THE TAX LANDSCAPE FOR 2021 - W ith President Joe Biden beginning his rst term - Crain's New York Business

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THE TAX LANDSCAPE FOR 2021 - W ith President Joe Biden beginning his rst term - Crain's New York Business
SPONSORED CONTENT                                                        January 25, 2021 S1

         ith President Joe Biden beginning his first term       Joe Bublé leads Citrin Cooperman’s tax practice
         in office and the second stimulus bill in motion,      and is a partner in the firm’s New York City office.
         2021 will usher in a number of changes to              He concentrates on strategic tax planning, mergers
the tax environment that will affect businesses and             and acquisitions, and sophisticated tax research for
individuals.                                                    businesses and individuals. He has extensive experience
                                                                with the taxation of partnerships, limited liability
Building on the Consolidations Appropriations Act, which        companies, C corporations, S corporations and high-
was signed into law in December in the second stimulus          net-worth individuals.
round, Biden recently unveiled a third stimulus plan,
for $1.9 trillion, to fight the pandemic, roll out vaccines
and help individuals who are struggling financially. His
American Rescue Plan would bring changes to the tax
landscape. In addition to expanding the child tax credit,
it would add to the $600 stimulus check (also claimable                                                                    JOE BUBLÉ, CPA
as a refundable tax credit) that the second stimulus law                                                                   Partner, New York City
                                                                                                                           Citrin Cooperman
provided for each eligible family member, bringing the
                                                                                                                           (212) 697-1000
total to $2,000 per family member. He plans to seek this                                                                   jbublé
initiative in the first few months of his presidency.

The second stimulus will bring a number of changes to
the tax landscape. A big one is the Employee Retention
Tax Credit, a refundable tax credit for wages. It was to
have ended in December, but it will continue until July 1.
In addition, the package provides a five-year extension         Jay Sussman is a partner in Marks Paneth’s Private
for the Work Opportunity Tax Credit, which incentivizes         Client Services Group, specializing in tax planning,
employers to hire workers from disadvantaged groups.            consultation and preparation services for high-net-
Meanwhile, the New Markets Tax Credit, created to               worth individuals, trusts and estates, partnerships
encourage investment in low-income communities has              and corporations. He has additional expertise in
been extended through 2025. This new law temporarily            tax planning and preparation for nonresident alien
allows for a 100% allowance for deductions for business         individuals, controlled foreign corporations and
meals, although some critics have questioned how easy           passive foreign investment companies, as well as treaty-
it will be for businesses to use it, with dining out limited    based returns and foreign reporting for U.S. resident
during the pandemic.                                            taxpayers.

For individual taxpayers, the second stimulus also has
made permanent the Health Coverage Tax Credit, a
deduction for medical expenses above 7.5% of their
income, rather than 10%, the percentage that people                                                                        JAY SUSSMAN, CPA
                                                                                                                           Partner, Private Client Services Group
under 65 years old previously could claim. In addition,                                                                    Marks Paneth LLP
the second stimulus extends the $300 charitable                                                                            (212) 201-2285
deduction for people who don’t itemize their taxes.                                                              

Beyond these laws, businesses will be busy at tax
time taking into account pandemic aid received in
2020 under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic
Security Act, the original $2.2 trillion stimulus bill passed
by Congress and signed into law in March 2020. For
                                                                Robert L. Tobey is a partner in the tax services
instance, businesses can now deduct eligible expenses
                                                                practice at Grassi Advisors & Accountants. Tobey
they covered with a Paycheck Protection Program
                                                                advises clients on the complexities of tax planning
loan that has been forgiven, or they anticipate will be
                                                                and compliance on the federal, state and international
forgiven, under a recent guidance. Many will juggle
                                                                levels. He specializes in helping pass-through entities,
applications for forgiveness with applications for a new
                                                                multistate corporations, high-net-worth individuals
round of PPP funding authorized under the Cares Act.
                                                                and investors meet their business, tax savings and
                                                                wealth preservation goals. With special expertise in
To provide clarity on what’s ahead during tax season
                                                                the financial services sector, he has helped hedge,
and beyond, Crain’s spoke with three certified public
                                                                venture, real estate and private-equity funds structure
accountants with expertise in taxes at the beginning of
                                                                their businesses, develop tax mitigation strategies and
the year.
