Page created by Jeanne West
2020   SHAPING
       W I TH

                          PROGRESS REPORT
                             NATIONAL PLATFORM
                             FUTURE OF MOBILITY

1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY                                                                          6
2 THE WORK OF THE NPM IN 2020                                                                10
  2.1 Political framework for the future of mobility                                         11

			     Extraordinary effect of the COVID-19 pandemic                                        12

			     Special assignments for the NPM                                                      13

  2.2 Shaping transformation with innovations                                                17

			     Mobility of the future: digitalisation as a driver of innovation                     18

			     New markets: standards and norms accelerate the implementation of innovations        19

			     Achieving CO2 targets for transport: electrification of heavy commercial vehicles    22

			     Keeping an open mind: the future belongs to a combination of multiple technologies   24

			     Infrastructure for a successful transition to sustainable transport                  26

  2.3 Securing Germany as a place for mobility                                               31

			     In focus: added value and employment                                                 31

  2.4 Passing the reality test – future of mobility                                          35

			     RealLabHH, the real-world laboratory for digital mobility                            35

3 AN OUTLOOK FOR 2021                                                                        37
4 NPM PUBLICATIONS                                                                           39
5 TABLE OF FIGURES                                                                           43
CHAIR AND MEMBERS OF THE NPM STEERING COMMITTEE                                              45



Dear readers,

the year was largely dominated by the COVID-19 pandemic,        These developments have also been reflected in the work
which has left a deep impact on society, the economy and        of the National Platform Future of Mobility. As well as its
politics. Everyone has felt the impact of the restrictions in   work on the challenges of a long-term transformation
their everyday life, and also the extent to which our deci-     of the mobility system, the NPM, in a quick turnaround
sions and actions are currently fraught with uncertainties.     time, has delivered results for special assignments from
The pandemic taught us early on that in many areas in the       the Federal Government to classify plug-in hybrid vehi-
economy and society we have to be better and more resil-        cles, the “CO2 gap” for transport and the market ramp-up
ient in dealing with unforeseen events so that if borders       of alternative fuels. In total, 20 working group and task
are closed, supply chains are interrupted and production        force reports and this progress report were published
is shut down there are no major bottlenecks in supply and       in 2020. The activities of the last few months have also
everyday life in all areas can be maintained as best it can     demonstrated that as well as each individual topic we
be.                                                             should maintain a holistic view of mobility that puts the
                                                                users’ needs at the centre.
COVID-19 has again brought home to us the profound
upheaval the mobility system is undergoing. The sharp           On behalf of the steering committee, I would like to thank
decline of air travel and travel by public transport and the    all those involved for your remarkable, dedicated and
lack of demand for vehicles have led to substantial sales       constructive commitment to the NPM this year. The fact
losses, which has caused liquidity bottlenecks, funding         that you have given up your time voluntarily has been
problems and job cuts in many companies. Many compa-            recognised across the board, especially in view of the fact
nies in the mobility industry are in the difficult situation    that work meetings – as is the case everywhere – have only
of having to invest in technologies that will be important      been taking place virtually as of March. My thanks also
in the future, but increasingly lacking the necessary re-       go to the Federal Government and the supporting Feder-
sources. The government and parliament have responded           al Ministries – the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital
to many situations of hardship by providing an economic         Infrastructure (BMVI), the Federal Ministry for Economic
stimulus and future technologies package and have               Affairs and Energy (BMWi), the Federal Ministry of Educa-
allocated funds on an enormous scale.                           tion and Research (BMBF), the Federal Ministry for the
                                                                Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
The pandemic has led to positive developments in digital-       (BMU), the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
isation and cycling. And we are seeing how the ramp-up          (BMAS) and the Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF) for the
of electromobility is being greatly accelerated as a result     trust they place in us.
of the Federal Government’s extensive funding. 2020 saw
double the number of registrations for purely electric          This progress report “Shaping transformation with innova-
vehicles and triple the number for plug-in hybrids.             tions” seeks to impress upon our readers once more how
                                                                the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has meant that the
                                                                future of mobility must be actively shaped and that there
                                                                can be no sustainable changes without the appropriate
                                                                technical and social innovations.

                                                                Prof. Dr. Henning Kagermann,
                                                                Chair of the NPM Steering Committee

                                                                                                      PROGRESS REPORT 2020      5

    Innovations are the foundation of a        bat climate change and bring about         portation, thereby optimising trans-
    sustainable mobility system                widespread digitalisation.                 port chains. Citizens want “one-stop
                                                                                          shop” mobility that is simple, available
    The year 2020 saw a change to the cli-     Paving the way for a better future         at all times, affordable and convenient.
    mate and economic policy framework         with resilient measures                    An important prerequisite for this is
    for the transport sector at federal and                                               the creation of a mobility data ecosys-
    European level, for example the CO2        Besides controlling the pandemic, eco-     tem providing a secure data exchange
    fleet limits in the EU or the national     nomic recovery is the top priority both    between vehicle manufacturers, mo-
    hydrogen strategy. The year was also       in Germany and at EU level. The COV-       bility providers and infrastructure pro-
    marked by a sharp market ramp-up           ID economic stimulus package adopt-        viders. This enables new services to be
    of electromobility with in some cases      ed in June 2020 to manage the crisis       implemented, automated functions to
    three-digit growth rates per month for     is geared towards climate change mit-      be supported and, with an eye to the
    electric vehicles and a 50 percent in-     igation and towards promoting tech-        future, the way to be smoothed for the
    crease in charging points compared to      nologies that will be important for the    use of autonomous fleets.
    the same period of the previous year.      future. It supports public transport,
    According to the Federal Motor Trans-      promotes hydrogen technologies and         Standards and norms accelerate
    port Authority, Germany had just under     electromobility and supports the vehi-     the implementation of sustainable
    222,000 battery electric and 195,000       cle industry in its transformation. The    solutions
    plug-in hybrid vehicles on 1st Octo-       NPM presented recommendations for
    ber 2020. At the same time, the con-       action for optimum electric efficien-      To accelerate transformation in the
    sequences of the COVID-19 pandemic         cy of plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHEV)       mobility sector, there is a need for
    affected all areas of the mobility in-     in a special assignment for Concerted      standards and norms that companies
    dustry – aviation, public transport, the   ­Action for Mobility. The recommenda-      can use as a basis for their develop-
    automobile industry and tourism and         tions based on the topics of automo-      ments. The NPM has presented focus
    events.                                     tive engineering, charging and grid in-   roadmaps for intelligent load manage-
                                                frastructure and user behaviour aim       ment and automated and connected
    Because of these developments, the          to support PHEV being used in electric    driving addressing important ques-
    NPM is once again explicitly empha-         mode at least 50 % of mileage.            tions concerning sector integration
    sising the importance of technical and                                                and type approval and certification. It
    social innovations. Innovations en-        As a driver of innovation digitali-        also showed how standards and norms
    sure the sustainability of a country. In   sation creates user-friendly mobility      can boost the marketability of innova-
    the area of mobility, innovations are                                                 tions for sustainable mobility, for ex-
    being inspired more than ever by the       Digitalisation facilitates a platform-     ample, by means of a uniform system
    ­ever-increasing efforts made to com-      based intermodal network of trans-         of accounting.


