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                                   NEWS FOR OUR MEMBERS             LOCKED IN FOR 4 MORE YEARS

President’s Report                                                                                                                          Inside This Issue...

                                                   A message from your President...                                                                                                                      2-6         Reports

                                                   AS WE APPROACH THE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Farewell Bob Vaughan

                                                                                                                                                                                                         8-11        Everyone is talking about Hydrogen

                                                   END OF 2020 WE SHOULD                                                                                                                                 12-14       Geschke Plumbing & Drainage

                                                   ALL BE PROUD OF WHAT                                                                                                                                  15          Blake Inman - 20 years at Geschke

                                                   WE HAVE ACHIEVED                                                                                                                                      16-19       Refrigeration EBA

                                                                                                                                                                                                         19          Vales
                                                  Glenn Menzies | PPTEU President
                                                                                                                                                                                                         20-21       State Budget good news for industry
    A crisis is a real-life stress test          ceased, as happened in many other               The safety we enjoy today did not come
    for organisations, individuals,              sectors. We know there will be some             from nowhere. October 15 this year                                                                      22-23       Around the traps
    industries, and communities.                 lingering economic pain to come, and the        marked the 50-year anniversary of the
    2020 has been a rolling crisis
                                                 pipeline of work that existed pre COVID         collapse of the West Gate Bridge. 35 men                                                                24          Supporting Team Moloney
                                                 may be impacted by the slowed economy
    with unprecedented shutdowns                 and reduced population growth.
                                                                                                 died that day, and dozens more were

    and restrictions on our industry             However, there is every reason to be
                                                                                                 injured and forever traumatised by the                                                                  25         Winner - PICAC Narra Warren
    and limitations placed on our
    personal freedoms. It has tested
                                                 optimistic, and to think that the worst is
                                                 behind us.
                                                                                                 horror of the disaster. Those men died
                                                                                                 because they were not listed to. The               SUMMER EDITION                                       26-30       From the Organisers
    our individual and collective resilience
    like no other year. As we approach
                                                 The challenge now right across the
                                                                                                 engineering was flawed and unsafe. But
                                                                                                 back then there was no right to demand                2020/21                                           31          Calendar
                                                 economy is to make up the lost ground           an independent engineering assessment
    the end of 2020, I believe we should         and make sure we have the capacity              as there is today. There was no such
    all be proud of what we have achieved        to recover, re-build and embrace the            thing then as proper project safety             2021 GENERAL                                            32-35       Wage Rates
    together.                                    new energy sources and technologies
                                                 which are emerging. A major emerging
                                                                                                 committee, no trained and qualified             MEETING DATES                                           36          Maurice Blackburn - Annual Leave
                                                                                                 safety reps on site, no OH&S Act (1985),
                                                 opportunity for our industry and our
    It has not been easy, and the pain has not
    been evenly spread. Some members and         members is hydrogen.                            and not a safety harness or guard rail to       Melbourne
    some parts of our industry have been, and                                                    be seen. That all came afterwards, and          52 Victoria Street, Carlton South
                                                                                                                                                                                                         38-39       Cbus: Federal Budget 2020
    continue to be, impacted more severely       I encourage members to read the article         in a large part directly because those
                                                                                                                                                 30 Mar 2021 | 29 Jun 2021
    and directly than others. To support         inside this edition about the importance        impacted, many of whom went on to
                                                                                                                                                 28 Sep 2021 | 30 Nov 2021
                                                                                                                                                                                                         40          PICAC Couse guide out now
    those members who have been stood            and potential of the hydrogen industry          become staunch trade unionists, fought
                                                 in Australia – for export and domestic
    down or lost work, and to support all                                                        hard and were determined that it never                                                                  41-42       Merchandise order form
    members through the crisis ( and as we       consumption. It is significant for us
                                                 because the plumbing and gasfitting
                                                                                                 happened again.                                 Geelong
    covered extensively in the Spring edition
    of the Journal), a range of financial and    workforce will be key to Australia being able                                                   PICAC Building: 66 Tanner St Breakwater
                                                                                                 The legacy of the disaster is what we                                                                COVER IMAGE – The team from Cold Comfort Refrigeration in their
    emotional supports were developed (or        to reach its hydrogen potential.
                                                                                                 now consider standard OH&S, and the             31 Mar 2021 | 30 Jun 2021                            colourful work shirts to promote conversation and raise awareness
    adapted or increased) and made available                                                                                                                                                          about suicide prevention and mental health.
    to members.                                  Through your industry owned and                 conditions we enjoy today, and which            29 Sep 2021 | 1 Dec 2021
                                                 operated training facilities at PICAC,          allowed us to manage COVID so well, can
    Crucially, the building and construction     PPTEU members can be at the forefront           be traced back to the bridge collapse.
    industry continued to operate through the    of the hydrogen revolution. Through its         Every worker who goes home safely to
    crisis, albeit in a limited capacity and     partnership with one of the world’s major       their families can thank the men who lost
    with a range of onsite adaptations. Our
    union worked very collaboratively with
                                                 research and standards bodies – IAPMO,
                                                 PICAC and its industry partners are doing
                                                                                                 their lives in October 1970.                    PLUMBING & PIPE TRADES EMPLOYEES UNION – VICTORIAN BRANCH
    other unions, employer groups and            the research work to develop the best,
                                                                                                 It has been a hard year for everyone. For
    industry stakeholders to develop a set of    most effective training materials to equip
                                                                                                 many older Victorians, including some of
    COVID safe onsite operating procedures       existing plumbers and gasfitters, and the                                                       PRESIDENT                               OH&S OFFICERS                              ORGANISERS
                                                                                                 our retired members, the year has been
    which, coupled with the testing and          next generations, with the skills needed
                                                                                                 particularly isolating. This Christmas,         Glenn Menzies | 0419 608 288            Steve Rocco | 0433 875 546                 Norm Kelly 		 | 0409 355 665
    supports offered by Incolink and other       to ride the hydrogen wave.
    industry partners, meant our industry                                                        I encourage all members to reach out –                                                  Chris Giblin | 0433 694 310                Glenn Menzies | 0419 608 288
    remained open and operating. The             The COVID-19 crisis of 2020 has                 visit an elderly neighbour or call an old
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Paris Andriske		 | 0414 990 013
    vital maintenance and servicing work         reminded us all of the importance of our        workmate you haven’t seen for a while. It       SECRETARY
    our members do was able to continue,         health and safety – on and off site. It         could be the most important thing you do                                                INDUSTRIAL OFFICER                         Jake Cranny		 | 0402 817 127
    keeping the community safe. The              also highlighted the importance of the                                                          Earl Setches
                                                                                                 this Christmas.                                                                         Paul Coffey | 03 9662 3388                 Simon Jewell		 | 0457 310 336
    significance of this, to the individual      OH&S systems and frameworks we
    workers who kept their jobs, but also        have in place, which put worker safety
                                                                                                 Thank you for your support, leadership,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Billy Ramsay		 | 0447 733 122
    to the broader economy cannot be             first. As an industry, we could not have                                                        ASSISTANT SECRETARY                                                                Billy Jovanovski|    | 0488 060 848
    overstated.                                  responded and adapted to the pandemic,          and resilience in 2020. I hope members                                                  NATIONAL FIRE
                                                 if the union movement had not fought            have a safe and happy Christmas and             Paddy McCrudden                         PROTECTION OFFICER                         Nick McCubbin | 0412 560 573
    The economic pain would have been            so hard over decades to put in place the        let’s hope that for everyone 2021 is a
    much more severe if construction had         OH&S architecture we know today.                positive and safe one.                          Andy Wallace                            Andy Wallace | 0411 255 726                John Haitas		 | 0423 647 209

2   |   PLUMBING AND PIPE TRADES EMPLOYEES UNION JOURNAL                                           www.ppteu.asn.au                          PLUMBING
                                                                                                                                                52 Victoria AND
                                                                                                                                                            Street, PIPE
                                                                                                                                                                           South 3053 EMPLOYEES        UNION
                                                                                                                                                                                       | Ph: 03 9662 3388        03 9663 2613 www.ppteu.asn.au
                                                                                                                                                                                                          | Fax:JOURNAL       | info@ppteu.asn.au | www.ppteu.asn.au |    xx
Secretary’s Report                                                                                                                                Assistant Secretary’s Report

                                                   A message from your Secretary...                                                                                                           A message from your Assistant Secretary...

