PRESENTATION - Riders for Refugees

Page created by Eric Campos
PRESENTATION - Riders for Refugees
PRESENTATION - Riders for Refugees
PROJECT                                                                                                THE ACTORS
Riders for Refugees was born from an observation.                                                              THE RIDERS FOR REFUGEES TEAM
That of Danny Burrows, editor for a snowboard                                                                  Mainly from the world of skiing, we are all volunteers and
magazine during a visit to the «jungle» of Calais.                                                             passionate about our work. We are photographers, athletes,        AMBASSADORS
                                                                                                               event organisers, editors...                                      Coline Ballet-Baz
On the one hand, there are the difficulties for refugees                                                       Based in Annecy, we collect warm clothes from various             French freeskiing team
in Europe who face winter temperatures                                                                         places: the French Alps, the Landes coast, Austria, Germany.      (Slopestyle)
without adequate equipment.                                                                                                                                                      Marion Haerty
                                                                                                               We distribute these sorted and labelled clothes where they are    Double freeride    snowboard
                                                                                                               needed: Annecy, Briançon, Calais, Vintimiglia, Lyon, Spain...     world champion
On the other hand, there is the outdoor industry,
                                                                                                               Since its creation, Riders for Refugees has distributed
which is sometimes overwhelmed by unsold or
                                                                                                               about 150m2 of warm clothing.
unsaleable products and outdated stock.

Individuals who often have old, outdated, slightly
damaged clothes that usually end their lives in the                                                            REFUGEES & MIGRANTS
rubbish bin or forgotten in closets. They would                                                                The flow of immigration to Europe is not about to dry up,
                                                            Danny Burrows
be very useful on the shoulders of those who are cold.      President
                                                                                                               nor is the need for warm clothing. These forced travellers are
                                                                                                               not numbers, but people with hopes, fears, suffering and in
                                                                                                               winter, the cold that awaits them.

                                                                                                               They have made long journeys from Africa, the Middle East
   4 MISSIONS                                              4 OBJECTIFS                                         and deserve our help, our solidarity and warm clothes to help
                                                                                                               improve their daily lives and protect them.
                                                                                                               Here, the question is no longer political, it is whether we let
               1 - Collection of warm clothing from                   1 -To better help the most deprived to   other human beings suffer and die.
               private individuals, retailers and                     cope with Europe’s harsh winters.
               outdoor brands.                                                                                 THE OUTDOOR DOMAIN
                                                                                                               Outdoor sports include sports related to the natural
                                                                                                               environment, such as snow and mountain sports. We work
                                                                                                               with the shops, brands, athletes and enthusiasts of this domain
                                                                      2 - Give hope to those who (rightly)     because technical and warm clothes are plentiful, because,
               2 - Distribution of sorted and                                                                  among the stock of retailers and wardrobes of individuals, lie
               organised clothing to the relevant                     may feel abandoned.                      hidden clothing treasures. This world needs to take action.
               associations in areas in need.
                                                                                                               An act of solidarity, but also an environmental act, because
                                                                                                               it allows items that are otherwise destroyed or thrown away
                                                                                                               to be reused.
                                                                      3 - Raise public awareness of mutual     We work with brands such as Rossignol and Quechua in
               3 - Communication on the                                                                        order to achieve these goals.
               conditions of refugees and establi-                    aid through an ambitious, enthusiastic
               shing links between the different ac-                  and original project.
               tors (helpers and assisted).
                                                                                                               Present on the ground, managed by volunteers who give back
                                                                                                               to the «fraternity» their virtues, they are the keystone of our
               4 - Organisation of events for                         4 - Avoid wasting clothes and help
                                                                                                               They know the needs, the public manage the distribution and
               refugees based around the outdoor                      reduce environmental impact.             know the pitfalls to avoid. Riders for Refugees distributes
               domain                                                                                          clothes through only local associations such as Le Refuge
                                                                                                               de Briançon, Caritas Italy, Salam in Grande-Synthe,
                                                                                                               Solidarité Migrants Annecy...
PRESENTATION - Riders for Refugees
MORE THAN 6,000                                                                               UNIQUE EVENTS IN
                        WARM GARMENTS                                                                                 FRANCE
                        COLLECTED IN 2018                                                                             Riders For Refugees is renowned for its work in organising events. The first edition of
                                                                                                                      “Dans les Cartons», a clothing sorting day, brought together 60 volunteers. On March 7,
LES CHIFFRES 2018                                                                                                     2020, for the first time, Snow For Refugees will welcome 50 refugees to Praz sur Arly for a
6 300 warm items of clothing collected                                                                                day of snow sports, as well as many other events.
20 collection points: shops, sports halls, community galleries. (France, Austria, Germany).
2 partner festivals : The High Five Festival and the Snow Garden Festival
4 distribution sites in Annecy, Briançon and Lyon, Athens (Greece), Grande Synthe

                                       MEDIA INTERESTED
                                           IN OUR WORK

                                      Using its media experience, the Riders for Refugees team produces content,
                                          suggests topics and stays in contact with many media outlets in order to
                                      raise awareness for its cause. Newspapers, specialised magazines, TVs, and
                                                                             press releases are widely distributed.

