorated Chocolates. 6 pieces. Decorated
MAJOR EXHIBITS: Classes 1931, 1992 – 2097.                             Chocolate made in molded forms
A. Only one entry per class.                                           (explain procedure on the recipe).
B. Exhibitor's Age MUST be on Entry Tag & on recipe.             1902. Chocolate Turtles (6 pcs., minimum 1”)
C. All entries in Food Preparation classes must                       Champion Chocolate Exhibit, ages 5 – 8 yrs.
    be prepared and baked by the exhibitor.                            Paw Paw River Farms Trophy (he87r) from classes
D. All exhibits must include: COMPLETE recipes,                        1901 & 1902
    including frosting, glaze or crust, pan size, “greased or         Res. Champion Chocolate Exhibit, ages 5 – 8 yrs.
    ungreased, oven temperature, correct baking time”                               SPECIAL CANDY AWARD
    and directions. Proof read recipes. Exhibitor                                       Jill Marsh, Niles, MI
    number, class number & age (NOT name) MUST                        Winners selected from Champions of Classes 1901 & 1902
    appear on recipe to be tied to exhibit base. Recipes
                                                                          AGES 9 THRU 11 YRS – NO MIXES
    may be typed or photo-copied. All recipes become the
                                                                 1908. Fudge, (Cooked; 6 pieces, min. 1” x 1”).
    property of the BCYF who reserve the right to include
                                                                      Champion Fudge, Ages 9 - 11
    any/all Championship recipes in their annual cookbook
                                                                      Reserve Champion Fudge, Ages 9 - 11
1911. Hard Candy or brittle, (cooked, 6 pieces, min. 1”)          Champion Four Unfrosted Cupcakes
     Champion Hard Candy or brittle, Ages 9 – 11                  Amanda Peters-Powell Family Trophy (he93a)
      Dennis & Gail Holmes Trophy (he89r)                         Res. Champ. Four Unfrosted Cupcakes
     Res. Champ. Hard Candy or brittle, Ages 9 - 11         1938. Four Cookies.
1914. Chocolate dipped candy. (6 pieces, min. 1”)            1939. Four bar cookies or Brownies (min. 2” x 2” )
     Champion Chocolate Dipped, Ages 9 – 11                      Champion Cookies or Brownies
      Marquis Sister Trophy (he106r)                               Amanda Peters-Powell Family Trophy (he94a), from
     Reserve Champion Chocolate Dipped, Ages 9 – 11               classes 1938 & 1939
        AGES 12 THRU 20 YRS – NO MIXES                            Res. Champion Cookies or Brownies
1917. Fudge, (Cooked; 6 pieces, min. 1”x 1”)                 1942. Four Muffins (without papers).
     Champion Fudge, Ages 12 - 20                                Champion Four Muffins
      Ruth Kruger Memorial Trophy (he 64r)                         Amanda Peters-Powell Family Trophy (he95a)
     Reserve Champion Fudge, Ages 12 - 20                        Res. Champion Four Muffins
1920. Hard Candy or Brittle. (Cooked, 6 pieces, min. 1”)
                                                                          Special Baking Award
     Champion Hard Candy or Brittle, Ages 12 - 20
                                                                            Baking Gift Basket
      Michelle Payne Trophy (he13r)
                                                                 Sponsored by: Galien Chanters 4-H Club
     Res. Champ. Hard Candy or Brittle, Ages 12 – 20            Winner selected from Champions of Classes
1923. Chocolate dipped candy. (6 pieces, min 1”)                         1935 & 1938/1939 & 1942
     Champion Chocolate Dipped, Ages 12 – 20
      2015 Fair Queen Maria Pinkowski Trophy (he99r)
     Reserve Champion Chocolate Dipped, Ages 12 - 20        Ages 5 - 11
                                                             1946. One loaf of fruit, nut or quick bread
                 SPECIAL CANDY AWARD                               Loaf size minimum 8” x 4”
       Kilwin’s Chocolate Fudge & Ice Cream Shoppe
                                                                  Champion Loaf Fruit, Nut, etc., Bread
         Phil & Janet Dykstra, St. Joseph, Michigan
              Winners selected from Champions.                     Sharie Wolanin VanGilder Trophy (he27r)
         Ages 9 - 11 receive Kilwin’s (gift certificate)          Reserve Champion Loaf Fruit, etc., Bread
       Ages 12 - 20 receive a Kilwin's Gift Basket           1949. Coffee Cake. Without yeast (out of pan) min. 8”
                                                                  Champion Coffee Cake
CAKE DECORATING                      Dept. 61 - Div. 2
                                                                   Elden/Kay Janke Trophy (he16r)
1928. Cake Decorations on Hardform, Ages 5 - 11                   Reserve Champion Coffee Cake
      Must be done on an 8” or 10” cardboard circle or       1952. Batter Yeast Bread – Any type. Not a kneaded or
      square. Decorated cardboard must be mounted on flat          cool rise method bread. Loaf size minimum 8” x
      base not to exceed 12”. Use at least one tip. No             4” or equiv. according to shape.
      Butter Cream Icing. Include ALL RECIPES for                 Champion Batter Yeast Bread
      frostings, decorations, and tip numbers.                     Randy Wolanin Trophy (he28r)
     Champion Cake Decoration – Hardform                         Reserve Champion Batter Yeast Bread
      Brenda Cerny Memorial Trophy (he14r)                   1955. Cake, made with a cake mix
     Res. Champion Cake Decoration – Hardform                     Tube/bundt/two layer, 8” or larger, coffee cake (min.
