Page created by Mitchell Luna

           2018 NATIONAL FORUM
               ON CHARACTER

                                           C E L E B R AT I N G
Tips for a Successful Forum
          P L A N Y O U R TI M E
          We have filled the schedule with a full array of
          programming, but by planning ahead, you can
          make the most of your time. Be sure to take
          advantage of the built-in time to visit with
          exhibitors and network with new friends.

          C HOO S E S E S S IO N S W I S E LY
          Although you’re welcome to attend any session
          and will learn something from all of them, we have
          created a coding system for you to find appropriate
          sessions more easily. See pages 4 & 26.

            Category               Principles

     #    S h a r e Y o ur F o rum E x p e r i e nc e
          Use the hashtag #character25 to share your
                                                                   Meet the Team
                                                                   T o p L e f t to B o t t o m R i g h t : Sora Wondra, Tamra Nast,
          stories and excitement on Twitter, Facebook and          Heather Cazad, Sheril Morgan, Parker Pillsbury, Colton
          Instagram as we celebrate 25 years of character.         Qualls, Doug Karr, Iris Wyatt
          Be sure to follow us on each of those platforms for      N OT PI C T U R E D : Rayna Smith, Amy Johnston,
          our own highlights throughout the conference!            Dara Feldman, Dean D’Ambrosi

                                                2018 National Forum Sponsors
                           T h a n k y o u t o o ur s p o ns o rs ! T h e c o n f e r e nc e w o uld
                            n o t b e p o ss i bl e w i t h o u t t h e i r g e n e r o us su p p o r t.


2   2018 National Forum on Character                                                                                # character25      
                        ANNIVERSARY                              C E L E B R AT I N G

           Welcome to Character.org’s 25th National Forum on Character
           Dear Friends,

           Thank you for joining us as we celebrate Character.org’s and the National Forum’s Silver Anniversary. We’ve had
           a long history of bringing together thought leaders from across the country and around the world in the interest
           of widespread character development, and we’re grateful to all of you for being a part of our past, present and

           We hope that over the next few days, we’re able to honor the history that’s brought us this far and work toward
           even greater growth for the future of strong Communities of Character all over.

           I hope you’ve come here to share your story and, ultimately, learn how to more positively affect your
           community, whether that’s your school, your workplace, your family, your sports team or any other group of
           people with whom you interact. The more you share, the better we all are.

           This Forum includes more than 50 informative breakout sessions, interactive workshops and inspiring keynotes
           selected specifically to start the conversations that can help you reach your goals. Network with new people;
           learn from our 2018 National Schools of Character and Promising Practices; make a plan to keep moving on your
           character journey.

           With The 11 Principles of Effective Character Education TM as our guiding framework, we can work together to
           build Communities of Character in every town in every state in every country. Let’s not lose traction. Let’s make
           sure these conversations continue not just at the Forum but year-round.

           Linda and I are thankful we’re on this journey together with you.


           Doug Karr, President & CEO                                     Linda McKay, Board of Directors Chair

   # character25                                                                                                              1
S C HE D U L E   of   EVE N T S
    Thursday, October 4

    		Pr e - F o rum E v e n t s

    8:00-12:00PM School of Character Site Visit
    Washington, DC        Visit Sheridan School, a local 2017 National School of
    Check in              Character, and experience some of their character initiatives
    at hotel lobby        to share with your own school and community. Learn
                          about Sheridan’s progressive approach to successful shared
                          leadership and meaningful curriculum, and witness first-hand
                          a National School of Character in action.

    9:00-1:00PM Evaluator Training
    Thurgood Ballroom Join this training to learn about Character.org’s Schools of Character evaluator process.
    East and South
    9:00-1:00PM Building Character through Workforce Development
    Hoover                Join the Learning for Life team in an interactive session on Workforce Development
                          and Exploring, a career education program that has been tested for over 60 years.
                          Participants will learn about the benefits for youth, schools and business when they
                          work together to provide opportunities for hands-on career education that will help
                          students’ success. The Exploring team will discuss strategies to engage your local
                          communities and businesses to help develop your students and at the same time                                                 Diane Thorton
                          cultivate their next generation of employees.

    		                    Diane Thornton is the National Director of Learning for Life & Exploring. Diane started her career as an educator,
                          working her way to superintendent. She joined Learning for Life 10+ years ago and has used her education
                          experience to advance character and career education nationwide.
    		                    Colin Lemon began his professional Scouting career as a District Executive in the Old North State Council in Greensboro,
                          North Carolina in 2011. In 2014, he became the District Director for the Guilford District. In 2015, Colin was promoted to     Colin Lemon
                          Director of Camping and STEM Programs.

    9:00-1:00PM Using Prosocial Data for School Improvement and to Build Schools of Character
    McKinley              The overall goal for this session is to support school leaders and leadership teams’
                          understanding by using data to promote schools of character. Specifically, school leaders
                          will (1) review and reflect on current character education, social emotional learning
                          (SEL) and school climate informed measurement tools and learning systems; (2) consider
                          your school’s/district’s measurement practices now; and, (3) begin to develop short and
                          longer term action plans to measure prosocial student as well as school improvement
                          efforts in the context of the Principle 11 indicators.                                                                        Jonathan Cohen

    		                    Dr. Jonathan Cohen is the co-founder and president of the National School Climate Center. He is also an Adjunct
                          Professor in Psychology and Education at Teachers College, Columbia University and a practicing clinical
                          psychologist and psychoanalyst.
    		                    Phil Brown is a Consultant for the National School Climate Center. He serves on Character.org’s Educational Advisory
                          Committee. After serving in the NJ Department of Education, he created and directed the Center for Social and Character
                          Development at Rutgers University. He established the NJ Alliance for Social, Emotional and Character Development that
                                                                                                                                                         Phil Brown
                          developed the State Schools of Character program for Character.org.

2   2018 National Forum on Character                                                                                                                   # character25     
Pr e - F o rum E v e n t s

     1:00-4:00PM International Summit
     Madison           Join key international and domestic thought leaders in this groundbreaking summit as we discuss
                       character development initiatives around the world. We’ll share emerging practices as well as
                       possibilities for the future. Engage with presenters and participants as we work to determine what’s next
                       in building a more global community.

     1:00-3:00PM Education Advisory Council Meeting
     Johnson           Character.org’s EAC hosts this afternoon meeting for the council.

     1:15-3:00PM Coordinating Member Meeting
     Jefferson         Current coordinating members or anyone interested in helping to lead Character.org’s regional efforts to
                       expand the Schools of Character program is welcome to join this meeting.

     3:00-5:00PM Early Registration
     Outside Lincoln   Beat the rush of Friday morning check-in to get your badge, bag and Forum materials.
     Exhibit Hall

     5:00-6:00PM Welcome Reception and Exhibits
     Lincoln Exhibit Hall Network with attendees, and explore the exhibits while snacking on light appetizers and drinks. This
                       reception is a prelude to the Silver Anniversary Gala. All Forum and gala attendees are welcome to join.
                       Take this opportunity to congratulate character award recipients before they are honored at the gala.

