Protocol for the process and feasibility evaluations of a new model of primary care service delivery for managing pain and function in patients ...

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Protocol for the process and feasibility evaluations of a new model of primary care service delivery for managing pain and function in patients ...
Open access                                                                                                                                        Protocol

                                        Protocol for the process and feasibility

                                                                                                                                                                        BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-034526 on 4 February 2020. Downloaded from on May 1, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
                                        evaluations of a new model of primary
                                        care service delivery for managing pain
                                        and function in patients with knee
                                        osteoarthritis (PARTNER) using a mixed
                                        methods approach
                                        Jocelyn L Bowden ‍ ‍,1,2 Thorlene Egerton,3 Rana S Hinman,3 Kim L Bennell,3
                                        Andrew M Briggs ‍ ‍,4 Stephen J Bunker,5 Jessica Kasza,6 Simon D French,7
                                        Marie Pirotta,8 Deborah J Schofield,9 Nicholas A Zwar,10,11 David J Hunter ‍ ‍1,2

To cite: Bowden JL, Egerton T,          Abstract
Hinman RS, et al. Protocol                                                                              Strengths and limitations of this study
                                        Introduction This protocol outlines the rationale, design
for the process and feasibility         and methods for the process and feasibility evaluations of
evaluations of a new model of                                                                           ►► A comprehensive, preplanned, process and feasibili-
                                        the primary care management on knee pain and function
primary care service delivery for                                                                           ty evaluation of a complex model of service delivery.
                                        in patients with knee osteoarthritis (PARTNER) study.
managing pain and function in                                                                           ►► Mixed-­
                                                                                                                 methods approach, underpinned by theo-
patients with knee osteoarthritis       PARTNER is a randomised controlled trial to evaluate
                                                                                                           retical frameworks for design and evaluation of
(PARTNER) using a mixed                 a new model of service delivery (the PARTNER model)
                                                                                                           complex health interventions and chronic disease
methods approach. BMJ Open              against ‘usual care’. PARTNER is designed to encourage             management.
2020;10:e034526. doi:10.1136/           greater uptake of key evidence-­based non-­surgical             ►► Codesigned by a broad range of stakeholders in-
bmjopen-2019-034526                     treatments for knee osteoarthritis (OA) in primary care. The       cluding general practitioners, people with osteoar-
►► Prepublication history for
                                        intervention supports general practitioners (GPs) to gain an       thritis, physiotherapists, rheumatologists, industry
this paper is available online.         understanding of the best management options available             groups and policy makers.
To view these files, please visit       through online professional development. Their patients         ►► Outcomes from this study will directly contribute
the journal online (http://​dx.​doi.​   receive telephone advice and support for OA management             to the implementation priorities of the Australian
org/​10.​1136/​bmjopen-​2019-​          by a centralised, multidisciplinary ‘Care Support Team’. We        ‘National Osteoarthritis Strategy’.
034526).                                will conduct concurrent process and feasibility evaluations
                                        to understand the implementation of this new complex
Received 24 September 2019
                                        health intervention, identify issues for consideration when
Revised 11 December 2019
                                        interpreting the effectiveness outcomes and develop            national and international partners and stakeholders, who
Accepted 13 January 2020
                                        recommendations for future implementation, cost                will also assist with wider dissemination of our results
                                        effectiveness and scalability.                                 across all levels of healthcare. Specific findings will be
                                        Methods and analysis The UK Medical Research                   disseminated via peer-­reviewed journals and conferences,
                                        Council Framework for undertaking a process evaluation         and via training for healthcare professionals delivering OA
                                        of complex interventions and the Reach, Effectiveness,         management programmes. This evaluation is crucial to
                                        Adoption, Implementation and Maintenance (RE-­AIM)             explaining the PARTNER study results, and will be used to
                                        frameworks inform the design of these evaluations.             determine the feasibility of rolling-­out the intervention in
                                        We use a mixed-­methods approach including analysis            an Australian healthcare context.
                                        of survey data, administrative records, consultation           Trial registration number ACTRN12617001595303;
                                        records and semistructured interviews with GPs and             Pre-­results.
© Author(s) (or their                   their enrolled patients. The analysis will examine fidelity
employer(s)) 2020. Re-­use              and dose of the intervention, observations of trial            Introduction
permitted under CC BY-­NC. No           setup and implementation and the quality of the care
commercial re-­use. See rights                                                                         Osteoarthritis (OA) is a leading cause of
                                        provided. We will also examine details of ‘usual care’.
and permissions. Published by
                                        The semistructured interviews will be analysed using
                                                                                                       lower limb pain and disability, affecting more
                                        thematic and content analysis to draw out themes around        than 2 million Australians.1 Although there
For numbered affiliations see
                                        implementation and acceptability of the model.                 is no cure, there are effective non-­surgical
end of article.                                                                                        treatments for the long-­term management
                                        Ethics and dissemination The primary and substudy
 Correspondence to                      protocols have been approved by the Human Research             of symptomatic OA.2 In particular, educa-
 Dr Jocelyn L Bowden;                   Ethics Committee of The University of Sydney (2016/959         tion and advice on OA, exercise and phys-
​jocelyn.​bowden@​sydney.​edu.​au       and 2019/503). Our findings will be disseminated to            ical activity and weight management are