      Barb Sebasty Memorial Trophy (he101r)                        8 in.) Exhibit must be out of pan and recipe(s)
1931. Cake Decorations on Hardform, Ages 12 - 20                   included for cake product and frosting, if used.
      Minimum 4” & Max. 24” in height and a minimum of       1956. Pound Cake, 8” minimum
      two tips used for decorating. No Butter Cream Icing.        Champion Pound Cake, Ages 5 – 11
      Include ALL RECIPES for frostings, decorations,             Res. Champion Pound Cake, ages 5 – 11
      and tip numbers. Base size 14” maximum. Exhibit        1959. Bundt Cake, (tube pan) minimum size 8”
      MUST be set up by exhibitor ONLY.                           Champion Bundt Cake, Ages 5 – 11
     Champion Cake Decoration – Hardform                          Sedor Family Baking Trophy (he105r)
      Barb Scherer Trophy (he29r)                                 Res. Champion Bundt Cake, Ages 5 - 11
     Res. Champion Cake Decoration – Hardform               1962. Holiday Baking (baked goods only) such as cookies,
      Barb Sebasty Memorial Trophy (he102r)                        fruit pies, yule logs, breads, rolls, cakes, muffins,
      BAKED GOODS                 Dept. 61 - Div. 1                coffee cakes, etc. Must include the holiday (not
                                                                   limited to Christmas) in the title of the recipe or at the
    Exhibitor may enter only ONE (1) COOKIE                        top of the recipe card.
    CLASS. Either class 1938 OR 1939, not both.                   Champion Holiday Baking, Ages 5 - 11
                                                                   Paturalski Family Trophy (he100r)
           PROOF READ YOUR RECIPES                                Reserve Champion Holiday Baking, Ages 5 -11
           NO MIXES - Except Class # 1955
              AGES 5 THRU 11 YEARS
1935. Four unfrosted cupcakes, no papers.
King Arthur Baking Company will sponsor baking awards
chosen from classes 1967-1988 and 1991 –2053. Exceptions: NOT 1985 or
2044 (Gingerbread Houses).
The recipe should state the type of King Arthur Flour used and the             old. Baked goods only, cookies, breads, coffee cakes,
ORIGINAL UPC label from the bag MUST be securely attached to                   cakes or fruit pies. Must include recipe, history and
the recipe in order to qualify. An exhibitor may NOT win more than one
award per year of entry.                                                       source of origin. Refer to Dept. rule I.
The placings will be as follows:                                              Champion Heritage Foods
Age 9 – 11 years                                                               Ken & Chris Peters Trophy (he79r)
1st place - $40 gift certificate to the Catalogue/
2nd place – $25 gift certificate to the Catalogue/
                                                                              Reserve Champion Heritage Foods
3rd Place – King Arthur Baking Company’s Logo Tote Bag                   AGES 12 THRU 20 YEARS – NO MIXES.
Ages 12 – 20 years:
1st place - $40 gift certificate to the Catalogue/
                                                                         The following YEAST PRODUCTS MUST BE
2nd place - $25 gift certificate to the Catalogue/   KNEADED AND/OR RAISED BY COOL RISE OR
3rd Place – King Arthur Baking Company’s Logo Tote Bag                   SLOW RISE METHOD and at least 8" x 4" or
                                                                         equivalent according to shape. No breads by bread
                                                                         making machine accepted.
                                                                         1992. Four yeast sweet rolls
                                                                              Champion Yeast Sweet Rolls
                                                                               Hugh Campbell Memorial Trophy (he26r)
                                                                              Reserve Champion Yeast Sweet Rolls
                AGES 9 THRU 11 YEARS – NO MIXES                          1995. Four yeast dinner rolls
                                                                              Champion Yeast Dinner Rolls
      The following YEAST PRODUCTS MUST BE                                     Karen Klug Trophy (he25r)
      KNEADED AND/OR RAISED BY COOL RISE                                      Reserve Champion Yeast Dinner Rolls
      METHOD and at least 8" x 4" or equivalent according                1998. Plain White Yeast bread, including French
      to shape. No breads by bread making machine accepted.                    bread, using white flour only
      1968. Yeast Bread
                                                                              Champion Yeast Bread-White
           Champion Yeast Bread                                               Mr/Mrs Read Stevens Trophy (he22r)
            Duane & Beverly Reisig Trophy (he73r)
                                                                              Reserve Champion Yeast Bread-White
           Reserve Champion Yeast Bread                                 2001. Yeast Bread, rye, whole wheat, oatmeal, etc.
      1971. Four Yeast Dinner Rolls
                                                                              Champion Yeast Bread-Rye, Whole wheat, etc.
           Champion Yeast Dinner Rolls                                        Peg Puffer Trophy (he23r)
            Friends for Berrien Springs Trophy (he70r)
                                                                              Reserve Champion Yeast Bread-Rye, etc.
           Reserve Champion Yeast Dinner Rolls                          2004. Misc.Yeast Bread- raisin, cinnamon, herb, dill, nut
      1974. Coffee Cake, with yeast.
                                                                              Champion Miscellaneous Yeast Bread
           Champion Coffee Cake                                               Gayle Waldenmaier Trophy (he24r)
            Judge’s Trophy in Honor of Marie Reisig & Pauline
                                                                              Reserve Champion Miscellaneous Yeast Bread
            Hanson (he03r)
                                                                         2007. Coffee Cake, with yeast
           Reserve Champion Coffee Cake
                                                                              Champion Coffee Cake
      1977. Four Yeast Sweet Rolls
                                                                               Mr/Mrs S.S. Hanson Trophy (he15r)
           Champion Yeast Sweet Rolls
                                                                              Reserve Champion Coffee Cake
            Hazel Stover Memorial Trophy (he71r)
                                                                         2011. Fruit Pies, Baked only, No canned fillings, eggs or
           Reserve Champion Yeast Sweet Rolls                                 dairy products, Minimum size 8”
      1980. Four Frosted Cupcakes, no papers,
                                                                              Champion Fruit Pie
            no mixes or store purchased frosting
                                                                               Harry Borchert/Joanne Carlin Trophy (he10r)
           Champion Four Frosted Cupcakes
                                                                              Reserve Champion Fruit Pies
            Chris & Joanne Carlin Trophy (he 80r)
                                                                                  SPECIAL PIE BAKING AWARD
           Reserve Champion Four Frosted Cupcakes                                        Pie Baking Gift Basket
      1983. Frosted Layer Cake, min. 2 – 8” layers                                     Sponsored by: Vorrath Gals
           Champion Frosted Layer Cake                                               Winner selected from class 2011
            Clella Wallace Memorial Trophy (he63r)                       2015. Pound Cake, 8” minimum.
