Handbook 2020/21 - Scottish Borders Council

Page created by Javier King
Handbook 2020/21 - Scottish Borders Council
Handbook 2020/21 - Scottish Borders Council
2 | St Margaret’s RC Primary School | Handbook 2018/19
Handbook 2020/21 - Scottish Borders Council
Letter from the Head Teacher                4                                                    20
Michelle Strong, Chief Education Officer    5                                                    20
School information                          5                                                    20
Staff                                       6                                                    21
Contacting the school                       6                                                    22
School Vision, Values and Aims              7                                                    22
Partnership working                         7                                                    22
Learning & Teaching
Entitlements                                8
How does curriculum for                                                                          24
excellence work?                             8                                                   24
The curriculum                               9
Physical education                          10        Absence or other change in circumstance 24
Active schools                              10        Holiday Absences                        25
Religious observance                        10
Home learning                               10
                                                      Medical Care
                                                      Medical examinations                       26
The wider curriculum                        11
                                                      Medicines                                  26
Assessment                                  11
                                                      Communicable diseases                      27
Summative assessment                        11
Formative assessment                        11        Policies & Procedures
Reporting                                   13        School Improvement Plan & Priorities       28
Parental consultations                      13        Health and Safety                          28
Learning journeys                           13        Emergency closure of the school
Feedback                                    13        / adverse weather                          28
                                                      Security                                   30
Support for Leaarning                                 Use of the internet                        31
Support for Learning                        14
                                                      Images of pupils                           31
The Educational Psychology Service          15
                                                      Policies                                   31
Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC)   16
Promoting positive behaviour                17        Child Protection
Closing the attainment gap                  17        Keeping our children and young
Home school link worker service             17        people safe in the Scottish Borders        32
Partnership with Parents                              Young Carers                               33
Parent Council                              18
Communicating with home                     19
                                                      Data Protection                            34

                                                 Handbook 2020/21 | St Margaret’s RC Primary School | 3
Handbook 2020/21 - Scottish Borders Council
                             Welcome to St Margaret’s RC primary School and to
                             what I hope will be a long and happy association with
                             your family, the aim of our handbook is to provide you
                             with as much information as possible, but please do

                             are looking for.
                                Our school is a denominational school open to all.
                             The school is situated in the middle of the Borders town
                           of Galashiels. We currently have three classes and a new
      nursery, which opened in August 2018.
          Our small numbers provide us with the opportunity to deliver a wide and
      varied Curriculum within a family setting. As a Rights Respecting School we
      pride ourselves in developing excellent relationships with both pupils and
      parents, and view parents as key partners in our children’s education. As an
      integral part of the Community, we endeavour to extend our children’s
      horizons beyond this, to be the more immediate and wider Communities
      including Global Citizenship.
          St Margaret’s Primary is partnered with St Joseph’s RC Primary School in
      Selkirk. The two schools have a shared Manager for Learning (Head teacher)
      and a Principal Teacher who work across both schools. Good interschool
      relationships have been built up between the two schools. Staff and pupils
      also have opportunities to work and share learning experiences within their
      own localities.
           We look forward to welcoming you to our school.

                                          Yours sincerely,

                                      Moira Robertson
                                      Manager of Learning
       School roll numbers
       Main School 67 ELC 22

4 | St Margaret’s RC Primary School | Handbook 2020/21
Handbook 2020/21 - Scottish Borders Council
School Information
Letter from                       St Margaret’s RC
the Head of                       Primary School
                                  Livingstone Place
Education                         Galashiels
                                  TD1 1DQ
             Dear Parent
             / Carer,
             At Scottish
             Borders Council      T: 01896 752096
             we recognise         E: StMargaretsGala@scotborders.gov.uk
             that every child
is unique and has individual
                                  FB: @stmargaretsrcprimaryschool
dreams, abilities, talents and        Galashiels
needs. The Children & Young
                                  Please Note: In the first instance, Parents wishing to
People’s Service supports
                                  contact the School should do so either in person or by
schools to ensure children’s      telephone. Although there is a school electronic
needs are met, ambitions are      mailbox/answer machine, these are not always manned
realised, and that every child    and therefore there is no guarantee that urgent items
reaches their full potential.     will be picked up/passed on timeously.
Schools are committed to
providing the very best start
by providing a high quality
and nurturing experience for
                                  HEAD TEACHER: Mrs Moira Robertson
your child to thrive in. We are   SCHOOL ROLL:              67
keen to work in partnership
with you as research tells us
                                  SCHOOL DAY TIMES
that when parents/carers          Mon - Thurs:              08.45 - 10.30
are involved in their child’s                               MORNING INTERVAL
education the child will do
                                                            10.45- 12.15
better. We hope this school
handbook informs parents,                                   LUNCH
not just about how the                                      13.00 - 15.15
school works, but also about      Fri:		                    08.45 - 10.45
how you can help us help
                                                            MORNING INTERVAL
your children to succeed in
school and life.                                            11.15 - 12.15

Yours sincerely
Michelle Strong

                                           Handbook 2020/21 | St Margaret’s RC Primary School | 5
Handbook 2020/21 - Scottish Borders Council
Manager for Learning          RRICT Cover                           Music CST
(Headteacher)                 Vacancy                               Sally Anne Scott
Moira Robertson               Support for Learning Teacher (Tues)   Primary School Administrator
Principal Teacher across      Jane Simmons                          Pernilla Nordenfors
                              Senior Early Years Officer            Additional Needs Assistants
both schools
                              Jackie Thorburn                       Ola Hasanto/Susan Thomson
Nicola McLeod
                              Early Years Officer                   Classroom Assistant
Class Teachers                Vacancy                               Eileen Webster
                              Early Years Practitioner              Pupil Equity Fund ANA
P1-3 Gemma Watson             Edyta Moriss                          Ola Hasanto
P4-6 Mrs McLeod               Early Years Practitioner              Playground Supervisors
                              Eileen Webster                        Ola Hasanto/Eileen Webster
P6-7 Gemma Laing                                                    Janitor
                              Early Years Practitioner
Principal Teacher Cover       Vacancy                               Raymond Hume
Rachel McCarter               Early Years Practitioner              Catering
Early Learning and            Vacancy                               Angela Lamont
Childcare Management          P.E. CST (Fri am)                     Cleaning
time Cover                    Jorge Garcia                          Ann McLauchlan/Linda Gillie
Vacancy                       ART CST                               Parish Priest
                              Janey Lowthian                        Fr Nick Welsh

