Protecting the Medically Vulnerable Amid COVID-19

Page created by Darrell Watts

        Protecting the Medically Vulnerable Amid COVID-19:
        Insights from the Dually Eligible Population in the
        United States
        Ahimsa Govender, MPH, Policy Analyst; Sarita A. Mohanty, MD, MPH, MBA,
        President and CEO, The SCAN Foundation; Julie Bynum, MD, MPH, Margaret
        Terpenning Professor of Internal Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine,
        University of Michigan; and Vijeth Iyengar, PhD, Brain Health Lead and Technical
        Advisor to the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Aging, US Department of Health and
        Human Services

        July 19, 2021
        Introduction                                                tends to be predominantly younger in age, female, and
                                                                    comprised of an ethnically and racially diverse popula-
        Dually eligible beneficiaries are individuals enrolled in
                                                                    tion compared to Medicare-only beneficiaries. In 2019,
        both Medicare and Medicaid. COVID-19 has exacerbat-
                                                                    48.0 percent of dually eligible beneficiaries were from
        ed existing vulnerabilities within this population such
                                                                    minority populations, compared with 21.6 percent of
        as mental health, underscoring the importance of ad-
                                                                    Medicare-only beneficiaries; 59.4 percent of dually
        vancing knowledge of and supporting existing efforts
                                                                    eligible beneficiaries were female compared with 53.0
        to meet their needs and identifying promising prac-
                                                                    percent of Medicare-only beneficiaries; and 37.9 per-
        tices integral to addressing current health inequities.
                                                                    cent of dually eligible beneficiaries were younger than
           To emphasize the increasing impact the dually eli-
                                                                    65 compared with 8.1 percent of Medicare-only ben-
        gible beneficiary population will have on the US health
                                                                    eficiaries [1].
        care landscape, this commentary serves as a primer
                                                                       Dually eligible beneficiaries under age 65 qualify
        for readers by:
                                                                    for Medicare based on disability status and qualify
           1. providing an overview of the challenges and
                                                                    for Medicaid based on income level. As a result, these
                needs faced by dually eligible beneficiaries;
                                                                    beneficiaries often need and use other supportive
           2. discussing current pathways to address care for
                                                                    services, including home-based services and nursing
                this population as a result of the COVID-19 pan-
                                                                    home care. Dually eligible beneficiaries over 65 qualify
                demic; and
                                                                    for Medicare and Medicaid because of their level of
           3. identifying promising strategies to address the
                                                                    income and spend down in nursing homes. Dually eli-
                needs of this population during and after the
                                                                    gible beneficiaries use Medicare to cover primary care,
                COVID-19 pandemic.
                                                                    many preventive services, hospital care, and prescrip-
        Who Are Dually Eligible Beneficiaries?                      tion drugs. They use Medicaid as a secondary payer
                                                                    to cover services not covered by Medicare, including
        The dually eligible population has grown from 8.6 mil-
                                                                    long-term services and supports, certain behavioral
        lion in 2006 to 12.3 million beneficiaries in 2019, with
                                                                    health services, and for those who qualify, Medicare
        an average annual growth rate of 2.8 percent [1]. In
                                                                    premiums and cost-sharing. Some dually eligible ben-
        2013, dually eligible beneficiaries accounted for $312.4
                                                                    eficiaries are encumbered by multiple chronic condi-
        billion in Medicare and Medicaid combined spending
                                                                    tions, long-term care needs, and cognitive disabilities
        [2]. As a population with complex needs, dually eligible
                                                                    including mental illnesses [4]. Some in this population
        beneficiaries account for a significant portion of total
                                                                    also have adverse social determinants of health from
        Medicare and Medicaid spending primarily due to their
                                                                    social risk factors including lack of transportation, food
        heavy reliance on long-term care services and inpa-
                                                                    insecurity, and housing insecurity [5].
        tient hospitalizations [3]. This beneficiary population

