Page created by Benjamin Rios

This publication is dedicated to
                             The late Vic Simpson
                  BVSc DTVM CBiol FIBiol MRCVS FRSB Hon FRCVS

                          The late David Stapleford
      Both instrumental in guiding a newcomer in the right direction

Thanks go to all volunteers who input the backlog of data years ago, woodland
monitors and the general public who send in sightings. Monitoring would be far
poorer without you.
In order to pull this huge amount of data together, volunteers with expertise in
statistics or time on their hands were essential, also reviewers and proofreaders.
So thank you:

Dr Jon Fishman
Linda Fishman
Beth Greaves-Jones
Canon Michael Hodge
Professor David Martin OBE
Pat Ready BA PhD
Ian Rennie
Joel Rowlands
Marina Rupp MA
Sally Wiltshire

                                                                    ISBN: 978-0-9552314-6-9

                                     PAG E 1

                              Dr Colin Pope
I first came across Helen over 30 years ago at a meeting of the Isle of Wight Natural History
& Archaeological Society. At the time I had recently taken up a post as Ecology Officer for
the Isle of Wight Council. Helen told me that she had developed a particular interest in red
squirrels and was keen to find out how she might develop this interest. I was delighted to
hear this because, at that time, although there was a lot of public enthusiasm for our Island’s
squirrels, no-one was fighting their cause and promoting their conservation.
Shortly after this, interest in the special case of     with Bournemouth University has enabled her to
red squirrels on the Isle of Wight was taken up         develop the academic rigour required to analyse
by the Forestry Commission in particular, but also      the large data sets which she has accumulated.
by other statutory bodies and NGOs. However,
                                                        The outcome of this long period of dedication to
Helen’s enthusiasm and determination for our
                                                        red squirrels is apparent in Helen’s latest book,
squirrels grew and prospered and was far more
                                                        where she has drawn together a huge amount of
effective at getting the message across to ordinary
                                                        information on biology, ecology and conservation.
people than Government bodies. She has shown
                                                        If you want to know anything about red squirrels
an extraordinary and unfailing dedication to all
                                                        on the Island, then you are likely to find the
aspects of red squirrels on the Island. She has a
                                                        answer here. If you are one of the many volunteers
great interest in their biology, their ecology, their
                                                        who helped Wight Squirrel Project in any way,
welfare and, over and above everything else, their
                                                        then you are likely to find an account of the results
conservation on the Island.
                                                        of your efforts in this book. This is an impressive
Helen is highly motivated and innovative in her         piece of work and I warmly recommend it.
approach and over the years she has built up
a network of contacts both on the Island and
across the UK. She is in contact with most red
squirrel workers across the country. Working

                                                  PAG E 2

          PAG E 3

                      for Part 1


Preface                                                         5

Introduction                                                    8

Chapter 1      A brief history of the species Sciurus vulgaris 10

Chapter 2      Red squirrel personality and physiology         13

Chapter 3      Genetics overview                               20

Chapter 4      Lifestyle                                       22

Chapter 5      Conflicts                                       26

Appendix 1                                                     32

                                  PAG E 4

Why should we save our native red squirrels? Why spend 30 years working for them? Apart
from having it all in the ‘cute and charismatic’ stakes, they are our only native squirrel and
therefore fit well into our ecosystem.
With their bushy tails, inquisitive faces and naughty ways they are irresistible to most
people. They are also the hard done by underdogs, pushed out of their territory by an
introduced species, another reason to love them and fight their corner.
Life is never simple for any species and for
our native red squirrel – the only species of
British squirrel – fate has not been kind. After
the introduction of the American grey squirrel
in 1876, our native squirrels have suffered a
severe decline due to competition and disease.
To the majority of people living in the British
Isles today, the mention of squirrels conjures
up an image of the American grey squirrel.
But for those privileged few who live in a ‘red
squirrel only’ area, there is no more gratifying
experience than watching our native species.
The red squirrel’s elusive and timid nature
adds to their appeal – and the thrill – at seeing
                                                           With so much data to write up, it was hard to
this most charismatic of our native woodland
                                                           decide how to present it. Breaking it down
                                                           into manageable parts was the answer. Past
This publication has been a long time in                   reports, not published previously, are included
the writing. The aim of parts 1 and 2 is to be             in their entirety. Parts 1 and 2 of this publication
informative but at a level where adults and                are suitable for anyone, or agencies, to use as
older students will find the statistics useful. The        reference or just for interest. Part 3 is not for
majority of the data is drawn from science and             the faint-hearted as it shows graphic pictures of
the rest from citizen science plus the author’s            autopsies and uses medical language.
experience. Part 3 is a bit more challenging.
                                                           Part 1 is an introduction to the Isle of Wight
Red squirrel work is so intense and incoming               and red squirrels. It’s aimed at anyone looking
phone calls can easily change the planned                  for information but is not conversant with red
week. Time and time again this publication was             squirrels, or the Isle of Wight, but also provides a
started and then life intervened. On a more                useful summary for anyone who has an interest in
positive note, at least over a long timescale              red squirrels. The rest of this publication looks at
there is more information relating to our Isle             data collated on the Island since 1991. There are
of Wight red squirrels. It is the culmination of           many other publications that delve into deeper
the author’s work since 1991, plus all the loyal           detail relating to red squirrel physiology and
volunteers and supporters who have made it                 behaviour but a brief overview is relevant here
possible and not forgetting the general public             to better understand data and discussions in the
providing ‘citizen science’.                               following chapters.

