QUESTIONS ANSWERS - Lohmann Breeders

QUESTIONS ANSWERS - Lohmann Breeders

Day   2   Nutrition in rearing -
          laying down the basics

                 Robert POTTGÜTER
                 Global Technical Service

          Thank you for your
          active participation!
QUESTIONS ANSWERS - Lohmann Breeders
Day    2          Nutrition in rearing - laying down the basics

                          Would you recommend the onset feeding cause of the stimulate               When the transportation time cross to the prelay diet changing


                          feed intake quickly with low energy and high aminoacids,high               time should we switch the diet or wait a few days cause of the
                          crude fiber,salt? Or is it enough Prelay diet for this period?             stres factor? Could ıt be harmful for the medullary bone storage
                                                                                                     for calcium?
                          Not with low energy at start of lay; prelay for 10 days; then high
                          dense start lay feed.                                                      Apply the prelay diet 10 days before the first egg; either already in
                                                                                                     rearing houese or in prduction house.

                                                                                                     I have some problems to use mash in production due to feedings

                          Can we use crumbles feeds with adding daily lime stone 3 to 4

                                                                                                     system defects. I change to crumbs without adverse productivity
                          gm daily instead of mash feeds as most of feed mills not always
                          produce homogenous mash feeds (some time looks like powder)                To be okay is the crumbs are good, but think about coarse
                          Dr Ibrahim EL Fishawy - UAE                                                limestone.
                          Yes this is possible; but push the feed mills to improve mash feed
Robert                    structure.                                                                 Congratulations for a nice presentation Robert. Do you

                                                                                                     recommend the use of DDG’s in rearing period feeding? Thanks
                                                                                                     Yes why not!? But be aware of consistancy and overall quality.
Global Technical          If farmer skips pre layer diet, when uniformity is perfect with

Service Nutrition         recommended body weight, will there be negative impact on the
                                                                                                     Do birds eat according to energy intake or protein intake?


                          Probably not; but prelay feed serves very good as a transition             Mainly according energy intake.
                          between two highly different feed types.

                          In case I have a under weight flock after rearing for any reason,

                          what should I do? Is there anything I can do? Or is the current
                          flock simply lost for perfekt production and I should focus on
                          doing a better job on the next flock?

                          Use a high dense start lay feed for prononged time; support daily
                          intaqke via feeding management.
QUESTIONS ANSWERS - Lohmann Breeders
Day     2          Nutrition in rearing - laying down the basics
                          What if increasing body weight past 17 weeks increases the                   When to start a pre-lay diet with 1 egg or 113 days? (The first egg


                          chance of getting bigger eggs                                                appeared in 118 days)

                          Too heavy pullets/hens produce higher bigger eggs - there is no              Когда начинать предкладковый рацион с 1-го яйца или со 113

                          way out of this; with diet adjustments in lay you can guide egg              дней? ( Первое яйцо появилось в 118 дней)
                          weight somehow.
                                                                                                       Prelay feed 10 days before the first egg.
                                                                                                       За 10 дней до первого яйца. В вашем случае в 108 дней.
                    ENG   How well do you think we really KNOW digestible lysine
                          requirements and branch chain amino acids requirements, ratios
                          to lysine for supporting optimum muscle maintenance & high
                          levels of activity in aviary free run systems                                What to do if the bird consumes little feed during the period of

                          We know the basics; then add some safety margin and it will work;            consumption of the pre-food ration and eats less than 1 kg in
                          allow the hens for optimal daily intake.                                     10 days

                                                                                                       Что делать если птица потребляет мало корма в период

Robert                    What would be the consequence of using “pre-postura” feeding
                                                                                                       потребления предклакого рационаи сьедает меньше 1 кг за

                                                                                                       10 дней
POTTGÜTER                 for too long?
Global Technical          Hens run into deficiency of calcium when producing eggs altready.            If the birds eat around 800g during 10 days prelay period it is okay
Service Nutrition                                                                                      as well.
                                                                                                       Если птицы съедают около 800 г в течение 10 дней предкладкового
                          Robert, you are talking about preference for mash feed over                  периода, это тоже нормально.

                          granular or 2-2.5mm nibs at the start of growing (0-5ND). Where
                          is the logic? During this period, it is necessary to gain a standard
                          live weight, and preferably with a margin. It is easier to achieve
                          this with grits or granules.

