Prospectus 2022 - - Kavanagh College

Page created by Jeanne Doyle
Prospectus 2022 - - Kavanagh College
Prospectus                            1

As of January 1st, 2023, Kavanagh College will be known as Trinity Catholic College

Prospectus 2022 - - Kavanagh College

    Welcome to
    Kavanagh Excellence in Learning and Teaching
                      ...Where young people gain

    College... in a climate of Faith and Pastoral Care
Prospectus 2022 - - Kavanagh College

Tena koutou katoa,                     Our educational heritage is           school years and, when they
                                       important to us, and we value         leave our college, they are well
Malo e lelei, Talofa                   the faith that has been passed on     prepared to thrive in a diverse,
lava, Welcome!                         to Kavanagh College since 1874        co-educational world.
                                       when the first Catholic school in
Established in 1989, our vision                                              From January 1, 2023, Kavanagh
                                       Dunedin was built on our site.
is as relevant now as it was over                                            College is to be renamed Trinity
                                       The contribution made to our
thirty years ago.                                                            Catholic     College.  Although
                                       college by our amalgamating
                                                                             the name will be new, the
Kavanagh College exists to             schools, and the links we
                                                                             same quality care and high
promote excellence in learning         maintain with the Dominican
                                                                             expectations      for  academic
and teaching in a climate of faith     Order, the Mercy Order and the
                                                                             achievement        and   holistic
and pastoral care for the Catholic     Edmund Rice Network are still
                                                                             development will continue. More
Community of Dunedin.                  present in our college’s gospel
                                                                             information will be available to
If we remain true to our vision,       values of Respect, Service, Justice
                                                                             read on our website later this
we are producing strong young          and Truth.
men and women with a true              Our diverse, co-educational
                                                                             I look forward to welcoming you
sense of their identity, a strong      environment is our strength,
                                                                             into our special place so that
faith-based moral compass,             and every student in years 7-13
                                                                             you can experience the warmth
and a high-quality academic            is valued as an individual for
                                                                             of the relationships that are the
foundation that will not only          their unique gifts and talents.
                                                                             foundation of our high-achieving
provide them with choice and           At Kavanagh College, young
pathways in life but will positively   people aim high while being
influence the communities they         supported and encouraged to           Manaaki te Atua, Ngā mihi nui
become part of. Our vision             do so. The friendships your son       Mrs Kate Nicholson
continues to guide all facets of       or daughter creates with young        Principal
college life.                          men and women at Kavanagh
                                       College will last well beyond their
Prospectus 2022 - - Kavanagh College
        Kavanagh College
        is Unique

    Kavanagh College is Dunedin’s only integrated co-          •   A network of contributing schools with strong
    educational college with education for students                information-sharing systems and shared values
    from year 7 to year 13, and we strongly believe in
                                                               •   Continuity of pastoral care from Years 7 to 13
    the advantages gained from this form of schooling.
    The culture created by having younger students on          •   Strong family networks that ensure values and
    the same campus as senior students is special. Our             expectations are shared at home and at school
    senior students recognise their responsibilities in role   •   Peer support
    modelling respectful behaviours for younger students,
                                                               •   Senior student mentors and coaches
    while our young students look up to and learn from
    the leadership of older students. A co-educational         •   National network of Catholic colleges and
    environment develops social skills and a respect               local network of co-ed colleges to maximize
    for one another, as well as having the advantage of            opportunities in academic, cultural and sporting
    providing a breadth of curricular and co-curricular            activities
    opportunities for all.
                                                               •   Students talented in sports, cultural endeavours,
                                                                   and performing arts, are given opportunities to
                                                                   grow and flourish from Year 7
    A Year 7 to 13 education offers a depth and breadth
    that other types of schooling simply cannot match.         •   Our Learning Support Coordinator helps to identify
                                                                   and plan for students who need more targeted
    •   Students are taught by specialist subject teachers
                                                                   support to grow academically
        in well-resourced specialist rooms from Year 7
                                                               •   The Gifted and Talented Dean coordinates
    •   Seamless academic transition from upper primary
                                                                   opportunities for identified students to ensure
        to secondary and NCEA
                                                                   they experience choice and challenge in their
    •   Consistent assessment and teaching practices               academic experiences
        from Year 7 up to public examinations
    •   Information-sharing by teaching staff from Year
        7 onwards to ensure scaffolded and extended
        learning based on individual needs
A Climate of Faith                                                                                              5