                                                      PAG E 5

To have a good understanding of red squirrels and
their conservation, we first take a brief look at the
history of red squirrels, followed by the present-
day situation. This is followed by the conflicts
facing red squirrel conservation on the Isle of
Chapter 1 outlines a brief history of red squirrels
in the The United Kingdom and how it used to be
thought they are remnants from a time when the
UK was joined to Europe. This theory has recently
been brought into question using DNA analysis.
The focus is on the Isle of Wight but there are
many other groups in the UK who write about their
own areas if you wish to know more.
Part 2 focuses on 30 years of data gathered
                                                         A new design of bridge being installed in Ryde in 2008
on the Isle of Wight, scientific and general
observations from the general public. Several            by the author. Being independent, it is reliant on
people were keen enough to document their dog            donations, sponsorship and fundraising.
walks or their ‘garden squirrel’ activity, which all     Newsletters are produced annually and leaflets
helps to build up a comprehensive picture of our         given out at shows and venues around the Island.
island population of red squirrels. This part is split   Books and DVDs are also a big part of ‘getting the
into a further four sections.                            message out there’. More recently social media
Part 3 concentrates on mortality, morbidity              has taken on a role with publicity. Follow us on the
and caring for sick or orphaned squirrels. Red           Wight Squirrel Project Facebook page —
squirrels have their own diseases and share some         @wightsquirrelproject.
human health problems, the biggest shock being           When I started working with red squirrels on the
leprosy. Apart from natural causes, humans are           Island in 1991, numbers had dropped to a low level
responsible for the largest recorded cause of            as a result of the October 1987 hurricane. Apart
mortality – road traffic deaths.                         from the tree loss and the inevitable decrease in
In order to understand how this publication              winter food, corridor links were disrupted, leaving
and its contents was derived, here is a brief            some woods isolated. My first report, in 1992,
introduction to the charity and its work. Founded        looked at corridor links between woodland. The
in 1993 and for the first two years named Species        report is reproduced in part 2. I must take the
Conservation Organisation Protecting the                 opportunity here to thank Val Gwynn, who helped
Environment – or SCOPE – the charity changed             a novice with fieldwork and report writing.
its name when another, much larger, charity              People who had red squirrels in their garden
wanted to use the acronym SCOPE. The work and            before the storms reported their loss. However,
volunteers remained the same regardless of a             numbers rose steadily in the 1990s and into the
name change.                                             new millennium. Red squirrels are now seen
When a silver dish with a squirrel on was donated        regularly in gardens, parks and woods, even in
to the charity, I saw an opportunity to say thank        areas where they had not been seen before the
you to loyal volunteers. The dish was mounted by         1987 storm, according to older locals.
volunteer Mike Evans and a different volunteer           Monitoring is carried out in accordance with
is awarded the trophy annually. Michael Hodge            national guidelines by Wight Squirrel Project
was the first to receive the trophy for writing a        volunteers and the general public provide ‘citizen
programme to input data and keeping records up           science’. Citizen scientist is the catchy name
together.                                                given to any member of the public who reports
Wight Squirrel Project carries out the majority of       sightings. However, most sightings are from
red squirrel conservation work on the Island. It is      popular woods for walking and in areas where
a small local charity run by volunteers, headed          there are ‘garden’ squirrels so there are still gaps

                                                    PAG E 6

in our knowledge. There are over 25,000 reported          Sometimes a squirrel is taken ill in a garden and
sightings on the database, covering most of the           we are called in. Generally we will only go out on
Island. Citizen science is one of the most important      call if the animal is already captured. Too many
aspects as it covers far more of the Island than          times we have turned out just to find the animal
volunteers alone could do.                                has managed to scramble up a tree or gone into
This is where all the island woodland surveys,
which are carried out every 5 –7 years, fill in the       Sometimes a squirrel is taken ill in a garden and
gaps. Hairtube surveys, woodland monitoring               we are called in. Generally we will only go out on
walks, questionnaires, sightings from the general         call if the animal is already captured. Too many
public, post mortems and looking for food leavings        times we have turned out just to find the animal
are all more set methods used on the Island.              has managed to scramble up a tree or gone into
Other conservation efforts are rather more
innovative. Wight Squirrel Project actively               In the majority of cases the squirrel is too ill to
promotes non-invasive methods of monitoring,              survive and the illness untreatable. The stress of
unless in exceptional circumstances, such as a            being handled is sometimes too much for a healthy
grey squirrel incursion.                                  animal let alone a sick one. It is sometimes kinder
                                                          to leave them alone. I must take this opportunity
Road kills account for the majority of reported
                                                          to thank Bob and Jacquie Wilson for taking on a
deaths, so Wight Squirrel Project campaigned for
                                                          major role in this part of our work.
road signs and rope bridges to be installed. Official
road signs were put up in the worst blackspots and        When you next look at a red squirrel, take time
more recently unofficial signs, designed by Kate          to marvel at their agility, diverse personalities
Northover, have been erected on private property          and most of all, their charisma. There are other
and facing the road.                                      publications if you want to look at physiology in
                                                          greater detail and you are inspired to learn more.
Rope bridges sponsored by financial firm NPI were
                                                          Understanding how a red squirrel lives and it’s
a big part of the project for 20 years. Sadly, due to
                                                          needs are paramount if we are to help it’s long
tightening of insurance rules, it’s no longer viable to
                                                          term survival. Co-operation from authorities and
hang ropes across the highway. The Fire Brigade
                                                          landowners is also vital of course.
erected the first rope bridge over Calthorpe Road,
Ryde in June 1996. This was the first rope bridge in      Keep up the good work everybody!
the country and, due to its success, others followed
in the north of England and in Scotland.

Thanks go to tree climber Paul McCathie for filling
the hoppers in Calthorpe Road and Carol Pryke for
filling the hoppers in Wootton.

Raising public awareness of the red squirrel’s
plight is another aspect of red squirrel work and
a priority with Wight Squirrel Project. Education is
also an important part of red squirrel work. Advice
is given on request and there are leaflets available
as well as an informative website:

Wight Squirrel Project attends local events to
further the red squirrel’s cause and raise funds.
The main thrust on education is now carried out
by partner group, The Isle of Wight Red Squirrel
Trust. I gave talks up until 2016 when The Trust
was given the task of putting together a group of
trained people. Now I just talk about the science
rather than give the generic talk.

                                                      PAG E 7

Once widespread throughout the United                     Towns and villages are concentrated in the north
Kingdom, our native red squirrels (Sciurus                and east of the island, with Totland, Freshwater
vulgaris) have been replaced by the introduced            and Yarmouth the main settlements in the west.
American grey squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis)
                                                          Over half of the Isle of Wight is designated an
in all but a few areas in the north of England,
                                                          Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (ANOB). In
Scotland and offshore islands.
                                                          2019 it was also given UNESCO status.
Strategies to conserve remaining populations
                                                          Woodland is scattered and fragmented with the
recognise offshore islands with extant
                                                          largest woodland blocks in the north of the island
populations of red squirrels as important in the
                                                          and to the west of Newport. Woodland is scant in
long-term survival of the species in the United
                                                          the south-west between Blackgang and Brook.
Kingdom (JNCC Red Squirrel Strategy 1995).
                                                          Farming and tourism are the mainstays that
The red squirrel’s disappearance from mainland
                                                          support the economy. Both influence red
Britain is largely attributable to the introduced
                                                          squirrels and woodland but in different ways.
American grey squirrel, which does very well
in our broadleaved woodlands. Therefore the               Development encroaches into woodland
Isle of Wight is an important stronghold for red          habitat bringing with it pets and cars.
squirrels as the Solent provides a barrier to             Woodland is also a popular place for
grey squirrel invasion, although a grey does              developing tourist attractions, to the detriment
sometimes find its way over here.                         of wildlife.