                                               Bowden JL, et al. BMJ Open 2020;10:e034526. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2019-034526                                          1
Protocol for the process and feasibility evaluations of a new model of primary care service delivery for managing pain and function in patients ...
Open access

                                                                                                                                              BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-034526 on 4 February 2020. Downloaded from on May 1, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Figure 1 The PARTNER logic model. Theoretical basis for the development of the PARTNER model of service delivery, and
the mechanisms underpinning the process evaluation. COM-­B, capability, opportunity, motivation and behaviour; GP, general
practitioner; INCA, integrated care management software (formally cdmNET); PARTNER, primary care management on knee
pain and function in patients with knee osteoarthritis; RACGP, Royal Australian College of General Practitioners.

the core interventions recommended by current clin-             will be delivered remotely for 12 months by a centralised,
ical guidelines.3–5 These treatments are, however, often        multidisciplinary ‘Care Support Team’ (CST) of health
underutilised in primary care, and day-­to-­day manage-         professionals trained in best-­practice management of OA
ment of Australians with knee OA is inconsistent with           and health behaviour change.
these recommendations.6 We designed the Effectiveness              The effectiveness and cost-­  effectiveness of this new
of a new model of primary care management on knee               model is being tested through a two-­          arm, cluster
pain and function in patients with knee osteoarthritis          randomised controlled trial (RCT), and the process and
(PARTNER) study, to address this issue.7 The aim of the         feasibility evaluations described here will be conducted
PARTNER study is to test a new model of service delivery        concurrently with the RCT. These evaluations will help
(the PARTNER model), designed to encourage greater              us to understand the factors influencing the implementa-
uptake of these key non-­surgical treatments in primary         tion of the intervention, identify issues for consideration
care pathways, in comparison to usual care.
                                                                when interpreting the effectiveness results and enable us
   The PARTNER model is a complex health intervention
                                                                to develop recommendations for future implementation
(figure 1) employing multiple interacting components
                                                                of the new model into Australian general practice. This
that target different organisational levels of healthcare
                                                                process evaluation and feasibility protocol has two aims,
delivery.8 The intervention will target both general prac-
titioners (GPs) and their patients with OA. GPs will be         namely:
provided with online professional development opportu-          1. To explain the PARTNER study results in terms of fi-
nities to gain an understanding of the effective conser-           delity and engagement with the intervention, and
vative, non-­surgical management options available for             determine:
treatment of patients with OA and endorsed by the                  1.1. Whether the intervention and control arms were
Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. Their           delivered as intended for both the GPs and patients
patients will receive tailored advice and support on issues        enrolled in the study.
related to the management of OA including physical                 1.2. What ‘usual care’ entailed, including types and
activity and exercise, weight loss, pain management and            rate of uptake of other services recommended for the
other effective self-­management behaviours. This support          patient.

