Polycystic Kidney Disease - Fact sheet - Kidney Health Australia

Page created by Louise Fitzgerald
Polycystic Kidney Disease - Fact sheet - Kidney Health Australia
Last Reviewed March 2019
                                                                                                                           Page 1

Prevent, Detect, Support.

Fact sheet

Polycystic Kidney

                                       Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is        Some people develop high blood
                                       group of chronic kidney diseases          pressure and end stage kidney disease
                                       where thousands of cysts (fluid filled    as a result of PKD. PKD affects males
                                       sacs) grow in the kidneys. PKD is         and females in equal numbers, and
                                       the most common inherited kidney          the cysts can appear at any age,
                                       disease and is a common cause of          depending on the type of PKD.
                                       Chronic Kidney Disease.
                                                                                 It is not uncommon for people to
                                       If you have PKD both of your kidneys      develop simple kidney cysts as they
                                       will be affected but one kidney may       become older. Around 50% of people
                                       develop the cysts earlier than the        over the age of 50 develop simple
                                       other. The cysts gradually grow           cysts. These cysts are not inherited
                                       which makes your kidneys larger and       and do not usually require treatment.
                                       reduces the healthy kidney tissue. This   This fact sheet will discuss PKD which
                                       makes it harder for your kidneys to       is the inherited type of cyst disease.
                                       work properly.

The different types of PKD
PKD is an inherited disease. This      There are two different types of PKD:
means it is passed from parents to
                                       Autosomal Dominant PKD (ADPKD)            Autosomal Recessive PKD (ARPKD)
their children.
                                       This is the most common form of           This is a much less common form
However not all people with PKD will   PKD. People with ADPKD will develop       of PKD. This is typically a childhood
have a family history.                 multiple fluid filled cysts in their      disease which is often diagnosed soon
                                       kidneys, liver, pancreas and other        after birth. Both parents must have
                                       organs. ADPKD is inherited from your      the faulty gene, with the risk of one in
                                       parent. There is one in two chance        four chance of passing the gene onto
                                       of passing the faulty gene onto your      each of their children. ARPKD can lead
                                       children. Cysts can often be detected     to kidney failure and/or liver problems
                                       between the ages of 18-35 years.          later in life.
                                       This affects both males and females
                                       equally and can sometimes lead to
                                       kidney failure later in life.

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Symptoms of Autosomal Dominant PKD
If you have ADPKD you may have no          Symptoms usually develop when                • enlarged and painful abdomen
symptoms in the early stages. The          someone is 30-40 years of age, but can         (belly area)
kidney cysts usually start forming in      be later in some people.
                                                                                        • urinary tract infections
childhood but they are microscopic
                                           Symptoms may include:
(and almost invisible to detect) and                                                    • kidney stones
they grow very slowly so its takes         • the need to pass urine more often
                                                                                        • hernias
many years before they can be                (polyuria), sometimes during the
detected by renal ultrasound.                night (nocturia)                           • cysts in other organs, most
                                                                                          commonly in the liver
In those who show no symptoms,             • pain in your back or side
ADPKD can often be found                                                                • abnormal heart valves
                                           • blood in your urine (haematuria)
accidentally while having scans or                                                      • intracranial aneurysm (weakened
x-rays for other reasons, through          • high blood pressure
                                                                                          spot in the blood vessels of the
screening those with a positive family     • reduced kidney function or kidney           brain)
history or having early signs of chronic     failure – about half of people with
kidney disease such as abnormal              PKD will have kidney failure by 60
urine, high blood pressure or an             years of age, but can be considerably
abnormal kidney function blood test.         later in some people

Symptoms of Autosomal Recessive PKD
If you have ARPKD the cysts can            Symptoms and signs of ARPKD in               Other complications may include:
develop in the early months of life or     severely affected babies include:
                                                                                        • failure to thrive – below average
even before birth. Children with ARPKD
                                           • reduced fluid surrounding the baby          growth and weight gain as a baby
may have reduced kidney function,
                                             in the uterus which can lead to the
which may lead to end stage kidney                                                      • increased blood pressure in the liver
                                             baby having an unusually shaped
disease, or liver problems.
                                             face                                       • blood in the urine
                                           • delayed or difficult childbirth           • high blood pressure
                                           • high blood pressure                       • anaemia - low red blood cells
                                           • swelling of the abdomen (belly area)
                                             due to enlarged kidneys, liver and
                                           • heart and lung defects
                                           • kidney failure at birth or in the first
                                             few weeks of life

How is PKD diagnosed?
The severe symptoms of ARPKD               Diagnosing PKD usually considers age,        Blood tests - used to measure your
usually means the condition is             having a positive family history of PKD      kidney function.
diagnosed early. But in less severe        combined with an ultrasound. To be
                                                                                        Urine tests - used to look for blood
PKD, health problems may not be seen       diagnosed with PKD, there must be a
                                                                                        and/or protein in your urine.
for many years. It is often found during   certain number of cysts shown on the
medical checks for other problems,         ultrasound. Further testing may then
such as urinary tract infections or        be performed, including:
kidney stones. Sometimes it isn’t
                                           Physical examination - used to look
found until high blood pressure or
                                           for high blood pressure or enlarged
kidney failure develops.
                                           kidneys.                                     Ultrasound     Blood test        Urine Test

