Raising special Kids 2018-2019 RepoR t to the Community

Page created by Clarence Carpenter
Raising special Kids 2018-2019 RepoR t to the Community
Raising special Kids
2 0 1 8 - 2 0 1 9 R e p o R t to t h e C o m m u n i t y
Raising special Kids 2018-2019 RepoR t to the Community
Raising Special Kids Mission
                                                                                                    Strengthening families and systems of care to
                                                                                                     improve the lives of children with disabilities.
     Statewide with offices in Northern, Southern and Central Arizona

    Board Members
    Fiscal year July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019
                                               Letter from the Board President
    Jennifer Kupiszewski, President
    Kile & Kupiszewski Law Firm
                                                                      We are proud to present the 2018-2019 Annual Report. On behalf of Raising
    Karin Smith Vice President
    Heinfeld Meech & Co., P.C.
                                                                      Special Kids Board of Directors, Staff and Families, we express our gratitude to all
    Karen Barr, Secretary
                                                                      of you for supporting our mission of strengthening families to become effective
    Raising Arizona Kids Magazine                                     advocates for children with disabilities.
    Trish Robinson Treasurer
    Association for Supportive Child Care
                                                                 This report is created, and this letter is written, as a retrospective and, as such,
    Paula Banahan
                                                                 celebrates our achievements and highlights the incredible work of our exceptional
    Arizona Heart Foundation                   team in 2018-2019. As you read through this report, unlike other years and given the unimaginable
    Katie Barclay Penkoff                      events that have passed in the first half of 2020, it may be hard to recall a time when parents and
    American Institutes for Research           families gathered together in conference centers and training rooms sitting shoulder to shoulder
    Tom Batson                                 engaged in learning and discussion about advocating for their child who has a disability. It may be
    Wells Fargo Advisors
                                               hard to imagine large community events where parents and families of children who have disabilities
    Barbara Brent
    National Association of State              could network and connect with professionals and providers of disability related services, and with
    Directors of Developmental                 each other.
    Disabilities Programs
    Kelly Carbone                              Without a doubt, the 2020 Raising Special Kids Annual Report will look much different as, just in a
    The Menta Group                            few short months, the organization has made sweeping changes to how it supports Arizona’s parents
    Michael Chapnek                            and family members in response to the COVID-19 public health crisis. At the time of this writing,
    Bank of America
                                               in a time fraught with social and economic uncertainty, the organization is in discussion of how and
    Charles Douglass
    The Rainmaker Institute                    when to re-open our physical offices in a way that ensures safety, but allows for in-person contact, as
    Tonya Gray                                 it was in 2018-2019.
    Arizona State University
    ASU Alumni Association                     We hope you, your family and your loved ones are safe and healthy, and we hope that you enjoy
    Helen Holden                               reading about the accomplishments in 2018-2019. Especially dear to me is the story of the Lee Family,
    Spencer Fane Attorneys                     featured in this annual report. From its beginning in 1979 until today Raising Special Kids has been
    Mallory Lee                                about the kids, all kids, and Mallory Lee beautifully illustrates this truth in the telling of her family’s
                                               story in 2019.
    Dr. Lynda Mills
    Tolleson Elementary School District        For 40 years Raising Special Kids has been there: for the Lee family, for your family, and mine. For
    Sharon Moyer                               all our children, here’s to a bright future full of promise and potential. The annual report gives us
    ASU Alumni Law
                                               a chance to thank all of our partners, including our individual donors, and our many community
    Jill Nico
    Gateway Community College
                                               collaborators we work with in Arizona. The list of RSK supporters gets longer and longer each year,
    Maya Rao
                                               and for that, we say thank you. We simply could not do the work we do without you.
    Department of Economic Security
    Alan Tinsley
                                               Jennifer Kupiszewski, President
    Parent                                     Board of Directors