CONTACTING THE SCHOOL                               Mrs Robertson is the non-teaching Headteacher
If you have any queries or concerns please do       of the 2 schools and along with the children, staff
not hesitate to get in touch with us. If you feel   and parents, works to maximise the learning
an appointment with a teacher or head
teacher is required please telephone the            Partnership working has a number of distinct
school office and a mutually convenient time        advantages, including:
will be arranged.                                    • Ensuring consistency of standards in
We communicate with parents in a number of             learning and teaching
ways:                                                • Providing children with access to wider
•   Daily homework diaries                             learning experiences
•   Text messages / telephone calls                  • Increasing the opportunities to develop staff
•   Newsletters                                        expertise and the sharing of good practice
•   Learning Journeys / reports and                  • Maximising resources to the benefit of all
    parental consultations
                                                     Clearly, as a Partner Head teacher, there will be
In our efforts to be more eco friendly we are        times when Mrs Robertson is not on the premises
trying to send information home electronically       of St Margaret’s RC Primary. On these occasions
where possible. Parents are asked to provide an      the Principal Teacher Mrs McLeod will have
email address when enrolling their child.            responsibility for the school.

St Margaret’s RC Primary works in partnership
with ST Joseph’s RC primary school in Selkirk.

6 | St Margaret’s RC Primary School | Handbook 2020/21
Handbook 2020/21 - Scottish Borders Council
                                      School, parish, partners and parents





         Everyone                            LEARNERS                        Challenging
     learning together                                                       Motivating
Children, staff and parents                  RESILIENT

    St Margaret’s - An inclusive and nurturing community where we are all inspired to achieve
                            and learn to believe in our unique abilities

              Respect                      Responsibility                    Kindness

                        Ready for Learning             Christian Values

•      Encourage an ethos of respect and equity and to value diversity across our whole school
•      Promote, develop and celebrate our Catholic Faith and its culture throughout our
       school community
•      Provide a safe nurturing, inclusive environment which is free from bias
•      Aim high and raise attainment and achievement by working in partnership with
       pupils, staff, families and our community partners for the benefit of all learners
•      Deliver an aspirational, challenging, creative curriculum, that encourages all our
       learners to develop the skills to be flexible, independent, resilient and successful
       lifelong learners in our changing world
•      Offer opportunities through active and outdoor learning to build confidence, develop
       risk awareness, teamwork and self-management skills
•      Be highly-responsive to the circumstances of all our children and take positive and
       proactive steps to ensure that potential is achieved and barriers to learning are minimised

                              Achieving Excellence Together

                      We are a Unicef UK Rights Respecting School, where children’s rights
                      are learned, taught, practised, respected, protected and promoted.

                                                Handbook 2020/21 | St Margaret’s RC Primary School | 7
Handbook 2020/21 - Scottish Borders Council
Xxxxxxxx & Teaching
At St Margaret’s RC PS, we foster an
environment where our pupils become
active participants in their learning.
Education should not be passive but an
exciting, fun and challenging time in
a child’s life. We aim to give children a
breadth of experiences and a hunger for
knowledge, equipping our young people
with skills they will take to the world of
work and life. A Curriculum for Excellence,
published in 2004 following the National
Debate on Education in Scotland, sets
out values, purposes and principles to                   effectively for learning, work and life.
enable children and young people to                  •   All learners are entitled to experience
reach their full potential. At St Maragret’s             learning and teaching that supports
we have fully embraced the guidance in                   them in becoming literate, numerate
these documents to improve the quality                   and healthy.
of learning and teaching as well as                  •   All learners are entitled to experience
increasing attainment and achievement                    learning and teaching that
for all children, including those who need               promotes equal opportunity and
additional support in their learning.                    non-discrimination based on social
                                                         circumstances, gender, race, religion,
Entitlements                                             cultural beliefs, disability or sexual
•      All learners are entitled to experience           orientation.
       the highest possible quality of learning      •   All learners are entitled to
          and teaching that prepares them                opportunities and encouragement to

         How does Curriculum for Excellence work?
    The ‘learner journey’ will be joined up       •       Teachers will make connections
    from 3-18 to avoid gaps and overlaps                  between subjects, helping children
    in learning and to make the most of                   make sense of the world.
    achievements outside school.                  •       Children will develop an understanding
    • Learners will work at a pace that suits,            of how to learn and how to use their
         with enough challenge and support to             learning, not just memorise information
         stretch them.                                    to pass tests. This will help them adapt
    • Lessons will be more engaging,                      in an uncertain future with the ability
         inspiring and relevant to everyday life.         to think for themselves, make sound

8 | St Margaret’s RC Primary School | Handbook 2020/21
Handbook 2020/21 - Scottish Borders Council
primary, secondary, at college,
                                                            workplace or community learning.
                                                                It takes a fresh approach to what,
                                                                how and where young people
                                                                learn. It aims to raise standards,
                                                               improve knowledge and develop
                                                        skills, closing the gap between the
                                                    lowest and highest performers. Ultimately
                                                    it aims to nurture young people as
                                                    successful learners, confident individuals,
                                                    effective contributors and responsible
    participate to their maximum potential          citizens.
    and to be consulted and involved in
    decisions affecting their learning.             At St Margarets RC PS we aim to:
•   All children are entitled to become             The purpose of the curriculum is to help
    successful learners, confident                  children and young people to become:
    individuals, effective contributors             • Successful learners
    and responsible citizens through the            • Confident individuals
    values and principles of Curriculum             • Responsible citizens and
    for Excellence.                                 • Effective contributors.

