Preparing for the unknown Accessing liquidity and mitigating risk during the coronavirus crisis - MARCH 2020 - Alantra

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Preparing for the unknown Accessing liquidity and mitigating risk during the coronavirus crisis - MARCH 2020 - Alantra

Preparing for the unknown
Accessing liquidity and mitigating
risk during the coronavirus crisis
                                          MARCH 2020
Preparing for the unknown Accessing liquidity and mitigating risk during the coronavirus crisis - MARCH 2020 - Alantra

Coronavirus crisis impact                                                                         MUSA SÖNMEZ
                                                                                                  CO-HEAD OF EUROPE,
Businesses across many industries foresee an inevitable impact on the demand for goods            PARTNER
and services or on the ability to supply distributors and end customers due to exposure
to global supply chains or a shortage of goods following the coronavirus outbreak. In
addition, the knock-on effects of the squeeze on consumers and limitations on work
are already having an effect. We know from speaking to our clients that companies are
concerned about short-term and long-term financing, both for those negatively exposed to
global production schedules – leading to goods being stuck in the production process – as
well as those able to fill the gaps who are seeing an increase in demand.
                                                                                                  We are currently experiencing
                                                                                                  an extraordinary public health
Governments are working hard to fight the virus and health experts are trying to predict          crisis which is accompanied
what will happen next. We believe businesses can take steps to mitigate the impact of             by unprecedented volatility
this health crisis. There are long-term refinancing solutions available to help minimize the      in the global capital markets.
financial impact on sectors affected, including industrials, retail, and travel & hospitality.    The containment measures
                                                                                                  will undoubtedly lead to
                                                                                                  earnings losses and liquidity
Which industries are most                         Fashion and technology are some of the          needs for private companies
affected and how?                                 hardest hit retail businesses which will        across Europe. At Oak Hill
                                                  have a knock-on effect on shopping malls.       Advisors (OHA) we have a
Industrials                                       Both industries are dependent on Chinese        long term and partnership
                                                  manufacturing. With major ports and             driven approach and are able
                                                  factories closed, they are facing significant   to offer flexible solutions
                                                  export issues. The Winter 2020-21 season’s      to private companies to
                                                  production is already underway, and there       meet their capital needs
                                                  are huge implications for seasonal stock        irrespective of the current
                                                  distribution and therefore high streets         turmoil in the capital markets
                                                  around the globe.

                                                  Travel & hospitality
Industrial companies are deeply affected
                                                                                                  JÖRG MUGRAUER
through their exposure to Chinese and
Southeast Asian manufacturing where                                                               PARTNER
slowdowns or closures are impacting
global production and supply chains. The
accumulation of unfinished stock or overall
lack of demand for these goods from end
distributors means their working capital
may deplete.
                                                  Businesses in travel and tourism are            We are very pleased to have
Retail                                            already experiencing negative impacts with      secured a sustainable and
                                                  customers canceling holidays and optional       well-structured financing
                                                  business travel, as well as holding back        package for IPSEN for the
                                                  on booking summer holidays as they wait         next years, which also
                                                  to see what happens next with the virus.        included a dividend payout.
                                                  Again, medium-term working capital issues       The Alantra team has done
                                                  will need to be addressed as revenues           a great job structuring this
                                                  diminish.                                       deal in light of the complexity
                                                                                                  of global scale business in
                                                                                                  Europe, US and Asia.
Preparing for the unknown Accessing liquidity and mitigating risk during the coronavirus crisis - MARCH 2020 - Alantra
Positive solutions: financial                                                                                      CARMEN ALONSO
                                                                                                                   HEAD OF IBERIA