                                               What’s Inside - Table of Contents

                                               3 Programs & Services                4 Financials & Demographics        5 Celebrations
                                               Learn more about the programs        Learn more about the financial     40th Anniversary Celebration and
                                               and services offered to families     health of Raising Special Kids     Thank You to the CareScape Golf
                                               and professionals                                                       Classic Sponsors

                                               6-7 Donors & Supporters              8 Boards & Councils
                                               Special Day for Kids and First       Learn more about the boards
                                               Annual Uncommon Event for            and councils served by Raising
2                                              Extraordinary Kids                   Special Kids staff
Raising special Kids 2018-2019 RepoR t to the Community
Mallory Lee Family Story

Mallory reached out to her friend who works at Raising
Special Kids to see what advice she could offer.
Quickly, she was guided on how to get Skylar evaluated by the
Arizona Early Intervention Program and it wasn’t long before
Skylar began receiving weekly early intervention services.
Before the end of that school year, she began attending
developmental preschool.                                                     Strengthening families and systems of care to improve the lives of children with disabilities.

With a smile in her voice, Mallory recalls, “She began                       Strengthening families and systems of care to improve the lives of children with disabilities.
                                                                                                              2017 Highlights
developing this independence. She really enjoyed the
                                                                             Strengthening families families
                                                                                                    and systems    of carewith
                                                                                                             of children   to improve    thereceived
                                                                                                                               disabilities  lives of children
                                                                                                                                                               and disabilities.
structure of school and things just started progressing.”                                                     2017 Highlights
                                                                                         information and individual assistance; an average of 882 each month.

Once Skylar started communicating, Mallory started to see                              10,589       families
                                                                             Strengthening families and      of children
                                                                                                        systems   of carewith disabilities
                                                                                                                          to improve   the received   trainingwith
                                                                                                                                            lives of children  anddisabilities.
                                                                                                           2017 Highlights
                                                                                        information and individual assistance; an average of 882 each month.
a decline in her challenging behavior and tantrums. By the                        “If Skylar hadn’t started building habits of learning through her
                                                                                       10,589 Programs                   & disabilities
                                                                                                   families of children with Services    received training and
time Skylar entered Kindergarten, she was placed in a general                     experiences       with
                                                                                       information and      earlyassistance;
                                                                                                       individual    intervention
                                                                                                                              an average and    preschool,
                                                                                                                                            of 882 each month.she would