2                                                               Bowden JL, et al. BMJ Open 2020;10:e034526. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2019-034526
Open access

   1.3. The types of issues typically identified or actioned                  support tool (previously named cdmNET). All GPs in

                                                                                                                                             BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-034526 on 4 February 2020. Downloaded from on May 1, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
   during the consultations between the participants and                      the study regardless of group allocation will be asked to
   the healthcare professionals in the study (ie, the GPs                     provide an initial evidence-­based consultation for their
   and CST), and determine the nature of the support                          participating patients. If allocated to the intervention
   and advice provided for each issue.                                        arm, patients will be referred to the PARTNER CST. The
   1.4. Participants’ (GPs and patients) and the CST per-                     CST is a centralised, multidisciplinary team of health
   sonnel’s perspectives on how, why and for whom the                         professionals trained in best-­practice OA management,
   intervention did or did not work.                                          and with skills in health behaviour change. The CST
   1.5. Whether the primary and secondary outcome ef-                         will support patient participants to manage their knee
   fects were due to the nature of the implementation, or                     OA for a period of 12 months. The CST will provide the
   to the intervention.9                                                      patients with education, advice and ongoing support for
2. To determine the feasibility and acceptability of having                   behaviour change on the key OA treatments, including
   the model adopted broadly in an Australian health-                         leg strengthening exercises, general physical activity,
   care context (if the study is found to be effective),                      weight loss and appropriate use of pain medications as
   specifically:                                                              agreed with the patient. Patients with a body mass index
   2.1. Are there potential barriers and enablers to rolling                  ≥27 will have the option of completing the Common-
   the model out in the Australian primary care setting                       wealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation’s
   that have not been identified previously? We will look                     online ‘Total Wellbeing Diet’ (TWD) program.14 15 The
   at barriers and enablers at the patient level, profession-                 TWD program is based on an evidence-­        based, struc-
   al, organisational and service level (meso) and health                     tured, nutritionally balanced eating plan designed to be
   systems level (macro).10                                                   delivered as part of a balanced lifestyle programme.16
   2.2. Do people with OA, and GPs, value the interven-                       Patient participants may also be directed to one or more
   tion as it was delivered?                                                  secondary interventions or additional healthcare services
   2.3. Are the results generalisable to other people with                    if they meet the referral criteria and/or have identified
   OA, healthcare service providers and to different                          it as a personal priority. These treatment options may
   Australian healthcare contexts (eg, public or private                      include online cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)
   hospitals).                                                                programme for mood, pain coping and sleep or referrals
   2.4. Is the intervention cost effective compared with                      to healthcare professionals (eg, physiotherapists or dieti-
   usual care?                                                                cians) for face-­to-­face sessions. The primary outcomes
                                                                              of the PARTNER study are change in self-­reported pain
                                                                              and function at 12 months. We will also assess a range of
Methods and analysis                                                          secondary patient-­level outcomes at 6 and 12 months, and
The PARTNER cluster RCT                                                       including the cost-­effectiveness of the model.7
The PARTNER study is an investigator-­    initiated prag-
matic RCT. A detailed explanation of the background,                          Patient and public involvement
theoretical development and protocol for the broader                          One of the strengths of this process and feasibility evalua-
PARTNER study (2016/959) has been described previ-                            tion is that it has been incorporated into the overall study
ously,7 11 and the trial prospectively registered with                        design from conception. Both the main protocol and this
the Australia New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry                            evaluation and feasibility subprotocol are underpinned
(ACTRN12617001595303). The process and feasibility                            by existing theoretical frameworks.17–21 It has built on
evaluations will be reported in accordance with the Stan-                     considerable background work undertaken by our team,
dards for Reporting Implementation Studies, and the                           and with input from a broad range of stakeholders, GPs
Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research                      and consumers who participated in our five working
guidelines.12 13                                                              groups: (1) scientific methods, (2) data, (3) GP model
  Briefly, the RCT is comparing the new PARTNER                               of service delivery, (4) consumer engagement and (5)
model of service delivery to usual care.7 We will recruit                     policy and marketing. Each working group was chaired
44 general practices and 572 patients with knee OA in                         by an appropriate representative from either an industry
urban and regional practices in Victoria and New South                        partner, consumer group or other stakeholder organi-
Wales, Australia. The patients will be 45 years of age or                     sation. This process and feasibility evaluation protocol
older, and have had knee pain (≥4/10) for a minimum                           has had further input from colleagues with expertise in
of 3 months. The model has interventions for both the                         implementing and assessing health interventions, and its
person with OA, and their GP. The GP intervention will                        content has evolved after findings from our pilot work.
provide professional development and training oppor-                          We send 6 monthly updates on the study’s progress to our
tunities on the most current conservative, non-­surgical                      stakeholders and participants via an online newsletter.
management options available for OA, as recommended
by national and international clinical guidelines.3–5 This                    Theoretical frameworks for the process evaluation
will include audit/feedback activities, online learning                       Figure 1 outlines the PARTNER logic model, which
modules and the Integrated Care electronic desktop IT                         summarises the key questions, target behaviours,

