Study of Polymerization Growth Uniformity in Polymer Gel Dosimeter

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Study of Polymerization Growth Uniformity in Polymer Gel Dosimeter
ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A                                                           No. 1    Vol. 139    (2021)

                         Study of Polymerization Growth
                       Uniformity in Polymer Gel Dosimeter

                               A. Medjakala and K. Mansoura,b,∗
       Laboratory of Electronic Materials Study and Their Medical Applications,
     University Brothers Mentouri — Constantine 1, Ain El Bey Road, 25000 Constantine, Algeria
       University Salah Boubenider — Constantine 3,
     University Town Ali Mendjeli, Constantine, Algeria

                                  Received: 28.09.2020 & Accepted: 27.11.2020

     Doi: 10.12693/APhysPolA.139.84                     e-mail:

     In this work, the spatial uniformity of the polymerization growth of the MAGIC gel in the case of
     an internal irradiation with iodine-131 was studied. A compartmental mathematical model taking into
     account the kinetics of polymerization of the MAGIC gel was developed and validated by experimen-
     tal measurements. In order to check the radioactivity homogeneity distribution in the samples, we
     performed their scintigraphy, while — in order to study the rate of polymerization — we measured
     the intensity of the MRI signal emitted by each of the samples. The wide dispersion in signal strength
     observed between different regions of the same sample indicates that the value of the relaxation time T2
     varies from one point to another. Scintigraphy and MRI images showed that a homogeneous distribution
     of 131 I activity does not necessarily imply isotropic polymerization. The phenomenon is probably due
     to the fact that iodine-131 emits beta particles with different energies and the length of polymers does
     not increase with the same speed for all the polymers in formation. On this basis, we have established
     a mathematical model which compartmentalizes different species of protons which participate in the
     modification of the MRI signal.
     topics: internal dosimetry, MAGIC gel, radio-induced polymerization, mathematical modelling

                 1. Introduction                              water. Radiosensitive gels are detectors capable
                                                              to restore the spatial distribution of the absorbed
   Internal radiation therapy allows a higher dose            dose [4]. The quantity of a polymer formed at dif-
of radiation in a smaller area than might be possi-           ferent locations depends on the amount of radiation
ble with external radiation treatment [1]. However,           received at the particular location.
few dosimetric data are available [2]. Different ap-             A new type of polymer gel dosimeters, which re-
proaches in radionuclide dosimetry depend on many             spond well to an absorbed dose, manufactured in
factors [3–5]. Between the need to document the               the presence of normal levels of oxygen, was de-
delivered irradiation and the possibility to optimize         scribed by Fong et al. [6] and referred to by the
the treatment, the development of clinical dosime-            acronym MAGIC (methacrylic and ascorbic acid in
try is contrasted. It is now possible to perform per-         gelatin initiated by copper). The response to an ab-
sonalized dosimetries, considering the pharmacoki-            sorbed dose can be evaluated using magnetic reso-
netics of radiopharmaceuticals and the morphology             nance imaging (MRI). The MRI signal is directly
of each patient. Knowledge of the absorbed dose               related to the density of protons. However, the in-
and determination of the dose-response relationship           tensity of this signal depends on the relaxation time
for critical organs and tumors are necessary to op-           which varies according to the environmental situa-
timize treatments. Dosimetric tools adapted to this           tion of the proton. The relaxation time of a proton
technique are also used because the particles have            belonging to a monomer will be different from that
a weak path in the body and conventional dosime-              of a proton belonging to a polymer. However, the
ters do not allow a three-dimensional reconstruction          uncertainty in the measured dose has two sources:
of the distribution of an absorbed dose.                      the uncertainty due to a calibration curve and the
   Polymer gel dosimetry is a technique used to ver-          uncertainty from the R2 map which is the most im-
ify radiation dose distribution delivered by cancer           portant [7].
radiotherapy. The polymerization consists of the                 High energy radiation interacts with organic mat-
addition of monomers and cross-linking of polymer             ter by various physical and chemical mechanisms
chains induced by free radicals from radiolysis of            resulting in the formation of short-lived excited

Study of Polymerization Growth Uniformity in Polymer Gel Dosimeter
Study of Polymerization Growth. . .

