Ramaphosa's first 100 days - And what it tells us about the shape of the South African state June 6, 2018 - Brunswick Group

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Ramaphosa's first 100 days - And what it tells us about the shape of the South African state June 6, 2018 - Brunswick Group
first 100 days
And what it tells us about the
shape of the South African state
June 6, 2018
Ramaphosa's first 100 days - And what it tells us about the shape of the South African state June 6, 2018 - Brunswick Group
2                                                  Rhamaphosa's first 100 days

The Shape of
Ramaphosa’s Presidency
Cyril Ramaphosa came to power in
South Africa 100 days ago facing a
huge challenge: restore the                                               Graphing the key changes – and
credibility of the Presidency and put                                     key remaining question marks
South Africa back on the growth                                           ▪ Cronyism and looting are now off the
track after almost a decade of                                              agenda
disastrous rule and entrenched
                                                                          ▪ Radical economic transformation is not
corruption by Jacob Zuma, whose
years in power came to be known                                           ▪ State-led hostility against the private
as “state capture”. Even for someone                                        sector is out
with as varied a skill-set as Mr
                                                                          ▪ But a mixed economy, not free-market
Ramaphosa’s - who has succeeded
                                                                            approach, replaces it
as a trade union leader, politician
and businessman – the challenge to                                        ▪ Economic policy and state‐owned
deliver what has been dubbed                                                enterprises are no longer primarily
“Ramaphoria” is enormous, for he                                            geared to rent seeking
needs to align this to society in a                                       ▪ But what replaces this economic
way that has rarely been done.                                              approach is less evident

His political geometry, employing a careful                               ▪ Political risk should recede but political
distribution of power in his cabinet and                                    noise and complexity are here for the
benefiting from consultation with concentric                                medium term
kitchen cabinets, is both hazardous and
necessary. Mr Ramaphosa has moved with                                    ▪ That means rule of law, including
both determination and deliberation to start                                property rights, remains embedded
rebuilding confidence in the Presidency and
government in what he calls the “New Dawn.”                               ▪ Nefarious policy making is out, but
Mr Ramaphosa’s conundrum of renewing a                                      political and regulatory complexity
divided party after winning with slim majority
                                                                            remains subject to court challenges to
and trying to win a clear mandate in the next
                                                                            deal with policy certainty
election will show that his agenda is clear, but
how far he can go is less so.

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Ramaphosa's first 100 days - And what it tells us about the shape of the South African state June 6, 2018 - Brunswick Group
3                                               Rhamaphosa's first 100 days

                                                               An investment summit is planned for August 2018. To
                                                               prepare the ground, Mr Ramaphosa has appointed
                                                               three private-sector envoys, and one from the public
                                                               sector, to comb the globe for investment and to
                                                               indicate that South Africa is open for business and the
                                                               state friendly to local and foreign providers of capital.
                                                               Smaller private-public sector summits have been
                                                               convened on youth employment, and small and
                                                               medium-sized enterprise development.

