Prince of Peace Preschool - Because we care... 2018-2019 Calendar and Parent Handbook

Page created by Adam Lawrence
Prince of Peace Preschool - Because we care... 2018-2019 Calendar and Parent Handbook
Prince of Peace

  Because we care...
  Calendar and Parent Handbook
Prince of Peace Preschool - Because we care... 2018-2019 Calendar and Parent Handbook
Prince of Peace Preschool - Because we care... 2018-2019 Calendar and Parent Handbook
Dear Parents,

   Welcome! We are delighted that you chose Prince of Peace
Preschool. We would like to extend an open invitation to you to
 visit our busy, happy, noisy, creative classrooms and see your
child at school. This will give us the opportunity to get to know                                 PARKING
   you better and for you to get to know the school and staff
                               better.                                         When coming to preschool or taking your child home,
     This handbook and calendar will help you become                            please remember to hold your child’s hand, walking
acquainted with our goals and policies. Our expectations of                    to and from cars and building. DO NOT parallel park
parents and guardians are that you read this handbook and
supplemental notes and newsletters; and that you feel free                        in front of the entry doors, but in the designated
 to be a part of the school, offering suggestions, comments,                      parking. This is for the safety of all our children.
 and constructive criticisms, as well as financial and moral

Thank you for allowing us to join with you in providing for the
  care, love and nurture of your child. We believe that parents
  and teachers working together can help children develop to
their full potential. We are looking forward with eagerness and
   excitement to the school year ahead. Please let us know if
    there is any way we can meet you or your child's needs
       through the school or our other church ministries.

                        God’s Blessings,

                      Patty Bullock, Director

                               Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him. Psalm 127:3
Prince of Peace Preschool - Because we care... 2018-2019 Calendar and Parent Handbook
I promise you, every day your children will learn
something. Some days they will bring it home in
their hands. Some days they will bring it home in
   their heads; but most days they will bring it
              home in their hearts.
                                      Valerie Welk
Prince of Peace Preschool - Because we care... 2018-2019 Calendar and Parent Handbook
2018-2019 SCHOOL YEAR
PRESCHOOL                       PRESCHOOL                 CHURCH
STAFF                           BOARD                     STAFF

Patty Bullock, Director         Eileen Lawless, Chair     Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
5145 SE Croco Rd                9646 SW 69th              785-271-0808
Berryton, KS 66409              Auburn, KS 66402
785-230-2912                    785-845-3001
                                                          Current Pastor 785-271-0808
Jeanette Diehl                  Vacant, Vice-Chair
                                Katie Elwell
                                                          Mary Hume, Parish Nurse, Lay Assistant
                                6931 SW Dancaster
Lauren Ewald                    Topeka, KS 66610          785-272-5905
785-554-8360                    816-803-9061
Karla Haag                      Kristina Figuerres
785-221-3736                    6820 SW 44th St.
                                Topeka, Ks. 66610
Charlotte Leach                 847-708-5448
                                Melody Devlin
Kayla Moss                      7111 SW Fountaindale
785-249-2198                    Topeka, KS 66614
Cindy Ridder
785-806-4076                    Lindsey Munson
                                3934 SW Friar Rd.
                                Topeka, KS 66610
Malori Scott
                                Elise Wiseman
Jill Wittrock                   5035 SW Fairlawn
515-229-1569                    Topeka, KS 66610
Glenda Hammel (Fin. Sec.)
785-640-6767                    Patty Bullock, Advisor
                                Current Pastor, Advisor
Prince of Peace Preschool - Because we care... 2018-2019 Calendar and Parent Handbook
PURPOSE                                               PRINCE OF PEACE
...Because we care about the children of this community, our
                                                                           LUTHERAN CHURCH
purpose is to provide a rich learning environment in a               The Church is the sponsoring organization of the
Christian setting of love and respect. It is designed to             Preschool. The Church provides a nurturing
encourage young children to explore, discover and develop            environment of love and respect for the child, staff and
basic cognitive, physical, spiritual and social skills appropriate   parents. Also, the Church provides and maintains the
to their individual levels of development.                           facility, which is, the classrooms and playground and
                                                                     provides utilities. The pastor and church staff advise
                                                                     and support the Preschool in fulfilling its stated
...We believe that our preschool is an extension of your home
and your teachings. While we provide a time for Bible stories
and songs, we are not and cannot be your child's main center
for religious training. We want to aid and support the family in
the cultivation of your child's spiritual development. We teach
the children about God's love by caring for one another in a
loving and respectful manner.

