Provider manual Resources, policies and procedures at your fingertips -

Page created by Benjamin Logan
Provider manual Resources, policies and procedures at your fingertips -
Provider manual
           Resources, policies and procedures at your fingertips
23.20.801.1 S (9/21)
Welcome to your provider manual
    Your provider resource......................................................... 5              Verifying member eligibility and benefits........................ 19
        Creating a diverse, equitable and safe workplace...... 5                                       How to interpret a member ID card ............................. 19
        A word about compliance............................................... 5                       Member identification and verification of eligibility ... 19
        Here to help you ............................................................... 5               Digital ID cards............................................................. 19
        Changes and updates ..................................................... 6                      Member ID cards......................................................... 19
        New to the Aetna® network? .......................................... 6                          Group enrollment form ............................................... 19
          Local network information........................................... 6                       Newborn enrollment...................................................... 20
    Provider data demographics............................................... 7                        Verifying benefits ........................................................... 20
        Updating your data helps patients find you ................. 7                             Verifying your network participation ...............................20
        Medicare and commercial providers............................ 7                            Precertification .....................................................................21
        Provider roster requirements ......................................... 7                   Emergencies .........................................................................21
    Helpful links............................................................................ 9        Medical emergencies..................................................... 21
    Key contacts ........................................................................ 10           Follow-up care after emergencies ............................... 21
    Electronic solutions..............................................................12           Claims and billing .................................................................21
        Eligibility and benefits inquiry........................................ 12                    Member billing................................................................. 21
        Patient cost estimator* ................................................... 12                   Billing members for noncovered services —
        Authorization adds, inquiries and updates.................. 12                                   consent requirements................................................. 21
        Referral add and inquiry................................................. 13                     Billing and balance-billing members....................... 22
        Claim submissions .......................................................... 13                  Other billing situations ............................................... 22
        Claim disputes and appeals .......................................... 13                         Initiating a collection action against a payer........... 22
        Claim status transactions............................................... 13                      Concierge medicine................................................... 22
        Rules for electronic submission .................................... 13                        Claims information ......................................................... 23
        Electronic payment methods ........................................ 14                           Electronic claims submission ................................... 23
        Online claims Explanation of Benefits (EOB)                                                      Claims submission tips .............................................. 23
        statements........................................................................ 14            Disagree with a claim decision?............................... 23
        Electronic remittance advice (ERA).............................. 14                              Claims addresses ....................................................... 23
        Capitated providers ........................................................ 14                  Clean claims ................................................................ 23
        Working through clearinghouse vendors:                                                         Coordination of benefits................................................ 24
        transactions by vendor................................................... 14                     Coordination of benefits with
    Our products.........................................................................15              commercial carriers ................................................... 24
        Aetna® Benefits Products booklet ................................ 15                             Coordination of benefits with Medicare.................. 24
    Joining our network .............................................................15                  Medicare coverage .................................................... 25
                                                                                                         Medicare estimation .................................................. 26
        How to apply ................................................................... 15
                                                                                                         Medicare and Medicaid dual eligibles .................... 26
        Credentialing (and recredentialing).............................. 15
                                                                                                         Medicare Part D plans ............................................... 26
          Facilities......................................................................... 15
                                                                                                         Coordination of benefits with automobile insurance/
          Health care professionals........................................... 15
                                                                                                         no-fault benefits.......................................................... 26
          How to check your status .......................................... 15
                                                                                                       The National Advantage™ Program ........................... 26
        Radiology accreditation ................................................. 15
                                                                                                       Coding ............................................................................. 27
        Provider identification numbers....................................16
                                                                                                       Claims payment policy — rebundling......................... 27
          Share your National Provider Identifier (NPI)...........16
                                                                                                         A DRG interim bill........................................................ 27
          Aetna provider identification number (PIN) .............16
                                                                                                         Overpayment recovery .............................................. 27
        Accessibility standards and participation criteria ......16
          Primary care provider (PCP) responsibilities...........16                                Audits .................................................................................... 27
          Specialty care provider responsibilities ...................16                               Hospital bill audit ............................................................ 27
          Physician-requested member transfer ....................16                                   Diagnosis-related group (DRG) audit .......................... 27
        Medical clinical policy bulletins .................................... 17                      Implant audit ................................................................... 28
        Compliance...................................................................... 17            Prepay review ................................................................. 28
          Nondiscrimination ....................................................... 17                 OrthoNet.......................................................................... 28
          Members rights and responsibilities ........................ 18                              Where to send Aetna® records .................................... 28
          Advance directives and the Patient Self-                                                 Medical records ..................................................................29
          Determination Act (PSDA).......................................... 18                        Record keeping .............................................................. 29
          Informed consent ........................................................ 18                   Participating practitioner medical record criteria.. 29
        Physician-member communications policy ............... 18                                        Organization ................................................................ 29
                                                                                                         Examination .................................................................. 31
                                                                                                         Studies........................................................................... 31

    *The patient cost estimator does not apply to any Aetna® Medicare Advantage plans.
    Aetna® is the brand name used for products and services provided by one or more of the Aetna group of
    companies (Aetna).