                                                                                                                                                                                              THE NEW AGREEMENTS DELIVER
                                                   THANK YOU FOR ALL                                                                                                                          THE BEST PAY AND CONDITIONS,
                                                   YOUR HARD WORK AND                                                                                                                         THE HIGHEST INSURANCE
                                                   RESILIENCE IN 2020. THERE                                                                                                                  COVERAGE AND THE HIGHEST
                                                   ARE BETTER DAYS AHEAD                                                                                                                      REDUNDANCY CONTRIBUTIONS THE
                                                   Earl Setches | PPTEU Secretary
                                                                                                                                                                                              INDUSTRY HAS EVER KNOWN.
                                                                                                                                                                                              Paddy McCrudden | PPTEU Assistant Secretary
    2020 was a tough year - for                   with their employers. We opened new             our ability to get to the end of the year with
    our members, our industry, and                communication channels with members to          most of our jobs still operating.
                                                  make sure they had the latest information.                                                          The key focus for me and               and the associated economic              all the increases and allowances
    for the entire community of                                                                   I want to thank all members for your                                                       fallout.                                 provided for in the new Agreement),
    Victoria. It was a year that threw                                                                                                                our union this year was
                                                  The key to 2020 was keeping the                 efforts in 2020. I want to acknowledge
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      this new Agreement looks after
    everything at us, but did not                 industry open. To achieve that, even in         the sacrifices made, especially by those            keeping the industry going
    defeat us. As we come to the end                                                                                                                                                         As well as doing all we can to keep      members on and off site.
                                                  a limited form, it was vitally important to     members who were stood down in the                  through the pandemic
    of 2020, we should all be proud               make sure the industry operating rules          pandemic. Your ability to be adapt to, and
                                                                                                                                                      crisis. We worked with                 members in work, throughout 2020
    of what we have been able to                  reflected the importance of the work our        lead through, the COVID crisis has been                                                    we have been negotiating the next        At the time of writing, we are
    achieve and be positive about the             members do. The construction industry is        exceptional. You have been resilient and            other construction industry
                                                                                                                                                                                             four-year enterprise agreement           hopeful that the new Agreement
    year ahead.                                   not a one size fits all industry. Maintenance   strong, and together we are winning the             unions and government to
                                                  plumbing and gas work for example,              battle against the virus.
                                                                                                                                                                                             (PPTEU Enterprise Agreement 2020-        will be finalised and ratified in
    This time 12 months ago, nobody had
                                                                                                                                                      develop a set of COVID safe            2023). Given the context of the          the coming weeks. We will keep
                                                  cannot just cease; and our members work
    heard of Coronavirus. The population of       on multiple projects across multiple sites
                                                                                                  Looking ahead to 2021, we should be                 rules which allowed our                worst global pandemic in a century       members updated, and provide
                                                                                                  hopeful we have past the peak of the
    Victoria was growing by the equivalent of a   through various construction stages. The                                                            economically vital sector to           and the biggest economic shock           updated information about the
    primary school per month and the pipeline     rules needed to be tailored and layered with
                                                                                                  COVID health crisis, but aware that
    of work for the construction industry was                                                     there will be ongoing challenges. The               continue - even in a reduced           since the Great Depression, we are       progress of the new Agreements on
                                                  workable practical details.
    looking very solid. The economy was                                                           economic legacy of the pandemic will                capacity.                              very pleased to be close to finalising   our website at www.ppteu.as.au
    growing, albeit slowly, and the bushfire      Community health, as well as our                endure. Not all the works we thought would
                                                                                                                                                                                             an Agreement which preserves
    season from hell had not yet begun. How       industry, depended on getting the               happen will happen. Project scopes may
                                                  operating rules right. The rules had to         change, and timelines shift. But there will
                                                                                                                                                      Despite these efforts, many of our     members’ existing conditions             As we come to the end of a long
    quickly things can change!
                                                  provide for things like gas heaters being       always be work for our skilled members.             members did it very tough this year.   and provides for pay rises of 3          and hard year, I want to thank all
    When the pandemic struck, our first goal      serviced to ensure they are not leaking                                                             Some had their hours reduced,          per cent per annum rising to 5           members for their cooperation and
                                                                                                  As is covered in more detail inside this
    was to ensure safety for our members on       carbon monoxide and for servicing of fire                                                           and others were either laid off or     per cent in the last year of the         support, and for taking their COVID
    site. That was and is paramount. For us it                                                    edition, the 2020/21 Victorian State
                                                  protection systems on major commercial,
                                                                                                  Budget includes significant investment              stood down during the peak of          Agreement.                               responsibilities very seriously. Our
    is, and has always been a case of safety      public or residential buildings. We had to
    first, productivity second.                   convey to those making the rules that, for
                                                                                                  to build a pipeline of work for the building        the pandemic crisis. Members                                                    members conduct was a key reason
                                                                                                  and construction industry.                          experienced financial and emotional
                                                  example, hospitals could only continue                                                                                                     Our members deserve an increase          we were able to keep the industry
    As well as keeping our members safe, our
                                                  to function at full capacity if the complex     The focus on capital investment will                stress and called on the supports
    priority in 2020 was keeping the industry                                                                                                                                                in pay and that’s what the new           going and prevent a breakout in the
                                                  network of systems that sit behind the walls    stimulate employment and boost jobs.
    going in whatever capacity we could.                                                                                                              negotiated and provided by the         Agreements (Plumbing and Fire            construction sector. I hope you all
                                                  and under the floors of our major public        Spending on skills development will deliver
    We met with, lobbied and advocated to                                                                                                             union. This meant members were
                                                  health facilities were properly serviced,       a pipeline of trained workers to be trained,                                               Protection) will deliver. In fact,       have a safe and happy Christmas
    governments, employer representatives,
                                                  maintained and functioning safely. We           ready for these projects and beyond.                able access much need funds when       under this Agreement members             break and come back to work fresh
    industry funds and other stakeholders to
                                                  also had to make sure that the COVID                                                                they needed it most.
    make sure our members and their families
                                                                                                  Your skills, as well as new skills our
                                                                                                                                                                                             will receive the best pay and            and ready to go in 2021. There is
                                                  crisis did not translate into a broader
    got access to the financial and other                                                                                                                                                    conditions, the highest insurance        government backed infrastructure
                                                  health crisis or associated preventable         members will develop going forward in
    supports they needed to get through the                                                                                                           Other members were more fortunate
                                                  catastrophe (legionella outbreak; fire; water   things like hydrogen energy, are going to                                                  coverage and the highest                 stimulus work as far as the eye can
                                                  contamination etc).                             be critical to our collective ability to bounce     and managed to keep working            redundancy contributions the             see, and the Victorian economy is
    On sites across the state and within our                                                      back from 2020 and embrace the post                 throughout the COVID shutdown
                                                  The Building and Construction Industry                                                                                                     industry has ever known.                 depending on you and your skills to
    union offices, we adapted. We worked from                                                     COVID economy with confidence.
                                                  Guidelines were drafted, revised, redrafted,                                                        periods. In one way or another                                                  lead the economic recovery.
    home, we went online, we worked different
                                                  and revised again as the health and related     Thank you for your support this year and for        though, every member of our union      Our members deserve to be looked
    hours and in different ways. We all learned
                                                  information and circumstances changed.          all your hard work. I hope each and every
    to use zoom. We “pivoted”, to online                                                                                                              and every member of the Victorian      after. And, as was outlined in detail
                                                  Our union was at the table the whole way        member has a well-earned break this
    learning for apprentices and post trade
                                                                                                  Christmas and enjoy it with your family             economy was adversely impacted         to members in the previous Journal
                                                  through helping industry and government to
    training ensuring apprentices did not lose                                                                                                        by the health emergency of 2020
                                                  agree a set of guidelines and arrangements      and friends. We all deserve it. Most of all,                                               (which included a breakdown of
    momentum in their training or connection
                                                  that work; and have been vital in terms of      please stay safe.