education classroom and received daily speech therapy.                                 10,589not      be ofenjoying
                                                                                                  families               thedisabilities
                                                                                                              children with    success
                                                                                                                             Services        she istraining
                                                                                                                                         received     now!” and
                                                                                              Connections with a trained Parent Mentor skilled at providing
                                                                                         information and individual assistance; an average of 882 each month.
                                                                                              information and support.
This year, Skylar is in first grade. Mallory said, “It really is                                     Programs & Services
                                                                                              Connections with a trained Parent Mentor skilled at providing
this crazy change. She loves reading and writing and all                        ProgramsPrograms
                                                                                         and Services
                                                                                              information and support.
                                                                                                  & Services
                                                                                              Connections with a trained Parent Mentor skilled at providing
things ‘school.’ We don’t have any of those behavioral issues                                 information and support.
                                                                                              Accurate, authoritative information related to your child’s disability
we had when she was having communication challenges.                                           Connections
                                                                                               or special health
                                                                                              Connections         with   a trained
                                                                                                                  a trained          Parentskilled
                                                                                                                             Parent Mentor     Mentor       skilled
                                                                                                                                                     at providing             at
Considering the change, she shared, “If Skylar hadn’t started                                  providing
                                                                                               Accurate,     information
                                                                                                           and  support.
                                                                                                         authoritative        and related
                                                                                                                       information support.
                                                                                                                                          to your child’s disability
                                                                                              or special health condition.
building habits of learning through her experiences with early                                 Accurate,
                                                                                              Accurate,      authoritative
                                                                                                         authoritative         information
                                                                                                                       information               related
                                                                                                                                   related to your           to your
                                                                                                                                                   child’s disability
intervention and preschool, she would not be enjoying the                                     or special health condition.
                                                                                              Special   disability   or specialtraining,
                                                                                                                  consultations,    health   condition.
                                                                                                                                           and problem-resolution
                                                                                              services. authoritative information related to your child’s disability
success she is now!”
                                                                                              or special
                                                                                              Special    education
                                                                                                      education          consultations,
                                                                                                                  consultations,            training,
                                                                                                                                 training, and          and
                                                                                              services.                       services.
                                                                                              Special education consultations, training, and problem-resolution
                                                                                              Education   andand  coaching
                                                                                                              coaching         for parents
                                                                                                                       for parents             tomost
                                                                                                                                     to learn the  learn  the most
                                                                                               effective methods in managing challenging behavior.
                                                                                              methods education
                                                                                                        in      consultations,
                                                                                                           managing challengingtraining, and
                                                                                                                                  behavior   problem-resolution
                                                                                              Education and coaching for parents to learn the most effective
                                                                                              methods in managing challenging behavior
                                                                                              Education and coaching for parents to learn the most effective
Who We Serve                                                                                 Programs      for#rsksymposium
                                                                                             methods in managing Parentsbehavior
                                                                                                                 challenging and Families
70% of who we serve are families with disabilities and special health care needs.            Education and coaching for parents to learn the most effective
                                                                                             Parent-to-Parent   support has always been the heart of
                                                                                             methods in managing challenging behavior
                                                                                             Raising Special Kids. Each year, more than 300 families
30% of who we serve are professionals in health, education, and social services.                                #rsksymposium
                                                                                             in Arizona are connected with veteran “mentor”
18,019 families received information, training, and individual assistance.
                                                                                             parents who have#rsksymposium
                                                                                                                 walked a similar path, and who
91% of parents said they received information to address a critical need                     understand the challenges of raising a child with a
related to their child’s education.
                                                                                             disability or special health care need. Raising Special
381 parents were matched with a Parent Mentor.                                               Kids provides training and consultation in special
84% of parents matched with a Parent Mentor said it improved their ability                   education to families, schools, teachers,
to advocate for their child’s needs, services, and care.                                     and other professionals.                                       3
Raising special Kids 2018-2019 RepoR t to the Community
Programs and Services continued

    Programs and Services for Professionals                                                          4,022 parents attended training and conferences.
    Programs for resident physicians in pediatrics and family                                        3,421 professionals attended training and conferences.
    practice relay information about parents’ perspective                                            93% of educational professionals reported being better
    on issues relating to medical services. Parent Panels and                                        prepared to work with families
    staff-led workshops are available to students in education,                                      47 pediatric and family practice physicians completed training
    medical, oral health and social service fields.                                                  and home visits.
                                                                                                     89% of physicians reported training improved ability to
                                                                                                     communicate with families

    Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Financials
    Where Does Revenue Come From?                                                                 Program Expenditures

    Grants and contracts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,493,844
                                                                                                                                        $731,166 Family Support Services
    Donations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $284,368
                                                                                                                                                     Training and Education for
                                                                                                                                       $596,225 Families and the Professionals
                                                                                                                                                     who serve them

                                                                                                                                         $63,270 Fundraising

                                                                                                                                        $232,671 Management and General

                                                                                                                                         $99,716 General Program Expenses


    Children Demographics
                                                                                      10                                                         6
                                                                                       3                                                         3
               8                                                                                                                                 1
              11                                                                                                                                47
              29                                                                       4                                                        39
              31                                                                       1                                                         3

                                                                                            1% 1%
                                                                                       1                                                         1

                                                                                                                                                       3% 6%        1%
                          8%                                                          4%4% 8%
                   11%                                                               3%
                                                                     Disability 10%
Ages                                                                                                      31%                       Ethnicity   39%
               31%                                                                5%                                                                            47%
                           29%                                                 1%
                                                                                2% 5%                7%