                                                               Networks, [prime] ministers
                                                               and kitchen cabinets
                                                               Mr Ramaphosa is not operating with a single formal
                                                               cabinet but is drawing on concentric networks built up
                                                               over decades. His networks are from both trade unions
                                                               and business. When Mr Ramaphosa faces an issue or a
                                                               governance challenge, he activates these networks.
A Presidency of summits                                        In addition, he has vested significant authority in a pair
or compacts                                                    of cabinet ministers whose roles appear akin to prime
                                                               ministers. These are Public Enterprises Minister Pravin
As much as his agenda, it is                                   Gordhan and Mineral Resources Minister Gwede
                                                               Mantashe. From his perch at Public Enterprises, Mr
Mr Ramaphosa’s style that is different.                        Gordhan is a de facto anti-corruption czar. He is
He has varied facets to his political                          assembling a war-room at Public Enterprises to make
persona. One is an ability to negotiate                        major changes at state-owned enterprises.
across interests. It is a characteristic honed                 Mr Mantashe is leading Mr Ramaphosa’s efforts to
by his years as a trade union negotiator                       ensure that land becomes an asset and not a liability of
                                                               his presidency. Mr Mantashe is the de facto land affairs
and his role as chairperson of the
                                                               minister, and Mr Ramaphosa’s envoy on land along
Constitutional Assembly and of the                             with the ANC MP Mathole Motshekga, and MP Vincent
National Planning Commission.                                  Smith, who will chair the constitutional review
                                                               committee that is the centre of debate on expropriation
It is thus unsurprising that convened summits already
                                                               without compensation. The Public Works Deputy
shape his presidency. He has drawn together disparate
                                                               Minister Jeremy Cronin is operating as intellectual to
interests to begin negotiating the outcome of
                                                               drive more clear and focused land redistribution policy
consultative approach to land, mines regulation,
                                                               and legislation without the need for a constitutional
jobs etc.
                                                               amendment on expropriation.
A smaller, second process ensured that the
negotiations for a new mining charter — as contained
in an amendment to the Minerals and Petroleum
Resources Development Act — were taken out of court
and onto negotiating tables. In this way a protracted
battle in mining was contained and brought back to
negotiation. Gwede Mantashe, now Mineral Resources
Minister, has failed to pass a new Mineral and
Petroleum Resources Development Act (MPRDA) in the
first quarter of 2018, but there is goodwill between state
and industry.

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Ramaphosa's first 100 days - And what it tells us about the shape of the South African state June 6, 2018 - Brunswick Group
4                                               Rhamaphosa's first 100 days

Cabinet reshuffle,
disabling networks
and SoE reforms
By reshuffling the cabinet               forced Premier Mahumapele’s              with the new board appointments
reshuffle and removing ten               resignation, thus slowly                 of the SOEs.
                                         consolidating his position in the
ministers implicated in state                                                     At the South African Revenue
                                         ANC and dismantling patronage
capture, Mr Ramaphosa has                                                         Services (SARS) the commission of
                                         networks in ANC provinces.
brought credibility and                                                           Inquiry headed by Supreme Court
                                         Mr Ramaphosa has lived up to             of Appeal Judge Robert Nugent,
authority to government.                 expectation on reforming state           assisted by respected lawyer
He has steadily started disabling the    owned enterprises that were              Michael Katz, is expected to submit
crony networks that had become           hollowed out with poor governance        a final report by November. The
the effective purpose of                 and has changed the boards of            Inquiry will focus on the period of
government. One of the major risks       three state-owned enterprises at         between April 2014 and the end of
on his horizon is the so-called          the heart of the state-capture story:    March 2018, linked to suspended
Premier League. This is the name         Denel, SAA, SA Express, Transnet         SARS head Tom Moyane’s tenure,
given to the powerful block of           and Eskom. Parliament has kept up        who is in addition facing disciplinary
provincial leaders in the African        the pressure on state-owned              proceedings.
National Congress who have               enterprises with a succession of
                                                                                  The President has also confirmed
leveraged their control of provincial    public inquiries, especially
                                                                                  the creation of review panel to deal
budgets to build substantial political   procurement practices.
                                                                                  with allegations of corruption in the
clout. The three are: Deputy             Minister Pravin Gordhan’s mandate        state security agency and to root
President David Mabuza (previously       to address problems in SOEs,             out the compromised shadow state
Mpumalanga premier); the ANC             rebuilding and strengthening             created by Former President Zuma.
secretary-general Ace Magashule          governance, rooting out corruption,
(previously Free State Premier) and                                               The head of State Security, Arthur
                                         restoring their financial position and
Former North West Premier Supra                                                   Frazer, who was implicated in
                                         ensuring that they fulfil their
Mahumapelo. Ramaphosa’s                                                           corruption dealings, was moved to
                                         economic and developmental
administration in taking over the                                                 Correctional Services and is now
                                         mandates is slowly bearing fruit.
provincial government of North                                                    subject to a court challenge by the
                                         The appointment of Phakamani
West due to service delivery                                                      Democratic Alliance to force him
                                         Hadebe as Group Chief Executive of
protests and corruption; ultimately                                               out of government completely.
                                         Eskom was widely welcomed along