Bowden JL, et al. BMJ Open 2020;10:e034526. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2019-034526                                                             3
Open access

interventions, mediators and outcomes for both GPs

                                                                                                                                               BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-034526 on 4 February 2020. Downloaded from on May 1, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
                                                                  Table 1 Data collection methods used to address each aim
and patients recruited to the study. The development of           and question of the process evaluation
the model used Wagner’s theoretical framework for the
                                                                                                          Data collection method
management of chronic disease,17 the Behaviour Change
Wheel and the Theoretical Domains Framework18 to                  Aims                                    i     ii    iii   iv    v    vi
identify key intervention components and propose a                Aim 1: Explain the trial                           
causal pathway between the study intervention and the             results in terms of fidelity and
main outcomes.                                                    engagement:
   Our methods for the process and feasibility evalua-            1.1 Were the intervention and                      
tions are based on the recommendations from the UK                control arms delivered as
Medical Research Council framework for undertaking
a process evaluation of complex interventions.19 The              GPs                                     X     X         X          X
RE-­AIM (Reach, Effectiveness, Adoption, Implementa-              Patients                                X     X     X     X     X    X
tion and Maintenance) framework has further guided                CST                                         X           X        
the development of our evaluation questions.20 21 RE-­AIM         1.2 What did ‘usual care’ entail?                  
is recommended by the Osteoarthritis Research Society             GPs                                       X            X           
International for conducting implementation trials on
                                                                  Patients                                  X            X           
OA.9 RE-­AIM emphases the need to look into the propor-
tion and representativeness of the participants’ involved         1.3 What types of issues were               
                                                                  discussed or actioned during the
in the trial, the impact of the intervention, the fidelity and    interactions between the CST/
dose of the implementation and identify issues impacting          GPs and the patients?
on long-­term scaling of the model. It covers five domains,       GPs                                       X            X           
                                                                  CST                                       X        X     X     X     
►► Reach: did the intervention reach who we intended?
►► Effectiveness: was the intervention effective and cost-­       1.4 Participants and healthcare                    
                                                                  professionals’ perspectives on
    effective? (this question is primarily addressed by the       how, why and for whom the
    RCT)7                                                         interactions did or did not work?
►► Adoption: who do we need to target to develop insti-           (semistructured qualitative
    tutional support for the intervention? Did the prac-          interviews).
    tices recruited to our study adopt the changes at an          GPs                                             X                 
    organisational level, how representative were these           CST                                             X                 
    sites compared with other Australian settings and
                                                                  Patients                                        X                 
    what needs to be undertaken to have it adopted more
                                                                  1.5 Were the primary and                           
    widely? Will actual change in the way OA is managed
                                                                  secondary outcome effects
    in primary care be achievable with our model, and             due to the nature of the
    how well do the end users (clinicians, patients and           implementation or to the
    other service providers) accept the intervention and          intervention?
    processes?9                                                   GPs                                       X            X           
►► Implementation: was the intervention delivered
                                                                  Patients                                  X        X     X     X     
    correctly and consistently (fidelity) as intended at the
                                                                  Aim 2: Feasibility and                             
    trial outset?                                                 acceptability of scaling the
►► Maintenance: can the intervention be delivered                 intervention in Australia
    sustainably in different healthcare contexts and more         2.1 What are the possible barriers            
    broadly?                                                      and enablers to rolling-­out the
                                                                  model in Australian primary care?
Data sources for the PARTNER study
                                                                  GPs                                         X             X        
We will use a mixed-­methods approach that uses both
                                                                  Patients                                    X             X        
quantitative and qualitative methods to capture process
data for analysis (table 1, figure 1), all of which involve       2.2 Do patients and GPs value                   X                 
informed consent and have been approved by an ethics              the intervention as delivered?
committee. Detailed descriptions of the quantitative data         GPs                                             X                 
collection instruments and analysis have been described           Patients                                        X                 
previously in the main protocol,7 with details relevant to        2.3 Are the results generalisable                  
this protocol outlined below. The type and timing of data         to other patients with OA,
collected to address each aim of the process evaluation,          healthcare service providers and
including the details of the qualitative data collection are      across states?
described in the following sections. Figure 2 illustrates                                                X           X              
the integration of the process and feasibility evaluations                                                                       Continued