Communication ........................................................... 31               CVS Specialty® ................................................................ 41
     Records maintenance and access............................... 31                               Helping patients manage their therapies ............... 42
       Maintenance................................................................. 31              Flexible payment options for out-of-pocket
       Member record access .............................................. 31                       costs, when necessary .............................................. 42
     Privacy practices ............................................................. 31             Treating complex diseases and
Referrals ...............................................................................33         chronic conditions ...................................................... 42
     Referral policies .............................................................. 33            Ordering through CVS Specialty is easy ................. 42
     Member’s consent for nonparticipating                                                          Electronic prescribing ............................................... 42
     providers’ referrals ......................................................... 33            Pharmacy clinical policy bulletins................................ 43
Utilization management ....................................................34                     Precertification ............................................................... 43
                                                                                                  Step therapy.................................................................... 43
     Overview.......................................................................... 34
                                                                                                  Quantity limits ................................................................. 43
     Utilization management and standards...................... 34
                                                                                                  Generic drugs ................................................................. 43
     How to contact us about utilization
                                                                                                  Medical exception and precertification ......................44
     management issues ...................................................... 35
     Utilization review policies .............................................. 35            Performance programs......................................................45
     How we determine coverage ....................................... 35                           Quality, accreditation, review and
     Admissions protocol ...................................................... 36                  reporting activities ...................................................... 45
     Notify us of hospital admissions within one                                                    Aexcel® network of specialist doctors ..................... 45
     business day ................................................................... 36            Patient-centered medical home (PCMH) ............... 45
     All-products precertification list................................... 36                       Physician pay for performance (P4P) ......................46
Member programs and resources ..................................37                            Clinical medical management .........................................46
     Member programs......................................................... 37                  Clinical practice and preventive service guidelines..46
       Care management ..................................................... 37                   Clinical practice guidelines........................................... 47
       Disease management................................................ 37                      Behavioral health clinical practice guidelines............ 47
       Aetna® Healthy Lifestyle Coaching program.......... 37                                     Preventive services guidelines..................................... 47
       Aetna® Lifestyle and Condition                                                             Case management ........................................................ 47
       Coaching program ..................................................... 38              Coordination of care ...........................................................48
       Fitness programs for Aetna Medicare                                                        Importance of collaboration .........................................48
       Advantage members ................................................. 38                     Sharing patient information ..........................................48
       Women’s health programs........................................ 38                         Accessing communication forms................................48
     Member resources ........................................................ 38                 Transition of care............................................................48
       24-hour Nurse Line .................................................... 38                   The four steps for requesting transition of care..... 49
       Institutes of Excellence™ network ............................ 38                      Complaints and appeals ....................................................49
       Institutes of Quality® designation.............................. 38                    Medicare...............................................................................50
       Aetna Institutes™ Gene-based, Cellular
                                                                                                  Aetna® Medicare Advantage plans** ..........................50
       and Other Innovative Therapies (GCIT™)
                                                                                                    Aetna Medicare health maintenance
       Designated Networks ................................................ 38
                                                                                                    organization (HMO) plans and Aetna
     Behavioral health............................................................ 38
                                                                                                    Medicare HMO Prime plans .....................................50
       Behavioral health access standards* ...................... 39
                                                                                                    Aetna Medicare HMO plans with open access .....50
       Screening for coexisting behavioral health and
                                                                                                    Aetna Medicare preferred provider
       substance use disorders ........................................... 39
                                                                                                    organization (PPO) plans and Aetna
       How to make a referral............................................... 39
                                                                                                    Medicare PPO Prime plans.......................................50
       Resources .................................................................... 39
                                                                                                    Aetna Medicare Advantage plans
       The Aetna® Depression in Primary
                                                                                                    (HMO and PPO) ..........................................................50
       Care Program.............................................................. 39
                                                                                                    Aetna Medicare Advantage HMO plan ...................50
       Screening, brief intervention and referral to
                                                                                                    Aetna Medicare Advantage PPO plan.....................50
       treatment (SBIRT) practice........................................40
                                                                                                  Home assessment program.......................................... 51
       The Aetna® Opioid Overdose Risk Screening
                                                                                                  Quality improvement program...................................... 51
       Program .......................................................................40
                                                                                                  Medicare prescription drug plan .................................. 51
Pharmacy management and drug formulary..................41                                          Transition-of-coverage (TOC) policy........................ 52
     Overview of the Pharmacy Plan                                                                Additional prescription drug plan information........... 52
     Drug List (formulary)....................................................... 41                Preferred pharmacies ................................................ 53
       Commercial plans ....................................................... 41                  Part D drug rules......................................................... 53
       Aetna Medicare Advantage plans............................. 41                               Home infusion ............................................................. 53
     Requirements for Part B drugs ..................................... 41                       Additional Aetna Medicare Advantage information..54
     CVS Caremark® Mail Service Pharmacy ..................... 41                                   Physician-member communications policy........... 54
       How your patients can learn more............................ 41                              Demographic data quarterly attestation................. 54

 *Unless state requirements are more stringent.
**Aetna® Medicare Advantage plans must comply with CMS requirements and time frames when processing appeals
  and grievances received from Aetna Medicare Advantage plan members. Refer to the Medicare section, which
  begins on page 50 of this manual, for further information.

