Camden's Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy refresh: March 2019 - Camden Council

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Camden's Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy refresh: March 2019 - Camden Council
Camden’s Joint Health and
Wellbeing Strategy refresh:
March 2019
Camden's Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy refresh: March 2019 - Camden Council
Chair’s introduction

                                                 I am pleased to present this progress update and refresh of our Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy
                                                 2016-18, taking stock of progress over the last couple of years and looking ahead to the development of
                                                 a new Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy.

                                                 Health and Wellbeing Boards are now in their sixth year of existence. Through this partnership we
                                                 are uniquely placed to work together to improve the health and wellbeing of our residents, offering
      Content                                    democratic accountability, roots into and knowledge of our local community and the hopes and
                                                 aspirations of our citizens.

                                                     The role of the Board is to act as a systems leader or
    Chair’s introduction                    3        ‘anchor of place’ for the local health and care system by:

    1 Healthy weight, healthy lives         6
    2 Reducing alcohol-related harm         8        Creating the right         Involving the
                                                                                                       Shaping focused
                                                                                                                                Having a shared
                                                      conditions for           community in                                     vision influencing
                                                                                                         and targeted
                                                         genuine             mapping need and                                  priorities of partner
    3 Resilient families                    10         collaboration         designing solutions
                                                                                                        priority actions

    4 The first 1,001 days                  12
    5 Ensuring good mental health for all   15

                                                 We continue to focus on tackling the root causes of health inequality and improving the health and
                                                 wellbeing of our residents, in spite of the challenging financial context in which we are working.

                                                 The past year has been a very busy period in the Health and Wellbeing Board - with a number of new
                                                 plans and strategies in place both locally and nationally.

                                                 We have been trialling a new approach to ensuring we meet our priorities, with the aim of:

                                                 ❱❱ Shifting from monitoring delivery to a more influential role as an anchor of place.

                                                 ❱❱ Looking to develop new priorities focused on people and communities.

                                                 ❱❱ Adopting a stronger system leadership role and influence joint solutions in addressing local need.

                                                 On top of our existing five strategic priority areas, for 2019 the Board has agreed to look in-depth at
                                                 two areas. The first is looking in-depth at and exploring all the levers at our disposal to tackle obesity in
                                                 Camden. Obesity is one of the most serious public health challenges of the 21st century. Without action,
                                                 the health of individuals will continue to suffer, health inequalities associated with obesity will remain and
                                                 the economic and social costs will increase to unsustainable levels. Obesity is a complex problem with

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Camden's Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy refresh: March 2019 - Camden Council
a large number of different but often interlinked causes. No single measure is likely to be effective on its
own. To have a significant impact on obesity levels, it is clear that everybody needs to get involved.

We know to make a positive impact, we require a ‘whole system’ approach, bringing together partners
                                                                                                                                Health and Wellbeing Board
from across the community to work together to address the multiple drivers of obesity. Among a range of                       areas of focus and key outcomes
other actions, building on progress to date under our Healthy weight, healthy lives strategic priority (more
detail later in this report) we will think about how health fits into our wider policies and strategic plans,
and where we have the best opportunity to use the levers at our disposal to affect positive change. In
another key initiative, we will shortly be launching a communications campaign which aims to make
Camden a place where everyone has the opportunity to maintain a healthy lifestyle through physical
activity and a healthy diet.

Our second area of focus is around developing a citizen-led approach to health and wellbeing in the west
of the borough (across Kilburn, West Hampstead, Fortune Green and Swiss Cottage) working closely
with residents to explore opportunities to improve health and wellbeing outcomes.

Fundamentally this area of work is focused on engaging and empowering citizens to improve their own
health and wellbeing, and that of their communities and reduce inequalities. It’s about:

❱ Citizen-led health creation, enabling and supporting citizens to be active agents in their health and

❱ Engaging the community, organisations and partners living and working in a local area to think more
   deeply about opportunities and barriers to health and wellbeing, and to work together to find and
   test solutions.
                                                                                                                            Citizen-led                                  Obesity whole
❱ Citizens co-designing what an integrated, place-based health and wellbeing system looks like at a
   neighbourhood level (e.g. primary care, community services, mental health, social care, Voluntary and
                                                                                                                          neighbourhood         Focus areas                 system
                                                                                                                          approach pilot
   Community Sector (VCS), leisure, arts, culture, employment support among others).                                                             for 2019
We have reflected on this landscape and the learning and insight we will gather in 2019 will inform the
development of a new Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy for 2020.