Perspectives | Expert Voices in Health & Health Care

         Dually Eligible Beneficiaries Face Incredible                  COVID-19 have restricted visitation and social engage-
         Challenges during COVID-19                                     ment to curtail viral transmission, and (2) beneficiaries
                                                                        who receive home- and community-based services
         The health and economic challenges experienced by
                                                                        (HCBS)—a Medicaid benefit that provides an opportu-
         dually eligible beneficiaries have persisted and esca-
                                                                        nity for dually eligible beneficiaries to receive care in
         lated amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Accumulating
                                                                        their home or community settings as opposed to insti-
         evidence suggests that this population bears a higher
                                                                        tutional care—have limited access to care and support
         likelihood of being exposed to COVID-19 as a result of
                                                                        during the pandemic because of concerns about allow-
         medical risk factors, racial and ethnic inequities, and
                                                                        ing personal care attendants into their homes. Dually
         adverse social determinants of health.
                                                                        eligible beneficiaries may face additional issues includ-
         Medical Risk Factors                                           ing limited transportation options to doctors’ appoint-
         Dually eligible beneficiaries are burdened with chronic        ments (which could delay their care and treatment and
         conditions [4] (e.g., Alzheimer’s and related dementias,       exacerbate potential health complications), increased
         asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and             food insecurity for beneficiaries who relied on receiv-
         diabetes), which are also key risk factors for contract-       ing food from community settings, and less telehealth
         ing COVID-19 [6]. Preliminary data from the Centers            access, particularly for older individuals [10].
         for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) indicate dually            The glaring gap of essential services during the pan-
         eligible beneficiaries are almost three times as likely to     demic may increase dually eligible beneficiaries’ rates
         get infected and be hospitalized because of COVID-19           of illness, hospitalizations, and potential exposure to
         [7].                                                           COVID-19. Given the complex needs of the dually eli-
                                                                        gible population, a substantial proportion of whom re-
         Racial and Ethnic Inequities                                   side in nursing homes, and the loss of integral services
         COVID-19 has emphasized stark inequities and health            from the pandemic, it is perhaps unsurprising that they
         disparities when addressing the needs of this popu-            are at a higher risk of being impacted by COVID-19.
         lation. For example, American Indian/Alaska Native,            Fortunately, current strategies and promising practices
         Latinx, and Black dually eligible beneficiaries are more       have been used to meet the needs and challenges ex-
         likely to be hospitalized for COVID-19 than White du-          perienced by this population amidst the pandemic and
         ally eligible beneficiaries. In addition, American Indian/     beyond.
         Alaska Native and Latinx dually eligible beneficiaries
         are more likely to be infected with SARS-CoV-2 com-            Current Strategies to Address Dually Eligible
         pared with White dually eligible beneficiaries [7].            Beneficiary Needs amid COVID-19
                                                                        To combat the pandemic and ensure access to high-
         Adverse Social Determinants of Health
                                                                        quality health care and supports for dually eligible
         Coupled with risk factors, adverse social determinants
                                                                        individuals, organizations have incorporated more
         of health have posed challenges for dually eligible
                                                                        flexibility to address the health and social needs of
         beneficiaries during the pandemic. A recent study ex-
                                                                        beneficiaries. For example, Program of All-Inclusive
         plored ways in which 14 integrated, coordinated care
                                                                        Care for the Elderly (PACE) organizations provide ser-
         plans that target dually eligible beneficiaries such as
                                                                        vices for over 50,000 older adults [11] in 31 states and
         Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans (D-SNPs)—which,
                                                                        primarily serve dually eligible beneficiaries who would
         as of June 2021, enroll 3.5 million dually eligible ben-
                                                                        be eligible for nursing home care (90 percent of PACE
         eficiaries [8]—and Medicare-Medicaid Plans (MMPs)
                                                                        enrollees are dually eligible) among other populations
         addressed social determinants of health during the
                                                                        nationwide. PACE organizations also provide necessary
         pandemic. During the early stages of the pandemic,
                                                                        medical and social services including adult day services
         plans reported that beneficiaries had difficulties ad-
                                                                        and other HCBS, nursing home care, meals, prescrip-
         dressing food needs and social isolation, followed by
                                                                        tion drugs, and various counseling services and ther-
         access to housing, basic home supplies and personal
                                                                        apy, and they cover enrollees’ emergency services and
         protective equipment [9]. Social isolation in particular
                                                                        hospital care. PACE organizations receive capitated
         may be a potential risk among older beneficiaries liv-
                                                                        payments from Medicare, which incentivize decreased
         ing in residential facilities (e.g., nursing facilities) and
                                                                        inpatient hospital and skilled nursing facility costs. Evi-
         community settings, for reasons including: (1) safety
                                                                        dence reveals that PACE organizations have lower hos-
         restrictions established in nursing facilities to combat