Collecting all Aetna Medicare Advantage                                                  CMS physician incentive plan: substantial
    plan member cost sharing........................................54                       financial risk................................................................. 65
    Access to facilities and records................................ 55                      CMS physician incentive plan: stop-loss
    Access to services...................................................... 55              protection requirements............................................ 65
    Medicare Outpatient Observation Notice                                                   Aetna® Medicare Advantage organization
    (MOON) requirement ................................................. 55                  (MAO) obligations ....................................................... 66
    Medicare Medical Loss Ratio                                                              Permissible activities.................................................. 66
    (MLR) requirements ................................................... 55                What contracted providers may do ......................... 66
    Advance directives ..................................................... 55              Ambulance services .................................................. 66
    MA Organization Determination (OD) process....... 56                                  Rights and responsibilities for Aetna® Medicare
    Ban of Advance Beneficiary Notice                                                     Advantage HMO and PPO plan members
    of Noncoverage (ABN) for Medicare                                                     with a prescription drug benefit .................................. 66
    Advantage (MA) .......................................................... 56             Rights............................................................................ 67
    Medicare prescription drug plan                                                          Responsibilities ........................................................... 68
    (PDP and MAPD) coverage determinations                                                Rights and responsibilities for Aetna Medicare
    and exceptions process ............................................ 57                Advantage HMO and PPO plan members
    Medicare Advantage (MA and MAPD)                                                      without a prescription drug benefit ............................ 69
    and Medicare PDP member grievance                                                        Rights............................................................................ 69
    and appeal rights........................................................ 57             Responsibilities ........................................................... 70
    Obligation to respond to requests for records....... 58                           Coventry Workers’ Comp and
    Confidentiality and accuracy of member records 58                                 Coventry Auto Solutions......................................................71
    Coverage of renal dialysis services                                                   Visit our convenient portal ............................................ 71
    for Medicare members who are                                                          Not yet registered?.......................................................... 71
    temporarily out-of-area.............................................. 58          First Health® and Cofinity® networks...................................71
    Direct access to in-network women’s
                                                                                          About First Health and Cofinity ..................................... 71
    health specialists ........................................................ 58
                                                                                          Our provider portal ........................................................ 71
    Direct-access immunizations ................................... 58
                                                                                             Eligibility ....................................................................... 72
    Emergency services................................................... 58
                                                                                             Referrals ....................................................................... 72
    Health-risk assessment ............................................. 59
                                                                                             Claims submission ..................................................... 72
    Receipt of federal funds, compliance with
                                                                                             Claims status ............................................................... 72
    federal laws, and prohibition on discrimination ..... 59
                                                                                             Claims follow up.......................................................... 72
    Provider terminations................................................. 59
                                                                                             Fee schedules ............................................................. 72
    Financial liability for payment for services.............. 59
                                                                                             Provider services ........................................................ 72
    Medicare Compliance Program requirements...... 59
                                                                                             Complaints and grievances ...................................... 72
    Standards of Conduct and Compliance policies...60
    Exclusion list screening .............................................60
    The Patient Protection and Affordable
    Care Act (PPACA), implemented in 2010 ................60
    The “effective communication” baseline rule ........60
    Individuals qualifying for auxiliary supports
    and services ................................................................60
    Auxiliary support and service options .....................61
    Persons qualified to act as interpreters ...................61
    Oversight of your subcontractors ............................. 61
    What may happen if you don’t comply ....................61
    Making sure you maintain documentation..............61
    Report concerns or questions ................................... 61
    Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization
    Act (MACRA) reimbursement policy ........................ 61
    Temporary move out of the service area................ 62
    Travel programs — when members are
    away from home for an extended period ............... 62
    Plans rules and requirements must be followed ... 63
    Urgently needed services ......................................... 63
    Physicians and other health care
    professionals and marketing of
    Aetna Medicare Advantage plans............................ 63
    Annual notice of change............................................ 63
    Claims and billing requirements ..............................64
    Submitting Medicare claims and
    encounter data for risk adjustment..........................64
    Risk adjustment medical record validation ............64
    Providers of hospice-related services.....................64
    Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
    Services (CMS) physician incentive
    plan: general requirements....................................... 65
Your provider resource
You’ve told us what’s important to you. And we listened.       A word about compliance
Through your feedback, we continually update this
                                                               The policies and information stated in this manual should
manual to make it easier for you to work with us.
                                                               align with the terms of your agreement with us. If they
This manual applies to any health care provider, including     don’t, the terms of your agreement override this manual.
physicians, health care professionals, hospitals, facilities
                                                               You’re responsible for complying with all applicable laws
and ancillary providers, except when indicated otherwise.
                                                               and regulations. We may issue notifications regarding
It includes policies and procedures. Aetna® may add,
                                                               legal requirements as laws or regulations change.
delete or change policies and procedures, including
                                                               However, you’re responsible for compliance regardless
those described in this manual, at any time. Please read
                                                               of whether we’ve issued a notification.
this manual carefully. Your agreement requires you to
comply with Aetna policies and procedures including            State or federal laws, regulations or guidance may include
those contained in this manual.                                requirements that this manual doesn’t mention. In that
                                                               event, those requirements apply to you and/or to us.
Visit or our provider portal,,
                                                               If those requirements are not consistent with (or are more
to find additional policies, procedures and information.
                                                               stringent than) our policies and procedures, they may
You’ll find programs we offer that could benefit your
                                                               override the policies and procedures in this manual.
Aetna patients. Plus, electronic transaction tools that save
you time. And of course, you’ll find our contact
information, so you can reach us whenever you need to.         Here to help you

You’ll also find information on how to get your claims paid    This manual is for you — physicians, hospital medical
faster, your pre-authorization requests processed              and facility staff, and providers who participate in our
promptly, and your administrative burdens lessened.            network and care for our members. It aims to:
We want you to find what you need, quickly and efficiently.    • Help you understand our processes and procedures
                                                               • Serve as a resource for answering your questions about
                                                                 our products, programs or doing business with us
Have questions? Contact us via
                                                               You’ll find almost everything you need to do business — we’re here to help.                                with us. Go to to find other policies and
                                                               procedures that are not documented in this manual.
Creating a diverse, equitable and safe workplace
We are an equal opportunity employer. We believe in
and promote a diverse, equitable and safe workplace
environment. We count on you to do the same in your
hiring practices and workplace policies.