As we work as a partnership and with our citizens on developing our new strategy, throughout 2019
we will remain focussed on drawing on all the levers available to us in tackling obesity in Camden and
piloting new ways of working through our citizen-led neighbourhood approach to health and wellbeing.
Alongside this, we will continue to champion and provide system leadership against our five continuing
Health and Wellbeing Board priorities, which is illustrated on the opposite page.

                                                                                                                                     Strategy priorities 2016-2019

                    Cllr Georgia Gould

                                                                                                                Healthy weight,    Resilient   Reducing alcohol- The first    Ensuring good
                                                                                                                 healthy lives     families      related harm    1,001 days mental health for all

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Camden's Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy refresh: March 2019 - Camden Council
with over three-quarters from Black, Asian
                                                                                                     or Minority Ethnic groups. The programme           What impact has this had?
                                                                                                     has recently expanded to include peer-led
                                                                                                     sessions.                                          We set out to:
                                                                                                                                                                             Double the number of
                                                                                                   ❱❱ Launched an Innovation Fund, providing                                 Camden businesses signed
                                                                                                      funding and support to people, communities                             up to a commitment to make
                                                                                                      and organisations with new ideas for tackling                          healthier improvements to
                                                                                                      the issue of overweight and obesity, with seven                        their food offering, from 24 in
                                                                                                      new initiatives launched.                                              2016 to 50 by 2018.
                                                                                                                                                                             58 organisations have
                                                                                                   Worked with families, schools, community                                  signed up to the Camden
                                                                                                   settings and businesses to develop healthier                              Can Pledge, with a wider
                                                                                                   lifestyles:                                                               focus on encouraging and
                                                                                                                                                                             enabling access to healthy
                                                                                                   ❱❱ Supported 14 nurseries to achieve the Healthy                          diet and increasing physical
                                                                                                      London Early Years award; 38 schools to                                activity.
                                                                                                      achieve Healthy School status; and four youth
                                                                                                      clubs to achieve the Healthy Futures status,
                                                                                                                                                                             Reduce the proportion of
                                                                                                      embedding a whole setting approach to health
                                                                                                                                                                             Camden residents who
       Healthy weight,                                                                                improvement with a key focus on healthy diet
                                                                                                      and physical activity.
                                                                                                                                                                             are physically inactive by
                                                                                                                                                                             5%, from 21% in 2016.
       healthy lives: Making