4   |   PLUMBING AND PIPE TRADES EMPLOYEES UNION JOURNAL                                            www.ppteu.asn.au                                PLUMBING AND PIPE TRADES EMPLOYEES UNION JOURNAL                              www.ppteu.asn.au                           |   5
Assistant Secretary’s Report
                                                                                                                                                                      PPTEU LEGEND
                                              A message from your Assistant Secretary...

                                              DELIVERING GREAT PAY
                                                                                                                                                            BOB VAUGHAN
                                              AND CONDITIONS IS VERY                                                                                                  CALLS IT A DAY
                                              IMPORTANT, BUT SO IS
                                              LOOKING AFTER OUR
                                              MEMBERS ON AND OFF SITE
                                              Andy Wallace | PPTEU Assistant Secretary

    Hello Comrades                                                                      the redundancy, long service and
                                             The PPTEU, and the other                   superannuation funds were there
                                             construction unions, played a key role     when our members needed them.
    Wow, what a year that                    in keeping our industry going safely       It was because of unions that the
    was! Every member of our                 by developing the details of workable      OH&S protocols for COVID were able
    union should be proud of                 onsite procedures; and by working          to be developed and implemented
                                             with redundancy funds, Cbus and            effectively; and it was because of
    the way we got through the
                                             government to make sure members            the unions that workers had a voice
    challenges of 2020 together.             who were stood down or laid off had        at the decision making table when it
                                             access to funds.                           came to working out what COVID safe
    At the time of writing it appears                                                   protocols will work.
    as though the worst of the COVID         If 2020 has taught us anything,
    pandemic is behind us, at least in       it is that the work of unions,             It is only when we act together that
    Victoria. And, as hard as it has been,   and being a member of a union,             we are powerful and influential, and
    one of the most important things         is as important as ever. The               we should never take the value of
    that happened this year – not only
    for our members but for the whole
                                             pandemic reminded me, and I hope
                                             it reminded others too, that being a
                                                                                        collective might for granted.
                                                                                                                                     After more than 40 years in our                       much everything in between, and his knowledge and
                                                                                                                                                                                           experience will be greatly missed.
    community – was that our industry        union member is not just about good        I strongly believe there is every reason     industry, and over 20 years working
    was able to keep going. There was
    pain and it was tough, but we
                                             pay and conditions. Getting paid well
                                             and having great conditions is very
                                                                                        for members and their families to look
                                                                                        forward to a very positive 2021. As
                                                                                                                                     for the PPTEU, Bob Vaughan has                        Bob is as well-known and well-liked by his workmates
                                                                                                                                                                                           at the union as he is to our members. A sprinkler fitter
    did it.                                  important, but it’s not everything.        is well covered inside this edition by       decided to retire and enjoy the                       by trade, and a passionate trade unionist, Bob has

    There were restrictions, stand downs
                                             Looking out for each other in times of
                                             crisis matters too, and it is that sense
                                                                                        the organisers in their reports, there
                                                                                        is a strong pipeline of jobs already
                                                                                                                                     good life.                                            always understood the needs of our members, and
                                                                                                                                                                                           placed an extremely high value on union membership.
    and layoffs, but as an industry, we      of camaraderie and “we’re all in this      planned for next year. The Victorian
    complied with the COVID rules
                                                                                                                                     We are extremely appreciative of the work
                                             together” that really helped get us        Government’s record-breaking                                                                       Bob is one of the “old schoolers”, who has been in
    and got through. There was no
                                                                                                                                     Bob has done for us and our members over the
                                             through.                                   infrastructure program outlined in the                                                             the industry long enough to know that the fantastic
    construction industry virus cluster,
                                                                                                                                     years. Bob was part of the “re-ignition team” in
                                                                                        recent State Budget will ensure that                                                               rates and conditions members have today did not
    in fact, the industry recorded a rate
                                                                                                                                     1999, and along with Earl Setches, Nazza Ottobre
                                             All too often, in the good times, we       pipeline stays full for years to come.                                                             come from the clear blue sky. Every benefit members
    of transmission which was much                                                                                                   and others, has played a key role in building the
                                             hear people say that “there is no value                                                                                                       have today, whether it is the great safety on site, the
    lower than other sectors. There was                                                                                              union’s strength over the past two decades.
                                             in being in a union”, or that the “fees    After a brutal 2020, I hope all of you                                                             Incolink and redundancy funds, the great pay etc,
    significant work from our OH&S team      are not worth it” etc etc. We have all     take the time to have a good break
                                                                                                                                     As a Trustee and in his role as Compliance Officer,   were hard fought for and won by Bob and others of his
    and many others to ensure we kept        heard it, and we all know people that      over the Christmas period. But please
                                                                                                                                     Bob has been a steady set of hands. His work has      generation.
    going, which we did, and that was        are late with their fees or complain       remember that this period can be a
                                                                                                                                     ensured all the union governance and administration
    vitally important.                       about paying them.                         dangerous time, especially for men           paperwork is up to date and current and that          Thanks Bob for all you have done for our union and
                                                                                        and especially in terms of mental            members understand their Agreements, their rights     our members. We wish you all the very best in your
    Thank you to everyone who                To all those members I would say           health. So, please, enjoy yourselves         and their pay and deductions.                         retirement. No doubt you will be thinking about your
    worked so hard to adapt to the           have a look around at what our             but also remember to take care
                                                                                                                                                                                           mates at work while you kick back with a few cold
    restrictions and make sure our           union, and others, were able               of your health and be mindful                Bob has overseen the production of countless PPTEU
    union and our industry kept                                                                                                                                                            cans, with your feet up and the racing channel on!
                                             to do for members through the              of the safety and well-being of              Journals, organised dozens of union events, mass
    operating, even in a limited             COVID crisis. It was because               those around you.                            meeting and rallies. He has looked after everything
    capacity.                                of the construction unions that                                                         from merchandise sales to Picnic Days, and pretty     Good luck mate and thank you!

6   |   PLUMBING AND PIPE TRADES EMPLOYEES UNION JOURNAL                                 www.ppteu.asn.au                          PLUMBING AND PIPE TRADES EMPLOYEES UNION JOURNAL                      www.ppteu.asn.au                         |   7
Everyone is                                                                                 About hydrogen energy

    taking about
                                                                                                In broad terms, hydrogen can be produced from water (green hydrogen) or from fossil
                                                                                                fuels (brown hydrogen). Clearly, the greener the better from our perspective.

