Central Goldfields Shire Council - Economic Development Strategy 2020 - 2025 CENTRAL GOLDFIELDS - Central Goldfields ...

Page created by Lonnie Hogan
Central Goldfields Shire Council - Economic Development Strategy 2020 - 2025 CENTRAL GOLDFIELDS - Central Goldfields ...
Central Goldfields
Shire Council
Economic Development
Strategy 2020 - 2025
                       SHIRE COUNCIL
Central Goldfields Shire Council - Economic Development Strategy 2020 - 2025 CENTRAL GOLDFIELDS - Central Goldfields ...
Contents     6           8          10
           Executive   Background   Vision &
           Summary                  Strategic
Central Goldfields Shire Council - Economic Development Strategy 2020 - 2025 CENTRAL GOLDFIELDS - Central Goldfields ...
12          20          25           29             60              72
Location &   Economic   Demographic    Strategic      Action &      Appendices
 Strategic    Profile     Profile     Framework    Implementation
 Context                                                Plan
Central Goldfields Shire Council - Economic Development Strategy 2020 - 2025 CENTRAL GOLDFIELDS - Central Goldfields ...


Central Goldfields Shire Council acknowledges the ancestors
and descendants of the Dja Dja Wurrung. We acknowledge
that their forebears are the Traditional Owners of the area we
are on and have been for many thousands of years. The
Djaara have performed age old ceremonies of celebration,
initiation and renewal. We acknowledge their living culture
and their unique role in the life of this region.


Council gratefully acknowledges the contribution made by
stakeholders who contributed to the consultation phase by
attending workshops and meetings, and completing surveys,

•   Community members;
•   Local businesses;
•   Government agencies; and
•   Central Goldfields Shire Council.
Central Goldfields Shire Council - Economic Development Strategy 2020 - 2025 CENTRAL GOLDFIELDS - Central Goldfields ...

Acronyms                                            Glossary of Terms

AAGR    Average Annual Growth Rate                  Gross Regional   The total value of final goods and services
                                                    Product          produced in the region over the period of
AEMO    Australian Energy Market Operator
                                                                     one year.
AI      Artificial Intelligence
                                                    Output           Represents the gross revenue generated
CRM     Customer Relationship Management                             by businesses/organisations in each of
DELWP   Department of Environment, Land, Water                       the industry sectors in a defined region.
        and Planning                                                 Gross revenue is also referred to as total
                                                                     sales or total income.
DMP     Destination Management Plan
                                                    Industry         Key drivers of the Central Goldfields
EDS     Economic Development Strategy
                                                                     economy in terms of regional exports,
FAO     Food and Agriculture Organisation                            employment, value-added and local
                                                                     expenditure on goods and services
FTE     Full Time Equivalent
                                                                     (backward linkages)
GDP     Gross Domestic Product
                                                    Regional         Represents the value ($) of goods and
ICT     Information and Communications Technology   Exports          services exported outside of the defined
LGA     Local Government Area                                        region that have been generated by
                                                                     businesses / organisations in each of the
LQ      Location Quotient                                            industry sectors within the region.

MEC     Maryborough Education Centre
                                                    Value-Added      Represents the marginal economic
NBN     National Broadband Network                                   value that is added by each industry
                                                                     sector in a defined region. Value-Added
RDV     Regional Development Victoria                                can be calculated by subtracting local
SEIFA   Socio Economic Index For Areas                               expenditure and expenditure on regional
                                                                     imports from the output generated by
SME     Small to Medium Enterprise                                   an industry sector, or alternatively, by
                                                                     adding the Wages & Salaries paid to local
SRV     Sport and Recreation Victoria
                                                                     employees, the gross operating surplus
VGTE    Victorian Goldfields Tourism Executive                       and taxes on products and production.

VPA     Victorian Planning Authority
Central Goldfields Shire Council - Economic Development Strategy 2020 - 2025 CENTRAL GOLDFIELDS - Central Goldfields ...


    Overview                                     Economic Context                         Themes
    Central Goldfields Shire Council is          Central Goldfields Shire’s economy is    Based on research, analysis and
    planning for the Shire’s economic            small relative to the broader Loddon     consultation, four key themes form
    future by preparing an Economic              Campaspe region, and is attributed       the framework for the Economic
    Development Strategy, providing              to the lower population base. The        Development Strategy.
    a clear vision and action plan for           Shire accounts for 6% of the region’s
                                                                                          1.   A Productive, Sustainable and
    growing Central Goldfields economy.          population, 4% of employed persons
                                                                                               Creative Shire
                                                 and 4% of businesses. Resident,
    The Strategy aims to encourage                                                             Leverage economic outcomes
                                                 business and jobs attraction is needed
    economic growth in the Shire and                                                           from industries of competitive
                                                 to improve the long term economic
    outline a clear economic focus for the                                                     advantage and growth sectors
                                                 conditions of the Shire.
    key townships of Maryborough, Talbot,                                                      in the Shire such as health,
    Carisbrook and Dunolly.                      Based on employment data, the                 education, agriculture and
                                                 industry strengths of the Shire               food manufacturing, as well as
    The Strategy considers the economic
                                                 are closely aligned to the Loddon             emerging industries including
    and demographic trends and
                                                 Campaspe region, with the highest             tourism, renewable energy and
    macroeconomic influences that are
                                                 employing sectors identified as               other green industries.
    impacting the local and regional
                                                 health care and social assistance,
    economy. The research and analysis                                                    2.   Invest in People and Place
                                                 manufacturing and retail trade.
    presented in this Strategy highlights                                                      Address skills gaps by partnering
    the issues that should be addressed          The profile of the Shire’s economy            with industry and the community
    and the opportunities that could             highlights that there are a number of         to encourage a ‘job ready’ labour
    be unlocked to achieve positive              industries that are driving the local         force. Prioritise investment
    outcomes for the Shire’s economy and         economy. These include:                       initiatives that enhance liveability
    community.                                                                                 characteristics and build
                                                 •   Primary and trade industries
                                                                                               economic resilience.
    The information in this Strategy is              (agriculture, construction,
    informed by independent research                 manufacturing and transport);        3.   A Thriving Business Community
    and analysis, as well as consultation        •   Population-driven industries              Provide business support
    with representatives of community                (retail, hospitality, personal and        through regular and meaningful
    groups, organisations, businesses and            household services);                      engagement. Help businesses
    Government stakeholders.                     •   Knowledge and public sector               overcome specific challenges
                                                     industries (health, education and         that they face and identify
                                                     government agencies); and                 opportunities that could be
                                                 •   Tourism (accommodation,                   further leveraged to achieve
                                                     hospitality, arts and recreation          positive business outcomes.
                                                                                          4.   Tailored Economic Development
                                                                                               Implement a tailored approach for
                                                                                               economic development in Central
                                                                                               Goldfields to ensure that industry
                                                                                               growth is supported and aligned
                                                                                               to the unique local conditions
                                                                                               and resources available.

6    Economic Development Strategy 2020 - 2025
Central Goldfields Shire Council - Economic Development Strategy 2020 - 2025 CENTRAL GOLDFIELDS - Central Goldfields ...

