Rappresentazioni urbane - Roma Tre

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Rappresentazioni urbane - Roma Tre
settembre_dicembre 2013
numero tre
anno uno
                          Rappresentazioni urbane
                          Urban Representations
                          • Simone Tulumello &
                          Giacomo Ferro |
                          • Paola Briata |
                          • Maria Michou |
                          • Giansandro Merli &
                          Monia Cappuccini |
                                                                      a cura di ETICity
                                                         • Cristina Gorzanelli, Gail Ramster,
                                                         Alan Outten & Dan Lockton |
                                                         • Aslıhan Senel |
                                                         • Giuliana Visco &
                                                         Alioscia Castronovo |
                                                         • Claudia Bernardi |
URBANISTICA         tre   • Ifigeneia Kokkali |          • Maria Luisa Giordano |
giornale on-line di       • Maria Elena Buslacchi |                1
                                                         • Irene Dorigotti |
                          • Petra Potz & Ariane Sept |   • TooA |
1973-9702                 • Lidia K.C. Manzo |           • Oginoknauss |
giornale on-line di
journal of urban
design and planning
ISSN: 1973-9702

Direttore responsabile
Giorgio Piccinato

Comitato scientifico
Thomas Angotti, City University of New York
Orion Nel·lo Colom, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Carlo Donolo, Università La Sapienza
Valter Fabietti, Università di Chieti-Pescara
Max Welch Guerra, Bauhaus-Universität Weimer
Michael Hebbert, University College London
Daniel Modigliani, Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
Luiz Cesar de Queiroz Ribeiro, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Vieri Quilici, Università Roma Tre
Christian Topalov, Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales
Rui Manuel Trindade Braz Afonso, Universidade do Porto

Comitato di redazione
Viviana Andriola, Elisabetta Capelli,
Simone Ombuen, Anna Laura Palazzo,
Francesca Porcari, Valentina Signore,
Nicola Vazzoler.


ISSN 1973-9702

Progetto grafico e impaginazione
Nicola Vazzoler.

in copertina:
 “piezas” di Andrea Falco > vedi progetto CallforCover p.135

                          2                                             UrbanisticaTreiQuaderni#03
      settembre_dicembre 2013
      numero tre
      anno uno
      september_december 2013
      issue three
      year one

                                                           in questo numero
                                                                 in this issue

      Tema/Topic >
      Rappresentazioni urbane
      Urban Representations
      a cura di ETICity_p. 05

                                      Simone Tulumello & Giacomo Ferro_p. 13
        Le volatili rappresentazioni di piazza Martim Moniz a Lisbona
              The fleeting representations of a square: Martim Moniz, Lisbon
                                                         Paola Briata_p. 21
                                        Acquired for development by...
               le giovani generazioni e la rigenerazione di East London
                                             Acquired for development by…
                                      The Young Generation and East London
                                                     Maria Michou_p. 29
      Athens streetside arcades: silent gestures of minor occupation
                                      Giansandro Merli & Monia Cappuccini_p. 37
                          Atene tra crisi economica, narrazioni urbane e
                                                           discorso razzista
                 Urban narratives and racist propaganda in the city of Athens
                                                       Ifigeneia Kokkali_p. 43
                         City representations and the selective visibility
                                                of the (ethnic) ‘Others’.
                        A short note on the fervent ‘diversity’ in Europe
                                                  Maria Elena Buslacchi_p. 49
                 La moltiplicazione degli Off. Rappresentazioni urbane
                                 in una Capitale Europea della Cultura
                                                           Off Multiplying.
                     Urban representations in an European Capital of Culture
                                              Petra Potz & Ariane Sept_p. 57
       Cittaslow-Germany: dove i piccoli centri urbani si rappresentano
                 Cittaslow-Germany: where small cities represent themselves
                                                  Lidia K.C. Manzo_p. 65
                                   MILANO MONTECITY. La città sospesa
                                    MILANO MONTECITY. The suspended city