                                                                                                Green hydrogen is produced by splitting water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen
                                                                                                through a process called electrolysis. This process uses an electrolyser - a vat of water
                                                                                                containing two electrical nodes (one being negative and the other positive), and a
                                                                                                separate ‘exit valve’ near each node. Conducting an electric current from one node
                                                                                                through the water to the other node causes a chemical reaction in the water. The water
                                                                                                molecules (H2O) split into hydrogen and oxygen (H2 and O2). The hydrogen molecules
                                                                                                attract toward the negative node and the oxygen molecules attract toward the positive
                                                                                                node, meaning separate exit valves make it possible to collect both the hydrogen and
    In the scientific community, in Canberra, in state parliaments and around                   the oxygen. The hydrogen can be used as a fuel, but the oxygen can also be utilised for
    board tables, there is a growing consensus that hydrogen will be a key                      industry and health sector purposes.
    feature of Australia’s low emissions future.
                                                                                                Producing hydrogen this way requires significant amounts of electricity, and so the
                                                                                                extent to which this form of hydrogen production is genuinely environmentally friendly is
                                                                                                determined by the power source of the electrolysis process. Where it is powered by solar,
    But what do we know about hydrogen          environmental benefits to Australia. Some       wind or hydro-electricity, this form of production is 100 per cent renewable and non-carbon
    energy? How is it created and utilised?     of Australia’s most important trading           emitting. The water required to produce hydrogen can also come from rainwater capture
    What needs to happen to realise the         partners, such as Japan and South Korea,        or water reuse facilities.
                                                are committed to transitioning their
    potential of hydrogen and what does all
                                                economies to clean hydrogen. Hydrogen           Carbon capture and storage hydrogen, or brown hydrogen, can be produced from fossil
    this mean for our members?                  is potentially both a major new export,         fuels, such as brown coal and natural gas, both abundant in Australia. However, the
                                                with the potential to generate billions for     processes to make hydrogen from fossil fuels all produce unwanted CO2 emissions as a
    Hydrogen is the most abundant element       the Australian economy, and a major new         by-product (although the impact can be mitigated by capturing and sequestering the
    in the universe, bound into many common     domestic energy source.                         carbon in underground storage sites).
    substances including water, which is a
    compound of oxygen and hydrogen. Like       From transforming transport, to providing
    natural gas, hydrogen can be used to        secure, affordable and clean energy for
    heat buildings and power vehicles. Unlike   industry and households, the potential of
    natural gas or petrol, when hydrogen is     an Australian hydrogen industry is massive.
    burned there are no CO2 emissions. The
    only by-products are water vapour and       The challenge for governments and
    heat.                                       industry is to put in place the necessary
                                                policy settings, regulatory incentives,
    A well-functioning hydrogen industry        infrastructure, and training to enable the
    has huge potential to deliver significant   potential of hydrogen to be realised.
    economic, jobs, fuel security and

8   |   PLUMBING AND PIPE TRADES EMPLOYEES UNION JOURNAL         www.ppteu.asn.au             PLUMBING AND PIPE TRADES EMPLOYEES UNION JOURNAL            www.ppteu.asn.au                  |   9
as an alternative to natural gas. Progress
                                                    in hydrogen technologies will make these
                                                                                                         High quality industry led training is the key
                                                    opportunities increasingly attractive over
                                                    time.                                                The plumbing and gasfitting workforce         develop a Hydrogen Centre of Excellence at
                                                                                                         – both current and future – will be key to    our Beenleigh facility. Planning is underway
                                                    Hydrogen can be safely added to natural gas          Australia being able to reach its hydrogen    to develop a similar facility in Victoria.
                                                    supplies at 10% by volume without changes
                                                                                                         potential. As the Chief Scientist Dr Alan
                                                    to pipelines, appliances or regulations. Over
                                                    time, and with modifications to the existing         Finkel AO said in his report to COAG in       Hydrogen energy does not come without
                                                    gas networks and appliances, hydrogen can            December 2018 (A Proposal for a National      risk. Hydrogen is highly flammable with
                                                    completely replace natural gas for domestic          Hydrogen Strategy) developing a hydrogen      different burning properties. If hydrogen
                                                    cooking, heating and hot water. In the               sector in Australia will require a range of   combusts, it is difficult to see it compared
                                                    longer term, hydrogen can be used in high                                                          to methane or natural gas. Hydrogen can
                                                                                                         factors to be working together, including
                                                    temperature manufacturing processes such
                                                                                                         training, which he said was the key.          also destroy steel, so household gas fittings
                                                    as in steel, fertiliser and cement production
                                                    that currently have high CO2 emissions.                                                            and hot water installations may need to
  Realising the                                                                                          Through your industry owned and operated      be altered to prevent corrosion. The risks

  potential of hydrogen
                                                    Hydrogen can be stored as a compressed                                                             and how they can be safely managed
                                                                                                         training facilities at PICAC, PPTEU members
                                                    gas in high-pressure tanks, and in pipelines,                                                      are part of what are currently being
                                                    or as a liquid at below freezing temperatures.       can be at the forefront of the hydrogen
                                                                                                                                                       researched. Importantly, PPTEU members
  The key to transitioning the industry from a      That compressed hydrogen can be used for             revolution. Through its partnership with
  good idea to real outcomes, is developing         a variety of applications where gas is not                                                         will have access to the best hydrogen
                                                                                                         one of the worlds major research and
  the industry capability to produce green          reticulated. In places like Victoria, where                                                        energy training available in Australia and
                                                                                                         standards bodies – IAPMO, PICAC and its
  hydrogen, at scale, in an economically            there is an extensive reticulated gas network,                                                     potentially the world, enabling them to work
  efficient and environmentally sustainable or                                                           industry partners are doing the research
                                                    that network can effectively become a giant                                                        safely with hydrogen, and helping protect
  genuinely “green” way. From there the focus       battery, storing renewable energy.                   work to develop the best, most effective
                                                                                                                                                       the community from harm.
  is on developing the systems, infrastructure,                                                          training materials to equip existing
  and knowledge to safely store, transport,         Victoria has 1,900km of gas transmission             plumbers and gasfitters, and the next
  utilise and incorporate hydrogen into the         pipes in its Principal Transmission System           generations, with the skills needed to ride
  economy.                                          (PTS), covering Melbourne and central
                                                                                                         the hydrogen wave.
                                                    Victoria. Existing infrastructure is expected to
  The industry development phase is well            be reliable for carrying blends of gas with 10%
  advanced. There are more than a dozen             hydrogen but moving beyond 10% is expected           PICAC currently delivers or facilitates
  pilot projects around the country that are        to require upgrades and retrofitting pipes           unrivalled, uniquely industry informed
  considering ways to add hydrogen to the           and other fittings.
                                                                                                         training in the “sharp end” skills modern
  mix of natural gas for domestic use. In
  South Australia, the State Government have        Modifications to the existing piped                  water and energy professionals require in
  installed what it says is Australia’s largest     infrastructure would be required, however            gasfitting, mechanical services, medical
  hydrogen electrolyser. The electrolyser           undertaking the necessary upgrade                    gas training, fire protection, and of
  will allow hydrogen to be extracted from          work would require relatively low new                course plumbing. It is the natural home
  water using renewable energy and pumped           capital expenditure or disruption to public
  through the natural gas network into                                                                   for hydrogen training and has already
  hundreds of homes in the southern suburb of                                                            received significant funding support from
  Mitchell Park.                                    Hydrogen molecules are smaller, and lighter          the Queensland Labor government to
                                                    than natural gas, so preventing leaks in
  If projects like this prove its viability and     pipes full of hydrogen requires different
  the demand for hydrogen grows, there will         specifications for most pipes and fittings.
  be extensive opportunities for gas-fitters        Hydrogen pipes must be made from (or lined
  to play a critical role in the installation and   with) corrosion-resistant material. Steel does
  maintenance of hydrogen alongside or in           not suffice because the hydrogen embrittles
  place of traditional gas such as natural and      the steel, causing breaks and leaks. High-
  LPG.                                              purity stainless steel, or pipes lined with
                                                    carbon fibre or polymers are required.
  In the Australian domestic market, there
  are many opportunities to use hydrogen

