Quest Academy Charter School Open Enrollment Period January 4, 2021

Quest Academy Charter School
                                       Open Enrollment Period
                                            January 4, 2021
The Mission of Quest Academy is to provide a quality academic accelerated day program for motivated
students who are pursuing high intensity training outside the classroom. Quest Academy is designed to
promote academic excellence and substantial extracurricular involvement in athletics or performance in fine
arts. This activity does not equate with religious or youth activities and includes professional instruction outside
of the home.

        Quest Academy Charter School is announcing the “Open Enrollment Period” dates from January 4,
2021 through February 5, 2021. During this period, we will accept K-8 applications for the 2021-2022
academic year. All completed applications must be hand delivered to the school. The office staff must receive
the completed application and related materials no later than February 5, 2021, by the close of the school day

Per Board Policy Activity Requirements:
Consistent with the mission of Quest Academy, students must maintain the required level of participation in an
extracurricular activity of athletics or performance in fine arts. Failure to satisfy this activity requirement will
impact the student’s eligibility for continued enrollment.

     1. Students enrolling in Kindergarten must provide the Activity Documentation Form of extracurricular
         activity involvement confirming at least one (1.5) hours per week in an organized activity.
     2. Students enrolling in grades one (1) or two (2) must have the Activity Documentation Form of
         extracurricular activity involvement confirming at least three (3) hours per week in an organized
     3. Students enrolling in grades three (3) through eight (8) must have the Activity Documentation Form
         of extracurricular activity involvement confirming at least five (5) hours per week in an organized
                                           For the 2021-2022 Application:
   Quest Academy knows not all activities are being held due to COVID 19. This year’s activity form provides
  space for the intent of an activity not currently being held. Children chosen in the lottery will be required to
submit a new form by July 9, 2021 confirming their enrollment in an activity. If confirmation is not received, the
                                            child’s spot WILL be forfeited.
Application Requirements

   1. A completed Application Form.
   2. Kindergarten or home-schooled students must provide a copy of a certified birth certificate.
   3. Kindergarten and home-schooled students must submit an updated immunization record completed by
      the student’s physician.
   4. The Activity Documentation Form from a coach/instructor confirming the hours of activity participation
   5. Only completed applications will be entered in the lottery and assigned a number
   6. Quest Academy does not retain previously submitted applications

Per Board Policy Falsifying Application
Students at Quest Academy must provide documentation quarterly, stating that they meet the qualifications as
outlined in the admission criteria and that their participation in their chosen extracurricular activity will meet
the hourly requirement as required for each grade. Falsifying documentation will impact the student’s eligibility
for continued enrollment.
Application and Virtual Open House Information
                             Applications Available January 4, 2021


January 11, 2021

Grade K: 7-7:45

Grade 2: 5-5:45

Grades 7/8: 6-6:45

January 12, 2021

Grade 3: 5-5:45

Grade 4: 6-6:45

January 13, 2021

Grade 1: 5-5:45

Grades 5/6: 6-6:45

February 5, 2021      Application deadline

February 19, 2021Virtual lottery 10:00 am:

March 4, 2021          Lottery results e-mailed/posted
Application for Enrollment

               (Last)                                  (First)                         (Middle)

Home Address: ___________________________________________________________________
                   (Street Address)                                           (City, State, Zip)

Date of Birth: ______\______\______            Home Telephone Number: _____________________


Mother’s Cell Phone Number (including area code )_____________________________________

Father’s Cell Phone Number (including area code) _____________________________________

Parent Email Address _________________________________________________________________

Grade Level Applying for 2021-2022_________________________________

Does this student have a sibling(s) currently enrolled at Quest _______? Do you plan to submit an
application for a sibling(s)? __________.

If yes, please provide name______________________________________grade _____________

                                         Hand-deliver completed form to:
                                         Quest Academy Charter School
                                            10908 Strickland Road
                                             Raleigh, NC 27615

Per Board Policy Falsifying Application. If a parent knowingly provides false information on an application for
admission, the student will not be eligible for admission or continued enrollment. An investigation will be conduct-
ed regarding any such incident of possible falsification of application information and appropriate action will be
taken regarding the student’s eligibility for continued enrollment.

                                               For Office use Only:
Date received ____________________________ Hand Delivered __________________________________

      Received by ___________________________________________ Lottery Number_______________

A charter school shall not discriminate against any student on the basis of ethnicity, national origin, gender,
                                                 or disability.
Activity Documentation Form 2021-22
Student ______________________________________________ Grade _________________________________
The Mission of Quest Academy is to provide a quality academic accelerated day program for motivated students who are pursuing high
intensity training outside the classroom. Quest Academy is designed to promote academic excellence and substantial extracurricular
involvement in athletics or performance in fine arts. This activity does not equate with religious or youth activities and include professional
instruction outside of the home.