Cristina Gorzanelli, Gail Ramster, Alan Outten & Dan Lockton_p. 75
                Cittadini e nuovi media per un’intelligenza creativa
                        Citizens and new medias for a creative intelligence
                                                  Aslıhan Şenel_p. 85
                                        Mapping as Performance:
       An Alternative to Authoritative Representations of Istanbul
                                       Giuliana Visco & Alioscia Castronovo_p. 95
                                        Trasformazioni metropolitane
                               ed educazione popolare a Buenos Aires
    Metropolitan transformation and “popular education” in Buenos Aires
                                                    Claudia Bernardi _p. 103
                                                   Temporalità urbane.
                                  Politiche del controllo e reti migranti
            Urban temporalities. Politics of control and migrant networks
                                                    Maria Luisa Giordano_p. 111
                                                       Who’s maps?
                 Interrogating authorship in collective map-making

    Contributi visuali/Videos >
                                                 Irene Dorigotti_p. 118
                            Kigali or building a symptomatic city.
         Young’s Imaginary and Crea(c)tivity in Rwanda after 1994
                                                                TooA_p. 120
                                         42 - storie di un edificio mondo
                                             42 - tales from a global building
                                              Oginoknauss_p. 122
                         ДОМ НОВОГО БЫТА - DOM NOVOGO BYTA

    Apparati/Others >

                                                    Profilo autori/Authors bio
                                                                          p. 126
                                                      Parole chiave/Keywords
                                                                          p. 131
                                                                          p. 135

4                                          UrbanisticaTreiQuaderni#03
City representations
                                                                                    @ Ifigeneia Kokkali |

and the selective
visibility of the
(ethnic) ‘Others’.
A short note on the
fervent ‘diversity
discourse’ in Europe
                                                                                    # Diversity |
                                                                                    # Visibility of ‘Otherness’ |
                                                                                    # City-representations |

Praising ethnocultural diversity of cities is a discourse that has acquired in-
creasing importance in urban research and policy. In this latter, it has had
such an echo that city leaders often find themselves chasing the ‘diversity ad-
vantage’ of their cities, which struggle to become multi-ethnic, pluricultural,
‘open to difference’ and so on. The object of this short article is to stress the
selectivity with which diversity becomes visible in the cityspace. In seeking to
capitalise on the diversity, cosmopolitanism, multiculturalism (and so forth)
of their cities, city-governments shape and promote specific city images; they
thus construct and/or re-invent city identities and city representations for all
kinds of city users.

The interest of scholars for the cultural diversity of urban dwellers is not new.
Already in the 1960s, American activist Jane Jacobs viewed diversity as the
key factor of a city’s success. More recently, however, the “creative capital”
thesis (Florida 2002) made diversity central to discourses on city growth.
Florida suggests that diversity is essential to the economic success of a city,
because it can contribute to the development of the “creative” sector, namely
services and knowledge industry in the health sector, cultural production,
economics, finance, law, journalism, R&D. The “creative class”, which is a
segment of the population highly educated and well-paid, supposed to be

Ifigeneia Kokkali > Rappresentazioni urbane >
City representations and the selective visibility of the (ethnic) ‘Others’    43
attracted by cities with a widely diverse population, would be the main drive
of the knowledge-based urban economy.

    Despite the severe criticism this thesis has often received, the question
of the (positive) correlation of diversity to economic growth of cities has
undoubtedly inspired much of the recent literature in the field of urban
studies and geography. Based on a limited account of studies that treat this
topic (see for instance, Ottaviano & Peri 2004; Damelang et al. 2007), I am
not able to maintain a general assumption admitting that ethnocultural
diversity is a factor of growth for cities, and for European cities in particular.
I think that the state of research on this subject seems to evoke strong
contextuality. Some cities benefit from diversity while others not, and it is
not always possible to identify any direct correlations between diversity and
city growth. Even more importantly, whenever there exist benefits, they
concern some very specific segments of the urban dwellers, even if these
benefits can be potentially spread to other groups.