Translating CO2 goals into concrete        based fuels and second-generation           ly cyclical process. The transformation
measures for effective climate change      biomass-based fuels. Framework con-         also changes the demands placed on
mitigation                                 ditions must therefore be created to        employees. New regional competence
                                           accelerate deployment and market            hubs can help to develop future job
There is a great sense of urgency to       ramp-up.                                    profiles and advise on suitable qualifi-
close the CO2 emissions gap in the                                                     cation measures for employees.
transport sector, especially in the        Infrastructure for electromobility
commercial vehicle sector. One of the      must be needs-based and economical          Proving the potential of
goals of the 2030 climate action pro-                                                  mobility innovations
gramme is to electrify one third of        As well as approval from the popula-
the mileage of commercial vehicles         tion and the availability of attractive     The future of mobility should not only
or provide it on the basis of electric-    vehicles, the expansion of the charg-       be decided by experts. Considering
ity-based fuels. This is a challenging     ing and refuelling infrastructure is of     public opinion and involving the popu-
goal especially for heavy commercial       central importance for a successful         lation is essential for the transforma-
vehicles used in long-distance traffic     transition to sustainable transport. A      tion to be successful and accepted. The
that cause the lion’s share of CO2 emis-   charging and refuelling infrastructure      Reallabor Hamburg, a real-world lab-
sions: this is where several technolo-     that is needs-based and which can be        oratory, has been initiated by the NPM
gy paths are being pursued in parallel     operated economically must be creat-        as a test room for innovations in digi-
due to the demanding requirements of       ed, both in the private and public sec-     tal mobility and addresses the require-
the logistics industry – battery elec-     tor. The Federal Government’s charg-        ments of different mobility spaces. By
tric vehicles, fuel cell vehicles and      ing infrastructure master plan takes        the end of 2021, with the involvement
overhead line heavy goods vehicles         up numerous recommendations from            of users, innovative mobility servic-
(HGVs). The NPM has developed a pos-       the NPM. The need for a charging in-        es will be implemented on site, linked
sible roadmap presenting the three         frastructure for electric vehicles is dy-   to each other and tried and tested in
technology paths, their marketabili-       namically influenced by the develop-        everyday life. Results from the real-
ty and infrastructural framework. The      ment of charging technologies, vehicle      world laboratory will be presented to
analysis revealed that currently only      ranges and user behaviour and in this       the general public at the World Congress
a combination of all these technolo-       way is a “moving target”. Innovative        on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
gies is suitable for achieving the 2030    solutions, such as the use of plug and      in Hamburg in October 2021.
climate targets. Specific recommen-
­                                          charge, will play an important role.
dations have already been incorpo-         In principle, the expansion of public
rated into BMVI’s overall concept for      charging infrastructure for cars should
climate-friendly commercial vehicles.      be market-driven after 2025. For sites
                                           that are not economically viable, but
Having no technology bias promotes         which are nevertheless important for
innovative drives and fuels                nationwide coverage, there is a need
                                           for appropriate financing models.
The principle of having no technology
bias is central to achieving sustainable   Ensuring added value and
and CO2-reduced mobility by 2030 and       employment for Germany
it applies to the entire mobility sec-     as a place for mobility
tor. The focus is on technological elec-
tromobility concepts, hydrogen and         New drive technologies are accelerat-
fuel cells and alternative fuels. When     ing structural change in the mobility
it comes to battery electric mobility,     industry and are bringing with them
costs and use of resources, especial-      huge challenges. To achieve wealth and
ly battery production and battery cell     employment security, there must be an
production, must be reduced and the        appropriate proportion of the added
charging infrastructure expanded as        value of vehicle production in Germa-
required. The use of renewable en-         ny. However, construction and expan-
ergies is essential to ensure the sus-     sion must take place today not just for
tainability of hydrogen production. The    value networks for new drives, but also
first pilot and demonstration plants       for the recycling of batteries and elec-
are available to produce electricity-      tric machines, in order to create a tru-

                                                                                                        PROGRESS REPORT 2020      7

       PROGRESS REPORT 2020       9

         2 THE WORK OF
           THE NPM IN 2020
     The past year has challenged the Na-        the important role of the work done        mark on the future direction of the
     tional Platform Future of Mobility and      by the NPM by awarding the NPM ad-         mobility system. These decisions are
     the work being done in the six working      ditional and short-term assessments        based on the assumption that the mo-
     groups in a number of ways. New top-        – this being triggered by the serious      bility system can be made sustainable,
     ics and activities have shown that the      consequences of the COVID-19 pan-          competitive and therefore fit for the
     interfaces between the working groups       demic on the mobility industry.            future through progress and techno-
     are growing, increasing the workload.                                                  logical and social innovations.
     However, the strategic focus of the         However, in 2020, as well as the
     topic areas addressed by the NPM has        COVID-19 pandemic dominating
     also proved its worth in 2020. Political    everything, it was above all the po-
     leaders continue to rely on the exper-      litical decisions at European level and
     tise of the NPM and have highlighted        at federal level that left a discernible


                        AG 1                                     AG 2                                      AG 3
           Transport and climate change            Alternative drive technologies and                    Digitalisation
                                                      fuels for sustainable mobility                in the mobility sector

                        AG 4                                     AG 5                                      AG 6
           Securing Germany as a place for          Connecting mobility and energy                Standardisation, norms,
          mobility, production, battery cell         networks, sector integration              certification and type approval
         production, primary materials and
         recycling, training and qualification