Transformative Projects                     Maryborough Railway Station                  Age Care and Disability Co-
A number of transformative projects         Masterplan, Arts and Cultural                operative
in this Strategy are discussed below.       Hub                                          Investigate the potential to establish
Other ideas and opportunities are           Assess the feasibility of transforming       an aged care and disability co-
presented later in this Strategy.           the Maryborough Railway Station              operative in Central Goldfields that
                                            Precinct into an iconic, game                delivers aged care services and home
Satellite Tertiary Education                changing local and visitor hub that          care packages for elderly persons and
Campus                                      accommodates a mix of tourism,               people with disabilities that need
Engage with tertiary providers in the       commercial, transport and community          assistance.
region to investigate the potential to      uses.
establish a higher education campus                                                      Better Approvals
                                            Talbot Waste Water Treatment
in Maryborough. This could be               Project                                      Investigate providing and
delivered as a satellite campus to                                                       implementing a more formal process
established providers in Ballarat or        Advocate for funding to support
                                                                                         to respond to planning enquiries.
Bendigo. Collaborate and partner            investment in reticulated sewerage
                                                                                         This could include an online resource
with institutions such as Federation        infrastructure to allow for further
                                                                                         administered through Council’s
University and Latrobe University           investment, development and growth
                                                                                         website, or face-to-face sessions by
to improve pathways for secondary           within Talbot.
students and increase the proportion        Resident Attraction Strategy
of students enrolling and attaining                                                      A Co-working Facility
                                            Prepare a Resident Attraction Strategy
tertiary level qualifications.                                                           Assess the feasibility of establishing
                                            to attract and retain residents to the
Community Renewable Energy                  Shire, focussing on attracting a diverse     a co-working facility in the Shire
Project                                     mix of age profiles to replenish the         to support micro and home-based
                                            local labour force and address skills        businesses.
Support the delivery of a community-
                                            gaps that exist in the Shire.                Economic Development Officer
led renewable energy project in the
Shire (e.g. small scale solar farm, waste                                                Appoint a full-time economic
                                            Maryborough Food Cluster
to energy) and other green initiatives.                                                  development officer to undertake
The project should consider capacity        Prepare an investment strategy for the
                                                                                         the core roles and functions of the
building and social inclusion across        food manufacturing industry, targeting
                                                                                         unit, including regular business
the community and aim to reduce             food manufacturers to establish in
                                                                                         engagement, proactive investment
power costs.                                Maryborough to create a regional scale
                                                                                         attraction, responding to investment
                                            food cluster.
Retail Development Strategy                                                              enquiries, undertaking industry
                                            New Social Enterprise                        research and strengthening regional
Complete a Retail Development                                                            partnerships.
Strategy with core objectives focusing      Engage with the Social Enterprise
on nurturing resilience into the retail     arm of Business Victoria to identify         Grow the Intensive Agricultural
sector; identifying gaps in retail          avenues to support the establishment         & Horticulture Industry
provision across the Shire’s key            of social enterprises in the Shire that
                                                                                         Undertake an assessment for the
townships; better equiping traders          align with the Shire’s competitive
                                                                                         expansion of intensive agricultural and
to respond to structural changes in         industry strengths (e.g. food
                                                                                         horticultural uses in the Shire, such
the industry; and improving tourist         manufacturing, agriculture, green
                                                                                         as hydroponics. This should consider
retailing to service visitors.              industries, health care, retail and
                                                                                         availability of water, power, gas and
                                                                                         other services.

                                                                                       Economic Development Strategy 2020 - 2025   7
Central Goldfields Shire Council - Economic Development Strategy 2020 - 2025 CENTRAL GOLDFIELDS - Central Goldfields ...


    Central Goldfields Shire Council is planning for the Shire’s economic future by
    preparing an Economic Development Strategy, providing a clear vision and
    action plan for growing Central Goldfields economy.
    The Strategy aims to encourage economic growth in the Shire and outlines a
    clear economic focus for the key townships of Maryborough, Talbot, Carisbrook
    and Dunolly.

    The Process

    This Strategy considers the economic
    and demographic trends and
    macroeconomic influences that are
    impacting the local and regional
    economy. The research and analysis
    presented in this Strategy highlights
    the issues that should be addressed
    and the opportunities that could
    be unlocked to achieve positive
    outcomes for the Shire’s economy and

    The information in this Strategy is
    informed by independent research
    and analysis, as well as consultation
    with representatives of community
    groups, organisations, businesses and
    Government stakeholders.

8    Economic Development Strategy 2020 - 2025
Central Goldfields Shire Council - Economic Development Strategy 2020 - 2025 CENTRAL GOLDFIELDS - Central Goldfields ...

                                                           What is Council’s role in
                                                           economic development?
                                                           Local Government plays an important
                                                           role in facilitating economic
                                                           growth within their municipalities.
                                                           Typically, Council’s role in economic
                                                           development includes business
                                                           engagement and support, investment
                                                           attraction, promoting liveability
                                                           initiatives and undertaking advocacy

                                                           Common objectives adopted for
                                                           economic development across Local
                                                           Government include:
                                                           • Supporting the existing business
                                                             base (promoting growth within the
                                                             existing business base);
                                                           • Attracting new businesses and jobs
What is economic development?                                (promoting growth by attracting
                                                             new investment and businesses);
At a high-level, economic development at a local           • Promoting liveability and
government level is:                                         sustainable communities; and
                                                           • Undertaking advocacy efforts.
“To build up the economic capacity of a local
area to improve its economic future and
the quality of life for all. It is a process by
which public, business and non-government
sector partners work collectively to create
better conditions for economic growth and
employment generation.”

                                                         Economic Development Strategy 2020 - 2025   9
Central Goldfields Shire Council - Economic Development Strategy 2020 - 2025 CENTRAL GOLDFIELDS - Central Goldfields ...


     Council’s vision for this strategy sits                                          Economic Objectives
     within its overall vision for the Central
     Goldfields community and specific                                                •   Facilitate an environment which
     objectives for the local economy, as                                                 is conducive to industry/business
     expressed in the Council Plan.               Economic Development Outcome:           growth and employment growth
                                                                                          and retention.
     Our Vision:                                  ‘A vibrant local economy which      •   Develop a skilled workforce to
     ‘To be a vibrant, thriving and inclusive     contributes to the municipality’s       support economic growth
     community.’                                  economic prosperity.’               •   Promote Central Goldfields as a
     Our Purpose:                                                                         place of choice to live, work and
     ‘To achieve the best outcomes for the
                                                                                      •   Provide a supportive environment
     local community and having regard to
                                                                                          for existing business to prosper
     the long term and cumalative effects
                                                                                      •   Strengthen and facilitate
     of decisions.’
                                                                                          diversification for the Agri-business
                                                                                          and food processing sectors
                                                                                      •   Grow the digital capability of the
                                                                                      •   Capitalise on tourism and the
                                                                                          visitor economy through growth of
                                                                                          events and promotion of unique
                                                                                          local experiences.

10    Economic Development Strategy 2020 - 2025

    Based on research, analysis and consultation, four key themes form the framework for the
    Economic Development Strategy.