     6:00-9:00PM Silver Anniversary Gala
     Thurgood Ballroom For Character.org, 2018 marks 25 years of convening groups together to discuss character issues,
     East and South    exchanging failures and best practices. We have honored this milestone with a full year of new
                       opportunities and events for the organization and our community, all culminating at the Silver
                       Anniversary Gala and Character Awards Ceremony.

                       During this gala, we will commemorate 25 years of character leadership and advocacy. At the gala we will
                       present the Inaugural Character Awards to people, families and organizations that have made significant
                       contributions to communities of character. The awards will recognize excellence and achievement in the
                       areas of education, business, sports and families.

   # character25                                                                                                                  3
S C HE D U L E    of   EVE N T S
    Friday, October 5

    7:00-8:00 AM Registration, Check-in and Exhibitor Time
    Outside Lincoln        Grab your bag, badge and Forum materials.
    Exhibit Hall

    7:30-8:00 AM Breakfast
    Lincoln Exhibit Hall Grab some coffee and a light breakfast for a boost of energy to keep you focused. Take a spin around the exhibit
                           hall, and explore all of our vendors’ great resources. A map of the exhibit hall with descriptions is on pages 18 & 19.

    8:00-9:15AM Opening Keynote: The Revolution is Inclusion: Rebuilding the
                Heart of the Nation in a Time of Fear, Anxiety and Possibility
    		Ballroom Dr. Timothy Shriver is the Chairman of the Board of Directors for Special Olympics International, and in that capacity, he
                           serves with over 5.6 million Special Olympics athletes in 172 countries, all working to promote health, education and a
                           more unified world through the joy of sports.
    		                     Before joining Special Olympics in 1996, Shriver was and remains a leading educator focusing on the social and emotional
                           factors in learning. He co-founded and currently chairs the Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning         Timothy Shriver
                           (CASEL), the leading school reform organization in the field of social and emotional learning. He is Co-Chair of the National
                           Commission on Social, Emotional and Academic Development and President of the Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. Foundation. He has produced 4 films, is the
                           author of the New York Times bestselling book Fully Alive — Discovering What Matters Most, written numerous published articles and has been
                           rewarded with degrees and honors which he happily accepted on behalf of others.

                                                  CATEGORY                            PrincipleS

                                                       Education         Family       Principle            Principle           Principle             Principle
                                                       Workplace         Sports       Principle            Principle           Principle             Principle
                                                                                      Principle            Principle           Principle

                 Apply to be a 2019 National School of Character
                                                Your pathway to school improvement just got better!

                                               Use the 11 Principles of Effective Character Education
                                    to guide your school to develop a caring community and School of Character.

                                                                        Apply by December 7th
                                                        Visit character.org to learn more about the process.

4   2018 National Forum on Character                                                                                                                         # character25   
9:30-10:45AM Breakout Sessions
     Building Community: A Timeless and Universal Force Multiplier to Ensure
     Positive Human Connectivity
     Thurgood Ballroom Taulbert takes us into the awesome power of community, not as an appendage, but as a
                      force multiplier. According to Taulbert, “When community invades our space, we are
                      more likely to see our commonality, our shared humanity. When this happens, the global
                      gap closes, and the neighborhood welcomes. When living out community, RAI (Respect,
                                                                                                                                                       Clifton Taulbert
                      Affirmation & Inclusion) shows up. Old cultural paradigms will shift, and negative habits
                      will seek new places to dwell. Community is powerful! Any movement to engage diverse
                      people whatever their diversity might be should always have ‘community’ at the table leading the
                      discourse.” Speaker: Clifton Taulbert

                      Clifton Taulbert is a member of Character.org’s Educational Advisory Council, a Pulitzer-nominated author, speaker and entrepreneur. Taulbert
                      has authored several nationally-recognized picture books for children, the widely-acclaimed Eight Habits of the Heart that serves as a
                      resource text for K-12 educators, and his most recent book, The Invitation, which masterfully proves the importance of community in a child’s

     SPIRITWORKS: Creating a Culture of Transformation
     Hoover           Workshop participants will engage in a high-energy interactive introduction to
                      SPIRITWORKS—a method for fostering inspiration, empowerment and mastery in your
                      classroom, school or community. Distilled from thousands of hours of student instruction,                                       Richard Strauss
                      the SPIRITWORKS approach proceeds from a very simple premise: transformation begins
                      with self-transformation. Experience this powerful framework for self-examination,
                      explore the Five Attributes that create masterful outcomes, and participate with a
                      willingness to be reminded how joyful and liberating well-directed self discovery can be!
                                                                                                                                                    Leslie Rachel Strauss
                      Speakers: Richard Strauss & Leslie Rachel Strauss

     		               Richard Strauss founded SPIRIT SERIES in 2001 to address a profound crisis in his young daughter’s life, as well as the larger crisis in
                      public education. Under his leadership, 45,000 students—grades four through eight—have met the SPIRIT SERIES challenge as they study,
                      co-write, stage and perform inspiring one-act historical biographies, forge a positive vision for themselves and begin to become their own
     		               Leslie Rachel Strauss is an internationally certified Life Coach, specializing in leadership and team-building skills for non-profit
                      organizations. Ms. Strauss developed the SPIRITWORKS Method over the past decade in response to the challenges of training and
                      coaching classroom leaders. Under her mentorship, SPIRIT SERIES instructors have led 40,000 students in three states though the
                      program’s transformative drama-based values and literacy learning adventure.

   # character25                                                                                                                                                           5
S C HE D U L E   of   EVE N T S
    Friday, October 5

    9:30-10:45AM Breakout Sessions (continued)
    Curriculum is Full! How Do we Fit in Compassion and Mindfulness, “The Real Skills?”
    McKinley              How do we develop mindfulness and compassion in the context of the academic demands of
                          education? This session will introduce participants to The Compassionate Schools Project and
                          how it teaches elementary students to cultivate focus, resilience and well-being for academic
                          success. Facilitating the integrated development of mind and body, the project interweaves                                           Glenna Hess
                          support in academic achievement, mental fitness, health, social-emotional learning and
                          compassionate character. This session will include information about the curriculum, insights
                          from implementation, resources and audience participation in curriculum activities.
                          Speakers: Glenna Hess & Ramie Martin-Galijatovic
                                                                                                                                                               Ramie Martin-
    		                    Glenna Hess, Ed.S., joined the Compassionate Schools Project in July 2017 as an Implementation Specialist working with                Galijatovic

                          school and district administrators within Jefferson County Public Schools. She has over 30 years experience in education. Prior
                          to joining UVA, she was the specialist for Student Development for JCPS, in Louisville, KY. While there her work focused on developing school
                          culture and climate and social-emotional learning. She has been a national consultant for Developmental Studies Center, and Children, Inc. and
                          has been a presenter at previous Character.org Forums.
    		                    Ramie Martin-Galijatovic, MSSW, CSW, joined the Compassionate Schools Project in May 2017 as an Evaluation Manager. Prior to joining UVA, she
                          was employed at the University of Louisville managing research grants funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, the Substance
                          Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, the Bureau of Justice and National Institutes of Health and Human Development with roles in
                          program management, program implementation and evaluation. Since 2008, she has been an adjunct professor at U of L. Kent School of Social
                          Work teaching in both the BSW/MSSW program.