The Curriculum                                      The curriculum puts the child at the
Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) is bringing         centre and describes the experiences and
learning to life in the way education is            outcomes for learning and its progression.
delivered for all 3-18 year olds – in ELCC,         It supports learners in developing their
                                                    values and beliefs and enables them to:
                                                    • Achieve the highest possible levels of
    judgements, challenge, enquire and                    literacy and numeracy and cognitive
    find solutions.                                       skills
•   There is more focus on knowledge and            • Develop skills for life and work
    skills – including vital skills: literacy       • Develop knowledge and understanding
    and numeracy, which underpin all                      of society, the world and Scotland’s
    learning and are critical in life.                    place in it
•   There are changes to assessment and             • Experience challenge and success
    how progress is reported to give learners,      so that they can develop well-informed
    parents and employers better information        views and act responsibly. It will encourage
    on potential and achievement.                   them to adopt an active and healthy

                                                 Handbook 2020/21 | St Margaret’s RC Primary School | 9
Handbook 2020/21 - Scottish Borders Council
Physical Education                                   Religious Observance
•     At St Margaret’s PS a PE specialist            As a denominational school our children
      visits the school weekly to teach all          learn about the beliefs, values, practices
      pupils. Class teachers ensure that a           and traditions of the Roman Catholic
      further hour of PE is taught so every          religion and to develop knowledge and
      child has the expected 2 hours of PE           understanding of Christianity and other
      a week.                                        world religions.
•     Children are expected to wear                       We recognise religion as an important
      appropriate clothing                           expression of human experience.
      (See uniform)                                       We explore and establish values such
•     Primary 5                                         as wisdom, justice, compassion and
      pupils have a                                       integrity and establish values in their
      6 week block                                         moral development.
      of swimming                                              Through our curriculum our
      lessons at                                           children develop their beliefs,
      Galashiels Pool.                                    attitudes, moral values and practices
                                                         through reflection, discovery and critical
                                                      evaluation, and make a positive difference
    ACTIVE SCHOOLS                                   to the world by putting their beliefs and
    Active Schools aims to provide more              values into action.
    and higher quality opportunities to                   Our School Chaplain, Father Welsh,
    take part in sport and physical activity         supports us and guides us in all these
    before school, during lunchtime and              matters. Our interactions with other schools
    after school, and to develop effective           in our town underpin the importance of
    pathways between schools and sports              respecting the traditions of others. Father
    clubs in the local community. For                visits school to say Mass or share in special
    more information on Active Schools in            occasions as well as providing a guiding role
    your area visit                                  to teachers as they prepare the children
    www.liveborders.org.uk/active_schools            for the Sacraments of Reconciliation,
                                                     Confirmation and Holy Communion.

                                                               PLEASE NOTE - The Scottish
    Home learning                                              Government has issued
    Home learning activities support                           regulatory advice which makes
    and extend classroom learning. They                        clear that Religious and Moral
    are varied in nature and may include                       Education should be taught. We
    reading, writing, spelling, research,            actively promote inclusion in all aspects
    topic work, and mathematics. Each                of our Catholic ethos.
    teacher will send out clear guidance
    at the start of each term regarding              “Parents who wish to exercise their right to
    home learning. In order to promote               withdraw their child from religious instruction
    partnership, we encourage parents to             and/or religious observance should contact the
    share home learning with their child.            Headteacher to arrange a meeting to discuss
                                                     alternative arrangements for your child”

10 | St Margaret’s RC Primary School | Handbook 2020/21
The wider                                                Learning & Teaching
Extra curricular activities                 Assessment
From time-to-time, extra-curricular         Assessment is a vital part of learning and
activities are available and                teaching. It should be an ongoing
information about these is provided         process and involve the learner making
to parents of relevant pupils.              decisions about their next steps. This
    The school attempts to involve          takes two forms, assessment that
older children in contacts with             happens at the end of a block of learning
pupils from other schools as much           that checks how much a child has
as possible, thereby helping to ease        understood (summative) and assessment
the settling-in process at Galashiels       that is continuous (formative).
Academy. Inter-school sport is
therefore encouraged, with school           Summative Assessment
pupils usually taking part in hockey,       This is used to check how successful the
netball, rugby and chess events at          learner has been at the end of a piece of
different times of the year.                work. It is one way of gathering evidence
    The school believes in the              for reporting to parents or measuring
importance of broadening and                attainment. It is only valid when used
enriching the child’s learning              alongside evidence gathered from
experience and with this in mind,           formative assessment. Standardised
arranges outings whenever suitable          assessments are also used when
opportunities arise.                        appropriate to gather evidence on a child’s
    We are committed to working             progress in a curricular area. This reflects
with our community to celebrate the         on their progress in comparison to a cross
culture of the Borders                      section of children of a similar age.
    A residential experience is
offered to children in P6 and P7 on
alternate years.

                                            Formative Assessment
                                            Pupils know what they are learning, how
                                            they will recognise if the learning has taken
                                            place and what steps they can take to
                                            bridge the gap between what they know
                                            and need to learn by this process. It is
                                            evident in many guises in the classroom and
                                            is an integral part of learning and teaching.
                                                                                continues over >>

                                        Handbook 2020/21 | St Margaret’s RC Primary School | 11
12 | St Margaret’s RC Primary School | Handbook 2020/21
Learning & Teaching

Some examples are outlined below:                  to the new school whether it is another
• Learning Intentions and Success                  primary or the secondary school the child is
   Criteria                                        transferring to.
• Wait Time
• Traffic Lights                                   Parental Consultations
• Thumbs Up                                        Twice yearly, in October and May, parents
• Think, Pair, Share                               are given the opportunity to meet staff to
• Share an Answer with the                         discuss their child’s progress. The school
   Group/Class                                     values these opportunities to discuss
• Two Stars and a Wish                             progress with parents whose attendance
• Self and peer assessment                         at these sessions is much appreciated, but
Assessment evidence allows teaching                parents are, of course, always welcome in
staff to track the progress children               school and appointments may be made at
are making and to adapt their                       any stage throughout the year to discuss
practice appropriately. Staff                        any matter of concern.
can then identify if a child is
struggling for whatever reason                           Learning Journeys
and needs extra support. By                               Children also record their learning
the same token staff identify                             in learning logs where they also
children making considerable                              have individual targets so that
progress and can consider ways                            they can plan their next steps
to challenge the child and ensure                        in learning. There will be an
progress is maintained. It is important             opportunity for parents to share learning
that evidence gathered through                     logs at home and during open mornings/
assessment be used to improve learning             afternoons.
and teaching in our school.
    We are committed to involving learners         Feedback
and their parents in learning and to regularly     Pupils will receive feedback from their
report on progress they are making.                teachers in a number of ways. Teachers
                                                   and pupils will engage in learning
Reporting                                          conversations on a daily basis as they
Teachers assess a pupil’s progress by              discuss experiences and achievements.
a number of methods which include                  Pupils may also receive feedback in the
observation and discussion of learning as          form of written comment in their jotters
well as more standardised assessments.             from their teacher and/or from peers.
    Progress reports are issued in March. A        Feedback will be constructive, telling
copy of the report issued to parents is held       the pupil what they have done well and
in our school pupil database and treated           what they should do next to continue
as confidential. When a child leaves St            improvement. We encourage pupils to
Margaret’s, this electronic record is sent         take note of feedback and to act on it.

