Prospectus 2020-2021 01793 465750 - Swindon Borough Council

Prospectus 2020-2021
  01793 465750


I would like to thank you for buying into the services offered by Swindon Traded Services                This year, we are pleased to include the following new services:
in 2019-20. Despite the on-going challenging financial climate, buy-back levels have
continued at a steady rate.                                                                                 •    Family Group Conference Service
                                                                                                            •    Parent Support Advisor Service
Demand is increasingly high for some services, so we would encourage early ordering
to make sure you secure the services you want. Orders can be placed from 1st March                          •    Restorative Conference Service
2020; please submit your main order by 6th April 2020.                                                      •    School Nursing
We are pleased to be delivering services to every school in Swindon, as well as some                        •    The Family Service
Early Years settings and schools in the surrounding area. We are proud of the strong
relationships we have with our customers and value highly the confidence you have in                     We are very proud of the quality of services we offer and welcome all feedback on how
our ability to deliver superb quality, resilient, value-for-money services.                              we might improve these further, or if there are any new services that might interest you.

But we continue to take nothing for granted. We know that you rightly have high                          I do hope that you will again chose to purchase as many services as possible for 2020-21,
expectations about services for schools and that there are many other providers available                so that we can continue to offer as much choice as we can in the future.
in the market. We welcome this competition and appreciate that our customers are very
discerning about what they buy into and how it is delivered.

Our new Traded Services website and Ordering System has been live since September
2019 and further ongoing development is planned as we move forward.                                                                          Best wishes,

Remember, to access the online pricing information, and make your orders online you will
need to visit our website at and use your settings
unique login.

                                                                                                                                             David Haley
                                                                                                                                             Director of Children Services (DCS)

Offering services that enable schools to help children and young people fulfil their potential in life    To order services online please visit our website at   3

                Activities and Recreation
                Museums and Heritage Learning - Lydiard House and Park                                                                                                                               6
                Museums and Heritage Learning - STEAM - Museum of the GWR                                                                                                                            7
                Museums and Heritage Learning - Swindon Museum and Art Gallery                                                                                                                       7
                Plas Pencelli Outdoor Education Centre                                                                                                                                               8

                Building Management
                Building Control Service                                                                                                                                                             9
                School Waste and Recycling Services                                                                                                                                                 10
                Staff Security ID Badges                                                                                                                                                            10
                SBC Security Services                                                                                                                                                               11

                Children and Young People
                Education Welfare Service (EWS)                                                                                                                                                     13
                Educational Psychology Service (EPS)                                                                                                                                                14
          NEW   Family Group Conference Service                                                                                                                                                     15
                Paediatric Therapy Service                                                                                                                                                          15
          NEW   Parent Support Advisor Service                                                                                                                                                      16
          NEW   Restorative Conference Service                                                                                                                                                      16
          NEW   School Nursing Service                                                                                                                                                              17
                Speech and Language Therapy (SLT)                                                                                                                                                   17
                Swindon Portage                                                                                                                                                                     18
                Targeted Mental Health Service (TaMHS)                                                                                                                                              18
          NEW   The Family Service                                                                                                                                                                  19
                U-Turn - Young People’s Substance Misuse Service                                                                                                                                    19
                Youth Engagement Service                                                                                                                                                            20

4     To order services online please visit our website at   Offering services that enable schools to help children and young people fulfil their potential in life

   Curriculum Resources
   Capita Enhanced Support Services for 2020-2021                                                                                                                                       21
   CLEAPSS Membership for Academy Schools                                                                                                                                               22
   Healthy Schools                                                                                                                                                                      22
   Newly Qualified Teacher (NQT) - Induction Coordination                                                                                                                               23
   School Improvement: Primary and Early Years                                                                                                                                          23
   School Improvement: Secondary                                                                                                                                                        24
   Swindon Libraries and Information Service                                                                                                                                            24
   The Learning Resources Hub                                                                                                                                                           25
   Waste and Envirocrime Education Programmes                                                                                                                                           25
   Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre                                                                                                                                                 26

   School Management
   Data Intelligence Service                                                                                                                                                            27
   Digital, Design and Print                                                                                                                                                            28
   Enterprise Works                                                                                                                                                                     28
   eSafety Service                                                                                                                                                                      29
   Flu Vaccination Service                                                                                                                                                              29
   Free School Meals Administration                                                                                                                                                     30
   Governor Support Service                                                                                                                                                             30
   HR and Payroll Services for Schools                                                                                                                                                  31
   HR Optional Services for Schools and Academies                                                                                                                                       32
   Insurance                                                                                                                                                                            32
   Legal Services                                                                                                                                                                       33
   SBC Health and Safety Services                                                                                                                                                       33
   School Admissions Appeals - Clerking Service                                                                                                                                         34
   School Admissions Service                                                                                                                                                            34
   School Exclusion Reviews – Clerking Service                                                                                                                                          35
   South West Grid for Learning                                                                                                                                                         35
   Street Advertising and Marketing                                                                                                                                                     36
   Swindon Internal Audit Service                                                                                                                                                       36
   Swindon Manager - Management Development Training                                                                                                                                    37
Offering services that enable schools to help children and young people fulfil their potential in life   To order services online please visit our website at   5
Activities and Recreation

                                                                                                     Museums and Heritage Learning -
                                                                                                     Lydiard House and Park

                                                                                                     What do we offer?                                  We believe in cross-curricular learning and
                                                                                                                                                        provide interactive and creative teaching
                                                                                                     Lydiard Park is an ideal location to enjoy         and learning experiences using historical
                                                                                                     learning outside the classroom. We offer           reconstruction, role play and handling,
                                                                                                     a wide range of indoor and outdoor                 storytelling using characters and costume,
                                                                                                     curriculum related sessions designed to            and scientific investigative techniques.
                                                                                                     provide compelling learning experiences.           Pupils are encouraged to investigate their
                                                                                                     We cover the Victorians, Victorian                 subjects and reflect upon the discoveries
                                                                                                     childhood, toys from the past, and homes           they make.
                                                                                                     then and now, as well as a range of
                                                                                                     seasonal and traditional Story Walks. The          Further information
                                                                                                     varied habitats and natural environment            The service is a one-off visit for part or all
                                                                                                     of Lydiard Park can also be explored               of a school day which is booked in advance
                                                                                                     throughout the seasons through our mini-           directly with, and confirmed by, the venue.