6   2018 National Forum on Character                                                                                                                  # character25            
Character Education in Preschool...How Does That Look?
     Madison        The focus of character education is usually placed at the elementary school
                    level and beyond. Character education can begin as early as preschool. Of
                    course, it will look differently than it does with older students. As with
                    a household where the parents/guardians help to shape and form that                                         Jamillah Parker     Nicole Edwards
                    environment, a school’s administration, faculty and staff help to create
                    the culture and climate of a school. Intrinsic values are taught through
                    modeling. This session will provide guidelines to build and strengthen
                    a positive school culture and climate by beginning with the adults, thus                                     Anne Donovan       Cordalia Sullivan
                    impacting the preschool student population and their families. This session
                    will promote unity amongst administrators, faculty and staff, students and families,
                    and the community at-large by creating a caring community with all stakeholders.
                    Speakers: Jamillah Parker, Anne Donovan, Nicole Edwards, Cordalia Sullivan
                                                                                                                                           Deborah Ceplo
                    & Deborah Ceplo

     		             Jamillah Parker is a NJ School Social Worker. She has been the Preschool District Social Worker in Pemberton Township Schools for over
                    11 years. Her desire is to ensure students are developing their physical, social, emotional, and academic skills that will assist them in
                    becoming productive contributors to their community and thus, the world at-large.
     		             Anne Donovan began her career working in private preschools in Pennsylvania and then in the preschool program in Camden, NJ. For the
                    past 14 years, she has been fortunate to work in Pemberton Township Schools, first as a preschool teacher, and now as a Master Teacher.
                    As a Master Teacher, Ms. Donovan’s primary role is to visit classrooms and act as a coach using the reflective cycle.
     		             Nicole Edwards has been a speech and language pathologist in the public school system for the past 22 years. Ms. Edwards is extremely
                    passionate about service-learning projects and the ability to persevere no matter the circumstance.
     		             Cordalia Sullivan is the Assistant Principal of the 5 star GNJK-rated and National School of Character Pemberton Early Childhood
                    Education Center. Before joining Pemberton, she taught in the Mount Holly School District and at Benhaven, School for Children with
                    Autism, New Haven, Connecticut.
     		             Deb Ceplo is the Assistant Director of Early Childhood for Pemberton Township Schools and has served in education for over 30 years. She
                    believes that promoting strong character at an early age is just as important as academics. PECEC intentionally connects academic and
                    social skills while encouraging “voice and choice” in our students, our staff and our community.

     Happy Caveman: Positivity Changes Lives
     Lincoln 2      When we feel good...we do good. The happiest people in our world not only live longer,
                    and enjoy a better quality of life, but their impact is far greater. The best part?...positivity
                    and happiness isn’t just something that’s magically bestowed on the chosen few. It’s a
                    practice. Open to everyone. Those who are willing to invest the time required will receive
                                                                                                                                                     Joe Beckman
                    the social, emotional and spiritual benefits that accompany it. Based off Joe’s keynote talk,
                    this dynamic and high energy breakout equips participants with ideas and tools that will increase their
                    energy, their happiness and ultimately their impact. Speaker: Joe Beckman

     		             Joe Beckman’s mission has been to reclaim human connection through student keynotes, leadership workshops, staff trainings and
                    video-based advisory curriculum, that reignites connection and unleashes student potential. Joe has shared his infectious energy, humor
                    and passion in over 1,000 schools; positively impacting over 1 million people worldwide.

   # character25                                                                                                                                                       7
S C HE D U L E   of   EVE N T S
    Friday, October 5

    9:30-10:45AM Breakout Sessions (continued)
    Creating a Community of Character
    Lincoln 3             This session will equip participants with information and strategies on bringing a character program
                          to their own cities or communities. A city-wide program has a big impact on the whole community,
                          enabling all of our schools and residents to focus on the same character quality each month. The
                          speakers will outline the process that the City of Mission Viejo used to develop and implement its                                           Trish Kelley
                          program, including gathering community input on the character traits of importance, organizing
                          a committee, developing materials to promote the qualities and recruiting sponsors to donate the
                          materials. Speakers: Trish Kelley & Vickie Sullivan

    		                    Trish Kelley is a City Council Member in Mission Viejo, California. Trish led the effort to establish Mission Viejo as a City of            Vickie Sullivan
                          Character, developing a city-wide character program focusing on 12 character traits selected by votes of the residents. She
                          wrote the curriculum, which is provided to the city’s 25 schools. The program has received state and national awards.
    		                    Vickie Sullivan is the Library & Cultural Services Coordinator with the City of Mission Viejo, California. Since 2017 she has been the staff advisor
                          to the city’s Community of Character Committee. She works with the Community of Character team in planning and organizing their charitable
                          fundraising activities throughout the year. As a member of the Library & Cultural Services team she plays a key role in community building
                          through arts education, community art projects and working on special events such as the Arts Alive & Street Painting Festival and Symphony
                          in the Cities with Pacific Symphony.

    Positive Motivation: Getting the Best from Students and Athletes
    Lincoln 4             Attendees will learn why positive motivation helps individuals improve their performance
                          and process the life lessons that will impact them in athletic competition, school and beyond.
                          Attendees will explore scenarios and apply this knowledge to motivation challenges with those
                          they coach and teach: motivating difficult-to-reach individuals and under-performing teams,                                                 Jim Thompson

                          having “hard conversations” with individuals, communicating “Receivable Criticism” and giving players an
                          “Emotional Tank Vocabulary” for use with themselves and those around them. Speaker: Jim Thompson

    		                    Jim Thompson started Positive Coaching Alliance at Stanford University in 1998 to create a movement to transform the culture of youth sports
                          into a Development Zone® with the goal to develop Better Athletes, Better People. Jim has written nine books including: The Double-Goal Coach,
                          Elevating Your Game and The Positive Sports Parent.

    Introduction to the 11 Principles of Character
    Lincoln 5             This session will equip participants to engage their school district and community in the
                          process of developing, implementing and sustaining a comprehensive character education
                          that is integrated into all aspects of the school and community. Participants will learn how
                          to use research based principles and apply them to their unique school-community setting.                                                     Bob Freado
                          These principles and processes can be applied to grass roots initiatives or in settings in which
                          stakeholders seek to renew their commitment. Speakers: Bob Freado and Val Gallina

    		                    Bob Freado’s 34 years in public education includes experience as a special education teacher, scholastic and collegiate coach,
                          character education coordinator and 26 years as a principal at the elementary, middle and high school levels. His leadership                 Val Gallina
                          of Peters Township Character Counts led to several district schools being recognized as National Schools of Character.
    		                    Val Gallina retired from the Pinellas County School District (FL), 2007 National District of Character, after 35+ years. She is currently Board President
                          of FloridaCharacter.org, a state licensed affiliate of Character.org and is Florida’s Schools of Character Coordinator. FloridaCharacter.org provides
                          consultation and resources that advocate the development of character in schools, the workplace, sports entities and communities of character.