4                                                                Bowden JL, et al. BMJ Open 2020;10:e034526. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2019-034526
Open access

                                                                                   event logs; and training logs for the GPs, CST and other

                                                                                                                                                    BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-034526 on 4 February 2020. Downloaded from on May 1, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
 Table 1 Continued
                                                                                   trial staff. Data are collected for the duration of the trial.
                                        Data collection method                2.   Electronic survey data from patients and GP surveys.
 Aims                                   i     ii    iii   iv    v    vi            GPs complete surveys at baseline and after the study
 2.4 Is the intervention cost-­                                              team has confirmed all their patients have attended
 effective compared with usual                                                     their first GP consultation. Patients complete surveys
 care?                                                                             at baseline, post GP visit, 3, 6 and 12 months.
 Patients                                 X          X        X            3.   Electronic consultation detailed records of each of the
                                                                                   CSTs’ consultations with the intervention patients over
 i. Analysis of inclusion / exlusion criteria, screening logs and                  the 12-­month period.
 withdrawal logs.                                                             4.   Service provider records will be collected from exter-
                                                                                   nal providers delivering the weight-­loss intervention,
 ii. Analysis of the quantitative data collected in electonic surveys              and the online CBT programme offered to the inter-
 for both the GPs and patients with OA.
                                                                                   vention group (ie, painTrainer and ThisWayUp).
 iii. Analysis of a sample of recorded telephone interactions                 5.   Recorded consultation phone calls between the pa-
 between the CST responsible for providing the intervention and                    tient and the CST: all patient consultations for the du-
 the patients with OA                                                              ration of the patient’s involvement with the CST will be
 iv. Audit of data collected over the trial (the electronic                        audio-­recorded. For the first 18 weeks patients will be
 consultation notes) that captures the number, length and nature
 of the interactions between the CST and patients with OA.
                                                                                   contacted once a fortnight on average (nine calls), and
                                                                                   then monthly for the next 6 months (six calls). The
 v. Semi-­structured interviews with patient participants and the                  actual number and timing of these calls will be agreed
 GPs and CST involved in the study.                                                between the patient and the CST.
 vi. Audit of training logs and other activity logs for GPs in                6.   Semistructured qualitative interviews: these will be un-
 the intervention group. This includes analysis of web usage
 statistics.                                                                       dertaken with a selection of GPs, patients and the CST
                                                                                   personnel. GP interviews will be undertaken after all
                                                                                   their enrolled patients have had their initial GP visit.
with the main RCT. Briefly, the data collection methods                            Patient interviews will be undertaken after they have
and time points relevant to these evaluations include:                             completed their 12-­month survey. The CST interviews
1. Study administration records: include participant track-                        will be undertaken after all patients have finished their
   ing, screening, training, withdrawal and serious adverse                        last consultation.