           PRINCE OF PEACE
The Board's responsibilities are to conduct school business;
support the staff; make new policies and procedures; to
manage the affairs and property of the Preschool; and to
report to the Board of Directors of the Prince of Peace Church.
It is composed of church members, parents of preschool
children enrolled in our Preschool, and a ministerial staff
member. The Preschool Director and ministerial staff member
attend Board meetings and make recommendations to the
Prince of Peace Preschool - Because we care... 2018-2019 Calendar and Parent Handbook
The High/Scope curriculum is a cognitive oriented
curriculum designed for children from two to seven years
of age. By using Hi-Scope's curriculum which provides                 LANGUAGE & LITERACY
developmentally appropriate practices for preschool
children, we are acknowledging that children learn             Your child learned to talk by talking. In the same way, we
differently; develop at different rates; and learn best        believe your child learns written language by reading and
during child initiated activities.                             writing. In our classrooms, we attempt to give children
                                                               many opportunities to enjoy and use our written language.
Learning through child initiated activities creates a          We read to them often. A variety of books are available for
classroom atmosphere of wonderment, excitement and             children to peruse. Many children begin “reading” their
sharing between teacher and child. Our curriculum is           favorite book simply by listening to them read over and
based on key experiences using the child's senses and          over again. If you visit our classroom you will see a “print-
talents of observing, tasting, touching, climbing, building,   rich” environment. We attempt to develop in children a
painting, listening and dreaming all wrapped up with lots      love for the printed word. When children express an inter-
of energy and endless curiosity.                               est in or need to know sounds of letters, we teach them an
                                                               interesting and enjoyable way. We believe each child will
Real life situations provide valid learning experiences for    begin reading when he or she is ready.
children of all ages. The number 20 becomes a real part of
learning when you're a preschool child and you get to reach    Here are some ways you can extend your child’s use and
into a pumpkin to discover, "WOW! Seeds!! Let's count how      knowledge of the printed word in your home.
many!"                                                          Turn off the TV and devices and read to your child.
                                                                Take your child to the library to pick out books of
An open-ended program like ours prepares children to              interest to him/her.
utilize their intellectual and creative abilities in future     Point out many signs in your home and neighborhood.
learning tasks.                                                 Label items in your child’s room as she/he names them.
                                                                Let your child see you reading both for information and
                                                                Instill in your child a respect for books by taking proper
                                                                  care of them.
                                                                Have papers and writing implements available for you
                                                                Read a prayer or Bible verse to your child.
Prince of Peace Preschool - Because we care... 2018-2019 Calendar and Parent Handbook
PROGRAM OBJECTIVES                                           PRESCHOOL ARRIVAL & DEPARTURE
1. Develop the child’s spiritual growth through experiences and       ARRIVAL - 9:00 AM Morning Classes begin
interactions that model Christ. We provide age appropriate                      1:00 PM Afternoon Classes begin
opportunities for children to express joy, concern for others,
compassion, self-control, forgiveness, healing and prayer.            Walk your child into the building and to their classroom or make
                                                                      arrangements for someone else to do so.
2. Develop each child's ability to make choices and decisions
                                                                      DEPARTURE -        11:30 AM Morning Classes dismiss
about what to do and how to do it, using their own time and                              3:30 PM Afternoon Classes dismiss
energy effectively.
                                                                      Meet your child at their classroom or make arrangements for
3. Develop each child's self-discipline and ability to identify,      someone else to do so as this is the teachers daily planning period.
pursue, and complete self-chosen goals and tasks with                 We ask that you respect this time for them.
originality and responsibility.
                                                                      The staff at Prince of Peace Preschool believe that communication
4. Develop each child's ability to work with other children and       between home and school is vital to your child's success. We ask
adults in group planning, cooperative efforts, and with shared        that you walk your child to the classroom each day upon
leadership.                                                           arrival and come to the classroom at departure time or make
                                                                      arrangements for someone else to do so. Informal exchanges
                                                                      between parent, child and teacher during those times will help us
5. Develop each child's knowledge of objects; skill in the arts;
                                                                      know you better and will allow us to share with you, on occasion,
and comfort with physical movement.                                   the events of the day.

6. Develop each child's ability to express thoughts, ideas, and       Class begins promptly at 9:00 AM and 1:00 PM. Before classes
feelings and to speak about, dramatize, and graphically               begin the staff is not free to supervise children. Please do not
represent experiences in order to communicate them to others.         bring your child much later than 9:00 AM or 1:00 PM because a child
                                                                      may feel uncomfortable about arriving after everyone else has
7. Develop each child's ability to comprehend others' spoken,         become involved in the classroom activities.
written, dramatic, and graphic representations.
                                                                      If you know you are going to be detained, please notify the school
8. Develop each child's ability to apply their reasoning abilities    immediately so that we can reassure your child that you are
to a wide range of situations, using a variety of materials.
                                                                      Because the school has no provision for care after dismissal times,
9.   Develop each child's creativity, initiative, spirit of inquiry   we expect the children to be picked up promptly.
and openness to knowledge and other's viewpoints.
                                                                      PARKING – Please park in designated parking spots. Please
                                                                      do NOT leave children unattended in your vehicle.
Prince of Peace Preschool - Because we care... 2018-2019 Calendar and Parent Handbook
Prince of Peace Preschool
                            August 2018
     Sunday        Monday               Tuesday           Wednesday           Thursday            Friday              Saturday

                                                     1                   2                   3                   4

                                                                         Lauren’s Birthday
5             6                   7                  8                   9                   10                  11

12            13                  14                 15                  16                  17                  18

19            20                  21                 22                  23                  24                  25

               Teacher Work Day   Teacher Work Day    Teacher Work Day   Teacher Work Day     Teacher Work Day
                 8:30am-4:00pm     8:30am-4:00pm       8:30am-4:00pm      8:30am-4:00pm        8:30am-12:00pm
26            27                  28                 29                  30                  31
                  MMO - Visits                         MMO - Visits        MMO -Visits
                                       MMO -Visits   GAP - MWF, Pre-K    GAP - T-TH, Pre-K
                   GAP – MWF                         AM, PM, & TWTH      AM, PM, & TWTH
                                       GAP - T-TH       MMO MWF             MMO T-TH
               Kayla’s Birthday                        Parent Night        Parent Night
                                                          7:00pm              7:00pm
Prince of Peace Preschool - Because we care... 2018-2019 Calendar and Parent Handbook
1. Please notify the Preschool (271-0913) of each absence prior
to the class beginning.
                                                                  6. A child will only be released to persons authorized by
2. Your child should be in school every scheduled day to gain     you, the parent or guardian, to pick up the child. We must
the most from our program. However, for the well-being of all     have written documentation of any changes of who you
the children, if your child shows any of the following signs or   authorize to pick up your child.
symptoms, please do not send them to school.
                      acute cold or sore throat                   7. In cases of severe weather watches, the staff will take the
                  red and discharging eyes or nose                children to a safe area in the school. Drills for severe weather
                          persistent cough                        will be regularly conducted. Please do not risk your own
                              ear aches                           safety by driving to the school during unsafe times.
                           swollen glands
                             skin rashes                          8. The staff and children take part in monthly fire drills.
                   nausea, vomiting or diarrhea                   Teachers will notify you when the drills have been
Your child must be fever free for 24 hours before returning       conducted.
to class.
                                                                  9.   In an effort to help parents better understand our
3. Please notify the Preschool if your child has been exposed     existing policy which states that “a child must be fully toilet
to or has contracted a communicable disease. The school will      trained before they are enrolled in the preschool program”, a
                                                                  formal definition for the term toilet trained follows:
notify the other parents.
                                                                  Your child is toilet trained when, without any
4. If your child shows any signs of illness while at school,
                                                                  reminders, your child walks to the potty, undresses,
prompt attention will be given. A sick child will be removed
                                                                  urinates or has a bowel movement, and pulls up his/
immediately from the group and given a quiet, secure place to
                                                                  her pants.
rest while waiting to be picked up.
                                                                  We do however, recognize that on occasion, preschool
5. Members of our staff are trained in First Aid techniques so
                                                                  children have accidents. Because of licensing adult/child
that they can quickly deal with an emergency. State licensing
                                                                  ratio regulations and lack of facilities within our classrooms,
requirements state that your physician's name and telephone
                                                                  it is difficult for teachers to leave the classroom to assist the
number must be kept on file so you and your physician can be
                                                                  child. If the child is able to change himself/herself, (s)he will
called immediately if your child needs professional care.
                                                                  be allowed to do so. If this is not the case, the child’s parents
                                                                  will be immediately notified of the accident so they can assist
                                                                  their child. The preschool keeps extra items of clothing on
                                                                  hand for such accidents. Children in pull-ups are not
                                                                  considered toilet trained.
Prince of Peace Preschool
                                September 2018
     Sunday            Monday                  Tuesday           Wednesday              Thursday               Friday               Saturday