THE WORK OF THE NPM IN 2020                   2


Climate and economic policy decisions                              Law in March 2020, its objective be-                                to implement the Climate Action Plan
at federal and European level in 2020                              ing to establish binding union-wide                                 2050, the Federal Government some-
underlined that the achievement of                                 greenhouse gas neutrality by 2050.                                  what anticipated the developments at
climate targets and economic activity                              The Green Deal stipulates a 90 % re-                                EU level. The Federal Climate Change
must be closely linked. The associated                             duction in greenhouse gas emissions                                 Act 6 presented came into force on
opportunities have gained centre stage                             throughout the entire transport sector                              18.12.2019 and the independent ex-
in debates.                                                        - road, rail, air and sea transport - by                            pert council appointed therein started
                                                                   2050. The tightening of the European                                its work in August 2020. In addition to
Europe: new CO2 fleet limits,                                      climate target has also been proposed                               managing the coronavirus pandem-
green deal, European climate law,                                  for 2030. Instead of a reduction in CO2                             ic, the German EU Council presidency,
data strategy                                                      emissions by at least 40 % compared                                 which Germany took over in the sec-
                                                                   to levels in 1990, the EU decided on                                ond half of 2020, focused on climate
The new CO2 emissions legislation for                              the increased target of 55 % in Decem-                              change mitigation and dealing with the
car and light commercial vehicle fleets                            ber. To be able to meet this higher cli-                            climate crisis.
came into force on 1st January 2020.1                              mate target for transport, it would take
The new legislation aims to ensure                                 much more than the measures taken                                   The law stipulated the greenhouse gas
that new cars emit an average of 37.5 %­                           so far. The tightened EU regulation on                              reduction rate for 2030 with a value of
less CO2 across all manufacturers in                               type approval and market surveillance                               55 % compared to levels in 1990 across
2030 compared to 2021. From 2021,                                  of motor vehicles has also been in force                            all sectors. Concrete figures for annual
all newly registered vehicles from all                             since 1st September 2020.                                           emission rates for the transport sec-
manufacturers may only cause an av-                                                                                                    tor have been laid down as in all oth-
erage of 95 g CO2/km.2 For the man-                                The Commission’s data strategy 4, pre-                              er sectors. For 2020 the value is still
ufacturers this means that they must                               sented in February 2020, aims to cre-                               150 million tons of CO2-equivalent,
significantly increase the proportion                              ate a European single market for data.                              in 2030 it will still be 95 million tons,
of electrified vehicles by 2030 if they                            Data rooms in a number of industries,                               which corresponds to a reduction of
want to avoid penalties.                                           including a mobility data room, are be-                             42 % compared to levels in 1990. The
                                                                   ing built for this purpose.                                         thereby accelerated market ramp-up
At the end of 2019, the EU heads of                                                                                                    of electromobility was already visible
state and government also agreed to                                Federal Government: Federal                                         in 2020. According to the Federal Mo-
achieve climate neutrality by 2050.                                Climate Change Act, National                                        tor Transport Authority, Germany had
Building on this, the Commission pre-                              Hydrogen Strategy, Concerted Action                                 just under 222,000 battery electric
sented the European Green Deal 3 as a                              for Mobility (Konzertierte Aktion                                   and 195,000 plug-in hybrid vehicles on
new and above all sustainable growth                               Mobilität, KAM), Mobility Data Room                                 1st October 2020. This also applies to
strategy. As part of the European Green                                                                                                the expansion of the charging infra-
Deal, the EU Commission submitted                                  With their Climate Action Programme                                 structure, which also gained momen-
the proposal for a European Climate                                2030 5 adopted in the autumn of 2019                                tum as a result of the charging infra-

1 Regulation (EU) 2019/631 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 April 2019 setting CO2 emission performance standards for new passenger cars and for new light commercial
  vehicles, and repealing Regulations (EC) No 443/2009 and (EU) No 510/2011.
2 The take-off point in 2021 is the fleet average in the EU across all manufacturers in the new type test cycle WLTP (on the basis of the legally established target translation with reference to the
  original 95 g CO2/km EU fleet goal).
3 European Commission: “A European Green Deal“. URL: [Last revised: 16.11.2020].
4 EEuropean Commission: “European Data Strategy – Making the EU a role model for a digital society”. URL:
  european-data-strategy_de#documents [Last revised: 16.11.2020].
5 Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (2019): Climate action programme 2030 from the Federal Government to implement the climate action plan
  2050. URL: [Last revised:
6 Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety: Federal Climate Change Act of 12 December 2019 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 2513). URL:
  gesetz/bundes-klimaschutzgesetz/ [Last revised: 16.11.2020].

                                                                                                                                                                  PROGRESS REPORT 2020                   11

     structure master plan also adopted                              many places. It was also announced at                           Development of the public and pri-
     at the end of 2019. The master plan                             the KAM summit meeting in late sum-                             vate charging infrastructure and the
     stipulates a short-term expansion to a                          mer that a data room was going to be                            fast-charging infrastructure at filling
     total of 50,000 public charging points                          created for the first time as the basis of                      stations is proceeding at full speed and
     by the end of 2021, ramping up to one                           modern mobility in close coordination                           this is being guided by future demand.
     million by 2030, along with expansion                           with European and national initiatives.                         A statutory regulation will provide for
     in the private and commercial sector.                           The project links up with the European                          a uniform payment system at charg-
                                                                     initiative on data strategy. The focus is                       ing stations. Building on these deci-
     The Federal Government has used the                             on data sovereignty and the develop-                            sions, the necessary subsequent steps
     National Hydrogen Strategy 7 present-                           ment of innovative business models.                             for further ramp-up were discussed at
     ed in June 2020 to show the opportu-                                                                                            the charging infrastructure summit at
     nities and future importance of green                           At the KAM meeting in November addi-                            the beginning of December with repre-
     hydrogen as a climate-friendly ener-                            tional decisions were made to further                           sentatives of the energy industry and
     gy source and as a primary material                             support the market ramp-up of elec-                             charging infrastructure operators. The
     for the economy. Hydrogen can play an                           tromobility and transformation in the                           BMVI also announced four billion eu-
     important role in the transport sector                          mobility sector.                                                ros for the development of private and
     through direct use in fuel cell drives                                                                                          public charging infrastructure over the
     or indirectly to manufacture electric-                          The innovation premium for the pur-                             next few years.
     ity-based fuels. The Federal Govern-                            chase of electric vehicles is being ex-
     ment will provide around nine billion                           tended until the end of 2025, linking                           Significant regulatory progress is also
     euros for funding projects ranging                              the grants for plug-in hybrids to an in-                        being made with autonomous driving.
     from basic research to market ramp-                             creasing electric minimum range. The
     up and for international partnerships.                          fleet renewal programme in the com-                             At international level, Germany has al-
                                                                     mercial vehicle segment intends to                              ready proposed the expansion of the
     In 2020, the top-level talks between                            accelerate the exchange of older ve-                            level 3 regulation for uniform require-
     the members of the initiative Concert-                          hicles, with vehicles with electric and                         ments for type approval via the United
     ed Action for Mobility (KAM) and the                            hydrogen drive being favoured. Fur-                             Nations Economic Commission for Eu-
     Federal Chancellor almost always had                            thermore, small and medium-sized                                rope (UNECE). The first draft of a bill
     the topic of employment in the auto-                            companies especially will be support-                           on the operation of level 4 vehicles is
     mobile and supply industry right at                             ed in making changes to structure and                           expected to be presented in Germany
     the top of the agenda. The structural                           employment, including through the                               in 2021.
     change triggered by the transforma-                             establishment of training associations.
     tion of mobility has been greatly in-                           One billion euros is also being made
     tensified by the COVID-19 pandem-                               available for the “automobile industry
     ic and has in the past year entailed                            future fund”.
     short-time working and job cuts in