        Activities and Recreation
                                                                                                     beast and habitat study sessions.
                                                                                                                                                        Costs will vary depending on the
                                                                                                     Full details of the programme are on               experience booked and the number of
                                                                                                     the website.                                       children in the group. Please visit our
                                                                                                                                                        website for current details and contact us
                                                                                                     Why choose us?                                     to book.
                                                                                                     The history and nature of the beautiful            Find out more about this service at
                                                                                                     landscape of Lydiard Park provide an     
                                                                                                     inspirational setting for a range of               1/traded-services/2/activitiesrecreation and
                                                                                                     indoor and outdoor activities which                at the Lydiard Park website at
                                                                                                     encourage pupils to immerse themselves   
                                                                                                     in their subject.
                                                                                                     All our sessions are taught by qualified
                                                                                                     and experienced teachers with excellent              Contact Point
                                                                                                     knowledge of the curriculum and the                  Learning Team
                                                                                                     heritage and history of Lydiard House and
                                                                                                     its occupants. Science sessions are also             Telephone: 01793 466640
                                                                                                     supported by the Lydiard Park Warden                 Email:
                                                                                                     Team who have outstanding natural                    Website:
                                                                                                     history expertise.

6     To order services online please visit our website at   Offering services that enable schools to help children and young people fulfil their potential in life
Activities and Recreation

Museums and Heritage Learning -                                                                          Museums and Heritage Learning -
STEAM - Museum of the GWR                                                                                Swindon Museum and Art Gallery
What do we offer?                                  We believe in cross-curricular learning and           What do we offer?                               texture, colour and abstract approaches.
                                                   provide interactive and creative teaching                                                             ‘War Artists’ provides an introduction to
We provide a broad programme of high               and learning experiences e.g. immersive               We provide a programme of high quality          the work of British artists during WWII and
quality learning outside the classroom             learning, historical reconstruction,                  learning outside the classroom to               explores composition and processes in
experiences, events and facilities for             storytelling using characters and costume,            help your class explore our art and             Henry Moore’s drawings.
schools locally, regionally and nationally.        simulation, drama, role play and the                  heritage collections. We offer a
The programme enhances and enriches                                                                      programme of workshops that will                In Heritage Discovery sessions pupils
                                                   handling, analysis and interpretation of
pupils’ learning, inspiration and motivation                                                             enhance pupils’ learning by inspiring them      engage with real museum artefacts
                                                   original objects and other primary sources.
in areas linked to the National Curriculum                                                               to explore the natural world, world history     and primary sources. In ‘Meet the
e.g. the Home Front during World War               Our primary focus is on the development               and their local community across the            Mummy’, pupils take on the role of
Two, Victorian Britain, Brunel and the             of the following cross-curricular learning            key areas of learning set out in the            archaeologists as they unravel the mystery
Stephensons, the development and                   outcomes of learning and social skills,               National Curriculum.                            of Hatemiu, our Ancient Egyptian child
building of the railways, points of view           attitudes and values, and enjoyment,                                                                  mummy, crack hieroglyphic puzzles,
about the coming of the railways, the              inspiration and creativity.                           Why choose us?                                  embalm our mummy doll and carry out a
impact that the railway revolution had,                                                                  Swindon Museum & Art Gallery houses a           mini archaeological dig.
the local history of Swindon, the railway          Further information
                                                                                                         collection of 20th century British art with     Further information
factory at Swindon, life in the past and           The service is a one-off visit for part or            a reputation as one of the finest outside
changes relating to transport, seaside             all of a school day which is booked in                London. The Gallery offers Swindon              Costs will vary depending on the
holidays, toys, childhood and homes.               advance directly with, and confirmed by               schools the chance to experience the            experience booked and the number of
Full details of our programme are available        the venue. Costs will vary depending on               work of nationally important artists right      children in the group. Please visit our
on our website at                                  the experience booked and the number                  on their doorstep. Our team of Education        website for current details and contact us .                          of children in the group. Please visit our            Officers are all qualified teachers,            to book.
                                                   website for current details and contact us            experienced at all key stages with an           Find out more about this service at
Why choose us?                                     to book.                                              outstanding track record of working   
                                                   Find out more about this service at                   with children.
There is extremely high demand regionally                                                                                                                1/traded-services/2/activitiesrecreation
for our service and 93% of our school               We believe in cross-curricular learning and     and at the Swindon Museum and Art
visitors are repeat visitors. We have              1/traded-services/2/activitiesrecreation              provide interactive and creative teaching       Gallery web page at
been awarded the “Learning Outside                 and at the STEAM Museum website at                    and learning experiences e.g. drama   
the Classroom Quality Badge”, a national                                and role play, the handling, analysis and
benchmark that accredits providers of                                                                    interpretation of original objects and other
learning outside the classroom offering                                                                  primary sources.                                 Contact Point
high quality educational experiences                 Contact Point                                                                                        Nicki Western
                                                                                                         In Art Gallery Discovery Sessions pupils
and managing risk effectively. Our team              Learning Team                                       investigate materials and processes,             Telephone: 01793 466560
of Education Officers are all qualified
                                                     Telephone: 01793 466640                             methods and approaches and visual                Email:
teachers, experienced at all key stages
                                                     Email:                    and tactile elements. ‘Journeys through          Website:
with an outstanding track record of
                                                     Website:                    Landscape’ takes pupils on a multisensory
working with children.
                                                                                                         journey around the gallery with a focus on

Offering services that enable schools to help children and young people fulfil their potential in life    To order services online please visit our website at    7
Activities and Recreation