species and of chemical entities, such as thermal-            dishes. Each of them contains 20% of the added ac-
ized electrons and neutral or ionic free radicals             tivity. Moreover, we made sure that the Petri dishes
exhibiting longer life times, allowing them to un-            were completely filled to prevent residual air from
dergo bimolecular reactions with various molecular            reducing polymerization and causing spontaneous
compounds by translational diffusion [8].                     polymerization stripes.
   The aim of this paper is to study the spatial                 To check the homogeneity of the radioactivity dis-
uniformity of the polymerization growth of the                tribution in the gel, scintigraphic images of the Petri
MAGIC gel in the case of an internal irradiation by           dishes containing the samples were made 1 and 3 h
iodine-131. A compartmental mathematical model                after the preparation of the iodine-131-MAGIC gel.
taking into account the kinetics of polymerization            The scintigraphic images were made by a GE Dis-
of the MAGIC gel is discussed in Sect. 2 and the ex-          covery NM/CT670 scanner.
perimental results which allowed us to validate this             In order to analyze the spatial uniformity of poly-
mathematical model are examined in Sect. 3.                   merization growth in the MAGIC gel dosimeter, two
                                                              MRI acquisitions were taken 72 and 120 h after the
           2. Material and methods                            preparation of the gel samples. To achieve the ther-
                                                              mal balance and a uniform result, the Petri dishes
                                                              were placed in the treatment room 12 h before the
            2.1. Preparation of samples                       images were made. Measurements were realised on
  The MAGIC gel was prepared according to the                 a GE model 1.5 Tesla MRI imager with a head an-
protocol established by Fong et al. [6]. This protocol        tenna. The spin echo method was used with the
can be schematized in the following steps:                    following parameters: the TE (time echo) of 20 ms,
                                                              the repetition time of 2000 ms and the matrix size
   1. Deionised water in the amount of 700 ml                 of 256 × 256.
      (water for HPLC BIOCHEM Chemopharma)
      is poured into a beaker under constant agi-                         2.2. Mathematical modelling
      tation to which 80 g of gelatine (BIOCHEM                  The polymerization initiated by ionizing radia-
      Chemopharma) are added.                                 tion occurs through the mechanism of the radiolysis
   2. The mixture is heated to 50◦C.                          of water, thus free radicals [9]. The general poly-
   3. At 50◦C, 2 g of hydroquinone (BIOCHEM                   merization process can be broken down into four
      Chemopharma) diluted in 48 ml of deionized              steps: the formation of free radicals, the initiation,
      water are added.                                        the propagation and the termination [10]. Several
                                                              advantages can be found in the particularities of
   4. The solution is air-cooled at 38◦C, then 0.35 g         a radiation-initiated polymerization which benefit
      of ascorbic acid (BIOCHEM Chemopharma)                  the processing efficiency or produce final materials
      diluted in 50 ml of deionized water and 0.02 g          with unique properties [11].
      of copper sulfate (SIGMA-ALDRICH) diluted                  The chain initiation can take place as soon as
      in 30 ml of deionized water are added.                  the properly selected initiator starts to decompose
   5. The new mixture is shaken for 3 min.                    into free radicals. The initiation is completed when
   6. Methacrylic acid (BIOCHEM Chemopharma)                  the initiator radical has been added to the first
      with a concentration of 9% is added to the gel          monomer unit, M , to produce the chain initiating
      which is shaken for 3 min to make it homoge-            species M1• . From a kinetic standpoint, the rate of
      neous.                                                  initiation Ri is controlled by the initiator decompo-
                                                              sition. Though directly related to the decomposi-
The obtained gel is poured into 10 bottles with               tion rate of the initiator Rd , the effective initiation
screw caps and each bottle contains 90 ml of this             rate Ri depends on the efficiency factor which takes
gel. These vials were vortex-loaded for 2 min and             into account the fraction of generated free radicals
then refrigerated at 4◦C, 18 h before adding iodine-          that effectively add to the monomer for producing
131. In order to verify the density homogeneity of            M1• — the chain initiating species [12].
the gel, we checked each of the samples by computed              The propagation consists of the iterative growth
tomography and measured the dispersion of the CT              of the initiating radical M1• that forms, after enough
numbers values. The dispersion of the measured CT             additions, a macro radical. By comparing the ef-
numbers varies between 2 and 4% which confirms                fects of substituents on the stability of the free
the homogeneity of the samples. The tomodensit-               radical, higher propagation rate constants are ob-
ometric images were carried out using a General               served for less stabilized active centers. However,
Electric CT Optima 660 (128 slices — 2015).                   for achieving the formation of chains with a high de-
   To manufacture the amounts of radioactivity                gree of polymerization, the reactivity of free radicals
to be added to the gel samples, the contents of               must be mainly directed towards propagation, lim-
a 4.0 GBq capsule are diluted in 80 ml of deion-              iting competing reactions of a charge transfer [13].
ized water and activities of 200 to 600 MBq with              The radiolysis is the radiation-induced dissociation
a 50 MBq step have been formed. The mixture is                of water molecules in several highly reactive radicals
stirred during 3 min and then poured into five Petri          and ions [14].