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5                                               Rhamaphosa's first 100 days

4 points of risk
Winter                                   in the country during Ramaphosa’s
                                         first 100 days as president. Labour,
                                                                                   the resolution: that it will not be
                                                                                   allowed to harm food security and
                                         business and communities are              growth. When he speaks to rallies
There is always a rise in protests in    working to forge a new social             and to mass gatherings, he
winter in South Africa. The              compact around job creation, which        emphasises expropriation which is a
character of his presidency - that       will form the basis for a broader         wildly popular symbol of a wider
“Ramaphoria” -has also raised            compact around growth,                    redistribution of wealth.
expectations and this may impact         development and transformation.
on political stability. Mr               Mr Ramaphosa will hold a Job              The recent ANC land summit, which
Ramaphosa’s rise has also                Summit in September to produce            invited civil society to participate in
emboldened provincial interests in       far reaching measures to create           its deliberations to develop a
provinces run by the iron fist of the    jobs. The joint initiative wiil involve   position on land expropriation
Premier League. The Mahikeng             all social partners in finding social     without compensation, was
protests against Supra                   compacts on jobs and examples of          unprecedented. The ANC National
Mahumapelo are replicated on a           collaboration and partnerships to         Executive Committee, the party’s
smaller scale in Mpumalanga and          investigate recent agreements on a        highest decision-making body,
the Free State, where different          national minimum wage and labour          agreed to consult traditional leaders
factions see an opportunity to           stability                                 and broader society before ratifying
loosen the stranglehold on                                                         the consolidated position that was
provincial tenders, so more
networks can benefit.                    Election 2019                             tabled by the summit on using
                                                                                   Section 25 in the constitution to
                                                                                   implement the policy of
Ramaphosa is quickly moving to cut       The last opinion polls put the ANC        expropriation without
off money flows by clamping down         support at 50% if an election were        compensation. Mr Ramaphosa and
on access to provincial finances.        to be held today. It is going to be a     the ANC Committee on land reform
This is most visible in the North        tough campaign for the ANC                seems to be accepting legal
West, which has been placed under        although the impact of Mr                 consensus that the constitution
administration. The balance of           Ramaphosa’s election has been             makes provision for expropriation
forces under Ramaphosa is finely         good news for the party. Mr               and what is required is appropriate
balanced: he won with only 179           Ramaphosa recently met with the           legislation rather than an
votes at the party’s Nasrec              Independent Electoral Commission          amendment of the constitution.
conference in December. He               following speculation of an early         There seems to be great consensus
possesses state power and the            election in October or November.          around the setting up of a high-
ability to deploy but the                Indications are that elections will       level panel located in the
fundamental tension of his               only be held early next year given        Presidency to align government’s
presidency is that as he unwinds the     the levels of preparation required to     efforts regarding land reform and
current patronage networks; so           run a national election.                  guide the process at the helm of
more networks can benefit, he                                                      the executive.
increases his political risks.
Labour                                   Mr Ramaphosa is doing what he
                                         does well: weighting his messages
The unions are in a weakened and         with different parts of the
divided state with the split of the SA   parliamentary resolution on land
Federation of Trade Unions (Saftu)       expropriation without
from the Congress of South African       compensation. When he speaks to
Trade Unions (Cosatu). Cosatu has        investors and to agri-business, Mr
claimed that 300,000 jobs were lost      Ramaphosa emphasises the rider to

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6                                                             Rhamaphosa's first 100 days