     The COVID-19 pandemic made its                                  edented economic slump, but also to a                           port and public transport. Many peo-
     mark on the year 2020. By March, the                            significant decrease in CO2 emissions.                          ple, fearing that they would catch the
     spread of the coronavirus and the ac-                           The consequences of the pandemic af-                            virus, fell back on using cars or, in the
     companying measures to control the                              fected almost all areas of mobility. Like                       cities especially, bikes, even though
     COVID-19 pandemic were having an                                many other areas of the economy, the                            the transport companies have large-
     impact on politics, the economy and                             entire industry was put under severe                            ly maintained public transport with
     our society. In particular, the neces-                          strain – especially the automobile and                          buses and trains despite a significant
     sary lock-down restrictions to control                          supply industry, the travel and tourism                         slump in passenger numbers.
     the pandemic led to a hitherto unprec-                          industry involving air and sea trans-

     7 Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) (2020): „Die Nationale Wasserstoffstrategie“ [The National Hydrogen Strategy].
       URL: [Last revised: 16.11.2020].


The consequences of the temporary                                coming months will they know the ex-                              ens public transport. Hydrogen tech-
shutdown in goods and vehicle produc-                            tent to which the impending risk of in-                           nologies and electromobility are also
tion, the interruption to supply chains                          solvency can be averted. There is also                            supported. The Federal Chancellor’s
caused by the global border closures                             the question of whether and when com-                             talks with ministers and representa-
and a significant decrease in sales fig-                         panies will make enough profit again                              tives of the mobility industry including
ures with corresponding sales collaps-                           to be able to make the necessary future                           the NPM as part of Concerted Action for
es were and are only gradually becom-                            investments.                                                      Mobility (KAM) were also dominated by
ing apparent. The extent to which the                                                                                              the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 pandemic may be responsi-                               In view of this, as a response to COVID,
ble for the reduction in jobs and value                          the Federal Government launched a                                 In addition to controlling the pandem-
networks in Germany and Europe re-                               package of measures worth 130 billion                             ic, economic recovery has top priority
mains to be seen. Permanent job cuts                             euros to revive the economy and equip                             both in Germany and at EU level.
have so far been prevented through                               Germany for the future. The package                               Innovations guarantee sustainability.
effective rules on short-time working                            is geared to climate change mitigation                            Climate change mitigation and digital-
and unbureaucratic stopgap assistance                            and to promoting technologies that                                isation are what drive them. During the
in all areas. However, many small and                            will be important in the future and is                            pandemic, the latter in particular has
medium-sized businesses have got                                 socially equitable. The package sup-                              shown what huge opportunities for the
into financial difficulty and only in the                        ports local authorities and strength-                             economy and society come with it.


With the adoption of the economic                                based on the themes of vehicle tech-                              electric driving mode and can be a part
stimulus package and out of the KAM                              nology, charging and grid infrastruc-                             of the drive portfolio of the future in
talks in September, the NPM was asked                            ture and user behaviour. The objective                            connection with the use of alternative
to investigate the optimum electric                              of the recommendations for action is                              fuels.
efficiency of plug-in hybrid vehicles                            to facilitate PHEV to be used in electric
and the market ramp-up of alternative                            mode for at least 50 % of mileage. A                              Furthermore, they ensure a socially ac-
fuels.                                                           recent study has shown that this value                            ceptable transformation as they have
                                                                 is currently well below that, especially                          a positive effect on employment in
OPTIMUM ELECTRIC EFFICIENCY OF                                   for PHEV company vehicles, unlike                                 the automobile and supply industry,
PLUG-IN HYBRID VEHICLES (PHEV)                                   private vehicles. 8                                               stretching out the decrease in staff
                                                                                                                                   over time.
The coalition committee adopted the                              PHEV as a future-proof trailblazer
economic stimulus package on 3rd
June 2020 to combat the consequenc-                              PHEV acts as a trailblazer for elec-
es of the COVID pandemic. This in-                               tromobility and can help introduce
cluded the assignment for the NPM                                customers to electromobility grad-
to discuss the issue of the optimum                              ually and without concerns about short
electric efficiency of the electric drive                        ranges. At the same time, they benefit                                                     Report
                                                                                                                                           from the PHEV Taskforce
in plug-in hybrid vehicles. A task force                         the climate with sufficient use of the
employed for this purpose then de-                                                                                                         Recommendations for
                                                                                                                                    optimum electric efficiency of
veloped recommendations for action                                                                                                        plug-in hybrid vehicles

8 Bieker et al. (2020): “Real-world usage of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles – Fuel consumption, electric driving, and CO2 emissions”. In: ICCT White Paper, September 2020.