2                3                           4 Tuition Due   5                     6                      7                    8
                                            (2nd Payment)
                                             First Day for        First Day for
                                               MMO-TTH            MMO-WF &
                                           Pre-K AM , TTH,
                                              Pre-K PM &
                      NO CLASSES
9                10                       11                 12                    13                     14                   15

                      First Day for       Parent Night 7pm   Parent Night 7pm          Parent Night 7pm
                       MMO-MON                                                             Pre-K PM
                                          TTH&TWTH PM           Pre-K AM &                                LATE FEES ADDED TO
                  12:30pm Staff Meeting                            MWF                                          TUITION

16               17                       18                 19                    20                     21                   22

                  12:30pm Staff Meeting
23               24                       25                 26                    27                     28                   29

              30 1pm POPP Board Meeting                          Jill’s Birthday
Juice is provided by Prince of Peace Preschool. Each class will have a sign up list available for parents who wish to
    bring snacks. Please sign your name and what you plan to bring. Your help is greatly appreciated!

    The following ideas are suggestions of low sugar, often low fat, snack ideas that can be used as guidelines in choosing what
    to bring.

Pretzels (all shapes and sizes, fat-free and regular)                     Dried fruits
Pretzel sticks in cheese cubes, grapes, cherry tomatoes, ham cubes        Applesauce
Crackers - any type                                                       *Fresh Veggies (with yogurt dip or cream cheese)
Oyster soup crackers                                                      Red and Green Pepper Slices
Saltines (wheat, cheese, plain)                                           Animal Crackers
Fish Crackers (plain, cheddar, Parmesan)                                  Muffins
Rice Cakes (minis and large) - buttered popcorn flavor is a favorite      Bagels - large or mini - with or without cream cheese or
Rice Cakes with peanut butter                                             spread
Pita Bread Triangles (with cheese, or peanut butter and applesauce        Teddy Grahams
or spreadable fruit.)                                                     Low Sugar Cereals like:
Flour Tortillas with cheese or cinnamon                                       Crispy Critters®
Bread and spread                                                              Kix®
Cheese, cut-out shapes (plain, or with rice cakes, saltines, or apples)       Cheerios®
String Cheese                                                                 Crispix®
*Fresh fruits (serve whole, slice, make kabobs, or fruit salads)              Chex®
                                                                              Shredded Wheat® (dipped in peanut butter is a treat)
                                                                          *Trail Mix with above cereals, raisins, pretzels, etc.
                                                                                                      NO NUTS!
   *Recommendation for children under 4 years of age: hard pretzels, whole grapes, meat larger than can be swallowed
   whole, hotdogs, popcorn, carrots, or nuts should not be served to these young children. Peanut butter should always
   be served on a cracker or bread. The teachers are alerted to allergies.

   Food that comes from home for sharing among the children must be either whole fruits or commercially prepared packaged
   food in factory-sealed containers. Menus for snack are posted outside the child’s classroom.

   BIRTHDAY SNACKS - Please check with classroom teachers regarding your child’s birthday snack treats.

UNACCEPTABLE SNACKS: cupcakes, cookies, donuts or donut holes, candy or hard candy, Rice Krispie treats, fruit roll-ups
and any high sugar/fat snack OR any unsafe food snack for the appropriate age group.
Prince of Peace Preschool
                                    October 2018
      Sunday                 Monday                     Tuesday              Wednesday                Thursday            Friday        Saturday
                      1                           2                      3                       4                   5             6

                            Tuition Due
                           (3rd Payment)

                          12:30pm Staff Meeting
7                     8                           9                      10                      11                  12            13

                      12:30pm Staff Meeting

Jeanette’s Birthday

14                    15                          16                     17                      18                  19            20
                            CARE/SHARE                   CARE/SHARE            CARE/SHARE          CARE/SHARE NO
                            NO CLASS for                 NO CLASS for        NO CLASS for MWF,      CLASS for TTH
                                                        TTH, Pre-K AM,       Pre-K PM, & TWTH       MMO in session
                           MWF & Pre-K AM
                                                      Pre-K PM, & TWTH
                           MMO in session                                     MMO in session
                            LATE FEES ADDEDTO     MMO in
21                    22                          23                     24                      25                  26            27

                          12:30pm Staff Meeting

28                    29                          30                     31
         POP                                                                 Costume Parade
     Trunk or Treat                                   Costume Parade         MWF & Pre-K AM
                                                           T-TH                 11:00AM
    4:00pm - 6:OOpm
                                                         11:00AM               Pre-K PM &
Karla’s Birthday                                                              TWTH 1:00PM
                      1pm POPP Board Meeting
FUNDRAISERS                                                     IMMUNIZATIONS
Fundraisers sponsored by the Preschool are held two to
three times a year. Funds raised are used to purchase         AGE                           Vaccinations
equipment and for fees associated with staff in-service.                           (ACIP/AAP recommendation 2012)
Ten percent of the funds are committed back to the church
in appreciation for the sponsorship of the preschool as a     Birth           HBV
mission outreach to the community. Families are               2 mo.           HBV,DTP,IPV,HIB, PCV7, RV
encouraged to participate in the fundraising events but are   4 mo.           DTP,IPV,HIB, PCV7, RV
under no obligation.                                          6 mo.           HBV,DTP,IPV,HIB, PCV7, RV
                                                              12-18 mo.       DTP,MMR,HIB, VAR, PCV7, HEP A (2)
FIREFLY BOOK ORDERS - Each month a newsletter will            4-6 yrs.        DTP,IPV,MMR, VAR
go home with your child offering a variety of books,          14-16 yrs.      TD (every 10 years throughout life)
cassettes and other age-appropriate learning materials,
which you may order. There is no obligation to buy, but       6 months &      Influenza (recommended yearly)
our preschool does benefit by earning bonus books free of     older
charge that we feel enrich our classrooms.