           Reserve Champion Frosted Layer Cake                               Champion Pound Cake
      1986. Gingerbread House                                                  Mr/Mrs Wm. Hirsch Trophy (he19r)
            No butter cream icing, No kits. Base size maximum                 Reserve Champion Pound Cake
            14”, Height 24” max, Must be made of edible items.           2018. Bundt Cake (tube pan) minimum size 8”
            Assembly instructions must be included.                           Champion Bundt Cake
           Champion Gingerbread House                                         Tad Flanagan Memorial Trophy (he20r)
            Wilbur and Mary Ann Schultz Trophy (he76r)                        Reserve Champion Bundt Cake
           Reserve Champion Gingerbread House                           2021. Sponge, Angel Food or Chiffon cake, no bundt.
      1989. Heritage Foods, recipe must be at least 75 years                   Minimum 8”.
                                                                              Champion Sponge, Angel Food or Chiffon Cake
                                                                               Dorothy/Cindy Granger Trophy (he21r)
     Reserve Champion Sponge, Angel, Chiffon Cake                                  old. Baked goods only, cookies, breads, coffee cakes,
2024. Jelly Roll, minimum 8". Filling: jelly or other filling.                      cakes or fruit pies. Must include recipe, history and
      Refer to Dept. rules E, I, & J                                                source of origin. Refer to Dept. rule I.
     Champion Jelly Roll                                                          Champion Heritage Foods
      Chelsea Nutto Trophy (he91a)                                                  Guy & Peg Puffer Memorial Trophy (he78r)
     Reserve Champion Jelly Roll                                                  Reserve Champion Heritage Foods
2027. Frosted layer cake, minimum 2–8” layers                                 2050. Diabetic Foods (baked goods only), such as pies,
     Champion Frosted Layer Cake                                                   cakes, cookies, sweet rolls, etc. must use sugar
      Mrs. Margo Wolanin Trophy (he18r)                                             substitute and recipes must list dietary exchanges.
     Reserve Champion Frosted Layer Cake                                          Champion Diabetic Foods
2030. Decorated Layer Cake – Min. 2–8” layers, max.                                 George & Rosie Flanagan Trophy (he81r)
      height 18”, base size 14” max. Using a minimum of 2                          Reserve Champion Diabetic Foods
      decorating tips. Include tip numbers with frosting                      2053. Holiday Baking (baked goods only) such as cookies,
      recipe. Decorate as desired.                                                  fruit pies, yule logs, breads, rolls, cakes, muffins,
     Champion Decorated Layer Cake                                                 coffee cakes, etc. Must include the holiday (not
      Deborah & Ernest Matlock Trophy (he17r)                                       limited to Christmas) in the title of the recipe or at the
     Reserve Champion Decorated Layer Cake                                         top of the recipe card.
2033. Creative Foods, baked goods only, no cookies or                              Champion Holiday Baking
      muffins. Original recipe, detailing 3 or more major                           Claribel Damaske Memorial Trophy (he98r)
      changes must accompany exhibit.                                              Reserve Champ. Holiday Baking
     Champion Creative Foods                                                      Grand Champion Foods Exhibit
      Geo. Bennett Family Trophy (he12r)                                            Burke Busy Bees 4-H Club Trophy (he01c)
     Reserve Champion Creative Foods                                               Exhibitor must be 14 years or older.
          CREATIVE FOODS SPECIAL AWARD                                             Reserve Grand Champion Foods Exhibit
                Sponsored by Kevin Young,                                           South Lakers 4-H Club Trophy (he02c)
                      Niles, Michigan                                                              SPECIAL AWARD
A Creative Cookbook will be presented to an outstanding Creative                                     KITCHENAID
                       Foods Winner.                                                          BENTON HARBOR, MICHIGAN
2037. Foreign Foods (baked goods only) such as                                A KitchenAid Stand Mixer will be awarded to an outstanding Foods
                                                                              Exhibitor ages 17-20 years. A KitchenAid Hand Mixer will be awarded to
      yeast breads, coffee cakes and cakes. Must
                                                                              an outstanding Foods Exhibitor ages 14-16 years.
      include the recipe specifying country of                                                Exhibitor may win these awards only once.
      origin. No muffins.                                                     ________________________________________________
     Champion Foreign Foods
      Margo Wolanin Trophy (he11r)                                                              SPECIAL YEAST AWARD
     Reserve Champion Foreign Foods                                                    LESAFFRE (RED STAR®) YEAST CORP.
2040. Natural Foods (baked). Cake, pie, 4 muffins, quick                      Will present a special award to 3 Champion yeast baking
      bread or a product made with yeast. No cookies. Use
      a minimum of 3 natural ingredients. Examples:
      unbleached flour, natural grain flours, unrefined
      sugar, pure honey, black strap molasses, sorghum,                                          Anonymous Donor
      unsulfured dried fruits, raisins, carob, raw nuts, etc.                            CAKE DECORATING SPECIAL AWARD
     Champion Natural Foods                                                     A $20 check will go to each of the champions of classes 1931 & 2030
      Barb and Ed Kolm Trophy (he04r)                                           _______________________________________________
     Reserve Champion Natural Foods                                                                SPECIAL AWARD
               NATURAL FOODS SPECIAL AWARD                                                      THE FLOUR SHOP BAKERY,
                           Apple Valley Markets,                                                STEVENSVILLE, MICHIGAN
                         Berrien Springs, Michigan                                      Two gift certificates to the outstanding Foods Exhibit
    An award of a Natural Foods Gift Basket to an outstanding winner in the                        winners ages 10 thru 13 years.