Page 2                                                                                                                Published July 19, 2021
Protecting the Medically Vulnerable amid COVID-19: Insights from the Dually Eligible Population in the United States

        pital utilization and shorter hospital stays. In response     such as nursing facilities to HCBS. While some states
        to COVID-19, some PACE organizations were encour-             already use MFP resources to address social needs for
        aged to rapidly pivot to providing increased telehealth       dually eligible beneficiaries as they transition back to
        services, delivering meal services during the day, and        the community, encouraging states to transition more
        supporting medication adherence [12].                         dually eligible beneficiaries to community-based set-
           Complementing these health care delivery efforts,           tings under this program could mitigate their exposure
        through their care coordinators, D-SNPs and MMPs              to COVID-19, especially given the adverse effects from
        communicated directly with their beneficiaries through        residing in nursing facilities. In addition, dually eligible
        outreach to address unmet health and social needs.            beneficiaries’ higher risk for significant mental health
        Specifically, they addressed beneficiaries’ food inse-        needs, which has increased during the pandemic,
        curity challenges through expanding emergency meal            could be addressed by states continuing to implement
        programs and coordinating food delivery from local            existing models such as the Financial Alignment Initia-
        banks. These plans also delivered basic home supplies         tive, which integrates primary and acute care, behav-
        to beneficiaries, communicated with beneficiaries who         ioral health, and long-term services and supports for
        were struggling with social isolation and loneliness, and     dually eligible beneficiaries and existing state-based
        connected beneficiaries with appropriate resources for        care-coordination health plans (e.g., Cal MediConnect)
        their financial needs [9]. In addition, coordinated care      that can help to address mental health challenges for
        plans like D-SNPs and MMPs and PACE organizations             this population. A look at data systems suggests that
        include flexible benefit packages and are developing          further linkages between existing federal data sur-
        ways to vaccinate this population, including monitoring       veys and data collection systems (e.g., the Centers for
        vaccination uptake, implementing reward and incen-            Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for
        tive programs to increase vaccination, and using Med-         Health Statistics’ data collection systems) with CMS
        icaid’s nonemergency medical transportation benefit           data may support future efforts to better identify dual-
        for qualified dually eligible enrollees to access vaccines    ly eligible beneficiaries with unmet needs, understand
        [13].                                                         their health and social needs, and ultimately improve
           Facilitating communication between community re-           their quality of care.
        sources and beneficiaries in addition to using flexibili-        Enhanced federal Medicaid funding to states would
        ties within D-SNPs, MMPs, and PACE organizations will         emphasize addressing social determinants of health.
        support beneficiaries to gain access to necessary social      For example, this funding may support coverage of ad-
        services during the pandemic.                                 ditional health and social services including transpor-
                                                                      tation options, protective personal equipment, meal
        Beyond COVID-19: Improving the Health Out-                    delivery or other ways to address food insecurity, and
        look for Dually Eligible Beneficiaries                        access to vaccinations that states do not otherwise
        The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption            cover under state plan amendments or Section 1115
        and consideration of promising practices to address           waiver demonstrations.
        the health and social needs of dually eligible beneficia-        Additionally, the Creating High-Quality Results and
        ries. These practices focus on three key aspects:             Outcomes Necessary to Improve Chronic Care Act iden-
           1. leveraging existing initiatives and data systems        tified a pathway of using Special Supplemental Benefits
               to improve quality of care;                            for the Chronically Ill (SSBCI) for Medicare beneficiaries,
           2. increasing emphasis on social determinants of           including dually eligible beneficiaries. SSCBI covers
               health; and                                            nonmedical needs that are not covered by Medicaid
           3. increasing access to health and social services         such as nonmedical transportation, food, and indoor
               through telemedicine.                                  air quality equipment services that Medicare Advan-
                                                                      tage plans can provide. Although few plans provided
        Existing initiatives and federally managed data sys-          these benefits in 2020 partly due to operational chal-
        tems play a critical role in improving quality of care        lenges, an increased number of plans provided more
        for beneficiaries. The Money Follows the Person (MFP)         health-related benefits. This year however, plans may
        Rebalancing Demonstration Program is a Medicaid               consider, as evidence suggests, offering more nonmed-
        program that provides enhanced federal funding for            ical benefits that address social determinants of health
        states to transition Medicaid beneficiaries, including        [14].
        dually eligible beneficiaries, from institutional settings                                                                                                                   Page 3