                          Роберт, вы говорите о предпочтении рассыпного корм перед

                          гранулированным или крупкой 2-2.5мм в начале выращивания
                          (0-5НД). Где логика? В этот период необходимо набрать
                          нормативную живую массу, а лучше с запасом. Проще этого
                          достичь с помощью крупки или гранулы.

                          Sometimes yes - if you mean pellets or crumbles as “grits”. But
                          good mash feed always preferred.

                          Иногда да - если вы имеете в виду гранулы или крошку под
                          «крупой». Но и хороший сыпучий корм также дает отличные
                          результаты, тем более он дешевле.
Day     2           Nutrition in rearing - laying down the basics

                          Robert, it is a pleasure to greet you from Guatemala, I have several          Robert When we have between 5 and 6% crude fiber we sometimes


                          questions:                                                                    compromise the energy level - consumption, how can I improve
                                                                                                        consumption in tropical climates?
                          1 What do you think about the use of insect flours in breeding and
                          that they are fashionable and futuristic.
                                                                                                        Robert Cuando tenemos entre 5 y 6% de fibra cruda a veces

                          2. What do you think of the use of seaweed in laying diets?
                                                                                                        comprometemos el nivel de energía - consumo, como puedo
                          3. What do you think of the use of bacteriophages?
                                                                                                        mejorar el consumo en climas tropicales?
                          Robert es un gusto saludarte desde Guatemala,          tengo varias

                          preguntas:                                                                    With fat and oil addition you can increse feed palatability and
                                                                                                        energy easily.
                          1. ¿Qué piensas del uso de harinas de insectos en recría y que
                          están de moda y son temas futuristas?                                         Con la adición de grasa y aceite aumentamos la palatabilidad y
                          2. ¿Qué piensas del uso de algas en las dietas de postura?                    energía de manera fácil.
                          3. ¿Qué piensas del uso de bacteriófagos?
                                                                                                        How to know the right time to give the Pre-posture food?

POTTGÜTER                 Thanks for your greetings! Regarding question 1.and 2. - yes apply if
                          technically possible; question 3. - I have no ideas.
Global Technical                                                                                        Cómo saber el momento oportuno para dar el alimento Pre

Service Nutrition         Gracias por los saludos. Respeto a las preguntas 1 y 2, si ambas se           postura?
                          aplican si son técnicamente posibles. 3: no tengo idea.
                                                                                                        10 days before the first eggs occur.
                                                                                                        10 dias antes que empiece la postura.
                          Do you recommend the use of carbohydrases in animal feed?

                          ¿Recomienda el uso de carbohidrasas en alimento de recría?

                          Yes - if the feed has some other grains beside only.

                          Si, solamente si el alimento tiene otros granos.
Day     2          Nutrition in rearing - laying down the basics

                          In alternative systems in which we can add calcium at will (that            Do you consider it important to use prepike feed and to what

                          the birds “serve” calcium), do you consider it useful?                      percentage of production? Thank you

                          En sistemas alternativos en que podemos adicionar calcio a                  Considera importante usar alimento de prepico y hasta que

                          voluntad (que las aves se “sirvan” calcio), lo considera útil ?             porcentaje de produccion? Muchas gracias

                          Yes this could be useful, after adaptation hens serve themselves            I depends what you mean with a “pre peak feed”; with very good
                          quite well                                                                  feeding management it might be a good idea.
                          Si, lo considero útil. después de una adaptación, las aves se van a         Eso depende de lo que quieres decir con “alimento pre-pico”. Si tienes
Robert                    servir muy bien.                                                            un buen manejo de alimentación, puede ser una buena idea.

Global Technical
Service Nutrition         “Dr. Pottgüter: Isn’t it supposed that the medullary bone

                          begins to deposit in the cortical bone from week 12?
                          You speak of 10 days before the start of the posture.”

                          Dr. Pottgüter: ¿No se supone que el hueso medular se empieza a
                          depositar en el hueso cortical a partir de la semana 12?, ud habla
                          de 10 días antes del inicio de postura.

                          I learned that the medullary bones develope due to hormonel
                          stimulation 10 days before the first egg.                                    Thank you for your
                          Hemos aprendido que los huesos medulares se desarrollan debido a
                          estimulación hormonal 10 días antes del primer huevo.                        active participation!
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