      Natural Foods Class 2040 Exhibitor may win this award only once.                             1st Place - $25.00 Gift Certificate
2044. Gingerbread House                                                                            2nd Place - $20.00 Gift Certificate
      No butter cream icing, No kits. Base size maximum
      14”, Height 24” max, Must be made of edible items.
      Assembly instructions must be included
                                                                                                  SPECIAL FOODS AWARD
     Champion Gingerbread House                                                              Sponsored by Kenneth & Chris Peters
                                                                                                         Sodus, Michigan
      Honor of Christian Nitz Trophy (he69r)                                    A $10.00 cash award and plaque to the exhibitor with the most A and B
     Reserve Champion Gingerbread House                                                                     ribbons.
2047. Heritage Foods, recipe must be at least 75 years                                     Sign up in the Home Ec. Bldg on Entry Day.
FOOD PRESERVATION                                      Wendy Monroe Trophy (he66r)
                Dept. 61- Div. 1                                   Reserve Champion 3 Jars of Juices
                AGES 9 THRU 20 YEARS                          2097. 3 jars of Fruit Butter ( 3 different kinds)
A. All entries in Food Preservation classes must be made           Champion 3 jars of Fruit Butter
   and prepared by the exhibitor.                                   Honor of Ward & Shirley Shuler Trophy (he92r)
B. All Foods must be canned after August 16, 2019.                 Reserve Champion 3 jars of Fruit Butter
C. All entries must be heat processed following most                         CANNING SPECIAL AWARD
   recent canning guidelines in the Ball Blue Book,                      In Memory of William V. Kechkaylo, Sr.
   Kerr Canning Guide or USDA Guide.                                           Berrien Springs, Michigan
                                                                         Top Fruit Canning Exhibit - $75.00 cash award.
D. Each jar must be labeled and include: Exhibitor age,                  Top Vegetable Canning Exh. $75.00 cash award.
   number, product name, date canned, method and
   processing time. Labels are available at the Fair office
   before Fair, at the Entry table and available on website
   at (Home Ec Dept.).
E. Labels should be placed on the side of the jar, NOT on                           Dept. 60- Div. 1
   top of jar.
F. All jars of canning exhibit must be identical in size,              SEWING, KNITTING, CROCHETING,
   shape and brand of jars and lids.                                        DESIGN & QUILTING
G. Canning jars– pint. Jam, jelly & fruit butter
   jars– min. 8 oz. Leave rings on jars.                      Registration deadline – August 1, 2021
Premiums for classes 2070 – 2097 are:                         ALL JUDGING AND SPECIAL EVENTS WILL BE HELD IN
      A-3.75, B-3.00, C-1.50                                  THE HOME EC. BUILDING, EXCEPT AWARDS CEREMONY
2070. 3 jars of different Fruit, (No tomatoes)                ALL EXHIBITORS 14 THRU 17 years of age are
     Champion 3 Jars of Fruit                                required to exhibit one “Major Exhibit” or two non-major
      Lela Wojahn Trophy (he05r)                              exhibits to be eligible to receive a free admission pass.
     Reserve Champion 3 Jars of Fruit                        All exhibitors 18 – 20 years of age are required to exhibit
2073. 3 jars of different Vegetables                          one major exhibit.
     Champion 3 Jars of Vegetables                            A. All exhibits must be CLEAN, well pressed and in good
       Mr/Mrs Leon McNally (he06r)                                  condition and all seams in a sewn garment must have a
      Reserve Champion 3 Jars of Vegetables                        seam finish, i.e. Serger, Zig Zag, Turned Under, NO
2076. 3 jars of different Pickled Products, (No                     RAW EDGES.
      pickles or relish)                                      B. All sewing garments must be made by the exhibitor
     Champion Pickled Products                                     after Aug. 16, 2019. In the case of any questionable
      H & K Canning Challenge Trophy (he74c)                        exhibit, the exhibitor will be called in to explain
     Reserve Champion Pickled Products                             procedures or demonstrate. Item may then be
2079. 3 jars of three different kinds of pickles                    disqualified at the discretion of Bldg. Supt. and judges.
     Champion Pickles                                        C. All baby and child’s garments must be entered in
      Susan Wolanin Trophy (he07r)                                  class 2157.
     Reserve Champion Pickles                                D. All Sewing and Personalized Garments must be hung.
2082. 3 jars of Relish/Chutney (3 different kinds)                  Hangers will be provided by the fair.
                                                              E. Only one entry per class.
      Champion 3 Jars of Relish/Chutney
                                                              F. Age of exhibitor MUST be on entry tag.
       Dr. Alan Maynard Trophy (he68r)
                                                              G. Entry tag MUST be attached to each garment on
      Reserve Champion 3 Jars of Relish/Chutney
                                                                    upper left side as you are wearing it.
2085. 3 jars of Salsa, (3 different kinds)
                                                              H. Exhibits must not be exhibited in plastic bags.
      Champion 3 Jars of Salsa                               I.    Knitting & crocheting must be clean, dry & well
       Klug Blueberry Farms Trophy (he65r)                          blocked.
      Reserve Champion 3 Jars of Salsa                       J.   Pair of mittens, socks, gloves, slippers, 2 or more
2088. 3 jars of jam (3 different kinds)                             pillows, etc. count as one article.