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PKD will be diagnosed in at-risk people with a family history of PKD if:

  Age                       Number of cysts shown on ultrasound

  15-39 years               At least 3 in total
  Aged 40-59 years          At least 2 in each kidney
  Aged 60 years or older    At least 4 in each kidney

How is PKD treated?
Initial treatment for PKD is usually         Lifestyle - Undertake physical activity,   Treatment will depend on the cause.
through lifestyle management and             find something that you enjoy. Not         Fluids, pain killers, antibiotics and rest
modification. Lifestyle changes              only will regular exercise help you        may be needed.
together with good blood pressure            reach and maintain a healthy weight,
                                                                                        Urinary tract infections - Urinary
control have been shown to slow the          but it will reduce the risk of other
                                                                                        tract infections can spread to the
growth of kidney cysts. For many             complications.
                                                                                        cysts in the kidneys, so see your
people this may be the only treatment
                                             Smoking - If you smoke, stop. This         doctor immediately about antibiotic
they require.
                                             is an important habit to change to         treatment.
There are several trials being               slow the progression of PKD and
                                                                                        End Stage Kidney Disease - This
conducted for new medications                associated complications. If you need
                                                                                        usually develops very slowly over
for the treatment for PKD, these             tips to help you quit, call the Quitline
                                                                                        many years and may require dialysis or
medications may slow the progression         on 13 7848 or speak to your doctor.
                                                                                        a transplant. PKD does not redevelop
of PKD but currently there is no cure
                                             High blood pressure - Good blood           in a transplanted kidney.
for PKD.
                                             pressure control protects kidney
                                                                                        Medication - In some cases of ADPKD,
Achieving and maintaining a healthy          function and can assist in slowing the
                                                                                        an oral medication is now available
weight is extremely important in the         growth of renal cysts. Medications and
                                                                                        to be used to slow the progression of
treatment and management of PKD.             a healthy lifestyle can help to lower
                                                                                        cyst development and kidney disease
                                             blood pressure.
Diet - Changes to your diet may be                                                      in adults.
required, including reducing dietary         Pain - May be due to stones, bleeding
                                                                                        Support - Many patients diagnosed
salt, protein, cholesterol (fats), alcohol   or infection. Treatment will depend on
                                                                                        or living with PKD can experience
and caffeine. Any dietary changes            the cause. Talk to your doctor if you
                                                                                        some feelings of sadness and anxiety
should be discussed with your doctor         are getting repeated or severe back
                                                                                        due to the diagnosis. There is support
or Accredited Practising Dietitian.          and kidney pain or headaches. Cysts
                                                                                        available to help patients along their
                                             can sometimes be drained to relieve
See our fact sheets on self-                                                            journey and to help them be informed
                                             extreme back and leg pain.
management and nutrition for more                                                       about their disease. Our Kidney Helpline
information about how to look after          Blood in the urine - May also be due       can provide further guidance. Freecall
your kidneys.                                to kidney stones, bleeding or infection    1800 454 363.

What can I do to prevent                     New treatments
PKD complications?                           There are several promising                A new medication has recently
If your kidneys, liver, spleen and           developments in slowing or preventing      been approved and PBS listed for
abdomen are significantly enlarged,          cyst growth and decline in eGFR in         the treatment of adults with early
you may need to think about not              PKD. Trials are being done in Australia    stage CKD (stage 2 to 3) and rapidly
playing contact sports, as an injury         with medications that may stop the         progressing ADPKD. It has been
to the belly area can damage your            sacs filling up with fluid. Results from   shown to slow the progression of cyst
affected organs. All contact sports          worldwide studies have showed              development and kidney disease in
should be discussed with your doctor.        promising results for medications          ADPKD. Your kidney specialist can
                                             which slow or stop cyst growth and         keep you updated on new treatments
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory              slow the drop of kidney function.          and whether they are right for you.
medications (NSAIDs) should not be
taken without medical advice as they
can make your kidney function worse.

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                                          Should my family members be tested for PKD?
                                          Knowing whether to screen family            of screening and help you to make the
                                          members is a complex and personal           best decision for you and your family.
                                          issue. If ultrasound findings are
                                                                                      There are both advantages and
                                          unclear and it is necessary to
                                                                                      disadvantages to screening family
                                          completely rule out PKD, then genetic
                                                                                      members, some of the issues that you
                                          testing may be offered.
                                                                                      may want to consider are:
                                          Genetic testing involves a medical
                                          test that identifies changes in
                                          chromosomes, genes and proteins.
                                          Pre-screening counselling is available
                                          to provide further information about
                                          genetic testing and support to help
                                          you make a decision about testing of
                                          PKD. A genetic counsellor will be able
                                          to talk to you about the pros and cons