8   2018 National Forum on Character                                                                                                                         # character25              
Positive Character in Sport: Is it Really Achievable?
     Lincoln 6        In this session, you will learn how to combine a fun, inclusive sports program with a
                      value-based character education curriculum. We will discuss the meaning of values, why
                      it is crucial to create experiential learning moments and how this plays a role in kids better
                      understanding how to live a value-centered life. Speaker: Tony Everett                                                       Tony Everett

     		               Tony Everett is the Founder and Chief Play Maker of Pure Game. He believes in creating experiential learning environments where kids can
                      take values learned and apply them to their lives. Tony leads a team of like-minded individuals who have a passion for creating change in
                      the lives of children.

     11:00-12:15PM Breakout Sessions
     Prepare Our Future Citizens with Strong EQ and Positive Purpose
     Thurgood Ballroom Now more than ever, our young people need a clear moral compass and the skills to enact
     East and South    their positive aspirations. School professionals must be ready to take advantage of a range
                      of opportunities to have a sustained, beneficial impact on students: social-emotional
                      and character development curricula, small groups and individual sessions. Teachers,                                         Maurice Elias
                      counselors, psychologists and others need flexible tools to build moral and performance
                      character in schools of social-emotional and academic excellence. Participants will learn specific
                      techniques for promoting sense of positive purpose and emotional intelligence skills in a variety of
                      contexts. Speaker: Maurice Elias
                      Maurice J. Elias is a professor in the Psychology Department at Rutgers University and Director of Rutgers Social-Emotional and Character
                      Development (SECD) Lab. He has received the Sanford McDonnell Award for Lifetime Achievement in Character Education and the Joseph
                      E. Zins Memorial Senior Scholar Award for Social-Emotional Learning from CASEL. He is the author of many books and articles.

     The Next Step: Character Education through the Lens of Restorative Practices
     Hoover           When character education efforts reach the tipping point where they seep into every part of
                      your school culture like an indigo dye and fit most of your kids like their favorite jeans, then
                      you need a new perspective. CharacterPlus found that perspective in Restorative Practices,
                      a field that embraces our gift for creating caring communities and our commitment to                                         Diane Stirling
                      equity. Restorative Practices encompasses Restorative Discipline, which offers a way
                      for those who have harmed others to make things right. CharacterPlus worked with educators from
                      multiple districts to build an Academy that lets them look at their work through the lens of Restorative
                      Practices and move on to the next step. More than 75 school teams and 350 administrators and teachers
                      have completed the Academy in two years. We will partner with a National School of Character that sent
                      a team through the Academy to tell the story on a macro and a micro level. Speaker: Diane Stirling

     		               Diane Stirling has been providing professional development to preK-12 educators related to school culture, character education, class
                      meetings and bullying prevention for more than 20 years. She spearheads CharacterPlus’ Restorative Practices, launching an Academy
                      for School Teams in 2016-17. To date, the Academy has deepened the knowledge and skills of more than 350 administrators and teachers
                      from nearly 40 districts.

   # character25                                                                                                                                                   9
S C HE D U L E   of   EVE N T S
     Friday, October 5

     11:00-12:15PM Breakout Sessions (continued)
     Strengthening the Moral Infrastructure by Integrating Prosocial Learning
     with Education Standards
     McKinley              This session will explore how to integrate prosocial teaching and learning into education
                           standards and into the broader curriculum. Examples, ideas and strategies for prosocial teaching                                       Kristie Fink
                           and learning are drawn from the recent book by the same title, while also advancing prosocial
                           or whole child efforts e.g., social emotional learning, character education , school climate reform and mental
                           health promotion. The session utilizes a growing body of research to reveal effective ways to implement a
                           curriculum that integrates social, emotional, ethical and civic aspects of learning with required state standards,
                           and a wide range of “real world” examples describe how any school, anywhere, can lay a foundation for all
                           young people to succeed. Participants will explore how students can achieve high levels of development that
                           puts them on positive trajectories for life success through systemic, instructional and relational strategies.
                           Speaker: Kristie Fink

                           Kristie Fink is recently retired from teaching graduate and undergraduate students in a coordinated a graduate program for teachers on an
                           alternative route to licensure in the Department of Teacher Education and Leadership. She was the recipient of the 2014 Sanford N. McDonnell
                           Lifetime Achievement in Character Education Award and serves on the Education Advisory Council for Character,org in Washington, D.C. She is a
                           former member of the Executive Board.

     Facing Language and Culture Barriers? Woo your Parents in Novel Ways!
     Madison               Research shows us that building a sense of community is an important step in creating a School
                           of Character and that parent engagement is a crucial element in making this happen. What does
                           a school do when many of its parents do not speak English, and they face the daily challenges of
                           poverty and alienation? Come join this interactive session when panelists from three National                                        William Trusheim
                           Schools of Character in NJ discuss non-traditional ways they used to create a family in students,
                           parents and the wider community. You’ll leave with many innovative strategies that you can
                           replicate in your own school. Speakers: William Trusheim & Eileen Dachnowicz

                           Dr. William Trusheim is the president of the NJ Alliance for Social, Emotional and Character Development. He is active in         Eileen Dachnowicz
                           various school climate initiatives and works with the United Way of Northern NJ. He is also the Resource Center Director and Course Facilitator
                           for the SEL Academy, a credentialing program of the College of Saint Elizabeth and Rutgers University.
                           Eileen Dachnowicz has worked as a Character.org trainer, site visitor and writer for 14 years; she is also a Coordinator of the NJ Schools of
                           Character. In Search of Ethics, she coordinated two collaborative projects for Rutgers. She is also the recipient of three National Endowment for
                           the Humanities summer fellowships to Oxford, Cornell and Harvard.

10   2018 National Forum on Character                                                                                                                   # character25              
Coaching Character: A Positive Culture Game Plan
     Lincoln 2      This session will present a comprehensive overview of a character based, co-curricular athletic
                    program. The session will provide an overview and rationale for implementing character
                    based athletics, the building blocks for creating a sustainable culture, and interactive activities
                    directed at discovering core ethical values and methods to infuse them in your program.                                       Andy DiDomenico
                    Speaker: Andy DiDomenico

                    Andy DiDomenico has spent the last 11 years as the head varsity football coach at Tappan Zee High School in Orangeburg, NY. Coach
                    DiDomenico has spearheaded the growth of youth sports in his community built on program principles of community values, commitment,
                    perseverance and service to others highlighted by seasonal community service projects and weekly character curriculum modules.