10 | PLUMBING AND PIPE TRADES EMPLOYEES UNION JOURNAL                 www.ppteu.asn.au                 PLUMBING AND PIPE TRADES EMPLOYEES UNION JOURNAL          www.ppteu.asn.au                 |    11
Geschke - where old
  fashioned values
  meet cutting edge
  Next year, one of our great EBA companies, Geschke Plumbing and
  Drainage, celebrates 70 years of success in the Victorian plumbing                                                                                Under Brian’s leadership and management,            complex payment and administration activities.
                                                                                                                                                    the company (originally named Hayes and             The family vibe extends beyond the Geschke
  industry. On the eve of that great milestone, we wanted to pay tribute                                                                            Geschke) quickly grew and developed the             clan. As Meg puts it “this place is like a big
  to a company we are proud to be associated with.                                                                                                  ability and reputation to install plumbing and      extended family. We all know each other really
                                                                                                                                                    drainage services in all types of commercial        well and given so many of the employees have
  If you have worked on any major projects in the Victorian construction industry,                                                                  and industrial projects. Geschke gained and         been here a long time, they become like part of
                                                                                                                                                    has maintained a reputation for getting the job     the family and everyone gets along”.
  chances are you will have heard of Geschke Plumbing and Drainage. Geschke
                                                                                                                                                    done and getting it right.
  began operating here in 1951, when a young Brian Geschke got himself a plumbing                                                                                                                       There are many factors which have contributed
  license and started the business.                                                                                                                 Stephen and John Geschke became joint               to the success and longevity of the company.
                                                                                                                                                    owners of the company in 1989. In 2010, co-         The respect which exists between everyone
                                                                                                                                                    owner Gareth Dickson joined Stephen and John        who works there is obviously a big one, but so is
                                                                                                                                                    and they have continued to expand, maintain,        staying current. As John Geschke explains, “it is
                                                                                                                                                    and enhance the company’s reputation to             a combination of retaining the old fashioned
                                                                                                                                                    continually deliver major projects to builders on   values the company has been built on – like
                                                                                                                                                    time and to the highest possible standard. As       respect for the trade, respect for training,
                                                                                                                                                    Gareth Dickson says with a confident smile, “We     and for our people – and being prepared to
                                                                                                                                                    love a challenge. No job is too complex for         embrace change and innovation. You need
                                                                                                                                                    Geschke”.                                           both.”

                                                                                                                                                    Geschke is an inter-generational family             Key to keeping current is the Geschke design
                                                                                                                                                    company. Steve’s son Mark and John’s son            department. Through Revit and ACAD systems,
                                                                                                                                                    David (both plumbers) now have key roles in         the Geschke design team can provide clients
                                                                                                                                                    the company. And Steve’s daughter Meg works         and builders with accurate, innovative, and
                                                                                                                                                    in the office, managing significant and often       sound design parameters.

   A family affair!! From left to right are John Geschke, Gareth Dickson (co-owner), Stephen Geschke, Mark Geschke, Meg Geschke & David Geschke

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Another important element of Geschke’s
                                                                                                                                                                         20 YEARS
  approach is its supportive attitude towards
  the union representing its workforce. The
  relationship between the PPTEU and Geschke
  is strong and positive, with discussion always

  open. Of course, from time to time over the
  years, there have been differences of views,
  but in a healthy and respectful relationship,

                                                                                                                                                                         AND WITH
  that is a good thing.

  Geschke has also always supported the
  union’s efforts to develop the training facilities

                                                                                                                                                                       THE PPTEU!!
  to train the next generation of plumbing
  professionals. John Geschke said “the PICAC
  model and facilities are excellent. Through
  the union and industry working together, we                                Blake Inman (Left), Peter Spadaro, Ash O’Connor (standing) Glenn Barclay, & Ralf Oeser

  now have some of the best training facilities
  in the world. For companies like ours which
  tend to operate at the more complex end of

                                                                                 Congratulations Blake Inman!
  the industry in terms of the types of jobs we
  do, making sure we have enough well-trained
  people coming through is just vital”.

  Thank you Geschke for all your support over                                    “Geschke is a great                                            “dozens of other projects”. Anyone who has worked on
                                                                                                                                                major infrastructure project in Melbourne over the past
  the past 70 years and we hope that the                                         company, and people                                            couple of decades will likely have had the pleasure of
  company will be employing our members and
                                                                                 tend to stick around”                                          meeting Blake.
  delivering its highly specialised installations for
  another 70 and beyond.                                                                                                                        For Blake, the way Geschke looks after its people, and
                                                                                 That certainly has been the case
                                                                                 for Blake Inman, who this year                                 the way everyone looks out for each other, is what sets it
                                                                                 notched up 20 years with Geschke                               apart. They clearly also have a lot of confidence in Blake.
                                                                                 and 20 years of membership of                                  “They are a company built on old school values. People
                                                                                 the PPTEU. In November, the PPTEU                              within the company respect and look out for one another.
                                                                                 caught up with Blake for a chat                                They are a multi-generational family operation, and
                                                                                 about his time with the union and                              people stay for long period because it’s a great family
                                                                                 with Geschke.                                                  like culture. I have had two of the next generation of
                                                                                                                                                Geschke’s as apprentices – John’s son David and Steve’s
                                                                                 Like Geschke Plumbing, Blake                                   son Mark”
                                                                                 is well known to many of our
                                                                                 members. Geschke has a very                                    Blake says it has also been good to be with a company
                                                                                 long and strong proven track                                   that works collaboratively with the union, especially
                                                                                 record of success working                                      when it comes to safety onsite. “Geschke has a good
                                                                                 on major and complex,                                          relationship with the union. I had a young Paris Andriske
                                                                                 often government funded,                                       apprenticed to me, who is now an Organiser with the
                                                                                 infrastructure projects like                                   PPTEU, so it good to have those links”.
                                                                                 hospitals and schools. They are
                                                                                 a trusted set of hands, like Blake                             Blake cannot speak highly enough of the work the PPTEU
                                                                                 Inman is.                                                      has done in his time in the industry, delivering great pay
                                                                                                                                                and safety. However, it is the building of the training
                                                                                 Over his 20 years with the                                     facilities, and equipping them to train the next generation,
                                                                                 company, which Blake describes                                 which is key for Blake “We, as union members, now have
                                                                                 as a “fantastic employer”,                                     some of the best training facilities in the world. What has
                                                                                 Blake Inman has worked on                                      been done at Brunswick and Narre Warren is incredible
                                                                                 the drainage and stormwater                                    and gives the industry a great foundation for the future”.
                                                                                 particularly, of many of
                                                                                 Melbourne’s major hospitals and                                Well done Blake, and all the best for
                                                                                                                                                the future.

14 | PLUMBING AND PIPE TRADES EMPLOYEES UNION JOURNAL   www.ppteu.asn.au   PLUMBING AND PIPE TRADES EMPLOYEES UNION JOURNAL                                           www.ppteu.asn.au                      |   15
REFR   2020 has been a challenge right across
       our great industry. New construction was
       shutdown or restricted, and a set of COVID safe
       operating rules was painstakingly developed,
       implemented and complied with. But what
       about the refrigeration industry?