Changes and updates                                             New to the Aetna® network?
    When things change, we’ll let you know                          We have tools and resources to help you work with us.
    You are required to provide us with your email address so
                                                                    • Aetna at a Glance: this quick reference guide will help
    we can contact you with important information, such as
                                                                      you learn about various tools and transactions. It also
    updates about our members and group health plans.
                                                                      has key contact information.
    Likewise, we update this manual annually and as needed.
    When we make changes that affect you, such as to                • Aetna Benefits Products booklet: this handbook
    clinical policies, procedures, plan names or ID cards, we’ll      contains information on Aetna benefits products. It
    let you know. We’ll notify you either by mail, by email or by     includes primary care physician (PCP) selection, referral
    OfficeLink UpdatesTM, our provider newsletter. If your            requirements and precertification instructions. To find
    office hasn’t heard from us or your contact information           these tools, just go to Provider Manuals.
    has changed, you must let us know.                              • Provider portal: you’ll notice the term provider portal
                                                                      used throughout this manual. You can perform most
    Our newsletter is published quarterly — March 1, June 1,
                                                                      electronic transactions through this website. That
    September 1 and December 1. It can include changes to
                                                                      includes submitting professional and institutional claims,
    policies that may affect your practice or facility.
                                                                      checking patient benefits and eligibility, requesting
    Learn more                                                        precertifications, making edits to existing authorizations
    • Read OfficeLink Updates on, in the                    and submitting clinical information. You must register
      Providers section.                                              to use the website. Just go to, select
    • Review Provider data demographics in                            Register and then follow the instructions.
      this document.                                                • Webinars: on our provider site, you can sign up for
                                                                      webinars and learn how to work with us.

                                                                    Local network information
                                                                    Regulations and Aetna program requirements will vary
                                                                    from state to state. You can find regional information
                                                                    in our regional manual supplements which are available
                                                                    in our online Provider Manuals. They include some
                                                                    market-specific information and provide access to
                                                                    important contacts, including website addresses,
                                                                    telephone and fax numbers.

    Note: The term “precertification” (used here and throughout the office manual) refers to the utilization review process
    used to determine if a requested service, procedure, prescription drug or medical device meets our clinical criteria for
    coverage. It does not mean precertification as defined by Texas law. Texas law defines precertification as a reliable
    representation of payment of care or services to fully insured health maintenance organization (HMO) and preferred
    provider organization (PPO) members.

Provider data demographics
Federal provider directory regulations require Aetna® and          Provider roster requirements
providers to work together to maintain accurate provider
                                                                   This section outlines the standards and requirements for
directory lists.
                                                                   any Delegated Credentialing provider group or other
It is required by law for you and Aetna to keep your               provider groups approved by us to submit a roster of
information current and to confirm its accuracy every ninety       providers or provider updates to us, so we can upload
(90) days. However, Aetna may require confirmation upon            the information into our systems
request as well.
                                                                   A Delegated Credentialing Entity or Delegate is a
                                                                   hospital, group practice, credentials verification
Updating your data helps patients find you
                                                                   organization (CVO) or other entity that we have given the
We include provider data information in our directories to         authority to perform specific provider credentialing
help patients find care. Being in our directories allows           functions. When credentialing responsibilities are
new patients to find out if you are accepting new                  delegated to you, you are known as the Delegated Entity.
patients, where you’re located, and how to reach you. In             1.   Roster data quality
addition, by making sure we have your current
                                                                          The information contained on rosters directly
information, we can send you timely communications
                                                                          impacts our provider directories and other systems
and reminders.
                                                                          (for example, claim payment systems) and must be
Remember to notify us of your data changes in accordance                  maintained, completed and accurate in
with state, federal, and contractual requirements and                     accordance with applicable law.
guidelines. Failure to do so will result in corrective action in
                                                                          We reserve the right to analyze and score each
accordance with applicable law.
                                                                          roster received and will return poor-quality rosters
Continue reading to learn how to update your information.                 for correction and resubmission to us.

                                                                          Continued submission of poor-quality roster
Medicare and commercial providers
                                                                          information may result in:
Go to to update your information. (If you
can’t use, submit a Request Changes to                       a. A request for corrective action
Provider Data Submission Form.)                                           b. Omission of providers from the search tool
Here are some examples of what you can update:                            c.   Our refusal to accept any further rosters from
                                                                               your group
• Accepting new patients status
• Service location additions or removals for an existing                  d. A requirement for your group to maintain
  contracted tax identification number                                       demographic data through other means (such
                                                                             as through Availity)
• Appointment phone number
                                                                          e. Termination of Delegated Entity status
• Email address
• Fax number
• Gender
• Hospital affiliations
• Languages spoken
• Name
• Office hours
• Panel status
• Specialty
• Street address