1                               2                              3                               4
A Productive,                   Invest in People and           A Thriving Business             Tailored Economic
Sustainable and                 Place                          Community                       Development Practice
Creative Shire

Leverage economic               Address skills gaps by         Provide business support        Implement a tailored
outcomes from industries        partnering with industry and   through regular and             approach for economic
of competitive advantage        the community to encourage     meaningful engagement.          development in Central
and growth sectors in           a ‘job ready’ labour force.    Help businesses overcome        Goldfields to ensure that
the Shire such as health,                                      specific challenges that        industry growth is supported
                                Prioritise investment
education, agriculture                                         they face and identify          and aligned to the unique
                                initiatives that enhance
and food manufacturing,                                        opportunities that could be     local conditions and
                                liveability characteristics
as well as emerging                                            further leveraged to achieve    resources available.
                                and build economic
industries including tourism,                                  positive business outcomes.
renewable energy and other
green industries.

                                                                                   Economic Development Strategy 2020 - 2025   11


     Location                                         Located at the geographic heart of          Regional Context
                                                      Victoria, Central Goldfields Shire is
     Central Goldfields Shire is located              home to just over 13,000 people.            The following documents have been
     approximately 150 km north west                  Maryborough is the Shire’s major            reviewed to inform this Strategy:
     of Melbourne. the Shire is uniquely              business centre and is a health and         •   Central Goldfields Shire Council
     located between two regional                     retail centre for surrounding towns             Plan 2017-2021
     cities, approximately 40 km north                including Castlemaine, St Arnaud,           •   Loddon Mallee Regional Strategic
     of Ballarat and 55 km south west                 Avoca, Talbot and Dunolly. The                  Plan 2015-2018
     of Bendigo.                                      Shire also hosts a number of food           •   Loddon Campaspe Regional
                                                      manufacturing businesses. The Shire             Freight Study (2018)
                                                      is part of the Goldfields Tourist Region,   •   Loddon Mallee South Regional
                                                      with many visitors coming to see                Growth Plan (2014)
                                                      the historic buildings and townships        •   Central Goldfields Workforce
                                                      that date back to the 1850s when the            Development Strategy 2013-2021
                                                      region supported a prosperous gold          •   Draft Loddon Campaspe Regional
                                                      mining industry, as well as visitors to         Economic Growth Strategy (2019)
                                                      the annual Energy Breakthrough event        •   Bendigo Region Destination
                                                      and the Highlands Games

                                             Loddon Campaspe


                                  Shire                                               VICT ORIA



12    Economic Development Strategy 2020 - 2025

    Management Plan (2015)                More recently, Strategies and Plans
•   Central Goldfields 5-Year Events      have been prepared at a regional level
    Strategy (2014)                       such as the Loddon Mallee Regional
•   Destination Central Goldfields        Strategic Plan and the Loddon Mallee
    Strategic Tourism Plan 2010-2020      South Regional Growth Plan. The
•   Goldfields Villages Destination       priorities for economic development
    Management Plan (2018)                in these Plans are focussed around
•   Maryborough Brand Disciplines         capitalising on emerging strengths
    Blueprint (2016)                      in tourism, renewable energy,
•   Developing Victoria’s Goldfields      resource recovery and green energy,
    Into Australia’s Cultural Heritage    and leveraging greater business,
    Region (2012)                         employment and investment outcomes
•   Goldfields Visitor Services Review    from growth sectors such as health,
    (2017)                                education and professional services.
•   Victorian Goldfields Tourism
                                          Another opportunity that is identified
    Executive Annual Plan (2018)
                                          is the potential to grow the agriculture
Whilst Central Goldfields Shire Council   industry by improving supply-chains,
and regional tourism organisations        providing greater water security and
have undertaken key strategic projects    stability of supply and harnessing
for tourism and events development        value-add opportunities such
such as the Goldfields Villages           as downstream processing, food
Destination Management Plan, there        manufacturing and diversified farming
are limited examples of strategic work    activities.
that has been undertaken in respect of
                                          Demonstrating an alignment of
economic development in the Shire.
                                          priorities of the EDS with regional
Central Goldfields’ proximity to          strategies may present partnership
Bendigo and Ballarat is of strategic      and collaboration opportunities with
importance, given the growth of these     regional stakeholders in order to
regional cities. There are long term      deliver key projects, initiatives and
opportunities for Central Goldfields      programs over time.
to leverage from this growth in terms
of population, business and visitor

                                                                                     Economic Development Strategy 2020 - 2025   13


     Overview                                           The Victorian Economy is
                                                        diversifying                                Industries Forecast for
     A number of trends are influencing
     the economy in Australia,                          The Victorian economy is becoming            Highest Employment
     including a transition that is                     more diversified and service driven.           Growth by 2046
     occurring across a number of                       Manufacturing in Victoria accounts
     industry sectors due to a range of                 for 28% of Australia’s manufacturing
     technological, environmental and                   production and contributes a larger
     social factors such as:                            share to the economy relative to
                                                        other states and territories. However,
     • Technological advancements                       Victoria is progressively transitioning
       and digital disruption;                          from an industrial economy that
     • A growing and aging population,                  has traditionally been reliant on
       both domestically and globally;                  Manufacturing to a more innovative,
     • Changing work preferences                        knowledge and services based                      Professional,
       (i.e. flexibility, collaboration,                economy.1
       innovation); and                                                                                Technical Services
     • Environmental challenges                         Recent analysis identifies that the
       (e.g. climate change and                         sectors that are forecast to drive
       extreme weather events, urban                    future economic growth in Victoria are
       encroachment).                                   health care, international education,
                                                        wealth management, agribusiness and
     An overview of some of the key                     tourism. These sectors are well placed
     macroeconomic trends that are                      to capitalise on growth in Asia. Victoria
     impacting the national and state                   can also capitalise on strengths in
     economy are discussed.                             medical research, ICT, food processing
                                                        and financial and insurance services.2             Healthcare
                                                                                                         and Education.
                                                        The rise of the knowledge economy
                                                        is based on a highly educated labour
                                                        force, sophisticated technologies and
                                                        innovative products and services. The
                                                        industry composition of Victoria’s
                                                        economy will continue to shift toward
                                                        services in the future. By 2046, it is
                                                        projected that the most significant
                                                        employment growth will occur in
                                                        professional, scientific and technical
                                                        services, financial and insurance                 Financial and
                                                        services, healthcare and education.3           Insurance Services

                             ¹ The Current and Future State of Victoria, Deloitte, 2016
                             ² The Current and Future State of Victoria, Deloitte, 2016
                             ³ The Current and Future State of Victoria, Deloitte, 2016

