Q4 INSIDER - Access Community Credit Union

Page created by Lawrence Christensen
Q4 INSIDER - Access Community Credit Union


           West Farmers Ave

              6901 Bell St
 Bell St


                              Arden Rd

Our annual meeting is one of the best get-togethers we    It will be the duty of the Nominating Committee to
have all year. This year, we hope to be able to meet in   nominate at least one member for each board vacancy.
person on Thursday, April 8th, 2021. However, due to      Any member in good standing who meets the eligibility
the COVID-19 Pandemic, please be prepared to hold         requirements setforth by Access Community Credit
the meeting virtually. Assuming we have the meeting       Union may petition to be included on the ballot. The
in person, it will be held at Messiah’s House Church      petition must be signed by a minimum of 1% of members
at 6901 S Bell street from 11:30AM - 1:00PM on April      eligible to vote as of year-end 2020. The petition must
8th, 2021. A short business meeting including board       be submitted to the nominating committee by February
elections will take place at 12:00PM. If you have any     26th, 2021 (40 Days prior to annual meeting). When only
questions please call us at 806-353-9999.                 one member is nominated for each position to be filled,
                                                          a voice vote may be taken or the Chairman of Board or
Nominees for 2021 are:                                    CEO may declare each nominee elected by general
                                                          concent or acclamation at the Annual Meeting. There
Place 1: Michael Meil - 3 year term                       will be no nominations from the floor. For more informat-
Place 2: Scott Rosenbach - 3 year term                    ion to file a petition contact John Hays, CEO/President,
Place 3: Duane Ripperger - 3 year term                    at 806-353-9999.
Q4 INSIDER - Access Community Credit Union
        Duane Ripperger - Chairperson                                                    Todd Clark - Director
         Kris Bosley - Vice Chairperson                                              Scott Rosenbach - Director
         Juanita Steinman - Secretary                                               Louise Ross - Advisory Director
    Michael Meil - Treasurer/Audit Committee                                      Jennifer Simms - Advisory Director
             Jeff Jackson - Director                                                Dale Harper - Advisory Director

                       2021 BOARD NOMINEES

Michael Meil is a Senior Loan Officer at Ag        Scott A. Rosenbach currently serves as          Duane Ripperger currently serves as
  Resource Management where he helps             Execut-ive Pastor of Administration at Trinity    Regional Manager for Xcel Energy. Mr.
  farmers grow their crops. He served as         Fellowship Church. Mr. Rosenbach is a CPA       Ripperger begam his career in engineering
   Director of Development for Faith City                and has overseen the business          and subsequently engineering management
 Mission for over seven years. Prior to that,    administration of all church campuses since       with Southwestern Public Service CO in
      Mr. Meil worked in consumer and           1986 and has served as a church elder since        1984. He holds both a B.S. in Electrical
commercial banking for 10 years. He and his           1990. Prior to that, he worked for the    Engineering and a Master of Engineering in
 wife, Samarah, also co-own Amarillo Travel          international accounting firm of Arthur      Engineering Manage-ment. Mr. Ripperger
 Network and The Bridal Show of Amarillo.         Young. He is a veteran of the United States         has been a member of the Access
Michael has served on the Faith City Mission    Navy. A Pampa, Texas native, Mr. Rosenbach Community Credit Union Board since 2006
 board since 2007 and also is a member of        obtained his accounting degree from Texas         and served as Chairperson from 2010 -
     Trinity Fellowship Church where he           Tech University. He has been a member of      2014. He is a senior member of the Institute
  volunteers in any area needed. Mr. Meil         the Access Community Credit Union Board       of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
 holds a B.B.A. in Finance from Texas Tech      since 2004, serving in various roles including   and has served in a number of positions in
     University and has been an Access             Chair of the Vision/Expansion Committee,       the local IEEE Panhandle Section and as
  Community Credit Union member since              Treasurer, Director and Advisory Director.   Chair of the local IEEE Education Committee
                     2011.                        Scott was also appointed by Governor Rick      for ten years. Mr. Ripperger also has been
                                                   Perry to serve on the Advisory Council of        involved as an adult leader in the Boy
                                                 Texas Department of Family and Protective           Scouts of America, and on the Parish
                                                   Services (DFPS) from 2009 - 2016. He is a      Council of St. Thomas Church. He and his
                                                member of the American Institute of Certified wife, Karen, have two adult sons: Michael, a
                                                      Public Accountants and the Christian        graduate of Texas A&M University with a
                                                    Leadership Alliance. In his free time, he    B.S degree in Mechanical Engineering and
                                                enjoys working on repairing things around his    Daniel, also a Texas A&M graduate with a
                                                  house and loves riding 4 Wheelers. Scott is    B.S. degree in Biology and who is currently
                                                 married to Susan, his wife of over 30 years.         attending the Texas A&M School of
                                                         He has 6 grown children and 10                            Dentistry.
Q4 INSIDER - Access Community Credit Union
WINTER 2020 RATES                                                                                        ACCESS ALL STAR
Tier                                     Rates                                                    APY*
                                                                                                            Stormie Allard
6 Month                                     .40%                                                  .40%    Vanessa Rodriquez      All-Star       Monica Wetsel

12 Month                                    .50%                                                  .50%                        Stormie Allard

18 Month                                    .55%                                                  .55%

24 Month                                    .70%                                                  .70%

36 Month                                    .75%                                                  .75%

48 Month                                    .75%                                                  .75%

60 Month                                    .75%                                                  .75%
$5,000 MINIMUM

                 MONEY MARKET ACCTS
                                                                                                            One of the main things that makes Access so
$2,500 - $9,999                               .20%                                                .20%
                                                                                                           unique are the individuals that give it it’s name.
$10,000 - $24,999                             .20%                                                .20%       These include our members, and our team.
                                                                                                           Having a team that goes above and beyond for
$25,000 - $49,999                             .30%                                                .30%       our membership is something we pride our-
$50,000 & OVER                                .40%                                                .40%      selves on. Stormie Allard is a perfect example
                                                                                                          of this. Stormie, a teller at our Paramount branch,
*Annual Percentage Rate
                                                                                                           has only been with us for a short while now but
                                                                                                              has made a huge impact. Her co-workers
                                                                                                             describe her as someone who “truly tries to
                      FINANCIAL FOOTNOTES                                                                      understand the member's needs” and “is
                                AS OF NOVEMBER 30TH, 2020
                                                                                                          compassionate and hard-working”. Thank you for
             TOTAL ASSETS....................................................$145,364,000                 everything, Stormie. And welcome to the Access
             TOTAL DEPOSITS................................................$116,902,000                                        All-Star Club.
             TOTAL LOANS.....................................................$116,319,000

             NET WORTH....................................................................12.7%

Please examine your end of year statement carefully. If it is not correct, communicate
                     any difference in writing to our auditors:

  Connor, McMillon, Mitchell, Shennum, PLLC                  PO BOX 15650            Amarillo, TX 79105

  If you do not reply, our auditors will consider this statement to be correct. Please
           do not send deposits or loan payments to the auditor's address.
Q4 INSIDER - Access Community Credit Union Q4 INSIDER - Access Community Credit Union
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