2. Provider roster submission requirements                           • Controlled dangerous substance (CDS)
         Delegates or other groups who are approved by us
         to submit rosters are required to:                              • Credentialing date (most recent)
                                                                         • Credentialing date (original)
         a. Submit a complete and accurate roster in Excel
                                                                         • Medicare expiration date
            or similar columnar format. (Word and PDF
                                                                         • Medicare number
            files are not acceptable.)
                                                                         • National Provider Identifier (NPI) number
         b. Include all necessary roster fields on
                                                                         • National Provider Identifier (NPI) type
            submissions. (For examples, see the "Roster
                                                                         • State license effective date and expiration
            fields" section.)
         To get a roster template, email us at                           • State license number and put
                                                                         • State license state of issue
         “Roster template request” in the subject line.
                                                                         • Tax ID number
         c.   All providers must submit information monthly              • Tax ID owner name
              and quarterly, as described in the bullets. (If you        • U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
              already submit information more frequently,                  registration number
              please continue to do so. If you want to start             • U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
              submitting more frequently, please do so.)                   registration number expiration date
              Minimum required submissions:                              • U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
              • A monthly roster with adds, changes and                    state of issue
                deletions                                           c.   Service contact information
              • A quarterly full roster that includes all                • Service location appointment phone number
                providers                                                • Service location email
         d. Contact each provider in your network at least               • Service location fax number
            once a quarter to validate that their                        • Service location street address
            demographic information is correct.                          • Service location suite number
    3.   Roster fields                                                   • Service location city
         The roster shall contain separated fields for each              • Service location state
         element. This includes but is not limited to the                • Service location ZIP code
         following elements:                                             • Primary location (Y or N)
         a. Provider information                                    d. Services provided
              • Date of birth                                            • Accepting new patients (Y or N)
              • Degree                                                   • Accessible to persons with disabilities (Y or N)
              • Ethnicity                                                • Ages treated
              • Gender                                                   • Genders treated
              • Practice name                                            • Languages spoken by staff
              • Provider first name                                      • Office hours
              • Provider last name                                       • Specialty
              • Provider middle initial                                  • Directory print (Y or N)
              • Race                                                e. Billing information
              • Role (primary care provider, specialist,                 • Billing location street address
                or both)                                                 • Billing location city
         b. Licenses and identification numbers                          • Billing location state
              • Board certification (board name, effective               • Billing location ZIP code
                date, and expiration date)
              • Controlled dangerous substance (CDS)
                expiration date

Helpful links
Here are the websites to use to access related content and information.

 Website                                           Link


 Aetna Compassionate CareSM program      

 Aetna® Medicare Advantage               

 The Aetna medication search tool (formulary)

 The Aetna provider portal               

 Aetna Signature Administrators®         ­

 The Aetna site for health care professionals

 Aetna Women’s HealthSM program          


 Coventry Workers' Comp and Auto Provider Portal

 Drug formularies                        ­

 First Health and Cofinity               

 Harvard Health                          

 Online referral search tool             

Key contacts
     Here are the numbers to call for questions or requests on behalf of your patients.

      Department                                                 Contact information

      Provider Contact Center                                    Aetna® Medicare Advantage plans:

      • Claim inquiries and questions                            1-800-624-0756 (TTY: 711)
      • Member eligibility and benefits                          For all other plans:
      • Patient management                                       1-888-MD-Aetna (TTY: 711) or
                                                                 1-888-632-3862 (TTY: 711)
      • Precertification

      24-hour Nurse Line                                         1-800-556-1555 (TTY: 711)

      Aetna Credentialing Customer Service                       1-800-353-1232 (TTY: 711)

      Aetna Health ConnectionsSM Disease Management              1-866-269-4500 (TTY: 711)

      Aetna Signature Administrators®                            Refer to the member ID card.

      Aetna Student HealthSM plans                               Visit our website.

      Aetna voluntary plans and the Limited Benefits Insurance   1-888-772-9682 (TTY: 711)
      Plan (formerly “Aetna Affordable Health Choices”)

      Aetna Maternity Program                                    1-800-272-3531 (TTY: 711)

      Behavioral health (member services)                        Refer to the member ID card.

      Behavioral health (provider services)                      1-888-632-3862 (TTY: 711)

      Breast Health Education Program                            1-888-322-8742 (TTY: 711)

      BRCA Genetic Testing program                               1-877-794-8720 (TTY: 711)
      (genetic testing for breast and ovarian cancers)

      Coventry Auto Solutions                                    1-800-937-6824 (TTY: 711)

      Coventry Health Care Workers Compensation, Inc             1-800-937-6824 (TTY: 711)

      CVS Caremark® Mail Service Pharmacy                        • Phone: 1-888-792-3862 (TTY: 711)
                                                                 • Fax: 1-800-378-0323

      CVS Specialty®                                             Phone: 1-800-237-2767 (TTY: 711)
                                                                 Visit our website.

Department                                                  Contact information

Dispute submission                                          Aetna® Medicare Advantage plans:
                                                            1-800-624-0756 (TTY: 711)
Write to the PO box listed on the Explanation of Benefits
(EOB) statement or the denial letter related to the issue   All other plans: 1-888-MD-Aetna (TTY: 711) or
you’re disputing. Include the reason(s) for the             1-888-632-3862 (TTY: 711)
                                                            Note: When you call, have the EOB statement and the
Note: The information is also available on our provider     original claim handy.
portal on Availity.

Enhanced clinical review program                            CareCore National (doing business as “eviCore
                                                            Medsolutions (doing business as “eviCore
                                                            National Imaging Associates (NIA)

Infertility program                                         1-800-575-5999 (TTY: 711)

Medicare expedited organization determinations              HMO-based and Aetna Medicare Advantage plans
(EODs)                                                      Standard requests
                                                            • Phone: 1-800-624-0756 (TTY: 711)
                                                            Expedited requests
                                                            • Submit the request via electronic data
                                                              interchange (EDI)
                                                            • Phone: 1-800-624-0756 (TTY: 711)

National Medical Excellence Program® (transplants)          1-877-212-8811 (TTY: 711)

Pharmacy management precertification                        Commercial plans:
                                                            • Phone: 1-855-240-0535 (TTY: 711)
                                                            • Fax: 1-877-269-9916
                                                            Medicare Part D pharmacy management
                                                            • Phone: 1-800-414-2386 (TTY: 711)
                                                            • Fax: 1-800-408-2386
                                                            Specialty drug precertification:
                                                            • Phone: 1-866-503-0857 (TTY: 711)
                                                            • Fax: 1-888-267-3277
                                                            • Medicare Part B fax: 1-844-268-7263
                                                            • Website:

SilverScript® Part D plan                                   • Phone: 1-866-235-5660
                                                            • Fax: 1-855-633-7673

Electronic solutions
     From the time a member schedules an appointment                 • The ability to confirm whether a valid authorization
     through the claim payment, we’re committed to making              is present or not and to check the status of previously
     it easy for your office or practice to work with us               submitted requests (for pended requests, we will
     electronically. Take advantage of our suite of electronic         respond with a detailed status, so you can see our
     transactions and increase your office’s efficiency. Below are     progress in processing your request)
     key features and benefits of our electronic transactions.       • The ability to make updates to an authorization before the
     Note: If you perform transactions through a vendor                date of service through our provider portal on Availity
     other than our provider portal on Availity®, functionality      Complete an Authorization Inquiry transaction and click
     may vary.                                                       on the Update link in the upper right corner of the
                                                                     response. From there you can:
     Eligibility and benefits inquiry
                                                                     • Change an admitting or attending provider, facility,
     Our Eligibility and Benefits Inquiry transaction enables          or vendor and create a new request once a decision
     you to request patient eligibility status quickly and easily.     has been made
     It can help you:
                                                                     • Add up to five new diagnosis codes or a note in the
     • Verify member eligibility and demographics                      comments field (there is space for 264 characters), and
     • Find detailed financial information, including deductible,      create a new request once a decision has been made
       copayment and coinsurance for individual and                  • Update or change admission details prior to service,
       family levels                                                   such as changing the admit date or adding a discharge
                                                                       (once the service has begun, changes to the existing
     Patient cost estimator*                                           dates and procedures cannot be made)
                                                                     • Add, update or cancel up to five procedure codes
     Our patient cost estimator tool enables you to request
                                                                       and the associated details (for Medicare members,
     estimates for patients on, or prior to, the date of service
                                                                       submit a new request)
     so you can:
                                                                     • Make additional changes such as adding an end date to
     • Learn our estimated payment amount                              an initial request, as long as the request isn't more than
     • Get reliable estimates of patient copayments,                   180 days from the date of service (once the service has
       coinsurance and deductibles                                     begun, do not change existing dates and procedures)
     • Access printable information to help guide financial          • Submit clinical information in support of pending and
       discussions with patients prior to (or at the time of) care     new authorization requests and open concurrent review
     • Reduce, and possibly remove, after-the-fact financial           cases (create a new request once a decision has been
       surprises for you and your patients                             made and, once a decision has been made, do not
                                                                       cancel or void procedures and services)
     Authorization adds, inquiries and updates
                                                                     Providers can upload supporting information (such as
     Our Authorization Add and Authorization Inquiry                 medical records or additional information forms) through
     transactions are quick, easy ways to request or check           our provider portal on Availity using the Authorization
     the status of an authorization. Benefits include:               Submission or Authorization Inquiry transaction. Users can
                                                                     upload up to six electronic files at a time, with a size of
     • The ability to access all Aetna® benefits plans 24 hours
                                                                     32MB per file, by clicking the Add Files button. We accept
       a day, Monday through Saturday
                                                                     the following file types:
     • The ability to determine if medical authorization is
       required via the precertification code search tool            • Microsoft® Word (.doc, .docx)
                                                                     • Microsoft® Excel® (.xls, .xlsx)
                                                                     • Adobe® PDF (.pdf)
                                                                     • Images (.gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .tiff)
                                                                     • Rich text format (.rtf)

     *The patient cost estimator does not apply to any Aetna® Medicare Advantage plans.
The files are uploaded securely, so you don’t need to         By uploading information electronically, you no longer
password-protect them. By uploading clinical information      need to fax or mail requested information to us. Allow us a
electronically, you no longer need to fax or mail requested   reasonable amount of time to review your documentation
information to us.                                            and claim.

Referral add and inquiry                                      Claim disputes and appeals
Referral Add and Referral Inquiry transactions are quick,     For commercial and Medicare claims, submit your
easy ways to request or check the status of a referral.       electronic appeal, reconsideration, and rework requests
You can:                                                      by any of the ways below. (Both use the same time frame
• Request referral authorization
• Inquire about the status of a referral                      1. Provider portal
                                                                 A claim must be in Finalized status before you can
• Use for any Aetna® plans that require a referral
                                                                 dispute it.

Claim submissions                                             To dispute a claim, go to "Claim Status transaction" and
                                                              select the claim you want. If it is in Finalized status, there
You can submit all claims electronically and get reimbursed
                                                              will be a Dispute Claim button. Click it and upload any
faster than submitting paper claims. In doing so, you can:
                                                              supporting documentation. Then, click Submit.
• Receive an automatic acknowledgement for all
                                                              Note: Due to technical reasons, you may not be able to
  submitted claims
                                                              dispute all claims on the provider portal. The portal will
• Submit coordination of benefits (COB) claims                tell you when you can't dispute a claim on it. If that
  electronically                                              happens, to dispute a claim, go to our website.
Go to to see our claims             2. Our website
submission vendor list. On our provider portal, you can          Use the FAQ to learn about the process and get links
submit professional and institutional claims at no charge,       to the forms you need.
including COB claims and corrected and voided claims.
                                                              Claim status transactions
If we pend your claim for additional information from you,
you can upload your supporting documents electronically       Our claim status transactions allow you to check on the
through our provider portal. Log in and complete a            status of submitted claims. You can:
Claim Status Inquiry transaction. Then, upload your
                                                              • Use Claim Status Inquiry for single member inquiries
documents through the Send Attachments link.
Users can upload up to five 32MB documents at a time          • Use Claim Status Report to review multiple claims over
by clicking the Attach button. We accept these file types:      a certain time period
                                                              • Request financial status as a follow-up to both Claim
• Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx)
                                                                Status Inquiry and Claim Status Report to provide
• Microsoft Excel (.xls, .xlsx, .csv)                           additional financial details
• Adobe PDF (.pdf)
                                                              • On our provider portal, to initiate a claim
• Images (.gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .tiff)                       dispute — in Claim Status Response, just click on
• Web pages (.json, .xml)                                       the Dispute Claim button