Figure 2 Indicative timing of the data collection processes for GPs and patients. This schematic illustrates the integration
of the process and feasibility evaluations with the main RCT. Open boxes are quantitative data collection, filled boxes are
qualitative data (interviews or phone call recordings). The patient intervention is for 12 months. *Data are collected for GPs in the
intervention group only. CST, Care Support Team; GPs, general practitioners; Pt, patients; Q, online survey questionnaires.

Bowden JL, et al. BMJ Open 2020;10:e034526. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2019-034526                                                                    5
Open access

Quantitative data analysis to address the aims of the process   participate and for any loss to follow-­up. These data will

                                                                                                                                              BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-034526 on 4 February 2020. Downloaded from on May 1, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
evaluation                                                      be compared with the general population to give an indi-
We will use a wide selection of the quantitative data to        cation of the representativeness and generalisability of
explain the study’s effectiveness results in terms of           the results to other patients, healthcare service providers
fidelity and engagement with the intervention, particu-         and other Australian states/territories. Collectively, these
larly around the consistency of the study’s implementa-         data will provide some insight into the generalisability of
tion as per the primary protocol (figure 1) and the trial       the efficacy results, and any amendments that may need
procedures manuals (Aim 1.1). This will include the             to be incorporated into the current model. This informa-
study administration records, the electronic survey data        tion will also be used to determine the cost effectiveness
collected from both patients and GPs, the electronic            of the PARTNER model compared with usual care.7
consultation records from the CST and any changes
required to the protocol over the duration of the study.        Qualitative data collection
For the GPs in the intervention group, we will also             In addition to the quantitative datasets, we will collect
examine how many completed the required professional            and analyse qualitative data that will address many of the
development training modules, the optional capacity             process and feasibility aims of this study (see table 1).
building training modules and the number of interven-           First, we will analyse a sample of the telephone interac-
tion patients who were ultimately referred to the CST           tions that have been recorded between the patients in the
with OA (ie, if there were any patients who were not diag-      intervention group and the CST. After the final patient is
nosed with OA). We will further examine if patients have        recruited, we will purposively select 20 patients to conduct
reported receiving information on, or discussed with            a detailed analysis of their telephone consultations. We
their GP, any of the four key topics (OA education, phys-       aim to ensure maximum heterogeneity of sampling,
ical activity, muscle strengthening and weight loss), and       based on clinical and demographic characteristics, and
whether OA management plans were prepared for each              gain the perspectives of patients and GPs in both urban
patient. To determine what usual care entailed for our          and regional/rural general practices and smaller versus
control cohort (Aim 1.2), we will analyse the electronic        larger practices. To capture the change in the perspectives
survey data from both the GPs and patients, including if        over the 12 months, three phone calls will be analysed per
there were any unanticipated treatments prescribed or           person, covering the initial consultation—one randomly
activities undertaken that may need to be addressed in a        selected call from the first 18 weeks of the intervention
future roll-­out of the model.                                  (intensive phase), and one randomly selected call from
   For the CST, we will analyse the study records and survey    the last 6 months of the CST intervention (maintenance
data to determine the amount of time spent with each            phase). The phone recordings will be transcribed and
patient, and whether the key interventions or secondary         analysed using predesigned checklists. The first checklist
interventions (mood, pain and sleep management) were            will be used to determine how much time is spent on the
discussed in the consultations. Electronic patient survey       key priority topics and the targeted secondary interven-
data, the CST electronic consultation records and a selec-      tions (mood, pain coping and sleep; figure 1). A tally will
tion of the recorded patient consultations will be further      be made of the different types of issues discussed during
examined to establish what issues or topics were typically      the calls and the type of information given (Aim 1.1, 1.3,
discussed during the consultations (Aim 1.3), including         1.5). We will also assess if the components of care deliv-
any additional issues that may need to be incorporated          ered by the CST are accompanied by the appropriate
into the intervention long-­term (also see the Qualitative      behaviour change methods to support self-­management
data collection methods section). We will examine the           as per the PARTNER protocol. We will use a checklist
nature of the support and advice provided to patients           based on the methodology developed by our partner
by both the GPs and the CST, map the frequency and              ‘HealthChange Australia’ to train the CST in behaviour
accuracy of each treatment component to the interna-            change techniques to examine the fidelity of the delivery
tional care standards for OA (OA Quality Indicators)22 23       of the behaviour change component of the intervention.
and identify any conflicting advice that may need to be         This analysis will be undertaken by a member of the study
addressed when designing future training or educational         team involved with the intervention, and an independent
materials.                                                      person not involved with running the trial. Data will be
   We will also use the quantitative datasets to determine      compiled and compared, and if required adjudicated by
the feasibility and acceptability of having the model           a third party.
adopted broadly in an Australian healthcare context. We            Second, we will undertake semistructured qualita-
will explore healthcare providers’ and patients’ experi-        tive interviews with a selection of patients, GPs and the
ence of the intervention and its perceived impact (Aim          CST. These results will also address a range of the aims
2.2 and 2.3) and examine any issues that arose during the       of these process and feasibility evaluations (table 1), and
trial that would affect broader implementation (Aim 2.1).       a primary focus on contextual factors affecting delivery
We will undertake an audit of the inclusion and exclusion       and implementation, and thus those that influence roll-
criteria, and the screening logs for general practices, GPs     ing-­out and long-­  term sustainability of the PARTNER
and patients to identify any reasons for not choosing to        model (Aims 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3). The interviews will be