     Strategies for Nurturing and Sustaining your Character Initiative
     Lincoln 3      Sustaining a character initiative requires focused leadership, collaboration and shared
                    responsibility to keep the momentum propelling this initiative deeper into a school or
                    district’s culture. We will explore ways to sustain and continue weaving the 11 Principles of
                    Effective Character Education into everything. This session will include practical steps and                                     Tamra Nast
                    “take aways” for you to use to strengthen your character initiative. Speaker: Tamra Nast

                    Tamra Nast, LPC, is an educational consultant, Character.org 11 Principle mentor, and is Character.org’s Director of Exchange & Learning.
                    Her background as a teacher, school counselor, parent and character coordinator provides a wealth of experience as she teaches, coaches
                    and supports educators in embedding core values, service learning, intrinsic motivation and social, emotional and character development
                    in schools and districts nationwide.

     Character Remediation – Helping Our Students Learn from Their Mistakes
     Lincoln 4      Through an interactive and fun talk, we will discuss how a proven program for character
                    remediation for schools helps students learn from their mistakes. Speaker: Rick Rubel

                    Rick Rubel has served as the Distinguished Professor of Ethics at the Naval Academy for 15 years where he is the Founder
                    and Director of the Core Ethics and Character program. He has served on the Maryland State Board for Character Education.        Rick Rubel

     Hearing, Heading and Encouraging Voices in the Community -
     A Systemic Approach to Involving the Community in Character Education
     Lincoln 5      This session is geared toward students, family members, school staff members, building
                    administrators, district administrators and community members. It will be an interactive
                    presentation that will feature a systemic process for inviting, engaging and including
                    voices from across the educational community. Systematizing a formal process has been a                                         Joe Meloche
                    tremendous benefit to the Cherry Hill School District. This is a purposeful approach to the
                    expansion of character education from school-based activities to district-established expectations that are
                    implemented and which include demonstrated community participation. Speaker: Joe Meloche

                    Dr. Joseph Meloche is the first district alumnus to serve as the Superintendent of the Cherry Hill Public Schools. Recently, Dr. Meloche was
                    recognized as “2018 Leader to Learn From” by Education Week and as New Jersey’s Outstanding Superintendent, 2018 by the New Jersey PTA.

   # character25                                                                                                                                                   11
S C HE D U L E   of   EVE N T S
     Friday, October 5

     11:00-12:15PM Breakout Sessions (continued)
     Choosing Love in Education
     Lincoln 6             The choice of love over fear is the foundation for every decision we make on a daily basis. Learn the
                           empowering formula that can lead educators and their students to choose love in every situation to
                           create a safer, more peaceful and loving world. Speaker: Scarlett Lewis

                           Scarlett Lewis founded the Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement after her son was murdered during the Sandy Hook tragedy          Scarlett Lewis
                           in December 2012. She created the Movement and became an advocate for social and emotional learning (SEL) that teaches children how to
                           manage their emotions, feel connected and have healthy relationships.

     12:15-1:00 PM Lunch, Networking and Exhibits
     Lincoln Exhibit Hall Enjoy some networking time in the exhibit hall as you grab your lunch. Chat with new friends, and see what
                           the exhibitors have to offer.

     1:15-2:30PM Breakout Sessions
     The Journey to District of Character
     Thurgood Ballroom This district panel will focus on the journey to certification as a National District of Character.
                           Speakers include representatives from districts that have recently certified as well as a district
                           on the journey to National District of Character. Speakers: Vickie Muir, Eric Knost, Robert
                           Fisicaro & Joe Meloche                                                                                                                      Vickie Muir
                           Vickie Muir is an elementary Community School Organizer and has been involved with Character Education at the building and District
                           levels in the Birmingham Public School (BPS) District since its inception almost 20 years ago. She has chaired the Character Education
                           committees at two elementary schools and led the application process for both to become State and National Schools of Character. Most
                           recently she co-wrote the application for BPS to become a State and National District of Character. ​                                       Eric Knost
                           Dr. Eric Knost has more than 30 years in public education, serving the last four as superintendent of the Rockwood School District.
                           This suburban school district serves over 22,000 students on 32 school campuses. Located in West St. Louis County, the district is
                           noted for high student achievement and outstanding teachers and staff.
                           Dr. Robert J. Fisicaro currently serves as the Superintendent of Schools in Mantua Township, New Jersey. His aim is to ensure that        Robert Fisicaro

                           students are provided with the best educational experiences possible, and that teachers and staff are able to enjoy a positive work
                           environment to contribute to both the lives of students and the needs of the school community. Together, with members of the
                           administrative team, district’s character council, staff, students and school community, Mantua Township was named as a 2018
                           National District of Character.                                                                                                            Joe Meloche
                           Dr. Meloche is thrilled to serve as Superintendent of the Cherry Hill Schools, a 2018 National District of Character. After more than 20 years in public
                           education, Dr. Joseph Meloche was appointed Superintendent in August 2015. His educational background includes teaching Humanities and English
                           at the middle school level and serving Cherry Hill as the principal of Kingston Elementary School, Carusi Middle School and Cherry Hill High School
                           West. In 2013, he became Director of Curriculum and eight months later was appointed Assistant Superintendent for Pre-K-12. Dr. Meloche holds
                           degrees from DeSales University, Holy Family University, and Widener University. As Superintendent, Dr. Meloche provides the critically essential
                           leadership for an environment of excellence in academics and character, while motivating and engaging students to share their voices as scholars
                           and as people. In 2018, he was named Superintendent of the Year by the NJ PTA and a “Leader to Learn From” by Education Week.

12   2018 National Forum on Character                                                                                                                          # character25           
Raising Global Citizens and Helping Schools Become United in Learning and Service
     Hoover         Using the National Youth Leadership Council’s Service Learning Standards, Riverview
                    Elementary transformed their service learning throughout the whole school. Upon
                    reflection, staff realized they had been providing service but not much learning in relation
                    to various organizations they were helping. Staff decided to research best practice service
                                                                                                                                                      Todd McCabe
                    learning and used a schoolwide service project to put words to action. The Social-Emotional
                    Team was inspired to learn about an area or group of people needing support, and then
                    help provide a service to that group. Students were motivated to help other children their
                    age. It became about children helping children. This session is meant to inspire and educate
                                                                                                                                                   Tina Theodoropoulos
                    professionals by sharing experience in creating an intentional, unified and effective service
                    learning program. Speakers: Todd McCabe, Tina Theodoropoulos & Trish Schell

                    Todd McCabe has been an elementary school counselor for the past 9 years in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. In May
                    2017 he received a certificate in school leadership for social-emotional learning and character development. from the
                                                                                                                                                       Trish Schell
                    Academy for Social Emotional Learning in Schools. In February 2018 his school was named a State School of Character.
                    Tina Theodoropoulos has been an educator for over twenty years. She taught grades 2-5 and considers herself a lifelong learner and teacher.
                    The last three years she has been the principal at Riverview Elementary School in Denville, New Jersey. Currently, she is also an adjunct
                    professor at Centenary College. As a mother of three, she feels her children and students have been her greatest inspiration.
                    Trish Schell has been an elementary school teacher at Riverview Elementary School in Denville, N.J. for 16 years. She is currently working as
                    the Basic Skills Instructor in her school and is also a part of the Social Emotional Learning committee.