Be sure to include an electronic copy of your Explanation     Rules for electronic submission
of Benefits (EOB) statement or Explanation of Provider
                                                              You can submit claims electronically using:
Payment (EPP) as one of your documents. The EOB
statement contains a code we use to route your                • The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
documentation to the correct area for handling. You can         (HIPAA) ASC X12N 837 format for professional claims
find EOBs on Availity’s Remittance Viewer.                      and the ASC X12N 837 format for institutional claims
Documents are uploaded securely, so you don’t need            • An industry standard successor format, unless your
to password-protect them.                                       state requires another format

We ask that you use electronic real-time, HIPAA-               Online claims Explanation of Benefits
     compliant transactions for:                                    (EOB) statements
     • Authorization (also called precertification)                 Through our provider portal, you can save more paper
                                                                    by accessing your EOB statements online. You can also:
     • Claims Status Inquiry
                                                                    • Access all available EOB statements online, 7 days a
     • Eligibility and Benefits Inquiry
                                                                      week, within 24 hours of claims processing
     • Referrals
                                                                    • View, download and save as a PDF, or print EOB statements

     Electronic payment methods                                     • Use the Remittance Viewer tool on our provider portal
                                                                      to get Explanation of Benefits (EOB) statements. You
     We require providers to receive payments by electronic
                                                                      can search for EOB statements using the:
     funds transfer (EFT) and accept an electronic remittance.
     Providers who do not enroll to receive direct deposit          • Check or electronic finance transaction (EFT) trace
     payments may receive virtual credit card (VCC) payments.         number
     Visit our website for more information and to access our       • National Provider Identifier (NPI)
     portal — where you can do enrollments and make changes.        • Payer name
     EFT allows you to get your payments up to a week faster        • Tax ID
     than waiting for checks to arrive in the mail. This option
     also allows you to:                                            Electronic remittance advice (ERA)
     • Save paper and manage your business effectively with         Our ERA transaction provides EOB statement information
       a convenient audit trail                                     electronically. This allows you to:
     • Sign up to receive emails when payments have been            • Automate your posting processes
       transmitted to your bank*
                                                                    • Receive separate ERAs for the same tax ID number for
     When you receive EFT payments, we will assign each               all associated billing addresses and National Provider
     payment a unique trace number. If you are not enrolled to        Identifiers (NPIs)
     receive electronic remittance advice (ERA), you can
                                                                    • Enroll in EFT alone
     retrieve electronic copies of our Explanation of Benefit
                                                                    • Enroll in ERA alone
     (EOB) statements from our provider portal. Use the same
                                                                    • Enroll in both EFT and ERA
     trace number to view or download EOB statements.
                                                                    When you receive both ERA and EFT, your trace number
     If you do not enroll in EFT, we may enroll you to receive
                                                                    will be the same for both your ERA file and your EFT.
     payments by virtual credit card (VCC). VCC payments
     work in the same way as processing credit card                 Visit our website for more information and to access our
     payments without having the                                    portal — where you can do enrollments and make
     card present. Processing payments is a simple                  changes.
     two-step process:
                                                                    Capitated providers
     1. First, you will receive an Explanation of Payment (EOP)
        printed with a 16-digit card number.                        If you’re paid on a capitated basis, you need to provide us
                                                                    with member encounter data. To ask for more information
     2. Then you can manually enter the number and the full
                                                                    on submitting encounters, visit our website and select the
        amount of the payment into your credit/debit point of
                                                                    Contact Aetna link.
        sale (POS) terminal before the card’s expiration date.

     You will receive your funds in the same time frame as you      Working through clearinghouse vendors:
     get other credit card payments today. We do not charge         transactions by vendor
     a fee to enroll in or to accept VCC payments. You will just
     pay your standard merchant fees, like any other credit         Learn more about our various electronic transactions,
     card payment you process through your POS terminal.            connectivity options and web-enabled products on our
     You may choose to disenroll from VCC, but you must             website.
     enroll in EFT first and agree to process any outstanding       You can also view a listing of our electronic vendors
     VCC payments.                                                  and the transactions they support.
     *EFT email notifications are not available for VCC payments.
Our products
Aetna® Benefits Products booklet                                PCP selection and referral requirements

The Aetna Benefits Products booklet is an easy-to­              • Precertification instructions
use tool that puts basic product information at your            • Laboratory and radiology services
fingertips. It provides clear, concise information about
our plans including:                                            You can go online to access the
                                                                Aetna Benefits Products booklet.

