Recommended Action / Hygiene Plan - for students taking examinations Kempten University of Applied Sciences

Page created by Derek Salinas
Recommended Action / Hygiene Plan - for students taking examinations Kempten University of Applied Sciences
Recommended Action / Hygiene Plan
          for students taking examinations

        Kempten University of Applied Sciences

                                                     20 January 2021
            Vice President Teaching and Professional Development
                             Kempten University of Applied Sciences
Recommended Action / Hygiene Plan - for students taking examinations Kempten University of Applied Sciences
Recommended Action / Hygiene Plan for students taking examinations
Kempten University of Applied Sciences


0 Preface ........................................................................................................................................................... 2
1 Access to the university / Taking examinations .............................................................................................. 2
2 General basic principles................................................................................................................................. 3
  2.1 D-H-M rules .......................................................................................................................................... 3
       2.1.1 Distance (minimum distance).................................................................................................... 3
       2.1.2 Hygiene .................................................................................................................................... 3
       2.1.3 Respiratory protection / masks (covering nose and mouth) ........................................................ 3
  2.2 Seating / Numbering of seats ................................................................................................................. 4
  2.3 Disinfection procedure........................................................................................................................... 4
3 Examination procedure................................................................................................................................... 4
  3.1 Campus site .......................................................................................................................................... 4
  3.2 Access to university buildings ............................................................................................................... 4
  3.3 Written examinations ............................................................................................................................. 4
       3.3.1 Entry to the examination room ................................................................................................... 5
       3.3.2 Identity check ........................................................................................................................... 5
       3.3.3 Provision of disinfectant materials ............................................................................................. 5
       3.3.4 Conduct during the examination ................................................................................................ 5
       3.3.5 End of the examination / Handing in examination scripts ............................................................ 6
  3.4 Oral examinations.................................................................................................................................. 6
       3.4.1 Order of procedure.................................................................................................................... 6
       3.4.2 Identity check ........................................................................................................................... 6
       3.4.3 End of the examination / Handing in examination scripts ............................................................ 7
  3.5 Leaving the examination room / building ................................................................................................ 7
4 Closing remarks ............................................................................................................................................. 7
Appendix: Disinfection procedure – disinfectant wipes ....................................................................................... 8
   Step  – Take a disposable glove as you enter the examination room .............................................................. 8
   Step  – Take a disinfectant wipe ................................................................................................................... 9
   Step  – Disinfect table ................................................................................................................................ 10
   Step  – Disinfect chair (back and seat) ....................................................................................................... 11
   Step  – Storing disinfectant material during the examination ........................................................................ 12
   Step  – Dispose of disinfectant material after examination ........................................................................... 13

Vice President Teaching and Professional Development                               1                                                V2.2            20.01.2021
Recommended Action / Hygiene Plan - for students taking examinations Kempten University of Applied Sciences
Recommended Action / Hygiene Plan for students taking examinations
Kempten University of Applied Sciences

0    Preface
This Recommended Action / Hygiene Plan applies to students taking written and oral examinations. The Hygiene Plan       1

for Kempten University of Applied Sciences V2.2. dated 26 October 2020 remains generally applicable.

1    Access to the university / Taking examinations
Access to university premises remains prohibited during the examination period for anyone testing positive for          2

COVID‑19 or showing symptoms of the disease.

Anyone who has suffered COVID‑19 or who has been instructed to self-isolate or quarantine by the responsible health     3

authority or according to the applicable Bavarian Regulation on Infection Prevention can enter the university’s
premises once again after recovery or the prescribed period has expired, without needing to present further evidence.

If you test positive for COVID‑19 within 14 days of taking an examination, you must report this immediately to          4

Academic Registry using the email address, citing the examinations that you have taken
on site.

Vice President Teaching and Professional Development      2                                 V2.2       20.01.2021
Recommended Action / Hygiene Plan - for students taking examinations Kempten University of Applied Sciences
Recommended Action / Hygiene Plan for students taking examinations
Kempten University of Applied Sciences

2    General basic principles
2.1 D-H-M rules
Written and oral examinations are being conducted on the basis of “D-H-M” rules.                                         5

A       Distance                                                                                                         6

H       Hygiene
M       Masks (covering nose and mouth)

2.1.1   Distance (minimum distance)
Across the entire site and throughout all buildings at Kempten University of Applied Sciences, people must stay at       7

least 1.5 metres apart from one another.