6                                                               Bowden JL, et al. BMJ Open 2020;10:e034526. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2019-034526
Open access

conducted over the telephone or face-­to-­face, by dedi-                      is crucial to explaining the PARTNER study results, and to

                                                                                                                                                                       BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-034526 on 4 February 2020. Downloaded from on May 1, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
cated researcher/s not involved with delivering the RCT                       determine the feasibility of scaling the intervention in an
and with experience in qualitative data collection. Our                       Australian healthcare context. The data and results will
multidisciplinary research team will develop the semi-                        be used to identify and address issues in the intervention
structured interviews to explore issues around patients’,                     and improve the delivery of the model long-­term, with a
GPs’ and CST personnel’s perspectives on how, why and                         focus on effectiveness, quality and safety and scalability.
for whom the interventions did or did not work, positive                         Outcomes from this study, regardless of the effective-
and negative (unintentional) outcomes, possible barriers                      ness of the RCT, will directly contribute to the implemen-
and facilitators to rolling-­out the intervention, including                  tation priorities of the Australian ‘National Osteoarthritis
any adoption considerations at the setting or organisa-                       Strategy’,25 the aligned jurisdictional Models of Care in
tional (meso) level, if the new model of care is valued by                    Western Australia,26 New South Wales27 and Victoria,28
the users, and if they found any aspects burdensome (ie,                      and other associated national strategies.4 29 The National
the number of appointments for patients or the amount                         OA strategy has multi-­partisan support from peak and
of training for GPs).                                                         professional bodies, governments, private health insurers
   Similar to the selection of recorded CST phone consul-                     and consumers to improve access to evidence-­based, non-­
tations, we will use purposive sampling to gain perspec-                      surgical OA interventions that deliver high-­value care to
tives from patients and GPs from different regional and                       all Australians with OA. It specifically calls for the prior-
practice-­related contexts. This will include around 30                       itisation of testing and implementation of new models
patients (15 control and 15 intervention) and 14 GPs (7                       of service delivery to support referral to allied health
from each group), or until redundancy is observed. We                         and community-­based services, assist primary care prac-
will also interview all willing members of the CST. Patients                  titioners to deliver essential lifestyle-­based interventions
will be different from those used in the examination of                       and ultimately reduce the over-­reliance on medications
the telephone consultations with the CST and will have                        and joint replacement surgery. Our findings will be
finished their involvement with the trial. The interviews                     disseminated to all partners and stakeholders involved
will be conducted one-­to-­one and will take approximately                    with both the study’s initial design, and those with an
1 hour each. Participants will be consented by the inter-                     interest in its long-­term implementation. The National
viewer over the phone. The interviews will follow an inter-                   OA Strategy Leadership Group and Implementation
view guide which outlines the broad discussion topics.                        Advisory Committee will help drive dissemination of our
The draft interview schedule will be tested with patients                     results across all levels of healthcare to address the local,
and healthcare professional volunteers prior to use.                          meso and macro needs identified. At an international