    Still, treating the correlation of diversity to city-growth is a growing
trend in academic research, a fact that has also had considerable impact
on decision-making at the local level. Ethno-cultural diversity is often
launched as de facto factor for development or enrichment for cities and it is
seriously promoted as such to European policymakers and city governments
(see the ‘Intercultural Cities’ programme at http://www.coe.int/t/dg4/

     It is understandable that the popularity of this topic is certainly related to
the new challenges urban Europe has to cope with. Namely, the demographic
changes due to population flows within and towards the old continent. Given
that these flows are mainly intended for cities, immigration and, in turn,
the ethnocultural, religious and other diversification of the population are
phenomena that concern in particular cities and urban dwellers. It is then
safe to say that, either we like it or not, diversity is here to stay. And, it has
thus to be taken into account and dealt with at all levels: symbolic, political,
social, economic. Initiatives such as the aforementioned “Intercultural
Cities” programme definitely contribute towards this realization and the
promotion of new ideas in policymaking.

    Yet, this alone does not provide satisfactory explanation for the fervor
with which the “diversity” discourse keeps making its way in urban research
and policy in such un unambiguous fashion. Other factors are also at play.

     Let me remind that with the decline of the manufacturing industry, cities
faced the urgent necessity of their economic survival. They had to abandon
their classic sectors of economic activity and they sought to differentiate
themselves in order to attract investments and a share of spatially mobile
capital. De-industrialisation resulted in the cities’ struggle for the diversification
of their economic bases, which were increasingly directed towards the new
tertiary sector (knowledge, education, TIC, R&D), (Rath 2005).

44                                                UrbanisticaTreiQuaderni#03
It is worth noting, however, that cities were incited to take this option
instead of other possible. In this context, “culture”, as a location factor for
foreign investment and capital, played a very significant role. Generally
speaking, in the 1980s, it has been instrumentalised in the urban renewal
programmes to create visual attractions and appealing consumption spaces,
as well as to attract investors, skilled labour forces and tourists. Urban
regeneration of inner cities, waterfront revitalisations, establishment of urban
entertainment centres and museum quarters (often in old manufacturing
industries and quasi-empty railway sites that have been rehabilitated) were
– and still are – some of the main ingredients of this process (Merkel 2011).
Every city seeks to be an arts Mecca, have a waterfront, offer interesting
landscapes as well as a fascinating heritage (Rath 2005). More recently, the
potential of the so-called “creative industries” in generating urban growth
and renewal has consolidated the role of cultural production in the urban
political economy.

     In the pre-financial crisis period, as Nina Glick Schiller (2012) rightly
reminds us, the mantra “urban restructuring through diversity” has been
widely disseminated. Urban leaders world-wide were encouraged to
‘rebrand their cities, recruit “new-economy” industries, compete for “global
talent,” and attract such talent by ensuring that the city provided a diverse
and cosmopolitan urban ambience’ (Florida 2002). As aforementioned, city
governments in Europe through various initiatives were advised to develop
and enhance the ‘diversity advantage’ of their city (Wood 2009, p. 17).
Following Florida (and his successors) quite uncritically, it has been widely
diffused that openness and multiculturalism promote a city’s creativity and
thus its chances to a more successful economic restructuring. And this,
despite the ambiguous research outcomes as regards the direct correlation
of diversity to city growth; and also despite alternative voices who sought
to attract the attention on the difficulties which diversity might involve in
citylife (see the famous critique to multiculturalism by Robert Putnam, 2007,
on the basis of social cohesion drawbacks).

     David Harvey very accurately summarises these processes: “consumerism,
tourism, cultural and knowledge-based industries have become major aspects
of the urban political economy”. As in all urban history, the expansion of the
urban process has brought significant transformations in urban life that is
in lifestyles. In this context, “quality of urban life has become a commodity,
as city itself” (Harvey, 2008, p. 31). Harvey cites two eloquent examples of
this commodification and touristification of cities and citylife: “In New York
City, […] the billionaire mayor, Michael Bloomberg, is reshaping the city
along lines favourable to developers, Wall Street and transnational capitalist-
class elements, and promoting the city as an optimal location for high-value
businesses and a fantastic destination for tourists. […] In Mexico City, Carlos
Slim had the downtown streets re-cobbled to suit the tourist gaze.” (op.cit.,
p. 38).