2.1.2   Hygiene
The necessary hygiene measures include:                                                                                  8

    a) Washing hands regularly and avoiding hands touching the face
    b) Coughing or sneezing into a tissue or the crook of the elbow
    c) Disinfecting desks and chairs (backs and seats)

a) Washing hands regularly
Regular handwashing is one of the most effective protective measures. Studies have shown that washing hands              9

correctly and thoroughly is more effective than using hand sanitisers.

b) Coughing and sneezing
Keeping your distance also applies here. Cough and/or sneeze into a tissue, or place your mouth and nose into the        10

crook of your elbow.

c) Regular ventilation / air circulation
To ensure air circulates adequately during the examination, besides the air conditioning systems in buildings being      11

set to maximum throughput, a blast of fresh air is to be introduced for 4-5 minutes at least every 45 minutes by
opening the windows and entrance doors.

Mobile air filtering systems can be used to improve the air quality, but this does not replace regular blasts of fresh   12


d) Disinfection measures                                                                                                 13

See the section on Examination procedure – Disinfection procedure.

2.1.3   Respiratory protection / masks (covering nose and mouth)
It is obligatory to wear a mask covering your nose and mouth (referred to as “community masks”) inside buildings.        14

The obligation to wear a mask covering your nose and mouth across the entire campus site is stipulated in the            15

Hygiene Plan that remains in force at Kempten University of Applied Sciences.

In indoor areas at the university where there is movement / corridors and in examination rooms, it is obligatory
to wear masks certified to at least the standard stipulated in DIN EN 14683. It is also possible to wear an FFP2-
grade mask, or higher protection level, but without a vent. It is not sufficient to wear a general mask covering
your mouth and nose in these areas!

Vice President Teaching and Professional Development      3                                  V2.2       20.01.2021
Recommended Action / Hygiene Plan - for students taking examinations Kempten University of Applied Sciences
Recommended Action / Hygiene Plan for students taking examinations
Kempten University of Applied Sciences

2.2 Seating / Numbering of seats
The seats authorised for the examination are numbered. Every seat is clearly marked with a number.                       16

Only the numbered seats may be used during the examination.                                                              17

Candidates must follow the instructions of the examination officiators when selecting a seat.                            18

2.3 Disinfection procedure
The equipment required for working on and conducting the examination (e.g. tables, chairs, etc.) may only be used        19

by a specific person.

Students are responsible for disinfecting their own exam table and chair.                                                20

Disinfection is performed using disinfectant wipes with an authorised disinfectant. Detailed instructions for the        21

disinfection procedure are provided in the appendix.

3    Examination procedure
3.1 Campus site
The D-H-M rules apply across the entire campus site. It is obligatory to wear a mask covering your nose and mouth        22

across the entire site, i.e. including outdoors, while in indoor areas where there is movement / corridors and in
examination rooms, it is obligatory to wear specially certified masks.

3.2 Access to university buildings
During the examination period for Winter Semester 2020/21, it is obligatory for everyone (visitors, students and         23
staff) to wear a mask covering their nose and mouth across the entire campus site, while specially certified
masks must be worn in indoor areas where there is movement / corridors and in examination rooms.

Examinations are being conducted in the buildings A, canteen, canteen annexe, S, TE, TM, V and W.                        24

Students are instructed to use the shortest route possible to the rooms allocated for their examinations. Students are   25

not permitted to loiter in buildings where they are not taking an examination.

3.3 Written examinations
Written examinations involving the disinfection of tables are conducted according to the following procedure:            26

    • Students enter the room (face masks obligatory)
    • Students present their proof of identity (even if a plexiglass screen is in place, everyone must still wear a
        face mask)
    • Students put on one of the disposable gloves provided (face masks obligatory)
    • Students use the glove to take a disinfectant wipe (face masks obligatory)
    • Students go to their exam table & seat (face masks obligatory)
    • Students disinfect their exam table & seat (face masks obligatory)

Vice President Teaching and Professional Development      4                                  V2.2       20.01.2021
Recommended Action / Hygiene Plan - for students taking examinations Kempten University of Applied Sciences
Recommended Action / Hygiene Plan for students taking examinations
Kempten University of Applied Sciences

    •   Students sit down (face masks obligatory)
    •   Students hand in their examination script as they leave the room (face masks obligatory)
    •   Students dispose of the disinfectant materials as they leave the room (face masks obligatory)

3.3.1   Entry to the examination room
Face masks (specially certified masks) must be worn continuously once you enter the examination room.                      27

3.3.2   Identity check
Identity checks are conducted as instructed by the examination officiators. Instructions issued by the examination         28

officiators must be followed.