                                               Handbook 2020/21 | St Margaret’s RC Primary School | 13
Support for learning

At any point in their lives children or
young people may need extra help with
their education. This may be for any
reason and at any time. This is often
referred to as additional support for
learning or having additional support

Some examples of why a child/young
person may require extra help with their
education are:
•   Bereavement or family illness
•   Problems at home
•   Bullying
•   Being particularly gifted or able
•   An illness, disability or sensory
•   Having English as an Additional

A child/young person’s needs may last
for a short time, and the problem may
be resolved easily or their needs might
be very complex, and they may require
additional support for a number of years.
    If you feel that your child needs
additional support for learning, the                     Parents/carers are always involved
first person to speak to is your child’s             in making decisions about their child’s
teacher. You have the right to request               education and we will always ask your
an assessment of your child. Within our              permission before any specific referrals
school we operate a model of staged                  are made. While your child is receiving
intervention where support is provided in            support we will regularly review your
varied ways to meet individual needs. Our            child’s progress.
approach to assessment ensures that the                  At times, parents/carers and schools may
needs of children and young people are               come into dispute. While we would always
recognised and appropriate support can               hope that difficulties could be resolved at
be provided.                                         the school level we recognise that parents

14 | St Margaret’s RC Primary School | Handbook 2020/21
The Educational
                                                    Psychology Service
                                                    The Educational Psychology Service
                                                    (EPS) works with all SBC schools
                                                    to support children’s learning and
                                                        We provide advice and training
or young people may wish to formalise               to school staff on how children learn,
their concerns. To assist with this we have         and advise on ways to help children
a complaints procedure and also offer               who require support.
independent mediation and adjudication. It              If requested by the school, we
is also possible under certain circumstances        can arrange follow-up for individual
to refer the case to the Additional Support         children and young people, together
Needs Tribunal for Scotland.                        with their families and teachers, to help
     The statutory framework for                    support their learning, or with social
Additional Support for Learning is the              or emotional issues. This is generally
Education [Additional Support For                   achieved by meeting the children, their
Learning] [Scotland] Acts 2004 and 2009.            families and school staff, to review the
                                                    support they have already received and
                                                    agree ways in which we can all help your
                                                    child in school. In some cases, we may
          For more information,                     agree that a psychologist will work on
          you can contact:                          a one-to-one basis with your child to
                                                    obtain a clearer picture of how they can
  (a) Enquire, the Scottish advice service          best be supported.
  for Additional Support for Learning.                  If you have any worries about your
  They have a wealth of information,                child, please contact their school, in
  including practical guides and fact               the first instance, to arrange a meeting
  sheets for both parents/carers and                to discuss your concerns. All schools
  young people. You can find the website            have access to a range of support
  at www.enquire.org.uk, or call them on            Services and your child’s Head Teacher
  0345 123 2303.                                    will be able to advise you about when
  (b) Scottish Independent Advocacy                 the EPS may be able to help.
  Alliance, a charitable body registered                Further information about the EPS
  in Scotland under registration                    is available on the Scottish Borders
  number SC033576; www.siaa.org.uk                  Council website. Here you can access
  (c) Scottish Child Law Centre,                    a downloadable leaflet for parents and
  a charitable body registered in                   carers, which explains in more detail
  Scotland under registration number                how we may be able to work with you to
  SCO1274. www.sclc.org.uk                          support your child in school.

  www.scotborders.gov.uk/info                       Please see www.scotborders.gov.uk/EPS
                                                                                  continues over >>

                                             Handbook 2020/21 | St Margaret’s RC Primary School | 15
Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC)
Getting It Right For Every Child (GIRFEC)            • Use one consistent and equitable
is the national approach in Scotland to                approach, actively share information
improving outcomes and supporting                      to agreed protocols and work more
the wellbeing of our children and young                effectively together to improve
people by offering the right help at the               outcomes for children and young
right time from the right people.                      people.
    The GIRFEC approach aims to make it              • Be clear about personal responsibility
easier for parents, children, young people             to do the right thing for each child/
and the services that support them – such              young person.
as early years services, schools and the             • Work with children, young people and
NHS – to work together to get it right.                their families, using a collaborative
                                                       approach with fewer meetings. This
Practitioners work together to support                 should ensure children, young people
you and your child, working across                     and their families give information only
organisational boundaries and putting                  once, and enables the development of
your child and you at the heart of decision            one plan to meet all their needs.
making, ensuring we give all our children            • Respond to children and young people
and young people the best possible start               and take appropriate, proportionate
in life.                                               and timely action with the minimum
     GIRFEC means that everyone working                of paperwork, bureaucracy and
with Scottish Borders children, young                  duplication.
people and their families are encouraged to:            GIRFEC is part of the Children and
• Ensure children, young people, and                 Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 and the
    their families get the                                      GIRFEC provisions are planned
    help they need when they                                    to be fully implemented by
    need it and are central                                     August 2017. If you would like
    to the process of finding                                   any further information please
    solutions.                                                  ask your child’s Headteacher.

16 | St Margaret’s RC Primary School | Handbook 2020/21
Support for learning

Promoting Climate for Learning
At St Margaret’s we place great emphasis               Closing the Attainment Gap
on your child’s personal and social                     As part of our work central to the
development which is fundamental aspect                National Priorities for Scottish
of the education of the whole child.                   Education, we aim to ensure that
    We aim to promote respect for all, the             there is ‘equity’ of provision so that all
awareness of the needs of others; values in            children may achieve their potential.
society and for your child to take increasing          This means that we ‘poverty proof’
responsibility of his/her own life.                    school events, outings and After
    Teachers have the right to expect and              School activities to support families.
insist upon reasonable standards of                    Should any parent or carer feel they
behaviour from each pupil so that they can             require financial support, or think
provide a secure and friendly learning                 they have an idea about how we
environment.                                           could improve accessibility, please do
                                                       not hesitate to contact the school to
    Our 3 school rules are – READY,
                                                       speak to any of the Senior Leadership
                                                       Team or contact by email to
    The school is a rights respecting
school and has a policy based on
the principles of promoting
positive behaviour. Pupils
and Staff were involved in
                                                       Home School Link Worker
the creation of this policy
and parental support is a
                                                       A Home Link Worker can meet with
appreciated in ensuring the
                                                       parents/carers, children or young
programme is effective.
                                                       people to offer advice or help with
    Bullying relies on secrecy to flourish.
                                                       the sorts of things that can affect
We ask that you let us know immediately
                                                       a child’s learning. These could
of any concerns you or your child have so
                                                       be connected to a child or young
that the school can work with you to
                                                       person’s home or school life. The
resolve the problem.
                                                       service aims to provide help and
    The School follows Scottish Borders
                                                       advice early and prevent something
Council Respectful Relationship Policy
                                                       small from growing into a problem. A
  – further information on this can be
                                                       Headteacher can ask for this support
found at
                                                       on a parent’s/carer’s behalf.

