REAVIS MATH/SCIENCE SPECIALTY SCHOOL - Parent Handbook 2018 2019 - REAVIS MATH/SCIENCE SPECIALTY SCHOOL - Reavis Elementary Math & Science ...

Page created by Troy Robbins
       Parent Handbook 2018 – 2019


                  834 East 50th Street
                  Chicago, IL 60615

                Dr. Gail King - Principal

Reavis will become a respectful community that is academically, socially, and technologically enriched
and centered on the unique talents and abilities of all children. Students will graduate as confident
lifelong learners who are civic minded and well rounded.


Reavis will provide a rigorous high quality education that utilizes integrated units of study to enhance
content area instruction. Cooperative learning and hands on instruction will guide the development of
critical thinking and problem solving skills. All students will be supported with social, academic, health,
and technological resources to address the range of needs present in our community.

The Reavis Way is a system of three school-wide expectations and practices which guide how we
are to interact with each other and our students. These expectations are to be modeled and
supported by all members of the Reavis School Community.

         ● Be respectful.
         ● Be responsible.
         ● Be safe.

The contents of this handbook contain the policies and procedures that have been designed to
facilitate the daily operations of Reavis Math/Science Specialty School and ultimately support the
education of children. Many of these policies are essential to operations and therefore must be
adhered to without fail.

Official Reavis School Hours: 8:30 a. m. – 5:00 p. m.

Please check the Reavis Calendar for days of non-attendance for students during the
school year.

Students are expected to arrive at the school no earlier than 8:40am. Students are to remain on school
grounds until the entry bell rings. At 8:45am teachers will come down to retrieve students and take them
to their homeroom class. Students will eat breakfast in the homeroom classrooms @ 8:45am. No
student is permitted upstairs before 8:45am without special permission.

Regular, consistent attendance is necessary for a successful school life. Children may be absent only in
cases of illness or emergency. However, when your child is ill, please keep him or her at home so the
other students won’t be at risk. Medical and dental appointments should be scheduled for non-school

Please notify the school office if your child will be absent and send a note with your child upon
return for the classroom teacher. The school’s telephone number is (773) 535-1060, option ext 4. The
office opens at 8:30 a.m., but messages may be left at any hour. If we do not hear from you, you will be
contacted regarding your child’s absence. Unexcused absences will be investigated. If a student has
more than five unexcused absences during any marking period the school may request a parent-
administrator conference.

Per CPS Policy there are only five acceptable causes of absence. They are:
    1. Illness
    2. Death in the immediate family
    3. Family emergency
    4. Observance of religious holiday
    5. Circumstances which cause reasonable concern to the parent or legal guardian for
       the safety or health of the children (the reasonableness of the parent’s or legal guardian’s
       concern is subject to evaluation by the principal or principal’s designee)

Excused absences are defined as an absence for which there is a valid cause either:
● Known to the principal or principal’s designee, including suspensions issued pursuant of school
   ● An absence explained via letter, signed by parent or legal guardian setting forth a cause that is
     approved by principal or principal designee either before or after the absence.

Unexcused absences are defined as an absence for which there is a no valid cause either:
  ● Known to the principal or designee.
  ● Supported by a letter signed by the parent/legal guardian explaining the cause of
      absence approved by the principal or designee before or after the absence.

When your child is ready to return to school, send a note (required by law) to the
teacher explaining the absence. Upon return, it is the children’s responsibility to make up
all assignments, projects, and tests that were missed during his or her absence.
The school has the option to retain children that exceed nine unexcused absences and
are demonstrating poor academic performance (below grade level). All children who
exceed twelve unexcused absences are in grave danger of retention.

A child is truant if they are absent without valid cause for a school day or portion of a school
day. Children who do not return a note with a valid reason for absences will be marked
unexcused or truant. The school will take the following steps in regards to truancy:
   ● 1st Truancy: Teacher will work with children to remediate the problem and notify
   ● 2nd Truancy Teacher will contact parent/guardian to discuss the situation
   ● 3rd Truancy Children will be referred to administration and parents will be contacted
   ● 4th Truancy Mandatory conference with administration
A child becomes a chronic truant when they are absent without a valid cause for more than
10% of the school year (18 days) Chronic truants will be referred to CPS for mediation and due