Study of Polymerization Growth Uniformity in Polymer Gel Dosimeter
A. Medjakal et al.

                                                                Moreover, the protons in each of the compart-
                                                              ments will contribute to the MRI signal in pro-
                                                              portion to their densities. Therefore, this signal
                                                              will consist of the signals emitted respectively by
                                                              the protons of the water (iwater ), the protons of
                                                              the gelatine (ig ) and those of the two compart-
                                                              ments. For a control sample (unirradiated gel), the
                                                              MRI signal intensity is the sum of the signals emit-
                                                              ted by the water protons, the gelatin protons and
                                                              the monomer protons P1 (0) (the initial number of
                                                              monomer protons). Then, the MRI signal intensity
                                                              for this sample is given by
                                                                  i0 = P1 (0) m0 e−R20 TE + iwater + ig .      (5)
  Fig. 1. (a) Schematization of a polymerization              The number of protons of compartment 1 (protons
  process, (b) proposed bicompartmental model.                of the monomers) is denoted by P1 (t) and P2 (t) is
                                                              the number of protons of compartment 2 (protons
                                                              of the polymers: growing or formed) with a proba-
   All steps can be described by mathematical equa-           bility of transfer per unit of time p1 (t) proportional
tions. It is important to note that all speeds are            to the absorbed dose rate Ḋ(t). Thus,
time-dependent because the dose rate is also time-
dependent. Thus, the rate of initiation of chain rad-            p1 (t) = k1 Ḋ(t)                               (6)
icals Ri (t) may be written as                                and it is equivalent to the polymerization initiation
               d [M • ]                                       probability.
    Ri (t) =                = 2f kd [I(t)] ,       (1)
                  dt      i
                                                                The dose rate Ḋ(t) in the case of internal irradi-
where [M • ] represents the total concentration of all        ation is given by [15]:
chain radicals irrespective of size and [I(t)] is the                      CX
                                                                  Ḋ (t) =    a(t)                              (7)
initiator concentration at time t. The rate constant                       m
kd is the rate for its decomposition into two radi-           with
cals R• per molecule and f represents the fraction
                                                                  CX = k      ni Ei φi ,                        (8)
of these primary radicals initiating the chains.                           i
   Furthermore, the rate of chain termination Rt
                                                              where a(t) is the activity [MBq], ni is the number
may be written as
                                                              of radiations having an energy Ei [MeV] emitted by
                  d [M • ]
                                            2                 the nuclear transition of the radioelement X, φi is
    Rt (t) = −                  = 2kt [M • ] .     (2)
                     dt      t                                the fraction of emitted energy absorbed by the tar-
When Ri (t) = Rt (t), the steady-state concentration          get, m is the mass of the target [kg] and k is a con-
of chain radicals can be expressed by                         stant [Gy kg/(MBq s MeV)].
        •        kd                                              Then, the absorbed dose at the time t after the
    [M ] = f         [I(t)],                       (3)        sample preparation is
while the rate of propagation is then                                     CX a (0)            
                      r                                           D (t) =            1 − e−λp t ,               (9)
                           kd                                              m λp
    Rp (t) = kp [M ] f         [I(t)].             (4)
                           kt                                 where λp = 0.693/Tp and Tp ≈ 8 days is the physi-
Note that Rp (t) also represents the rate of polymer-         cal period of iodine-131.
ization.                                                        The model depicted in Fig. 1 can be accordingly
   In the ionizing radiations case, the factor f rep-         described
resents the quantum yield for the chain initiation                dP1 (t)     dP2 (t)
(the number of pairs of chain radicals generated per                      =−           = −k1 ḊP1 (t) ,    (10)
                                                                    dt           dt
quantum absorbed).                                            then
   To establish a description of the variations in the            (
proton densities of different species contributing to               P1 (t) = P1 (0) e−k1 Ḋt             (11)
the formation of the MRI signal, we have classi-                    P2 (t) = P1 (0) 1 − e−k1 Ḋt .
fied them in two categories: (i) the category of mo-
                                                              At the time τ and the gel having received a dose
bile protons (water and monomers protons) and (ii)
                                                              D (τ ), the relaxation rate increases and is given by
the category of gelatin and polymer protons. Our
model is constituted by two compartments: com-                                      CX a (0)
                                                                                               1 − e−λp τ =
                                                                 R2 (τ ) = R20 + α
partment 1 is formed by monomer protons and com-                                     m λp
partment 2 — by protons of growing or already
formed polymers (see Fig. 1). The rest of the pro-                 R20 + αγ(τ ),                                (12)
tons contribute to the formation of the signal but            where α determines the change in the rate per unit
do not modify it.                                             dose.