Current Activity _______________________________________________Clock Hours _______________________

Name of Organization _____________________________________________________________________________

Coaches Name _________________________________ Signature __________________________________________

Address ________________________________________________________________Phone Number _____________

Current Activity _______________________________________________Clock Hours _______________________

Name of Organization ____________________________________________________________________________

Coaches Name _________________________________ Signature __________________________________________

Address ________________________________________________________________Phone Number _____________

Current Activity _______________________________________________Clock Hours _______________________

Name of Organization ____________________________________________________________________________

Coaches Name _________________________________ Signature __________________________________________

Address ________________________________________________________________Phone Number _____________

Due to an activity being cancelled because of COVID-19, below are INTENDED activities to be verified by
July 9, 2021.

Activity of Intent_______________________________________________Clock Hours _________________________

Name of Organization ___________________________________________________________________________

Activity of Intent_______________________________________________Clock Hours _________________________

Name of Organization ___________________________________________________________________________

Activity of Intent_______________________________________________Clock Hours ______________________

Name of Organization ____________________________________________________________________________

Per Board Policy Falsifying Application. If a parent knowingly provides false information on an application for admission, the student will not be eligible
for admission or continued enrollment. An investigation will be conducted regarding any such incident of possible falsification of application information
and appropriate action will be taken regarding the student’s eligibility for continued enrollment.

Per Board Policy Activity Requirement. Consistent with the mission of Quest Academy, students must maintain the required level of participation in an
extracurricular activity of athletics or performance in fine arts. Failure to satisfy this activity requirement will impact the student’s eligibility for continued
Quest Academy
                                    2021-2022 School Calendar
          August 2021                      September 2021                              October 2021
Su   M     Tu   W    Th   F    Sa    Su   M    Tu   W    Th   F      Sa      Su    M    Tu   W    Th       F    Sa
1    2     3    4    5    6    7                    1    2    3      4                                     1    2
8    9     10   11   12   13   14    5    6    7    8    9    10     11      3    4     5    6    7        8    9
15   16    17   18   19   20   21    12   13   14   15   16   17     18      10   11    12   13   14       15   16
22   23    24   25   26   27   28    19   20   21   22   23   24     25      17   18    19   20   21       22   23
29   30    31                        26   27   28   29   30                  24   25    26   27   28       29   30

      November 2021                        December 2021                               January 2022
Su   M     Tu   W    Th   F    Sa    Su   M    Tu   W    Th   F      Sa      Su    M    Tu   W    Th       F    Sa
     1     2    3    4    5    6                    1    2    3      4                                          1
7    8     9    10   11   12   13    5    6    7    8    9    10     11      2    3     4    5    6        7    8
14   15    16   17   18   19   20    12   13   14   15   16   17     18      9    10    11   12   13       14   15
21   22    23   24   25   26   27    19   20   21   22   23   24     25      16   17    18   19   20       21   22
28   29    30                        26   27   28   29   30   31             23   24    25   26   27       28   29
                                                                             30   31

          February 2022                        March 2022                               April 2022
Su   M     Tu   W    Th   F    Sa    Su   M    Tu   W    Th   F      Sa      Su    M    Tu   W    Th       F    Sa
           1    2    3    4    5               1    2    3    4      5                                     1    2
6    7     8    9    10   11   12    6    7    8    9    10   11     12      3    4     5    6    7        8    9
13   14    15   16   17   18   19    13   14   15   16   17   18     19      10   11    12   13   14       15   16
20   21    22   23   24   25   26    20   21   22   23   24   25     26      17   18    19   20   21       22   23
27   28                              27   28   29   30   31                  24   25    26   27   28       29   30

            May 2022                           June 2022                                July 2022
Su   M     Tu   W    Th   F    Sa    Su   M    Tu   W    Th   F      Sa      Su    M    Tu   W    Th       F    Sa
1    2     3    4    5    6    7                    1    2    3      4                                     1    2
8    9     10   11   12   13   14    5    6    7    8    9    10     11      3    4     5    6    7        8    9
15   16    17   18   19   20   21    12   13   14   15   16   17     18      10   11    12   13   14       15   16
22   23    24   25   26   27   28    19   20   21   22   23   24     25      17   18    19   20   21       22   23
29   30    31                        26   27   28   29   30                  24   25    26   27   28       29   30

     Holidays                                                     School Days
     Labor Day: September 6, 2021                                 1st Day for Grades K-2: August 2, 2021
     Veterans Day: November 11, 2021                              1st Day for Grades 3-8: August 4, 2021
     Thanksgiving: November 24-28, 2021                           Last Day of school: June 10, 2022
     MLK: January 17, 2021
     Presidents Day: February 21, 2021

     Vacation Days                                                 Remote Learning Days:
     October 4-15, 2021                                              to be determined
     December 20-31, 2021
     March 14-25, 2022
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