                                                Handbook 2020/21 | St Margaret’s RC Primary School | 17
Partnership with parents
Parents are encouraged to visit the school and participate in activities. Any parent who
would like to help in the school should contact the Head Teacher. Information is sent
home, keeping parents informed of school events and activities as appropriate. The
eldest child in the family will be entrusted with the task of “postman”, but we would
suggest checking children’s schoolbags regularly for letters!

Parent Council                                       By law schools have a duty to promote
    The role of our Parent Council is to:            parents’ involvement in children’s
•    Act as a voice for all the families of          education. We are very keen that parents
     St Margaret’s RC Primary School.                feel able to be involved in their child’s
•    Work in partnership with the school             education and learning, that they are
     and community to give our children              active participants in the life of the school
     the best possible education.                    and they feel able to express their views
•    Organise social and fundraising                 on school education generally.
     events.                                             Every parent who has a child at our
                                                     school is a member of the Parent Forum.
We have a supportive Parent Council                  The parent council is a group of parents
chaired by Mrs Newall. They organise                 who have chosen to represent the parent
regular events and encourage all new and             forum. As a member of the Parent Forum,
existing parents to feel welcome and be              each parent can expect to:-
involved. Our Parent Council                         •    Receive information about the school
communicates                                              and its activities
all matters relating to its work to the              •    Hear about what partnership with
parent body via their Facebook page or                    parents means in our school
newsletters.                                         •    Be invited to be involved in ways and
    The Parent Council discuss matters                    times that suit you
relevant to the school as well as                    •    Identify issues you want the parent
forthcoming events. They welcome                          council to work on with the school
parents to join them should they have any            •    Be asked your opinion by the parent
issues or suggestions they wish to bring
forward. They also share information
with regards to the progress the school
is making, as well as plans for the future.               Communicating with home
Their aim is to promote and support the                   We aim to keep all parents fully informed
school, its staff and pupils.                             about events or developments at St
    The Parent Council work hard to put                   Margaret’s through monthly newsletters,
on social events for families and the local               school Facebook, and Groupcall. Please
community: Halloween Party, Christmas                     ensure the school has your up to
Fayre, Summer Fayre …

18 | St Margaret’s RC Primary School | Handbook 2020/21
Parental Engagement
                                                              Parents and Staff are
                                                              encouraged to work in
                                                              partnership to develop
                                                              strong links between home
                                                              and school. Parents are
                                                              encouraged to support the
                                                              school in many ways by:
                                                              • Helping to escort
                                                              children on outings.
                                                              • Becoming a classroom
                                                              volunteer to assist with
    council on issues relating to the         paired reading, library, maths games,
    school and education it provides          painting etc.
•   Work in partnership with staff            • Bringing their expert knowledge
•   Enjoy taking part in school life in       in a particular field to enhance pupil
    whatever way possible                     project work.
                                              • Being a leader in an extra-curricular
The type of things the parent council         activities out with the school day
may get involved in include:                  Participating in school working parties
•   Supporting the work of the school         and review groups
•   Gathering and representing parents’
    views to the Headteacher, Scottish        Volunteers are required to complete a
    Borders Council and Education Scotland    Protection of Vulnerable Groups (PVG)
•   Promoting contact between the             form to be vetted by the Scottish Criminal
    school, parents, pupils and the local     Records Office if they are to work in
    community                                 school with groups of children. This is not
•   Fundraising and organising events         required for parents who are supporting
•   Reporting to the parent forum             us with walking on outings.
•   Being involved in the appointment              Parents frequently inform the school
    of senior promoted staff.                 if the home routine has been upset e.g. by
                                              hospitalisation of a member of the family,
                                              arrival of a new baby, the death of a family
                                              pet etc. This is an excellent idea, as school
                                              staff can help to support your child during
date mobile number and                        times of change.
email address to receive                           We also welcome parents who would
communications.                               like to share their talents with the children,
Find us on Facebook: St Margaret’s RC         for example, running a chess club, running
Primary School                                club, football etc. Please contact the
                                              school if you wish to volunteer.

                                          Handbook 2020/21 | St Margaret’s RC Primary School | 19
How our school works
Enrolment                                            Children Arriving/
Enrolment for Primary 1 takes place in               Collected Late
November and in January for ELCC. Further            • We understand that
information and enrolment forms are                      there are occasions where
available from the School Office.                        children may arrive late
                                                         for school. Any pupil arriving late should
           PLEASE NOTE: St Margaret’s                    enter the school through the main
           RC Primary school welcomes all                entrance.
           families to our school. We do             • If any parent is delayed at the end of the
           not have a set catchment area.                day their child/children will be asked to
If your child is not baptised then you will              wait in the main school entrance where
need to complete a placement request.                    parents can collect them.
This will then be forwarded to Education
and Lifelong Learning for a decision. An             Visitors
admission form should also be completed              •    In the interests of security for all of
for the catchment school.                                 the children only pupils are permitted
                                                          to enter the school through the pupil
Arriving & departing                                      entrances. All parents/visitors should
The Playground Supervisor is on duty at                   enter the school through the main
the school from 08.30am. Parents should                   entrance.
ensure that pupils do not arrive before
this time. Please inform the school if it is
necessary to change your arrangements
to collect your child.

20 | St Margaret’s RC Primary School | Handbook 2020/21
School uniform / Dress policy
The wearing of school uniform               Footwear
encourages a sense of identity for          • Black low-heeled shoes or black trainers.
every child to belong to the school         Summer Uniform
family. We ask that parents give            • White, red or blue polo shirts and
their full co-operation in ensuring         grey shorts or red/ blue and white
that their child wears his/her school       striped school dresses available from
uniform every day in P1-P7. When            chain stores.
pupils are representing our school in       Gym kit
the community school uniform must           • All children should have plain dark
always be worn.                             shorts, a white T shirt and gym shoes.
                                            Trainers are required for outside
Uniform                                     activities. Outdoor shoes may not be
Grey trousers/skirt, grey pullover/         worn in the Hall for gym.
cardigan or sweatshirt, white red or        NB: During gymnastics lessons it is
blue polo shirt or a white formal shirt.    preferable that PE is taken in bare feet.
Grey sweatshirts with the school motif
on them, or school ties can be ordered
from Borders Embroideries’ website             For health and safety reasons no
www.border-embroderies.co.uk                     earrings must be worn during
      Outerwear                                PE. However, newly pierced ears
        • Red rainjackets and /or              can be covered up with plasters.
         fleeces are also available           Please discuss this with staff at the
          to order from Border                        earliest opportunity.