Situated five miles from Portsmouth, off the              Sightings of red squirrels are frequent on
south coast of England, the Isle of Wight has a           the Isle of Wight as woods are relatively
human population of around 140,000. The capital           small, fragmented and often near roads or
is Newport, whilst Ryde is the largest town. Other        development, giving a greater chance of
major towns are Cowes, East Cowes, Sandown,               seeing a red squirrel.
Shanklin and Ventnor. All have red squirrels in or        Squirrels also help themselves to food put
around the town.                                          out by homeowners for the birds, so there are

The Isle of Wight                                        Map showing areas designated AONB

                                                    PAG E 8

literally hundreds of homes on the Island that            for their own pleasure. We are here to help
have squirrels visiting daily. Perhaps this is not        them and their welfare must come first. Part
ecologically sound but the squirrels will come            3 will explain how disease can pass between
to gardens and take bird food regardless.                 humans and squirrels.
Providing information about healthy feeding,
                                                          The map shows how fragmented woodland
taking care to cover water butts, highlighting
                                                          on the Isle of Wight is. In part 2, corridor links
the risk from pets and of putting down rat
                                                          are discussed. Since the Forestry Commission
poison will at least limit harm to the squirrels.
                                                          funded the JIGSAW project to extend ancient
However, statistics show this is far from 100%
                                                          woodland and link up isolated woodland,
                                                          squirrels can disperse from east to west and
There is a temptation to try and tame red                 north to south. This isn’t necessarily in a
squirrels. For the sake of the red squirrels, we          straight line and some routes will cross main
discourage this practice and will not take on             roads. Road-kill locations and statistics are
any volunteers that ‘use’ the squirrels purely            given in part 2.

Map showing distribution of woodland. The light green areas are owned by the Forestry Commission

                                                     PAG E 9

                   A BRIEF HISTORY OF
                     RED SQUIRRELS

This chapter is to introduce you to the subject species, Sciurus vulgaris, better known as red
Squirrels belong to the order Rodentia, of which there are over 2,000 species, divided into
29 families worldwide. Rodents are characterised by their grinding molars and their incisors,
which grow throughout their life.
Protosciurus is the oldest known member of the
tree squirrel family, according to fossil records,
dating from the Eocene period 37-32 million years
The National Museum of Natural History at the
Smithsonian Institute in Washington has on show
a tree squirrel fossil dating back 34 million years.
The skeleton is certainly similar to that of modern
tree squirrels.
A paper describing the find is available on the
internet (Emry & Thorington 1982): Descriptive
and comparative osteology of the oldest fossil                 Worldwide
squirrel, Protosciurus (Rodentia: Sciuridae). It’s
                                                               Worldwide, Sciurus vulgaris is found throughout
an interesting, scientifically written, read.
                                                               Europe and Asia, from the Arctic Circle in the
Members of this taxonomic group are the largest                north to the Mediterranean Sea in the south,
group of mammals living today. There are three                 and from China in the east to western Europe in
groups of squirrel: flying squirrels, ground                   the west. It’s only in United Kingdom and Italy
squirrels and tree squirrels.                                  that they face an immediate threat. Greys were
                                                               introduced into northern Italy in the 1940s.

 Kingdom         Animalia (Animals)                            Great Britain
 Phylum          Chordata (Backbone)
                                                               Red squirrels were widespread over the whole of
 Class           Mammalia (Mammals)
                                                               the British Isles and Ireland after the last Ice Age.
 Order           Rodentia (Rodents)
                                                               Fossil remains of the red squirrel found in Britain
 Family          Sciuridae (Squirrels)                         were dated at between 7,000 and 10,000 years
 Genus           Sciurus (Tree squirrels)                      old.
 Species         Sciurus vulgaris (red squirrel)
                                                               Red squirrels disappeared from Ireland and
                                                               were not reintroduced until the 19th century. It’s
Table showing the scientific classification of red squirrels   believed deforestation was responsible for their

                                                       PAG E 1 0

disappearance. Today there are red squirrels and         have recovered from times of natural disease,
the introduced American greys in Ireland.                habitat fragmentation and years of food shortage.
In Wales and Scotland, squirrels rapidly declined        Concerted efforts to reduce grey squirrels and
during timber shortages in the 15th and 16th             reintroduce red squirrels has been fraught with
centuries as forests disappeared to supply timber        problems. Currently, methods to reduce breeding
for human endeavours. During the 18th century            in grey squirrels and a squirrelpox vaccine for
Scottish red squirrel numbers plummeted almost           reds are under way.
to the point of extinction. The reason is unclear.
                                                         A natural squirrel predator, the pine marten
At the beginning of the 19th century tree planting       (Martes martes) is currently taking its toll on grey
on a large scale took place, especially of fast-         squirrel populations. Only time will tell if any of
growing conifers, and red squirrel numbers grew.         these methods are successful enough to allow
                                                         native red squirrels to dominate British woodland
In 1876 American grey squirrels (Sciurus
                                                         once more.
carolinensis) were introduced into Henbury
Park in Cheshire by landowner Mr Brocklehurst.
This introduction was followed by 30 releases
elsewhere in the country, thus sealing the red
squirrel’s fate in most of Britain.

                                                         Picture of red squirrel with squirrelpox

Grey squirrel                                            The Isle of Wight
                                                         The Isle of Wight is a small island of 380 km2,
Woodland destruction throughout the British
                                                         off the south coast of England. The human
Isles will naturally reduce the number of squirrels.
                                                         population is approximately 140,000. The red
Development and modern farming methods
                                                         squirrel population, based on habitat, is around
decreased woodland cover, including vital hedges
linking woods together, which are important for
many other species as well as red squirrels.             From the Neolithic period onwards the needs of
                                                         agriculture have altered the Island’s landscape.
It is possible small, isolated populations could
                                                         When hedgerows and small fields were common,
be wiped out in bad seed crop years and not
                                                         it’s said that squirrels could travel from one end
replaced if ‘corridors’ of trees linking woods
                                                         of the Island to the other. However, if there are
together are lost.
                                                         no woodland blocks to settle in on the way, tree
Disease has also played a major role in the              squirrels are unlikely to reach the other end of the
decline of reds, as they appear to be more               Island. This is discussed in later chapters.
susceptible to certain diseases than greys, most
                                                         In the south of the Island, lighter soils have
notably squirrelpox virus.
                                                         provided good agricultural land and there are no
Although not the sole reason for the reds’ decline,      sizeable woods left. The heavier clay soils in the
the greys are a major contributory factor. If the        north are much harder to work and tree cover
greys had not been introduced into Britain, then         is higher. This is where the majority of our red
it’s highly probable red squirrel numbers would          squirrels are found.