Your child is considered tardy if he or she is not in their assigned homeroom classrooms by 8:50 am.
Students should be in the classroom by 8:50 am, children must report to school by 8:45am, report to
their room and have all of their belongings put away. Children are tardy if they come in the school door
at 8:50am but are not in their classrooms. If your child is tardy, he/she must obtain a pass from the
security officer for classroom admittance. If a student has more than five unexcused tardies during
any marking period the school will request a parent-administrator conference. Tardiness interrupts
our learning environment and interferes with education. All children are expected to be in school, on
time, ready to learn.
Primary and intermediate students will enter the building on 50th Street between Drexel and Cottage
Grove at the main entrance. Middle school students will enter the school building from the breezeway
on Drexel Blvd. All students should be ready to enter the building at 8:45 am.
Pre-K students in room 102 will enter and exit through the Pre-K door on 50th street. Pre-K students in
room 101 will enter and exit through the main entrance. Pre-K students in room112 will enter and exit
through the doors on Drexel. All Pre-K entry doors are clearly identified.
Primary and intermediate students will be dismissed on 50st Street between Drexel and Cottage Grove at
the main entrance. Middle school students will exit the school building from the breezeway on Drexel
Blvd. All students will be dismissed at 3:45 PM. We are encouraging a partnership with parents to
instruct students to go directly home after school dismisses.
Unless children are enrolled in the extended day program or are participating in a school approved
special activity, they must leave the building immediately at 3:45 pm. Once the students exit the
building they may not return. Parents of children who are not picked up by 3:55 pm will be charged a
late fee of $1.00 per minute. If we cannot reach a parent by 4:30 pm Chicago Public Schools Policy
dictates that we call the Chicago Public Schools Office of Safety and Security, Chicago Police
Department to make arrangements for the child to be protected, and the Department of Children and
Family Services to report neglect.


Early dismissals disrupt the educational process therefore will not be approved without the parent having
a conversation with the principal prior to the early dismissal. Early dismissals will only be granted in the
case of emergencies! Please do not ask the office staff to send student home early. Children may not
leave the school grounds unless they have been officially dismissed or signed out by a parent.

Celebrations are a part of the culture and climate of Reavis Elementary and they will continue during
this school year. In the past birthday cakes and cupcakes have been brought to school along with ice
cream to celebrate your child’s birthday. CPS Board Policy does not allow this practice any longer.
In the event that you would like to bring in a treat for your child’s birthday, please plan ahead by
discussing a healthy snack with your child’s teacher that can be brought and shared with the students in
your child’s classroom.
Several parents of our students have requested that their children be allowed to have possession of cell
phones since they are used for safety and communication before and after school and while utilizing
public transit. Upon receiving a letter from the parent, students will be allowed to bring cell phones
to school. Cell-phones will be collected after students enter their homerooms. The phones will be
returned to the students prior to students exiting the building. The phones will be secured and
kept in a safe place. Cell phones may never be used while in the school building. Any violation of
these rules will result in the confiscation of the phone. Confiscated items will be returned only to a
parent/guardian. If the phone is confiscated three times, it will be held in the main office until the
end of the year.

Some items are distracting to the learning environment and must be left at home. All items listed below
and any such items that are distracting to the learning environment or otherwise unsafe will be
confiscated and returned only directly to parents.

These items include but are not limited to:
   ● iPods
   ● Cell phones*
   ● Headphones and earbuds
   ● Electronic equipment
   ● Toys
   ● Games and Electronic Games
   ● Playing and/or Trading Cards (all varieties)

The school accepts no responsibility for the loss or damage to any of the above items if children
bring them into the school building.

Engaging families in their children’s academic lives is a major commitment that we promote here at
Reavis. Facilitating family programs provides us with the opportunity to share with their parents the
exciting things that our children are learning. Every quarter we will host a Celebration of Learning to
highlight our students work with the families and the community.

Parents/guardians MUST schedule an appointment to meet with a teacher or an administrator. Visits
with the Principal and Counselor can be scheduled by coming into the office and complete a meeting
request form. Failure to schedule an appointment may result in the parent/guardian not being able to
confer with the teacher or administrator or it may result in long waits. Teacher’s schedules vary
throughout the building. Please contact that specific teacher to set up meeting times. Teachers will
normally respond within 24 hours of written request. Please note that situations may arise where contact
could take a little longer. However, within that time the main office can also be contacted.