                                                                                                   ❱❱ Supported 13 businesses in Camden to                                   Latest data shows 15%
       Camden a place where                                                                           achieve Healthy London Workplace Charter                               of residents are now
                                                                                                      accreditation, through which organisations                             physically inactive.
       everyone has the
                                                                                                      actively encourage and enable staff to eat
       opportunity to maintain                                                                        healthily and be physically active.
       a healthy lifestyle                                                                         ❱❱ Launched the Camden Can Pledge scheme
                                                                                                      in which organisations sign up and pledge                   What we will
                                                                                                      actions to enable access to a healthy diet and
                                                                                                      physical activity.
                                                                                                                                                                  do in 2019
              One-in-five children in         What have we achieved over                                                                                 „„ Launch a large scale, long term, borough
              Camden start primary                                                                 Embedded a greater focus on tackling
                                              the last three years?                                obesogenic environments in spatial planning,
                                                                                                                                                            wide physical activity campaign under
              school overweight or obese,                                                                                                                   Camden Can.
                                                                                                   development and regeneration:
              and by the time they leave at   Since the launch of the strategy in 2016, we have:
                                                                                                                                                         „„ Embed active travel within the new
11, this figure has risen to one-in-three.                                                         ❱❱ Increased consideration of the health impact in       Camden Transport Strategy 2019 – 41.
                                              Supported more residents to access                      planning and development applications to the
Just under half the adult population in       programmes to help them maintain a healthy
Camden is overweight or obese, which                                                                  Council, as set out in the Camden Local Plan       „„ Ensure the re-procurement of the leisure
                                              weight:                                                 2017.
considerably increases risk of a range of                                                                                                                   contract in Camden includes a focus on
                                              ❱❱ Trained over 600 staff in Camden under the                                                                 enabling physical activity among those
diseases that reduce length and quality                                                            ❱❱ Developed the Somers Town and St Pancras
                                                 Making Every Contact Count programme,                                                                      least active within the borough.
of life. The factors contributing to this                                                             Healthy Living Partnership, a three year
                                                 to support them in signposting residents to          collaboration with residents and community
are complex, with social, economic and           programmes and services.                                                                                „„ Implement a new Green Spaces for Health
                                                                                                      groups in the ward to draw on existing local          programme maximising the use of parks in
cultural drivers influencing our diet and
                                                                                                      assets and new opportunities to support               increasing physical activity and reducing
levels of physical activity. This requires    ❱❱ Increased the number of residents accessing
                                                                                                      residents to have a healthy weight, eat well          social isolation.
a whole system response, bringing                adult weight management and exercise on
                                                                                                      and be physically active.
                                                 referral programmes each year to over 1,000.
together partners from across our                In 2017-18, three-quarters of service users                                                             „„ Building capacity across the workforce to
community to make Camden a place                                                                   ❱❱ Launched a schools ‘superzones’ pilot, using          improve support for severely overweight
                                                 were from the most deprived areas in Camden.         data and geographical analysis to look at the
where everyone has the opportunity                                                                                                                          children with more complex needs, by
                                                                                                      environment immediately surrounding the               providing training for frontline staff, clinical
to maintain a healthy lifestyle, through      ❱❱ Supported just under 600 families in making
                                                                                                      schools, including food outlets and advertising       advice and improved peer support among
                                                 positive changes to their diet and activity
physical activity and a healthy diet.                                                                 and working with the local community to use           parents.
                                                 through our Families for Life programme,
                                                                                                      locally available levers to tackle these.

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Camden's Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy refresh: March 2019 - Camden Council
Promoted responsible retailing of alcohol:
                                                                                                                                                           What impact has this had?
                                                                                                    ❱❱ Increased the focus on reducing the adverse
                                                                                                       impacts of alcohol on health and wellbeing          We set out to:
                                                                                                       within Camden’s Licencing Policy 2017 – 2022,
                                                                                                       used in consideration of applications for new                           Increase the number
                                                                                                       licences.                                                               of dependent drinkers
                                                                                                                                                                               accessing treatment.
                                                                                                    ❱❱ Expanded the Reducing the Strength initiative,                          Between 2014/15 and
                                                                                                       to include 283 of the total 311 off-licences                            2017/18, the number of
                                                                                                       in Camden to remove from sale cheap, high                               people accessing specialist
                                                                                                       strength beers and ciders.                                              alcohol treatment has
                                                                                                                                                                               fallen from 523 to 419. This
                                                                                                    Strengthened the links between primary care,                               is in line with regional and
                                                                                                    local hospitals and alcohol support services                               national trends. While the
                                                                                                    to improve identification and support recovery                             numbers entering treatment
                                                                                                    among those who are alcohol dependent:                                     have fallen, the proportion
                                                                                                                                                                               of those who successfully
                                                                                                    ❱❱ Established 14 alcohol satellite clinics in                             complete treatment has
                                                                                                       primary care across Camden delivered by the                             increased, from 40% in
                                                                                                       Integrated Camden Alcohol Service.                                      2014/15 to 46% in 2017/18.
               Reducing alcohol-                                                                    ❱❱ Further embed the Alcohol Assertive Outreach                            Increase the number
               related harm:                                                                           Team, working closely with local hospitals,
                                                                                                       primary care and the mental health teams to
                                                                                                                                                                               of residents receiving
                                                                                                                                                                               evidence based