    Plas Pencelli Outdoor Education Centre

    What do we offer?
                                                     Accommodation is clean and warm and
    Week long courses of residential Outdoor         meals are tasty and more than sufficient.
    Educational Activity at Swindon’s Outdoor        The staff team are professional, highly
    Education Centre located in the Brecon           qualified and caring. The Centre receives
    Beacons of South Wales. Courses are              overwhelmingly positive feedback from
    for school students, other young people          visiting staff and students.
    and adults. There is great personal and
    social gain for young people of all abilities.   Further information
    Courses are available to all schools and
    academies. Activities include canoeing,          Bookings are made directly with
    climbing, caving, gorge walking, hill            Plas Pencelli and are individually
    walking, and mountain biking. HMI have           accommodated and designed. Liaison at
    recognised the academic benefits of              this stage allows the best arrangements
    Outdoor Education. Each course can               to be made. Agreement is secured by
    be individually designed to best suit            booking form. Bookings are taken up to 2
    the needs of a particular school. We             years in advance. A deposit of 10% of the
    can also help train school staff, provide        minimum fee is payable 12 months before
    well organised D of E camping facilities,        the course. The balance is payable within
    undertake safety audits of climbing walls        30 days of the end of the course. The full
    and other school outdoor provision,              course fee is payable for cancellations
    provide “outdoor and environmental               within 4 months of the course.
    learning cards” training days and offer          Find out more about this service at
    formal and informal advice on outdoor  
    issues.                                          1/traded-services/2/activitiesrecreation
    Why choose us?
    Plas Pencelli is one of the outstanding
    Outdoor Education Centres in Britain. The
                                                       Contact Point
    focus is on child development. Modern
                                                       Peter Blackburn
    high standard equipment is used and
                                                       Head of Centre
    much personal equipment provided
    so those attending don’t need to buy               Telephone: 01874 665241
    extras. Real activities at real venues are         Email:
    used and transport is with a modern well           Website:
    maintained minibus fleet.

8      To order services online please visit our website at   Offering services that enable schools to help children and young people fulfil their potential in life
Building Management

                                                                                                         Building Control Service

                                                                                                         What do we offer?                               We also have an excellent relationship
                                                                                                                                                         with other key stakeholders in the building
                                                                                                         Schools must comply with the Building           process, such as Planning, the Fire Service
                                                                                                         Regulations to ensure that buildings are        and Highways to enable prompt efficient
                                                                                                         properly constructed and safe for all           consultation during the design and
                                                                                                         users. We ensure that school building and       construction project. Our appreciation
                                                                                                         refurbishment projects comply with the          of the wider constraints enables our
                                                                                                         Building Regulations thus promoting a safe      Surveyors to help identify optimum
                                                                                                         economical learning environment.                solutions that will ensure a safe teaching
                                                                                                         We offer two elements within this Traded        environment.
                                                                                                                                                         Further information
                                                                                                         • an advisory service which includes
                                                                                                           detailed pre-application advice and           This service is offered through an annual

           Building Management                                                                             design team approach, helping you             retainer fee. Building Regulation fees
                                                                                                           deliver a high quality building project on    quoted are based on a model scheme
                                                                                                           time and within budget.                       for small projects. As the scope of larger
                                                                                                                                                         projects can vary a price is agreed at
                                                                                                         • Building Regulations approval for             the beginning of a project to include
                                                                                                           building projects.                            consultations with relevant statutory
                                                                                                         NB: Dangerous structure call outs are dealt     bodies, plan examination, checking
                                                                                                         with under the statutory duties of the          of structural design information, all
                                                                                                         local authority.                                site inspections and fulfilment of all
                                                                                                                                                         duties under the Building Act 1984 and
                                                                                                         Why choose us?                                  obligations under the Building Control
                                                                                                                                                         Performance standards.
                                                                                                         We have extensive knowledge of the
                                                                                                         Borough’s schools, having been involved         Find out more about this service at
                                                                                                         in the original construction and any  
                                                                                                         subsequent refurbishment or extension           1/traded-services/3/building-management
                                                                                                         The team are professionally qualified,
                                                                                                         experienced and maintain a stringent              Contact Point
                                                                                                         Continuous Professional Development               Jim Bishop
                                                                                                         programme.                                        Principal Building Control Surveyor
                                                                                                                                                           Telephone: 01793 466138
                                                                                                                                                           Email: or

Offering services that enable schools to help children and young people fulfil their potential in life    To order services online please visit our website at    9
Building Management

     School Waste and Recycling Services                                                                  Staff Security ID Badges

     What do we offer?                                 school. With a commitment to resource              What do we offer?                                  Why choose us?
                                                       efficiency and reducing CO2 emissions, all
     We offer a flexible service for Swindon                                                              We already supply many schools and                 Our ID Badge service is delivered by
                                                       paper and card collected is recycled into
     schools, which can be tailored to your                                                               academies with ID badges, and are able             a dedicated team of Business Officers
                                                       new cardboard packaging and all general
     needs, to ensure you receive safe and                                                                to create a range of different options for         who are familiar with local schools and
                                                       waste we collect is treated and made into
     reliable collections for your school waste                                                           security ID Badges for your staff.                 academies, and provide a professional,
                                                       Solid Recovered Fuel. This helps to reduce
     and recycling.                                                                                                                                          swift and efficient service.
                                                       reliance on fossil fuels and avoids landfill,      We offer:
     You can choose to have your general               benefiting everyone in Swindon.                                                                       Requests are fulfilled within a 4 day turn
                                                                                                          • Plain printed ID badges, on a card
     rubbish and/or paper & card recycling                                                                                                                   around period, and charges are highly
                                                       • No hidden costs – all prices include               offering no data or functionality
     collected from a selection of containers                                                                                                                competitive with the private sector.
                                                         container delivery, bin hire and Duty of
     and at a frequency that suits you. Options                                                           • ID Badges created using Hi-Co Magnetic
                                                         Care documentation                                                                                  Further Information
     include;                                                                                               Strip cards which can be programmed
                                                       • Safety first – all collections are risk            to allow access to buildings, or for use in      This service is delivered on demand as
     • Large 1100L euro bin or smaller wheelie           assessed and carried out to the highest            cashless canteens for example.
       bin containers                                                                                                                                        required.
                                                                                                          • ID Badges created using RFID cards,              Find out more about this service at
     • Weekly, fortnightly, monthly or tailored        • Pupil environmental awareness –
                                                                                                            offering more sophisticated options for
       collection frequency                              providing collections and additional
                                                                                                            use, including access to buildings, or for       1/traded-services/3/building-management
                                                         resources consistent with household
     • Term time only or full year contracts with                                                           use in cashless canteens for example.
                                                         recycling to promote understanding of
       the ability to request additional lifts at                                                         Our team can also include a schools choice
                                                         recycling and waste management
       any time                                                                                           of background branding on each ID Badge.            Contact Point
     We can provide timed collections to avoid         Further Information                                All we need is your background image of             Central Admin Team
     school drop off and pick up times. A site         If you would like to discuss a tailored            choice and agreed colour scheme details             Telephone: 01793 464380/464509
     risk assessment is performed prior to any         service please contact the Commercial              and we can create bespoke ID badges for             Email:
     collections taking place, where we can            Waste Team using the details below.                your setting.
     offer advice on the best way to collect/                                                             Alternatively, if your schools security
     store waste, so that we can ensure the            Find out more about this service at
                                                     system requires a dedicated system card,
     highest level of safety.                                                                             we can create badges on blank card stock
     We will ensure you meet your statutory                                                               that you supply, as long as the card sizes
     obligations by providing your Duty of Care                                                           are similar to those we use.
     documentation at no extra cost.                     Contact Point
     Why choose us?                                      Jayne Telling
                                                         Commercial Waste Administration
     Based in Swindon, we employ skilled                 Officer
     and experienced local labour and are
                                                         Telephone: 01793 465660
     able to provide a truly local service from
     staff who know the unique needs of your             Email:

10      To order services online please visit our website at      Offering services that enable schools to help children and young people fulfil their potential in life
Building Management

SBC Security Services

What do we offer?                                  Why choose us?
Security Services provide a range of               All Security Staff are SIA trained and
services including:                                licensed which includes checks for DBS
                                                   (formerly CRB), and have over 20 years of
• Caretaker duties (cover for annual leave,
                                                   experience. We offer a range of services
  sickness, etc.)
                                                   from cover for a one off event to providing
• Key holding(daily or occasional)                 long term support, and will work with you
• Out of Hours alarm response (alarm, fire,        to provide a tailored solution to ensure
  intruder – addressing lone working)              you receive the best possible service.

• CCTV monitoring at a central location            Further information
• Installation and maintenance of CCTV             The service will be arranged individually
                                                   with each school and a free quotation will
• Mobile patrols to provide security and           be provided on application.
  Event security
                                                   Find out more about this service at
• Advice and guidance for security       
  of premises                                      1/traded-services/3/building-management
• A range of ad hoc security services
  throughout the year can be provided,
  particularly at short notice and for               Contact Point
  a service required ‘out of hours’, by              Mark Stratford
  agreeing a fixed retainer/charge,                  Security Manager
  plus a payment for the service used.               Telephone: 01793 464791
  This retainer can be for six months                Email:
  or a year.

Offering services that enable schools to help children and young people fulfil their potential in life   To order services online please visit our website at   11
Children and Young People

                                                                                                         Children and Young People

12     To order services online please visit our website at   Offering services that enable schools to help children and young people fulfil their potential in life
Children and Young People

Education Welfare Service (EWS)

What do we offer?                                  Why choose us?                                          issues including improving attendance of      Attendance Audits: We can carry out
                                                                                                           specific pupils, whole school approach,       audits on all areas of school attendance
The Education Welfare Service (EWS)                • We are a professional and experienced                 welfare issues and exclusions advice          to support schools in ensuring the highest
works in partnership with schools,                   workforce, with a proven track record of                                                            standards of registration practice are
parents/carers and their children who                improving poor school attendance                    • We deliver a full range of Education
are experiencing difficulties in attending                                                                 Welfare Officer case work including
                                                   • A named Education Welfare Officer will                home visits, parent meetings, record          Cool Cats: A fun and proven method of
school. The Education Welfare Service
                                                     be allocated to your school, who receives             keeping, liaison with school staff            motivating young children to improve
will support your school in improving
                                                     regular supervision to ensure high                    and other agencies, advice on elective        school attendance. Working over a 5-6
and maintaining high levels of school
                                                     standards of professionalism                          home education                                week period with either the whole class
attendance for all pupils leading to
                                                     and accountability                                                                                  or designated groups of students from
increased attainment. Historically,                                                                      • We produce reports and attend Child
working in partnership with the EWS                • We work closely in partnership                                                                      Reception to Year 3 via planned weekly
                                                                                                           Protection Conferences and Core Group
has resulted in a performance in the top             with schools, children and families,                                                                sessions.
                                                                                                           Meetings for open cases
quartile for attendance and low persistent           agencies and other services to ensure                                                               Targeted Year 11 Intervention: Focussed
absenteeism rate as shown in the national            regular school attendance providing                 • As part of our Graduated Response
                                                                                                                                                         Year 11 attendance intervention led
and regional league tables.                          consideration for vulnerable groups                   towards poor school attendance, we
                                                                                                                                                         by EWS to support schools and pupils
                                                     and through our Interventions we aim                  can offer a wide range of measures
All schools receive a core offer covering:                                                                                                               to maintain excellent attendance and
                                                     to make a difference before absence                   including issuing warning letters to
                                                                                                                                                         improve attainment in the GCSE year.
• Tracking of children who missing                   becomes entrenched.                                   parents on behalf of schools for non-
  education (CME)                                                                                          school attendance through to EWO              Further information
                                                   All of the following service features are               guidance and support during Initial and
• Monitoring of Elective Home Education            available by purchasing a bespoke service               Review Case Discussions as cases are          This service will be delivered from
  (EHE)                                            package specifically to meet                            considered for and paperwork prepared         1 September 2020 to 31 August 2021.
                                                   your needs:                                             for legal action.
• Issuing and monitoring of child work                                                                                                                   Find out more about this service at
  permits, chaperone licences and                  Service Features:                                     Additional Packages Available:        
  performance licences                             • We offer a wealth of knowledge and                                                                  1/traded-services/4/childrenyoungpeople
                                                                                                         Supervision for staff: We can offer regular
• Advice on keeping registers                        guidance to schools when introducing                supervision to your Attendance Officers
                                                     strategies to help improve attendance               over an academic year, providing advice           Contact Point
• Legal case work leading to Prosecution             and reduce Persistent Absence
  for non-school attendance through                                                                      and guidance to support school actions            Caroline Starling
  the Court under Section 444 of the               • Extensive knowledge of individual case              and strategies on improving school                Operational Manager Early Help
  Education Act 1966, following a                    work, record keeping, attendance issues,            attendance levels.                                Telephone: 01793 465452
  graduated response. This comprises of              the law in relation to school attendance            Standard package: To include 6 termly             Email:
  an Initial Case Discussion and a Review            including policy and best practice                  supervision sessions, including supervision       Samantha Chivers
  Case Discussion through to progression           • We attend pre-arranged meetings with                agreement, travel costs, and any resources
  to court                                                                                                                                                 Senior Education Welfare Officer
                                                     school staff to include: consultation               required.
                                                     meetings with designated school staff,                                                                Telephone: 01793 465778
• Automated Fixed Penalty Notice Service.
                                                     discussion and advice on a wide range of                                                              Email:

Offering services that enable schools to help children and young people fulfil their potential in life    To order services online please visit our website at    13
Children and Young People

     Educational Psychology Service (EPS)

     What do we offer?                                  • Coaching and supervision for individual          The ELSA training comprises of 6 days              EPs have a wide knowledge and range of
                                                          or groups of staff in schools and settings.      of interactive group teaching (1 day per           skills relevant to supporting learning and
     The Educational Psychology Service
                                                        • Strategic work to support areas of school        week spread over 6 weeks). Following the           development; improving outcomes for
     (EPS) applies psychological theory and
                                                          improvement and schools in challenging           training, TAs will become accredited as            children and young people with special
     research to promote the learning,
                                                          circumstances.                                   ELSAs.                                             educational needs and disability.
     development and emotional wellbeing of
     children, young people and their families.         • Training to individual and clusters of           In order for a TA to maintain their                EPs engage in regular CPD and keep up-
     The service works with individual and                schools covering a variety of topics such        accreditation as an ELSA, they must also           to-date with psychological research and
     groups of children and young people,                 as attachment, emotion coaching, and             participate in regular group supervision (4        evidence informed interventions, to inform
     schools and other professionals to                   working memory.                                  sessions annually) which the EPS provides.         practice.
     help support early identification of any                                                              Supervision provides ELSAs with essential
                                                        • Parenting groups and workshops e.g.,                                                                EPs are also skilled in supporting the
     needs or emerging issues. The EPS is                                                                  support, as well as opportunities to gain
                                                          parent/carer drop-in sessions and                                                                   development of other professionals
     able to make a distinctive contribution                                                               new ideas and develop their skills.
                                                          focused workshops covering relevant                                                                 working with children and young
     in supporting schools and settings to
                                                          topics such as building resilience and           Additionally we are offering Top Up                people, as well as using research and
     provide a graduated response through
                                                          preparing for transitions.                       Training sessions for ELSAs who are                systemic methods to impact on positive
     a cycle of ‘plan, do, review’, which helps
                                                                                                           already qualified. These are 2 hour                organisational change.
     to understand needs and the support                • Further assessment and support for a             interactive sessions providing further
     required to increase positive outcomes.              child or young person with an Education                                                             Further information
                                                                                                           professional development for qualified
     The EPS provides a range of traded                   Health and Care Plan which may include,          ELSAs. Specific topics related to supporting       This service will be delivered from
     services to promote the development and              for example, attendance at annual                children and young people with SEMH                1 September 2020 to 31 August 2021.
     well-being of children and young people              reviews.                                         needs will be covered in these sessions
     aged 0-25 through:                                                                                    such as: understanding trauma, school              Find out more about this service at
                                                        Emotional Literacy Support Assistant                                                        
                                                        (ELSA) training and supervision                    refusal, anxiety and working with parents.
     • Consultation to support a process of                                                                                                                   1/traded-services/4/childrenyoungpeople
       collaborative problem solving and action         Following the success of a local area pilot        For further information about ELSA
       planning based on the formulation of             where ELSA training and supervision was            training and supervision please go to:
       psychological hypotheses.                        delivered across all schools, the EPS will                         Contact Point
     • Individual assessment, advice and review         be continuing to offer this programme as           Why choose us?                                       Alexa Denham
       when there are concerns around, for              a traded service. The ELSA programme is                                                                 Principal Educational Psychologist
       example, risk of placement break down,           an approach for teaching assistants (TAs)          The EPS is evaluated biannually and is
                                                                                                           highly valued by Swindon schools and                 Telephone: 01793 463075
       school refusal and attendance concerns,          to deliver individual or group interventions
                                                                                                           settings. Educational Psychologists (EPs)            Email:
       a key point of transition with significant       to children and young people who are
       vulnerability anticipated, or poor               experiencing social, emotional and mental          are psychology graduates and undertake
       progress across the curriculum.                  health difficulties; suitable for primary,         post–graduate/doctoral training in
                                                        secondary and special schools.                     Educational Psychology. All EPs are
     • Interventions for individual or groups                                                              registered with the Health and Care
       of children and young people based on                                                               Professions Council.
       therapeutic approaches.

14      To order services online please visit our website at       Offering services that enable schools to help children and young people fulfil their potential in life
Children and Young People

Family Group Conference Service                                     NEW                                  Paediatric Therapy Service

What do we offer?                                  families we work with to take the lead in             What do we offer?                               We are committed to providing evidence
                                                   decision-making. We will work flexibly                                                                based practice. We will often know your
A Family Group Conference (FGC) is a               to meet the needs of families and                     We provide advice, support, programmes          children, through our provision of core
meeting for family and friends to come             professionals to ensure the meeting runs              and training for staff, in the delivery of      physiotherapy and occupational therapy
together to be involved in the decisions           at a date and time suitable for all. The              individual therapy programmes for pupils        services from birth to 16 years across
that are being made for a child or young           meeting will be family-led and will provide           with identified therapy needs, which            Swindon. We have excellent links with
person where concerns have been                    a comfortable and safe space to allow                 help to limit the impact of their disability    our hospital based health colleagues in
identified. The main aim of our service            families to come up with a safe and viable            and promote independence. This                  addition to our integrated working within
is to empower families and friends to              plan for their children.                              includes pupils with physical disabilities,     Swindon’s children’s services.
take responsibility for the child and to                                                                 learning disabilities and/or sensory
find solutions to address family and               Further Information                                   processing problems.                            Further information
professional concerns. It is a voluntary
                                                   The following aspects of the meeting are              We are able to problem solve with               Please contact the service manager
process and families must consent to
                                                   free:                                                 staff and work out how the therapy              (details below) to discuss and agree
the referral.
                                                                                                         programmes can be integrated into the           the best option for your school before
Children and young people are normally             • A children’s advocate to support the
                                                                                                         pupil’s curriculum, to minimise the impact      ordering. This will ensure we provide the
involved in their own Family Group                   child or young person throughout the
                                                                                                         on their school/college day. We can advise      most appropriate solution for your pupils.
Conference, although often with support              process.
                                                                                                         and prescribe equipment required to meet
from an advocate. They can also design             • A family friendly venue for the meeting             pupil’s needs in school/college.                This service will be delivered from
their own invitations and choose                                                                                                                         1 September 2020 to 31 August 2021.
                                                   • Refreshments                                        Why choose us?
refreshments for the meeting if they wish.                                                                                                               Find out more about this service at
An independent Family Group Conference             • Materials – invites, family plans                   We are a combined team of qualified
coordinator will prepare the family for                                                                                                        
                                                   This service will be supplied on an ad hoc/           Paediatric Physiotherapists and                 1/traded-services/4/childrenyoungpeople
their meeting and explore support from                                                                   Occupational Therapists, supported by
                                                   on demand basis – please contact us to
extended family members and friends.                                                                     experienced Therapy Assistants. The
                                                   discuss your needs or for any queries.
During the meeting, professionals set                                                                    qualified therapists are registered and
                                                   Find out more about this service at                                                                    Contact Point
out their concerns and offer advice on                                                                   regulated by the HCPC (Health and Care
                                                                                                     Mark Green
what support could be available. Family                                                                  Professions Council) and undertake
                                                   1/traded-services/4/childrenyoungpeople               regular post-qualification training and          Integrated Service Manager
members then have private family time to
make a safe plan for the child. The family                                                               development.                                     Telephone: 01793 464061
will also have the opportunity to attend a                                                                                                                Email:
further meeting 3 months later to review             Contact Point
their plan.                                          Lisa McNally
                                                     Family Group Conference and New
Why choose us?                                       Beginnings Manager
Our team of skilled and experienced                  Telephone: 01793 465111
FGC Coordinators are passionate and                  Email:
enthusiastic about empowering the