                                                                understand the complex regulations of their industry.

                                                                                                                           ROBERT L. TOBEY, CPA
                                                                                                                           (212) 223-5029
THE TAX LANDSCAPE FOR 2021 - W ith President Joe Biden beginning his rst term - Crain's New York Business
S2 January 25, 2021                                                        SPONSORED CONTENT                                                                                                                                                               SPONSORED CONTENT                                                               January 25, 2021 S3

                                                                                                                                                                                   The credit is applied against      structure less appealing for new   decided, what does the              U.S.-based businesses with           the same. We believe the best

                                                                                                                                                                                   employment taxes. The credit       business owners.                   tax landscape look like             foreign subsidiaries and U.S.        place to start the conversation
                                                                                                                                                                                   was to have expired Dec. 31, but                                      for the small business in           individuals living abroad with       with clients is to gather their
                                                                                                                                                                                   it was extended with various       Tobey: The possibility that        a global market?                    foreign businesses—they should       financial information and
                                                                                                                                                                                   modifications.                     President Biden will be able                                           anticipate that their U.S. tax       current legal documents, then
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      to accomplish many of his tax      Bublé: With the runoff              burden will go up.                   speak to the clients about what
                    “TAXPAYERS SHOULD TAKE THE TIME                                                                                                                                Crain’s: If a business             law objectives in his first term   election now decided and the                                             their objectives are.
                                                                                                            Crain’s: How is the Biden           will affect individuals
                    TO UNDERSTAND FULLY THE LAWS AND                                                        administration likely               and businesses. What               is applying for loan               should play into any major         Democratic Party in control         Crain’s: In light of the
                                                                                                            to affect readers’ tax              expanded or extended               forgiveness through the            tax decisions that have long-      of the Oval Office and both         Georgia runoff results,              Sussman: While we don’t
                    REQUIREMENTS RELATED TO CHANGING A                                                      planning strategies this            provisions are most                Paycheck Protection                term implications. During          chambers of Congress, cross-        what are some of the                 know exactly what President
                    DOMICILE, AND THEY SHOULD CAREFULLY                                                     year?                               significant? Which can             Program, will this affect          the campaign, the president        border small businesses may         planning considerations              Biden will do with the
                                                                                                                                                provide the most benefit           its 2021 tax obligation?           proposed raising the tax rate      well be in for another turbulent    people should be                     current tax law, his proposed
                    MAINTAIN DETAILED DOCUMENTATION                                                         Tobey: C Corporations, pass-        to taxpayers?                                                         for C Corporations from 21%        tax ride. The Tax Cuts and          thinking about for                   tax changes include raising
                    SUPPORTING THEIR CLAIM.” —JOE BUBLÉ                                                     through shareholders and high-                                         Bublé: The Consolidated            to 28%. If pass-through entities   Jobs Act of 2017 put in place a     income taxes and estate              the corporate tax rate and