      Champion 3 Jars of Jam
       Mr/Mrs Edwin Radewald Trophy (he08r)                    ROSETTES AWARDED TO 1ST & 2ND PLACE
      Reserve Champion 3 Jars of Jam                              WINNERS IN CHAMPIONSHIPS
2091. 3 jars of jellies (3 different kinds)
      Champion 3 Jars of Jellies                             SEWING                                            Dept. 60 – Div. 1
       Mr/Mrs Larry Evans Trophy (he09r)                      MAJOR EXHIBITS: 2157 THRU 2196
      Reserve Champion 3 Jars of Jellies
2094. 3 jars of juices (3 different juices)                                  AGES 5 THRU 8 YEARS
                                                              2106. Beginners Sewing, One hand hemmed towel.
      Champion 3 Jars of Juices
                                                                    A-1.50, B-1.00, C-.75
     Champion Beginners Sewing                                  Champion Doll Clothes
      Gail Larson Holmes Trophy (he88a)                          Reserve Champion Doll Clothes
     Reserve Champion Beginners Sewing                     Premiums for classes 2157 – 2166 are:
                 AGES 5 THRU 11 YEARS                             A-3.00, B-2.25, C-1.50
Premiums for classes 2109 thru 2149 are:                    2157. Baby or child’s garment, 1 or more pieces
      A-2.25, B-1.50, C-.75                                      Champion Baby or Child’s Garment
2109. Apron                                                       Burke Busy Bees 4-H Club Trophy (he60r)
     Champion Apron                                             Reserve Champion Baby or Child’s Garment
      Roger Keller Family Trophy (he86r)                    2160. Two or more pieces, cotton or cotton blend.
                                                                  MUST have a top and a bottom
     Reserve Champion Apron
2112. Slacks, Shorts or Skort                                    Champion Minimum Two pcs, Cotton or cotton
     Champion Slacks or Shorts                                   blend with vest or sleeveless top
      Dorothy & Beth Kroening Trophy (he75r)                      Hollywood Boosters 4-H Club Trophy (he40r)
     Reserve Champion Slacks or Shorts                          Reserve Champion Minimum Two pcs, Cotton or
2115. Top or Skirt                                                cotton blend with vest or sleeveless top
                                                            2163. Two or more pieces using ANY FABRIC,
     Champion Top or Skirt
                                                                  MUST have a top and a bottom.
      Friends for Berrien Springs Trophy (he72r)
                                                                 Champion Minimum Two pcs Cotton or cotton
     Reserve Champion Top or Skirt
                                                                  blend w/blouse or top w/sleeves
2118. 1 Piece sleeveless - dress, jumper, jumpsuit or bib
                                                                  Mr/MrsWalt Waldenmaier Trophy (he41r)
                                                                 Reserve Champion Minimum Two pcs Cotton or
     Champion 1 Piece sleeveless
                                                                  cotton blend w/blouse or top w/sleeves
      Mrs. Charles Gillette Trophy (he33r)
                                                            2166. Pajamas, nightgown, housecoat, leisure
     Reserve Champion 1 Piece sleeveless
                                                                  wear, lingerie, beachwear or jumpsuit.
2121. Sleep wear or Leisure wear
                                                                 Champion PJ’s, Leisure wear, etc.
     Champion Sleep or Leisure Wear
                                                                  Stacie Detgen Trophy (he49r)
      Chris & Ken Peters Trophy (he32r)
                                                                 Reserve Champion PJ’s, Leisure wear, etc.
     Reserve Champion Sleep or Leisure wear
                                                            Premiums for classes 2172- 2184 are:
2124. Tote Bag
                                                                  A-4.50, B-3.00, C-1.50
     Champion Tote Bag                                     2172. Two or more pieces, no cotton, skirt, slacks,
      B. C. Republican Women’s Club Trophy (he96a)                shorts, jumper, w/suitable top w/sleeves.
     Reserve Champion Tote Bag                                  Champion Minimum two pcs, No cotton,
2132. One piece, w/sleeves–dress, jumpsuit, jacket,blouse         w/suitable top w/sleeves
     Champion 1 Piece with sleeves                               Sorter Busy Bees 4-H Club Trophy (he42r)
      Ed/Virginia Radewald Trophy (he35r)                        Reserve Champion Minimum 2 pcs, No cotton,
     Reserve Champion 1 Piece with sleeves                       with suitable top w/sleeves
2135. Min. 2 pieces, dress with vest, bolero, apron; or     2175. Dress, Cotton or Cotton blend
      skirt, slacks, shorts-with top.
                                                                 Champion Dress, Cotton/Cotton Blend
     Champion 2 Pieces minimum                                   Nancy Waldenmaier Trophy (he44r)
      Jean Radewald Loutzenhiser Trophy (he34r)
                                                                 Reserve Champion Dress, Cotton/Cotton Blend
     Reserve Champion 2 Pieces minimum                     2178. Dress, Other than cotton
2139. Doll Clothes, display on doll
                                                                 Champion Dress, No Cotton
     Champion Doll Clothes, ages 5 – 11                          Ed/Barb Kolm Trophy (he43r)
     Res. Champion Doll Clothes, ages 5 - 11                    Reserve Champion Dress, No Cotton
               AGES 12 THRU 20 YEARS                        2181. Two or three pieces, Jacket w/sleeves, w/dress, skirt,
2143. Tote Bag - Minimum of two advanced skills                   or slacks.
      such as zipper, button holes, pockets, lining, etc.        Champion two or three pcs. Jacket w/sleeves,
                                                                  w/dress, skirt or slacks
     Champion Tote Bag                                           Cindy Granger Trophy (he46r)
      In Memory of Bonnie Braje 2018 Trophy (he104r)             Res. Champion two or three pcs. Jacket w/sleeves,
     Reserve Champion Tote Bag                                   w/dress, skirt or slacks
2146. Single garment – Min. 2 advanced skills such as       2184. Costume Garment, such as Halloween, Holiday,
      pleats, zippers, buttonholes, pockets, smocking,            Cartoon Characters, Fair Theme, etc.
      lining, set in band, etc.                                  Champion Costume Garment
     Champion Single Garment                                     Honor of Elizabeth Okon Trophy (he103a)
      Kathie Larsen Memorial Trophy (he50r)                      Reserve Champion Costume Garment
     Reserve Champion Single Garment                       Premiums for classes 2187 – 2196 are:
2149. Doll Clothes, Display on doll.                              A-6.00, B-4.50, C-3.00
2187. Two or three pieces, min. 50% Wool, jacket                                                                               ____________________________________________
       w/sleeves, w/dress, skirt or slacks.                                                                                                CHRIS PETERS SEWING AWARD
     Champion two or three pcs, Wool                                                                                       Will award a Sewing Box to an outstanding sewing exhibitor of Classes:
                                                                                                                            2106, 2109, 2112, 2115, 2118, 2121, 2124, 2132, 2135 & 2139. Exhibitor
      Alma J. Foster Memorial Plaque (he45r)                                                                                may win this award in only ONE class per year.