    If city-leaders opt for reshaping the image of their cities in order to

Ifigeneia Kokkali > Rappresentazioni urbane >
City representations and the selective visibility of the (ethnic) ‘Others’   45
attract tourists, capital, the “creative class” and so forth, this then partly
means that there is a clientele and a prosperous economic niche for cities,
that is a market. Sharon Zukin (2008) reminds us indeed that “consuming
authenticity”, namely living the authentic experience in the city, is extremely
valorised and chased by some segments of the urban dwellers, particularly
some young urban elites.

    In a global context in which the ideas of cosmopolitanism and
multiculturalism are extremely fashionable, and in which openness and
diversity of cities are idolised, making new experiences eventually involves
discovering “interesting” landscapes, “exotic” tastes, etc. It is obvious
therefore that the commodification of cities and citylife draws importantly
into the commodification of ethnocultural diversity. Here again, the
examples are eloquent. In many European cities, we have been observing,
in the recent years, an increasing fervor for “ethnic” celebrations, be it
“tropical” carnivals (Notting Hill, Berlin, Paris), Bollywood film festivals
(the Hague) or the Chinese New Year celebrations (in almost any Western
European capital). And even if such initiatives might have been marginal in
their infancy, it is without any doubt that they were later backed and even
sponsored by local governments.

    This applies as well to “ethnic neighbourhoods”, which have been for
long in the midst of controversies over migrant integration. Let me remind
that urban segregation on an ethnic basis is generally considered to be
at odds with integration. Because, ethnic neighborhoods are thought to
preserve the differences of the segregated migrants. But, in the midst of
the cosmopolitan/diversity lunacy, ethnic neighborhoods seem to acquire
a new value, both symbolic and economic. For they add to the “exotic”
tourist/urban experience, while seriously augmenting (and, even more
importantly, rendering visible) the diversity and the cosmopolitanism of
a city. For instance, Chinatowns are emerging in various European cities,
and, as Rath (2005) points out, their image and appeal are so strong that,
in many cases, they have become export products. There are many other
examples: Kreuzberg or ‘Klein Istanbul’ in Berlin, the Passage Brady (Indian
neighborhood) and Strasbourg -Saint- Dennis (Turkish district) in Paris, Brick
Lane in London.

    Yet, this is not a universal process, in the sense that not all areas or
ethnic groups attract the interest of city leaders, of urban dwellers and
of tourists. Preference (or said alternatively the “demand”) has an impact
on the nature of the production (the “offer”); and, as Zukin stresses, this
bestows opportunities on some groups and their areas of the city, while
simultaneously making other groups and other areas largely invisible.

    In other words, the different minority (including migrant) or diverse
groups are not treated equally in the city’s “shop front”. Attention is not
attached to all groups nor do all activities and cultural aspects of these latter
attract interest and excitement. Some minority cultures are classified as

46                                             UrbanisticaTreiQuaderni#03
exotic while others not. For instance, a Buddhist temple, Indian and Turkish
restaurants or the Chinese New Year celebrations are generally perceived
as exotic and interesting landscapes, while the minarets of a mosque or
collective Muslim prayers outdoors during the Ramadan provoke resentment
and are often classified as nuisance. The former might symbolically represent
a welcome cosmopolitanism and “creative” open-mindness potentially
economically interesting for a city or a neighbourhood; while the latter are
often thought to be unacceptable, because – among other reasons – they
alter the image (and the skyline) of the European cities.

     In the Netherlands, in which the political mood has rapidly turned
against immigration and the concomitant ethnic diversity, the main cities
are conspicuously interested in the establishment of Chinatowns. In The
Hague, where the immigration of Chinese is rather recent, the city actively
promotes the transformation of the Wagenstraat, which is an insignificant
shopping strip along the “exotic” City Mondial tour, into a Chinese quarter
(Rath 2005, p. 239). In the late 1980s and 1990s mosques thrived due to
the recognition of Muslims’ claims to the constitutional right of freedom of
religion, as well as to the approach that mosques would facilitate integration
of Muslim immigrants. Since the late 2000s, however, official and popular
discourses stress on Islam’s incompatibility with Dutch norms and values and
the Muslims’ failure to integrate. Recently, any attempt to establish mosques
has almost always generated conflict in the immediate locale, as mosques
are associated to decline, marginalization, urban decade and ghettoisation
(Es 2011, p. 254-256).