             Age                                          Disability                                                                       Ethnicity
             0-5 years – 31%                              ADD – 8%                              Hearing Impairment/Deaf – 1%
                                                                                                           1                              African American – 6%
             6-11 years – 29%                             Autism – 31%                          Intellectual & Cognitive – 5%              Asian/Pacific Islander – 3%
                                                          Cerebral Palsy – 7%                   Multiple Disabilities – 1%                 Bi-Racial – 1%
             12-14 years – 11%
                                                          Deaf/Blind – 1%                       Other Health Impairment – 10%              Caucasian – 47%
             15-18 years – 21%                                                                                                                                        1

                                                          Developmental – 7%                    Orthopedic Impairment – 3%
                                                                                                                                           Hispanic/Latino – 39%
             19+ years – 8%                               Down Syndrome – 6%                    Specific Learning Disability – 3%
                                                                                                                                           Native American – 3%
                                                          Behavioral Health – 5%                Speech/Language – 4%
                                                                                                                                           Other – 1%
                                                          Epilepsy – 2%                         Suspected/Undiagnosed – 4%
                                                          Gifted –
Raising special Kids 2018-2019 RepoR t to the Community
Raising Special Kids 40th Anniversary Celebration

                                                                                                                 In 2019, Raising Special Kids celebrated
                                                                                                                 40 years of service. Carescape and
                                                                                                                 Mitch Owens and Marcy DeChandt
                                                                                                                 were honored with a “Lifetime Giving
                                                                                                                 Award” in recognition of their generous
                                                                                                                 contributions to ensure families of
                                                                                                                 children with disabilities can get the help
                                                                                                                 they need.

                                                                                                                 Thank You 40th Anniversary
                                                                                                                 Celebration Sponsors
                                                                                                                 Ability 360
                                                                                                                 Banahan Communications
                                                                                                                 Hope Group
                                                                                                                 Joyce Millard Hoie Family
                                                                                                                 Kile & Kupiszewski Law Firm
                                                                                                                 The Living Room
                                                                                                                 Phoenix Children’s Hospital Orthopedics
                                                                                                                 Raising Arizona Kids
                                                                                                                 Southwest Human Development
                                                                                                                 The Menta Group
                                                                                                                 Murrell Family
                                                                                                                 Scottsdale Rotary Club
                                                                                                                 Tiffany Family
 Julie Banahan sharing her story.                       Raising Special Kids past Executive Directors,           United Healthcare
                                                        Mary Slaughter, Betsy Trombino, and Joyce Millard Hoie

 CareScape’s 2018 Dandelion Golf Classic                                                                         Thank You 2018 Dandelion
                                                                                                                 Golf Classic Sponsors

                                                                                                                 Gold Sponsors - $2500
                                                                                                                 Heinfeld Meech
                                                                                                                 Kile and Kupiszewski Law Firm

                                                                                                                 Silver Sponsors - $1,500
                                                                                                                 Truly Nolen
                                                                                                                 American Fire Sales & Equipment
                                                                                                                 Sales and Service Corp.
                                                                                                                 Hadges Family Charitable Fund
                                                                                                                 Integrity Outsource
                                                                                                                 Hole Sponsors - $500
                                                                                                                 ASU Alumni Association
                                                                                                                 Batson Group of Wells Fargo Advisors
                                                                                                                 Perkins Coie
                                                                                                                 Banahan Communications
                                                                                                                 Producer Hub
                                                                                                                 Helen and Jerry Holden
                                                                                                                 Brent/Lensink Family
Drawing by Matthew French
                                                                                                                 The Rainmaker Institute

                                                                                                                 Lunch Sponsor - $500
                                                                                                                 Sechler Morgan CPAs PLLC
                              Christopher Tiffany accepts check
                                for $56,000 from Mitch Owens                                                     Beverage Sponsor - $500
                                                                                                                 Hadges Family Charitable Fund         5
Thank you to our 2018-2019 Donors
                                           Your generosity helps us serve thousands of families each year.