BAKE SALE - We will have a fund raiser bake sale at           HBV          Hepatitis B. Vaccine
each of the church worship services. This is an               DTP          Diphtheria, Tetanus & Pertussis
opportunity to show off your wonderful baking skills          IPV          Polio Vaccine
along with your children. The congregation invites you        HIB          Hemophilus Influenza type B
to attend worship services with them any time, but this       MMR          Measles, Mumps & Rubella
is a wonderful opportunity.                                   TD           Tetanus & Diphtheria
                                                              VAR          Varicella (Chicken Pox)
CARNIVAL/AUCTION - This is perhaps our biggest and            PCV7         Pneumococcal conjugate
most exciting fund raiser for the children. We encourage      HEP A        Hepatitis A Vaccine
families and friends to join us for this fun event. There     RV           Rotavirus
are plenty of opportunities to participate to make it a
huge success.
Prince of Peace Preschool
                             November 2018
     Sunday         Monday                  Tuesday        Wednesday          Thursday                  Friday             Saturday
                                                                       1                        2                     3

                                                                              Tuition Due
                                                                             (4th Payment)
4              5                       6              7                8                        9                     10

               12:30pm Staff Meeting

11             12                      13             14               15                       16                    17

                                                                           LATE FEES ADDED TO
               12:30pm Staff Meeting                                             TUITION
                                                                                                    5:30PM - 8:00PM
18             19                      20             21               22                       23                    24

                                                      No Class                                   No Class
               12:30pm Staff Meeting

25             26                      27             28               29                       30

              1pm POPP Board Meeting
ENROLLMENT                                           After the 15th, a notice of delinquency in payment will be
                                                                        issued. Your child will be withdrawn from the program if
                                                                        the delinquent payment has not been received prior to the
All students of any race, religion, color, national origin, ancestry,
physical handicap, or sex to all the rights, privileges, programs,
                                                                        last day of the current month due.
and activities generally accorded or made available to students at
the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion,    CREDIT FOR ABSENCES - Due to budgetary constraints,
color, national origin, ancestry, physical handicap, or sex in          we cannot give credit for absences.
administration of its educational policies and admissions policies.
                                                                        LEAVING OUR ENROLLMENT - In order to avoid
Enrollment for upcoming Fall classes begins in early spring.            tuition charges for a given month, written notification of
                                                                        your intent to withdraw must have been received by the
ENROLLMENT FORMS - Health and immunization forms and                    preschool office prior to the date that tuition became
emergency care release forms required by our Prince of Peace Pre-       payable for that month. (For example, payment #8 will
school Board and the State licensing agency must be completed and
                                                                        not become payable if the office receives such notification
returned to the Preschool office before your child may attend
                                                                        on or before February 1st.)

       Medical form - must be completed                                 PLAYING OUTSIDE - When a class goes outside to play all
       Emergency Medical Release form - must be completed               the children must participate. We will be going outside
       yearly                                                           when the temperature is 25 degrees Fahrenheit or higher.
       Family, Behavioral and Social History form - must be             We will not take the children outside on especially windy
       completed yearly.                                                days. Please send your child to school with coats, gloves,
                                                                        hats, boots (if there is snow on the ground), so they will be
NON-REFUNDABLE REGISTRATION FEE - Paid at the time of                   dressed warm enough for outside play.
enrollment. This along with the first tuition payment insures your
child a place in the preschool.
                                                                            GUIDANCE AND DISCIPLINE
TUITION – Payments are due the first of every month. Payment is         All that we expect of the child is that they come to school,
expected for the entire 9 months of the school year. Monthly
                                                                        be themselves, and have respect for others. Children learn
statements will be placed in your child’s chat line. Tuition is paid
                                                                        in our program that they are free to make choices and
in nine equal payments and the first tuition is due when you
register unless other arrangements have been made with                  express their feelings, as long as they stay within the limits
Director. The September tuition payment and Registration Fee            of consideration for people and things.
payment will ensure a place for your child in the Preschool. Late
start enrollees will be required to pay the registration fee and        We will offer immediate attention in the form of consistent
the first month’s tuition which are non-refundable.                     guidelines and positive problem-solving in redirecting any
                                                                        behaviors that are harmful to people or materials. Corporal
Tuition is due one month in advance for the reminder of the             punishment of any sort is never used.
Preschool year. For example, the December tuition will be due on or
before November 1st. Payments are late after the 10th of each month
and a $25.00 late charge is added on the 15th.
Prince of Peace Preschool
                         December 2018
     Sunday        Monday             Tuesday        Wednesday            Thursday                Friday              Saturday


2             3                  4              5                    6                      7                    8
               Board Christmas
                  Tuition Due
                 (5th Payment)
9             10                 11             12                   13                     14                   15

                                                                                            LATE FEES ADDED TO

16            17                 18             19                   20                     21                   22
                                                Christmas Sing Along Christmas Sing Along       CHRISTMAS
                                                       MWF             TTH, Pre-K AM
                                                      11:00AM            11:00AM                  BREAK
                                                                      TWTH & Pre-K PM
                                                                            3:00PM                BEGINS
23            24                 25             26                   27                     28                   29

30            31


Monday, January 21 at 9:15 a.m.                                      KOOL AIDE PLAY DOUGH
Tuesday, January 22 at 9:15 a.m.                                 1 cup flour
Wednesday, January 23 at 9:15 a.m. and 1:15p.m.                  1/2 cup salt
                                                                 2 tsp cream of tartar
An envelope will be sent home with your child prior to picture   1 envelope koolaide
day. Please return envelope with your check enclosed to your     1 cup boiling water
child’s classroom teacher.                                       1 Tbsp oil
 On the day your child’s picture is taken, teachers will         Combine dry ingredients, stir in liquids and mix all
    give your envelopes to the photographer.                                           together
 When the group picture is taken, all group members will
    be included but only members who have paid will receive
    a picture.