                                                                                                                                                              PROGRESS REPORT 2020   13

     Optimising the percentage of use in                            incentives for employers to set up              collection and assessment of data on
     electric mode in a targeted way                                charging points.                                the use of PHEV. Adjustments to the
                                                                                                                    funding instruments and other meas-
     In the area of vehicle technology, the                         In terms of user behaviour, the focus is        ures can be undertaken on the basis of
     NPM recommends aiming for e-rang-                              especially on company vehicles, as this         the monitoring process.
     es for PHEV of approx. 80 to 100 km                            is where there is the greatest need for
     across all models. The charging capac-                         action due to the low percentage of use         PHEV with significant benefit for
     ity should be increased to 11 kW at the                        in electric mode. A company car policy          the environment with optimum
     same time. It is also recommended to                           that focuses on using the electric drive        electric efficiency
     enable services such as the automated                          is a step in the right direction towards
     switch to the e-mode in defined zones                          a more appropriate use of PHEV. Em-             Calculations made by scientific experts
     or the digital display of data on con-                         ployers can also assume the charging            have shown that the increase of the
     sumption or the next charging station                          costs for private and company journeys          percentage of use in electric mode for
     in the vehicle or via the app.                                 and introduce a charge card for compa-          PHEV is accompanied by a significant
                                                                    ny car users. Optimised sales and usage         CO2 savings potential. A percentage of
     From the point of view of the charg-                           advice for fleet operators and users can        use in electric mode of 65 % for private
     ing and grid infrastructure, the most                          also help select suitable drive concepts.       PHEV and 55 % for company cars would
     important factors are the expansion                                                                            account for a reduction in direct CO2
     of the charging infrastructure at home                         When it comes to drive mechanisms               emissions of approx. 2.5 to 2.9 million
     and in workplaces, as this is where 85                         and funding instruments, adjustment             tons of CO2-equivalent in 2030.
     to 90 % of the charging events for PHEV                        of the environment bonus and the in-
     take place. When it comes to charging                          novation premium as well as making              The following illustration summarises
     privately at home, an accompanying                             company car tax more dynamic are                the recommendations for action given
     funding programme for private charg-                           tools to be examined in order to in-            by the PHEV taskforce to optimise the
     ing infrastructure for example can                             crease the percentage of use in electric        electric efficiency.9
     support the expansion. The expansion                           mode. This requires a monitoring pro-
     of the charging options in workplaces                          cess to be initiated without delay. This
     can be accelerated by creating tax                             process would involve comprehensive

                 Adjusting the environment bonus/
                 innovation premium
                 Making company car tax more dynamic
                 Assuming charging costs for company                                                              TECHNICAL INCENTIVES AND
                 cars @work, @home                                                                                INSTRUMENTS
                 Employers providing                                                    TARGET                      Increasing electric range to 80 – 100 km and
                 charge cards                                                     A more appropriate                increasing AC charging capacity to 11 kW
                                                                                    use for PHEV ≥                  and switching to three-phase charging
                                                                                    50 % share of
              INCENTIVES THROUGH ADVICE, (ONLINE)                                 mileage in electric               Using digital services and intelligent
              INFORMATION AND DIGITAL TOOLS                                              mode                       operating strategies

                 Displaying consumption, CO2 emission                                                               Expanding the charging infrastructure
                 and charging infrastructure data in                                                                at home and in workplaces
                 the vehicle or app
                 Company car policies
                 Transparency of user behaviour
                 Sales and usage consultation

                                                            Figure 1: recommendations for action to optimise the electric efficiency of PHEV after prior monitoring
                                                                                                                                                  (own illustration)

     9 No agreement could be reached within the taskforce about the timing of the adjustments.


MARKET RAMP-UP OF                           logical feasibility, and with a view to    tion of electricity-based and advanced
ALTERNATIVE FUELS                           the duration of planning procedures,       biogenic fuels. Research should be
                                            a ramp-up of industrial-scale produc-      specifically geared to supporting the
During the Concerted Action for Mo-         tion is not expected until the second      scaling up of technologies, includ-
bility meeting in September, the WG 1       half of the decade. The production and     ing their short-term cost reductions.
“Transport and climate change” were         use of advanced biogenic fuels cannot      A market launch programme for larg-
asked to further develop previous           be increased at will either due to the     er plants of the 10,000 tonne class per
knowledge from the NPM on alterna-          limited availability of primary materi-    year is also essential for the ramp-up
tive fuels and, building on that, pres-     als and competition for use.               of electricity-based liquid fuels (Pow-
ent recommendations for action for the                                                 er-to-Liquid). In addition, interna-
use and market ramp-up of alternative       Reliable and predictable regulatory        tional cooperation and partnerships
fuels, paying particular attention to       framework necessary                        are to be politically supported and en-
the fact that in principle there are very                                              couraged. The global expansion of ad-
different views as to the amount and        PtX can only be produced on an indus-      ditional renewable power generation
in which areas alternative fuels can or     trial scale if there are additional gov-   capacities is a prerequisite for the cli-
should help to reduce CO2 in the trans-     ernment instruments at national and        mate change mitigation effect of PtX
port sector. Both electricity-based         international level. Subsidies, quo-       fuels. The rapid national implementa-
(Power-to-X, PtX) and advanced bi-          tas, tenders and a CO2 price, as well as   tion and enforcement of the outstand-
omass-based fuels were considered           the design of the tax and levy system      ing legislative acts on the electricity
and the different manufacturing pro-        could be an incentive for investment       purchasing criteria and the greenhouse
cedures examined in terms of market-        decisions for a ramp-up of alterna-        gas calculation methods for alternative
ability and production capacity.            tive fuels. In order to trigger the nec-   fuels within the framework of the EU
                                            essary investments of amounts in the       Renewable Energy Directive II/RED II
Working on technological hurdles            tens of billions, the instruments must     is necessary to ensure security in in-
                                            be reliable and predictable over a pe-     vesting in PtL plants. Having a discus-
Both with single technologies and the       riod appropriate to the investment.        sion going beyond the transport sec-
integration of individual processes         The discussion about a suitable set of     tor about the supply, requirements
(for example electrolysers and direct       instruments was controversial in WG 1,     and provision of the limited amount of
air capture), there needs to be urgent      resulting in different combinations of     alternative fuels available in order to
work done on technological maturity.        instruments being favoured depending       achieve the climate goals in the sec-
The forecasts of manufacturing costs        on the basic position.                     tor – also in terms of the EU discus-
for electricity-based fuels in 2030                                                    sion about climate neutrality – is also
vary significantly between 1.00 and         Necessary steps for the                    recommended.
4.50 euros per litre (without taxes and     market ramp-up
duties). There is agreement about the
fact that the costs of alternative fuels    Recommendations are being made to
will turn out to be significantly high-     immediately formulate and implement
er than those of fossil fuels. According    ambitious, long-term and binding                 WG 1 Workshop Report
to current assessment of the techno-        sustainability criteria for the produc-                Alternative fuels