Study of Polymerization Growth Uniformity in Polymer Gel Dosimeter
Study of Polymerization Growth. . .

  Then, the MRI signal intensity becomes
   i(τ ) = P1 (τ ) m0 e−R20 TE

       +P2 (τ ) m0 e−(R20 +αγ(τ ))TE .                 (13)
For the MAGIC–iodine-131 gel, the signal intensity
at the time τ is given by
    i1 (τ ) = ζmono (τ ) + ζpoly (τ ) + iwater + ig , (14)
     ζmono (τ ) = P1 (0) m0 e−k1 γ(τ ) e−R20 TE ,
                                1− e−k1 γ(τ )  −R20 TE
     ζpoly (τ ) = P1 (0) m0  exp αγ(τ )TE
                                               e        .

In order to simplify the above expressions, one cal-                 Fig. 3. Mean MRI signal intensity (arbitrary unit)
culates                                                              versus the activity a(0) deposited in samples
    i0 − i1 (τ )              
                                      −k1 δ(τ )
                                                                     (average ±σ).
                 = P 1 (0) m0   1 − e
     e−R20 TE             
      × 1 − e−TE α δ(τ ) .                            (16)
This result means that the number of polymers
for each length will depend on the same parame-
ters and the average of the proton relaxation rate
R2 = R20 + αD will change over time.

                      3. Results

   In order to check the radioactivity homogeneity
distribution in the samples, we have scanned them                    Fig. 4. Intensity MRI signal (arbitrary units) of
by scintigraphy. If aj is the activity contained in the              four samples having received the same activity
sample j and ij is the intensity of the scintigraphic                (80 MBq).
signal emitted by this sample, then the signal in-
tensity and activity are linked by a linear relation
    ij = αaj + β,                                  (17)
where α and β are two constants determined by the
least squares method. The correlation coefficient
is denoted by r and β represents the background
noise. Curves presented in Fig. 2 give variations of
the mean signal intensity measured by scintigraphy
versus the activity of iodine-131 deposited in the
MAGIC gel samples.
                                                                     Fig. 5. NM (a) and MR (b) images of the same

                                                                      Furthermore, in order to study the rate of poly-
                                                                   merization, we measured the intensity of the MRI
                                                                   signal emitted by each of the samples. We therefore
                                                                   considered the signal emitted by an axial section of
                                                                   the sample and studied the statistical dispersion of
                                                                   the signal between pixels. For each activity, five
                                                                   measures were taken. Curves in Fig. 3 give the av-
                                                                   erage values, with the standard deviations of signal
                                                                   intensities measured for each activity (see Fig. 4).
                                                                      The wide dispersion in signal strength observed
                                                                   between different regions of the same sample shows
  Fig. 2. Mean scintigraphic signal intensity (arbi-               that this sample does not emit a homogeneous sig-
  trary unit) versus the activity a deposited in the               nal. This also means that the value of the relaxation
  sample (average ±σ). HAPG = hour after prepa-                    time T2 varies from one point to another. There-
  ration of the gel. 1 HAPG: i (a) = 5.50a +                       fore, we manually segmented the different MR im-
  38.94, r2 = 0.972; 3 HAPG: i (a) = 4.99a + 35.89,                ages by using a multilevel thresholding image seg-
  r2 = 0.962.                                                      mentation [16] (see Fig. 5b).