     Reserve Champion two or three pcs. wool
2190. Coat or Jacket, tailored and lined
     Champion Coat or Jacket                                                                                                                  SPECIAL SEWING AWARD
                                                                                                                            Ages 12 – 20           Anonymous Donor
      Eileen Everhart Memorial Trophy (he47r)
                                                                                                                            A sewing basket or box with a variety of unique and useful sewing
     Reserve Champion Coat or Jacket                                                                                       notions for older sewers, awarded to an exhibitor who shows
2193. Formal gown or Formal dress                                                                                           outstanding creativity and ingenuity in their exhibit. Chosen from
     Champion Formal Gown or Dress                                                                                         classes: 2146 - 2196
      Martin/Dorothy Granger Trophy (he48r)
     Reserve Champion Formal Gown or Dress
2196. Heritage Garment, styles worn from the year                                                                           KNITTING & CROCHETING                               Dept. 60 – Div. 1

      1620 up to the year 1930 sewn by the exhibitor                                                                        Refer to rules at beginning of division.
      during the current year.                                                                                              MAJOR EXHIBITS: 2211 - 2226
     Champion Heritage Garment                                                                                             Refer to rules at beginning of division.
     Reserve Champion Heritage                                                                                                              AGES 5 THRU 20 YEARS
●     Grand Champion Sewing Exhibit                                                                                         2211. Scarf, Hat, Purse or Pr. of Slippers,
      Dorothy Kroening & Jane Haase Memorial                                                                                       Mittens or socks or matching set (No
      Trophy (he30r)                                                                                                               head bands). A-2.25, B-1.50, C-.75
      Exhibitor must be 14 years or older.                                                                                        Champion Scarf, hat, purse, etc.
●     Res. Grand Champion Sewing Exhibit                                                                                           Elaine Kernodle Trophy (he38r)
      Rebekah/Jacob Glossinger Trophy(he31r)                                                                                      Reserve Champion Scarf, hat, purse, etc
      Exhibitor must be 14 years or older.                                                                                  2217. Sleeveless Sweater, Shell, Vest, Skirt, Cape,
Special Activity: STYLE SHOW                                                                                                       Shawl or Christmas Tree Skirt, etc.
Come and be part of the Style Show that will be held on the stage
                                                                                                                                    A-2.25, B-1.50, C-.75
in the mall on Wednesday afternoon (1:30 p.m or following
clothing awards.). This is an excellent opportunity to show off                                                                   Champion Sleeveless Garment, etc.
your amazing workmanship by modeling or carrying your                                                                              Gertrude S. Beck Memorial Trophy (he51r)
exhibit(s) while a speaker tells about you and your exhibit(s). You                                                               Reserve Champion Sleeveless Garment, etc.
can sign up on Entry Day at the Entry Table in the sewing end of                                                            2220. Baby Garments, 2 articles, Sweater, dress,
the Home Ec. Building. Narration forms will be available on                                                                        pr. of booties, etc. A-2.25, B-1.50, C-.75
Sunday at the Entry Table and also on line and must be turned in at                                                               Champion Baby Garments
the Home Ec. Bldg. by Tuesday of fair week. Participants who
enter the Nancy Stover Award can earn points toward this award.                                                                   Reserve Champion Baby Garments
                                                                                                                            2223. Long or Short Sleeve Sweater, knitted or
                                                                                                                                   crocheted. Plain, pattern, stripe or contrasting
                                        SEWING AWARD
                                          Sponsored by:                                                                            thread design. A-4.50, B-3.00, C-1.50
                                       Muday Sewing Center                                                                        Champion Sweater
                                          St. Joseph, MI                                                                           Karen Hirsch Trophy (he53r)
Janome Sewing Machine to an outstanding sewing exhibitor age 14 thru 20                                                           Reserve Champion Sweater
                years. Exhibitor may win this award
                                                                                                                            2226. Afghan or Lap Robe, min. size 36” x 42”.
                             only once.
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________          A-4.50, B-3.00, C-1.50
                   ALMA J. FOSTER MEMORIAL AWARD                                                                                  Champion Afghan or Lap Robe
 A Dressmaker Scissors will be awarded to an outstanding sewing exhibitor
         9 – 11 years. Exhibitor may win this award only once.                                                                     Marion H. Selby Trophy (he54r)
                                                                                                                                  Reserve Champion Afghan or Lap Robe
                    EMMA TOTZKE MEMORIAL AWARD                                                                                    Grand Champion Knitting & Crocheting
A Dressmaker Scissors will be awarded to an outstanding sewing exhibitor                                                           Mr/Mrs Harold Sebasty Trophy (he36r)
12 – 20 years. Exhibitor may win this award only once.                                                                             Exhibitor must be 14 years or older
            OUTSTANDING CLOTHING EXHIBIT AWARD                                                                                    Res. Gr. Champ. Knitting & Crocheting
                  Sponsored by: Lemon Creek Ltd.                                                                                   Pearl Dean Memorial Trophy (he37r)
                  Judy Dougan, Berrien Springs, MI
             Age 9 – 11                               $35.00 Certificate
             Age 12 – 15                              $45.00 Certificate
             Age 16 – 20                              $50.00 Certificate

                                SPECIAL SEWING AWARD
                                Dorothy Kroening Memorial
 A $20.00 cash award & plaque to exhibitor with the most A and B ribbons.