               Working together to                                                                     identify appropriate referrals and to proactively                       interventions for their
               reduce alcohol-related                                                                  offer a range of assertive interventions to                             alcohol use in primary care,
                                                                                                       individuals with complex alcohol dependency                             so that at least 370 people
               harm with a reduction                                                                   who frequently present to hospital.                                     each year receive enhanced
               in health inequalities,                                                                                                                                         brief interventions in primary
                                                                                                                                                                               care, from a baseline of
               crime and disorder                                                                                                                                              270 in 2014/15. The latest
                                                                                                                                                                               available data from 2016/17
                                                                                                                                                                               records 261 people as
                                                                                                                                                                               receiving this.
              Alcohol can have significant    What have we achieved over
              detrimental impacts on                                                                                                                                           Provide at least 550
                                              the last three years?                                                                                                            residents in substance
              the health and wellbeing
                                                                                                                                                                               misuse treatment services
              of individuals, families        Since the launch of the strategy in 2016, we have:
                                                                                                                                                                               (including alchohol and drugs)
and communities. It is associated with                                                                                                                                         with specialist support to
                                              Increased awareness of the harms caused by
increased risk of developing a number of      alcohol to promote lower risk drinking:
                                                                                                                                                                               access education, training
diseases, including cancers, cirrhosis of                                                                                                                                      and employment each year,
the liver, mental ill health and premature    ❱❱ Delivered training to a range of frontline staff                                                                              from a baseline of 450 in
                                                 including job centres, colleges, care providers,                                                                              2014/15. In 2017/18, the figure
mortality. At the family level, it can                                                                                                                                         was below the target, at 448.
                                                 Age UK Camden, and Camden Carers, to
impact on family relationships, children’s
health and wellbeing and has a clear link
                                                 support the delivery of identification and brief              What we will do in 2019
                                                 advice in reducing alcohol consumption.
with domestic violence and abuse. At the
community level, alcohol is associated        ❱❱ Increased the focus on alcohol and its effect as     „„ Further strengthening partnerships cross-            onward referral for vulnerable adults via a
                                                 part of Personal Social and Health Education            council and with primary care to increase            specialist hub.
with a range of anti-social behaviour                                                                    the numbers of people accessing alcohol
                                                 in schools.
and violent crime. Camden experiences                                                                    treatment.                                        „„ Complete comprehensive reviews of
significant levels of alcohol-related harm.   ❱❱ Enabled more than 11,500 residents to access                                                                 substance misuse provision for young people
One-quarter of residents who drink do            an online screen to better understand the            „„ Improving outcomes among the street                  and adults across Camden to inform future
                                                 impact of their level of drinking and receive           population with substance misuse support             commissioning intentions. The review will
so at levels of increased or high risk and                                                               needs, including mobilising a new integrated         consider a range of options including how
                                                 tailored advice on cutting down and how to
more than 3,000 residents are alcohol                                                                    service delivering assertive interventions in        services can work to better meet the needs
                                                 access additional support.
dependent, a higher rate than nationally.                                                                a street setting and structured support and          of families as well as individuals.

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Camden's Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy refresh: March 2019 - Camden Council
Simplified pathways to make it easier for
                                                                                                  families to get the right help at the right time:           What impact has this had?
                                                                                                  ❱❱ Formation of the Children and Families Contact           We set out to:
                                                                                                     Service, made up of staff from the Multi Agency
                                                                                                     Safeguarding Hub (MASH) and the First                                          Increase the number of
                                                                                                     Stop Early Help Community Team. This has                                       family assessment that
                                                                                                     created a single access point providing advice,                                are for early help. This
                                                                                                     information and support for children and young                                 has increased from 377 in
                                                                                                     people who are vulnerable and at risk. Around                                  2014/15, to 710 in 2017/18.
                                                                                                     40% of all contacts now go direct to early help.

                                                                                                  ❱❱ Introduced a shared system and single record
                                                                                                     facilitating improvements in support that can be                               Increase the number of
                                                                                                     provided by the network already involved with                                  family and family plans that
                                                                                                     the family and reducing the need for onwards                                   increase parental resilience
                                                                                                     referral.                                                                      and improved parent child
                                                                                                                                                                                    relationships. Baseline data
                                                                                                  Building a partnership workforce promoting                                        is not available. At the end
              Resilient Families:                                                                 resilience and preventing escalation of                                           of 2018, 75% of families
              building family and                                                                                                                                                   closed to early help stayed
                                                                                                                                                                                    free from further early help
              community resilience                                                                ❱❱ More than Camden 200 staff trained in the