    What this selectivity depend on is a complex question that cannot be
addressed in the limited space here. It is certain, however, that the borderline
between what is considered, by the different actors of a city (local governors,
residents, entrepreneurs, tourist agents), as strange or disturbing, or,
inversely, as exciting, interesting or simply acceptable is extremely volatile. It
seems that the choices made at a particular moment are strongly correlated
to the priorities of the city governments as regards the construction and
reconstruction of city images, namely the city’s’ identity to be promoted;
and, in turn, the city representations made available for “insiders” (urban
dwellers) and “outsiders” (tourists and visitors). More generally, the different
narratives each city develops and promotes regarding its minority and
ethnoculturally diverse population groups overall are undoubtedly faithful to
the selected and advertised city identities.

    It is safe to maintain that promoting specific representations of cities
involves specific representations and narratives for the “diverse” urban
populations (minorities, migrants, etc.). The selected narratives, which
involve selected groups, dictate, in turn, the local policies vis-à-vis these
groups. But selectivity goes even further. Beyond decision making at this
level, it is worth noting that the selected city images and representations
prescribe also the practices of the “different” urban dwellers that are
to be promoted. These are very specific practices and they are strongly

Ifigeneia Kokkali > Rappresentazioni urbane >
City representations and the selective visibility of the (ethnic) ‘Others’     47
correlated to the commodification and the marketing of diversity. Making
new experiences and discovering “interesting” landscapes involves mainly
discovering “exotic” places yet while being at home, tasting ethnic cuisine,
celebrating ethnic festivities and customs. All this is on strong demand on
the part of young urban elites in many (European) cities. In response to this
demand, and in concert to the diversity mantras, cities sought to promote
their pluri-ethnicity and to invent it when absent.

Damelang A., Steinhardt M. and Stiller S. 2007, “Europe’s Diverse Labour Force: The
Case of German Cities”, EURODIV Paper, No. 49.
Es M. 2011, “Imagining European mosques: what lies beyond the politics of visibility?”,
in Eckardt F. and Eade J. (eds.) Ethnically diverse city, Future Urban Research in Europe,
4, Berliner-Wissenschaafts-Verlag, pp. 249-272.
Florida R. 2002, The Rise of the Creative Class: And How It’s Transforming Work,
Leisure, Community and Everyday Life, Basic books, New York.
Glick Schiller N. 2012, “A comparative relative perspective on the relationships
between migrants and cities”, Urban Geography, Vo. 33, No.6, pp. 879–903.
Harvey D. 2008, “The right to the city”, New Left Review, Vol.53, pp. 23-40.
Merkel J. 2011, “Ethnic diversity and the ‘Creative City’; the case of Berlin’s creative
industries”, in Eckardt F. & Eade J. (eds.) Ethnically diverse city, Future Urban Research
in Europe, 4, Berliner-Wissenschaafts-Verlag, pp. 559-578.
Ottaviano G. & Peri G. 2004, “Cities and Cultures”, FEEM Working paper, No. 92.
Putnam R. 2007, “E Pluribus Unum: Diversity and Community in the Twenty-first
Century The 2006 Johan Skytte Prize Lecture”, Scandinavian Political Studies, Vol. 30,
No.2, pp. 137–174.
Rath J. 2005, “Feeding the Festive City: Immigrant Entrepreneurs and Tourist Industry”,
in Guild E. & van Selm J. (eds.), International migration and security: opportunities and
challenges, Routledge, London, New York, pp. 238-253.
Wood P. 2009, (ed.), Intercultural Cities; towards a model for intercultural integration,
Insights from Intercultural Cities joint action of the Council of Europe and the
European Commission, Council of Europe, October 2009. At: http://www.coe.int/t/
Zukin S. 2008, “Consuming Authenticity. From outposts of difference to means of
exclusion”, Cultural Studies, Vol. 22, no.5, pp: 724-748.

48                                                   UrbanisticaTreiQuaderni#03
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