                                                                                                            net-worth individuals would         Sussman: In addition to the        Appropriations Act of 2021         lose the 199A deduction, as the    one-size-fits-all set of federal    and gift taxes?                      maximum individual tax rate,
Crain’s: What do you               and their clients may be             these forgiven loan funds will      all lose significant Tax Cuts       provision stating that expenses    overturned a previous IRS          president also has proposed,       international tax rules that                                             eliminating the preferential tax
expect will cause the              left scrambling to properly          be treated for tax purposes         and Jobs Act tax benefits under     paid with forgiven PPP loans       ruling and now clarifies that      the C Corporation still has the    do not seem to consider the         Bublé: The results of the            rate on long-term capital gains
biggest challenge                  navigate the complex maze            will vary by state. The first       Biden’s proposed tax plan.          are now deductible, the act        expenses paid with the proceeds    greater tax benefit. Choosing      practical impact to cross-border    Georgia Senate runoff election,      for taxpayers earning more
for accountants and                of the Cares Act and the             round of PPP funds was mostly       While it remains to be seen         includes the extension of the      of a PPP loan that is forgiven     a business structure for           small businesses. President         in many people’s opinion, make       than $1 million and reducing
their clients during the           Consolidated Appropriations          distributed in 2020 but typically   whether his administration will     $300 charitable deduction for      are deductible. This is a major    maximum tax benefit is highly      Biden’s tax proposals would         it more likely that there will be    the estate tax exemption to its
upcoming 2021 tax                  Act of 2021. Contained within        will be forgiven in 2021, which     be able to pass any significant     non-itemizers for 2021 (the        victory for taxpayers.             dependent on the individual        appear to modify or eliminate       substantial changes in estate        2009 level. It’s possible that
season?                            these two major pieces of            will add complications in           tax reform this year, it is wise    maximum increased to $600 for                                         situation and tax mitigation       some of these provisions,           and gift taxes. The lifetime         Congress could even pass a
                                   Covid-19 relief legislation          preparing financial statements      to assess which of your tax         married couples filing jointly);   Tobey: On the federal level,       goals of the business owner(s)     resulting in a potential increase   exemption might be decreased,        retroactive tax increase this
Jay Sussman: Tax                   are tax provisions affecting         and tax returns this year.          strategies could be affected.       a permanent reduction in the       we know that PPP funds             and should be carefully assessed   to the current tax burden on        the estate and gift tax rate might   year. If changes like these
deadlines are always a             all facets of individual and         We expect to see additional         For example, tax deferral           medical expense deduction          will not be treated as taxable     and reviewed with a CPA who        the U.S. cross-border small         be increased, and the step up in     occur, taxpayers should be
headache, but they may be          corporate tax credits and            recovery legislation in 2021,       strategies this year could be       floor, which allows individuals    income, nor will forgiven          specializes in corporate tax       business community. Without         basis rules could be repealed.       prepared to work with their
even worse this year. At the       deductions.                          which will add complexities         largely obsolete if the tax rates   to deduct unreimbursed             PPP funds be considered a          matters.                           any targeted carve-outs or          We believe that uncertainty will     accountant to reevaluate
start of the pandemic in early                                          for accountants and clients         increase in 2022. Businesses        medical expenses exceeding         cancellation of debt. We also                                         revisions to these rules for such   likely affect the decisions that     all tax-planning strategies
2020, most clients already         Robert L. Tobey: The                 alike. Finally, dealing with the    may want to consider delaying       7.5% of adjusted gross income      now know that expenses             Bublé: As a result of the Tax      businesses as part of any future    clients make with respect to         and adjust as necessary to
had filed their business tax       intersection of PPP loans            IRS and other tax authorities       major deductible expenses           instead of 10%; permission         paid with forgiven PPP funds       Cuts and Jobs Act and the Cares    tax reform, the U.S. tax burden     planning. The approach at the        help mitigate additional tax
returns or extensions on           and business taxes will be a         to resolve issues will continue     into future years if the tax        for taxpayers to roll over         are fully deductible on the        Act, business owners have a        will likely rise. This includes     outset, however, should still be     implications.
