Protect and Build our Economy - City of Vancouver

Page created by Wallace Mcgee
Protect and Build our Economy - City of Vancouver
Protect and Build
   our Economy

   Vancouver has a diverse and thriving local economy, and we are working to provide the
   services, land-use plans and regulatory environment that will promote and strengthen local
   businesses while also making the city an attractive destination for new businesses to consider.

   Total Investments in 2020 Budget
   In response to Council’s identification of their priorities for the 2020 Budget, every division
   and department reviewed their existing and planned initiatives in their operating budgets. City
   staff looked for opportunities to better align existing and ongoing activities and investments
   to these priority areas, and also made sure there was strong alignment for the proposed new
   initiatives. Capital plan investments shown here reflect the work and costs included in the
   2020 Budget from the multi-year approved capital plan. The total dollar investment includes
   specific initiatives and their associated costs that have been included in the 2020 Budget and
   are directly aligned to this priority. It is important to recognize that there is ongoing, everyday
   work across the City’s entire operations that can be difficult to capture but that also reflects the
   increased focus on this priority.

                                                                         Capital Investments
     Existing and                                                        $23 milllion
Ongoing Activities
      $46 million

                                                                New Investments
                                                                $6 milllion

Protect and Build our Economy - City of Vancouver
Existing and Ongoing Activities in 2020 Budget
(examples) – Estimated $46 million
Optimize the City’s economic development investments
and services by working with the Vancouver Economic
Commission, Metro Vancouver’s new regional economic
prosperity service, the City’s General Manager, Planning,
Urban Development and Sustainability, and leadership from
other City departments. (CMO)

Oversee the City’s business relationships with EasyPark,
Hastings Park‑PNE, the Vancouver Economic Commission,
the Vancouver School Board, the Vancouver Fraser Port
Authority, Granville Island, the Vancouver Affordable
Housing Agency, and the recently established Metro
Vancouver Regional Economic Prosperity Service. Update
key agreements that inform relationships with a number of
these agencies. (CMO)

Begin a business licence transformation project, including a licence fee review. (DBL)

Continue to monitor and adapt licensing and enforcement to support the evolving cannabis
legislation, in particular around legalization of edibles. (DBL)

Adapt to the introduction of ride‑hailing vehicles by evolving our regional partnerships and internal
business processes. (DBL and ENG)

Undertake research and develop policy options to support Business Improvement Associations
(BIAs) and small business including the establishment of an annual report card to track changes in
Vancouver’s retail and commercial districts. (PDS)

Develop and present to Council proposed policy directions for the future of Vancouver’s
employment lands for integration into the city‑wide planning process and detailed sub‑area planning
(second phase of the Vancouver Employment Lands and Economy Review). (PDS)

Leverage 2020 event hosting opportunities (including the LPGA 2020 CP Women’s Open) to
strengthen Vancouver’s international brand and reach. (CMO)

If approved by the Province, actively engage key stakeholders on the development of a plan to
implement split assessment for commercial properties through a new commercial subclass. (FRS)

Accelerate action on industrial affordability by undertaking research and developing policy options
to support existing and new industrial business operations in Vancouver. Staff will scope out and refine
need in mid-2020 to present a detailed project outline. (PDS)

Continued regulation redesign for city building; a multi-year (2019-2022) initiative to overhaul existing
regulations, policies and procedures. (PDS)

Continue to work with non-profit partners to explore and expand low barrier employment initiatives.

Protect and Build our Economy - City of Vancouver
New Initiatives in 2020 Budget (examples)
– $6 million
Implement policy recommendations and
actions resulting from the community-endorsed
Culture|Shift, Making Space for Arts and Culture,
and Vancouver Music Strategy, with specific
emphasis on immediate integration of arts, culture,
and creative life. (ACCS) – $1 million

Advance the goals of the Chinatown
Transformation project, including continuing
dedicated work with the Province to support the
development of the Provincial Chinese Canadian
Museum, including the establishment of the new
entity, as well as the inaugural exhibition and
efforts to establish Chinatown as a UNESCO World
Heritage Site. (ACCS and PDS) – $0.7 million

Development of a City-wide Plan (PDS) – $4 million, including:

 • Phase 1 - “Listen and Learn” including City-sponsored in-person events, digital engagement,
    focused child/youth/young people programs, supports for First Nations and equitable
    engagement, community and business toolkits, awareness and communication strategy leading
    to report out to Council in mid-2020.

 • Phase 2 - “Envision the Future” from mid-2020 to end will include future scenario building with
    consultants and city-wide public engagement.

Implement recommendations from the Special Events Policy. (ENG) – $0.5 million

Major Capital Initiatives in 2020 Budget
- $23 million*
Bridge maintenance to support movement of goods and people (ENG), including:

  • Major bridge maintenance program to maintain and rehabilitate the 25 vehicle bridges in
    the city including major repairs, replacement of expansion joints, drainage systems, detailed
    investigations and inspection, gantry inspection and maintenance, concrete and/or steel repairs,
    seismic upgrades, etc. – $0.9 million

  • Major bridge coating program including select components of Granville Bridge. – $0.4 million

  • Cambie Bridge seismic assessment project. – $2 million

Investments in public safety facilities and infrastructure (REFM), including:

  • Construction in progress and scheduled for completion in 2020 for Firehall No. 17 to replace
    with a new building that will be used as a training hall with four apparatus bays, a full-sized
    hose/training tower and a training yard. The new Firehall No. 17 is designed to be LEED Gold
    and Passive House certified and is a pilot for the new Canada Green Building Council Zero
    Carbon Building Standard. – $10 million

• Ongoing maintenance for Vancouver Police Department facilities including roof, mechanical,
    electrical, plumbing, etc. – $0.3 million

  • Consulting services for the appraisal and testing of potential sites to be considered for a
    consolidated Vancouver Police Department headquarters. – $0.1 million

  • Renovations to Vancouver Police Department facilities to keep them functional and efficient.
    – $0.4 million

Grants to the Vancouver Heritage Foundation to implement the Heritage House Conservation
Program. (PDS) – $0.3 million

Heritage Incentive program to support heritage conservation and seismic upgrades of heritage
designated buildings citywide. (PDS) – $5 million

Grants for the rehabilitation of or seismic stabilization of heritage building facades (Heritage
Facade Rehabilitation Program). (PDS) – $0.1 million

Technology infrastructure program to maintain, upgrade and expand various initiatives to
accommodate unplanned requests, end-of-life replacements, and cybersecurity initiatives.
(TS) – $3 million

* This list represents the major projects and does not include all capital investments included in
  the budget.

For more details about the City’s work supporting this priority, please refer to the associated Service
Plans in the Budget Book.


ACCS – Arts, Culture and Community Services           PDS – Planning, Urban Design and Sustainability
CMO – City Manager’s Office                           REFM – Real Estate and Facilities Management
DBL – Development, Buildings and Licensing            TS – Technology Services
ENG – Engineering                                     VPD – Vancouver Police Department
FRS – Finance, Risk and Supply Management

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