                                                   PAG E 1 1

The Isle of Wight is fortunate in having the Solent     When I started working with red squirrels on the
as a barrier to direct grey squirrel invasion.          Island in 1991, numbers had dropped to a low level
Although the odd grey squirrel has mysteriously         as a result of the 1987 hurricane. Apart from the
found its way to the Island in the past, it has been    tree loss and the inevitable decrease in winter
quickly dealt with. However, Isle of Wight red          food, corridor links were disrupted, leaving some
squirrels have not been spared the landscape            woods isolated. People who had fed squirrels in
changes that also affect the rest of the country.       their garden for years reported their loss.
Over the years, tree loss due to development            Red squirrel numbers rose steadily throughout
and modern farming methods has decreased                the 1990s and once again red squirrels are seen
woodland cover – and the vital hedges linking           regularly in gardens, parks and woods. From there
woods together.                                         on red squirrel numbers grew steadily and their
                                                        home range spread, albeit with a few peaks and
Pollard, Hooper and Moore (Hedges 1974) in
                                                        troughs in numbers along the way. Data in part 2
the New Naturalist Series suggested that
                                                        shows the rhythms and peaks.
hedgerows were lost at a rate of around 3,000
miles per year between 1946 and 1963. As farming        Monitoring will continue using tried and tested
became more intensive and machinery bigger,             methodology but also trying out new ideas, such
hedges were ripped out to accommodate modern            as trail cameras and DNA testing. The sightings
farming methods.                                        from the general public will continue to provide a
                                                        baseline for research and surveys.
Development and the need for housing has also
had an impact on the countryside. This is an
ongoing problem. It is not just the loss of habitat
and corridors; humans bring pets, cars and other
hazards with them.
On the plus side, humans also provide
supplementary feeding. More on this subject

                                                  PAG E 1 2

                      RED SQUIRREL
                    PERSONALITY AND
When I lived in a property bordering an Isle of Wight forest, it was a great opportunity to
study red squirrel behaviour and personality. The data is in part 2.
The greatest insight into red squirrel personality is raising orphaned red squirrels. Living
with them makes you realise they are just as diverse in their traits and development as
humans. For example, like us, squirrels are right- or left-handed.
                                                       bullying of a very old squirrel. When I had the
                                                       body for post mortem, he was found to have had
                                                       an arthritic hip joint that immobilised a hind leg
                                                       (details in part 3, chapter 2) making it easy for
                                                       younger, fitter animals to chase him away from
                                                       All have food preferences and start on solid food
                                                       between seven and nine weeks of age. Characters
                                                       range from timid to an ‘I’m in charge’ attitude. All
                                                       are curious about everything and get into all sorts
                                                       of scrapes. They are certainly not neophobes as
                                                       everything is inspected with little or no hesitation,
Feeding an orphaned red squirrel                       although wariness does come with age in most
Most orphaned red squirrels adapt to having a          Animals with serious injuries such as lost limbs
human mother and I’ve only had one that most           generally appear to feed when no other squirrels
certainly did not. Food and warmth is paramount        are around. Injured squirrels do adapt pretty well
and if you are providing that, they are generally      to loss of limbs, although they are more wary of
content.                                               other squirrels.
Some are brighter and faster to learn, whilst others
just give up when presented with a challenge. The      Physiology
young waited their turn at the feeders or picked
                                                       The average body length of an adult red squirrel
up pieces dropped by the older squirrels. There
                                                       is 21.5cm with the tail nearly doubling the
is a pecking order and it is not always the largest
                                                       overall length. An average weight is 300g for an
squirrel that dominates. Gender doesn’t appear to
                                                       adult. By examining well over 700 animals post
influence dominance either.
                                                       mortem, it became apparent size in squirrels
Red squirrels are not kind to aged or infirm           has a wide range. Tail length also varied and a
squirrels. One member of the public reported the       genetic anomaly has been observed in that, very

                                                 PAG E 1 3

occasionally, a mother with an abnormally short            The tail, apart from being used as a signal when
tail gives birth to a kitten with a ‘stumpy’ tail.         disturbed, acts as a balance, helping them to
                                                           move through the tree tops at speed. It also aids
Red squirrels have evolved to cope with life in the
                                                           as thermoregulation when held over the back.
trees. Vision, hearing, sense of smell and balance
are acute. Squirrels are diurnal, that is, active          Sharp claws and pads on the bottom of their
in the day, therefore night vision is poor. Their          feet provide effective gripping tools. The back
eye structure has evolved accordingly. Reaction            feet have five digits and the forepaw four plus a
is based on movement rather than sight. If you             residual thumb.
stand perfectly still, a squirrel will not react to your
presence but if you move, it will be gone.                                                   Pads on the
                                                                                             bottom of the
The inner tier of the two-tiered retina is made up                                           forepaw
of rods and the outer tier of cones, meaning that
squirrels have colour vision, although studies of
eye structure suggest it’s possible that they are
not able to see red. They have wide-angled vision,
necessary for detecting predators.
Scent marking is achieved by face wiping and
urination. A glandular lip plate secretes an
                                                                                             Residual ‘thumb’
odorous substance that identifies the squirrel to                                            on forepaw
its neighbours. Marking territory is important and
a message to anyone thinking of muscling in on
your patch.
Olfactory sense is good and a male can detect a
female coming into season from a kilometre away.
It is thought that a good sense of smell, coupled
with a good mapping ability, enables a squirrel to
relocate buried caches of food.
The vibrissae (whiskers), which are on the
underside of the body, limbs and at the base
of the tail as well as on the face, aid movement
through the trees with amazing accuracy. Squirrels
have powerful hind legs and feet with a double             Hindpaw
joint which can turn 180°, enabling them to run up
or down tree trunks with equal dexterity.

                                                           An extra joint in the hind leg allows the hind legs to
                                                           turn backward

                                                     PAG E 1 4

Gender                                                     Breeding
A popular misconception is that pelage colour is           Red squirrels are polygamous. The male mate with
linked to gender, but it is not; it is determined by       a female when she is in oestrus and then leaves
genetic variation. Unless you can see the genital          her to raise the kittens alone.
area, it’s difficult to tell male from female.
                                                           Red squirrels come into breeding condition at
Male testes regress into the body in the autumn            around one year old. A female comes into oestrus for
and appear again around December or the                    one day twice a year and gives birth to, on average,
beginning of January. If you look carefully, you can       two or three kittens. I have seen up to four on the
see a greyish patch during the time the testes are         Isle of Wight and on a few occasions, only one.
                                                           For squirrels over a year old, the beginning of the
Adult male genitals are obvious when males come            breeding season starts at the beginning of the year
into breeding condition at the beginning of the            and lasts through until the autumn. This is when the
year, or as they approach their first birthday. Like       male’s testes shrink back into the abdomen and the
humans, squirrels are mammals as they give birth           females do not come into season.
to live young and produce milk, so if a female is
                                                           Whilst males are in breeding condition for 9–10
lactating it is again, visually obvious.
                                                           months of the year, mature red squirrel females
                                     Young female          generally come into oestrus for just one day twice a
                                     There is a            year. The female must be in good condition to come
                                     short distance        into season. If she does conceive and then food
                                     between anus          becomes short or she falls ill, then some, or all, of the
                                     and genitals          foetuses will be reabsorbed back into the body. This
                                                           had occurred in a female brought in for post-mortem
                                                           examination .
                                                           A few days before a female red squirrel is ready
                                                           to mate, she gives off chemical signals, called
                                     Young male            pheromones, that can attract males from around a
                                     There is a            kilometre away. Mating chases ensue and the most
                                     greater distance      persistent male will mate with the female when she
                                     between the
                                                           is ready. Red squirrel males play no part in building
                                     anus and
                                     genitals              the family home or rearing the kittens.