                                            Advantages                               Disadvantages
                                            •P  KD can be detected early;           • A positive diagnosis may cause
                                            • Early detection can lead to better       feelings of sadness, frustration and
                                              treatment options of PKD;                 stress;
                                                                                     • A positive diagnosis may present
                                            • Early detection can slow the
                                                                                        challenges with insurance and
                                              decline of kidney function;
                                            • PKD can be considered in family

Who should I contact for more information?
Kidney Health Australia operates a        The PKD Foundation of Australia             Kidney Health Australia – Caring for
free call kidney helpline for people      connects, supports and provides             Australasians with Renal Impairment
seeking more information about kidney     education for Australians and               (KHA-CARI) provides clinical
disease and related conditions. You can   their families affected by PKD. The         guidelines based on best evidence
contact the helpline on 1800 454 363.     PKD Foundation also raises funds            based practice for patients with kidney
                                          specifically to find a cure for PKD.        disease in Australia and New Zealand.
                                          Further information can be found on         Further information can be found on
                                          their website pkdaustralia.org              the website cari.org.au

                                                           THINGS TO REMEMBER

                                                       •	Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is an inherited condition
                                                           which leads to the growth of cysts on the kidneys.
                                                       •	You may have no symptoms or health problems for many years.
                                                       •	At the moment there is no cure for PKD, but early detection
                                                           and treatment can reduce or prevent some complications
                                                           of PKD.

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What does that word mean?
Anaemia - When there are only a small     Gene - Each cell in the human body               Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) -
number of red blood cells in the blood    contains about 25,000 to 35,000                  An imaging procedure that uses a
or the blood cells are not working        genes. Genes carry the information               magnetic field and radio wave energy to
properly. Red blood cells carry oxygen,   that determines your traits, which are           make detailed pictures or scans of areas
so if you have anaemia you can feel       features or characteristics that are             inside your body.
weak, tired and short of breath.          passed on to you or inherited from
                                                                                           Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
                                          your parents.
Blood pressure - The pressure of the                                                       (NSAIDs) - Medications often used to
blood in the arteries as it is pumped     Haematuria - The medical term for                reduce pain and inflammation (swelling
around the body by the heart.             blood in your urine.                             and redness). Some commonly used
                                                                                           NSAIDs include aspirin (in brands like
Chromosomes - The structures that         Hernias - When parts of tissue or
                                                                                           Disprin), ibuprofen (such as Nurofen),
carry your DNA. We usually have 23        organ exit the weak parts of the
                                                                                           naproxen (such as Naprosyn), diclofenac
pairs.                                    abdomen.
                                                                                           (such as Voltaren) and celecoxib (such
Computed tomography - An imaging          Genetic counsellor - Someone trained             as Celebrex).
procedure that uses special x-ray         to help people understand and
                                                                                           Ultrasound - An imaging procedure
equipment to create a series of           make decisions around the medical,
                                                                                           where an instrument is moved over
detailed pictures or scans of areas       psychological and reproductive
                                                                                           the skin, sending and receiving signals
inside your body.                         effects of genetic conditions. See
                                                                                           to make pictures of your kidneys and
                                          The Australian Society of Genetic
Cyst - A sack full of fluid.                                                               bladder.
                                          Counsellors hgsa.org.au/asgc for more
eGFR - An estimation of glomerular        information.                                     Urinary tract infection – Causes
filtration rate (GFR). GFR is the best                                                     symptoms like needing to urinate
                                          Inherited - Passed to you by your
measure of kidney function and helps to                                                    frequently or pain when urinating. It is
                                          parents. This can include personality
determine the stage of kidney disease.                                                     caused by bacteria and may need to be
                                          traits, physical appearance and some
                                          health conditions.

For more information                      This factsheet is intended as a general
                                          introduction to this topic and is not
                                                                                                     If you have a hearing
about kidney or urinary                   meant to substitute for your doctor’s or
                                          health professional’s advice.                              or speech impairment,
health, please contact                    All care is taken to ensure that the                       contact the National
                                          information is relevant to the reader
our free call Kidney                      and applicable to each state in
                                                                                                     Relay Service on
                                          Australia. It should be noted that                         1800 555 677 or
Helpline on 1800 454 363.                 Kidney Health Australia recognises
                                          that each person’s experience is
Or visit our website                      individual and that variations do occur
                                          in treatment and management due to
                                                                                                     For all types of services
                                                                                                     ask for 1800 454 363
kidney.org.au to access                   personal circumstances, the health
                                          professional and the state one lives in.
free health literature.                   Should you require further information
                                          always consult your doctor or health

                                          Kidney Health Australia gratefully
                                          acknowledges the valuable
                                          contribution from Prof Neil Boudvile, A/
                                          Prof Gopi Rangan, the PKD Foundation
                                          of Australia and the Kidney Health
                                          Australia National Consumer Council
                                          in the review of this material.

                                          This fact sheet is supported by
                                          an unrestricted grant by Otsuka
                                          Australia Pharmaceutical Pty Ltd.

Connect with us                 www.kidney.org.au                              Freecall 1800 454 363
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