     How Buffalo has Moved Character from Words to Action
     McKinley       Buffalo is more than wild wings and Niagara Falls. Even though each provides us with an
                    impression as to what we know about Buffalo, you really need to check out the CITRS/
                    CHARACTER COUNTS! initiative. Hear about the impact being made by this unique
                    and distinctive project with 21 Buffalo Public Schools. In its second year, this character
                                                                                                                                                       Gary Smit
                    development program is making a significant difference in cultivating ethical, respectful
                    and caring school environments. By providing on-going professional development and
                    support with mentor coaches, significant progress has been made in changing attitudes
                    and behaviors of adults and students. You will definitely learn the tools and techniques as
                    to how this scalable, innovative character initiative can be easily duplicated in your school                                   Suzanne Bracci

                    district. Speakers: Gary Smit & Suzanne Bracci

                    Dr. Gary Smit has been a school superintendent in Wisconsin and Illinois. Now, the Dean of Faculty for CHARACTER COUNTS!, Gary directs
                    and coordinates major multi-year character development initiatives with the support of Mentor Character Coaches in Buffalo, Philadelphia
                    and Puerto Rico. Gary is also the author of the book, Instilling Touchstones of Character – Connecting What Matters with Common Core and
                    21st Century Skills.

                    Suzanne Bracci is an award-winning educator, educational consultant and keynote speaker, Certified Results and Stress-Management
                    Coach, and the Lead Mentor/Coach for the Comprehensive Character Development Initiative in Western New York. Suzanne is passionate
                    about promoting positive life-changing outcomes for educators, students and our communities in the areas of character development,
                    leadership, solution-focused practices, social-emotional skills and student engagement.

   # character25                                                                                                                                                        13
S C HE D U L E   of   EVE N T S
     Friday, October 5

     1:15-2:30PM Breakout Sessions (continued)
     I Stand For
     Madison               What do your students and staff stand for? How will you know and what can you do once you
                           know their answers to that question? Join Parkway Central Middle School (State School of
                           Character — Missouri) administrators and teachers for an interactive discussion and lesson
                           modeling based on our I Stand For 2016-17 yearly theme and Family Group lesson (2017                                                  Michael Baugus
                           Promising Practice). Each attendee will walk away with lesson plans and activities to assist them
                           with executing this lesson in their own school. If you attend this session, be ready to engage as if
                           you were our student or staff member.
                           Speakers: Michael Baugus & Cathy Carlock Lorenz
                                                                                                                                                               Cathy Carlock Lorenz
                           Dr. Michael Baugus has been an educator for 22 years and an administrator for the last 17 years at Parkway Central Middle
                           School in St. Louis, Missouri. He leads by building trusting relationships with all he serves. Although he became an educator through his
                           passion for learning, it is his desire to make things better for others that defines him as a leader.
                           Dr. Cathy Lorenz has been in education for 27 years; ten years were spent teaching high school social studies, and 17 have been in HS/MS
                           administration. She joined the PCMS family two years ago happily recognizing that they were already embedding character education in daily
                           lessons and life at the school.

     Engaging Parents: Building Bridges, Tapping into Talent and Avoiding Entanglements
     Lincoln 2             Relationships can make or break a school’s efforts to fully support the academic, social, emotional
                           and spiritual growth of children. Building these relationships carefully and wisely early in
                           children’s lives can give them a team to guide them through their academic journey. Jill Connett
                           has interviewed public, private, charter and Department of Defense Dependent school parents                                             Jill Connett
                           about their preferred practices and patterns of behavior for building relationships. Hear their
                           thoughts and gain practical ways on how to foster positive school climate, celebrate individuality, get parents
                           more effectively involved and be aware of communication do’s and don’ts. Speaker: Jill Connett

                           Dr. Jill Connett is an educator of 25+ years and a military spouse of 23 years. Because of her family’s many moves over the years, she has
                           taught preschool to university classes and many ages in between in different states, Germany, and Japan. She is passionate about finding ways
                           to reach all children and developing positive relationships throughout the school community.

     Stamping Out Adult Chronic Toxic Behaviors to Transform School Culture!
     Lincoln 3             So many educators in our schools are simply trying to self-preserve as they deal with childish
                           drama in and out of the classrooms, in the hallways and in the lunch room...by the ADULTS!
                           Unfortunately, just a small number of toxic adults in a building can create 90% of the drama,
                           and it can implode the implementation efforts of the best character education initiatives.                                              Jeff Jones
                           Well, it is time for the positive majority to recapture your school climate and turn dysfunction
                           upside down! Jeff Jones has led this type of courageous, transformational work in the trenches as a teacher,
                           counselor and principal. Participants will leave with creative, research-driven strategies proven to transform
                           even the most toxic classroom and school climates. This is not a “sit and get” session. You will be engaged
                           with high quality collaboration from start to finish. Speaker: Jeff Jones

                           Jeff Jones spent 20 years in K-12 education as a teacher, counselor and principal. As a school principal, he helped launch total transformations
                           in school climate, with character education serving as the cornerstone. Jeff has served as a national character education consultant and popular
                           speaker for the last fifteen years.

14   2018 National Forum on Character                                                                                                                    # character25                
Grandpa’s School of Life: 7 Great Lessons on Being a Good Person
     Lincoln 4      This presentation is a combination of meaningful stories, humor and good old common
                    sense. It’s based on Hal’s new book of the same title and subtitle—the story about a unique
                    school in which seven wise, caring and fun-loving seniors with a wealth of experience share
                    their wisdom with kids who are 10, 14 and 19, along with the 10-year-old’s father. Each of                                      Hal Urban
                    them tells a moving story from his/her life that leads to an invaluable lesson. Put together,
                    these seven stories explain the essentials of being a truly good person. Hal wrote the book primarily for
                    use in schools committed to Character Education, and he gives 100% of the profits from sales to four
                    national organizations. Speaker: Hal Urban

                    Hal Urban taught for 36 years at two high schools in the Bay Area and at USF. He has won several awards for excellence in teaching and
                    was the 2005 winner of the Sanford N. McDonnell Lifetime Achievement Award. Urban is the author of six books including Life’s Greatest
                    Lessons and Lessons from the Classroom: 20 Things Good Teachers Do. He has been speaking since 1995, making presentations in 42
                    states and 8 countries.