                                                                                                         PROGRESS REPORT 2020      15
© Gruhl
THE WORK OF THE NPM IN 2020                    2


The COVID-19 pandemic is not yet                                 innovations like in the field of digital-                        turns out to be particularly challeng-
under control and there remains un-                              isation be an important lever for eco-                           ing. Openness to all the different kinds
certainty as to how the situation will                           nomic recovery but are a prerequisite                            of technology available remains abso-
develop in terms of health and the                               for future viability and progress and                            lutely imperative for developing and
economy. In addition to the serious                              not just in the transport sector.                                introducing alternative drives and fu-
economic consequences, the pandem-                                                                                                els. However, there must be a realistic
ic has also, however, triggered a boost                          For the mobility system, digitalisation                          assessment of technologies in terms
in the digitalisation of our working and                         is what enables platform-based inter-                            of when they become available on the
living environments. Home offices,                               modal networking and corresponding                               market. This also applies to linking
cloud computing, online shopping and                             travel chains. The intelligent interac-                          the energy and transport sectors. For
online events are booming 10 and are                             tion of ideally all mobility service pro-                        a successful transition to sustainable
here to stay. Born of necessity, reali-                          viders, mobility data providers and the                          transport, electromobility and alterna-
ty has shown within a few weeks that                             mobility infrastructure is the basis for                         tive fuels need suitable charging and
working from home actually works in                              this. The implementation of mobili-                              refuelling infrastructures.
many companies and institutions. And                             ty innovations in new products, new
the vast majority are finding t­hese                             business fields, new business models­                            In the following, the NPM working
new ways of working mostly positive                              and therefore new markets involves                               groups give an insight into the mo-
and are accepting the diverse ­range                             large investments. Defining norms and                            bility issues that formed the focus in
of options for digital collaboration.11                          standards across industries creates                              2020, highlighting the activities that
­According to the Fraunhofer Institut                            ­investment security and drives the                              show great innovation potential for
für Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation                            implementation of new technologies.                             the transport sector, with which trans-
(IAO) [Fraunhofer Institute for Indus-                                                                                            port is not only able to meet its climate
trial Engineering], the COVID crisis has                         Decarbonising the transport sector                               goals but can also play to the strengths
brought digital collaboration forward                            will not succeed without technological                           of the German economy and science in
by at least 15 years.12                                          and social innovations. By laying down                           research and development to be able
                                                                 specific measures and operational                                to be at the forefront of mobility in the
Politicians, economists and citizens                             steps it must be shown how the de-                               future.
alike share the conviction that inno-                            fined climate targets can be achieved
vations benefit society.13 Not only can                          by 2030. The commercial vehicle sector

10 Bitkom Research: „Corona führt zu einem Digitalisierungsschub“ [COVID boosts digitalisation]. [Last revised: 16.11.2020].
11 Fraunhofer FIT: „Homeoffice Studie, Erste Ergebnisse“ [Home office – initial results] (07.05.2020). URL:
   erste-ergebnisse.html [Last revised: 16.11.2020].
12 Handelsblatt: “Fluch oder Segen? Das Experiment Homeoffice” [Blessing or curse? The work from home experiment] (25.09.2020).
   URL: [Last revised: 16.11.2020].
13 Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi): “Transferinitiative: Mehr Ideen – mehr Erfolge” [Transfer initiative: more ideas – more successes] (2020). URL: https://www.bmwi.
   de/Redaktion/DE/Dossier/transferinitiative.html [Stand: 16.11.2020]; Zimmermann, V. (2020): „Innovationen in der Corona-Krise: Not macht erfinderisch“ [Innovations in the Corona
   crisis: Necessity is the mother of invention]. In: KfW Research Fokus Volkswirtschaft, No. 295. URL: [Last revised:

                                                                                                                                                            PROGRESS REPORT 2020                    17


     The mobility landscape in Germany is         should be enabled and integrated into       of the waiting times). As well as differ-
     undergoing profound change. Digital-         a comprehensive platform offering to        ent mobility options and services, ef-
     isation, networking and automation           ensure seamless travel chains for cus-      ficient organisation of mobility needs
     are increasingly finding their way into      tomers – this is because 20 to 30 % of      to be closely connected to the trans-
     people’s living environments, rais-          urban traffic can be attributed to peo-     port infrastructure. The exchange of
     ing the population’s expectations and        ple driving around looking for a park-      data between transport infrastructure
     requirements for the mobility of the         ing space. A mobility data ecosystem        and mobility service provider helps to
     future. Citizens want one-stop shop          is needed for an efficient organisation     achieve an intermodal mobility net-
     mobility that is simple, available at        of mobility, enabling an open and se-       work and manage mobility according
     all times, affordable and convenient.        cure exchange of data between vehicle       to need and increase utilisation of
     One solution could be platform-based         manufacturers, mobility providers and       existing capacities to minimise the
     intermodal mobility that enables the         infrastructure providers to transform       volume of traffic overall.
     availability and use of different means      the current “hotchpotch” of isolated
     of transport that is demand-orientat-        solutions into a user-friendly mobility     How can an intermodal service
     ed, available at any time and if neces-      experience.                                 environment be implemented?
     sary able to be combined within one
     route.                                       It should be possible to plan, book         It is necessary for mobility providers –
                                                  and bill for a journey, or in logistics a   who have equal rights and equal obli-
     Digitalisation and networking are            transport volume, within one appli-         gations – to be able to provide mobil-
     ­significant trailblazers of change and      cation from start to finish. Customers      ity services for users in a meaningful
      provide huge opportunities to make          should be able to choose the carrier        way for society as a whole while safe-
      the mobility of the future customer-        according to their preferences (time,       guarding their own business inter-
      friendly with new mobility services.        costs, how climate-friendly they are,       ests. Non-discriminatory participa-
                                                  convenience, social interaction etc.).      tion for all transport service providers
     Vision: consistent range of                  In addition to booking travel chains,       should be ensured here through the
     services from the intermodal                 other services are required that offer      use of available mobility data while
     mobility chain                               users flexibility in mobility. Combining    safeguarding data sovereignty and
                                                  it with cheap and time-efficient alter-     economic interests. The creation and
     In order to achieve flexibilisation of in-   native options offers added value in-       further development of the market
     dividual mobility, digitalised mobility      sofar as intermodal mobility platforms      for mobility services should be accel-
     must be considered holistically. In ad-      optimise the travel chains for custom-      erated through incentives or targeted
     dition to networking across means of         ers through intelligent networking of       regulation.
     transport, other services such as dig-       transport means (for example by tak-
     italised parking space management            ing into account the timing, shortening


   Standardisation         Digital                     Comprehensive             Interoperability               Standard contracts
   of the digital          driving licence             ID management             of platform services           for partner
   interfaces                                                                                                   involvement

                                                              Figure 2: requirements for the implementation of digital mobility platforms
                                                                                                                        (own illustration)

