Real Estate Predictions 2022 - The future of the housing business Future requirements for the property management of multi-dwelling units - Deloitte

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Real Estate Predictions 2022 - The future of the housing business Future requirements for the property management of multi-dwelling units - Deloitte
Real Estate
Predictions 2022
The future of the housing business
Future requirements for the property
management of multi-dwelling units
Real Estate Predictions 2022 - The future of the housing business Future requirements for the property management of multi-dwelling units - Deloitte
The future of the housing business | Real Estate Predictions 2022

The future of the housing business | Real Estate Predictions 2022

The future of the housing business
Future requirements for the property management of multi-
dwelling units

Inadequate management of ageing multi-dwelling units has become a
social issue. Digital transformation can help property management companies to
address concerns in this field, so they can benefit from the opportunities of an
increasing demand.

The challenges of existing                           so they can benefit from the opportunities     Second, by improving the existing
housing stock                                        of an increasing demand. This requires         inefficient workflow. Examples are online
For a long period after World War II,                four measures: (1) digitalization of           distribution and storage of general and
Japanese governments aspired to increase             property management, (2) division of           board meeting materials, conducting
the housing supply and raise its quality.            property management specifications into        resident surveys online, digitalizing
This changed when the population started             standard and optional, (3) support for self-   inspection and maintenance records,
declining in the 2000s. Policy switched              management of multi-dwelling units, and        and introducing an accounting system. In
towards using existing housing stock.                (4) collaboration between players in           particular, the distribution and collection of
However, one of the problems in utilizing            the industry.                                  paper materials is inefficient and expensive
stock is the inadequate management of                                                               in terms in terms of labour as well as
ageing multi-dwelling units. The owners,             Digitalization of property management          distribution costs (postal, transportation,
or those who inherit a used property                 Property management services today             and storage costs). Additionally, switching
in a multi-dwelling unit, often do not               include participation in and running of        to online exchanges between the head
understand the value of such a property              general and board meetings and other           office and managed properties will reduce
that has been left vacant. They fail to sell         face-to-face duties, and duties that require   the number of site visits by head office
or lease it to others, or do not participate         human labour such as cleaning, inspection,     staff, freeing up time for them to make
in the consensus-forming for repair or               and patrols. Because of the personal           door-to-door on-site visits.
rebuilding the property.                             nature of the services, digitalization has
                                                     not progressed in the industry as a whole.     Lastly, the data accumulated in these
This problem is not limited to Japan - it is a       As the problem of labour shortages             digital operations can be used to improve
social issue shared by countries all over the        becomes increasingly severe, property          the quality of services - and resident
world. Management systems for multiple-              management firms seeking to shore up           satisfaction. By introducing IoT equipment,
dwelling complexes in major countries in             their top-line revenues will need to improve   for example, the air conditioning and
Europe and the US are similar to those in            efficiency in order to increase the number     lighting environment in common areas can
Japan. The framework details differ, but the         of condominium units handled and               be optimized, and upkeep and predictive
complexes in these countries also have               managed per employee. The digitalization       maintenance can be performed based on
management associations composed of                  of property management will improve            the state of wear and tear of equipment
all unit owners, with decisions made at a            efficiency in three specific ways.             and devices in order to fulfil
general meeting. Sometimes, management                                                              residents’ needs.
is outsourced to a management company.               First, simply as a replacement of labour,
In Japan, for example, the tasks outsourced          by means of e.g. cleaning robots, IoT          It is likely that new digitalized services
to management companies include support              technology for inspections and patrols,        will continue to be introduced for various
for general meetings and association                 and chatbots for handling complaints. All      aspects of property management. But even
management, accounting, caretaker duties,            of these will help keep down personnel         before that, the introduction of a number
cleaning, and maintenance and inspection             costs. Human employees can then focus on       of services that already exist is expected
of buildings and facilities.                         added value areas where the human touch        to proceed. Whether or not property
                                                     is preferable. Moreover, the personnel         management is digitalized is a key factor
Digital transformation can help property             freed up by these measures can be used to      for competitiveness.
management companies to address                      increase the managed unit capacity.
concerns about inadequate management,