                                                                       $500 - $999                       Tracy Bame
                                                                       Allysa Adams                      Christopher and Paulina Tiffany
                                                                       Anita Kadikar                     Katie Barclay Penkoff
                                                                       William Corry                     Mark and Janna Murrell
                                                                       Cari Morris                       Louise and Phillip Murphy
                                                                       Christopher Makrias               Sonia Carver
                                                                       Donald and Danielle Needham       Tonya Gray
                                                                       Dr. Daniel Davidson               Barbara Brent
                                                                       Dr. Emily and Nick Andrisevic     Christina Hudson and Craig Prichard
                                                                       Dr.Vaughn Perkins III             Dan Kammrath
                                                                       Ellen Wilson                      Jan and Bill Cawthorne
                                    $10,000 - $75,000                  Emily McCune                      Machelle and Craig Martin
                                    Renaissance Charitable             Evangeline and Patrick Buckley
                                    Foundation, Inc./In honor of the   Gayle Nobel                       $250 - $499
                                    Resslar Family                     Heather Prouty                    Phil Pangrazio
                                    Carescape, Inc.                    Janet Moeur                       Sandy Bawden
                                    $2,500 -$9,999                     Jenine and Jason Slocum           Aleta Speier
                                                                       Jennifer Roberts                  Alisha Mihoda
                                    The CHA-07C Foundation Trust/
                                                                       Jo Ann and Gordon Watkins         Amy and Kevin Bonner
                                    Chapman Automotive Group, LLC
                                                                       Joseph Hansen                     Andrew and Dr. Jodi Carter
                                    The Hannah B Foundation - Brad
                                                                       Kathy McDonald                    Anthony and Marti Baio
                                                                       Kerstin Ziesmer                   Bob Colabianchi
                                    Phoenix Children’s Hospital        Lisa and Jon Soeby                Cherie Wright
                                    Karen Barr                         Lisa Davis                        Christopher Gentis
                                    Lawrence O’Neill                   Marc and Susan Voirol             Jane Rucker
                                    Donna and Denis Wienhoff           Marcee and David Kahan            Jody and Bob Brigham
                                    $1,000 - $2,499                    Marianne and Rich Langner         John and Maureen Mills
                                    JDM Route 66 Classic, Greg and     Mark Ruggiero                     John and Michele Quinn
                                    Becky Childs                       Matthew and Rebecca Barr          John and Amy Guzek
                                    Jennifer and Steve Kupiszewski     Megan Pitas                       Julie Lazzara
                                                                       Melissa and Dr. Judson Karlen     Kelly Carbone
                                    Chuck and Donna Riser
                                                                       Michael and Nancy Maser           Kim Updegraff
                                    Rebecca and Isabella Parisi
                                                                       Molly and John West               Lauren Daniels
                                    John Hoie and Joyce Millard Hoie
                                                                       Nagaratnam Murugaiah and Vijaya   Leticia Barrera
                                    Alan and Michelle Tinsley
                                                                       Thannimalai                       Madelyn Harper
                                    Lisa and Matt D’Alesio             Nicole Madera                     Margaret Corcoran
                                    Paula and James Banahan            Peter and Erika LeBlanc           Marilyn and Kirk Peda
                                    Suzy and Tim Noren                 Raghu Rudra                       Mary Resslar
                                    Karin Smith                        Randi Dando                       Mary Slaughter
                                    Kathleen Ybarra                    Regan and Rigoberto Lopez         Pam and Mark Remsey
                                    Laura Alger                        Sally and Richard Compton         Paul Metz
                                    Sharon Moyer                       Susie and Nate Hastings           Peter and Sharon Flanagan-Hyde
                                                                       Tequa Salehi-Rad                  Polly Thomas
                                                                       Terry Cole                        Rene Bartos

    Special Day for Special Kids

    A fun day for families of children with
    disabilities and special health care needs
    held at McCormick-Stillman Railroad Park
    sponsored by Scottsdale Sunrise rotary Club –
    co-sponsored by Raising Special Kids.