SIBLINGS, are welcome to come and have their picture taken,

                  RESOLVE TO BE TENDER                           1 5/8 cups
                    WITH THE YOUNG,                              flour 2 Tbsp
                    COMPPASSIONATE                               Alum
                                                                 2 Tbsp Oil
                     WITH THE AGED,
                      SYMPATHETIC                                BOIL:
                    WITH THE STRIVING,                           1 1/2 cups water
                      AND TOLERANT                               1/2 cup salt
                WITH THE WEAK AND WRONG...                       Food coloring (your choice of
                                                                 color) Flavoring (for smell)
             YOU WILL HAVE BEEN ALL OF THESE                     COMBINE AND STIR:
                                                                 Knead with wooden spoon until cool enough to knead
                                                                 with hands. Store in air-tight container or zip-lock bag.
January 2019
     Sunday         Monday                  Tuesday             Wednesday            Thursday        Friday        Saturday
                                       1                    2                   3               4             5

6             7                        8                    9                   10              11            12
              School Resumes
                   Tuition Due
                   (6th Payment)
                                       Cindy’s Birthday
               12:30pm Staff Meeting
13            14                     15                     16                  17              18            19

                  SCHOOL               LATE FEES ADDED TO
20            21                       22                   23                  24              25            26

                  Picture Day          Picture Day              Picture Day
                   MMO 9:15AM          T-TH AM, MMOT-TH         MWF, MMO-WF,
                                           Pre-K AM             Pre-K PM TWTH
               12:30pm Staff Meeting
27            28                     29                     30                  31

              1pm POPP Board Meeting
COMMUNICATION                                                GENERAL INFORMATION
From school to home - You can expect church newsletters,
monthly fliers, notes about the classroom, phone calls to you,       CHILDREN'S RECORDS - All children's records are
conferences with your teacher initiated by you or the teacher,       confidential and will not be discussed with any unauthorized
invitations to classroom events and school events, invitation        person. Parents may give written permission for others to
to participate in the classroom, and, best of all, a warm            have access to their child’s information in the file. Every
reception from the staff toward your child and you. We               parent can request to see their child's records and reports by
believe a quality program is an outgrowth of effective               contacting the Director of the Preschool.
communication       between     the    school    and    home.
Communication between staff and families should convey               VISITATION IN CLASSROOM - Classroom visits from parents
trust and respect. All conversations will be kept confidential.      are always welcome! Please notify us when you plan to come.
                                                                     Because of licensing requirements we are limited in the
From home to school - Equally important is the parent's role         number of children in each classroom. We regret that children
in keeping us informed of happenings at home or of questions         not enrolled in our program cannot visit during class times.
you have about your child and our program. We want to hear
from you about disrupted sleep patterns, changes in routine,
business trips, deaths, births, marital discord and job changes.
                                                                           SCHOOL CANCELLATION
These events affect your child and may show up in the
classroom. Our door is always open to parents for comments,          Regarding bad weather, follow Auburn-Washburn Rural
questions or a special conference regarding your child and our       School District #437 decisions (unless you are notified
program. In the unlikely event you experience communication          differently by the school staff.)
difficulties with a staff person there is a procedure set out that
can be followed. Contact the director for a copy of that             We are licensed to handle a certain number of children per
procedure.                                                           day, distributed among the classrooms in specific numbers.
                                                                     Therefore, we cannot automatically grant opportunities to
EVALUATION - We administer child evaluations and                     make up days lost as a result of absences or weather
program evaluations that are used primarily to determine             conditions.
the effectiveness of our curriculum, teaching methods, and
assessing the developmental level of the child. The                  VOLUNTEERS – There are plenty of opportunities to become
evaluation results will be shared with you at conferences or         involved in your child’s school. Look for information coming
at your request.                                                     home, notes on the communication boards or speak with your
                                                                     classroom teacher.
The staff observe children daily using the High/Scope Child
Observation Record (COR). This instrument measures each              PARENT LIBRARY - Books are available for check out on such
child’s growth and development. We assume the responsibility         topics as childhood behavior/development, school readiness,
of keeping you appraised of your child’s progress. Information       positive discipline, parenting tips and grief.
will be shared at parent-teacher conferences or at your
Prince of Peace Preschool
                           February 2019
     Sunday           Monday                   Tuesday           Wednesday           Thursday             Friday             Saturday
                                                                                                   1                    2

                                                                                                         Tuition Due
                                                                                                        (7th Payment)
3                4                        5                  6                  7                  8                    9

                 12:30pm Staff Meeting
10               11                       12                 13                 14                 15                   16
     Bake Sale                                                                                     Patty’s Birthday
                                                                  Valentine’s        Valentine’s
        &                                                          Parties            Parties      LATE FEES ADDED TO
       Sing      12:30pm Staff Meeting                                                                   TUITION

17               18                       19                 20                 21                 22                   23
                 NO SCHOOL

                                          T-TH Conferences                      T-TH Conferences

                      Preschool Conferences
24               25                       26                 27                 28

                        MWF                    Pre-K AM              MWF
                      Pre-K AM                 Pre-K PM            Pre-K PM
                                                TWTH                TWTH
                 1pm POPP Board Meeting
Play Today?
You say you love your children,                   TODDLER’S CREED
And are concerned they learn today?
So am I-that’s why I’m providing                           If I want
A variety of kinds of play.                                   it, It’s
You’re asking me the value                       If I give it to you and change
Of blocks and other such play/                       my mind later, it’s mine.
Your children are solving problems.
They will use that skill everyday.              If I can take it away from you,
                                                            It’s mine.
You’re asking what’s the value                  If it’s mine, it will never belong to
Of having your children play?                       anybody else, no matter what.
Your daughter’s creating a tower;
She may be a builder someday.                     If we are building something
                                                 together, all the pieces are mine.
You’re saying you don’t want your son                   If it looks just like
To play in that “sissy” way?                              mine, it is mine!
He’s learning to cuddle a doll;
He may be a father someday.

You’re questioning the interest centers;
They just look like useless play?
Your children are making choices;
They’ll be on their own someday.

You’re worried your children aren’t learning;
And later they’ll have to pay?
They’re learning a pattern for learning;
For they’ll be learners always.
Prince of Peace Preschool
                               March 2019
     Sunday             Monday                   Tuesday       Wednesday        Thursday          Friday             Saturday
                                                                                           1                    2

                                                                                                 Tuition Due
                                                                                                (8th Payment)
3                  4                        5              6               7               8                    9

                   Enrollment Begins

                    12:30pm Staff Meeting
10                 11                     12               13              14              15                   16

                   12:30pm Staff Meeting                                                   LATE FEES ADDED TO
17                 18                       19             20              21              22                   23

24                 25                       26             27              28              29                   30