  2020 has been a challenging year
                                            our great union and the companies with
  right across our great industry. New
                                            which we have EBA’s.
  construction was shutdown or
  restricted, and a set of COVID safe
                                            The relationship between Cold Concepts
  operating rules was painstakingly
                                            Refrigeration and the PPTEU is a good
  developed, implemented, and
                                            example. Luke Pearson, who is the
  complied with. But what about
                                            Managing Director of Cold Concepts, has
  refrigeration maintenance?
                                            worked in the industry for over 30 years and
                                            engaged with the union all the way. As Luke
  Relative to other parts of the sector,
                                            explains it:
  and other industries, refrigeration
  maintenance got through the
                                              “After my apprenticeship I went to             PICTIRE: Luke Pearson (Top Left) and the team from Cold Comfort Refrigeration. The team wears these colourful shirts to promote conversation and
  pandemic pretty well. Deemed an
                                              work for Frigrite Refrigeration which          raise awareness about suicide prevention and mental health.
  essential service, the skills of our
                                              was Australia’s biggest Commercial
  members were in demand throughout
                                              Supermarket Company. It was there
  the crisis. The supermarkets were one
                                              that I became involved in the union
  part of the economy which boomed in
                                              and became the company’s delegate
  2020, generating plenty of work for our                                                             After 14 years as the company delegate I took a job in management at Baker
                                              with Mal Crouch.
  EBA companies and our members.                                                                      Refrigeration. I worked there for six years and maintained a good working
                                              Norm Kelly had been employed by                         relationship with the union.
  Negotiating the various rules
                                              the union as an organiser and with
  associated with the different stages of                                                              In 2015 I left Bakers and founded Cold Concepts Refrigeration. We now have 28
                                              his and the union’s support, we wrote
  lockdown, required cooperation and                                                                  employees, and I am still a union member. Mal Crouch who was the delegate with
                                              the very first Refrigeration EBA in the
  collaboration between employees                                                                     me at Frigrite is also employed with us, so it is fair to say there are strong links with
                                              late 1990’s. This was the beginning
  and employers. A key reason the                                                                     the union.
                                              of a great journey, along which
  refrigeration sector was able to
                                              we achieved some great wins, like
  negotiate the challenges of 2020 so                                                                 Something going forward for me and our business is to be there to support each
                                              securing incolink payments for install
  well it because of the positive and                                                                 other especially when the chips are down. There are many good people in the
                                              and service technicians.
  long-standing relationship between                                                                  union and on site so look out for your mates!”

16 | PLUMBING AND PIPE TRADES EMPLOYEES UNION JOURNAL          www.ppteu.asn.au            PLUMBING AND PIPE TRADES EMPLOYEES UNION JOURNAL                                              www.ppteu.asn.au                                   |   17
Another great EBA refrigeration
                                                company is AJ Baker & Sons.
                                                Established in 1920, this year
                                                marked 100 years of successful
                                                business for this family owned
                                                (four generations) company.
                                                Originating in WA, AJ Baker has
                                                been operating in Victoria for
                                                over a decade and now looks
                                                after maintenance at over 200
                                                supermarkets. Many of our
                                                members have been employed
                                                by Baker over the years and
                                                the positive relationship and
                                                partnership with the union over
                                                that time has been one of the
                                                keys to its success.

                                                Another has been the fact that
                                                AJ Baker has always been at
                                                the cutting edge of industry
                                                developments, driving up the
                                                skill level and capability of our
                                                members. They design, install,
                                                service and maintain a wide
                                                variety of self-contained plug-
                                                in and remote refrigeration
                                                cabinets, ice machines, air
                                                conditioning and ventilation
                                                systems for supermarkets, fast
                                                food chains, the hotel industry
                                                and small to medium-sized
                                                commercial projects.

                                                Some of the exciting and
                                                innovative programs currently
                                                being undertaken by AJ Baker
                                                & Sons include: alternative
                                                                                      PICTURE: AJ Baker’s Brandon & Mick photo in front of the transcritical CO2 system at Pentridge redevelopment
                                                refrigerants (Co2 and
                                                hydrocarbons), transcritical
                                                CO2 booster systems, Epta Blue
                                                – Closed Water Loop Systems,
                                                energy efficient development
                                                (recommissioning / EC fans /
                                                unloaders), rack technology
                                                                                                         VALE                      Thank you to the following Members for their service and dedication and
                                                                                                                                   we wish to extend all the best wishes to their families and friends.

                                                development, and integrated
                                                A/C and refrigeration systems
                                                for supermarkets.
                                                                                     ALLAN CHARLES                           RICHARD                                  HERBERT                        LESLIE
                                                                                     BURRIDGE                                JAMES NOONAN                             DIGESER                        JOHN YOUNG
                                                                                     17 Apr 1930 - 8 Oct 2020                2 May 1951 – 28 Nov 2020                 1 Jun 1944 - 18 Nov 2020

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The focus on capital investment will stimulate employment and boost jobs.
                                                                             Spending on skills development will deliver a pipeline of trained workers to be
                                                                             trained, ready for these projects and beyond. Some of the major investments and
                                                                             stimulus measures relevant to our industry include:

                                                                             Stamp duty concessions – a 50% reduction for new builds and 25% for existing
                                                                             dwellings under $1m will drive our property market and create thousands of new
                                                                             dwellings and jobs.

                                                                             Big Housing Build - total of $6bn          In addition to housing, education
                                                                                                                        and transport infrastructure
                                                                              •   $5.3bn direct investment for          spending, the State Government
                                                                                  social housing                        has announced various training
                                                                                                                        initiatives which will carve out
                                                                              •   $700m in tax breaks and               new career paths for construction
                                                                                  incentives including land tax         trainees and apprentices.
                                                                                  grants and first home buyers
                                                                                  grant, including a $500m                •   $19.3m apprenticeships growth
                                                                                  Victorian Homebuyers Fund,
                                                                                  entailing a 50% land tax discount
                                                                                  for build to rent – estimated to        •   1,500 construction apprentices
                                                                                  deliver 5000 additional homes               and trainees
                                                                              •   $1.9bn Schools Investments –            •   $33m Big Build Traineeships-
                                                                                  over 7,000 construction and                 linking trainees/apprentices to
                                                                                  supply chain jobs including 11 new          major projects
                                                                                  schools and upgrades to over 200
                                                                                  existing schools                        •   $5m for Women in Construction
                                                                              •   $1.1bn investment in the

  Victorian State Budget
                                                                                  construction and maintenance of         •   $250m wage subsidy for
                                                                                  Metropolitan Hospitals                      apprentices across all industries
                                                                              •   Arts Precinct- $1.4bn investment            – supporting a minimum of 10,000

  is all good news for the
                                                                                  - 5,000 jobs building a new                 apprentices
                                                                                  gallery for the NGV and outdoor
                                                                                  performing arts space alongside

  Construction Industry
                                                                                  infrastructure upgrades at the
                                                                                  Arts Centre on St Kilda Road

                                                                              •   Suburban Rail Loop $2.2bn,
                                                                                  including $420m in 2020/21 -
                                                                                  20,000 jobs over length of project
                                                                                  including 2,000 positions for
                                                                                  cadets, trainees and apprentices
  In November this year, the Victorian Treasurer, Tim Pallas,
  handed down the State Budget for 2020-21. The budget is the
  biggest in Victorian history, with the government pumping
  more money into stimulating the economy than it has ever done
  before. And, by making construction central to the recovery, the
  State Budget is very welcome news for our Industry.