14    Economic Development Strategy 2020 - 2025

Digital Disruption is                            machinery operators, technicians and                       significant number of competitors
revolutionising the way we work                  trades, administration and labourers.6                     in the industry is stymieing growth.
                                                                                                            However, many SME’s believe the
Automation, globalisation and                    For Central Goldfields digital
                                                                                                            competitive advantage of the industry
collaboration are revolutionising                disruption will mostly affect the
                                                                                                            is the ability and capacity to be
the way we work. Technological                   agricultural sector, manufacturing
                                                                                                            adaptable and flexible to change.10
advancements and the digitalisation              and wholesale industries in terms
of data analytics are creating a step            of labour force requirements. This                         Home based business is prominent in
change in technological capabilities,            may have a positive effect in terms                        Central Goldfields and with the growth
particularly given the advances                  of making these industries more                            in lifestyle residents drawn to the
in robotics, analytics, Artificial               financially viable and less reliant on                     region, SME’s may increase over time.
Intelligence (AI) and machine learning.4         labour.
There is an evident disparity in the
                                                 The Importance of Small to
way in which business and industry
                                                 Medium Enterprise (SME)
are harnessing these technologies
as they disrupt global economies.                Small to medium enterprise
The industries that are most likely              are crucial to the health of the
to be most significantly impacted by             Australian economy as they support                         Small to medium enterprise
                                                 approximately 7 million ongoing jobs
digitalisation include information                                                                          are crucial to the health of
and communication technology,                    and contribute 57% to the nation’s
                                                 Gross Domestic Product (GDP).7                             the Australian economy as
media, professional services, financial
                                                                                                            they support approximately
and insurance services, wholesale                Since 2005, the barriers to start a
trade and advanced manufacturing.                                                                           7 million ongoing jobs and
                                                 business are lower. In particular,
Industries less likely to be impacted            costs have fallen 65%, encouraging                         contribute 57% to the Gross
include agriculture, construction,               younger people to start a business.                        Domestic Product (GDP).7
hospitality, healthcare and government           Approximately 50% of SME’s have been
agencies.5                                       in business 10 years or less with 56%
Approximately 70% of young people                being either millennials or generation
are entering the workforce in jobs               X, indicating strong growth in younger
that will be radically affected by               business owners.8
automation and 60% of students                   There is a notable difference between
are being trained in jobs that will              millennial SME’s compared with others.
impacted by automation. The types                Research shows that Millennials are
of occupations that have been                    more focussed on business investment
impacted by automation are generally             having regard to business growth and
cognitive and manual routine jobs,               are heavily reliant on digital channels
whilst non-routine jobs which require            as a means to generate revenue.9
interpersonal skills, problem-solving,
critical thinking and creativity are             50% of SME’s identify competition
less exposed to automation. The jobs             as one of the key challenges facing
that will be most affected include               business growth, citing that a

                        ⁴ What’s Now and Next in Analytics, AI and Automation, McKinsey and Company, 2017
                        ⁵ What’s Now and Next in Analytics, AI and Automation, McKinsey and Company, 2017
                        ⁶ The New Work Order, Foundation of Young Australians, 2017
                        ⁷ Understanding Australia’s Small to Medium Enterprises, NAB, 2017
                        ⁸ Understanding Australia’s Small to Medium Enterprises, NAB, 2017
                        ⁹ Understanding Australia’s Small to Medium Enterprises, NAB, 2017
                           Understanding Australia’s Small to Medium Enterprises, NAB, 2017

                                                                                                      Economic Development Strategy 2020 - 2025      15


     A Rise in the GIG Economy                                                                                            The growing popularity of
                                                                                                                          Co-working Spaces
     ‘The gig economy’ refers to contract,
     temporary and free-lance work. The                                                                                   Australia is home to over 170 co-
     popularity and regularity of people                                                                                  working spaces; 49% of which are
                                                                                                                          located in Victoria. Of the co-working
     working within the gig economy is on                 Australia is home to over 170                                   facilities in Victoria, only 7% are found
     the rise in Australia and New Zealand.
                                                          co-working spaces; 49% of                                       in Regional Victoria.13
     Whilst there are clear examples of the
     gig economy across platforms such as
                                                          which are located in Victoria.
                                                                                                                          Co-working spaces provide the critical
     Uber and Airbnb, it is also extending                Of the co-working facilities in                                 support infrastructure and services
     into roles such as administration,                   Victoria, only 7% are found in                                  often required for businesses in their
     hospitality, marketing and graphic                   Regional Victoria.                                              infancy to grow and mature. The
     design.11                                                                                                            benefits of the co-working model are
     The gig economy is predominantly                                                                                     associated with creating a space which
     underpinned by advancements in                                                                                       supports collaboration, openness,
     technology, but is also largely driven                                                                               knowledge sharing, innovation, and
     by the younger cohorts entering the                                                                                  the user experience.14
     labour force who are seeking flexibility,            •     Faster network speeds;
                                                                                                                          Demand for co-working spaces is
     as well as the growing demand for                    •     Lower latency – the time it takes
                                                                                                                          predominantly being driven by growth
     niche skills across various sectors.12                     information to get from your
                                                                                                                          in tech and creative industries, but is
                                                                phone to the wider internet and
     Whilst it is recognised that the gig                                                                                 also becoming increasingly popular
                                                                back again; and
     economy will never replace permanent                                                                                 amongst professional and financial
                                                          •     More simultaneous connections
     working arrangements, there is a need                                                                                service industries.15
                                                                - 5G will allow more devices to
     to recognise its growing popularity                        connect to the network at the                             The popularity of these types of
     and understand the work implications,                      same time.                                                facilities in regional areas are on
     which may extend to a rise in home-                                                                                  the rise, with a growing number of
     based businesses and a lesser                        The 5G network will contribute to a
                                                                                                                          facilities establishing in key regional
     requirement for permanent business                   rise in Internet of Things technology,
                                                                                                                          areas including Ballarat, Bendigo,
     accommodation due to the ability to                  providing the infrastructure needed
                                                                                                                          Geelong, Warragul and Mildura.
     work remotely.                                       to carry significant amounts of data,
                                                          allowing for a smarter and more                                 Some examples of established co-
     5G networks are the next generation of               connected world. This will provide                              working facilities in close proximity to
     mobile internet connectivity, offering               major advantages for businesses                                 Central Goldfields Shire are Runway in
     faster speeds and more reliable                      utilising technologies such as                                  Ballarat, Synergize Hub in Bendigo and
     connections on smartphones and                       Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP),                             Cohoots Coworking in Castlemaine.
     other devices. As with 4G before it, 5G              robotics, drones and 3D printing.
     is focused on mobile data.                                                                                           Given that 55% of business in Central
                                                          A limited number of Telcos have
                                                                                                                          Goldfields Shire are non-employing,
     5G will provide:                                     released the 5G network, but is                                 16
                                                                                                                             a co-working facility could be
                                                          expected to be rolled out throughout
                                                                                                                          beneficial to micro-businesses in and
                                                                                                                          around the Shire, providing benefits
                                                                                                                          of temporary work spaces that

                                 Understanding the Gig Economy, SEEK, 2018
                                 Understanding the Gig Economy, SEEK, 2018
                                 Victorian Start-Up Ecosystem Report, LaunchVic, 2018
                                 The Australian Co-Working Market Report, Office Hub, 2018
                                 The Australian Co-Working Market Report, Office Hub, 2018
                                 Business entries/exit, Central Goldfields Shire, Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2018