                                                                                                                                                                                    or social work intervention
                                                                                                     Resilient Families early help systemic model. A                                for at least 12 months.
              and shifting the balance                                                               version of the training has been co-produced
              of service delivery                                                                    with the VCS to expand the approach across
                                                                                                     partners in Camden.
              towards earlier help and
                                                                                                  ❱❱ Resilience Families Framework Train the                              What we will
              prevention                                                                             Trainer has been implemented to ensure there                         do in 2019
                                                                                                     is a sustainable training programme, with
                                                                                                     eight trainers recruited from across early help            Accelerating the Resilient Families approach
                                                                                                     services in place to deliver the training over the         by developing community-led early help,
              The resilient families         What have we achieved over                              next 12 months.                                            strengthening natural networks in building an
              programme is a partnership                                                                                                                        enduring circle of support for families. This will
                                             the last three years?                                ❱❱ Developed closer working between early help                include:
              response across the whole                                                              and the primary and secondary care workforce,
              network of support for         Since the launch of the strategy in 2016, we have:      including trial of an early help adviser based             „„ Working closely with partners to
children and their families to improve the                                                           with the safeguarding team at the Royal Free                  trial innovative community problem
                                             Increased the preventative role of universal            Hospital, and closer collaboration with GP                    solving models, including Full Circle, a
identification of need earlier, streamline   services:                                               practices across Camden to improve early help                 community-led problem solving approach
access to early help services and ensure                                                             advice and guidance in surgeries. This includes               inspired by the values of Family Group
a consistent approach to building            ❱❱ Implemented the Growth Mindset in schools
                                                                                                     early help input in GP multi-disciplinary                     Conference.
                                                across Camden, encouraging challenge,
resilience in families. Significant health      perseverance and resilience among children
                                                                                                                                                                „„ Community-led Resilient Families training.
and educational inequalities among              and young people.
children in Camden remain. Estimates                                                                                                                            „„ Problem solving booths that promote
suggest that 39% of children and young       ❱❱ Launched the Young Camden Foundation,                                                                              mutual aid.
                                                a community of cross-sector organisations
people in Camden are living in poverty1         working together to improve opportunities for                                                                   „„ Earlier help in youth offending.
and one-in three-children in Camden             all young people in Camden.
start school with skills and knowledge                                                                                                                          „„ Family-led early help information and
significantly lower than expected for                                                                                                                              advice via parent champions.
their age.

                                                                                                  1. Centre for Research in Social Policy (2018), Child Poverty Map of the UK.
                                                                                                      Available at:

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Camden's Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy refresh: March 2019 - Camden Council
Improved the mental health support we provide              programmes such as Stay and Play. In 2017/18
                                                                                                  to parents early on:                                       81% of children attending these sessions
                                                                                                                                                             were from a vulnerable group, a small increase
                                                                                                  ❱❱ Improved understanding of perinatal mental              compared with 2016/17.
                                                                                                     health needs through completion of a needs
                                                                                                     assessment and implementation of new                  ❱❱ Trained Family Workers and Stay and Play
                                                                                                     pathways into support from mild to moderate to           Workers in speech and language development
                                                                                                     more severe needs.                                       to support high quality adult-child interactions
                                                                                                                                                              using the Adult Child Tally (ACT) model to help
                                                                                                  ❱❱ Launched Camden Blossoms, a new peer                     parents and carers support their child’s speech
                                                                                                     support programme for women with additional              and language development through play
                                                                                                     support needs including mild to moderate                 activities.
                                                                                                     mental health problems, lack of support
                                                                                                     networks, homeless, experience of domestic            Developed an integrated offer for children and
                                                                                                     violence, previous difficulties with pregnancy/       families:
                                                                                                     birth/post birth, or with English as a second
                                                                                                     language. In 2017/18, more than 300 women             ❱❱ Embedded an integrated health promotion offer
                First 1001 days:                                                                     received support through the Camden
                                                                                                     Blossoms programme.
                                                                                                                                                              across our children’s centres and beyond. This
                                                                                                                                                              includes implementation of the Little Steps to
                Ensuring the support                                                                                                                          Healthy Lives programme supporting children
                                                                                                  ❱❱ Delivered a programme of perinatal mental                and families to have a healthy diet and to be
                we provide from                                                                      health training three times a year. The training is      physically active; ‘Teeth for Life’ oral health
                pregnancy through to                                                                 delivered by Perinatal Mental Health Champions           training programme for nursery staff, with a