                   1pm POPP Board Meeting
      MOTHER’S MORNING OUT                                     BIRTHDAYS/CELEBRATIONS - Birthdays are special to the
                                                               child and the Preschool. We celebrate birthdays during
                                                               snack time. If your family wishes to include the Preschool in
ARRIVAL - Parents should bring their child to Room 1 at        celebrating your child's birthday, please notify the teacher
9:00 a.m.                                                      ahead of time to make arrangements. For a child with a
                                                               summer birthday, arrangements can be made for a half-year
GREETING - Time is allowed for warmly greeting the             birthday celebration.
child and the parents. The children’s personal needs are
attended to and then they are helped to find an activity to    CLOTHING - Mother's Morning Out children will bring a
participate in.                                                change of clothing each day they attend. Think of your child's
                                                               comfort. Simple clothing that will hold up during active play on
INDOOR ACTIVITY TIME - Children choose how they will           the floor, inside and outside, and during gluing, painting and
spend their time. The materials available encourage            cooking activities is advised. Dress for the weather because
exploring actively with their senses. Books, games and music   outside play will be a part of our day during cold and hot
are available throughout the morning.                          weather. Be sure to have all clothes labeled with the child's
                                                               name. The school is not responsible for lost or damaged
SNACK TIME - We serve a snack usually of juice and             clothing.
                                                               PERSONAL POSSESSIONS - On occasion, comfort items
ACTIVITY TIME - Includes large motor activity inside or        from home are needed to help ease the child's transition
outside.                                                       from home to preschool. This is acceptable. However, the
                                                               child will be asked to leave the object in their cubby so that
DEPARTURE - Parents should arrive at 11:30 a.m. to pick        they can become involved in the classroom activities. The
up their child.                                                Preschool is not responsible for any lost or broken personal

                                                               PARENT - TEACHER CONFERENCES - are scheduled for
                                                               parents, notification of conference dates and times will be
                                                               sent home. Parents are encouraged to contact their child's
                                                               Mother’s Morning Out teacher when they have a question or
                                                               insight to address. The Mother’s Morning Out teachers at
                                                               Prince of Peace are always willing to confer with you about
                                                               your child.
Prince of Peace Preschool
                            April 2019
     Sunday        Monday                   Tuesday       Wednesday        Thursday         Friday             Saturday
              1                        2              3               4               5                   6
                    Tuition Due
                   (9th Payment)

               Malori’s Birthday

               12:30pm Staff Meeting
7             8                      9                10              11              12                  13

                                                                                                               POP Egg Hunt

              12:30pm Staff Meeting

14            15                       16             17              18              19                  20

              LATE FEES ADDED TO
                                                                                            Good Friday
                                                                                            NO SCHOOL
               12:30pm Staff Meeting                                                      CHURCH CLOSED
21            22                     23               24              25              26                  27

                  NO SCHOOL
               CHURCH CLOSED
28            29                       30

              1pm POPP Board Meeting
BIRTHDAYS/CELEBRATIONS - Birthdays are special to the
 DAILY ROUTINE PRESCHOOL                                    child and the Preschool. We celebrate birthdays during snack
                                                            time. If your family wishes to include the Preschool in
                                                            celebrating your child's birthday, please notify the teacher
PLANNING TIME - Children decide for themselves what
                                                            ahead of time to make arrangements. For a child with a
they’re going to do during work time. They indicate their
                                                            summer birthday, arrangements can be made for a half-year
plans to the adults, who help them think through and
                                                            birthday celebration.
elaborate their ideas and also record the plans for them
and help them get started.                                  CLOTHING - Think of your child's comfort. Simple clothing that
                                                            will hold up during active play on the floor, inside and outside,
WORK TIME/CLEAN UP - Children carry out their plan          and during gluing, painting and cooking activities is advised.
with the support of the teacher. Children who complete      Dress for the weather because outside play will be a part of our
their initial plan make and work on another. They sort,     day during cold and hot weather. Be sure to have all clothes
order and put away materials they’ve used as they finish    labeled with the child's name. The school is not responsible for
their plan.                                                 lost or damaged clothing.

RECALL, SMALL GROUP, SNACK TIME - Children                  PRESCHOOL FIELD TRIPS - Field trips are an important part
recall what they did during work time. Small group          of learning in the Hi-Scope curriculum. Teachers plan field
activities are teacher planned so that new materials can    trips according to the interests of the children in each
be introduced and emerging skills can be supported.         individual preschool classroom. Though we try, the staff may
                                                            not always be able to give too much advance notice. We will
SNACK - We serve a snack usually of juice and crackers.     notify parents as soon as possible. A signed permission form
Occasionally your child will have the opportunity to cook   will be required before your child can participate.
or otherwise prepare special food at school for a snack.    Because of safety factors and the importance of adequate
Children sing a snack prayer and also may choose to pray    supervision, parents may be asked occasionally to accompany
spontaneously.                                              us. We encourage you to join us whenever possible.

                                                            PERSONAL POSSESSIONS - On occasion, comfort items
ACTIVITY TIME - Includes large motor activity inside or
                                                            from home are needed to help ease the child's transition from
                                                            home to preschool. This is acceptable. However, the child will
                                                            be asked to leave the object in their cubby so that they can
CIRCLE TIME - Children experience activities of music,
                                                            become involved in the classroom activities. The Preschool is
games and dramatics with the whole class and review         not responsible for any lost or broken personal property.
what has happened during the day before going home.
                                                            PARENT - TEACHER CONFERENCES - are scheduled for
                                                            parents, notification of conference dates and times will be sent
                                                            home. Parents are encouraged to contact their child's
                                                            Preschool teacher when they have a question or insight to
                                                            address. The Preschool teachers at Prince of Peace are always
                                                            willing to confer with you about your child.
Prince of Peace Preschool
                             May 2019
     Sunday         Monday                 Tuesday           Wednesday            Thursday               Friday               Saturday
                                                         1                   2                   3                       4

                                                              ALL TUITION
5             6                       7                  8                   9                   10                      11

12            13                      14                 15                 16                   17                      18
                                       Last Day of Class  Last Day of Class
                  Last Day of Class       MMO-TTH            MMO-WF           Teacher Work Day        Teacher Work Day
                   MMO-Monday                TTH,         Pre-K AM & MWF         8:30am-4pm            8:30am-12:00pm
                                      Pre-K PM & TWTH      Teacher Work Day
19            20                      21                 22                  23                  24                      25

26            27                      28                 29                  30                  31