16    Economic Development Strategy 2020 - 2025

provide support to businesses in their             2017 compared with 56.7m tonnes in                       Restructuring of Manufacturing
infancy by creating a professional and             2013, representing a 23% increase. In                    Activities
collaborative environment.                         2017, Victoria contributed one quarter
                                                                                                            Employment in Manufacturing across
                                                   (25%) of Australia’s total food and fibre
The Shire’s business base is much                                                                           Victoria is in decline. The loss in jobs
                                                   production (11.2m tonnes, valued at
smaller when compared with Ballarat                                                                         is partly a result of the withdrawal
and Bendigo, therefore a co-working                                                                         from the automotive industry, but
facility with a smaller floorplate may             Strong population growth domestically                    also a broader transition away from
be more appropriate for Central                    and internationally particularly in                      traditional manufacturing practices
Goldfields Shire. Further work would               Asia and India, in conjunction with                      to more technical and advanced
be required to assess the demand                   Australia’s strong reputation for                        manufacturing. This is in response
for a co-working facility, the types of            high quality agricultural produce is                     to strong international competition,
existing businesses that would use                 expected to generate further demand                      particularly from Asia.21
such a facility and the delivery and               for food and fibre production.20
                                                                                                            Manufacturing remains an important
operating model.
                                                   Central Goldfields has a growing                         industry in Victoria in terms of
The Global Demand for Food                         opportunity in intensive agriculture                     export value and value-added to the
                                                   which will potentially link to the                       economy. Whilst the Manufacturing
Population growth and an increase                  growing demand for food domestically                     industry faces notable challenges, it is
in average incomes are driving an                  and internationally. This is an area                     also in the midst of a transformational
increase in global demand for food.                that is discussed further in the                         change through revolutionary
According to the Food and Agriculture              Economic Development Strategy                            technological advancements such as
Organisation (FAO), the global                     framework.                                               robotics, drones and 3D printing.22
population is projected to reach 9.7
billion by 2050; an additional 2 billion                                                                    Employment in manufacturing
persons compared with 2017 (7.6                                                                             declined by 2% between 2011 and 2016
billion).17                                                                                                 in the Shire. However, the jobs decline
                                                                                                            in manufacturing is significantly lower
Asia and the sub-continent are the                                                                          compared with the broader jobs loss
fastest growing regions and will drive a
large proportion of demand for food in             In 2017                                                  experienced across Victoria. The lower
                                                                                                            decline in manufacturing jobs in the
the long term. The FAO estimates that              Victoria contributed one                                 Shire is likely due to the growing
the current level of global agricultural
                                                   quarter (25%) of Australia’s                             sub-sector specialisation in food
production will need to increase by
50% to meet the global demand for
                                                   total food and fibre production                          manufacturing, which has buoyed the
                                                                                                            sector through larger-scale business
food by 2050.18                                    (11.2m tonnes, valued at
                                                                                                            and investment attraction.
Food and fibre production across
Australia has increased significantly
in recent years, as a result of a
growing international demand for
Australian agricultural produce.
Australia produced approximately
69.5m tonnes of food and fibre in

                            Agricultural Outlook, OECD-FAO 2018 to 2027, 2018
                            Agricultural Outlook, OECD-FAO 2018 to 2027, 2018
                            Victorian Food and Fibre Export Performance Report 2016/17, Agriculture Victoria, 2018
                            Victorian Food and Fibre Export Performance Report 2016/17, Agriculture Victoria, 2018
                            The Current and Future State of Victoria, Deloitte, 2016
                            Digital Disruption: What do Governments Need to Do? The Productivity Commission, 2016

                                                                                                         Economic Development Strategy 2020 - 2025     17


     A Low Carbon Economy                                 The AEMO estimates that investment                      and wood waste production sites in
                                                          in the order of $370 million is required                Regional Victoria. Examples include
     In 2016, the Victorian Government
                                                          to upgrade the network, including                       Barnawartha, Leongatha, Learmonth,
     committed to legislating a long-
                                                          double circuit transmission lines                       Laverton and Kaniva.
     term target for Victoria of net zero
                                                          between Ballarat, Bulgana and
     greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.                                                                            There are a growing number of
                                                          Sydenham, augmentations to existing
     Victoria’s Climate Change Act (2017)                                                                         solar and wind projects completed,
                                                          lines between Moorabool and Terang
     aims to achieve a net zero greenhouse                                                                        underway or proposed across
                                                          and Red Cliffs and Bendigo, as well
     gas emissions, climate-resilient                                                                             the State, with a number of solar
                                                          as a possible new terminal station at
     community and economy.23                                                                                     projects emerging in the Shire.
                                                                                                                  Central Goldfields has an opportunity
     In 2017, the State Government
                                                          Biomass is another renewable energy                     to attract further investment into
     legislated renewable energy
                                                          opportunity that is developing in                       renewable projects over time.
     generation targets of 25% by 2020
                                                          some regional areas. Biomass refers
     and 40% by 2025. This is estimated to                                                                        Investment in renewable energy may
                                                          to the fuel that is developed from
     reduce average annual power costs for                                                                        present flow-on opportunities for
                                                          organic materials, a renewable and
     medium-sized businesses by $2,500                                                                            new projects, particularly for rural
                                                          sustainable source of energy used to
     and for large companies by $140,000                                                                          properties and agricultural businesses
                                                          create electricity or other forms of
     and reduce Victoria’s electricity sector                                                                     seeking to diversify their income with
                                                          power. Some examples of materials
     emissions by approximately 16%                                                                               off-farm income streams. Given the
                                                          that make up biomass fuels are scrap
     between 2019/20 and 2034/35.24                                                                               current size and scale of approved
                                                          lumber, forest debris, certain crops,
                                                                                                                  solar projects in the Shire, Central
     There is a trend towards decentralised               and manure.
                                                                                                                  Goldfields may be more suited to
     electricity generation from renewable
                                                          Bioenergy production and its                            accommodate small to medium sized
     energy resources and an increase in
                                                          associated value chain could                            solar, wind and biomass projects,
     energy storage, with generation plants
                                                          benefit regional development in                         as well as smaller community-led
     ranging from small-scale behind the
                                                          a number of ways, some of which                         projects and initiatives.
     meter installations through to front of
                                                          satisfy numerous objectives such as
     meter large-scale solar and wind.
                                                          reducing greenhouse gas emissions,
     There is growing investment in                       re-using waste, generating power in
     solar and wind energy production                     a sustainable way and generating
     projects in regional and rural areas                 flow-on economic benefits such as
     across Victoria. Western Victoria is                 employment and output.                                  In 2016, the Victorian
     experiencing an influx of investment
     into renewables, with the Australian
                                                          Industries that rely on biomass                         Government committed
     Energy Market Operator (AEMO)
                                                          produced from broadacre farming                         to legislating a long-term
                                                          systems provide the most suitable                       target for Victoria of net zero
     predicating that 5,000 megawatts
                                                          candidates due to the long value
     of new renewable energy will be                                                                              greenhouse gas emissions by
                                                          chains and the size of their potential
     generated in the state’s west by 2025.                                                                       2050.
                                                          production of energy.
     The key constraint for renewable
     energy generation in the west are the                Biomass is an emerging source of
     capacity limitations of the existing                 energy production. There are a number
     system to store and distribute power.                of well-established bio-diesel, bio-gas

                                  Climate Change Act, DELWP, 2017
                                  Australia’s 2030 Climate Change Target, Department of Energy and Environment, 2015