                                                                                                     and to date has been attended by 85 staff                particular focus on disadvantaged 2-year olds
                the first two years of                                                               from a range of agencies including early years,          and a fluoride-varnish programme providing
                life focuses on the most                                                             health visiting and maternity services, VCS              protection for children’s teeth; alongside the
                                                                                                     organisations and parent champion volunteers.            Healthy Start vitamin programme.
                important outcomes
                                                                                                  Strengthened our approach in supporting the
                for children                                                                      development of strong communication and
                                                                                                                                                           ❱❱ Co-located early years and health visiting staff
                                                                                                                                                              and recently launched a new locality based
                                                                                                  language skills in infancy:                                 model to further enhance collaborative working,
                                                                                                                                                              including improving the join up of delivery
                                                                                                  ❱❱ Expanded the range of services in our children’s         strands across maternity and early years and
                                                                                                     centres that support parents as their children’s
               The first 1001 days takes     What have we achieved over                              first educators, embedded throughout
                                                                                                                                                              enabling us to more effectively support our
               a specific life stage                                                                                                                          most disadvantaged families.
                                             the last three years?
               focus within the Resilient
               Families priority, focussed   Since the launch of the strategy in 2016, we have:
on bringing together all partners to
                                             Increased support for mothers, fathers and
ensure the best outcomes for children        other carers to prepare for parenthood:
in the critical first stages of life where
we can make the biggest differences to       ❱❱ Launched the bump to baby programme, a
children’s life chances.                        5 week targeted preparation for parenthood
                                                group which is delivered jointly by children’s
                                                centre staff, health visitors and midwives.
                                                More than 230 families have attended the
                                                programme between its launch in January
                                                2017 and October 2018.2

                                             ❱❱ Embed a series of programmes across
                                                our children’s centres promoting sensitive
                                                parenting and attachment, including baby play
                                                and baby massage.

                                             ❱❱ Made good progress towards achieving Unicef
                                                Baby Friendly Status, having achieved stage 1
                                                in early years and health visiting and working
                                                towards stage 2 and 3.
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Camden's Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy refresh: March 2019 - Camden Council
What impact has this had?                                              What we will
We set out to:                                                         do in 2019
                      Increase the proportion of              „„ Building on our parent engagement
                      mothers breastfeeding at                   approach, expanding the role of our
                      six to eight weeks after birth             Early Years Parent Champion programme
                      to 80%. Data collection                    and Early Years Volunteer Partnership
                      methods have changed                       in systems leadership, increasing
                      since the launch of the                    the number of parents with English
                      strategy, and baseline                     as a second language and fathers’
                      data is not available. In                  participation.
                      2017/18, the proportion of
                      mothers totally or partially            „„ Establishing and embedding the
                      breastfeeding at six to eight              integrated service model between health
                      weeks is 82%.3                             visiting and early years and the new
                                                                 locality model.
                                                                                                                                     Ensuring good
                      Decrease the number of                  „„ Develop a new approach, incorporating
                                                                                                                                     mental health for
                      pregnant women smoking
                      by 5%, from a baseline of
                                                                 a pathway of services to support                                    all: Promoting positive
                                                                 vulnerable parents in the perinatal period,
                      5.7% in 2013/14. In 2016/17,               including young parents, to ensure early                            mental health and
                      3.4% of all deliveries in