     Building the Collaborative Classroom: Practical Strategies for Supporting Students’
     Academic and Social Development
     Lincoln 5      This interactive session will share concrete ways to build collaborative classrooms that
                    seamlessly integrate social and emotional learning with academic development. Using
                    the emerging research on social and emotional learning (SEL), as well as the research and
                    experience of the Center for the Collaborative Classroom, this session will explore the core                                  Suzanne Bright
                    principles of a collaborative classroom while giving participants a chance to experience an
                    instructional model that supports teacher learning and student development. Speakers:
                    Suzanne Bright & Peter Brunn

                    Suzanne Bright is a Professional Learning Lead with the Center for the Collaborative Classroom. Her experiences as an          Peter Brunn
                    elementary principal and as a consultant/coach for the CharacterPlus/U.S. Department of Education research project
                    guide her work in supporting teachers and school leaders across the country.
                    Peter Brunn is the Vice President of Organizational Learning at the Center for the Collaborative Classroom. Before coming to Collaborative
                    Classroom, Peter was a staff developer for the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project and helped teachers implement reading
                    and writing workshops. Peter is also the author of The Lesson Planning Handbook: Essential Strategies That Inspire Student Thinking and
                    Learning Scholastic.

     11 Principles 2018 Revision
     Lincoln 6      Come hear about the most recent updates to the 11 Principles. We will go through them
                    and answer any questions you might have regarding the changes. You’ll learn about the 11
                    Principles while we highlight the updates, so by the end of the session, you’ll be all caught
                    up! Speaker: Tamra Nast                                                                                                        Tamra Nast

                    Tamra Nast, LPC, is an educational consultant, Character.org 11 Principle mentor and is Character.org’s Director of Exchange & Learning.
                    Her background as a teacher, school counselor, parent and character coordinator provides a wealth of experience as she teaches, coaches
                    and supports educators in embedding core values, service learning, intrinsic motivation and social, emotional and character development
                    in schools and districts nationwide.

   # character25                                                                                                                                                  15
S C HE D U L E   of   EVE N T S
     Friday, October 5

     2:45-4:00PM Breakout Sessions
     EDUCATING for EMPATHY: Why the OTHER Side of the Report Card Matters
     and How to Teach Moral Character to a Selfie Generation
     Thurgood Ballroom Of course we want our students to be successful, but stirring new research says we may be
                           missing what matters most in helping kids thrive: empathy and the moral side of character.
                           But empathy can be cultivated. You’ll learn competing research that explains the most effective
                           ways to impact these key skills. You’ll also learn 7 elements of an effective empathy-centered                                               Michele Borba
                           school and what to look for in lessons, 9 habits children need to inspire empathy, what to look
                           for and the best ideas (no programs or worksheets!) that will raise compassionate, courageous kids with
                           moral convictions who are prepared for the 21st century and want to become contributing citizens who
                           better their world. Speaker: Michele Borba

     		                    Dr. Michele Borba is a educational psychologist who is a TODAY Show contributor and has appeared on Dateline, The View, Dr. Phil, CNN, Dr. Oz, The Early
                           Show, and is the author of 24 books including Building Moral Intelligence and UnSelfie: Why Empathetic Kids Succeed in Our All-About Me World.

     Courageous Leadership through Character Education
     Hoover                This is the story of a school, an institution of learning that lost its way and through courageous
                           leadership, came back to life. This story—our story, is not unique. Across the country schools
                           are grappling with broken leadership, hopeless teachers and students and communities that no
                           longer trust schools. As school leaders, we used character education to find our way out of the
                                                                                                                                                                        Kashina Bell
                           murky depths of a broken culture that was impacting kids negatively and fostered a new hope
                           that created a home for kids and teachers alike. Speakers: Kashina Bell & Grace Lee

                           Dr. Kashina Bell is the Assistant Superintendent of Student Services in the School District of Clayton. She served as the principal
                           of Parkway Northeast Middle from 2013-2017. With her team, Kashina also leads development for administrators, teachers and                    Grace Lee
                           students across St. Louis on how to integrate restorative practices into school culture by leveraging student leadership.
                           Dr. Grace Lee is principal of Hixon Middle School. She works to create systems to ensure equity and access. Her work focuses on moving away
                           from punitive consequences and instead teaching students how to acknowledge and repair harm.

     Establishing a School Community to Sustain a Culture of Character
     McKinley              What makes the culture of a School of Character sustainable (one that is able to carry on with
                           a dynamic embedment that will endure administrative and staff changes)? The answer is in
                           the effectiveness of establishing a critical group of stakeholders. School staff members, youth
                           leaders and community members should be actively engaged in implementing the 11 Principles                                                    Doug Knott
                           of Character within school activities and routines, interactions within the community and
                           events created through service learning projects that will have an effect on the world. Speakers:
                           Doug Knott & Pam Green

                           Doug Knott has been an educator for 27 years in New York and Georgia. For the last 12 years he has served as an elementary
                                                                                                                                                                         Pam Green
                           principal, most recently at Liberty Elementary School in Canton, GA. He has had a passion for character education and service
                           learning. Since 2016 his school has received 4 Promising Practice, and in 2017 Liberty was named a State School of Character.
                           Pam Green has been an educator in Georgia for 26 years and served 11 years as an assistant principal in a National School of Character at
                           Carmel Elementary in Woodstock, GA. Since her transition to Liberty Elementary three years ago, she has worked with stakeholders to create a
                           positive school culture resulting in Liberty being named a 2017 State School of Character.

16   2018 National Forum on Character                                                                                                                         # character25             
                FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5
                    7:00 - 8:00 AM   Registration, Check-in and Exhibitor Time Outside Lincoln Exhibit Hall
                    7:30 - 8:00 AM   Breakfast Lincoln Exhibit Hall
                    8:00 - 9:15 AM   Opening Keynote: The Revolution is Inclusion: Rebuilding the Heart of the Nation in a Time of Fear, Anxiety and Possibility Thurgood Ballroom
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     S C HE D U L E

# character25
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      at a

                  9:30 - 10:45 AM    Thurgood                Hoover                    McKinley                  Madison                 Lincoln 2                     Lincoln 3                  Lincoln 4                  Lincoln 5                    Lincoln 6
                                               4                  8 10                      1    7                    4 11                     4    5                        4 10                       7                          3    8                       5    7
                                     Building Community:     SPIRITWORKS:              Curriculum is Full!       Character Education     Happy Caveman:                Creating a                 Positive Motivation:       Introduction to              Positive Character in

                                     A Timeless and          Creating a Culture of     How Do we Fit in          in Preschool...         Positivity                    Community of               Getting the Best from      the 11 Principles            Sport: Is it Really
                                     Universal Force         Transformation            Compassion and            How Does That Look?     Changes Lives                 Character                  Students and Athletes      of Character                 Achievable?
                                     Multiplier to Ensure                              Mindfulness,
                                     Positive Human                                    “The Real Skills”?