18    Economic Development Strategy 2020 - 2025

Growing Demand for                                The impending redevelopment of the                       Digital retailing is becoming more
Health Care                                       Maryborough District Health Service                      prevalent. In 2018, the number of
                                                  (MDHS) hospital will strengthen the                      online purchases in Australia grew
The number of people aged 65                      role of health care industry in the                      by over 20%. While Australia’s major
years and over in Victoria is likely to           Shire.                                                   capital cities still drive much of
almost triple from 2016 to 2051 as the                                                                     the online purchasing, there is also
significant population currently aged                                                                      notable growth in online shopping
between 45 to 65 years moves into                                                                          in regional areas. It is expected
the ‘senior’ and ‘elderly’ category.                                                                       that growth will continue to disrupt
The forecast ageing of the population                                                                      traditional forms of retailing.28
is partly attributed to the increase
in life expectancies borne from                   Global healthcare is growing                             Despite the growth in online sales,
advancements in health care and                                                                            90% of retail transactions remain in-
                                                  rapidly and is attributed
social assistance.25                                                                                       store, indicating that in-store retailing
                                                  to a significant increase in                             remains the preferred option. With the
Global healthcare is growing rapidly              global healthcare spending,                              growing prevalence of online retail
and is attributed to a significant                increasing from $7 trillion USD                          activity, retailers are increasing their
increase in global healthcare spending,
                                                  in 2015 to a projected $8.7                              omnichannel retail strategy, enabling
increasing from $7 trillion USD in 2015
to a projected $8.7 trillion USD in               trillion USD in 2020.                                    people to interact either in-store or
                                                                                                           online, on a multitude of devices.29
2020. Consistent increases in global
healthcare spending is attributed to:26                                                                    Some retailers and retail centres are
                                                                                                           responding to online competition
•   Revenue pressure and rising                                                                            by seeking to improve the shopping
    industry costs are demanding                                                                           “experience”, something that cannot
    more innovative and cost effective            The Changing Nature of the                               be replicated online. This includes
    solutions to patient care;                    Retail Industry                                          a greater focus on hospitality,
•   An ageing population is resulting                                                                      entertainment and meeting places co-
    in higher health related issues in            Retail and consumer spending
                                                  are important components of the                          located with retailers.30
    developed economies;
•   Higher-income households;                     economy, as they provide economic                        Maryborough is the retail hub for the
•   Increase in chronic diseases (e.g.            stimulus through direct expenditure.                     Shire and has a strong and loyal local
    diabetes, heart disease); and                 Despite steady employment growth,                        catchment. Consideration of expanding
•   Unprecedented population growth               household finances have come under                       the retail mix with a focus on
    in developing and developed                   pressure from stagnant wages growth                      experience and entertainment should
    economies.                                    and declining wealth, and this has                       be considered in order to strengthen
                                                  reduced consumer sentiment and                           the appeal of Maryborough as a retail
Health Care and Social Assistance is              household’s inclination to spend.                        and tourist destination.
the highest employing sector in the
Shire, accounting for 17% of employed             Whilst retail turnover growth slowed
persons. The sector experienced a                 throughout the second half of 2018
7% (+47 jobs) increase between 2011               and into 2019, there is a more positive
and 2016, indicating that the sector is           outlook for the sector, expecting to
growing.                                          improve in the second half of 2019.27

                           Population Forecasts, Victoria in Future, Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP), 2016
                           Global Healthcare Outlook, Deloitte, 2016
                           Australia Economic Outlook, Deloitte, 2019
                           Inside Australian Online Shopping, e-commerce industry report, Australia Post, 2019
                           Retail Trends: What is Digital’s Impact on the Retail Sector, PWC, 2017
                           Retail Trends: What is Digital’s Impact on the Retail Sector, PWC, 2017

                                                                                                         Economic Development Strategy 2020 - 2025     19


     Central Goldfields Shire’s economy
     is small relative to the broader                                                                                         Loddon
     region, and is attributed to the lower                                                                                  Campaspe
     population base. The Shire accounts
     for 6% of the region’s population,               Population (2016)                            12,993                      232,903
     4% of employed persons and 4% of
                                                      Employed Residents (2016)                    4,112                       101,109

     Based on employment data, the                                                            1 Health Care                1 Health Care
                                                      Highest Employing Sectors (2016)      & Social Assistance          & Social Assistance
     industry strengths of the Shire                                                         2 Manufacturing                2 Retail Trade
     are closely aligned to the Loddon                                                         3 Retail Trade             3 Manufacturing
     Campaspe region, with the highest                Local Businesses (2018)                       831                        20,283
     employing sectors identified as
     health care and social assistance,               Median House Price (2017)                  $190,000                     $322,000
     manufacturing and retail trade.

     The Shire has a small population base.
                                                     Economic Snapshot - Central Goldfields
     Resident, business and jobs attraction
     is needed to improve the long term
     economic conditions of the Shire.

     Industry Composition
     The profile of the Central Goldfields
     Shire economy is based on a range
     of economic indicators, including
     employment and business by industry
     and sub-sector.

     The economic profile provides a
     snapshot of the Shire’s areas of
     competitive advantage and identifies
     emerging and growth sectors, as well
     as those that may be in decline.
     The profile of the Shire’s economy
     highlights that there are a number of
     industries that are driving the local
     economy. These include:

     •      Primary and trade industries
            (agriculture, construction,
            manufacturing and transport);
     •      Population-driven industries
            (retail, hospitality, personal and
            household services);
     •      Knowledge and public sector
            industries (health, education and
            government agencies); and
     •      Tourism (accommodation,
            hospitality, arts and recreation         Source: Urban Enterprise 2019, derived from economic indicators (employment, business),
            services).                               Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), 2011, 2016