The future of the housing business | Real Estate Predictions 2022

Division of property management                      In the case of a high-grade multiple-               Depending on the kinds of services
specifications into standard                         dwelling complex, the emphasis will be              demanded by the management association
and optional                                         on face-to-face communication, with a               and the upper limit on management and
The second measure is to classify property           building superintendent on permanent                outsourcing costs, it might be interesting
management specifications as standard                duty as in the past. Some of the                    to consider the possibility of switching to
and optional: defining the provided                  digitalization initiatives introduced in (1)        self-management.
property management services based                   may be incorporated. Optional services
on factors such as the multi-dwelling                can be added relating to the frequency              Looking at the future of property
unit grade, resident demands, and                    of inspections and patrols, the extent of           management, the services provided by
management and outsourcing costs (see                assistance with running management                  the management company will likely
Figure. 1 below). Currently, the quality of          association general and board meetings,             match the services expected by residents.
property management, and especially                  and the promptness of response to                   Communication with residents will be
resident satisfaction, greatly depends on            emergencies such as loss of keys or water           key to determine the level of property
the quality of the representatives and               leaks. Other possibilities are the provision        management needed and how much
management staff. This means that even               or introduction of services such as                 residents are willing to pay for this.
if the property management agreement                 housework and house cleaning.
itself does not change, and there is no
difference in the provided services, the skill       In the case of a middle-grade multiple-
in handling of the duties by staff will likely       dwelling complex, digitalization could take
impact resident satisfaction. By clearly             the place of face-to-face communication.
articulating in writing the kinds of services        This will reduce management costs.
to be received, it is easier to meet the             For instance, by introducing robots
expectations of residents.                           and sensors, online notifications and
                                                     announcements to residents.

Figure 1: Example of standard and optional multi-dwelling unit management services

      Service level
                                             Management Services                                             Optional Services

                              In-person             Superintendent              Handle              Full-scale trouble      Provision or
                             support for              on site and             accounting            response service         referral of
                           holding general           monitoring by             services                                      shopping,
                              and board                 patrols                                                            childcare, and
                              meetings                                                                                   other life services

                          Application based               Remote                Introduce      Self-handling of
                         support for holding          surveillance by          accounting     trouble response
                         general and board                security          service, and have
                              meetings                   cameras             a management
                                                                           association handle


The future of the housing business | Real Estate Predictions 2022

Support for self-management of                       Even in highly specialized areas such            services on a BPO basis for the managed
multi-dwelling units                                 as drawing up long-term or large-scale           properties of other firms, in service areas
The trend of rising multi-dwelling unit              repair plans, there are expectations for         or locations where it has an advantage.
management fees may well lead more                   advice and consulting from third-party           By focusing its own resources on its
management associations to look closely              standpoints. By leaving basic property           strengths, it will be able to manage
at the third option: self-management.                management up to the management                  operations efficiently.
Rather than distancing from those                    association and providing only highly
associations that choose this option, we             specialized services as options, it should be    Such collaborative relations are also
can expect demands for providing support             possible to provide high added value and         possible from the viewpoint of digitalization
for self-management, making use of the               high unit price support.                         of property management discussed in
digitalization of property management                                                                 (2). Companies that develop digitalization
introduced in (1) and of the division of             Although self-management support itself          tools, could introduce their own tools to
management specifications into standard              may not lead directly to big profits, actively   other companies, obtaining rental or usage
and optional as discussed in (2).                    engaging in such support is important            fees, and reducing their maintenance costs
                                                     for maintaining good relations with              through scale. The tool users, meanwhile,
Possible ways of supporting self-                    management associations performing               can keep down system development costs
management include provision of support              self-management. Group companies                 and reduce their management costs.
applications and other software. Even                will reap profits when future large-scale
if the management association lacks                  refurbishments or rebuildings are being          There are limits to what a company can
specialized knowledge and experience                 carried out.                                     do on its own in the face of the severe
in property management, the costs and                                                                 problems of labour shortages and rising
trouble of management can be reduced                 Collaboration between players in                 personnel costs. By actively pursuing
if the association can provide one-stop              the industry                                     collaboration with ”the competition” while
assistance for tasks such as keeping                 Another important measure is to                  making the most of a company’s own
track of contracts with service providers            strengthen collaboration between                 areas of specialty, the multi-dwelling units
and of orders, organizing occupant and               “competitors”. Companies that insist             management industry as a whole benefits
owner information, and managing repair               on providing services on their own may           and develops.
reserve fund income and outgo. Leading               increasingly find themselves coming up
management firms have released self-                 short on resources and costs. They could
management support applications in                   outsource them to other companies
recent years. Also, companies offering               in the industry by classifying property
similar services have appeared among                 management services into standard and
Real Estate tech companies, so it is likely          optional, and carving out a portion of these
that competition will heat up for self-              services. At the same time, a company
management support applications.                     might take on certain management

    This paper is an excerpt from the report “The Future of the Housing Business―Prescriptions for real estate companies during the
    housing transformation era ” presented in June, 2021.

Takaumi Tamura
Partner |
Consulting | Japan
Investment Management & Real Estate

Ran Furuyama
Manager |
Research & Knowledge Management | Japan

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