                       Total 1,846 hours would
                       equal over $47,000

Rodrigo and Claudia Jaramillo          Leslie and Jim Cole                 James Beal                    Cheryl Klein
Ross Robb                              Leslie Williams                     Jean Richmond-Bowman          Chuck and Nancy Smith
Stephanie Lynch                        Manda and Matthew Chatelain         Jill and Michael Walker       Dolores Rios
Sue Koudelka                           Marilyn Coffman                     Jodi Feuerhelm                Dr. Raun Melmed
Tanya and Daniel Gulchak               Mary Neil                           John Skelton                  James and Chris Speros
Terry Manning                          Michael Tucker                      Joy and Terry Tiffany         Jess Carrasco
Trish Robinson                         Sarah Boroson                       Juliet Tiffany-Morales        Kathy Gray-Mangerson
Troy and Lisa Stockstad                Shoshana Mayden                     Kara and James Swierz         Laura and Chris Ames
William and Ellen Leibow               Thomas and Pamela Halpern           Karen Bannon                  Marianne and Kenneth Kennedy
William and Megan Froelich             Tom and Ann Timmer                  Kate Dulaney                  Mark Elson
William Weiss                          Vickie and Steve French             Kimberly Wright               Matt Aud
Karl and Elizabeth Freeburg            Patty Olson                         Kristopher Stathakis          Melissa Kovacs
Eugene Huang                           Nilda Townsend                      Lizbeth Leeson                Robert Allen
Medtronic                              Marisue Garganta                    Mallory Lee                   Shauna Mattson
Claudia Weiss                          Michael and Kari Sanderfer          Maureen Casey                 Shirley Bentle
Kristen and Steven Roles               Michaelene and Steuart Barlow       Megan Davis Dey               Trudy Billy
Chaya Ryan                             Amanda Manning and Dylan Rybinski   Michael and Kelly Randall     Boris Najac
Juan Valdez                            Neil Wintle                         Michelle and Arvid Faudskar   Marj and Jane Dalen
Patrick Budge                          Andrew Evans                        Michelle Carr                 Nancy Kiernan
Joseph Errante                         Jenny and Collin Gibbons            Pat Gottfried                 Francisca Morquecho
Nancy Gunderson                        Julie Alvarado                      Ramya Kumar                   Ahmet Cekirdek
Paul Tiffany                           Andrew Norelli                      Ronald Dalton                 Connor Minto
Rebecca Theunissen                     Chellappan Narayanan and Vinodh     Rosemary and Brad Johnson     Dana Fredericks
Michael Woodard                        Naranyanan                          Sarah Anderson                Dick Kowalski
Elsie and Victor Badger                Narasinga and Shobha Rao            Scott and Stephanie Nelson    Jacqueline Guerra
Jill and Jonathan Nico                 Alan and Ellen Rothbart             Scott Sherman                 Leslie Tjarks
Joann Niese                            Alfonso and Heather Perez           Shari Capra and Neil Wake     Margaret Mills
John and Michelle Bartlett             Alice Villarreal                    Shirley and Jerry D Gerk      Michael Lachenauer
Joseph Osiecki                         Andrea Piering                      Stephen Snyder                Nannette and Ched Salasek
                                       Art Kesh and Allison Dibble         Steve LaMagna                 Ramona Napier
$100 - $249                            Betsy and John Trombino             Steven and Jane Carter        Tonya Hall
Patricia Winner and Tom Snidecor       BIll Mager                          Suzanne Olea-Turney           Vicky and James Rozich
Esmeralda Vasquez                      Bob Dekruyff                        Tanjela Sims                  Virna Valenzuela
Edith Barrera                          Carolyn Sostrom                     Todd Liolios                  Terra Garcia
Fred and Anna Burgmann                 Carrie Bruce                                                      Nancy Campbell
                                                                           to $99
Anne Updike                            David Permuy                                                      Freda Mills
                                                                           Great American Title Agency
Bob and Shannon Goldwater              Dean and Janice Dinner                                            Laurie Shook
                                                                           Ellen Rutemiller
Bonnie and John Carroll                Dr. Robin Blitz                                                   Rachel Hanzuk
                                                                           Mark Bazill
Corinne and Ronald Newbold             Dr Mary Allare                                                    Juan and Angelica Lara
                                                                           David and Kristie Amator
Dr. Lynda Mills                        Drs Marlene and Richard Greyson
                                                                           Adam Brooks
Frymet Hare                            The Fahrenheit Group, LLC
                                                                           Amy Seiter
Gary and Amy Heinfeld                  George Chonczynski
                                                                           Bonnie Bazill-Davis
Kathryn Tiffany and Justin Santos      Gregg Kerns
                                                                           Charlene Littrell
Keith Aspinall                         Greg Lechowski