                      Camden were to mothers
                                                                 identification of additional needs in                               outcomes for people
                                                                 pregnancy and sustained engagement in
                      who smoked at the time of                  services during pregnancy and the first                             with serious mental
                      delivery.                                  year.                                                               health conditions and
                      Increase the proportion of              „„ Complete an audit of father inclusive                               preventing suicide
                      2 year old children taking                 practice, establish an action plan for
                      up free education places,                  improving fathers’ engagement in services                           wherever possible
                      from 41% in 2015. In 2018,                 and deliver a training programme to
                      this figure had risen to 64%.              support all early childhood professionals
                                                                 to have the knowledge, confidence and
                                                                 skills to engage fathers and support them                           Mental health conditions are   who may be experiencing mental health
                                                                 to find specialist help when needed.                                common across all age and      problems and supporting recovery
                      Increase the number of                                                                                         social groups in Camden        among people with mental health
                      children who reach a good                                                                                      and are the leading cause      conditions.
                      level of development at 5
                                                                                                                      of ill health and disability among working
                      years old to 70%, from 63%
                      in 2014/15. In 2017/18, this                                                                    age adults. Over 4,100 people in Camden
                      figure had risen to 71%.                                                                        are diagnosed with a psychotic disorder       What have we achieved over
                                                                                                                      and 19,300 adults have a diagnosis
                                                                                                                      of depression. It is estimated that in        the last three years?
                                                                                                                      Camden, around 4,000 children and             Since the launch of the strategy in 2016, we have:
                                                                                                                      young people aged 5-16 years and 6,000
                                                                                                                      young people aged 16-24 years have a          Worked with communities to help change
                                                                                                                                                                    attitudes to mental health and build resilience:
                                                                                                                      diagnosable mental health condition. The
                                                                                                                      prevalence of diagnosed mental health         ❱❱ Trained more than 750 residents, volunteers
                                                                                                                      conditions in Camden is higher than              and frontline staff in Mental Health First Aid
                                                                                                                      London and England. Our ambition is to           Training to better understand the effects
                                                                                                                      improve mental health outcomes for local         of stigma and discrimination, and be able
2. Hear what parents in Camden have taken from the programme at:                                                                       to recognise early signs of mental health
3. This is based on the total number of infants receiving a 6-8 week review who had breastfeeding status recorded.   communities and people of all ages and           problems and to respond appropriately.
    In 2017/18, 85% of all infants due a 6-8 week review received this on time, and 78% of these had breastfeeding    reducing inequalities, through promoting
    status recorded. Data collection methods for breastfeeding have changed, and recording has improved throughout    good mental health and wellbeing,             ❱❱ Established the Cultural Advocacy Project,
    2017/18.                                                                                                          ensuring access to early help for people         focused on developing bottom up community