                                                                              level our results will contribute to the work of the Osteoar-
Qualitative data analysis plan                                                thritis Research Society International’s ‘Joint Effort Initia-
The semistructured interview data and content data will                       tive’ who are currently developing broadscale guidelines
be thematically analysed and interpreted. Interviews will                     and recommendations to assist with the global implemen-
be audio-­recorded and transcribed verbatim. Transcripts                      tation of OA management programs.30 Specific research
will be coded and analysed thematically, using methods                        findings will be disseminated via peer-­reviewed journals
of constant comparison derived from grounded theory.24                        and conferences, and we anticipate delivering training
Contextual information derived from other process data                        workshops for interested healthcare professionals.
will be used to triangulate the identified themes. The                           In conclusion, this paper reports the design of the
logic model (figure 1) and process evaluation framework                       mixed-­ methods process and feasibility evaluations for
(table 1) will aid the analysis by triangulating the quanti-                  the PARTNER study. The results will help us gain a better
tative data with the relevant qualitative data under each                     understanding of the implementation of the intervention
subheading. Qualitative data analysis software ‘NVivo’                        and identify issues for consideration when interpreting
(QSR International, Melbourne, Australia) will be used.                       its effectiveness. However, these evaluations will also allow
Identified themes will be explored, looking for shared or                     us to identify any broader issues or considerations that
disparate views among the patients, GPs and CST about                         will need to be addressed for a wider roll-­out of this new
their experiences of participation, implementation and                        model of service delivery in Australian primary care.
operationalisation of the study at their practice (if rele-
vant). The collection and analysis of the qualitative data                    Author affiliations
will be conducted iteratively so that themes identified in                     Institute of Bone and Joint Research, Kolling Institute, The University of Sydney, St
                                                                              Leonards, New South Wales, Australia
early interviews can be explored in more depth later.19                       2
                                                                               Department of Rheumatology, Royal North Shore Hospital, St Leonards, New South
                                                                              Wales, Australia
                                                                               Centre for Health, Exercise and Sports Medicine, Department of Physiotherapy, The
Ethics and dissemination                                                      University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
This protocol outlines the rationale, design and methods                       School of Physiotherapy and Exercise Science, Curtin University, Perth, Western
                                                                              Australia, Australia
for process and feasibility evaluations of the PARTNER                        5
                                                                               Medibank, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
study, a RCT designed to test the new PARTNER model of                        6
                                                                               School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne,
service delivery. This evaluation of a complex intervention                   Victoria, Australia

Bowden JL, et al. BMJ Open 2020;10:e034526. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2019-034526                                                                                       7
Open access
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Bowden JL, et al. BMJ Open 2020;10:e034526. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2019-034526                                                                         9
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