                                     Adult male in
                                     condition. The
                                     testes are very

                                                           Red squirrel gestation is 38–42 days and the female
                                                           gives birth to, on average, two or three kittens, as
                                                           baby squirrels are called. They are born blind, deaf
                                                           and hairless. Mother has four pairs of teats and
                                                           suckles the babies. If mother realises early on that
                                                           a baby is weak or has a defect, she will not waste
                                                           time rearing it. Occasionally a kitten is brought in for
                                                           us to rear but found to have a congenital defect and
                                                           cannot be reared successfully. (More in part 3.)

                                                      PAG E 1 5

On one occasion a mother with four kittens was          up of fleas and other parasites becomes too much.
seen to push two out of the drey and was then           Not keeping the flea burden down can lead to
witnessed biting them. I had the bodies and she         problems such as anaemia, particularly in young
was not eating them, just ensuring they didn’t          animals. (See part 3.)
survive; there was significant blood loss and
                                                        The first year of life is crucial and mortality
the injuries were severe. Perhaps she was not
                                                        rates are high. Competition with adults and
producing enough milk or realised the kittens
                                                        food availability plus the animal’s strength of
were not viable. They were certainly thin.
                                                        personality will influence whether or not they
                                Kittens at              survive to see their first birthday and establish a
                                2 weeks old             home range. Scent marking is crucial to marking
                                                        Scent glands are located on a red squirrel’s
                                                        cheeks and they can be observed rubbing their
                                                        face along a branch. From personal experience
                                                        when caring for red squirrels, urine is pungent and
                                                        has a distinct odour and therefore ideal to mark

By two weeks old the kittens are covered in fine
                                                        Age determination
hair and take on a more familiar appearance. At         As with gender, colour is nothing to do with age,
around four weeks of age, teeth appear and ears         although many people think so. You will notice
and eyes open.                                          in this publication that ages are referred to as
                                                        juvenile, sub-adult and adult. Juvenile is from birth
At around seven weeks old, although still very
                                                        up to 12–14 weeks old when they leave home,
small and suckling, the youngsters start to follow
                                                        then sub-adult to breeding age at around one
mother from the nest and begin on solid food.
                                                        year old. There are various ways to determine
They are vulnerable at this age and may get left
                                                        age. Breeding condition is one way and described
behind or predated. At 12–14 weeks old, the
kittens should weigh around 220g and are ready
to leave the nest.                                      It takes experience and just ‘getting your eye in’
                                                        to judge age. Kittens are born toothless and the
                                                        incisors start to appear at around 4 weeks of age.
                                                        An adult has 22 teeth, the four specialised incisors
                                                        are used for the all-important task of cracking
                                                        nuts, whilst the molars grind the food.

                                                                                            Upper molars
                                                                                            and incisors

Kittens around nine weeks old

Although siblings may stay together to start with,
for the most part, red squirrels are solitary animals
                                                                                             Lower jawbone
but will huddle together in order to survive in cold
weather. They need to find their own home range
– which means competing with adult squirrels.
The youngsters must build several dreys so that
they can move into a fresh home when the build-

                                                  PAG E 1 6

The lower incisors are the first to appear, at            lid will give an idea of the age and how bright
around 3–4 weeks of age. These are followed by            the animal is. Some squirrels are smart and learn
three upper and three lower molars with the               quickly or watch the adults, whilst others just
pre-molars, two upper and one lower. The lower            frantically bounce on the lid in the hope it will
and second upper pre-molars are replaced by               open. Most squirrels do get the idea eventually.
permanent adult teeth at around 16 weeks of age.
The other teeth are permanent and grow                    Musculoskeletal system
throughout life.
                                                          Featuring a strong flexible spine and a long tail,
A squirrel’s teeth grow throughout its life. They         mainly for balance, a red squirrel’s skeleton has
have a large pulp cavity providing a good blood           evolved perfectly for a specialised for life in
supply, enabling the teeth to grow from the base          the trees. A ribcage encloses a heart and lung
as the tip erodes. Gnawing hard shells keeps the          structure, as it does in humans. The ribcage is soft
teeth in shape. If it’s possible to catch a squirrel,     compared to a humans and is easily cut with small
with a tooth problem, it can be put right by careful      surgical scissors.
dentistry from a local vet.
An unchecked misaligned tooth prevents gnawing,
can grow into a tusk and penetrate the face.

                                  Incisor which was
                                  growing into face.
                                  The vet snipped off
                                  the excess tooth
                                  before it cut into
                                  the squirrel’s face.


                                                          As expected with such an energetic animal,
                                  With a lower            muscles are well developed, unless the squirrel is
                                  incisor missing,        sick. With four digits on the front paws and five on
                                  this animal could       the back, they display excellent dexterity in the
                                  not survive.
                                                          trees and when extracting food from hard or
                                                          prickly seed cases. Hind legs have an extra joint
                                                          so the squirrels can run down trees equally well
                                  This squirrel only
                                                          as running up them.
                                  had one incisor         On the rare occasion I had a squirrel that died of
                                  and there was no        old age, or was obviously old, having a ragged
                                  sign of any broken
                                                          appearance and scars. The bones were yellowed
                                  incisors, so possibly
                                  this anomaly was        and less smooth in appearance. One elderly
                                  due to a congenital     squirrel had an arthritic joint which immobilised
                                  defect                  his hind leg.

Shin (femur) length is another guide to age. From
                                                                                       Arthritic joint
measuring shin length of animals brought in for
post-mortem examination, the average shin length
for an adult is approximately 70mm.
Behaviour is another clue. Sub-adults are
generally less sure of themselves, avoid older
squirrels and are less able at accessing food.
Watching squirrels who know there is food in a
squirrel feeder but do not know how to open the

                                                   PAG E 1 7

                                                        store location. Squirrels have excellent memory for
                                                        locating food and navigation.
                                                        It is believed they make a mental map of each
                                                        area using landmarks to triangulate the location
                                                        of food stores. The large olfactory bulbs receive
                                                        neural input about odours detected by cells in the
                                                        nasal cavity. The axons of olfactory receptor (smell
                                                        receptor) cells extend directly into the highly
                                                        organised olfactory bulb, where information about
                                                        odours is processed, which allows squirrels to
                                                        detect food below the surface.
                                                        The cerebrum performs higher functions like
                                                        interpreting touch, vision and hearing, but unlike in
                                                        higher primates it is rather small. The cerebellum
                                                        receives information from the sensory systems,
                                                        the spinal cord, and other parts of the brain and
                                                        then regulates motor movements. The cerebellum
                                                        coordinates voluntary movements such as
                                                        posture, balance, coordination, resulting in smooth
                                                        and balanced muscular activity.