                 Sign up in Home Ec. Bldg. Entry Day.
            KNITTING & CROCHETING AWARD                                      2251. One Machine stitched or hand sewn article for a
              Elaine Cole Memorial                                                  room. Examples: Tablecloth 40” x 40” or larger,
1st Place - Ages 5 thru 12 years - $20.00 Check
                                                                                    place mat, hot dish mat, dresser scarf, pillow,
2nd Place – Ages 5 thru 12 years - $10.00 Check
1st Place – Ages 13 years & over - $20.00 Check                                     pillowcase, etc. A-1.50, B-1.00, C-.75
2nd Place – Ages 13 years & over - $10.00 Check                                   Champion Article for a room
                        Exhibitor may win only one                                 Millie Wendzel Trophy (he67a)
                                                                                  Reserve Champion Article for a room
             Special Knitting/Crocheting Award                                               AGES 9 THRU 20 YEARS
              Knitting/Crocheting Gift Baskets                               2254. Two different sewn items of Coordinating
              Sponsored by: Patty Rabbit Yarns                                     articles for a room. Examples: A curtain, slip
                       Berrien Springs, MI                                         cover, dressing table skirt, table cover, 1 place mat,
    Winners selected from all Knitting/Crocheting classes for:                     toaster or mixer cover, 1 pillow, bedspread,
      Age groups 5-10 yrs., 11-15 yrs. and 16-20 yrs. old                          Christmas Tree Skirt, etc. A-3.75, B-2.25, C-1.50
                                                                                  Champion Home Design, 2 Articles
   PERSONALIZATION                             Dept. 60 – Div. 1                   Abby Slavings Trophy (he62r)
   Refer to the rules at the beginning of Dept. 60.                               Reserve Champion Home Design, 2 Articles
   Garments to be personalized may be hand-made or                           2257. Three or more Different sewn items of
   purchased. All appliques, including self-adhesive purchased                     COORDINATING articles for a room. Examples:
   appliques, must be painted or stitched around.                                  Curtain, slip cover, dressing table skirt, table cover, 1
   Personalization must be done by the exhibitor.                                  placemat, toaster or mixer cover, 1 pillow, Christmas
                                                                                   Tree Skirt or bedspread.
   MAJOR EXHIBITS: 2243 & 2246                                                     A-5.25, B-3.75, C-2.25
   Premiums are:A-2.25, B-1.25, C-.75 (except as otherwise                        Champion Home Design, Min. 3 Items
   stated in the class)                                                            Cheryl Guettler Trophy (he55r)
   2236. Personalized Accessories, Ages 5 – 20, shoes,                            Reserve Champion Home Design, Min. 3 items
           purses, scarves, gloves, etc.                                     2260. Holiday, Party or Patio Table Setting, including;
          A-1.50, B-1.00, C-.75                                                    Centerpiece and 2 place settings (silverware,
   2237. Personalized Garment, Ages 5 – 13, using fabric                           glassware and dishes). Tablecloth and/or placemats
           Painting and/or fabric markers.                                         and napkins (must be sewn by exhibitor). Center
         Champion Personalized Garment, Ages 5 - 13                               piece must be created by exhibitor and in proportion
         Res. Champ Personalized Garment, Ages 5 - 13                             to size of card table. No live animals, fish, swords,
   2240. Personalized Garment, Ages 5 - 13                                         fresh fruit or vegetables in the exhibit. Please bring
          Use appliques, patchwork, cross stitch, needle punch,                    your own card table for display. Exhibitor MUST
          monogramming, computer generated pictures and                            set up exhibit.           A-5.25, B-3.75, C-2.25
          other advanced skills.                                                  Champion Table Setting
         Champion Personalized Garment, Ages 5 - 13                               Marie/Lois Radewald Trophy (he56r)
          Impressive Lettering Trophy (he57a) from 2239                           Reserve Champion Table Setting
         Res. Champ Personalized Garment, Ages 5 - 13                       2263. Tied Comforter or Quillow minimum size 36” x 48”
   2243. Personalized Garment, Ages 14 - 20                                        Item must be constructed of 3 layers of fabric,
          Fabric painting and/or fabric markers using advanced                     consisting of backing, batting & top. Inside area of
          skills such as shading and detailing.                                    the comforter or quillow MUST be tied and outside
         Champion Personalized Garment from 2242                                  edges MUST be sewn together.
         Res. Champ Personalized Garment from 2242                                A-6.00, B-4.50, C-3.00
   2246. Personalized Garment, Ages 14 - 20                                       Champion Tied Comforter
          Use appliques, patchwork, cross stitch, needle punch,                    Kris Hirsch Trophy (he52r)
          monograms, computer generated pictures and other                        Reserve Champion Tied Comforter
          advanced skills                                                    QUILTED EXHIBITS                               Dept. 60 – Div. 1
         Champion Personalized Garment from 2245                                                 AGES 9 THRU 20
         Res. Champ Personalized Garment from 2245                          Refer to rules at beginning of Dept. 60.
         Grand Champion Personalized Garment                                A. Item must be constructed of three layers of fabric,
          selected from classes 2242 and 2245                                    consisting of backing, batting and top, held together by
          Earl & Linda Brohman Memorial Trophy (he58a)                           either hand or machine quilting methods. Item must
         Reserve Grand Champion Personalized Garment                            be quilted by the Exhibitor. Enter tied comforters in
                                                                                 Home Design.
   HOME DESIGN                                           Dept. 60 – Div. 1
                                                                             B. On top portion, blocks or strips may be pieced by
   Refer to rules at beginning of Dept. 60.                                      hand or machine. Blocks also may be appliquéd,
   MAJOR EXHIBITS: 2254-2280                                                     stenciled, cross stitched, embroidered, etc.