                                                                                                                               POSITIVE AND
                 A REAL SOCIAL                                                                                                 «Europe takes everything from Africa, but not people and that’s not good.»

                 NETWORK COMMUNITY                                                                                             Christian Papini - Caritas Ventimiglia

                                                                                                                               «These clothes will be used to welcome people who have just crossed the moun-
                                                                                                                               tain and are in a worrying physical condition.»
                                                                                                                               Philipes Wyon (Association Le Refuge)
Social networks are an essential part of communication and have been part of Riders for Refugees’ action since
                                                                                                                               «Congratulations on this superb chain of humanity!»
the beginning of the project. On Facebook and Instagram, we share videos, photos and graphic design in order
                                                                                                                               Ju Pollette (Facebook)
to mobilise our community, to raise awareness and to guarantee transparency of our actions. This is an obvious
task for a team of many content creators who put their talents and experience to work for the cause.                           «A good example to follow, well done, you are amazing!»
                                                                                                                               Carine Martin (Facebook)

                                                                                                                               We admire the labelled packaging work. Our work will be even more simplified,
                                                                                                                               which is rarely the case.
                                                                                                                               Henri Kupczyk (Salam)
                 3800 fans                                              500 followers
PRESENTATION - Riders for Refugees
TOMORROW                                                                                                          EVENTS
 Because needs and resources are unfortunately far from drying up, Riders For                          The creation of events is totally adapted to the new communication that feeds on
Refugees aims to grow and evolve in order to give ever more weight and strength                       original stories. Thus, our annual collections for individuals are only one month
         to itsaction. The mission to help and the opportunity to create.                                   long. Every year new ideas emerge and beautiful projects are created.
                         Here are our development paths.

                 TO BECOME A KEY PLAYER IN THE OUT-                                                                       DANS LES CARTONS
                 DOOR WORLD                                                                                               The final point of the annual collection, “Dans les Cartons» is a clothing
                 Building on the credibility we have gained over the years and the success                                sorting day, in 2018 only in Annecy, but soon to be in all our campaigns.
                 of our collection campaigns, we want to strengthen our relationships with                                Check the clothes, place them in the right box and close it. These are some
                 outdoor players such as brands and retailers. Based on our actions with                                  of the steps in the process that 60 one-day volunteers came to share with us.
                 Rossignol and for example, we can become an obvious link                                      A unique moment of solidarity and sharing.
                 in the production chain by effectively and ethically reusing outdated or
                 unused products.

                                                                                                                          SNOW FOR REFUGEES
                                                                                                                          Snow for Refugees is a day of discovery of winter sports for the refugees of
                 AND MORE                                                                                                 Haute- Savoie. On March 7, 2020, in Praz sur Arly, for the first time, 50 re-
                                                                                                                          fugees will experience a period of wonder. A day when childhood is replete
                 Our ambassadors Coline Ballet-Baz and Marion Haerty are doing a great
                                                                                                                          with care free spirits as an entire village discovers an unknown and fantasized
                 job. Many athletes also support our actions and follow our news. But we still
                                                                                                                          population. A day of exchanges that will leave its mark on the minds of all
                 have a good margin for improvement to improve our visibility in the world
                                                                                                                          participants, whether they are participants, companions
                 of skiing. Athletes are indeed the heart of this universe and people with an
                                                                                                                          or volunteers. TRAILER
                 important aura and influence.

                 CREATE JOBS AND TRANSMIT VALUES                                                                         RIDERS FOR REFUGEES PICK-UP TOUR
                                                                                                                         To go and pick up warm clothes where they are has always been our philosophy. In
                 In 2018, the arrival of Theo, our first intern, was a fantastic experience and a                        2020 we will go further by going directly to the resorts. A pick-up tour to partner
                 great help. We would like to continue this work with trainees in order to train                         stores to fill part of our stock from April. It is also a way for us to involve more and
                 them and share our values. In the long term, in order to promote the evolution                          more mountain and outdoor actors, and to raise awareness through a mediatized trip.
                 of Riders for Refugees, we wish to hire a full-time staff member capable of
                 managing the association on a daily basis

                 CREATE AND CONTINUE OUR EVENTS                                                                           WORLD RIDERS DROP
                 The first edition of Snow for Refugees, on March 7, 2020, will mark a miles-                             Imagine a day when all Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and other accounts of
                 tone in the evolution of the association. The first event outside the collects, it                       those in the snow sports and outdoor industry share the same message. Ima-
                 is the first of a long series. Many bridges need to be built between the outdoor                         gine athletes, brands, producers, resorts, artists announcing with one voice the
                 world and refugees. With a lot of experience creating and organising events,                             need to collect warm clothes. This is a dream, this is an idea, this is a long-
                 our team is able to use their passion for innovative projects by creating events                         term project for the association. It might not happen immediately, no, but it’s
                 in the Alps, and soon elsewhere.                                                                         definitely possible.
PRESENTATION - Riders for Refugees
         David Malacrida
     Phone : +33 6 95 29 88 08
   Adress : Riders for Refugees
7 allée Jean Monnet 74940 Annecy

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