                                      Summer School
                                           Session 1                                                    Charlotte’s
        When we adults think of children, there is a simple truth
which we ignore: childhood is not preparation for life,
childhood is life. A child isn’t getting ready to live, a child is
living.                                                                  HOW DO I LEARN JUST WHO I AM?
                                                                                      By Ruth Reardon
      The child is constantly confronted with the nagging                    I learn from you who I am.
question: “What are you going to be?” Courageous would be                        Within your eyes I see
the youngster who, looking the adult squarely in the face,
would say, “I’m not going to be anything, I already am.”                             reflected me.
                                                                                  Within your voice I hear
      We adults would be shocked by such an insolent remark,                         how you see me.
for we have forgotten, if indeed we ever knew, that a child is              You are the mirror that I look into
an active participating and contributing member of society
from the time of birth.
                                                                              and mold the image of myself.
                                                                            I sense the way you hold me,
       Childhood isn’t a time when (one) is molded into a                        and from your touch
human who will then live life; (a child) is a human who is living               I feel my form, my shape.
life. No child will miss the zest and joy of living unless these are adults who have convinced themselves that
childhood is a period of preparation.                                             And if I like what I see in
                                                                                         your eyes,
       How much heartache we would save ourselves if we                                   your voice
would recognize the child as a partner with adults in the
process of living, rather than always viewing him as an
                                                                                           your touch --
apprentice. How much we could teach each other; adults with                 My heart responds and reaches out,
the experience and children with the freshness. How full both              Then in its reaching, grows and grows,
our lives could be.                                                                    until I see myself
      Little children may not lead us, but at least we ought to
                                                                                        as separate.
discuss the trip with them; for, after all, life is their journey too.        That separate self--in turn--
                                                                                     can love you back.
                                     Ginger Luke                                 Because you taught me
                                                                                           who I am,
                                                                                        and I am loved.
Prince of Peace Preschool
                                 June 2019
     Sunday             Monday        Tuesday    Wednesday        Thursday        Friday        Saturday

2                  3             4               5           6               7             8

                                 Summer School
                                   Session 1

9                  10            11              12          13              14            15

                                 Summer School
                                   Session 1

16                 17            18              19          20              21            22

                                 Summer School
                                   Session 2

23                 24            25              26          27              28            29

                                 Summer School
                                   Session 2

Dr. Gilabert Beers (featured speaker at the National
Christian Childcare Conference)

1.    Every day I will commit myself to listen to
      children/my children.

2.    I will commit myself to ask children about their
      day - “Is there something special that
      happened?........ Something bad that happened?

3.    Each day I will commit myself to doing one fun-            SNACK SONG
      filled thing with my children/my child.
                                                              (Tune: Are You Sleeping?)
4.    Each day I will commit myself to affirm children/
      my child.                                                     Jesus loves us,
                                                                   Jesus loves us.
5.    Each day I will affirm a “significant other” in
                                                                   He’s our friend,
      front of children/my child.
                                                                   He’s our friend.
6.    In the presence of the child we will affirm the Lord.     When we play together,
                                                                And we pray together.
7.    I will tell my child I love you every day.                     He’s with us,
                                                                     He’s with us.
8.    Each day I will commit myself to make one truth
      from the Bible in my child’s life.
9.    I will commit myself to pray for a child by name
      each day.                                                   God we thank you
                                                                  God we thank you
10.   I will help the child in my care feel the warmth of           For our food
      my presence.
                                                                    For our food
                                                                 That we are sharing
                                                                 That we are sharing
                                                                   Thank you God
                                                                   Thank you God.
Prince of Peace Preschool
                             July 2019
     Sunday        Monday         Tuesday    Wednesday           Thursday        Friday         Saturday
              1              2               3              4               5              6

                             Summer School   Last Day of
                               Session 2   Summer School

7             8              9               10             11              12             13

14            15             16              17             18              19             20

21            22             23              24             25              26             27

                   POP VBS        POP VBS         POP VBS         POP VBS        POP VBS

28            29             30             31
     A question like “What color is that block?” evokes a one
-word answer. But an open-ended question, “Tell me about
the blocks you are using,” encourages a child to describe
the blocks or explain what she is doing. There is no right
or wrong answer here.
     An answer to an open-ended question gives us a
window into what the child is thinking and feeling. And
the response is sometimes wonderfully creative. In
                                                                            WHAT DID YOU DO AT
explaining or describing, children also use language more                    SCHOOL TODAY?
fully.                                                               It is difficult for young children to recall and describe what
In our program, we try to think of good questions to ask        they did during the program day. Children are active and busy
children. You might hear one of us say to a child,              for the entire time, but they sometimes lack the words to tell
Tell me about your picture.                                     others about their activities--or by the time you pick them up, they
    What else can you do with the playdough?                   have moved on to other things.
    What could you use to make the tower stand up?                  Parents, of course, want to know about their child’s day.
    What do you think would happen if?                         Here are a few ideas to keep in mind when asking your child
    Is there another way to?                                   about his or her activities.
                                                                 Keep informed of the class’s planned events so you can ask
It is difficult to change the closed-end question habit. But        specific questions. For example, “Did you get to go on the
when we ask open-ended questions, children reap great               nature walk today, or was it too rainy?”
benefits as they think through their responses to express        With most children, avoid general questions like, “What
what they want to say. And with their answers, we find              happened at school today?”
out more about what they think and feel.                         Avoid questions that produce one-work answers.
                                                                 Ask specific questions such as:

                                                                ---”Whose ‘sharing time’ was it today? Tell me about what he/she
                                                                --- “What did you choose to play with in the classroom today?”
                                                                --- “Tell me about this drawing you brought home.”

                                                                Sometimes telling the child a little something about your own
                                                                day starts the ball rolling. The child may get the idea of sharing
                                                                news and feelings about his or her day.
Prince of Peace Preschool
                          August 2019
     Sunday        Monday        Tuesday           Wednesday        Thursday          Friday                Saturday
                                                               1               2                       3

                                                                                   Lauren’s Birthday
4             5             6                  7               8               9                       10

11            12            13                 14              15              16                      17

18            19            20                 21              22              23                      24

25            26            27                 28              29              30                      31