                                                        Internal organs
                                                        As you will read in volume 3, red squirrels share
                                                        some common – and uncommon – causes of
                                                        mortality and morbidity to humans.

X-rays showing red squirrel skeleton.                   Internal vital organs are aligned in a very similar
                                                        way to those of humans. Their heart, lungs, liver,
Pictures courtesy of Medina Vets
                                                        pancreas, kidneys, spleen and digestive tract look
                                                        remarkably similar to ours.
A Squirrel’s Brain by Dr Jon Fishman                    The digestive tract has a stomach that stretches
                                                        when full and contracts when empty. I found that
                                                        in a few animals the stomach was small and not
                                                        as elastic when empty, while, going to the other
                                                        extreme, the full stomach dominated the body
                                                        cavity. The intestines are long, as you would
                                                        expect from a predominantly herbivorous animal.

The squirrel’s brain is not fully broadsides, is not
between the eyes and ears, but above and behind
the upper/rear corner of the eye. The cerebellum
is a small protuberance to the rear of the brain and
beneath it is the junction of the brain and spinal
The cerebrum is located towards the front of the
brain but behind and above the olfactory bulb.
The hippocampus is located on the underside of          Squirrel faeces, approximately 5mm long
the brain and is believed to be the main memory

                                                  PAG E 1 8

Since squirrels are very active animals, few have          I’ve seen kittens that are a very pale grey in colour,
excess fat deposits, and those that do generally           so obviously not age related. Colours can range
have pathology. The most common area to                    from every shade of grey through to virtually
store fat, in the animals I’ve autopsied, has been         black. Equally, many shades of brown and ginger
around the kidneys. The fat is pure white and of a         are found. Occasionally, multi-coloured reds are
mucilaginous texture.                                      seen.
                                                           One of the oddest winter coats I observed
Pelage                                                     belonged to a red squirrel (it had eartufts) with
The pelage, or coat, colour can vary enormously            a brindled grey body and a bright ginger tail. It
in red squirrels and is nothing to do with age or          is quite common for a squirrel to have a light or
gender but genetic variation. There is more on             dark tail tip or a dorsal stripe but occasionally a
genetics in the next chapter.                              squirrel will have racoon-like rings in the tail or
                                                           just a mixture of colours. In the summer some red
The pelage consists of layers, the closest to the
                                                           squirrels may have very blonde tails.
skin is the insulating underfur. The main body of
hair is the colour we are familiar with and this is
topped with longer guard hairs.                            A few examples of colour variation:
In red squirrels, the summer coat can be a
different colour from the winter coat. The winter
coat is moulted in the spring, beginning with the
face and working backwards. The long eartufts
are lost completely on most animals but some do
retain a vestige of tufts.

Summer coat

Winter coat

The autumn moult starts at the rump and works
forwards. At these times there are always phone
calls from concerned members of the public
because their garden squirrels have bald patches.
Some squirrels are not at all elegant when they
moult, whilst in others, the change in coat is hardly

                                                      PAG E 1 9

                  GENETICS OVERVIEW
As you will have read in an earlier chapter, red squirrels have many similarities to
humans. They do have fewer chromosomes though, that is, red squirrels have 20 pairs of
chromosomes and humans have 23 pairs.

Three islands DNA study                                 sign of Scandinavian or European origins on the
A batch of 25 DNA samples (left from leprosy
testing) were sent to Bournemouth University.
Geneticist Dr Emilie Hardouin and ecologist Dr          Microsatellites
Kathy Hodder put them together with samples
                                                        To take the original genetic study further, I sent
from Brownsea Island and Furzey Island (Poole
                                                        another 125 tissue samples to Bournemouth
Harbour) to see how red squirrels from the three
                                                        University. This study was commissioned by Wight
islands compared.
                                                        Squirrel Project with the remit to focus on how
Results showed that genetic diversity was low           closely related Isle of Wight red squirrels are to
overall; on the other hand, unique genetic strains      each other.
were also discovered. Isle of Wight red squirrels
                                                        More importantly, it can be compared to causes
are genetically most closely related to other British
                                                        of mortality data to see if there is a correlation
squirrels from the south of England. There is
                                                        between inbreeding and disease. Also if there are
even a possibility that Brownsea and Isle of Wight
                                                        any problem areas on the island.
populations might be remnants of an original red
squirrel population, as there is no evidence of         Each animal autopsied is given an ID number; this
introductions in these islands.                         has aided previous scientific research and will
In other parts of the country many releases of red      also contribute to this study. There are a number
squirrels from continental populations appear in        of locations where inbreeding is suspected and
historical records. Although more evidence would        a study of the results do indicate the parents of
be required to be sure, at the moment, there is no      several squirrels autopsied were closely related.

                                                  PAG E 2 0

However, to date, no obvious signs of abnormally           pattern emerges. This is partly due to woodland
large numbers of ill-health has been found.                distribution but also accessibility to woodland and
As with any population of a species, there are             lower human habitation density. Where woods are
congenital defects. On the Isle of Wight, there            remote, dead squirrels are less likely to be picked
is no ‘hotspot’ and the occasional birth defect is         up, therefore no tissue samples are taken.
found islandwide, in very low numbers.
                                                           Further studies are planned to obtain tissue
It is noticeable that genetic diversity is far less in     samples from missing areas. DNA testing every 5
West Wight and there are scant samples from the            –10 years would show if squirrels were dispersing
south-west. By comparing the genetic diversity             across the island and identify areas that would
map to a sightings distribution map, a similar             benefit from tree planting.

         Put simply, the larger the block of one colour, the closer related the parents are. The dots in the
        sea are inland but displayed in the sea for clarity. Note the area in the south-west where no tissue
                                         samples were available for testing

           Sightings map for 2021. The area where sightings are scant or there are no squirrel records,
                                 matches the area on the genetic diversity map.