Offering services that enable schools to help children and young people fulfil their potential in life    To order services online please visit our website at    15
Children and Young People

     Parent Support Advisor Service                                  NEW                                 Restorative Conference Service                                    NEW

     What do we offer?                                 Parent Support Advisors will work direct         What do we offer?                                  Why choose us?
     Parent Support Advisors, to deliver               with parents of nursery and school aged
                                                                                                        Supporting you to resolve conflict and find        Our team of skilled and experienced FGC
     bespoke packages of intervention with             children to assess needs, and work to an
                                                                                                        a better way forward.                              Coordinators are trained in restorative
     parents to support them in developing             agreed plan with those parents identified
                                                                                                                                                           practice and conflict resolution to deliver
     their parenting skills.                           by the school. Parent support advisors           Ethos: Acknowledging the past ..Moving
                                                                                                                                                           Restorative Conferences. We will work
                                                       will deliver interventions in the home           people into the present…Focusing on the
     Universal services are available for all                                                                                                              flexibly to meet the needs of families and
                                                       and in the school, as well as be the lead        future
     families to access, however from time                                                                                                                 professionals to ensure the meeting runs
                                                       professional for TAC/TAF meetings as             A Restorative Conference is a process that
     to time some families require additional                                                                                                              at a date and time suitable for all.
                                                       appropriate.                                     brings people together and allows them
     support. Parents who have had poor                Our parent support advisors receive                                                                 Further information
     experiences of being parented themselves,                                                          to discuss difficulties in their relationships
                                                       regular supervision, ongoing training            that are impacting upon them and their             The following aspects of the meeting are
     or who are finding the challenges of              including safeguarding training, and they
     parenting overwhelming can feel isolated                                                           children. The focus is on the future               free:
                                                       work within a multidisciplinary team             and reaching agreements that support
     and unsupported. Parent Support Advisors          of practitioners. They are experienced                                                              • A children’s advocate to support the
     offer nurturing, supportive and non-                                                               healthier relationships by making a plan
                                                       in working with challenges such as               for change.                                          child or young person throughout the
     judgemental parenting interventions,              behaviours linked to Autism Spectrum                                                                  process
     promoting the importance of positive              Condition (ASC), anxiety, trauma,                A Restorative Conference is a voluntary
     child parent attachment and of positive                                                            process and families must consent to the           • A family friendly venue for the meeting
                                                       inconsistent boundaries and routines.
     interactions for children’s learning and                                                           referral. Children and young people can            • Refreshments
     development, and role model appropriate           Further information                              be involved in the Restorative Conference
     and consistent boundaries and routines.           The length of agreement can be for 1 year        where appropriate, although often with             • Materials – invites, family plans

     Parent Support advisors will work in the          or 2 years, delivered from 1st September         support from an advocate.                          This service will be supplied on an ad hoc/
     family home, for a number of weeks as             2020 to 31st August 2021/2022.                   The Restorative Conference Process:                on demand basis – please contact us to
     agreed within the plan with a focus on            Find out more about this service at                                                                 discuss your needs or for any queries.
                                                                                                        STEP 1 - Meet with your coordinator to
     addressing assessed needs, and improving                                                         Find out more about this service at
                                                                                                        prepare for your meeting. Discuss what’s
     the outcomes for children and young               1/traded-services/4/childrenyoungpeople                                                   
                                                                                                        happened, who has been affected by this
     people. They will act as an advocate for                                                                                                              1/traded-services/4/childrenyoungpeople
                                                         Contact Point                                  and what needs to happen now?
     children and young people ensuring their
     voice is heard in school and home, in order         Caroline Starling                              STEP 2 – Restorative Conference meeting.
     that appropriate support can be available           Operational Manager Early Help                 Brings everyone together to share their              Contact Point
     to meet their needs.                                Telephone: 01793 465452                        views, resolve issues and make a Plan for            Lisa McNally
                                                         Email:                Change.                                              Family Group Conference and New
     Why choose us?
                                                         Kesze Saunders                                 STEP 3 – A review will be offered to check           Beginnings Manager
     The Parenting Hub offers a bespoke
     package of support to schools, delivered            Operational Manager Early Help                 on the progress of the plan.                         Telephone: 01793 465111
     by Parent Support Advisors trained in               Telephone: 01793 465111                                                                             Email:
     a variety of evidence based parenting               Email:
16      To order services online please visit our website at    Offering services that enable schools to help children and young people fulfil their potential in life
Children and Young People

 School Nursing Service                           NEW                                                     Speech and Language Therapy (SLT)