and Pastoral Care
Kavanagh College is a Catholic community. We           As a Catholic College, Kavanagh College supports
follow the teachings of Jesus Christ as espoused in    parents in their role as first educators of their
the gospels and we promote and live by a set of core   children’s faith. This support is offered through
gospel values, Respect, Service, Justice and Truth     Religious Education Programmes at all levels of the
that underpin the way we act within our college        school, prayers at the beginning of each day, class
community.                                             and school masses, opportunities for reconciliation,
                                                       special liturgies for the Church’s year, retreats and
                                                       weekly assemblies. In all these programmes the
Respect is not earned. It is automatically given.      school promotes the dignity of the individual as a
We respect ourselves, each other, our environment      child of God.
and our shared expectations.
                                                       Religious Education is taught throughout the college.
Service                                                In the senior school it is an NCEA curriculum subject
                                                       and is recognised as a university approved course
Service involves selfless action.
                                                       contributing to University Entrance. Our young
We serve each other, our world, our college and
                                                       people learn through religious contexts, and are
ourselves through reflection, best effort and being
                                                       encouraged to think critically, research, and discuss
the best person we can be.
                                                       church traditions and teachings, and to connect
Justice                                                faith with action through integrated social justice
We act justly to ourselves.
We live justly with each other. We create justice in   The ability to deliver social skills programmes and
our college and our world.                             the sexuality curriculum, within our special character
                                                       ethos, is important to the college as it helps provide
Truth                                                  a holistic, balanced education that is unique to the
Truth implies courage.                                 special character of the school. The development of
We show truth to ourselves and to each other. We       faith is a lifelong journey, and we feel privileged to
see truth in our world and we create truth in our      support families to create a strong faith foundation
college.                                               for their children during their years at Kavanagh
       Excellence in Teaching
       and Learning
    Kavanagh College is proud of its academic success. Our annual Academic Awards Evening highlights the
    outstanding results our young men and women achieve in NCEA, UE and Scholarship. Kavanagh College students
    consistently return results that exceed decile 8-10 New Zealand schools.
    In Years 7 to 9, authentic learning opportunities in settled environments created through strong student/teacher
    relationships, create the foundation for learning success. Opportunities exist for students who learn at levels
    beyond their peers and individual programmes are coordinated by the Gifted and Talented Dean. Meanwhile,
    those students who require additional support are well catered for by a strong learning support team led by
    both a SENCO and our full time Learning Support Coordinator.
    A student-led culture of high expectations, academic mentoring, weekly tutorials, and strong student/teacher
    relationships motivate students to set academic goals knowing they have the supportive environment that will
    help them to achieve these.

    English                               Science                               The Arts
    • Literacy World Years 7 to 9         • General Science Years 7 to 11       Visual Arts
    • English Years 10 to 13              • Biology                             • Art History
    • ESOL                                • Chemistry                           • Painting
                                          • Earth and Space Science             • Photography
    Health and Physical Education         • Physics                             • Printmaking
    • Physical Education
                                                                                Performing Arts
    • Sports Studies                      Social Sciences                       • Dance
    • Year 11 Health and Recreation       • Social Inquiry Years 7 to 10        • Drama
    • Year 11 Duke of Edinburgh           • Accounting                          • Music
      Hillary Award                       • Agribusiness
                                          • Classics                            Transition and Careers
    Learning Languages
                                          • Economics                           • Gateway
    • French
                                          • Geography                           • Skills for Living
    • German
                                          • History                             • Tourism and Travel
    • Te Reo