By completing the identity check, students declare themselves fit to take the examination.                                 29

The required identity check will generally be conducted upon entry to the examination room. Face masks must be             30

worn (obligatory).

Students are instructed to have their personal ID and student ID card ready for inspection upon entering the               31

examination room to avoid “spending time searching” for these documents.

The identity check does not require the student’s signature.                                                               32

3.3.3   Provision of disinfectant materials
Disinfectant materials (disinfectant wipes) and the accompanying gloves are issued as students enter the examination       33


One glove suffices for using the disinfectant wipe. Each student will be provided with the one glove.                      34

The disinfection procedure is described in the appendix.                                                                   35

3.3.4   Conduct during the examination
Wearing a face mask also remains obligatory for the entire duration of the examination.                                    36

At least every 45 minutes, a blast of fresh air will be sent through the room for 4-5 minutes. The duration of the         37

examination will be extended by the time required to introduce blasts of fresh air, e.g. for an examination set to last
90 minutes, during which 5 minutes is spent introducing fresh air after 45 minutes have passed, the total time allowed
for the examination will be 95 minutes. Due to the cold weather conditions, students are instructed to wear appropriate
clothing during ventilation.

No questions are permitted during the examination. Any questions about organisational matters must be asked before
the written examination commences.

Students may only leave the room during an examination in important exceptional cases (e.g. urgent visit to the toilet).   38

Students are not permitted to hand in their examination scripts and hence exit the examination prematurely.                39

Vice President Teaching and Professional Development       5                                   V2.2       20.01.2021
Recommended Action / Hygiene Plan - for students taking examinations Kempten University of Applied Sciences
Recommended Action / Hygiene Plan for students taking examinations
Kempten University of Applied Sciences

3.3.5   End of the examination / Handing in examination scripts
Students must write their room and seat number on their examination paper. If an envelope is provided for submitting    40

the papers, the room and seat number must also be written on this.

After the examination has ended, no student may leave the room until instructed to do so. The room is to be vacated     41

in an orderly manner.

Examination scripts are to be handed in as instructed by the examination officiators. The examination officiators’      42

instructions must be followed.

Upon leaving their exam table & seat, students are to take the disposable glove containing the disinfectant wipe with   43

them and to dispose of this in the dedicated waste bin as they leave the room (see appendix).

Everyone must wear a face mask (obligatory) when leaving their seat.                                                    44

3.4 Oral examinations
Oral examinations involving the disinfection of tables are conducted according to the following procedure:              45

    • Students enter the room (face masks obligatory)
    • Students present their proof of identity (even if a plexiglass screen is in place, everyone must still wear a
        face mask)
    • Students put on one of the disposable gloves provided (face masks obligatory)
    • Students use the glove to take a disinfectant wipe (face masks obligatory)
    • Students go to their exam table & seat (face masks obligatory)
    • Students disinfect their exam table & seat (face masks obligatory)
    • Students sit down (face masks obligatory)
    • Students dispose of the disinfectant materials as they leave the room (face masks obligatory)

3.4.1   Order of procedure
The D-H-M (“AHA”) rules must be observed. Wearing a face mask (specially certified mask) remains obligatory for         46

the entire duration of the examination.

The candidate or group of candidates that has just completed an examination must have left the room before the next     47

candidate or group of candidates is admitted. Face masks must be worn (obligatory) until leaving the building.

3.4.2   Identity check
Identity checks are conducted as instructed by the examination officiators. Instructions issued by the examination      48

officiators must be followed.

The required identity check will generally be conducted upon entry to the examination room. Face masks must be          49

worn (obligatory).

The identity check does not require the student’s signature.                                                            50

Vice President Teaching and Professional Development      6                                 V2.2       20.01.2021
Recommended Action / Hygiene Plan - for students taking examinations Kempten University of Applied Sciences
Recommended Action / Hygiene Plan for students taking examinations
Kempten University of Applied Sciences

3.4.3   End of the examination / Handing in examination scripts
The disinfectant wipe and disposable glove are discarded in the waste bin provided (see appendix).                      51

Everyone must wear a face mask (obligatory) when leaving their seat.                                                    52

3.5 Leaving the examination room / building
As previously described, the examination room is to be vacated in an orderly manner, as instructed by the examination   53

officiators. Everyone must wear a face mask (obligatory).