Movers & shakers in the
Ramaphosa presidency
In addition to the circles and networks                                       Trudi Makhaya
Ramaphosa uses, he is steadily building up a set                              The newly announced economic advisor to
                                                                              Mr Ramaphosa is a top economist in South
of movers and shakers who run his presidency.                                 Africa. She’s going to coordinate the work of the
                                                                              Presidential Investment envoys and ensure the
                                                                              economy is at the centre of the Presidency.
                                                                              Ms Makhaya is also a columnist in Business Day and ran her
Steyn Speed                                                                   own consultancies called Makhaya Advisory Services.
Speed is Mr Ramaphosa’s political advisor
and de facto Chief-of-Staff. He is a long-time
aide and confidante. He has moved with
Mr Ramaphosa through various his life-cycles                                  Chippy Olver
including his times in business and in politics.                              This former Director General of Environmental
Mild-mannered and adroit, Mr Speed is an ace speechwriter                     Affairs was the key technocrat in the Ramaphosa
and strategist. He is a veteran ANC member and official and has               campaign, in keeping core supporters onside
also served the governing party for decades.                                  and running the technological spine of the
                                                                              campaign. His experience as a member of the
                                                                              ANC task team to retain its base in the Nelson Mandela Bay
                                                                              municipality, made Mr Olver a crucial cog in the wheel to
                                                                              maintaining party support for Mr Ramaphosa.
    Khusela Diko
    Ms Diko is Ramaphosa’s spokesperson and
    communications advisor. She used to be ANC
    spokesperson and she commands a strong                                    Senzo Mchunu
    support base in the SA-based local and                                    He is now full-time organizational head of the
    international media corps. Like most ANC                                  ANC and in charge of the party’s
    media people, Ms Diko is also a seasoned politician and                   powerful branch network. It’s a vital position
    activist. She is dispassionate and unflappable and had the ear            to shore up Mr Ramaphosa’s position in the ANC.
    of Mr Gwede Mantashe when she represented the governing
                                                                              A staunch Ramaphosa ally who ran the election
    party at its Luthuli House headquarters.
                                                                              campaign on the ground, By stepping back from a bruising war
                                                                              at the ANC conference at Nasrec in December, Mr Mchunu
                                                                              secured an easy onboarding for Mr Ramaphosa as party
    Bejani Chauke                                                             president. It is widely believed that there was some
    Mr Chauke is Ramaphosa’s chief political                                  gerrymandering of the count for the position of party secretary-
    strategist and advisor. He is Mr Ramaphosa’s                              general, which Mr Mchunu contested.
    longtime parliamentary counselor and is a                                 He is also crucial, with Police Minister Bheki Cele, to ensure that
    sharp and strategic mind. He devised Mr.                                  the party’s massive KwaZulu-Natal membership and its unhappy
    Ramaphosa’s campaign and ensured that the                                 and warring provincial leadership do not erupt into the kind of
    Zuma family was brought onside when his candidate won the                 political instability besetting the North West province
    ANC race at Nasrec. Mr Chauke is a general advisor, but his
    key role is to ensure that the ANC wins a significant victory in
    next year’s election, as that will open up Mr Ramaphosa’s path
    to a successful two terms. In addition, a significant win will give       Zizi Kodwa
    the President greater leverage to shape the ANC to
                                                                              Head of the Presidency in the ANC. The party’s
    support him.
                                                                              former spokesperson is back in a much stronger
                                                                              position in the governing party — he is effectively
                                                                              Mr Ramaphosa’s eyes and ears at Luthuli House.
                                                                              Mr. Kodwa was always much more than a spin
    Marion Sparg                                                              doctor — he is an adept political fighter and in a divided ANC, he
    This former MK soldier is a longtime                                      will prove important political cover for Mr. Ramaphosa who
    Ramaphosa supporter based in the ANC                                      needs Luthuli House to be fighting in his corner.
    head-office to manage his office. She has                                 While they may say otherwise, both the secretary-general Ace
    worked closely with Mr Ramaphosa in his                                   Magashule and his deputy Jessie Duarte are not in Mr
    role as ANC secretary-general and also at Shanduka the                    Ramaphosa’s corner. In a crucial election year, he needs the party
    company, which holds his various assets.                                  headquarters to swim in the same stream as he is.

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