20       Economic Development Strategy 2020 - 2025

Maryborough is the                     Primary and Trade Industries                 residents create, coupled with
economic centre of the Shire,                                                       investment into improving/upgrading
                                       Whilst employment in manufacturing
accommodating the majority                                                          existing infrastructure including the
                                       declined by 2% between 2011 and 2016,
of residents, businesses and                                                        Maryborough and District Hospital.
                                       the decline is significantly lower than
employment. Maryborough                                                             Further, the age profile of residents
                                       those that have been experienced
services the Shire and other rural                                                  is ageing, and this trend is forecast
                                       across much of the state, since
areas outside of the Shire for                                                      to continue, with a growing number
                                       the withdrawal of the automotive
essential services such as health                                                   of senior and elderly aged cohorts
                                       manufacturing industry and the
care, education and retail. Notable                                                 generating greater demand for health
                                       restructure of manufacturing activities.
health and retail anchors such                                                      and related services.
                                       The lower decline in manufacturing
as the Maryborough and District
                                       jobs in the Shire is partly due to the       In terms of knowledge sectors, there is
Hospital and higher order retailers
                                       growing sub-sector specialisation            a smaller representation and potential
(e.g. supermarkets, discount
                                       in food manufacturing, which has             under provision of white collar jobs
department stores) attract
                                       buoyed the sector through larger-scale       in the Shire. Specifically, professional
residents from smaller, nearby
                                       business and investment attraction.          and financial services, which have
townships and rural areas.                                                          a much lower proportion of jobs
                                       Given the land availability in the
There are quite a diverse range                                                     compared with Regional Victoria. This
                                       Shire, there is an opportunity to grow
of industries contributing to the                                                   could be a result of skills gaps in the
                                       this sector further through targeted
Shire’s economic ecosystem.                                                         labour force, or these jobs escaping
                                       investment attraction.
However, the propulsive nature of                                                   to nearby regional cities (Bendigo,
each industry and their capacity       Agriculture is an important industry in      Ballarat). This presents opportunities
for growth differs. Employment         supporting business and employment           for the economy to address the gap
analysis suggests that the             and contributing to supply-chain             in these types of jobs and grow the
Shire’s competitive advantages         networks for downstream processing           professional services sector.
relevant to Regional Victoria are      (food manufacturing), transport and
in manufacturing, transport and        distribution.                                Population-Driven Industries
distribution, health care and social                                                Population-driven industries are
                                       Agricultural uses in the Shire are
assistance, retail and arts and                                                     reliant on demand generated for
                                       primarily sheep and cattle grazing,
recreation services.                                                                personal and household goods and
                                       and some grain and cereal production.
                                       Employment analysis indicates                services such as retail and hospitality.
                                       emerging specialisations in less             Given that Maryborough is the higher
                                       traditional agricultural activities such     order retail centre in the Shire, the
                                       as fruit and vegetable growing, poultry      retail sector is expected to continue
                                       farming and nursery and floriculture.        to account for a large proportion
                                                                                    of employment, particularly as the
                                       Knowledge and Public Sector
                                                                                    resident and visitor population
                                       Knowledge and public sector
                                                                                    Retail, hospitality, personal services
                                       industries in Central Goldfields Shire
                                                                                    and tourism related industries are
                                       are primarily focussed around health,
                                                                                    critical to the economic role of
                                       education and government agencies.
                                                                                    the Shire’s smaller towns of Talbot
                                       Health and education are high
                                                                                    and Dunolly, as they support local
                                       employing sectors that are growing as
                                                                                    employment and account for the
                                       a result of low to moderate population
                                                                                    majority of the businesses in the town
                                       growth and the organic demand
                                                                                    centre’s of these areas.
                                       for these services that additional

                                                                                  Economic Development Strategy 2020 - 2025    21

     The Shire’s Employment Profile                                            Top Industries of Employment
     A high level of employment in
     an industry can often indicate a
     competitive advantage for a given
     area, particularly if that sector is
     experiencing jobs growth over time.

     The highest employing industries
     in the Shire are health care and
     social assistance, retail trade,                   Health Care and                      Retail                   Manufacturing
     manufacturing, education and training,             Social Assistance                    Trade
     accommodation and food services
     and agriculture, forestry and fishing.
     Combined, these industries account
     for 72% of jobs. The most significant
                                                                                                    2011            2016          Change
     being health care and social                                                                  No. (%)         No. (%)        2011-16
     assistance and retail trade, which                                                                                           No. (%)

     account for 17% respectively.                                                                646 (17%)       693 (17%)       +47 (7%)
     Retail trade experienced a 7%                                                                 635 (17%)      590 (14%)       -45 (-7%)
     decline (-45 jobs) between 2011                                                               547 (14%)      537 (13%)       -10 (-2%)
     and 2016, but still remains a critical
                                                                                                  385 (10%)        390 (9%)        +5 (1%)
     sector to the health of the Shire’s
     economy, particularly given that                                                              224 (6%)        292 (7%)      +68 (30%)
     Maryborough is the highest order                                                              234 (6%)        261 (6%)       +27 (12%)
     retail centre in the Shire and services                                                       213 (6%)        217 (5%)       +4 (2%)
     residents in the smaller townships
                                                                                                   202 (5%)        174 (4%)      -28 (-14%)
     within and surrounding the Shire
     for convenience-based retail (i.e.)                                                           144 (4%)        173 (4%)      +29 (20%)
     supermarkets, speciality retail, retail                                                       125 (3%)        149 (4%)       +24 (19%)
     services and hospitality.                                                                     19 (0%)         143 (3%)      +124 (653%)
     Employment in health care and social                                                          88 (2%)         94 (2%)         +6 (7%)
     assistance experienced a 7% increase                                                          48 (1%)         73 (2%)        +25 (52%)
     (+47 jobs) between 2011 and 2016,
                                                                                                   60 (2%)         72 (2%)        +12 (20%)
     affirming the sector’s importance as a
     major employer in the Shire.                                                                     3 (0%)       57 (1%)      +54 (1800%)
     This trend is forecast to continue with                                                          53 (1%)      46 (1%)        -7 (-13%)
     the $100 million redevelopment of                                                                53 (1%)      40 (1%)       -13 (-25%)
     the Maryborough and District Hospital
                                                                                                    67 (2%)        39 (1%)       -28 (-42%)
     and increased demand for health care
     and medical services that is generated                                                        16 (0%)         31 (1%)        +15 (94%)
     organically through population growth                                                            22 (1%)      21 (1%)        -1 (-5%)
     and an ageing population.                                                                        23 (1%)      20 (0%)        -3 (-13%)
     Other industries that experienced
     notable jobs growth include                                                                 3,807 (100%)    4,112 (100%)    +305 (8%)
     accommodation and food services
     (+68 jobs), agriculture, forestry and
     fishing (+27 jobs), transport, postal and    Industry of Employment - Employed Residents
     warehousing (+29 jobs) and arts and          - Central Goldfields Shire - 2011 to 2016
     recreation services (+25 jobs).              Source: Census of Population and Housng, Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), 2011 & 2016

22    Economic Development Strategy 2020 - 2025

                                                                                   2011      2016
Occupations of Working
The most common occupations held in                                          Labourers
Central Goldfields Shire are Labourers
(15%) and technicians and trade                          Technicians and Trade Workers
workers (15%) and professionals (15%).
Between 2011 and 2016, there was                                                                                           15%
a reduction in the proportion of                                                                                12%
                                               Community and Personal Service Workers
professionals (-1%) and managers                                                                                       14%
(-2%), but an increase in labourers
(+2%) and community and personal                                             Managers
service workers (+2%)
                                                                         Sales Workers
                                                    Clerical and Administrative Workers
The figure to the right shows the                                                                           10%
location of work (Council area)                                                                       6%
                                                       Machinery Operators and Drivers
for employed persons in Central                                                                        6%
Goldfields. The figure shows the
percentage of employees who live and
work in the Shire and those who travel    Occupations of Employed Residents - Central Goldfields Shire - 2011 to 2016
outside of the Shire for employment.       Source: Census of Population and Housng, Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), 2016

Typically, a higher rate of job
containment is preferred, as it can
indicate that there are sufficient
and suitable jobs available locally
to support the local skills and
qualifications of the labour force.