Requirements for the implemen-               exchange, ID management, security             tions in digitalised mobility (see chap-
tation of digital mobility platforms         architecture and interoperability and         ter 2.4 for further details).
                                             liability and arbitration issues must
Non-discriminatory participation for         be defined as quickly as possible (see
all transport service providers in the       illustration). The implementation of
platform service and the provision of        a continuous service offering is being                     WG 3 Interim report
basic services for mobility services         tested in the real-world laboratory in                      Platform-based
                                                                                                 intermodal mobility and
should be made possible and overar-          Hamburg, the test room for innova-              recommendations for action
ching governance principles for data                                                                 on data and security


For innovations to actually be ready         Important groundwork is being done            Smart control is a prerequisite for
for the market and companies to in-          within NPM to identify the need for           achieving stability of the power grid
vest in new technologies, there needs        standardisation and determine appro-
to be internationally agreed standards       priate recommendations for action for         The increasing charging events as a re-
and norms. They guarantee that the           the future of mobility. Individual fo-        sult of the market ramp-up of electro-
products are high quality, safe, inter-      cus roadmaps address the normative            mobility will become more and more
operable and useable and at the same         requirements of key innovation top-           noticeable in the power grid. These
time secure for investment. To accel-        ics. In electromobility, the intelligent      foreseeable, especially isolated loads
erate the transformation in the mobil-       load management important for the             on the power grid must be balanced
ity sector, the normative and regulato-      integration of the mobility and ener-         out in such a way that the power grid
ry framework must be created through         gy sectors has been identified as a key       remains stable. This assumes that the
the combined efforts of people in-           element of successful implementation.         charging infrastructure can communi-
volved in industry and the economy,                                                        cate with the vehicles and the power
society, science and politics.                                                             grid in all directions and can be intelli-
                                                                                           gently controlled.

                                                                                                                 PROGRESS REPORT 2020        19

     The “Intelligent Load Management”           where standardisation and norms
     focus roadmap (see the chapter on           can help achieve a seamless interac-
     sector integration) provides the first      tion between electromobility and the
     forward-looking overview of how and         power grid.
                                                                                                          WG 6 Focus roadmap
                                                                                                  Intelligent Load Management

                                                                                                    RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ACTION
                              “Intelligent Load Management”
                              focus roadmap

                                                                    Norms and
                                                                                                          Global            Investment
                 “Automated and connected driving”                   standards                         harmonisation          security
                 focus roadmap                                     for the future
                                                                     of mobility

                                                “Sustainable mobility”
                                                focus roadmap                                         Committee work      Strengthening
                                                                                                                           the location

                                                                                    Abbildung 3: Norms and standards for the future of mobility
                                                                                                                             (own illustration)

     Digitalisation and automated                further development of standardisa-             must ensure that in the future these
     driving bring new challenges                tion activities in this area.                   changes do not affect road safety and
                                                                                                 that the environment will continue to
     Another key area where action is need-      The restructuring of type approval and          be protected.
     ed is the further development of au-        certification processes in the auto-
     tomated and connected driving. This         motive sector is also associated with
     makes the product, the requirements         this. Technical developments and dig-
     for interoperability and the infrastruc-    italisation mean that products or their
     ture more complicated. The “Auto-           function are already able to be altered
     mated and connected driving” focus          today during their useful life. The cur-                 WG 6 Focus roadmap
     roadmap has been used to develop a          rently valid processes for registration,                      Automated and
     strategic framework for needs-based         type approval and periodic monitoring                       connected driving


Boosting marketability of                  aspects, an overarching, holistic look            standardisation and norms enable
innovations for sustainable                at the topic of sustainability is also            accounting according to globally
mobility                                   required. The “Sustainable mobili-                standardised criteria. This is especial-
                                           ty” focus roadmap complied with this              ly significant for globally distributed
The topic of sustainability and com-       aspect. Standards and norms mak-                  value chains as are used in vehicle
pliance with nationally and interna-       ing sustainability measures assessa-              construction for example.
tionally agreed climate goals is a key     ble and comparable and enabling their
challenge of the entire mobility system    transparency is especially important
of the future. The question as to what     here.
contribution standards and norms
can make to creating a sustainable         Accounting provides great leverage. It
transport system provides the gener-       is an essential component for trans-
al framework for further work on this      parency in a sustainable mobility                          WG 6 Focus roadmap
issue. As well as looking at technical     system. An international harmonised                         Sustainable mobility


                         Recovery and                                                           Battery
                                                          REQUIREMENT FOR
                                                          FOR SUSTAINABLE

                                 Energy source                                          Communication

                                          Presentation of recommendations for action for all five

                                                                                            Figure 4: “Sustainable mobility” focus roadmap
                                                                                                                          (own illustration)

The goal of accounting must be to de-      Another key area where action is need-            The creation of a sustainable added-
velop a uniform system where the           ed is the reuse and recovery of materi-           value chain (see also chapter 2.3)
transport providers can be compared        als. To achieve a sustainable life cycle          for batteries, including a circula-
depending on their use and taking          assessment of a vehicle, the recyclable           tion system, is another important
into account the framework conditions      materials must be able to be reused               area where action is needed. How-
(for example long-distance and local       or recycled. Because of the complexity            ever, many questions still need to be
transport) and the associated emis-        of a vehicle with numerous materials              answered, including the development
sions. In order to achieve this for the    and substances used, an integrated life           of standards for the second-life use
overall mobility system, standardi-        cycle management is needed that al-               of batteries, a standardised recycling
sation activities are necessary to es-     ready relies on sustainably recoverable           process to increase the recycling effi-
tablish an accounting framework and        materials, their long life and later reuse        ciency or a standardised determination
create a standardised ICT architecture     or recycling in the product design. The           of the CO2 footprint of batteries.
and organisation.                          standardisation activities to increase
                                           the transparency of supply chains are
                                           of particular importance here.