            Lastly, while, telemedicine has become increasingly        3.  Bynum, J. P. W., A. Austin, D. Carmichael, and E.
         adopted as a tool for health care service and delivery            Meara. 2017. High-cost dual eligibles’ service use
         during the pandemic, dually eligible beneficiaries are            demonstrates the need for supportive and pal-
         less likely to have internet and smart phone access. To           liative models of care. Health Affairs 36(7): 1309-
         improve upon existing PACE organization efforts, tele-             1317.
         health services could address health disparities in the       4. CMS Medicare-Medicaid Coordination Office.
         dually eligible beneficiary population by encouraging             2020. People Dually Eligible for Medicare and Medic-
         public-private partnerships between the federal gov-              aid (Fact Sheet). Available at:
         ernment and the private entities who have experience              Medicare-Medicaid-Coordination/Medicare-and-
         working with beneficiaries residing in traditionally un-          Medicaid-Coordination/Medicare-Medicaid-Coor-
         derserved communities. For example, private entities              dination-Office/Downloads/MMCO_Factsheet.pdf
         may consider providing services in underserved areas              (accessed February 16, 2021).
         such as user-friendly and potentially reusable techno-        5. Sorbero, M. E., A. M. Kranz, K. E. Bouskill, R. Ross,
         logical devices (e.g., mobile phones or tablets) that en-         A. I. Palimaru, and A. Meyer. 2018. Addressing
         able beneficiaries to navigate telehealth appointments            social determinants of health needs of dually en-
         and any necessary follow-ups. In addition, current COV-           rolled beneficiaries in Medicare Advantage plans:
         ID-19 Medicare and Medicaid telehealth flexibilities fo-          Findings from interviews and case studies. RAND
         cused on telehealth reimbursement can continue to be              Corporation. Available at:
         used after the public health emergency ends. Ultimate-            pubs/research_reports/RR2634.html          (accessed
         ly, offering these specific supports will improve health           February 16, 2021).
         equity and prevent potential adverse health outcomes.         6. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)).
                                                                           2020. Science Brief: Evidence used to update the list
         Conclusions                                                       of underlying medical conditions that increase a per-
         The dually eligible beneficiary population is a burgeon-          son’s risk of severe illness from COVID-19. Available
         ing patient population, posing considerable economic              at:
         and health impacts to the US health care system. Given            need-extra-precautions/evidence-table.html (ac-
         the sheer heterogeneity of beneficiaries and accompa-             cessed February 16, 2021).
         nying multifactorial nature of their medical and social       7. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).
         needs, multisectoral solutions are required to meet               2020. Preliminary Medicare COVID-19 Data Snap-
         the needs of this population. This commentary pro-                shot. Available at:
         vides promising strategies such as telehealth flexibili-          ument/medicare-covid-19-data-snapshot-fact-
         ties, HCBS expansion for states, and SSBCI benefits to            sheet.pdf (accessed April 3, 2021).
         improve care for the dually eligible population. It also      8. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).
         serves as a mechanism for stakeholders from the pri-              2021. SNP Comprehensive Report 2021-06. Available
         vate, philanthropic, and civil society to collaborate and         at:
         identify novel ways or build on existing initiatives to           and-systemsstatistics-trends-and-reportsmcrad-
         provide appropriate care and targeted supports for                vpartdenroldataspecial-needs/snp-comprehen-
         these beneficiaries amidst COVID-19 and beyond.                   sive-report-2021-06 (accessed June 15, 2021).
                                                                       9. Archibald, N. 2021. Addressing Social Needs Amid
         References                                                        the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Survey of Dual Eligible
          1.   CMS Medicare-Medicaid Coordination Office.                    Special Needs Plans. Center for Health Care Strate-
               2019. Data Analysis Brief: Medicare-Medicaid Dual           gies (CHCS). Available at:
               Enrollment 2006 through 2019. Available at: https://        dual-eligible-special-needs-plans-addressing-en-
               aiddualenrollmenteverenrolledtrendsdatabrief.               ed-to-the-covid-19-pandemic/ (accessed February
               pdf (accessed April 6, 2021).                               16, 2021).
          2.   Medicaid and CHIP Payment Access Commission             10. Hoffmaster, A. 2020. The Impact of COVID-19 on
               (MACPAC). 2021. Dually Eligible Beneficiaries. Avail-       Dual Eligible Individuals Using Home- and Commu-
               able at:           nity-Based Services. Center for Health Care Strat-
               igible-beneficiaries/ (accessed February 16, 2021).         egies (CHCS). Available at:

Page 4                                                                                                             Published July 19, 2021
Protecting the Medically Vulnerable amid COVID-19: Insights from the Dually Eligible Population in the United States

              covid-19s-effect-on-dually-eligible-populations-          Professor of Internal Medicine, Department of Internal
              using-home-and-community-based-services/ (ac-             Medicine, University of Michigan. Vijeth Iyengar, PhD,
              cessed February 16, 2021).                                is brain health lead and technical advisor to the Deputy
        11.   Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).           Assistant Secretary for Aging, Administration for Com-
              2021. Contract Summary 2021-06. Available at:             munity Living, US Department of Health and Human
              cradvpartdenroldatamonthly/contract-summa-                Acknowledgments
              ry-2021-06 (accessed June 15, 2021)                       The authors would like to thank Tracy Lustig, DPM,
        12.   Montgomery, A., A. Slocum, F. F. O’Reilly, R. Sch-        MPH, senior program officer of the Health and Medi-
              reiber, J. Lynn, and M. Phife. 2020. Rapid PACE Re-       cine Division at the National Academies of Sciences;
              sponses in a COVID-19 Era: How PACE Providers Have        Rukshana Gupta, BAS, senior program assistant of the
              Innovated and Adapted to Keep Enrollees Safe in           Health and Medicine Division at the National Academies
              Their Communities. Altarum Institute. Available at:       of Sciences; Sara Vitolo, MSPH, deputy director at the
             Medicare-Medicaid Coordination Office within the Cen-
              publication-files/Altarum_Program-to-Improve-             ters for Medicare & Medicaid Services; Molly Knowles,
              Eldercare_Rapid-PACE-Responses_report_final.pdf           MPP, senior program officer at the Center for Health
              (accessed February 16, 2021).                             Care Strategies; and Julie Pavlin, MD, PhD, MPH, direc-
        13.   Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).           tor of Board on Global Health at the National Academies
              2021. Opportunities to maximize COVID-19 vaccina-         of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, for providing
              tions among dually eligible individuals. Available at:    feedback and guidance throughout the development of
                this commentary.
              eligible-vaccine-hpms-memo.pdf (accessed March
              17, 2021)                                                 Conflict-of-Interest Disclosures
        14.   Kornfield, T., M. Kazan, M. Frieder, R. Duddy-            Sarita A. Mohanty, MD, MPH, MBA receives a stipend
              Tenbrunsel, S. Donthi, and A. Fix. 2021. Medicare         for serving on the board for COPE Health Solutions and
              Advantage Plans Offering Expanded Supplemen-               is Quality Policy Fellow for the National Quality Forum
              tal Benefits: A Look at Availability and Enrollment.      (NQF). Julie Bynum, MD, MPH receives grant funding
              The Commonwealth Fund. Available at: https://             from the National Institutes of Health, is a consultant to
                  the Alzheimer’s Association, is a member of America’s
              briefs/2021/feb/medicare-advantage-plans-sup-             Health Rankings Advisory Council, and is on the Regen-
              plemental-benefits (accessed February 16, 2021).          strief Institute’s External Advisory Board.

       DOI                                                              Correspondence                                 Questions or comments should be directed to Ahimsa
                                                                        Govender at
       Suggested Citation
       Govender, A., S. A. Mohanty, J. Bynum, and V. Iyengar.           Disclaimer
       2021. Protecting the Medically Vulnerable amid CO-               The views expressed in this paper are those of the au-
       VID-19: Insights from the Dually Eligible Population in          thors and do not necessarily represent the views of the
       the United States. NAM Perspectives. Commentary, Na-             US Government and US Department of Health and Hu-
       tional Academy of Medicine, Washington, DC. https://             man Services, the National Academy of Medicine (NAM),                                        or the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and
                                                                        Medicine (the National Academies). The paper is intend-
       Author Information                                               ed to help inform and stimulate discussion. It is not a
       Ahimsa Govender, MPH, is a policy analyst. Sarita A.             report of the NAM or the National Academies. Copyright
       Mohanty, MD, MPH, MBA is president and CEO, The                  by the National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
       SCAN Foundation and adjunct associate professor, Kai-
       ser Permanente Bernard J. Tyson School of Medicine.
       Julie Bynum, MD MPH, is the Margaret Terpenning                                                                                                                    Page 5
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