Students must exit the building via the shortest route possible. Everyone must wear a face mask (obligatory).           54

The D-H-M rules apply across the entire campus site. This means that the minimum distance must always be                55

maintained and a face mask must be worn in certain circumstances.

4    Closing remarks
Sincere thanks go to all students for their cooperation and assistance throughout these examinations.                   56

Observing the recommended actions, as described, should ensure examinations can be conducted safely for                 57

everyone concerned. Stay healthy!

This Recommended Action / Hygiene Plan for examination officiators                                                      58

was compiled
on behalf of and in collaboration with Professor Dirk Jacob – Vice President Teaching and Professional Development
and with the technical support of Dr Peter Nikodem – Medical Officer, Kempten University of Applied Sciences
by Mr Johannes Maurer – Safety Engineer, Kempten University of Applied Sciences.

Kempten, 20 January 2021                                                                                                59

Vice President Teaching and Professional Development      7                                 V2.2        20.01.2021
Recommended Action / Hygiene Plan - for students taking examinations Kempten University of Applied Sciences
Recommended Action / Hygiene Plan for students taking examinations
Kempten University of Applied Sciences

Appendix: Disinfection procedure – disinfectant wipes
The disinfection procedure using disinfectant wipes consists of six steps, which must be completed in the correct   60


Step  – Take a disposable glove as you enter the examination room
Only a single disposable glove is provided for each person.                                                         61

Face masks must be worn (obligatory).                                                                               62

                                                               Take a disposable glove

         Disposable glove

                                 Disinfectant wipe

Fig. 1 Take a disposable glove

Vice President Teaching and Professional Development     8                               V2.2       20.01.2021
Recommended Action / Hygiene Plan - for students taking examinations Kempten University of Applied Sciences
Recommended Action / Hygiene Plan for students taking examinations
Kempten University of Applied Sciences

Step  – Take a disinfectant wipe
Having put on the disposable glove, each student must take a disinfectant wipe from the box/dispenser provided and   63

then proceed to their allocated seat.

Face masks must be worn (obligatory).                                                                                64

                                                               Take a disinfectant wipe

    Disposable glove
                                                                       Disinfectant wipe

Fig. 2 Take a disinfectant wipe

Be sure to avoid contact with clothing or eyes.                                                                      65

                                                                               Disinfectant wipe

                  Disinfectant wipe

Fig. 3 Disinfectant wipe

Vice President Teaching and Professional Development     9                                V2.2       20.01.2021
Recommended Action / Hygiene Plan for students taking examinations
Kempten University of Applied Sciences

Step  – Disinfect table
Upon reaching the exam desk, use the disinfectant wipe to sanitise the immediate working area (approx. 1 metre   66

wide). The disinfectant applied in this manner evaporates without further action.

Face masks must be worn (obligatory).                                                                            67

        Disinfection area                                                      Disinfect table

Fig. 4 Disinfect table

Vice President Teaching and Professional Development     10                            V2.2      20.01.2021
Recommended Action / Hygiene Plan for students taking examinations
Kempten University of Applied Sciences

Step  – Disinfect chair (back and seat)
After the working area, the chair must also be disinfected at the points of contact with the hands.                68

Face masks must be worn (obligatory).                                                                              69

             Disinfection chair back

               Disinfection area

Fig. 5 Disinfect chair back

                                                                              Disinfection chair seat
         Disinfection area

Fig. 6 Disinfect chair seat

Vice President Teaching and Professional Development       11                                 V2.2    20.01.2021
Recommended Action / Hygiene Plan for students taking examinations
Kempten University of Applied Sciences

Step  – Storing disinfectant material during the examination
Wrap the used disinfectant wipe in the glove by placing it in your palm and pulling the glove over it.                70

Face masks must be worn (obligatory).                                                                                 71

                                                     Disinfectant wipe in disposable glove

Fig. 7 Remove glove

After this, place the glove at the front corner of the table for the time being.                                      72

                                                       Place glove at front corner of table

Fig. 8 Wrap disinfectant wipe in glove

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Recommended Action / Hygiene Plan for students taking examinations
Kempten University of Applied Sciences

Step  – Dispose of disinfectant material after examination
Used disinfectant material (disinfectant wipes                                                                                  73

wrapped in gloves) must only be disposed of in a                                                  Disposition
metal waste bin with a lid.

                                                       Fig. 9 Dispose of disinfectant material after examination in waste bin

Vice President Teaching and Professional Development     13                                      V2.2        20.01.2021
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