The faculty has become engaged in the Positive Behaviors Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
program which is designed to help us support students by establishing clear routines, rewards and
consequences to support them. The school administrations role is to support the classroom system and
to ensure that behavior is monitored and improved in the classroom setting. The Discipline Referral
provides the school team with the ability to track the behavior patterns so that we can develop effective
supports which will help us to minimize these patterns. In a democratic community, everyone is
expected to act responsibly in ways that respect the other members of that community (children and
adults) and the environment in which they work. Therefore, rules for the school and individual
classrooms will be established from the first day with the student’s input. Violation of rules will have
consequences. The outline of disciplinary action for infractions are as follows.
                                     STUDENT MISBEHAVIORS

                        Teacher Managed                       Dean/Administrator Managed

             ●   Chewing gum, eating, drinking in         ●   Profanity directed at teacher/ adults
                 class                                    ●   Excessive threatening, provoking,
             ●   Profanity directed at other students         profanity
             ●   Minor physical altercation               ●   Battery ( using objects or fist)
             ●   Excessive talking                        ●   Intimidation/ bullying
             ●   Throwing small objects                   ●   Cell phone usage/ electronic device
             ●   Sleeping in class                        ●   Throwing large or sharp objects
             ●   Minor stealing                           ●   Disrespect, defiance of teacher
             ●   Working off task                         ●   Theft (major stealing)
             ●   Missing homework                         ●   Chronic uniform violation (more than
             ●   Attitude                                     3)
             ●   Uniform violations (up to 2 instances)   ●   Interruptions to Assessment (NWEA,
             ●   No supplies                                  DIBELS)
             ●   Name calling                             ●   Walking out of classroom
             ●   Passing notes                            ●   Sexual harassment
             ●   Cheating/ plagiarism                     ●   Possession of tobacco, drugs,
             ●   Attendance Tardy (inform parent)             alcohol
             ●   Hallway noise                            ●   Gang related activity
             ●   Males with earrings                      ●   Vandalism
                                                          ●   Security breach/ bomb threat
                                                          ●   Threats towards staff or students
                                                          ●   Lewd or obscene notes/ writing

Teacher Consequences may include but are not limited to:
1. Verbal warning to student, change of card color or lost of table point, demerits, restorative chat
2. 2nd warning and possible short time out from activity or task change of card color or loss of day’s
   privilege, etc.
3. Buddy Room Reflection Desk
4. One on one student conference, Parent contact by note or phone call
5. Lunch detention (sit at table separated from peers), before school detention
6. Student/Parent/Teacher Conference

The following contract is shared with parents and student in the fall of the school year. Both parent and

Student MUST sign the contract as a symbol of their understanding of the eighth grade expectations.

I _________________________________ am a proud 8th grade student at Reavis Elementary School. I
understand that in order to be successful, I must abide by the following guidelines. I also acknowledge
that in order to be an active participant in the activities associated with graduation, including but not
limited to the class trip, luncheon and any other activities that are forthcoming. This contract will be
implemented in all classes and throughout the building. Each classroom teacher will have a copy of the
Behavior Contract Guidelines: (Must be signed by parent and student)
1. I will follow all school rules and behavior expectations at Reavis School
2. Any form of disrespect towards adults in the building will impact participation in the class trip.
3. Fights in the school or around the school grounds are an automatic removal from the class trip.
4. There can be no misconduct violations which include:
   * Involvement in Gang Activity
   * Making any displays of gang affiliation in the school
   * Possession and/or knowledge of weapons, alcohol, tobacco or other illegal drugs
   These violations will impact participation in class trip, luncheon, and all of graduation related

By signing this contract all parties agree to the stipulations in the document and will follow
The following contract will be reviewed and signed by the student, parent/guardian, counselor and
principal on the following date and time: ___________________________
Your child will use books, calculators, computers, and a variety of other instructional materials.
Teachers will conduct inventories at the end of each quarter. The inventories will be submitted to the
office at the end of each quarter. Students who have lost or destroyed books or supplies will not receive
report cards until the lost or destroyed book(s) or materials have been paid for or returned. Parents are
responsible for the costs of lost, damaged, or destroyed books or materials.

Students will participate in hands-on field experiences (trips) that will engage them in their current
learning each quarter. The field experiences that students take part in will help them inquire more about
the topics in which their mini investigations are built around. Prior to each trip a letter will be sent with
the specifics of the trip and a permission slip. Written permission is required in order for your child
to go on any field trip. Permission cannot be given over the telephone. Parents are always
welcome and needed to Chaperone. All chaperones must be approved Level 1 volunteers. Only
children currently enrolled in the participating class who has a current emergency form on file
may go on the field trips.

Fire and emergency drills are conducted regularly for the safety of children. These drills familiarize
children with the locations of the nearest exits, the procedure for evacuating the building, and where to
take cover in the building in case of an impending disaster, such as a tornado.