March 15, and the IRS moved        challenge for many borrowers         to be challenging during the        rate is expected to increase        unused amounts in their health     borrower’s federal tax return.     number of items to consider
quickly to extend the April        and their CPAs this year.            pandemic. Getting amended           under the new administration.       and dependent care flexible        What we do not know is how         when determining the most                                “WHILE WE DON’T KNOW EXACTLY WHAT PRESIDENT
15 filing deadline to give         The IRS saved us one major           returns to claim refunds            Biden’s plan also calls for the     spending arrangements from         individual states will treat the   advantageous way to structure
accountants and taxpayers          headache by ruling that              from the carryback of net           phaseout of the Section 199A        2020 to 2021 and from 2021         loan funds for tax purposes,       a new business venture. The                              BIDEN WILL DO WITH THE CURRENT TAX LAW, HIS
more time to gather data and       expenses paid for with forgiven      operating losses also has been      deduction for taxpayers earning     to 2022; and the temporary         which will be a major source       Tax Cuts and Jobs Act resulted                           PROPOSED TAX CHANGES INCLUDE RAISING THE
file returns. This year, without   PPP funds will be deductible.        discouraging for taxpayers and      more than $400,000, which           allowance of 100% business         of concern and uncertainty         in a decrease in corporate tax
the extension, accountants         But on the state level, how          practitioners.                      will affect many pass-through       expense deduction for food         this tax season. Nonprofits        rates from a maximum rate                                CORPORATE TAX RATE AND MAXIMUM INDIVIDUAL
                                                                                                            shareholders’ tax planning          or beverages provided by           and businesses alike should        of 35% to a flat rate of 21%.                            TAX RATE.” — JAY SUSSMAN
                                                                                                            strategies.                         a restaurant. Each of these        also ensure that expenses          The issue of double taxation
                                                                                                                                                provisions can yield favorable     paid with forgiven PPP funds       on distributions, however,
                                                                                                            Sussman: President Biden            tax outcomes for taxpayers and     are not also reimbursable by       continues to have a major
                                                                                                            has proposed a number of            should not be overlooked in tax    other federal grant dollars,       effect on shareholders, since                                                                                Advisory | Tax | Audit
                                                                                                            significant tax policy changes      planning.                          which would trigger a double-      the dividend rate is generally
                                                                                                            for individuals, corporations                                          dipping event.                     20%, plus an additional net
                                                                                                            and estates, and with               Crain’s: What tax                                                     investment income tax at a
                                                                                                            Democrats now in control of         incentives should                  Crain’s: For people                rate of 3.8%. Companies that
                                                                                                            Congress, it is more likely that    employers keep in mind             looking to start a new             will not distribute out profits,
                                                                                                            some of these proposals will
                                                                                                            become law. If so, the timing
                                                                                                                                                when planning their
                                                                                                                                                2021 workforce?
                                                                                                                                                                                   business this year,
                                                                                                                                                                                   are there any new or
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      however, may benefit by this
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      reduced rate.                                             Confidence delivered
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               with every tax solution.
                               » YEAR-ROUND                                                                 of these changes will have the                                         imminent issues they
                               STRATEGIES TO MAKE                                                           biggest impact on tax-planning      Tobey: The employee                should consider when               Regarding pass-through
                               THE TAX LAWS WORK                                                            strategies. If, for example,        retention tax credit is a huge     choosing an entity                 entities, the Qualified Business
                               FOR YOU.                                     CITRINCOOPERMAN.COM             increased tax rates and limited     factor to keep in mind when        structure?                         Income deduction allows
                                                                                                            deductions for individuals          deciding to retain, furlough or                                       certain business owners to                    Grassi tax planning, compliance and controversy services
                                                                                                            earning more than $400,000 a        terminate any employees. The       Sussman: Business owners           deduct up to 20% of income
                                                                                                                                                                                   in the process of deciding         taxed at the individual level.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    provide the certainty you need to take advantage of all
                                                                                                            year were to take effect in 2022,   new stimulus package allows
                                                                                                            then 2021 income-tax planning       for a credit of up to $14,000      what entity structure to use       For example, an individual                    available tax savings and minimize your tax risk.
                                                                                                            would take this into account.       per employee for qualifying        should pay close attention to      taxed at a 37% marginal tax
                                          Citrin Cooperman advises closely-held and public
                                          companies, both domestic and internationally-                     The same is true for estate         wages paid from Jan. 1 to June     any upcoming tax law changes       rate will have an effective tax
                                          based, on their tax strategies. Our tax                           planning—in anticipation of         30 of this year. Because this      introduced by President Biden.     rate of 29.6% with the QBI
                                          professionals work with their clients to tailor a                 future reductions to the lifetime   is an immediate credit, it can     In 2017, when the Tax Cuts and     deduction. Although this
                                          plan that strategically minimizes tax obligations,                estate and gift tax exemption,      potentially turn 70% of up to      Jobs Act reduced the corporate     rate is higher than the 21%
                                          allowing business owners to focus on what                         individuals may seek to finalize    $10,000 of eligible wages paid     tax rate to a historically low     corporate rate, the issue of
                                          counts: improving their bottom line.
                                                                                                            their estate-planning strategies    per employee per quarter into a    21%, the corporate structure       double taxation is minimized.