What do we offer?                                  School nurses have a professional duty                What do we offer?                               Why choose us?
                                                   to adhere to the Nursing and Midwifery
We offer additional school staff medical           Council (NMC) and Swindon Borough                     We offer a specialist service to Special        Because we know your children, through
needs training                                     guidelines and policies.                              schools and SRP units to meet children          providing your local core service, we can
                                                                                                         and young people’s SEN needs.                   plan traded services with you to meet the
Core work for school nursing in Swindon
is based on The Healthy Child Programme            Further information                                   We also welcome discussion with schools
                                                                                                                                                         precise needs of your school and learners,
                                                                                                                                                         including those pre-schoolers who will
(NHS), local and national health directives        Each school receives one free training                wanting to enhance the core SLT service.
                                                                                                                                                         be joining your school in future years.
for children and young people.                     session. All additional sessions are charged          We offer specific training to help              Swindon’s SLT service has skills in the full
All schools are offered free delivery of core      for.                                                  your school develop all children’s oral         range of communication disorders, and
services, this includes supporting staff to        All ordered sessions will be arranged                 communication, now a key requirement            has the advantage of close links with other
manage children in school with health              individually with each school.                        for Ofsted, as well as to help the progress     local services for children.
needs through ‘Individual Health Care                                                                    of those with communication difficulties,
Plans’ and annual staff training sessions,         This service will be delivered from                                                                   Further information
                                                                                                         disabled learners and those with SEN.
planned ‘School nurse clinics’, routine            1 September 2020 to 31 August 2021.                                                                   Please contact the service manager
                                                                                                         Derbyshire Language Scheme, Elklan,
height, weight, vision and audio screening         Find out more about this service at                   Signalong and Word Aware tutors are             (details below) to discuss and agree
and on site health support for pupils and           available. We also offer:                       the best option for your school before
their families. School nurses work within          1/traded-services/4/childrenyoungpeople                                                               ordering. This will ensure we provide the
the integrated children’s services, and                                                                  ICAN Early Talk Boost:                          most appropriate solution for your pupils.
have robust links with other services                                                                    This course is for teachers and/or Teaching     This service will be delivered from
within Swindon.                                     Contact Point                                        assistants and is aimed at children of 3 -4     1 September 2020 to 31 August 2021.
Schools are able to purchase additional             Janet Sadler                                         years old (nursery and reception years)
                                                    Professional Lead School Nursing                     and is evidenced based. It is aimed at          Find out more about this service at
school staff medical needs training
                                                                                                         children who have difficulty listening /
sessions.                                           Telephone: 07919 545570
                                                                                                         paying attention, understanding language,       1/traded-services/4/childrenyoungpeople
Why choose us?                                                                                           organising and using language, explaining
                                                                                                         and describing, taking turns and who use
All school nurses are registered nurses                                                                                                                    Contact Point
                                                                                                         immature sentences.
with additional training to develop the
                                                                                                                                                           Mark Green
skills and knowledge required to work                                                                    ICAN Talk Boost:                                  Integrated Service Manager
appropriately with children and young
people both in and out of the school                                                                     This course is for Teacher and Teaching           Telephone: 01793 464061
setting.                                                                                                 Assistant pairs (4-7 year olds) to attend         Email:
                                                                                                         together. They will be equipped and
                                                                                                         trained to deliver a specific intervention
                                                                                                         in school for language delayed children
                                                                                                         who need a boost to help them catch up.

Offering services that enable schools to help children and young people fulfil their potential in life    To order services online please visit our website at     17
Children and Young People

     Swindon Portage                                                                                     Targeted Mental Health Service (TaMHS)

     What do we offer?                                 Why choose us?                                    What do we offer?                                  Why choose us?
     This service is open to any school that           Working as part the Integrated Team for           All schools and EYFS can purchase                  All of our TaMHS Clinical Practitioners hold
     is receiving a child that is known to the         disabled children at Salt Way Centre and          the TaMHS service. We aim to ensure                a professional qualification eg: Registered
     Portage service within Swindon. We                the wider early year’s work force, means          that the emotional and mental health               mental health nurses or general nurses.
     can provide inclusion into school for             we are well placed to access advice and           needs of children and young people are             They all have extensive experience of
     children who have received Portage home           support that would aid both the child and         appropriately dealt with at the earliest           working in a CaMHS setting with children
     teaching, providing training and support          school. The team consists of qualified and        opportunity. We are the single point of            and young people with mental health
     to the school staff to enable successful          experienced staff in early years, special         access for requests for specialist mental          difficulties.
     inclusion. Portage staff will have worked         needs and disabilities and we can deliver         health intervention (i.e. Child and
     with the child and their family for up to 4       Signalong and The Early Bird (+)                                                                     The TaMHS Outreach workers also have
                                                                                                         Adolescent Mental Health Services).
     years and in some cases may have acted            for parents of children with autism.                                                                 a range of experience and have been
     as the child’s lead professional. This means                                                        TaMHS offers short-term interventions              trained in evidence based models of
     that they have a wealth of knowledge and          Further information                               such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy              delivery. All our work is evaluated pre and
     experience in relation to how the child                                                             and bespoke school packages, including             post intervention, providing evidence of
                                                       Prior to a child starting school or academy       training and one to one work for young             outcomes, and has been highlighted as a
     learns best and will be able to provide           the Portage teacher begins liaison with the
     strategies to enable learning and for the                                                           people. We also offer parenting support            positive benefit to pupils in Ofsted reports.
                                                       child’s designated school, arranging visits       for parents of the school pupils dependent
     child to meet their individual goals.             so that contact can be made between                                                                  Further information
                                                                                                         on the presenting needs.
     Inclusion into School                             home and school, visiting the school with
                                                                                                                                                            This service will be delivered from
     Portage staff will visit the school weekly in     the child regularly to familiarise them with      Continuing for 2020-21                             1 September 2020 to 31 August 2021.
     term 1 maintaining regular contact with           the school layout in the summer term
                                                       and sharing information with the relevant         Clinical Supervision for School Staff
     parents to ensure transfer into school is                                                                                                              Find out more about this service at
                                                       school staff.                                     Particularly for Head teachers, SENCOs,  
     successful. This will move to monthly visits
                                                                                                         child protection leads and Pastoral staff,         1/traded-services/4/childrenyoungpeople
     from term 2 ending in term 4. Inclusion           This service will be delivered from               this is an effective tool in safeguarding
     into School package will be delivered in          1 September 2020 to 31 August 2021.               children and young people. Professional
     arrangement with Portage teacher,
                                                       Find out more about this service at               and personal issues can be addressed in
     based on:
                                                                                                         a safe, confidential space enabling the              Contact Point
     Weekly visits September-October (term 1)                                                            individual to feel listened to and valued.           Danielle Kemp
                                                                                                         This enables the staff to work through               Senior Clinical Practitioner
     Monthly visits October-April (terms 2/3/4)
                                                                                                         difficult situations with children and               Telephone: 07557 541769
     Staff training
                                                                                                         their families, assisting with identifying           Email:
     Ad hoc training can be delivered on                 Contact Point
                                                                                                         solutions, whilst impacting positively on
     demand to primary schools enabling                  Stephanie Hathaway
                                                                                                         school staffs emotional wellbeing.
     successful inclusion to school for all              Manager, Swindon Portage
     children with additional needs. We can              Telephone: 01793 465360
     provide a range of training to individual           Email:
     schools and staff to meet their
     PPD requirements.
18      To order services online please visit our website at     Offering services that enable schools to help children and young people fulfil their potential in life
Children and Young People