    Mathematics and Statistics            Technology                            If a subject cannot be offered in any
    • Numeracy World Years 7 to 9         • Design and Visual                   given year, students can be enrolled
    • Mathematics                            Communication                      in supervised distance education
    • Mathematics with Calculus           • Digital Technology                  through Te Kura
    • Mathematics with Statistics         • Food and Nutrition
                                          • Hard Materials
    Religious Education                   • Textiles
    • Years 7 to 13 including NCEA


Preference of Enrolment is given to those who               Open Place (Discretionary) Enrolments are limited
have an established link with the Catholic Church.          to 5% of the total roll. There are limited places in Year
For more information about preference criteria,             7 and beyond. For this reason, these enrolments are
please see the Enrolment Form.                              required by 19 August, after which interviews will
                                                            take place to meet with the young person and their
A preference certificate must accompany your
                                                            family before a decision is made.
application for enrolment.
                                                            For any further questions regarding the enrolment
In recent years, the Proprietor has determined
                                                            process, please contact the College.
that students without preference who have been
in Catholic contributing schools have already
established a connection with the Special Character
of the school and should be treated as preference           Zoning does not apply to
for the purpose of enrolment.                               Kavanagh College
He has also determined that brothers and sisters            Because we are an Integrated School for the Catholic
of students enrolling without preference should             community of Dunedin and beyond, zoning does not
be given the opportunity to enrol, as the family            apply. We welcome students from all Dunedin urban
has demonstrated a commitment to the Special                and rural schools.
If preference applications exceed the places
available, then these determinations may not apply.

The cost of attending Kavanagh College

Attendance Dues shall be paid to the Proprietor, the Bishop of the Dunedin Diocese, as a condition of
enrolment as per our Integration Agreement.
For 2023, the Attendance Dues are:
Years 7 and 8: $480.00 per annum incl. 15% GST
Years 9 to 13: $930.00 per annum incl. 15% GST

Payments to the College
We ask that parents pay an annual School Activity Contribution. This helps us to provide extra opportunities
and resources to enhance your child’s learning experience.
Currently the contribution is Years 7 & 8: $130.00, Years 9 & 10: $150.00 and Years 11-13: $180.00. A 50%
reduction is given to 2nd and subsequent siblings
This does not cover class trips, retreats, camps or sports registrations.
        Educating the                                                   We believe that co-curricular
                                                                        activities are an important

        Whole Person                                                    part of our students’ holistic
                                                                        education and development

    Sporting Opportunities
    Kavanagh College provides a wide range of sporting opportunities
    for our students. Gaining several national titles in recent years
    reflects the commitment of our students to their sport and the
    culture of high expectations that we foster.
    Our Head of Sport works with Otago Sport to connect students
    with clubs for any sport we are unable to offer.
    A dedicated Year 7&8 Sports Coordinator ensures that your child
    has a full range of sporting opportunities and support.

    Term 1                      Term 2                       Term 3                    Term 4
    Athletics                   Badminton                    Badminton                 Cricket
    Athletics Day               Basketball                   Basketball                Futsal
    Cricket                     Cross Country                Curling                   Handball
    Futsal                      Curling                      Football                  Years 9 & 10
    Handball                                                                           Tournament week
                                Co-Ed Dunedin Schools        Hockey
    Rowing                                                                             (summer)
    Senior Catholic Quad                                                               Tennis
                                                             NZ - Tournament week
    St Kevin’s Interschool                                                             Touch Rugby
                                Hockey                       (winter)
    Tennis                                                                             Volleyball
                                Junior Catholic Quad         Rugby
    Touch Rugby                                                                        Water Polo
                                Netball                      Swim sports
    Volleyball                                                                         Years 7 & 8 sports
                                Rugby                        Years 7 & 8 Taieri
    Water polo                                                                         prizegiving
    Y9 Beach Day                                                                       Years 9 to 13 Sports
                                                             Years 7 & 8 Mt Aspiring
                                                                                       Awards Evening

Cultural Opportunities                                 Performance opportunities include:

Kavanagh College has a reputation for excellence       •   Annual Whole School Musical Production
in the performing arts. We look forward to the         •   Chamber Music
upcoming refurbishment of Pompallier Block into        •   Choir
a modern performing arts centre and, along with        •   Christmas Pantomime
our own auditorium complete with green room            •   Jazz Combo
and a sound and lighting room, students have           •   Mid Winter Carnival
ample opportunity to immerse themselves in the         •   Otago Secondary Music Festival
performing arts in their seven years at our college.   •   Robbie Rocks
Kavanagh College is one of the only schools in         •   Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Competition
Dunedin to offer two musical productions every year    •   Show Band
where students from years 7 to 13 perform side by      •   Sing out 4 Justice
side. These experiences have led to many current       •   Smokefree Bandquest/Rockquest
and ex-students being sought after for musical         •   The Big Sing
theatre productions in Dunedin and beyond.

   Opportunities for Clubs
   Breakfast                Hip Hop

   Chess                    Kapa Haka

   Choir                    Mountain Biking

   Debating                 Pasifika Vibes Cultural
                            Performing Arts Group
   Duke of Edinburgh
   Group                    Social Justice Projects

   Esports                  Woolcraft


     All students are required to wear the correct college uniform at college, travelling to and from the
     college and when attending college functions or representing the college.
     The College uniform is available from The U Shop, 84 Filleul Street, Dunedin
     The Sports uniform is available from Otago Sports Depot, George Street, Dunedin

                                                    OPTION A
                          Years 7-10                                               Years 11-13
     Kavanagh College monogrammed white (pinstriped)             Kavanagh College monogrammed white short or
                short or long sleeved shirt                                    long sleeved shirt
       Kavanagh College dress shorts, trousers (navy) or         Kavanagh College dress shorts, trousers (navy) or
             Kavanagh College Lavalava/Tupenu                          Kavanagh College Lavalava/Tupenu
                                                                             Kavanagh College blazer
                                        Kavanagh College regulation black socks

                                                    OPTION B
                          Years 7-10                                               Years 11-13
       Kavanagh College monogrammed white short or               Kavanagh College monogrammed white short or
                    long sleeved blouse                                       long sleeved blouse
               Kavanagh College tartan kilt or                           Kavanagh College tartan kilt or
              Kavanagh College navy pants or                            Kavanagh College navy pants or
           Kavanagh College Lavalava/Tupenu or                       Kavanagh College Lavalava/Tupenu or
          Kavanagh College navy skirt (Terms 1 & 4)                 Kavanagh College navy skirt (Terms 1 & 4)
                                                                             Kavanagh College blazer
                 Navy tights or plain white socks that are visible above the ankle (no logos/no stripes)

                                             COMMON TO ALL
                                                       Years 7-13
                 Kavanagh College tie (compulsory in terms 2 & 3, or when wearing long sleeved shirt)
                                 Kavanagh College Monogrammed jersey or vest (navy)
                                                Kavanagh College jacket
                   Kavanagh College bucket hat, scarf and beanie (available from the Bursar’s Office)

     SHOES                                                             NON-REGULATION
     Shoes are plain black heeled leather shoes worn with              UNIFORM
     socks or tights                                                   Students who arrive at school in non-
                                                                       regulation uniform should have a note from
     HAIR                                                              their parent/caregiver explaining that repairs
     Hair should be neat and tidy and of one natural hair              or replacements are underway. No makeup,
     colour and reasonable style. Face and eyes must be                no nail extensions/polish, no inappropriate
     visible. Hair longer than the shoulder must be tied back.         body markings.
     Students must be clean shaven.

     JEWELLERY                                                         DETERMINING
     A watch, one plain finger ring, one plain gold/silver ear
     stud in each ear may be worn. Religious or culturally             The Principal and Senior Management
     significant jewellery e.g. crucifix or pounamu may be             reserve the right to determine if uniform
     worn. No other jewellery including facial piercing is             requirements are being met based on the
     permitted unless agreed under non regulation uniform.             uniform policy. All students are expected to
                                                                       meet the uniform standards.

             For further information contact:
            The Principal, Kavanagh College
     340 Rattray Street, Dunedin 9016, New Zealand
          PO Box 737, Dunedin, New Zealand
                Phone: +64 3 477 3408
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