                          For details on applying for a school clothing and footwear
                           grant visit:www.scotborders.gov.uk/freeschoolmeals
                                                                              continues over >>

                                        Handbook 2020/21 | St Margaret’s RC Primary School | 21
School transport
Where possible we actively encourage
children to walk to school. In addition
to the obvious health and environmental
benefits of walking,                                          School meals
reducing vehicle                                              School meals are prepared
numbers in the vicinity                                       in our kitchen. The cost of a
of the school improves                                        meal is £2.30 per day. Menus
safety for pedestrians.                                       are available on the Parent Pay
                                                              website: www.parentpay.com
                                                                  To help reduce food waste, we
                                                              encourage parents/carers to involve
                                                              their child in the lunch choices.

For children who do need dropped and
• Please park with care to maximise our
   children’s safety
• There is no access to the school                        School trips
   grounds for collection or dropping off                 Throughout the school year the children
   children                                               participate in a number of school trips
                                                          which aim to enhance their knowledge
                                                          and understanding of the world and
                                                          bring their learning to life.
                                                              These outings are subsidised as much
                                                          as possible by our school fund or parent
                                                          council but the pupils may be asked
                                                          to pay part of the cost. We ask parents
                                                          to support us in this as all outings are
Children are able to cycle/scooter to                     carefully planned and highly relevant to
school and use the provided bike stands.                  the children’s educational experience.
It is mandatory that all children wear a                      Parental permission will be sought
bike helmet when riding their bike or                     for trips requiring transport and a letter
scooter to school. There should be no                     giving details of the trip will be sent to
cycling in the school grounds during or                   parents prior to the event. Permission
after school hours.                                       forms must be returned, fully-completed,
Also see Resilient Schools P30

22 | St Margaret’s RC Primary School | Handbook 2020/21
How our school works

                                                     We realise that change and
                                                     transition can be an anxious time for
                                                     some children so we have in place
                                                     arrangements to make this as smooth
                                                     as possible. Where any child requires
                                                     additional visits to Primary 1 or
                                                     Secondary 1 this will be arranged.
                                                     ELCC HUB
                                                     From August 2020, we will be opening
                                                     an Early Learning and Childcare (ELC)
                                                     Hub at St Margaret’s Primary School,
                                                     from 8 am in the morning until 6pm in
                                                     the evening, Monday to Friday for up to
                                                     50 weeks of the year. Closing for the
                                                     Christmas holidays. We already have a
                                                     very good ELC provision and look
                                                     forward to welcoming more 3 and 4 year
                                                     olds and some eligible 2 year olds to our
                                                     ELC family.
                                                     Primary 7-Secondary 1
                                                     During the Primary 7 year, pupils have a
                                                     series of visits to Galashiels Academy
by the stipulated deadline, or we are not            where they mix with pupils from
permitted to take the child on that trip.            other feeder primary schools to enjoy
Scottish Borders Council ensure insurances           experiences in Literacy, Numeracy and
are in place. In line with Scottish Borders          Health and Wellbeing. They also attend
Council procedures, Risk Assessments are             the Remembrance Day assembly and
completed for all excursions.                        sporting events. Pupils have a 2 day visit
                                                     in June where they follow their timetable.
       Opportunities Fund                            Galashiels Academy staff gather a range
        We recognise that to take part               of information on each pupil to ensure
        fully in all opportunities offered           that they are appropriately supported
        can be costly to families. For this          emotionally and academically.
reason the Parent Council kindly donate
to a fund which is available to any family
who requires financial assistance with
trips or equipment. Requests can be
made to the Headteacher and will be
managed discreetly.

                                              Handbook 2020/21 | St Margaret’s RC Primary School | 23
Terms & Attendance
   Terms and Holidays 2020/21
   Autumn term                      Friday 18 Dec 2020
   Monday 10 Aug 2020               Last day of term for
   Staff resume (in service
   day)                             Winter term                   Summer term
                                                                  Monday 19 Apr 2021
   Tuesday 11 Aug 2020              Tuesday 5 Jan 2020
                                                                  All resume (Good Friday
   Pupils resume                    All resume
                                                                  falls within Spring break)
   Friday 9 Oct 2020 Last           Thursday 11 Feb 2021
                                                                  Friday 30 Apr 2021
   day for pupils and staff -        FEBRUARY HOLIDAY
                                                                  Staff in service day
   mid term holiday                 Last day for pupils
                                                                  Monday 3 May 2021
   Monday 19 Oct 2020               Friday 12 Feb 2021
                                                                  May Day holiday,
   All resume
                                                                  school closed
   Thursday 12 Nov 2020             Wednesday 17 Feb 2021
                                                                  Wednesday 30 Jun 2021
   Staff in service day              All resume
                                                                  Last day of term for
   Friday 13 Nov 2020               Thursday 1 April 2021         puils and staff
   Staff in service day              Last day of term for
                                                                  Casual holidays
   Monday 30 Nov 2020                                             Eildon West (Galashiels)
   St Andrew’s Day holiday,                                       Wednesday 17 Feb 2021
   school closed                                                  Monday 7 June 2021

Attendance                                          Absence or Other Change in
Good attendance is vital to the success of          Circumstance
our young people’s education. Statistical           If your child is absent or there is any
evidence suggests that there are links              change in your personal circumstances
between attendance levels and pupils’               (e.g. change of address) please inform
                 attainment. Society                the Primary School Administrator. It is
                 in general, and                    important to let us know why a child is
                 parents and schools                absent so that school records can be
                 in particular, have                kept up to date. Children arriving late are
                 central roles to play in           recorded as such. A phone call or Group
                 encouraging positive               call message will be sent to parents if a
                 attitudes to education             child does not arrive in school and there is
                 in young people.                   no explanation.