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Camden's Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy refresh: March 2019 - Camden Council
approaches to identify and engage with target      understanding of how to support people with
     Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities       mental health conditions in the workplace.                                Help at least 540 people with                                Increase the number of
     and develop community awareness around                                                                                       mental health conditions in                                  Dementia Friends by 10% per
     mental health.                                   Improved integration of physical and mental                                 to employment, training or                                   year, from 2,750 in 2014/15
                                                      health care:                                                                volunteering. Between 2016                                   to 3,650. In 2017/18, 3,750
❱❱ Creation of the Resilience Network a                                                                                           and 2018, 250 people with                                    people became a Dementia
   partnership of VCS organisations, Camden           ❱❱ Expanded the Integrated Practice Unit, working                           mental health conditions were                                Friend.
   and Islington Foundation Trust, Tavistock and         across primary and secondary care services so                            supported in to and remained
   Portman, commissioners and residents with             that people with serious mental illness receive                          in employment for at least 6
   the aim of building a network of services that        an effective range of screening and interventions                        months. Data on the number                                   Double the number of women
   support people in their community to access           to improve their physical health, alongside their                        of people gaining training and                               experiencing, or with a previous
   the right support at the right time, and to be        mental healthcare. This includes wellbeing                               volunteering opportunities                                   history of mental health
   better able to address and manage their mental        clinics in each of the mental health community                           is not available, however                                    conditions accessing perinatal
   health and take part in community life.               bases, alongside primary care based mental                               this is supported throughout                                 mental health services, from
                                                         health nurses delivering physical health checks                          commissioned mental health                                   a baseline of 121 in 2014/15.
❱❱ Launched the Camden Dementia Action                   among people with serious mental illness.                                services in Camden as being                                  In 2017/18, more than 380
   Alliance, bringing together 55 local                                                                                           an important part of recovery.                               women accessed perinatal
   organisations to support and encourage             Improved co-ordination in suicide prevention:                                                                                            mental health services.
   communities and organisations to take
   practical actions to enable people to live well    ❱❱ Implementation of a new suicide prevention
   with dementia.                                        plan bringing together a wide range of partners
                                                         to improve data collection; build better
                                                                                                                         What we will                                     „„ Introducing the ‘three conversations’6
                                                                                                                                                                             innovation sites into primary care to ensure
Worked with schools and young people                     awareness of suicide risk among a wide body of                  do in 2019                                          that frontline staff focus on people’s
services and parents to promote better                   frontline staff; focussed prevention on high risk                                                                   strengths and community assets when
                                                         groups; improved crisis care; and the provision      „„ Embedding a public mental health approach                   supporting those with mental ill health.
emotional and mental health and early
                                                         of support to those bereaved by suicide.                through the adoption of the Prevention
intervention:                                                                                                                                                             „„ Reviewing acute care pathways for all
                                                                                                                 Concordat for Better Mental Health to
                                                                                                                 promote good mental health and prevent                      mental health patients, including developing
❱❱ Implemented a Mental Health and Resilience
                                                                                                                 mental health problems.4                                    a jointly-funded Crisis Cafe model to ensure
   in Schools framework in 18 schools to date,        What impact has this had?                                                                                              appropriate and timely support in the
   supporting schools to identify opportunities for                                                           „„ Engaging eight more schools in the Mental                   community.
   improvement against seven components that          We set out to:                                             Health and Resilience in Schools framework
   effectively develop children and young peoples’                                                               and 100 more parents in our resilience                   „„ Developing an alternative model for
   resilience, promote positive mental health                              Promote good mental                   workshops.                                                  preventing mental health crisis through
   and support those at risk of, or experiencing,                          health with 360 vulnerable                                                                        providing appropriate accommodation and
                                                                                                              „„ Expanding our approach to early                             wraparound support for those in need.
   mental health problems.                                                 mothers-to-be and new                 intervention mental health services for
                                                                           mothers and their partners,           young people through implementation of                   „„ Convening a partnership group to ensure
❱❱ Trained just under 400 staff and volunteers in                          through an innovative baby            two new Mental Health Support Teams                         we are providing more effective support
   Youth Mental Health First Aid.                                          steps programme. Since                (MHSTs) targeting young people with mild to                 and services for adults with Severe
                                                                           its launch in January 2017,           moderate mental health difficulties as part                 Multiple Disadvantage (i.e. people who
❱❱ Developed a series of workshops for parents on
                                                                           230 families have attended            of CAMHS across our 10 secondary school                     face a combination of problems including
   helping build resilience and promoting positive
                                                                           the bump to baby antenatal            and 20 of our primary schools.                              homelessness, substance misuse, contact
   mental health for their children. 300 parents
                                                                           programme.                                                                                        with the criminal justice system and mental
   have attended to date since launching in 2017.                                                             „„ Further developing our primary care model                   ill health), and to improve outcomes for this
                                                                           Increase the proportion               to improve the physical health of people                    group of people.
Worked with employers to improve workplace                                                                       with mental ill health, building on the work of
mental health and wellbeing and improve                                    of children and young
                                                                                                                 the Integrated Practice Unit and adherence               „„ Further development of our suicide
employment outcomes:                                                       people referred to child
                                                                                                                 to NHS England guidance on health checks                    prevention approach, with establishment of a
                                                                           and adolescent mental
                                                                                                                 for people with serious mental illness5.                    new multi-agency prevention steering group;
❱❱ Established a series of pilot programmes                                health services (CAMHS)
                                                                                                                                                                             increasing the emphasis on prevention; and
   testing different approaches in supporting                              seen within 8 weeks of
                                                                                                                                                                             refreshing our suicide action plan.
   people with mental health conditions into                               referral from 50% to 90%.
   work. Learning from the pilots has fed in to                            In 2014/15, 50% of young
   the development of the new Camden Work &                                people referred to child
                                                                                                             4. Public Health England (2017), Prevention Concordat for Better Mental Health. Available at:
   Wellbeing service which launched in late 2017.                          and adolescent mental
                                                                           health services (CAMHS)           5. NHS England (2018), Improving physical healthcare for people living with severe mental illness (SMI) in primary
❱❱ Launched a new training programme for                                   were seen within 8 weeks              care: Guidance for CCGs. Available at:
   employers, Mental Health in the Workplace,                              of referral. By 2017/18, this         health-care-for-smi-in-primary-care.pdf
   attended by over 350 staff in Camden to improve                         figure had risen to 70%.          6. Partners 4 Change, The P4C 3 Conversation Model. Available at:

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Camden's Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy refresh: March 2019 - Camden Council
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