All students should be scored utilizing the following grading scale:

       o   A = 90% - 100%
       o   B = 89% - 80%
       o   C = 79% - 70%
       o   D = 69% - 60%
       o   F = 59% - Below

Standards: 80% - Classwork, Assessments, Projects
Performance: 20% - Homework, Attendance, Participation

Chicago Public School policy states that homework is to be assigned daily. Recreational reading for a
minimum of thirty minutes each evening is also required for each student. The expectation is:
Kdg-1 grades          30 minutes a day
                         2-3 grades            45 minutes a day
                         4-5 grades            60 minutes a day
                         6-8 grades            90 minutes a day

Homework provides children with opportunities for independent practice, extension of core
concepts, and review of concepts and skills. Homework is a necessary and integral part of
the learning process. It is the responsibility of parents to help their children develop good homework
habits. Parents can support students by reading the homework written down in student’s daily agendas.
Inside the agendas parents can sign daily logs and write comments to teachers about the assignments.
Agendas are a simple way for the parent and teacher to stay in communication to support student
success. As we all know parents are student’s first teachers in life.

Homework gets done when a parent:
  ● Finds a quiet place for the child to work at home
  ● Sets a daily “homework time” for the child
  ● Provides some help if the child is having difficulty
  ● Contacts the teacher when they do not understand how to support their child
  ● Makes sure that homework supplies are available
  ● Checks to see that the homework is completed
  ● Praises the child’s work each night

Children are expected to take pride in their work and produce quality assignments that
represent their personal best. Lack of quality in work can affect a student’s grades. Students will have
various project-based assignments which may extend over a period of time and require consistent and
focused attention. Children are expected to assume full responsibility for their project with
appropriate support from parents as they develop into independent learners. All children have
homework nightly. At a minimum, they are required to read independently for 30 minutes nightly.

A planner is given to each student at the beginning of the school year in order to record
assignments and assist with time management. Please help support the use of the planner by
checking it daily and requiring students to write down assignments.

Hours of Operation

It is the policy of the School-Based Health Center (SBHC) that staff will be available to see students
between the hours of 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM. Students can access the health center either by having an
appointment or by coming in when they are ill. Students must have a 2018-2019 consent form on file to
receive services.
Access – Primary and Intermediate Students (Pre-K—5th Grade)


   ● Appointments for primary and intermediate students are made by parents or by health center
   ● Health Center staff will work with teachers to determine the most convenient time to see the
   ● Parents will be encouraged to accompany student when a physical is needed.


When a teacher determines a student needs to go to the health center they will:
  ● Identify a responsible student to escort the child to the Health Center (Health Center Buddy).
      (For students in Kindergarten or 1st grade, contact the office for assistance).
  ● The Health Center Buddy completes the Hall pass log
  ● The Health Center Buddy escorts student to the Health Center and receives a return to class pass.
  ● The Health Center Buddy stops by the office after dropping student off at the Health Center
      drops off the HEALTH CENTER PASS NOTICE

In case of mental health issue, teacher refers to social worker. Social worker determines if student
should be sent to the health center. Please see Ms. Robin Vaughn for support in this regard.

Access – Middle School Students (6th-8th Grade)


   ● Students can make appointments between 8- 8:45 am or after school.
   ● Every effort will be made by health center staff to make appointments during non-core classes. If
     an appointment must be made during a core class, students will be advised that they are
     responsible for making up all work.
   ● Students give appointment slip to teacher.

    ● When teacher determines student needs to go to the health center, they should contact the office
         and signify what the case is (pink eye, sore throat, etc.).
    ● Teacher fills out pass to accompany student after receiving approval from office.
    ● Students can independently go to the health center.
    ● When visit to health center is completed, health center staff sends student back to class with pass.
In case of mental health issue, teacher refers to social worker. Social worker determines if student is sent
to health center.

There is a telephone in the main office, specifically for children/parent phone calls. The
phone will only be available for emergency purposes. Please communicate directions and updates with
your child daily to eliminate the need for daily phone calls home from the main office. This eliminates
the need for children cell phones, which are not allowed.

Parents are welcome to visit Reavis. Parents entering the school building will be asked to sign in at the
security desk upon entering the building. Parents will then go to the school office to confirm that they
have a scheduled appointment and be given a hall pass sticker to wear within the building. Passes must
be worn visibly on your upper bodies as you are walking through the building. Visitors to a school
function shall abide by all entrance and conduct requirements established for the function including
security procedures. Visits to classrooms by parents or guardians are not permitted unless the parent is
approved by Chicago Public Schools.

No materials may be posted or distributed. There are no exceptions.