24 | St Margaret’s RC Primary School | Handbook 2020/21
Holiday Absences
When a child is to be      illness, bereavement or        as unauthorised.
absent from school a       other traumatic events”            The school will
letter should be sent      or where a parent’s            generally not provide
to the Head Teacher        employment is of the           work in advance of
to explain the reason      nature where school            teaching, children will
for absence. It is also    holiday-leave cannot           be required to catch up
acceptable for a parent    be accommodated (for           on work missed (where
to telephone the school    example emergency or           appropriate) on their
to say why the child is    armed services) may            return to school.
absent.                    holidays in term time be           The Scottish
     Only in exceptional   authorised.                    Office has informed
circumstances where            Family holidays            schools that any
it is “important to the    where the school does          unexplained absence
well-being and cohesion    not agree that there is a      should be treated as an
of the family following    satisfactory reason for        unauthorised absence
serious or terminal        absence will be classified     that is truancy.

                                     Handbook 2020/21 | St Margaret’s RC Primary School | 25
Medical Care
Minor injuries are treated by school                 referrals and reviews school aged children
staff with basic first aid training. Where           for differing health problems from mental
professional medical treatment is                    health issues to obesity.
considered necessary, parents will be                    The Education staff use the service for
informed by telephone and offered the                training for the administration of complex
opportunity to accompany their child to              medicines and help and advice on general
the doctor or hospital. If neither parent nor        health issues.
emergency contact can be reached, the                Medicines
Head Teacher/Principal Teacher will see              Occasionally children may need to take
that the child is taken for medical help;            medicine during the school day. The
parents will be advised as soon as possible.         only medicine that can be administered
When a child becomes unwell at school                by school staff must be prescribed by a
and is unable to complete his/her studies,           doctor and can only be administered on
parents will be informed and asked to                completion of the ‘Parental Request for
collect the child from school.                       Medicine to be Administered’ by a parent/
                                                     carer. This is to safeguard the interests of
Medical Examinations                                 both staff and pupils. It is the parent/carer’s
Each school has a named School Nurse.                responsibility to hand in and collect the
The roles and responsibilities of the service        medication to and from the school office.
revolve around the health needs of school                The Primary School Administrator
age children and their families.                     will keep any medicine in the office.
     The school nursing service is involved in           In some cases, where children have
areas of health promotion and improvement            complex medical needs, an Individual
for individuals, groups and their school             Health Care plan will be devised in
communities. This may include class room             collaboration with relevant health
activities and lessons, small group work,            professionals, staff and parents.
presentations and 1:1 work as well as                Inhalers are often used and instructions
working with education staff and families.           regarding usage must be made clear to us
Topics delivered include, drugs and alcohol,         and to your child. Staff are not responsible
sexual health, nutrition, promoting good             for the administration of these but will help
mental health, hygiene and infection control.        and support when needed.
     Children and young people are seen              In summer time we strongly advise that
as part of the National Child Health                 you send your child to school with a hat
Surveillance programme which currently               and sun cream already applied. Please
involves growth and selective vision                 note school staff are not permitted to put
screening for School Entrants and health             sunscreen onto children.
promotion work with Primary 7 children to            Head lice: Please ensure that children are
facilitate transition to secondary school.           checked routinely for this and treat using
     Working with medical colleagues in              appropriate chemical and mechanical (nit
Child Health, the nursing service takes              comb) preparation.

26 | St Margaret’s RC Primary School | Handbook 2020/21
Communicable diseases
Recommended minimum periods of exclusion from school
of children who are cases or contacts of infectious diseases:

 DISEASES                       PERIODS OF EXCLUSION
 Whooping Cough                 21 days from outset
 Influenza                      Exclusion until clinically well
 Measles                        Until at least 5 days after the rash appears or clinically
                                well, whichever is longer.
 Chickenpox / Scarlet Fever     5 days from onset of rash or until spots become dry –
                                whichever is longer.
 German Measles (Rubella)       5 days from onset of rash.
 Mumps                          Until swelling subsides
 Polio/diphtheria/typhoid/      Until certified as fit to return by Community Medicine
 dysentery/food poisoning/      Specialist (minimum 48 hours)
 Salmonellosis                  Minimum of 48 hours after clinically well.
 Erysipelas/scabies/ringworm Until treatment is initiated by a GP/Nurse.
 Viral Hepatitis                7 days from onset of jaundice.
 Hand, Foot and Mouth           Exclusion whilst clinically unwell and until spots are
 Impetigo                       Exclusion until the sores are healed (not weeping) or
                                given effective antibiotics for a minimum of 48 hours.

 Roseola Infantum (exanthema Exclusion until clinically well.
 subitum) – viral infection
 Scarlet Fever                  Exclusion until clinically recovered or 48 hours after
                                appropriate antibiotics have started.
 Conjunctivitis                 Exclusion until symptoms are resolved or as directed
                                by GP.
 Herpes (Zoster)                No exclusion if blisters can be covered; otherwise, for 5
                                days after onset.
 ‘Slap Cheek’ (Fifth disease)   Exclusion until clinically well
 Vomiting, Diarrhoea and        May return to school after 48 hours free from last bout
 Fever                          of vomiting and diarrhoea.

                Please could parents ensure that children do not return
           to school after a period of illness until they are fully recovered

                                          Handbook 2020/21 | St Margaret’s RC Primary School | 27
Policies & Procedures
School Improvement Plan                                   Health and Safety
and Priorities                                            Emergency Procedures. If your child
Every year, the school publishes a                        feels ill during the school day and we
School Improvement Report providing                       feel that he/she would be better at
all stakeholders with a comprehensive                     home, we will telephone you or your
summary of the school’s work and                          emergency contact. Minor accidents,
learners’ achievements over the last                      e.g. cuts, bruises, are dealt with by the
year. The first part of this report provides              school staff. Serious accidents are few,
an overview of the school’s progress in                   but should one occur your child will
addressing its key priorities, while the                  be immediately taken either to your
second part gives information about, for                  doctor or to hospital, if necessary, and
example, how well pupils are learning                     you or your emergency contact will be
and achieving; how well the school is                     notified. We cannot stress enough the
supporting children/young people to                       importance of supplying the school with
develop and learn. We also publish a                      the relevant information we require in
School Improvement Plan which outlines                    such a situation, i.e. your own home and
the key priorities for the school during the              work number and a telephone number
year ahead, following due consultation                    of an emergency contact.
with staff, pupils and                                        We will request such information at
parents. The plan                                         the beginning of each new school year.
indicates the expected
impact of priorities
on pupil learning, as
well as providing brief
information about the
key tasks to be taken
forward. Both the
report and the plan are
available in hard copy,
on request.