C. Size of quilt is determined by perimeter of quilt (total of                   using needle and appropriate threads. No machine
    all 4 sides)                                                                 embroidery. Edges hemmed or item framed. Surface
2266. Quilted Accessories, not tied. Examples: Pillow                            embroidery (pillow cases, towels, etc.) crewel,
       cover or sham exhibited on a pillow; or wall hanging,                     needlepoint, counted cross stitch, Swedish weaving, etc.
       doll blanket, or lap robe with a minimum perimeter of                    Champion Needleart, Ages 5 – 13
       48”.              A-3.75, B-3.00, C-1.50                                 Reserve Champion Needleart, Ages 5 - 13
      Champion Quilted Accessories                                        2290. Needleart, Ages 14 – 20. Same description
       Berrien Towne & Country Quilter's Trophy (he61c)                          as class 2287.
      Res Champion Quilted Accessories                                         Champion Needleart, Ages 14 -20
2269. Medium Machine Quilted Quilt, minimum                                      South Lakers 4-H Club Trophy (he82r)
      perimeter of 81” and a maximum perimeter of 200”.                         Reserve Champion Needleart, Ages 14 - 20
      Not tied.           A-6.00, B-4.50, C-3.00                                 Ken Guettler Trophy (he83r)
      Champion Medium Machine Quilted Quilt                               2293. Needlecraft, Ages 5 – 13. Handmade, non-clothing
      Res Champ. Medium Machine Quilted Quilt                                   Items only, using tools and yarns appropriate for
2272. Large Machine Quilted Quilt, minimum perimeter                             craft, i.e.wool, cotton or silk yarns, latch hook, (edges
       of 201” and above. Not tied.                                              must be finished), crochet hook, knitting needles,
       A-9.00, B-7.50, C-6.00                                                    stitchery, punched rugs, or needle punch. No cross
      Champion Large Machine Quilted Quilt                                      stitch or embroidery. No machine work except for
      Res. Champion Large Machine Quilted Quilt                                 assembly. Required – 3 x 5 card explaining process
     Grand Champion Machine Quilted Quilt                                       and tool(s) used.
       Selected from classes 2269 and 2272                                      Champion Needlecraft, Ages 5 – 13
       Accomplish Quilting Trophy (he77r)                                        Jeanne Berndt Memorial Trophy (he90r)
      Reserve Grand Champion Machine Quilted Quilt                             Reserve Champion Needlecraft, Ages 5 – 13
2277. Medium Hand Quilted Quilt, minimum perimeter                         2296. Needlecraft, Ages 14 – 20. Same description as 2293.
       of 81” and a maximum perimeter of 200”. Not tied.                        Champion Needlecraft
       A-6.00, B-4.50, C-3.00                                                    Colonial Die Corporation Trophy (he84r)
      Champion Medium Hand Quilted Quilt                                       Reserve Champion, Needlecraft
      Res. Ch. Medium Hand Quilted Quilt                                        Colonial Die Corporation Trophy (he85r)
2280. Large Hand Quilted Quilt, minimum                                    2299. Handmade stuffed animals and dolls (100% stuffed),
       perimeter of 201” and above. Not tied.                                    Ages 6 – 20,               A-2.25, B-1.50, C-.75
       A-9.00, B-7.50, C-6.00                                                   Champion Handmade Stuffed Animals/Dolls
      Champ. Large Hand Quilted Quilt                                           B. C. Republican Women’s Club Trophy (he97a)
      Res. Champ. Large Hand Quilted Quilt                                     Res. Champ Handmade Stuffed Animals/Dolls
      Grand Champion Hand Quilted Quilt
       Selected from classes 2277 and 2280
                                                                                       OUTSTANDING OVERALL HOME
       Berrien Springs Library Quilters Trophy (he59r)
                                                                                            ECONOMICS EXHIBITOR
      Reserve Grand Champion Hand Quilted Quilt                             NANCY STOVER MEMORIAL TROPHY (he39r)
              SPECIAL QUILTING AWARD                                       1. Exhibitor must be 16 years or over.
         BERRIEN TOWNE & COUNTRY QUILTERS                                  2. Register at Home Ec. Bldg. Entry day.
                Berrien Springs, Michigan                                  3. Exhibitor must have entries in five (5) of the following ten
Two $75 gift certificates will be awarded to the top two (2) outstanding      (10) areas: Baking, Candy, Cake Decoration on Hard Form,
quilter exhibitors.                                                           Canning, Sewing, Quilted Exhibits, Knitting/Crocheting,
                                                                              Home Design, Personalization & Needlework.
                                                                           4. Winner is selected on a point system based on all awards and
NEEDLEWORK                                          Dept. 60 – Div. 2         style show participation, within the Home Ec. Building at
MAJOR EXHIBITS: 2290, 2296 & 2299                                             current Fair.
Needlework Rules:                                                          5. Exhibitor may win this award only once.
a.   Items must be handmade by exhibitor. If there is a
     question as to what division the item falls in, staff will                                     CARLIN & RADEWALD
     decide. Basic requirements include: NEATNESS AND                                          EDUCATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP
                                                                                    The Nancy Stover Memorial Trophy Winner will receive
     CLEANLINESS.                                                                   a $500.00 SCHOLARSHIP to be paid directly to the
b. On an attached 3” x 5” card list all techniques used.                            college of the exhibitor’s choice at the beginning of the
c. Exhibitor must have completed item within the past year                          2nd year enrolled. Enrollment verification must come
d. Appropriate use of materials.                                                    from college.
e. Pieces will be judged on front surface only.                                     Exhibitor may win this award only once.
f.  The type and quality of workmanship should be
     appropriate for the exhibitor’s age.
Premiums for classes 2287 – 2299, A–2.75, B-2.00, C-1.25
2287. Needleart, Ages 5 – 13. Handmade items
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