Study of Polymerization Growth Uniformity in Polymer Gel Dosimeter
A. Medjakal et al.

                                                                                 4. Discussion

                                                                 Dosimetry studies are generally difficult to per-
                                                              form in vectorized internal radiotherapy. By mea-
                                                              suring the variations of the MRI signal of the ir-
                                                              radiated gels [17], we studied the homogeneity of
                                                              the radio-induced polymerization. Scintigraphy and
                                                              MRI images showed that a homogeneous distri-
                                                              bution of 131I activity does not necessarily imply
                                                              isotropic polymerization. Indeed, Fig. 3b shows
                                                              that the polymerization seems not to be isotropic
                                                              despite a homogeneous distribution of radioactivity
                                                              (Fig. 5a). This phenomenon is probably linked to
                                                              the fact that iodine-131 emits beta particles with
                                                              different energies and the length of the polymers
  Fig. 6. Variations of the MRI signal intensity ver-
  sus the deposited activity. Dashed line: 550(1 −
                                                              does not increase with the same speed for all the
           −3                −3                               polymers in formation. Moreover, this result can
  e−3.28×10 a )(1 − e−1.90×10 a ). Solid line: 550(1 −
           −4                 −3                              be explained by the fact that the conversion curves
  e−1.24×10 a )(1 − e−2.14×10 a ) (experimental val-          of methacrylic acid are linear and the resulting
  ues and fitted curves from (10)).                           polymer does not appear to have a stereoregular
                                                                 The functioning of any polymer gel system is the
                                                              radiation-induced polymerization of the monomer
                                                              species present in the gel. Traditionally, radiation
                                                              induces polymerization of a monomer and a cross
                                                              linker. In single monomer systems, several fac-
                                                              tors affect the rate of polymerization or the rate
                                                              of monomer consumption. The observed heteroge-
                                                              neous polymer structure can be attributed to a pos-
                                                              sible increase in the termination directly related to
  Fig. 7. MR images of the same sample segmented              the initial monomer concentration.
  by using multilevel thresholding. (a) Without ac-
  tivity, (b) 72 HAPG, and (c) 120 HAPG.
                                                                 However, these first results suggest that addi-
                                                              tional measurements must be carried out in order
                                                              to study with precision the polymerization process
                                                              and its influence on the MRI signal of the MAGIC
                                                              gel dosimeter.
                                                                 The values of the calculated standard deviations
                                                              (Fig. 3) show a large dispersion of the signal inten-
                                                              sities on the same sample. This dispersion is due
                                                              to the fact that the irradiation is carried out con-
                                                              tinuously with a decreasing dose rate. As a result,
                                                              the polymerization cannot evolve in the same way
                                                              at all points of the sample.
                                                                 Images in Fig. 5 were made on the same sam-
                                                              ple, before the introduction of radioactivity (con-
                                                              trol sample), 72 h and 120 h, respectively, after the
                                                              introduction of iodine-131. These images were seg-
                                                              mented manually to highlight that two distinct ar-
                                                              eas give different intensities of the MRI signal. Also,
                                                              despite a uniform distribution of radioactivity in the
  Fig. 8. MR images segmented by using multi-                 sample (verified by scintigraphic images), the poly-
  level thresholding obtained for different deposited         merization does not appear to have constant kinet-
  activities.                                                 ics in the sample. This result is in agreement with
                                                              our hypotheses made to build the proposed math-
   In order to validate the proposed mathemati-               ematical model (Fig. 1). Furthermore, the image
cal model, the experimental values were fitted us-            in Fig. 5 shows that the polymer compartment con-
ing (10) (see Fig. 6). Furthermore, the MR images             tains several sub-compartments emitting signals of
of samples were segmented into two classes by using           different intensities which justifies the hypothesis
a multilevel thresholding image segmentation [16]             according to which, at a given instant t, the length
(see Figs. 7 and 8).                                          of the polymers is not the same.

Study of Polymerization Growth Uniformity in Polymer Gel Dosimeter
Study of Polymerization Growth. . .

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merization in order to take them into account in the
   Finally, the obtained results can serve as a basis
for the development of a new approach in the deter-
mination of the absorbed dose from the calibration

Study of Polymerization Growth Uniformity in Polymer Gel Dosimeter Study of Polymerization Growth Uniformity in Polymer Gel Dosimeter
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