Debt funds are willing to                                         capital in these circumstances through
                                                                  alternative lending providers, which
deploy capital in these                                           are seeing an all-time high in levels of
circumstances through                                             fundraising with over $600bn of assets           Given the nature of our
alternative lending                                               under management as of June 2019. We             committed capital and large
                                                                  have first-hand experience with these
At Alantra we have spoken to many clients                                                                          levels of dry powder, we
in the past few weeks wanting to mitigate                         funds. We know all the players involved
                                                                  in alternative lending solutions, having
                                                                                                                   continue to evaluate new
the immediate and potential financial risks
                                                                  interacted with over 250 private debt funds      investment opportunities
posed by coronavirus. We believe it will
be possible for companies to selectively                          and insurance companies in the last four         even in the current volatile
use the debt markets even during these                            years and completed over 100 transactions        environment. We have
                                                                  with them.
difficult times and that there are many                                                                            resources, flexibility and
options to access liquidity in the short-term
                                                                  Given the unpredictable impact the               agility to offer capital to
to address shortages in working capital as
                                                                  new virus will have on businesses and            quality businesses undergoing
well as financing inventories, shortfalls, and
                                                                  supply chains, if companies refinance
increased demands.                                                                                                 short-term liquidity issues
                                                                  by leveraging longer-term debt products
                                                                  with a maturity period of two to three
                                                                                                                   and the culture to accompany
Some sectors are anticipating a decline
                                                                  years then they are in a good position to        the companies we invest in
in revenues and cash flow generation
during the first half of the year due to the                      mitigate financial and business risk for         over the long term.
coronavirus effect. This will impact firms’                       the coming months. For this to happen,
ability to face amortization schedules                            business owners simply need access
within long-term bank financing structures.                       to the right products and need to find
Alternative financing can provide innovative                      tailored solutions that are right for them. If   JUAN NAVARRO
solutions that can coexist with bank                              liquidity is available today at flexible terms
                                                                  through a variety of product types from          CFO
financing. Many restructurings will take
place during 2020 with a combination of                           debt funds, then we believe businesses
alternative lenders and traditional bank                          should leverage it as an immediate solution
financing.                                                        or a precautionary measure. That leaves
                                                                  businesses free to focus on the day-to-day
This is where the most creative solutions                         necessities during this challenging period.
come in. Debt funds are willing to deploy                                                                          Having gone through a
                                                                                                                   refinancing process with
                                                                                                                   Alantra, I am convinced that
Private debt dry powder                                                                                            their involvement was key for
                                                                                                                   its success. You need support
                                                                                                                   from someone that has the
                                                                                                                   right capabilities and speed
                                                                                                                   of execution to prepare all
                                                                                                                   the information, structure the
                                                                                                                   transaction and get in touch
                                                                                                                   with the right people that will
                                                                                                                   ultimately be able to deliver
                                                                                                                   the investment.

  *As of June 30, 2019 - Pitchbook Research. Geography: global.
Preparing for the unknown Accessing liquidity and mitigating risk during the coronavirus crisis - MARCH 2020 - Alantra
Recent debt advisory deals

            DEBT RESTRUCTURING                        HOLDCO/ OPCO FINANCING                        DEBT REFINANCING                    SENIOR/MEZZANINE LBO

                     N/A                                       €265M                                     €140M                                €107M

Alantra Global Debt Advisory team
We advise privately owned companies, private equity-backed businesses, large privately
owned corporate groups and public companies on raising and refinancing debt capital.

                    Miguel Hernández
                                                                                                        Javier Garcia-Palencia
                    Managing Partner, CEO of
                                                                                                        Managing Partner, Spain
                    Investment Banking

                    Robert von Finckenstein                                                             Andrew Shellard
                    Managing Partner, Germany                                                           Managing Partner, United Kingdom

                    Maximilian Rohardt                                                                  Pierre-Louis Nahon
                    Managing Director, Germany                                                          Managing Director, France

                    Scott Hadfield                                                                     Roberto León
                    Managing Director, United States                                                   Managing Partner, Spain

                                                Austria & CEE                  Germany                         Latin America              Spain
                                                Belgium                        Greece                          Mexico                     Switzerland
P OSSIBILIT Y IS IN THE A SCENT                 China                          India                           Netherlands                United Kingdom
                                                Denmark                        Ireland                         Nordics                    United States
                                                France                         Italy                           Portugal

Alantra is a global investment banking, credit portfolio advisory and alternative asset management firm focusing on the mid-market
with offices across Europe, the US, Latin America and Asia.

© COPYRIGHT 2020                                                                                                                      
Preparing for the unknown Accessing liquidity and mitigating risk during the coronavirus crisis - MARCH 2020 - Alantra Preparing for the unknown Accessing liquidity and mitigating risk during the coronavirus crisis - MARCH 2020 - Alantra Preparing for the unknown Accessing liquidity and mitigating risk during the coronavirus crisis - MARCH 2020 - Alantra Preparing for the unknown Accessing liquidity and mitigating risk during the coronavirus crisis - MARCH 2020 - Alantra Preparing for the unknown Accessing liquidity and mitigating risk during the coronavirus crisis - MARCH 2020 - Alantra Preparing for the unknown Accessing liquidity and mitigating risk during the coronavirus crisis - MARCH 2020 - Alantra
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