First Annual Uncommon Event for Extraordinary Kids

 Sierra Vista fun day for children with disabilities
 and special health care needs and their families
 sponsored by the San Pedro and Sierra Vista
 Kiwanis Clubs – co-sponsored by Raising
 Special Kids.

Raising Special Kids

                               19 Board Members
                               27 Staff Members
                               27Advisory Council Members
                               250 Parent Leaders

                               Boards and Councils Served by Raising Special Kids Staff

                               Arizona Autism Coalition                                  Cochise County Networking Coalition
5025 E. Washington St., #204
Phoenix, AZ 85034              Arizona Community of Practice on Transition               Comprehensive Systems Task Force
800-237-3007                   Arizona Department of Education                           Community of Practice on Cultural and Linguistic
                                • Arizona Community of Practice on Transition (AZCoPT)   Competence on Developmental Disabilities
                                • Cochise County Community of Practice on Transition     Early Childhood Personnel Center (ECPC)
info@raisingspecialkids.org     • East Vally CoPT
                                                                                         First Things First, Early Childhood Comprehensive
                                • Flagstaff CoPT
                                                                                         System Task Force
                                • Mohave county CoPT
STATEWIDE SERVICES              • Pima County CoPT                                       Institute for Human Development - Community
                                • Tuba City CoPT                                         Advisory Council
Central Arizona                 • Education Advisory Committee                           Interagency Coordinating Council (ICC)
602-242-4366                    • Local Community of Practice on Transition
                                • Special Education Advisory Panel (SEAP)                Maricopa County Family Support Alliance
Northern Arizona                • State Inclusion Coalition                              Mohave County Special Needs Advisory Coalition
928-444-8834                                                                             (SNAC)
                               Arizona Disability Advocacy Coalition
Southern Arizona                                                                         Parent 2 Parent USA
                               Arizona Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD)
520-441-4007                    • Advisory Council                                       Phoenix Children’s Hospital
                                • Arizona Developmental Disabilities Planning Council     • Family Advisory Council
                                • Employment First                                       Pima County Community of Practice on Transition
                                • National Core Indicators Steering Committee
                                                                                         Pima County Family Support Alliance
                               Arizona Early Intervention Program
                                                                                         Shift Project Governing Board
                                • ICC Interagency Coordinating Council
                                • Early Childhood Personnel Center (ECPC)                Southern Arizona Special Education Directors’ Group
                               Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System               Southern Arizona Transition Consortium
                                • Arizona Long Term Care Services (ALTCS)
                                  Advisory Council
                                • Autism Spectrum Disorders Advisory Committee
                                • Autism Spectrum Disorder Crisis Workgroup Meeting
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