                                                                                                            now under the current law to        significant source of cash flow.   became an appealing choice         In addition, the Biden
                                                                                                            maximize their tax benefit.                                            for businesses. Some of the        administration has said the
                                                                                                                                                Joe Bublé: It should be            tax law changes proposed by        corporate tax rate may increase
                                                                                                            Crain’s: The                        noted that the Employee            Biden, such as increasing the      to 28%, along with other                   Jeffrey G. Cohen, CPA
                                                                 Joe Bublé, Partner                         Consolidated                        Retention Tax Credit applies       corporate tax rate and the tax     additional rate increases at the           Partner, Tax Services Leader
                                  | 646.695.7876                          Appropriations Act of               to eligible employers whose        rate on qualified dividends for    individual level.                          516.336.2475 |
                                                                                                            2021, nearly 6,000 pages            business operations were           taxpayers earning more than                                         
                                                                                                            long, contains a number             fully or partially suspended       $1 million, could change the       Crain’s: With the Georgia
                                                                                                            of tax provisions that              because of Covid-related issues.   analysis and make the corporate    Senate runoff election
THE TAX LANDSCAPE FOR 2021 - W ith President Joe Biden beginning his rst term - Crain's New York Business
S4 January 25, 2021                                                             SPONSORED CONTENT

                                                                                                                    Tobey: Having employees              resident status and applicable
                           “ WE EXPECT TO SEE ADDITIONAL RECOVERY                                                   work remotely from another           filing requirements for 2020.
                                                                                                                    state is a situation that can have
                           LEGISLATION IN 2021, WHICH WILL ADD                                                      unintended consequences.             Tobey: If a taxpayer lived in
                           COMPLEXITIES FOR ACCOUNTANTS AND CLIENTS                                                 Generally, states impose entity-     New York City for fewer than
                                                                                                                    level taxes based on the extent      184 days last year, he or she
                           ALIKE.” —ROBERT L. TOBEY                                                                 of the entity’s connection with      may not be obligated to pay
                                                                                                                    a state (that is, the nexus).        2020 New York City resident
                                                                                                                    Employees working from               income taxes. A sudden stop in
Tobey: President Biden’s win        offset this spending. Until the        tax, and each state and local            home in a state in which the         these tax payments, however,
and the unexpected Democratic       Democrats introduce income             jurisdiction has its own rules           business formerly did not            could trigger a residency audit,
sweep in the Georgia special        legislation, we don’t know             regarding this situation. The            have a nexus could create            which the city is known for
election may not bode well for      which reduction or deferral            good news for New York                   that connection. This would          aggressively pursuing. This is a
the longevity of some aspects       strategies to employ. My               businesses is that several nearby        expose the entity to state           particularly complicated matter
of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act        viewpoint: Carry on and be             states, including New Jersey             income, franchise, sales tax         for taxpayers who move out
of 2017. Nevertheless, I believe    ready to pivot if necessary.           and Pennsylvania, have issued            and perhaps business license         of the city but still live in New
it will be difficult for Biden to                                          guidance providing temporary             taxes. Also, it may expose the       York state, since the taxpayer,
enact any major tax reform early    Crain’s: What is the                   relief from these statutory nexus        employee to additional state         job and family are already
in his presidency. The number       effect of state and local              thresholds while employees work          income-tax withholding, and          domiciled to the state.