20 | PLUMBING AND PIPE TRADES EMPLOYEES UNION JOURNAL   www.ppteu.asn.au   PLUMBING AND PIPE TRADES EMPLOYEES UNION JOURNAL       www.ppteu.asn.au                |   21
                       Data Storage Centre

  One of the great things about being in the plumbing       plus, multi-phase development has been going for
  and fire protection industry is the variety of projects   about six months and has about another 18 months
  you can work on. Our members work on everything           to run. When complete it will be one of Australia’s
  from towering apartment blocks to sprawling               largest hyperscale data centres (in terms of megawatt
  shopping centres. They install the plumbing, air          capacity).
  conditioning gas and fire protection works on schools,
  major new public hospitals, airports, train stations      Leading plumbing contractor Geschke have a great
  and even data centres. It is increasingly complex and     crew of experienced plumbers on the job. Other
  sophisticated work, requiring skill, experience and       members on site are from Summit Insulation, SJS
  focus, and the community is relying on us getting it      Refrigeration and A.G Coombs. Entire Fire are doing
  right.                                                    the very important installation of the fire protection
                                                            systems. Over the course of the build the PPTEU will
  A great example of how cutting edge the work of           have between 50 and 55 members on site (see photos
  our members can be, is the work our members from          below).
  several leading EBA companies are doing right now at
  the mega data storage facility in Derrimut.               PPTEU Shop Steward Ash O’Connor (pictured below
                                                            with PPTEU Organiser John Haitas) has been looking
  Data storage is a big and serious business.               after members on the job for about 6 months. He
  Businesses rely on data to make their businesses          says that like all major projects, there are challenges
  work, and we rely on those businesses keeping our         along the way, but the job has been going really well:
  information safe. Whether its banking and finance
  data, product, consumer, or personal information it          “Companies tend to put their best and most
  all needs to be stored in specialist, secure, fail safe      skilled workers on these sorts of projects.
  environments where the integrity of the information          The equipment and systems used are that
  will be preserved at all times.                              advanced that everything has to be integrated
                                                               perfectly. As well as being good at their job,
  BUILT, one of Australia’s leading privately owned            the crew here is really good to work with and
  construction companies is building one of these              we are getting it done safely and on schedule.”
  super high-tech mega data storage facilities in
  Mount Derrimut Road in Derrimut. The billion-dollar

                                                            AROUND THE TRAPS      www.ppteu.asn.au                    PLUMBING AND PIPE TRADES EMPLOYEES UNION JOURNAL   www.ppteu.asn.au   |   23
  TEAM MOLONEY                                                                                                             PICAC NARRE WARREN WINS
                                                                                                                           EXCELLENCE IN SUSTAINABILITY AWARD
                                                                                                                           We are proud to report to members that your union owned and industry
                                                                                                                           operated research and training facility at Narre Warren has been recognised
                                                                                                                           at the Australian Institute of Refrigeration, Air conditioning and Heating
                                                                                                                           (AIRAH) annual industry excellence awards.

                                                                                                                           The Plumbing Industry Climate Action Centre (PICAC) together with the project architects the NDY
                                                                                                                           Group awarded the 2020 AIRAH Excellence in Sustainability Award for PICAC Narre Warren.

                                                                                                                           As we have outlined to members in several Journal articles over recent years, PICAC Narre Warren is
                                                                                                                           an incredible facility, and this award is well deserved.

                                                                                                                           It is the first Net Zero Energy (NZE) education and research facility in Victoria, Australia and has been
                                                                                                                           designed to utilise the very latest technological advances in water reticulation, heating and cooling
                                                                                                                           systems, training delivery, safety, new product innovation and sustainability practices.

                                                                                                                           The project utilised the building’s own foundation screw piling to source geothermal energy for the
                                                                                                                           facility’s heating and cooling requirements. The combination of 220 geothermal energy wells and the
                                                                                                                           rooftop solar made this a groundbreaking project, showcasing how buildings are part of the solution
                                                                                                                           to the challenges of climate change.

  In 2020 the Moloney twins, Jason and Andrew, did           Neither could we. Plenty of good judges watching at
  Australia and the PPTEU proud when they headed             home agreed with Andrew, and social media erupted             Thank you to all involved at PICAC, and to our partners International Association of Plumbing and
  to the COVID ravaged USA to fight for world                in a storm of outrage. Many people clearly thought            Mechanical Officials, Master Plumbers and to all those who contributed to the project, including:
  boxing titles. Andrew and Jason, who worked as             the Aussie was robbed of a second world title.                FMSA Architecture, Hutchinson Builders, Cooke & Dowsett Plumbing Group, Deakin University,
  an apprentice plumber, are both members of our
  great union and we are enormously proud to be a                                                                          GeoExchange Australia, Geothermal Industries Australia, Entire Fire Protection Pty Ltd, AHSCA
                                                             But, in typical fashion, the Moloney boys are focussed
  part of Team Moloney.                                      on the next fight not the last one and are both looking       Research Foundation & Skott Consulting.
                                                             forward to more world title opportunities in 2021.
  For over a decade the Moloney boys have been               Maybe we will even see Andrew get another crack at
  successfully competing at state, national and              Franco. We hope so.
  international level. After about 80 amateur bouts,
  they turned full time professional in 2014. They have      Good luck boys and keep up the great
  represented Australia in Olympic and Commonwealth          work. The PPTEU is right behind you.
  Games competitions, and are now seriously world
  class boxers, fighting for world title belts.

  In November, Jason and Andrew fought for world tiles
  two weeks apart in Las Vegas. Jason fell just short of
  capturing the WBA and IBF bantamweight titles after
  falling short in the seventh round to Japan’s unbeaten
  Naoya Inoue.

  Andrew’s tilt at the WBA super flyweight title two weeks
  later came unstuck when Joshua Franco retained the
  after a controversial “no-decision” against Moloney.
  Franco was stopped after two rounds when his right
  eye was swollen shut, but the officials ruled the injury
  was due to an accidental headbutt.

  Andrew was obviously disappointed with the decision,
  saying after the fight “I can’t believe they took this
  away from me”.