In 2016, Central Goldfields Shire
had a job containment rate of 81%,                                                  Loddon
representing the percentage of                                                        1%
employees who live and work in
the Shire. The job containment rate
decreased by 3% between 2011 and                                                                 Bendigo
2016.                                                                                              2%

The highest proportion of employment                                                            Mount
escapes to Ballarat (5%), Mount                                                               Alexander
Alexander (4%) and Greater Bendigo
(2%) Local Government Areas.                                                              Hepburn

                                         Out-Commuting - Employed Persons - Central Goldfields Shire - 2011 to 2016
                                         Source: Journey to Work, Census of Population and Housng, Australian Bureau of Statistics
                                                               (ABS), 2016, derived by Urban Enterprise 2019

                                                                                          Economic Development Strategy 2020 - 2025   23

     The Shire’s Business Profile                      The table shows the number of                        can often be the case with farmers,
                                                       businesses by industry sector in the                 technicians and trade workers.
     The business base in Central                      Shire in 2018. The industry sectors with
     Goldfields Shire is primarily small                                                                    The highest employing businesses are
                                                       the highest number of businesses
     businesses (i.e. employ less than                                                                      in manufacturing, transport, postal
                                                       are agriculture, forestry and fishing
     20 staff). 98% of businesses in the                                                                    and warehousing, accommodation and
                                                       (191 businesses), construction
     Shire are considered small business                                                                    food services and administrative and
                                                       (118 businesses) and retail trade
     and 55% of those are non-employing                                                                     support services. Each of these sectors
                                                       (67 businesses). Combined, these
     businesses.                                                                                            includes three businesses that employ
                                                       industries account for almost half of
                                                                                                            between 20 and 199 staff
     Only 2% of business in the Shire                  the business base in the Shire. The
     employ between 20 and 199 staff and               higher number of businesses across
     there are currently no businesses in              these sectors may be a result of a
     the Shire that employ more than 200               larger number of sole operators and
     staff.                                            non-employing businesses, which

                                                      Non-           1-19          20-199         200+
                                                    employing      Employees     Employees      Employees






                                                                                                                  118              55%
                                                        19             45             3                 0          67

                                                        31             24             3                 0          58
                                                        49             10            0                  0          59              Businesses
                                                        17             31             3                 0          51

                                                        27             21             3                 0          51

                                                        26             15            0                  0          41






                                                        10             25            0                  0          35

                                                        12             11            0                  0          23
                                                        12              3            0                  0          15              Businesses
                                                         8              4             3                 0          15

                                                         8              5            0                  0          13

                                                         0              5            0                  0          5






                                                         0              3            0                  0          3

                                                         0              0            0                  0          0                 Employ
                                                                                                                                  20 to 199 Staff

                                                        456           360            15                 0         831

     Business Counts - Central Goldfields Shire - 2011 to 2016
     Source: Business Counts (by employment range), Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), 2016, 2018

24    Economic Development Strategy 2020 - 2025


Demographic Snapshot
Central Goldfields Shire has a             The Shire accounts for 6% of the
population of approximately 13,000
people, increasing by 0.8% (+85
                                           Loddon Campaspe region’s population.
                                           However, the region includes Greater
persons) per annum between 2011 and        Bendigo, which comprises close to                  Residents
2016. The majority of the population       50% of the regional population. Central
is concentrated to Maryborough             Goldfields Shire’s population growth
and Carisbrook (including Flagstaff),      rate is notably lower than the Loddon
accommodating approximately 70% of         Campaspe region, which is growing at
the Shire’s population.                    1.5% per annum.                                                              50
The Shire’s rural areas account for less   Central Goldfields Shire is forecast                                         Age
than 20% of the Shire’s population, but    to experience low to moderate
are responsible for approximately 85%      population growth to 2036, adding a                Forecast
of the population growth between 2011      further 1,600 residents at an average              Residents
                                                                                               to 2036
and 2016, growing by 3.8% per annum.       annual growth rate of 0.6%.

Across the major townships,                The Loddon Campaspe region is
Maryborough’s population increased         projected to grow at a higher rate,
by 0.8% per annum, adding 291              increasing from approximately
persons between 2011 and 2016, but         233,000 persons to 300,000 persons
Talbot and Dunolly experienced a           by 2036, which equates to an average
decline in population, decreasing by       annual growth rate of 1.3%. Much of               6,639                      2.2
276 persons (-38%) and 13 persons          the forecast population growth is                                          Average
                                                                                              Dwellings              Household
(-1%) respectively.                        projected to occur in Greater Bendigo,              (2016)                   Size
                                           accounting for two-thirds of the
                                           region’s growth.

Population by                                                                               Labourers
Source: Population
Growth, Census of
Population and Housing,                                           7,922
Australian Bureau of
Statistics (ABS), 2016                                            1,209
                                                                                                    Most Common
                                                                   441                                  (2016)


                                                                  2,531                Demographic Snapshot
                                                                                       Source: Census of Population and Housing,
                                                                                       Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), 2016
                                                                 232,903               / Victoria in Future (VIF) 2016, derived by
                                                                                       Urban Enterprise 2019

                                                                                     Economic Development Strategy 2020 - 2025       25

     The Shire’s Age Profile
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Loddon Campaspe
     The median age of the Shire’s                 14,800                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                310,000
     residents is 50 years, which is notably                                                                                                                                                                                                                     300,780
     older when compared with the median           14,300                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                300,000

     age across Victoria (37 years) and                                                                                                                                                                                                                            14,134                                290,000
     Regional Victoria (43 years). In Central
     Goldfields Shire, there has been a            13,300
     decline in the number and proportion                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                270,000
                                                   12,800                13,087
     of younger aged cohorts including                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   260,000
     ‘babies and pre-schoolers’ (aged 0 to 4       12,300
     years) and ‘secondary schoolers’ (aged
     15 to 19 years).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    240,000

     The proportion of ‘parents and                11,300                237,084                                                                                                                                                                                                                         230,000
     homebuilders’ aged between 35 and             10,800                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                220,000
     49 years has also declined between                                  2016                                          2021                                              2026                                       2031                                              2036
     2011 and 2016. Comparatively, there
     was an increase in senior and elderly
                                                  Forecast Population Growth - Central Goldfileds & Loddon Campaspe Region -
     aged cohorts, with a notable increase
                                                  2016 to 2036
     in the proportion residents aged over
                                                  Source: Population Forecasts, Victoria in Future, 2019, derived by Urban Enterprise
     65 years.

     Historical trends are forecast to
     continue to 2036, with a projected                                                                                                                                   2016                                                    2036
     increase in seniors and elderly (aged
     70+ years), as well as a reduction in            1200
     younger cohorts: primary, secondary
     schoolers and young workers.                     1000

     The forecast change in age structure             800
     may have implications for the local
     economy and labour force, which                  600
     may extend to potential challenges
     for businesses in employing young                400
     workers, as well as ensuring that older
     residents are well serviced for health            200
     and medical services, accessible retail
     and townships are suitably designed                 0
     to incorporate accessible and aged
                                                             0-4 years

                                                                         5-9 years

                                                                                     10-14 years

                                                                                                   15-19 years

                                                                                                                 20-24 years

                                                                                                                               25-29 years

                                                                                                                                             30-34 years

                                                                                                                                                           35-39 years

                                                                                                                                                                          40-44 years

                                                                                                                                                                                        45-49 years

                                                                                                                                                                                                      50-54 years

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    55-59 years

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   60-64 years

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 65-69 years

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               70-74 years

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             75-79 years

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           80-84 years

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          85+ years

     friendly infrastructure.

                                                  Current & Forecasted Age Profile - Central Goldfields Shire - 2016 to 2036
                                                  Source: Population forecasts, Victoria in Future, 2019, derived by Urban Enterprise, 2019

26    Economic Development Strategy 2020 - 2025
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