                                                                                                         U-Turn -
The Family Service                      NEW
                                                                                                         Young People’s Substance Misuse Service

What do we offer?                                  The Family Service aims to enable families            What do we offer?                               Why choose us?
Holistic targeted family work with families        to address and overcome the difficulties
                                                   that have led them to be vulnerable. We               U-Turn is Swindon’s young people’s              U-Turn have access to the most up to
where there are children and young                                                                       (10-18) specialist substance misuse             date information on substance misuse
people aged pre-birth -18 years.                   work in partnership with families in order
                                                   to prevent further escalation of need.                service. U-Turn provides support, help          trends such as the risks, myths and
The Family Service is voluntary. Children,                                                               and guidance to young people and their          misunderstandings relating to the use of
young people and their families do not             We are a team of passionate and
                                                                                                         families for all drug or alcohol related        legal highs. Our staff are highly trained,
have to engage with the support when               dedicated multi-agency practitioners who
                                                                                                         problems. This includes illicit substances,     qualified and experienced and comply
recommended.                                       will practice using a restorative, relational
                                                                                                         solvents, prescribed medication as well as      with CCQI Practice standards for young
                                                   approach, ensuring that families are fully
Home visits will be undertaken with                                                                      more established substances such as class       people with substance misuse problems.
                                                   supported to make the changes needed to
families at a frequency which is identified                                                              A and B drugs.
as most likely to meet their needs. The
                                                   care for their children.                                                                              Further information
                                                                                                         We provide a free service that anyone
package is calculated on two visits per            Further information                                   can refer into and access, which will then      This service can be delivered on an ad
week for 3 months.                                 The Family Service will offer a bespoke               provide a full assessment, cognitive-           hoc “pay as you go” basis. Services can
The Family Worker will work with families          package to meet the needs of each family,             behavioural interventions, motivational         be provided as one-off training sessions,
to co-ordinate and deliver targeted                working flexibly with them for up to                  interviewing and specialist prescribing.        regular drop-ins, or as part of school
support which aims to address whole                3 months.                                                                                             curriculum e.g. PSHE classes, as well as for
family needs and result in better outcomes                                                               In addition, U-Turn can also offer a            issues emerging or school health related
for each child and young person.                   Find out more about this service at                   Traded Service which provides expertise         events or programmes.
                                                    in education and prevention to groups
The Family Service will complete an Early          1/traded-services/4/childrenyoungpeople               and schools appropriate to all ages and         Find out more about this service at
Help Assessment and plan.                                                                                levels of attainment. U-Turn use the latest
The Family Service will co-ordinate Team                                                                 drug awareness resources in an engaging,        1/traded-services/4/childrenyoungpeople
Around the Family meetings when there               Contact Point                                        innovative and flexible way that is mindful
are two or more professionals involved              Kesze Saunders                                       of individual experience, local influences
from different agencies.                            Operational Manager Early Help                       and peer group behaviours, to challenge,          Contact Point
                                                                                                         educate and provide the right information         Dale Colsell
Why choose us?                                      Telephone: 01793 465111
                                                                                                         to help young people make informed
                                                    Email:                                                                        RYS Operational manager
The Family Service work in a holistic                                                                    decisions.                                        (specialist services)
targeted way with families committed to             Caroline Starling
                                                                                                                                                           Telephone: 01793 463873
strengthening and improving relationships.          Operational Manager Early Help
We provide structured interventions that            Telephone: 01793 465452
enable families to develop problem solving          Email:
skills, build resilience and achieve positive,
sustainable behaviour change.

Offering services that enable schools to help children and young people fulfil their potential in life    To order services online please visit our website at     19
Children and Young People

     Youth Engagement Service

     What do we offer?                                 Why choose us?
     In order to succeed in education, training        Youth Engagement Workers (YEWs)
     and employment, young people need self-           have extensive experience of working
     esteem, communication skills and coping           successfully with hard to reach and
     strategies. We provide bespoke support            vulnerable young people using a range
     packages to vulnerable young people in            of methodologies. The basis of all of our
     order to address a range of issues, with a        work is to develop productive, effective
     main focus on self-awareness and personal         and professional relationships with young
     development.                                      people to create opportunities
                                                       for successful transitions.
     Within our service we can provide five
     options of support:                               Our methodology includes utilising
                                                       conversation, drama, art or sport to
     • A programme of informal education
                                                       explore healthy relationships, self-
       at schools or college for young people
                                                       expression/ esteem/ confidence, team
       with challenging behavioural, social and
                                                       work, emotional literacy, risk and harm
       emotional difficulties
                                                       reduction, Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)
     • Offer Information Advice Guidance               and Criminal Exploitation prevention.
       interviews for Year 10 and 11
                                                       Further information
     • Gender Identity and Romantic/Sexual
       Orientation work with young people that         This service can be delivered on an ad
       identify as trans, gender fluid, gender         hoc “pay as you go” basis. The length of
       queer, agender, gay, lesbian, bisexual,         agreement can be negotiated to suit the
       asexual, pansexual or questioning               individual needs of each case.
     • An enhanced post 16 transitions package         Find out more about this service at
       for pupils selected by the school     
     • Provide transition programme to ease
       the shift from Year 6 students to Year 7
     Interventions may involve one to one                 Contact Point
     conversation, issue based group work,                Sarah Hayes
     experiential learning, and practical                 Senior Youth Engagement Worker
                                                          Telephone: 07785 768549

20      To order services online please visit our website at    Offering services that enable schools to help children and young people fulfil their potential in life
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