of moderate Democrats in            taxes on businesses                    from home because of Covid-19.           the potential of double taxation
Congress makes this unlikely        having employees                       So if employees are working              on their wages. Congress             If a taxpayer is going to claim a
until at least after the midterm    telecommuting                          from home in New Jersey solely           proposed, but did not pass,          change in domicile status, it is
2022 elections (this is, 2023).     throughout the U.S.,                   as a result of a shutdown or an          legislation to address the state     critical that he or she compiles
Taxation of corporations and        either temporarily                     employer’s social-distancing             income-tax implications of           documentation that supports
those who are perceived as the      during the pandemic or                 efforts, no sales- or income- tax        interstate telecommuting. I          that claim, in the event of an
wealthy, however, are often         permanently after the                  thresholds will be considered            expect to see this legislation       audit. Documentation should
some of the first targets when      pandemic or both?                      to have been met. If the work-           reintroduced this year. Another      include the obvious records,
the federal government looks                                               from-home practice continues             consideration are the cross-         such as address changes on the
to increase revenue. Because of     Sussman: Businesses should             post-pandemic, businesses will           border tax implications of U.S.      driver’s license, utility bills and
the pandemic, the federal deficit   be aware that having employees         need to ensure familiarity and           employees being marooned             voter registration, as well
and debt are quickly growing. At    working remotely from a                compliance with all state and            outside of the U.S. as well as       as those that indicate a lifestyle
some point, additional federal      different state may create the         local sales- and income-tax              non-U.S. employees being             change, such as membership
revenue will be necessary to        nexus for income and sales             thresholds.                              marooned in the U.S. Keep            in local clubs, community
                                                                                                                    a close watch on how this            involvement and contributions
                                                                                                                    situation evolves.                   to charities outside New
                                                                                                                                                         York City.
                                                                                                                    Crain’s: Many
                                                                                                                    individuals left their               Bublé: Historically, New
                                                                                                                    primary residences in                York has devoted significant
                                                                                                                    New York City in the                 resources to auditing taxpayers
                                                                                                                    pandemic, an action                  claiming a change in domicile,
                                                                                                                    that can have tax                    while other states, New Jersey
                                                                                                                    implications. What                   among them, have devoted few
                                                                                                                    should taxpayers                     resources. New York’s vigorous
                                                                                                                    be aware of as they                  enforcement efforts will likely
                                                                                                                    prepare to file in 2021?             continue if not increase. At this
                                                                                                                                                         time it is unclear whether a state
                                                     •                                                              Sussman: If an individual’s          such as New Jersey can and
                                                                                                                    primary residence was in New         will increase its audit activity
                                                                                                                    York City before Covid-19,           on this issue. Regardless,
                                                     •                                                              it is likely that the individual     taxpayers should take the time
                                                                                                                    will still be considered a           to understand fully the laws
                                                     •                                                              New York City resident for           and requirements related to
                                                     •                                                              tax purposes in 2020. New            changing a domicile, and they
                                                                                                                    York City requires residents         should carefully maintain
                                                     •                                                              to pay income taxes on their         detailed documentation
                                                                                                                    income regardless of where the       supporting their claim. If a
                                                                                                                    income was actually earned. If,      state decides to audit a taxpayer
                                                                                                                    however, that individual moved       claiming a change in domicile
                                                                                                                    to another residence in a            in 2020, the notification of
                                                                                                                    different state during Covid-19,     the audit may not be sent
                                                                                                                    such as a vacation home, there       until 2024. Therefore, it is
                                                                                                                    is the potential for dual-           important to create an audit
                                                                                                                    residency (and dual-taxation)        file contemporaneously as
                                                                      INSIGHTS AND EXPERTISE TO
                                                                                                                    issues to arise. If more than        opposed to years after the
                                                                 D R I V E Y O U R B U S I N E S S F O R W A R D.   183 days of 2020 were spent          change. As with all tax matters
                                                                SUCCESS IS PERSONAL                                 in a second home out of state,       in a fast-changing and complex
  ©2021 Marks Paneth LLP
                                                                                 M A R K S PA N E T H . C O M       consult with your tax adviser        environment, excellent record
                                                                                                                    regarding possible dual-             keeping is essential.
THE TAX LANDSCAPE FOR 2021 - W ith President Joe Biden beginning his rst term - Crain's New York Business THE TAX LANDSCAPE FOR 2021 - W ith President Joe Biden beginning his rst term - Crain's New York Business THE TAX LANDSCAPE FOR 2021 - W ith President Joe Biden beginning his rst term - Crain's New York Business THE TAX LANDSCAPE FOR 2021 - W ith President Joe Biden beginning his rst term - Crain's New York Business THE TAX LANDSCAPE FOR 2021 - W ith President Joe Biden beginning his rst term - Crain's New York Business THE TAX LANDSCAPE FOR 2021 - W ith President Joe Biden beginning his rst term - Crain's New York Business
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