                                                     PAG E 2 1

To start this chapter we will dispel one myth about squirrels – neither red nor grey squirrels
hibernate. Neither species goes into torpor as dormice, hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus)
and bats do in the British Islands and Ireland. Red squirrels cannot go too long without
venturing out to look for food, regardless of the weather, including snow. If the day is wet
and windy, most squirrels will not venture as far as on a nice day but they are observed
out in all weathers.
                          Natural food is cached        A tree hollow is the ultimate home and called a
                          in the autumn when            den. Squirrels build more than one drey or den
                          seeds such as beech           nest at a time so that they may move home when
                          (Fagus sylvatica), hazel      the build-up of parasites, predominantly fleas,
                          (Corylus avellana) and        becomes unbearable.
                          sweet chestnut
                          (Castanea sativa) are
                                                                                       Red squirrel with
                          abundant and retrieved                                       coir for use as
                          later in the winter and                                      bedding material.
                          spring. Fungi is also a                                      Picture is courtesy of
                          favourite and plentiful in                                   Mr Myall

                          the autumn. This is the
Red squirrel in the snow
                          red squirrel’s version of
a winter larder. Caches are generally buried but
may be hidden in cracks high up in the trees as
well.                                                                                  Squirrel using a
                                                                                       tree hollow as a
Smaller seeds, such as hawthorn (Crataegus                                             den
monogyna), are also eaten and opened in the
same way as hazelnuts, that is, split in half.
A squirrel’s nest is called a drey. Dreys are
approximately 30cm in diameter and have no
obvious entrance. They are usually built in mature
trees at least 8m from the ground and generally
against the trunk. The outside is made of twigs
which will initially have leaves on. The inside is
lined with dried grass, leaves or moss to make a
soft, warm, dry home. When human habitation is
nearby they may help themselves to something
soft off the washing line or shred string and ball it
up in their mouth to take back to their drey.
Summer dreys may be little more than a platform
of twigs and leaves and are not built to last. Winter
                                                        Drey high up in fork of tree
dreys are very well made and can last for several
years. There is no obvious difference between red
and grey squirrel dreys.

                                                  PAG E 2 2

Predators may catch an unwary squirrel on the            help them through until the spring. It’s thought that
ground but in the trees they are relatively safe         squirrels use a map in their head coupled with a
from most threats. Saying that, the rise in common       keen sense of smell to relocate their caches. They
buzzards (Buteo buteo) has taken a toll but some         will also supplement their diet with other food
red squirrels, on the Isle of Wight at least, have       such as lichen, fungi and mycelium found under
adapted. There are now noticeably fewer dreys in         bark.
the treetops. Some squirrels are building in more
imaginative places and people have reported
dreys built in lofts and barns. In 2019 a mother
squirrel even had her kittens in a tractor roof!

                                                         Feeding stump. Note the split hazelnuts and chewed
                                                         pine cone leavings

                                                         A red squirrel will hold a home range, which it
                                                         scent marks, but it does overlap with those of
                                                         other squirrels. Males generally cover a wider
                                                         range than females, especially once the breeding
                                                         season starts. There is no definitive range size
                                                         as much depends on the tree species within the
                                                         wood, food production and the time of year.
Reds spend far more time in the trees than greys
and prefer to feed from a vantage point such as a        By the springtime, when the first litters of squirrels
tree stump. Shoots, catkins, fungi, green cones          are leaving the nest, food is in short supply,
and ripe cone seeds are available to them in a           making survival more challenging. If most of the
well- managed mixed woodland. A red squirrel’s           stored caches have been used, shoots, buds and
slender build and light weight enables it to climb       insects are foraged but do not have the nutritional
out to the very tips of the trees to take cones and      value of nuts.
nuts. When the seed crop is poor, fewer squirrels
                                                         Trees such as wych elm (Ulmus glabra) produce
will survive the winter, the young and weak or
                                                         seeds in early summer and Scots pine cones
older adults being most likely to succumb’.
                                                         are eaten in June, although they are still green.
The beginning of the year heralds the start of the       Wild cherry (Prunus avium) and Rowan (Sorbus
breeding season when females come into oestrus           aucuparia) can also provide food early in the
and the males’ testes appear. Breeding details are       summer.
in chapter 2.
                                                         Statistics show that only around one in six red
                                         Depending       squirrels survive to see their first birthday. If they
                                         on how          survive their first year, red squirrels can live up to
                                         abundant the    around six years old in the wild. Food shortage,
                                         autumn seed     stress, disease and predation by birds and other
                                         crop was, the   mammals regulate the population.
                                                         Personality also plays a part as subordinate
                                         should have
                                                         animals will be bullied and therefore will stress,
                                                         making them more vulnerable to illness.
                                         stored nuts
                                                         Carrying capacity of any habitat determines food
Squirrels notch the top of the nut using left from the
their incisors and split it in half.     autumn to       and nest sites for a finite number of animals, who

                                                   PAG E 2 3

are competing for food and space to ensure their         are fully ripe. If reds are to survive the winter, they
own survival. In other words it is survival of the       need to gain 10% of their bodyweight, so a good
fittest.                                                 autumn seed crop is essential to their survival.
It is a natural process for numbers in a population      In the autumn squirrels gather other seeds such
to fluctuate wildly according to the season;             as sweet chestnut and beech. They also like fungi
immigration, emigration, habitat disturbance and         and berries. Autumn is when they stop breeding,
success or failure of the seed crop all have an          presumably so they can concentrate on gathering
impact. During the spring, summer and autumn             the all-important glut of fruits and seeds.
months, kittens born will inflate numbers. Road
                                                         The autumn moult starts around October. This time
casualties, predators and disease balance the
                                                         it starts at the base of the tail and works forwards
number of squirrels.
                                                         and the iconic eartufts, which were moulted in the
Natural red squirrel predators in the the British        spring, grow back again.
Isles and Ireland are red foxes (Vulpes vulpes)
                                                         Survival for kittens born later in the year is better
and pine martens (Martes martes) and large birds
                                                         as more food is available. Periodically the autumn
such as buzzards (Buteo buteo), magpies (Pica
                                                         seed crop is poor therefore fewer young squirrels
pica) and carrion crows (Corvus corone). The Isle
                                                         survive and the older or weaker adults may perish
of Wight does not have pine martens.
                                                         too. Lack of nutritious food is the most common
                                                         cause of death within the first year. This may be
                                                         coupled with a hard winter or disease.

                                                         A sick red squirrel will sit on the ground, head down
Red fox (Vulpes vulpes)                                  and tail over the back.

                                                         Where greys interact with reds, there is the
Feeding peaks at dawn and dusk all year, whilst
                                                         added danger of transmission of the squirrelpox
during the long days of summer they also
                                                         virus. It’s rare for a grey to contract the virus
feed around late afternoon. Red squirrels are
                                                         although they carry it. The symptoms resemble
opportunistic feeders and spend 60-80% (Holms
                                                         myxomatosis as lesions and swellings appear on
1991) of their active time foraging, the rest is spent
                                                         the face, especially around the eyes. There is also
in drey building, grooming and chasing.
                                                         ulceration and scabs on the body, plus movement
Squirrels retire at dusk but may go back to their        is difficult. Thankfully the Isle of Wight does not
drey for a rest during the hottest part of the           have grey squirrels and therefore no instances of
day. There are always exceptions and the more            squirrelpox virus, to date.
subordinate animals will appear at any time of the
                                                         Squirrels also carry external parasites such as
day, taking the opportunity to feed undisturbed by
                                                         fleas (Hoplopsyllus sciurorum), which can cause
older or dominant squirrels.
                                                         anaemia, generally in young animals or very sick
Around the beginning of August, hazelnuts begin to       adults. Death follows if the build-up becomes too
ripen and the squirrels start eating them before they    great.