Communication between Reavis and Parents/Guardians is the most effective way that we as a
community can support students. We must consistently take the necessary steps to involve everyone in
our students learning process. Please check your child’s book bag regularly as notes home are often
placed there. Also regularly check the school website at for up to the
minute announcements. Dr. King will send home monthly newsletters with important updates.

Parent parking is available on Drexel Blvd or Cottage Grove. When school is in operation we ask that
anyone picking up students obey the horses that are blocking the street to ensure student safety. Please
do not park in the staff lot. Only cars with a valid parking sticker can park in those spots. Please do not
park on the side of the building where the gym is located, because it is a part of the walkway that is
utilized during fire and disaster drills. Please do not park in the alley off of 50th street or on the fence of
the senior citizens home. Delivery trucks use this road and a number of cars have been damaged as a
result. Remember, illegal parking may result in cars being towed at a cost to you! There is ample
parking located on 49th street and Drexel Boulevard. The school will not be responsible for any cars
that are towed or ticketed.

Progress Reports will be distributed every five weeks beginning on October 5, 2018.
Report Card grades should reflect class participation, homework, assessment/test results and the effort
made by each student. Parents should be notified prior to receiving report cards if a child is failing in
any subject area.
Report Cards will be distributed on:
Report Card Pick Up Days: November 14, 2018, April 10, 2019
Report Card Distribution Days: February 8, 2019, June 18, 2019

Reavis students are expected to come to school in uniform daily. The uniform is as follows:
Pre-K – HAS NO DRESS CODE but parents may send their child to school in uniform if they choose
to do so.

K-8th Grade –
Navy Blue Polo Shirt
Navy Blue pants or skirt
Solid Colored Belt
Solid Colored Shoes

Shirts may be long or short sleeved. Belts are to be worn with pants and shorts. Hooded sweatshirts
(hoodies) are not allowed. Repeated violations of the dress code will result in notices to parents and
further disciplinary action. Reavis polo’s and P.E. uniforms will be available for purchase.

Good taste is the key to appropriate dress and appearance. Students’ dress should support the
educational/learning process. We rely on parents/guardians to monitor school clothing. The
following guidelines are to be followed:

   ● Clothing should be appropriate and clean.
   ● Skirts, dresses, and shorts should not exceed a measurement of two inches above
     the knee.
   ● Children must wear a belt with pants and shorts.
   ● Headgear of any kind may not be worn in the building, including hats,
     sweatbands, caps, scarves, and bandanas. This rule applies to both girls and boys.
   ● Children are not allowed to roll up their pant legs.
   ● Hoodies are not allowed.
   ● Children are to wear gym shoes, dress shoes or sandals with front and back strap.
   ● Flip flops are not allowed for safety reasons.
   ● Boys are not allowed to wear earrings and girls must refrain from wearing
     large earrings or excessive jewelry that is distracting to the learning process.
Each grade level is given a school supply list at start of the school year. School supply lists can also be
picked up in the main office for each grade level, or accessed on the school web site @

The rights of STLS students are the same as all other students. All children have the right to be
provided with an equal, appropriate, and quality education. It is the duty of all staff members to ensure
homeless children are treated with respect and are safe in their learning environment. Accommodations
should be provided to homeless students regarding homework policies and they should be afforded the
opportunity to participate in tutorial programs and afterschool programs provided at Reavis. To review
the Chicago Public School Homeless Policy visits the CPS website. Any questions or concerns
regarding students of Reavis, who have been identified as homeless, should be referred to the Homeless
Education Liaison- Mrs. Vaughn; school counselor.

As a school community we have a responsibility to respond and support the needs of students who are
not making satisfactory progress in school. A conference will be held with the parents to discuss how
we can all work to assist the student become more successful in their academic program. Parents may
also request a conference to discuss their child’s academic progress at any time.

All volunteers must complete a online volunteer application,, and be approved according to the CPS
policies. Additionally, all volunteers MUST have the approval of the principal. Approved volunteers
will receive a letter from the principal indicating they are qualified to work with students. Generally,
parent volunteers should NOT be assigned to work in their child's classroom.
Reavis appreciates your support in helping students follow all the structures discussed within the parent
handbook for the 2018-19 school year. To acknowledge your receipt of this handbook, sign below and
send this page back with your student to give to their homeroom teacher. Students are being asked to
sign acknowledgement of receiving the handbook and are asked to review its content with a parent or
guardian to ensure that they are aware of the policies and procedures that they are being asked to follow
during school. If you have questions or concerns please contact an administrator at 773-535-1060.

Parent:___________________________                          Date:_____________

Student:__________________________                          Date:______________           HR:____
You can also read