                11:00 AM -12:15 PM         4 8                    4 5                       6 11                      10                       1    5                        1 11                      5    7                      8 10                         4 10
                                     Prepare Our Future      The Next Step:            Strengthening the         Facing Language and     Coaching Character:           Strategies for Nurturing   Character Remediation      Hearing, Heading and         Choosing Love in
                                     Citizens with Strong    Character Education       Moral Infrastructure by   Culture Barriers?       A Positive Culture            and Sustaining your        – Helping Our Students     Encouraging Voices in the    Education
                                     EQ and Positive         through the Lens of       Integrating Prosocial     Woo your Parents in     Game Plan                     Character Initiative       Learn from Their           Community–A Systemic
                                     Purpose                 Restorative Practices     Learning with             Novel Ways!                                                                      Mistakes                   Approach to Involving the
                                                                                       Education Standards                                                                                                                   Community in Character
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Friday, October 5


                  12:15 - 1:00 PM    Lunch, Networking and Exhibits Lincoln Exhibit Hall
                    1:15 - 2:30 PM   Thurgood                Hoover                    McKinley                  Madison                 Lincoln 2                     Lincoln 3                  Lincoln 4                  Lincoln 5                    Lincoln 6
                                           3                      5                         3    9                    4    7                   4 10                          8    9                         1    4                 6
                                     The Journey to          Raising Global Citizens   How Buffalo has Moved     I Stand For             Engaging Parents:             Stamping Out Adult         Grandpa’s School of        Building the Collaborative   11 Principles 2018
                                     District of Character   and Helping Schools       Character from Words                              Building Bridges,             Chronic Toxic Behaviors    Life: 7 Great Lessons on   Classroom: Practical         Revision
                                                             Become United in          to Action                                         Tapping into Talent           to Transform School        Being a Good Person        Strategies for Supporting
                                                             Learning and Service                                                        and Avoiding                  Culture!                                              Students’Academic and
                                                                                                                                         Entanglements                                                                       Social Development
                    2:45 - 4:00 PM         1 2                    6 10                      3    9                    10 11                   10                             5 11                      11                          6                            2    7
                                     EDUCATING for          Courageous Leadership      Establishing a School     How Educators Can       Injecting Police Officers     The Importance of          What Can Be Done           Putting the R for            Best Practices and
                                     EMPATHY: Why the       through Character          Community to Sustain a    Leverage Imperfection   into Your Community           BEING Before               About School               Relationships into STEAM:    Resources for
                                     OTHER Side of the      Education                  Culture of Character      to Improve School       Culture                       Effectively DOING          Shootings?                 Teaching About Character     Adolescent Character
                                     Report Card Matters                                                         Culture                                                                                                     Matters                      Development
                                     and How to Teach Moral
                                     Character to an Selfie

                    4:15 - 5:00 PM   Evening Keynote: Character and Personhood Thurgood Ballroom
                                                                                                                                                                     CATEGORY                                PRINCIPLES
                    5:00 - 6:00 PM   Networking and Display Session Lincoln Exhibit Hall                                                                                Education            Family          Principle        Principle          Principle          Principle
                    5:30 - 7:30 PM                                                                                                                                      Workplace            Sports          Principle        Principle          Principle          Principle
                                     National Schools of Character Summit Thurgood Ballroom
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Principle        Principle          Principle

                   7:30 - 10:30 PM   Monuments by Moonlight Tour (pre-registration required) Meet at Registration
CONFERENCE EXHIBITORS                                                         listed alphabetically

         Apex Fun Run
                              Apex is a
                              leadership and
     fundraising company that has served
     over 2,000,000 students in 30 states.

         Carington’s Leadership
       Carington’s Carington’s
      Leadership        Leadership Adventure
     Adventure          is a service-learning
     project grounded in the Developmental
     Assets/ Developmental Relationships
     frameworks. It provides youth mentors
     with the opportunity to serve their
     school or community and enhance
     school climate and social-emotional
     learning using Carington’s Wild
     Character Adventure® (CWCA) activities.
     Join the Adventure… you can’t go wrong!
     characteradventure.com                         CharacterStrong                       education is easy and accessible 24/7.             Conscious Discipline
                                                                                          Educators, students and parents connect                                   Conscious
          Center for Character
                                                                                          to build engaging and transformative                                      Discipline is a
     and Citizenship
                                              CharacterStrong: Curricula and Trainings    communities. Co-developers CITRS and          comprehensive trauma-informed, brain-
                                              to Teach the Whole Child. Come chat with Camera Mundi are collaborating with              based, self-regulation program combining
                                              Houston and talking about Living Kindness. Dr. Mark Liston to include the Character       discipline, social-emotional learning
                                              characterstrong.com                         Growth Index (CGI), providing the first       and school climate into one integrated
     The Journal of Character Education
                                                                                          valid assessment metrics for character        process. Conscious Discipline is practiced
     (JCE) is a partner of Character.org. JCE
                                                   Character-Based Literacy,              development. CharacterDaily will offer        in over 47 countries, and has impacted
     is dedicated to character education from
                                              Santa Clara University                      full-stack K-12 curricula, promoting          an estimated 15.8 million children while
     the theoretical to practical application
                                                                   The  Character-Based   strengths such as honesty, confidence         inspiring and training more than 3 million
     for school-based outcomes. Character.
                                                                   Literacy  Program      and critical thinking. Be part of the         educators and caregivers.
     org partners with JCE’s editors at the
                                                                   integrates  character  character growth journey! CharacterDaily      consciousdiscipline.com
     Center for Character and Citizenship
                                              education  into the English  language  arts is available for iPhone and Android.
     in promoting positive character                                                                                                         Dobranski Creative
     comprehensively as reflected in          curriculum  in Grades  4-12.  The program   characterdaily.com
                                                                                                                                                                  Brixiples™ is
     Character.org’s 11 Principles.           has been successfully implemented for
                                                                                               Character First Education                                          a unique new
                                              15 years in more than 50 counties in four
     characterandcitizenship.org                                                                             Character First provides   board game designed to teach 7-12 year
                                              states. The program includes detailed
                                                                                                             lessons to help teach      olds about Ethics, Safety and Common
          Character.org                       90-minute,   60-minute  and   40-minute
                                                                                                             character qualities. Our   Sense & Courtesy with 200 question
                                              lesson plans aligned with the common
                                                                                                             elementary curriculum      cards. Through role playing, silly actions
                                              core standards. It includes independent
     Character.org focuses on defining                                                                                                  and serious thought, 2-4 players and
                                              study lesson plans, writing prompts and is full of stories, object lessons,
     and encouraging effective practices                                                  discussion questions and activities.          an adult guide discuss a broad swath of
     and approaches to quality character                                                  Through real life scenarios, our 18 unit      difficult and confusing topics.
     development and provides a forum                                                     ENGAGE bully prevention curriculum helps      brixiples.com
     for the exchange of ideas. We are a           Character Daily                        deal with the heart of bullying –character.
     nonprofit organization that strives                              Innovation meets Come by the table for free samples.
     to ensure every person is educated,                              timeless truths     characterfirsted.com
     inspired and empowered to be ethical                             in the latest
     and compassionate citizens.                                      version of the
     character.org                            CharacterDaily app. Character

18   2018 National Forum on Character                                                                                                                       # character25             
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