Emergency closure of the school/                     the school of any changes to your contact
adverse weather                                      details. If you know that your mobile
In the event of an emergency arising                 phone does not have a signal, or you do not
whereby it is necessary to close the school,         have a mobile phone, please inform the
you will be contacted by ‘Group Call’ which          Primary School Administrator so that she
is a text message to your mobile phone.              can record an alternative landline number
It is the parents’ responsibility to inform          to contact you on.

28 | St Margaret’s RC Primary School | Handbook 2020/21
Pupils will not be allowed to leave the           school when buses do not run unless
school unaccompanied unless school                you are certain of being able to collect
staff are satisfied that there is someone at      them at the end of the school day –
home to receive them.                             even if the weather worsens.
                                               4. School transportation may well be
Severe Weather                                    delayed due to adverse weather so
In the event of severe weather we will make       pupils will have to wait longer and be
every effort to keep the school open and          exposed to the cold.
continue as normal. However, there may         5. Parents must ensure that their children
be situations where this is not possible and      are warmly dressed just in case the
it is therefore important that you follow         journey to school is very slow or even
the points below in terms of transport            halted in bad weather. In normal
arrangements.                                     circumstances, pupils should not wait
     During adverse weather, school               more than 15 minutes if the bus is late.
transport may be subject to cancelled             In severely cold weather, this 15 minute
services, amended routes, longer journey          rule need not apply.
times or alternative bus stops used. In        6. If your child travels to school on
extreme cases there may be the need to            connecting services, drivers will be
cancel all school services.                       told to wait for each other and not to
                                                  leave any children standing in adverse
Morning Journeys                                  weather conditions. Should the second
1. School bus drivers and operators               bus not arrive children will be returned
   have complete discretion to cancel or          home. If the second bus does arrive but
   vary school transport given any local          cannot complete the journey to school
   weather conditions.                            that driver will return children to their
2. In the case of morning journeys to             homes.
   the school, the driver may decide
   that he/she either cannot undertake         What will happen if pupils are sent
   the journey or complete the trip to         home early due to bad weather or other
   school. The driver would then return        emergency?
   the children home. In the event of          7. The Head Teacher with knowledge of
   adverse weather conditions, parents            local weather conditions will work with
   should ensure that some arrangement            the Education Department to make
   has been made at home to cover this            decisions regarding a school closure
   possibility.                                   or to send children home early should
3. Should the school transport for your           severe weather conditions threaten.
   child not operate in the morning            8. Where pupils use school transportation
   because of adverse weather conditions          a set of emergency instructions are
   but you decide to take your child to           used to contact transport operators
   school yourself then you are expected          and other schools using the same
   to collect your child either at the end        transport, and parents whose children
   of the school day or at the time of early
   closure. Do not bring your child to                                             continues over >>

                                           Handbook 2020/21 | St Margaret’s RC Primary School | 29
have a long way to walk home from the
    drop-off points. Parents must ensure
    that some arrangement has been made
    to cover the possibility of pupils being
    sent home early.
9. Schools routinely communicate with
    parents or groups of parents using
    Groupcall text messaging service.
    Once the decision has been made then
    Group call will be used to send updated
    information regarding sending pupils
    home early.
10. Parents are asked to ensure that the
    school that their child attends has
    an up to date and accurate mobile
    telephone number on record for these
    purposes. It is further suggested
    that parents who may find it difficult
    or not possible to have their mobile                 responsibility to meet him/her. Drivers
    telephone switched on throughout the                 will not normally set children down at
    day ensure that they check their phone               any point significantly different from
    on a regular basis for any Groupcall                 the usual one. The driver will use his/
    messages from the school when bad                    her judgment in deciding whether to
    weather has been forecast or where                   leave the child or to keep him/her on
    they see deterioration in the weather.               the bus. In the latter case, your child
11. If school transport is in operation                  would be taken to a nearby school or
    and you collect your own child from                  place of safety. Children must follow
    school during severe weather then the                any instructions given to them by the
    school office must be informed so that               driver in any emergency and should not
    transport is not delayed while staff look            leave the bus to make their own way
    for a missing child.                                 home.
                                                     14. Where transport is unable to operate
Additional information to ensure the                     to take children home as a result
safe travel of pupils to/from school                     of extreme weather conditions The
12. The ultimate responsibility for the                  Emergency Planning Team will work
    safety of children walking to and from               alongside our partners to provide
    bus pick-up/drop-off points rests                    alternative and safe transport home.
    with the parents. Parents must decide
    whether or not children can make                 Arrangements have been made with Radio
    their way to meet transport in low               Borders to relay information about the
    temperatures.                                    cancellation of school transportation and
13. If you feel that your child should not           group call and Scottish Borders Website
    walk home alone in bad weather                   will be used to inform parents of any
    from the drop-off point it will be your          important information.

30 | St Margaret’s RC Primary School | Handbook 2020/21
Policies & Procedures

                                    Use of the Internet
Photographs/videos                  As part of the process of learning we allow our
Photographs and videos may          children supervised access to the Internet and
be taken by staff in the school,    email. The authority runs its own filter system
media and other parents for a       to ensure that young people are not at risk from
variety of reasons for example      exposure to inappropriate material.
Sports Day, celebrations of             This filtering system is regularly being
achievement, charity events,        upgraded. We have a policy
excursions etc. The school          for use of the Internet
your child attends may wish to      and a contract for
display or show photographs         responsible use,
or videos taken by themselves,      which we ask
in print, in various locations or   parents and young
by electronic means such as a       people to sign up to.
website. Likewise the media or
other parents may wish to use
the images of pupils in various
                  ways. We ask      Security
                  you at the        In the interests of school security external doors
                  time your child   are kept locked while pupils are in class. Parents
                  enrols at one     requiring access to the school should press the
                  of our schools    entry button at the Main School Entrance or
                  if you are                          Nursery Entrance. All visitors
happy for images of your child                         must report to the office to
to be used in this way and we                           sign in the visitors book and
try to ensure you are aware of,                          collect a visitors badge, which
and understand, such possible                            should be returned at the
use of your child’s image and                            end of the visit.
that you have consented.
Any permission given will
remain in force during your
child’s primary and secondary                             Policies
schooling until you indicate           There are a number of National, Education
that you wish to withdraw your       Services and school policies which will provide
consent. You can do this by         information on a range of issues. Further details
contacting the head teacher          of all of these are available from your school or
of your school as soon as                on the Scottish Borders Council website
possible.                                        www.scotborders.gov.uk

                                      Handbook 2020/21 | St Margaret’s RC Primary School | 31
You can also read