                                                                                                                 PROGRESS REPORT 2020          21

     Overall, it can be seen that the further   ty of innovations enormously. Stand-        the roads and implement sustainable
     development of standards and norms         ardisation projects provide the oppor-      innovations in the market.
     supports and boosts the marketabili-       tunity to bring new technologies on


     With the passing of the Climate Change     2030 for the commercial vehicle sector        2020 above all in distribution. At
     Act in December 2019 and the setting       cannot yet be achieved because there          the same time, the focus is on set-
     up of the climate action programme         remain significant hurdles in the             ting up company charging infra-
     2030 (CAP 2030), the Federal Gov-          electrification of heavy commercial           structures (100 kW) and the public
     ernment has laid important ground-         vehicles especially.                          grid (350 kW) by around 2023, with
     work in reducing the CO2 emissions in                                                    the grid becoming more and more
     the transport sector by 42 % by 2030       Several technology approaches are             dense.
     compared to levels in 1990. Howev-         being followed in parallel
     er, two reports from the Federal Gov-                                                  • BEV trucks used in long-distance
     ernment giving estimates of the over-      While battery electric concepts are al-       transport (>26 tons of TPW) are in
     all mitigation effect of CAP 2030 have     ready ready for the market for light          the R&D and demo stage in terms
     revealed that the operative measures       commercial vehicles, when it comes to         of the actual vehicle until around
     already implemented are not enough.        heavy commercial vehicles, especial-          the end of 2023. When it comes to
     The NPM’s WG 1 “Transport and climate      ly for use in long-distance transport         charging infrastructure, the first
     change” has therefore been asked           (>26 tons of total permissible weight         phase should be used to develop a
     to analyse the report and in all are-      (TPW)), some of the multiple technol-         first nationwide charging infrastruc-
     as where action is needed show con-        ogy options for electrification (battery      ture based on the existing standards.
     crete ways as to how the climate target    (BEV), fuel cell (H2FC) and overhead          The expansion of public, nationwide
     can be achieved. There is a significant    line (OH) HGVs) are still in the testing      fast-charging networks designed for
     area where action is needed especial-      phase. The transport and logistics in-        commercial vehicles and the market
     ly in the commercial vehicle sector to     dustry is also subject to enormous in-        ramp-up of vehicles will be carried
     which WG 1 first dedicated itself. The     ternational competitive pressure and          out from around 2024.
     required integrated overall review of      very much driven by costs when choos-
     all areas where action is needed will      ing new technologies. Other systemic        • OH trucks are in the R&D and demo
     take place in 2021.                        criteria such as global logistics chains      stage until around the end of 2023
                                                and route flexibility, but also issues of     both in terms of the actual vehi-
     Great sense of urgency with                refuelling, charging and service infra-       cle and also in terms of charging
     commercial vehicles to achieve             structure should also be considered.          infrastructure (electrification of
     reduction in CO2                                                                         shuttle routes), with simultaneous
                                                Ways of achieving one third                   expansion of an extended test grid
     The commercial vehicle sector makes        of electric mileage in heavy                  of about 300 km. Long-term use
     up around one third of the total emis-     commercial vehicles                           will be made of shuttle routes from
     sions in the transport sector. Heavy                                                     around 2024. With positive results
     commercial vehicles used in long-dis-      A possible roadmap was developed              in practice, the development of
     tance transport are especially respon-     for structured analysis of the available      the overhead core network and the
     sible for over half of the commercial      technology options – BEV, H2FC and            market ramp-up of vehicles could
     vehicle emissions. As evidenced by         overhead line HGVs. This presented the        take place from around 2025.
     the above-mentioned reports – taking       three technology paths, their market-
     into account the political framework       ability and infrastructural framework.
     conditions that were decided upon or       This possible roadmap shows:
     are specifically foreseeable as of Jan-
     uary 2020, – the CO2 emission reduc-       • The successive ramp-up of BEV
     tion targets of 17 to 18 million tons        trucks used in regional transport
     of CO2-equivalent aimed for in CAP           (up to 26 tons of TPW) begins as of

THE WORK OF THE NPM IN 2020                                            2

• The R&D phase with H2FC trucks                                         are positive developments here                         network in long-distance transport
 both for vehicles and in refuelling                                     too, there will be development of a                    and the market ramp-up of H2FC
 infrastructure is scheduled to run                                      national and international H2-sup-                     trucks.
 until around 2026. Then, if there                                       ply, the operation of a filling station

                2020                         2021             2022            2023              2024             2026           2028           2030         Longterm

 BEV trucks Development of company charging infrastructure                                             Making the grid more
 (regional       plus initial public grid, 100 – 350 kW                                             dense and expanding capacity
                                             Successive market ramp-up up to 26 tons of TPW, beginning in distribution and regional transport

 BEV trucks                           R&D 500/750 kW
                BEV truck analysis

 (long-                                battery charger
 transport)                                          Demo projects,                  Scaling           Development of charging networks
                                                     standardisation                  phase           Long distance XXX kW battery charger

                                                  R&D/test battery sizes,
                                                                                                           Market ramp-up of BEV in long-distance transport

                                                                                                                                                                       market segments / user groups (technology mix)
                                              ranges ~400 km, demo projects

                                                                                                                                                                        Market shares depending on the serviceable
 H2 trucks                                   Tests of different H2 options                                                         Development of national/
                                          (e.g. 350/500/700 bar, LOHC1, LH22)                                                       international H2 supply
                H2 truck analysis

                                                             Innovation corridor                   Consolidation of the            Operation of XX H2 filling
                                                     Filling station(s) and H2 transport          filling station network           stations long-distance
                                              R&D H2 tanks, R&D H2FC                                                            Market ramp-up of H2FC trucks
                                              for trucks (e.g. cooling)                                                           in long-distance transport

                                          R&D vehicle integration                  Test of             Scaling phase
                                              hybridisation3                     small batches

 OH trucks                                      Construction of 300 km shuttle
                                                                                                                      Long-term use of shuttle routes
                                                   routes*, standardisation
                H2 truck analysis

                                             Test of different drive configurations                                  Construction of core network with XXXX km
                                                (e.g. electric overhead trucks)                                             length and connection abroad

                                     Demo projects      Test of small         Test of EU roll-out                           Market ramp-up of OH trucks
                                                          batches                                                            in long-distance transport

                                            Test of logistic processes (adaptability)

     Identification of potential                               R&D and test of energy supply                  Timeframe for deciding on the path
     user groups
                                                               Energy supply                                  Milestone for deciding on the path
                                                               R&D and vehicle tests                          Possible start of market ramp-up (before: knowledge
                                                                                                              synthesis and decision on future technology mix in
                                                               Vehicle ramp-up                                long-distance transport), 2025 – also assess the
                                                                                                              interaction with CO2 standards

 1 LOHC = liquid organic hydrogen carrier
 2 LH2 = liquid hydrogen
 3 H2ICE are also tested but are not listed here as no electric powertrain is used
   Not endorsed by all members of the WG

                                                                        Figure 5: presentation of different technology options and necessary steps to market ramp-up:
                                                                                                                a possible roadmap to achieve the goals of the CAP 2030
                                                                                                                                                      (own illustration)

                                                                                                                                                   PROGRESS REPORT 2020                                                 23
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