                            Kayla’s Birthday
Suggested Activities to Help
                                                               Younger Preschoolers (2 ½ years to 3 ½ years)
         Prepare Children to                                    Encourage independence by allowing your child to
          Succeed In School                                       dress herself or pour milk from a small container into
                                                                  her cup.
Before birth                                                    Ask your child to help with simple household chores.
 Get early, regular prenatal care.                             Give limited choices of things to wear or eat so that your
 Avoid smoking, alcohol, and drugs or medications unless         child can choose.
   prescribed by your physician.                                Help your child notice similarities and differences -
 Get plenty of rest and reduce stress.                           “What else is red?” or “That’s a big one; where’s the
                                                                  little one?”
Infancy (Birth to 12 to 15 months)                              Continue to read picture books with more complex
 When your baby cries, quickly pick her up and soothe            stories, sing favorite songs, watch appropriate videos,
   her. It won’t spoil them; it teaches her that her actions      and work simple puzzles with your child.
   make things happen and that adults can be trusted.           Encourage and extend pretend play -- “Let’s have a
 Talk to your baby using simple words and phrases during         tea party; I’ll pour you a cup of tea.”
   caregiving routines and throughout the day.
 Play simple games such as Peekaboo, Five Little Piggies,     Older preschoolers (3 ½ years to 5 years)
   or So Big.                                                   All of the activities as listed above, plus
 Make sure your child gets regular health checkups,            Encourage your child to sort and classify, such as
   including all recommended immunizations.                       pairing the socks as you sort the laundry, spotting all
                                                                  the blue cars on your way to the grocery store, or
Toddlers (12 to 15 to 30 months)                                  sorting pictures cut from old magazines or catalogs.
 Respond to your child’s language by providing words for       Encourage pretend play by providing inexpensive
   objects and actions and extending his one- or two- word        props-empty grocery boxes can be taped shut to
   sentences; for example, when he says, “Outside,” you say       become building blocks; junk mail can be used to play
   “You want to go outside and play.”                             post office.
 Provide a safe and varied environment that encourages         Have your child “write” a letter to mail to a favorite
   your child’s curiosity and exploration indoors and out.        relative and ask that your child be sent a letter in the
 Teach children about their world-point out colors and           mail in return.
   names of objects.                                            Use rhymes and word play to help your child notice
 Provide lots of picture books to read together or alone;        similar sounds, for example, “See you later, alligator; in
   sing songs and fingerplays; play games such as Simon           a while, crocodile.”
   Says or Ring Around the Rosie.
 Give your child opportunities to play with other children.   Note: Each child develops at a different pace, so most
                                                               suggestions overlap age groups. Continue to build on
                                                               earlier suggestions at later ages.
Improving Relationships with Teachers
                                                                          Be respectful of the workplace. Responsible teachers
               TEN TIPS FOR PARENTS                                        keep their eyes on the children while you speak and break
                                                                           away from conversations to manage behavior. If you need
   Allow time for children to say goodbye to you each                     the teacher’s undivided attention on a critical issue, make
    day. Some children need more time than others. Say                     an appointment.
    goodbye, then leave. Sneaking out or returning to your
    child’s tearful side only makes matter worse.                        Take the high road when problems arise. Giving staff the
                                                                           benefit of the doubt sets up the conversation for success
   Have your child “ready to learn” when he or she arrives                rather than distress. It allows teachers to let you know their
    at school. For young children that means that they should              side of the story.
    be clean and fresh in comfortable play clothes. Leave the
    party clothes at home. You’ll know if your children had fun           Treat all staff members with respect. Our school relies
    and learned something if they come home with a little sand             on a variety of staff to support their work, each person
    in their sneakers or glue on their overalls.                          plays a vital role in making your child’s experience a
                                                                           positive one - whether they plan the curriculum, change
   Make it a habit to stop each day and read the notices                  diapers, clean tables, or balance the budget.
    posted or sent home by the teachers. It keeps you
    informed and models how important reading is to your                  Plan for sick days. Like adults, children will get sick 8 to
    child.                                                                10 times a year, whether or not they attend school. Make
                                                                           sure you have updated the school office when work
   Reinforce rules that teach respect for the school                      numbers or emergency contact numbers change. Report
    community. Remind your child to walk (not run) indoors,                contagious illnesses, and never mask symptoms with
    flush the toilet after use, and clean up toys and papers               medication. Honor our school’s health rules.
    before leaving the school. Teachers will remind your child
    if this rule isn’t being followed, it’s important to all of us.

   Affirmation of staff is important. Telling us, writing
    notes, or phone calls that you appreciate us, is important
    and make for good feedback on how we are doing.

   Learn the names of your child’s teachers. Leave
    enough time to say “hello” and “goodbye” to teachers at
    the arrival and departure times.
Questions Parents Ask!                                                Process and Product
                 (The Power of Play)
       “My child never tells me anything about preschool?”                 As adults, we are concerned with the outcomes or the
“Other preschools do crafts?” “All the children do there is         product of our efforts. We want the report to look nice, the
play?” “When will she/he learn letters, shapes and numbers?”        cookies to taste great, or the hedges to be perfectly straight.
“Will they be ready for kindergarten or first grade?”               We participate in few activities just for the fun of doing them.
       Years of research on children’s learning and                        In part this is because we are not still learning how to
development document the many benefits of play for                  do most of these activities. But do you remember when you
children’s intellectual, social, emotional, physical, and           learned how to play tennis or golf? Or use a new computer
language development. Children at play are actively involved        program? In the beginning you needed to do a certain amount of
in creating themes, exploring and establishing environments,        time for “messing around” -- exploring what happens if you did
solving problems, and developing shared understandings.             this or that.
       Children play in many ways. They play independently,                That is the way it is with your child. Kids are learning
sometimes near each other but with each child engrossed in          new things all the time, and they need the freedom to try
his own activity. They engage in what is called “parallel play,”    things out without worrying about the product.
perhaps using each other’s toys or even talking, but not                   Luckily, young children tend to be more involved with the
coordinating their play. They also play cooperatively,              process or the doing than they are with the end product or
organizing roles and scenarios for group play. As they get          results. That is why your child may draw all afternoon yet still
older, children are capable of more cooperative, coordinated        not be able to tell you what he drew. And why one child can
play. But all kinds of play are valuable.                           pour rice back and forth between pitchers all day long, and
       As kids play with each other, they learn to see other        another will string and unstring beads every day for a week.
children’s points of view and begin to become more empathetic              It is hard for us adults to look beyond the product of an
and caring. They come to understand customs and rules in their      activity and see what the child is learning from the process.
own culture and to appreciate those of others. They learn to use    Perhaps he’s learning coordination or beginning writing skills
language in new ways to describe their play and to interact with    or making discoveries about triangles or gravity. He’s certain-
others. And in play, children develop their muscles and             ly finding out that doing for one’s self is very satisfying--that
coordination.                                                       builds confidence.
       Adults support children’s play by providing space,                  Be patient. Allow your child the time to grow and learn
opportunity, and materials. We set up areas where kids can          through the various process that are part of the task. Enjoy
play without fear of damaging furniture or injuring                 watching his or her involvement. Later, we all can be proud of
themselves. We make sure that they have the time to choose          the product.
and to become engaged in their own play activities. And when
we provide them with simple, interesting materials - no
newfangled, ex- pensive gadgets required - kids take it from
       Play is fun. But it also is serious business that pays big
dividends to its eager, young investors.
To be your children’s
memories tomorrow, you
must be in their lives
You can also read