24 | PLUMBING AND PIPE TRADES EMPLOYEES UNION JOURNAL                             www.ppteu.asn.au                     PLUMBING AND PIPE TRADES EMPLOYEES UNION JOURNAL                       www.ppteu.asn.au                         |   25
  Organiser’s Report, Billy Ramsay                                                                 Organiser’s Report, John Haitas
   Thank you to all our         As many members                including apartments, hotels,       It has been a difficult year to say the least. The                  in the West, that being a part of
   members for your efforts     who work in and around         and mixed-use developments.         devastating bush fires at the beginning of the                      our great union gives you the
   this year. You, as well as                                                                                                                                          same support and representation
                                Melbourne’s inner south                                            year, which ravaged our regional communities
   the stewards and reps                                                                                                                                               you expect working on big CBD
   onsite, did a great job
                                and port district would        Getting close to winding            and covered large parts of the state with smoke,
   working through and          know, there is plenty          up is the Hutchinson’s PM           polluting our air. Then of course the Covid-19
   implementing all the         happening down by the          apartments dual tower               pandemic struck, changing the way we live and                       I hope to see you out on the job
   various COVID safe rules.    bay.                           project, where Ryan “Rusty”         work in Australia.                                                  and assisting in providing the
   The cooperation of the                                      Russell has done a great                                                                                best possible representation you
   workforce was the key        COVID has had an impact        job for the past couple of                                                                              deserve.
                                                                                                    I would like to commend           itself. These high-rise living
   reason we were able to       here like everywhere           years. There are two major           our members on their hard         apartments are help drive
   prevent an outbreak in                                                                                                                                              TOUCH ONE TOUCH ALL!!!
                                else in Melbourne, but in      Marriott Hotel developments          work and discipline during        a resurgence in pride in the
   the industry and keep
                                my patch, which takes          underway in my area, as well         these challenging times.          west by creating a vibrant
   operating through the
                                in Port Melbourne, South       as two major 60 plus story           Your efforts were key to          social hub.
                                Melbourne, South Bank          apartment developments in            keeping our essential
                                                                                                    industry going through            Shop Stewart, Bruno
                                and Docklands there is         Port Melbourne, one being
                                                                                                    the crisis. The health and        Rendina is doing a fantastic
                                still plenty of construction   developed by Mirvac, the other       safety of our members is          job looking after members
                                happening. There are as        by Icon. There is also the La        always our paramount              on these projects which
                                broad a range of projects      Scala job on the banks of the        concern.                          include: BP Plumbing,
                                going on now or about to       Maribyrnong River which will be                                        Highbury Plumbing, Lee
                                start, all of which involve    running for a while.                 By following the COVID            Marks, SRD and M & L Scott.
                                our great EBA companies,                                            rules members were able
                                                                                                    to work safely and provide        Things are starting to
                                                               Hickory are soon to commence
                                                                                                    for their families. To those      improve on the COVID front,
                                                               construction of the massive
                                                                                                    of our members who lost           with the number of cases
                                                               Aspire Apartments job in             work, or are still out of work,   steadily reducing. As the
                                                               King Street in Melbourne. This       we are right behind you.          case numbers go down,
                                                               65-story tower will house 594        Please do not hesitate to         the numbers back on-site
                                                               apartments and will keep             contact the union or your         increase. A lot of hard
                                                               dozens of our members going          area organiser to assist          work has gone into
                                                               for a year or three.                 you during these difficult        keeping our industry
                                                                                                    times.                            open and making
                                                                                                                                      sure that our
                                                               Thanks again to everyone for
                                                                                                    PPTEU members all over            members are safe,
                                                               all you did in 2020, and I hope      the state are utilising their     and we need to
                                                               you all have a great break over      valuable skills on projects       continue to follow the
                                                               Christmas.                           all over the west of the city.    rules and make sure we
                                                                                                    And there is plenty going         stay operating.
                                                                                                    on, including Footscray’s
                                                                                                    live city precent which is        I would like to re-assure
                                                                                                    fast becoming a city in           PPTEU members working

26 | PLUMBING AND PIPE TRADES EMPLOYEES UNION JOURNAL              www.ppteu.asn.au              PLUMBING AND PIPE TRADES EMPLOYEES UNION JOURNAL                      www.ppteu.asn.au                   |   27
  Organiser’s Report, Nick McCubbin                                                                         Organiser’s Report, Jake Cranny
  Two years ago, on behalf of the PPTEU, I was given the task of                                            Like all of Victoria, the Geelong region has been             project will be completed by
  looking after the gas industry. Many members will know this,                                              hit economically by the COVID related restrictions.           mid-2022.
  but others may not be aware that PPTEU has members from
                                                                                                            Some projects have slowed down, and others have
  outside the construction industry and work in gas and gas                                                                                                               The City of Geelong have
  maintenance. I am referring to the members who do the work                                                been delayed, impacting many of our members in
                                                                                                                                                                          appointed leading builder
  which was once done by the old Gas and Fuel Corporation,                                                  the Geelong region. The good news is that there are
                                                                                                                                                                          Watpac to deliver the new Civic
  where some of the great bunch I look after once worked.                                                   some major projects starting up now or shortly, and
                                                                                                                                                                          Precinct, which will be designed
                                                                                                            the skills of our members will be in high demand.
                                                                                                                                                                          to deliver the most energy
  I will admit I have had to       Before working in this space,                                                                                                          efficient space possible (6 star
  few things to learn about        I was not aware that some                                                One such project is the       Plumbing contractors            rated), with a big emphasis on
  the processes and tasks          gas mains are pressurised                                                massive new prison            engaged on the project          waste water efficiencies and
  that these men and women         as high as 15,000kpa and                                                 project in Chisolm            are CDC Plumbing                rooftop solar. At the time of
  undertake. It is not typical     that these sorts of pressures   John came into the gas                   Road Lara, which is now       (Sanitary), Entire              writing, the plumbing contracts
  plumbing. For example, I         are required to push gas        industry after completing an             underway. This project        Mechanical (Mechanical),        have not been awarded at the
  learnt a fair bit about gas      across the state from           apprenticeship in panel beating.         is huge for the Greater       Entire Fire (Sprinklers),       time of this article.
  pressure.                        Longford to as far away as      It was at the Gas and Fuel where         Geelong region, delivering    and Gravel Pits Plumbing
                                   Horsham and Portland in the     his gas career started, he went on       hundreds of millions in       (Stormwater). B.S.I Roofing,
                                   State’s west.                   to stay there for nearly 10 years.       economic benefits and         Signal & Hobbs and Close
                                                                   He then worked for a series of           creating up to 900 jobs       Commercial Services are
                                   I want to take this             companies that had gas contracts
                                   opportunity in this report to                                            during the construction       in a joint venture to do
                                                                   in the Bendigo area. Companies
                                   recognise the contribution                                               phase. The new facilities,    the roofing work. All of the
                                                                   included; Serco, Abbey, Tenix and
                                   of one of our gas industry                                               which will be state-of-the-   plumbing contractors have
                                                                   Bilfinger, and for the last seven
                                   members, John Moore                                                      art in terms of security,     committed to signing the
                                                                   years John has been employed by
                                   (pictured with yours truly      Downer.                                  will accommodate over         new Agreement, and also
                                   below).                                                                  1200 and provide much-        made commitments to
                                                                   John has three kids and three            needed capacity for           employ locally (Geelong)
                                   Earlier this year (sadly        grandchildren. He says the future        Victoria’s growing prison     sourced labour.
                                   for me – happily for him)       hold lawn bowls, travel and a quite      population.
                                   John made the decision to       beer. I would like to personally                                       Another major project
                                   retire. John has proudly        and on behalf of the PPTEU like          John Holland is the           which recently
                                   been the PPTEU delegate         thank you for your contribution.         principal contractor          commenced
                                   in Bendigo for as long as       The doors of the PPTEU will always       named for this project.       (September 2020) is the
                                   we all can remember. He         be open to you. You and I both
                                   has done an outstanding                                                  As we do on all our jobs,     Civic Precinct project in
                                                                   know you will be missed by your
                                   job representing the PPTEU                                               we will be, together with     Mercer Street. This
                                                                   work mates, and I will miss having
                                   and looking after the gas                                                other union officials,        $200M plus project will
                                                                   a sounding board for gas industry
                                   industry members in the                                                  working hard to make          deliver office/co-working
                                   Bendigo area. People of his                                              sure there is no confusion    facilities, retail, food and
                                   calibre rarely come along       So farewell and enjoy a rest, you’ve     about responsibilities or     other commercial leases
                                   and we are grateful for         earned it!! There will be no more        procedures relating to        and a significant amount
                                   John’s contribution.            “Angry Ant” at Downer!                   onsite health and safety.     of community space. The

28 | PLUMBING AND PIPE TRADES EMPLOYEES UNION JOURNAL                  www.ppteu.asn.au                   PLUMBING AND PIPE TRADES EMPLOYEES UNION JOURNAL               www.ppteu.asn.au                |   29
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