Joining our network
How to apply                                                    • In most states, for individual health care professionals, we
                                                                  use CAQH ProView to get your credentialing application.
Whether you’re with a facility that’s new to Aetna or you’re
a health care professional who’s joining an existing group,     • If you’re located in Washington, or you’re a physician
it’s easy to apply for participation in our network. To start      located in Arkansas, or you’re joining the Allina
the application process, go to the “Request to join the            Health|Aetna joint venture network in Minnesota, we work
Aetna Network” section of our website.                             with different vendors to get your credentialing data.
                                                                How to check your status
Credentialing (and recredentialing)                             Call Aetna Credentialing Customer Service at
                                                                1-800-353-1232 (TTY: 711).
You must be credentialed in order to initially participate
in our network. Thereafter, to continue to participate,         Questions?
you must be recredentialed every three years, unless            Please contact any of the organizations below.
otherwise required by state regulations, federal                • CAQH ProView Help Desk: 1-888-599-1771
regulations, or accrediting agency standards.
                                                                • One Health Port and Medversant Help Desk:
All credentialing and recredentialing activities are              1-888-973-4797
performed by a National Committee for Quality Assurance
                                                                • Arkansas State Medical Board: 501-296-1951
(NCQA)-certified credentialing verification organization.
When using the Council for Affordable Quality Healthcare
                                                                Radiology accreditation
(CAQH), ProviderSource, Medversant, or any other
approved credentialing application vendor, remember that        We require accreditation to be eligible for reimbursement
you must designate Aetna® as an authorized health plan to       for the technical component of advanced diagnostic
access your credentialing application.                          imaging procedures. Accreditation can be from:
Facilities                                                      • The American College of Radiology (ACR)
During the credentialing process for facilities, we review
                                                                • The Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC)
to determine if the facility is in good standing with both
state and federal regulatory bodies and if it is accredited     • The Joint Commission (TJC), and/or RadSite
by an Aetna–recognized accrediting entity. If it is not         The following types of providers require this accreditation:
accredited by an Aetna–recognized accrediting entity,
we check to see if a Centers for Medicare & Medicaid            • Independent diagnostic testing facilities
Services (CMS) survey, a state survey, or other onsite          • Freestanding imaging centers
quality assessment was conducted.                               • Office-based imaging facilities
Health care professionals                                       • Physicians
During the credentialing process for health care
                                                                • Nonphysician practitioners
professionals, we review the provider’s qualifications,
practice and performance history.                               • Suppliers of advanced diagnostic imaging procedures

For these purposes, advanced diagnostic imaging               Primary care provider (PCP) responsibilities
     procedures exclude X-ray, ultrasound, fluoroscopy             PCPs will arrange the overall care and covered services
     and mammography. Included are:                                for members according to their plan. This includes
                                                                   urgently needed or emergency services.
     • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
                                                                   We have standards for member access to primary care
     • Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA)
                                                                   services. Each PCP is required to have appointment
     • Computed tomography (CT)                                    availability within these time frames:
     • Echocardiograms                                             • Regular or routine care: within 7 calendar days
     • Nuclear medicine imaging, such as positron emission         • Urgent complaint: the same day or within 24 hours
       tomography (PET)
                                                                   In addition, all participating PCPs must have a reliable
     • Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)          24/7 answering service or machine with a notification
     Note:                                                         system for call-backs. A recorded message or answering
     Providers not accredited by the ACR, IAC, TJC and/or          service that refers members to emergency rooms is not
     RadSite will not be eligible for payment for advanced         acceptable. State requirements supersede these
     diagnostic imaging services. The accreditation process        accessibility standards and are located in the Regional
     can take 9 to 12 months.                                      Office Manual Supplements.
                                                                   Specialty care provider responsibilities
     Provider identification numbers                               We have standards for member access to specialty care
                                                                   services. Each specialty care provider is required to have
     To comply with HIPAA regulations, providers who are
                                                                   appointments available with these time frames:
     required to have an NPI should include their NPIs on
     HIPAA standard transactions.                                  • Routine care: within 30 calendar days
                                                                   • Urgent complaint: the same day or within 24 hours
     The HIPAA standard transactions are:
                                                                   In addition, all participating specialty care providers must
     • Claims                        • Claims status inquiry
                                                                   have a reliable 24/7 answering service or machine with a
     • Eligibility and benefits      • Precertification add        notification system for call-backs. A recorded message or
       inquiry                       • Referral add                answering service that refers members to emergency
                                                                   rooms is not acceptable. State requirements supersede
     In addition to an NPI, claims must also include the billing   these accessibility standards and are located in the
     provider’s tax identification number (TIN).                   Regional Office Manual Supplements.
     Share your National Provider Identifier (NPI)
                                                                   Physician-requested member transfer
     If you’re a provider who’s required to have an NPI,
                                                                   Some cases may require a participating physician to ask
     make sure you include this link to share NPIs with us.
                                                                   an Aetna® member to leave their practice when repeated
     In addition, share your NPI with other providers who
                                                                   problems prevent an effective physician–patient
     may need it to conduct electronic claims, referrals or
                                                                   relationship. Such requests can’t be based solely on:
     precertification requests.
     Aetna provider identification number (PIN)                    • The filing of a grievance, appeal, a request for external
     Physicians, hospitals and health care professionals             review or other action related to coverage by the patient
     contracted with us also have an Aetna-assigned PIN,           • High usage of resources by the patient
     which is used in our internal systems and in certain
                                                                   • Any reason that’s not permitted under applicable law
     transactions on our provider portal.
                                                                   You are required to take the following actions when
     You should use your NPI in electronic transactions for
                                                                   requesting to end a specific physician–patient relationship:
     purposes of identifying yourself as a provider. However,
     you can use your PIN or TIN to identify yourself when         • Send the patient a letter informing them of the
     contacting us by other methods.                                 termination. The letter should be sent by certified
                                                                     mail. A copy of it must also be sent to your local Aetna®
     Accessibility standards and participation criteria              network manager. For the mailing address, call your
     You can find details on our standards in our                    local Aetna office or 1-800-872-3862 (TTY: 711).
     participation criteria.

You can also read