                                                   PAG E 2 4

Red squirrel that died of squirrelpox virus in the north of

Hoplopsyllus sciurorum

Internal parasites include worms and coccidiosis.
They are also prone to toxoplasmosis from
contact with cat faeces when burying nuts. This is
common on the Isle of Wight. Morbidity described
in more detail in part 3.
Red squirrels are prone to suffer from cold and
wet conditions and will quickly die of exposure.
Stress triggers weight loss and disease, which will
weaken the squirrel and may lead to its death.
A variety of bacterial and viral diseases can attack
squirrels and they can contract health problems
similar to those experienced by humans, e.g.
cancer, gastroenteritis or perforated stomach
Natural predators also take their toll of young or
unwary squirrels as stated in the previous chapter.
On the Isle of Wight, a magpie was seen stabbing
a young red squirrel through the chest and a crow
was seen breaking a squirrel’s neck – both in

                                                        PAG E 2 5

                    ANTHROPOM ORPHIC
Despite a contraction of their range in Britain and Ireland, red squirrels are ranked globally
as of Least Concern. In most of their range they are widespread and common. It is only in
the UK and Italy, where they are under threat from the American grey squirrel, that they have a
measure of legal protection.
A logical place to start this chapter is by looking          Habitat prioritisation is another exception. The Act
at the laws pertaining to red squirrels. Red and             sets out the roles of Nature England and other
grey squirrels are mentioned in the Wildlife and             organisations delivering Government objectives
Countryside Act 1981 – but for different reasons.            for wildlife. Red squirrels and woodland are not
Red squirrels and their dreys are partially                  always seen as a priority.
protected, whilst greys are classed as vermin and
it is illegal to release a grey once it is caught.           Grey squirrels
                                                             1) It is illegal to bring a grey (even caged) into an
Red squirrels                                                area where there are only reds, e.g., the Isle of
It is illegal to:                                            Wight. This offence carries a prison sentence of up
                                                             to two years.
1) Intentionally kill, injure or take a red squirrel.
                                                             2) Once caught, it is illegal to release a grey
2) Possess or control (live or dead animal, part or
                                                             3) It is illegal to breed or sell greys.
3) Cause damage to, destruction of, obstruction of
access to, any structure or place used by a squirrel
for shelter or protection.
                                                             Isle of Wight safeguards
                                                             The biggest conflict is where grey squirrels,
4) Disturb a red squirrel occupying such a
                                                             introduced by humans, come into contact with
structure or place.
                                                             red squirrels. There is a strategy in place to deal
5) Sell, offer for sale, possess or transport for            with any grey squirrels that may stow away or are
the purpose of sale (live or dead animal, part or            deliberately brought to the Isle of Wight. Wight
derivative).                                                 Squirrel Project logs all reports of suspected greys
6) Advertise buying or selling of wild red squirrels.        and follows up on those that are near ports or are
                                                             descriptive of a grey squirrel.
7) Trap red squirrels for scientific purposes without
a licence.
                                                             Action Plan
There are certain exceptions. It is legal to nurse or
                                                             Apart from Wight Squirrel Project, Natural England,
humanely destroy injured red squirrels. There is
                                                             Forestry Commission, National Trust, People’s
also provision to cover incidental actions that are
                                                             Trust for Endangered Species, Hampshire and
an unavoidable result of otherwise lawful activity,
                                                             Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust and the Isle of Wight
e.g. if you accidentally hit a red squirrel whilst
                                                             Council (Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty)
driving. Forestry operations are also exempt as
                                                             make up the IW Red Squirrel Forum. Funds and
long as reasonable care is taken.
                                                             manpower are available to enable an effective

                                                        PAG E 2 6

control operation should a grey squirrel incident       to swim across but the strong tides and currents
occur on the Island.                                    defeated it.
An incident that requires attention may be:             Wight Squirrel Project informs members of the Isle
                                                        of Wight Red Squirrel Forum if it is believed there
A detailed description from a reliable and trusted
                                                        is a live grey squirrel incursion or a dead grey
source who has had a good, clear view of the
                                                        squirrel is found.
animal and is familiar with the differences between
red and grey squirrels
                                                        Grey squirrel incident
A grey squirrel carcass
                                                        In spring 2001 I had reports from local residents
A good-quality photograph                               that their reds had disappeared from the garden.
A grey squirrel hair found in a hairtube and            At the same time, possible sightings of a grey
verified by an experienced person                       squirrel around the Freshwater area came in.

The challenge is to remove a very small number of       In June, a post-lactating grey squirrel was found
grey squirrels in an area inhabited by red squirrels.   dead on Afton Road, Freshwater. The authorities
National guidelines regarding methods to deal           were contacted and the strategy put into place.
with grey squirrels are updated regularly and must      Wight Squirrel Project volunteers set out hairtube
be checked prior to any action being taken. Traps       grids around the whole of Freshwater and beyond
should be placed on the ground and baited with          to neighbouring woodland in West Wight.
                                                        No grey squirrel hairs were found after two years
This strategy is aimed at attracting greys and          of monitoring. To date, no other incidents have
deterring reds from entering the traps. Grey            occurred in West Wight. Full report in Appendix 1.
squirrels are keen on maize but reds are not.
Greys generally spend more time on the ground           To date, reports of live greys have been a case of
than reds, especially in the summer. Even               misidentification.
after trapping has removed any grey squirrels,
hairtubes should be left in place and checked
twice yearly, spring and autumn, for two years.

                                                        Location of grey squirrel road kill

                                                        It is not only squirrels and other wildlife that enjoy
                                                        living in woodland as humans happily live amongst
                                                        the trees as well. Although woodland is
                                                        acknowledged as important nowadays, it hasn’t
                                                        always been the case and estates and holiday
                                                        resorts were built into woodland – and still are.

                                                        When humans come into contact with wildlife and
Grey squirrel found dead on Isle of Wight beach
                                                        upset the natural balance there will be conflict and
                                                        controversy. Where we have built our homes and
It is not impossible that a grey squirrel could reach   roads through former squirrel habitat a number of
Isle of Wight shores without human intervention         problems arise. The obvious ones are traffic and
as they are excellent swimmers; indeed, very            pets. On the positive side, supplementary food
occasionally a dead grey is washed up on the            provided by homeowners is helpful in times of
beach. The assumption is that the animal tried          shortage.

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