Page created by Ellen Moody
                                       January 19, 2022

The Personnel Commission holds their meetings on the third Wednesday of each month at 4:30 p.m.
unless otherwise noticed.
The Personnel Commission may consider and act on an agenda item in a different order or an item may
be considered earlier or later than the estimated time. Additionally, discussion of the agenda items may
be postponed to a future meeting.

                                            PUBLIC ACCESS/COMMENTS
In accordance with Governor Newsom’s Executive Order N-29-20 regarding COVID-19, members of the
public will continue to have the right to observe the public meeting via and submit public comment in writing at or live public comment via the Zoom
Platform. Both written and live public comment requests are available for the Public Comment agenda
item as well as the Public Comment on Closed Session agenda item. Public comment and live Public
Comment requests will be accepted for a 24-hour period ending one hour prior to the start of the
Opening Procedure of the meeting. (no later than 3:30pm on Wednesday, January 19, 2022). All written
public comment received via the designated email address, referenced above, will be provided to the
Personnel Commission prior to the start of the meeting for review. The written public comment will not
be read or summarized, but will be made part of the minutes of the Personnel Commission meeting.
24 HOUR PERIOD WILL NOT BE PROCESSED. A member of the public may submit a request to
provide live public comment also using the above-referenced email address. The request must be
received during the 24-hour period referenced above. Once received, an email with a Zoom link will be
provided with directions and the procedure to provide live public comment. Public comments are limited
to three minutes.

                                               POSTING INFORMATION
The agenda for the special Personnel Commission meetings will be posted 24 hours in advance. The
Personnel Commission Agenda is posted at the following location:

     • Ventura Unified School District, Education Service Center (Always)
       255 W. Stanley Avenue, Suite 100, Ventura, CA (Guard shack)
       This serves as the main posting location pursuant to the Brown Act, Government Code §54954.2(a)

Pursuant to Government Code 54957.5, a copy of all documents related to any item on this agenda that have been submitted to the
Commission may be obtained from the Personnel Commission Office/Classified Human Resources, 255 West Stanley Avenue, Suite
100, Ventura, CA 93001.

Any individual with a disability, who requires reasonable accommodation to participate in a Personnel Commission meeting may
request assistance by contacting the Personnel Commission Office/Classified Human Resources, 255 W. Stanley Avenue, Suite 100,
Ventura, CA 93001 or 805.641.5000, ext. 1170 or FAX 805.653.7852.
MEETING AGENDA – January 19, 2022
Public Access
Public Streaming of the Personnel Commission Meeting at
A.     CALL TO ORDER - 4:30 P.M.

C.     Adoption of Resolution #22-01, Personnel Commission’s Authority to Hold Virtual Meetings Pursuant to AB 361

           • December 15, 2021

       Public comments are welcomed by the Personnel Commission within reasonable meeting time considerations in order to conduct the
       District’s business. During this time the Chair of the Commission may acknowledge visitors’ requests to speak on a topic not on the
       regular Personnel Commission agenda. The Personnel Commission is prohibited from taking action on any item that is not part of the
       printed and published agenda. Those requesting to speak are encouraged to submit comments in writing.

       1.   VESPA Report
       2.   Director’s Report
       3.   Recruitment & Selection: Hiring Update
       4.   Next Regular PC Meeting: February 16, 2022

       1.    Approval of New Classification Specification and Salary Allocation: Student Data Specialist I
       2.    Approval of Revised Classification Specification: Student Data Specialist II

       1.   Personnel Transactions Report

J.     COMMISSION COMMENTS — No official action will be taken.

       1.   Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release - Government Code §54957(b)



Pursuant to Government Code 54957.5, a copy of all documents related to any item on this agenda that have been submitted to the
Commission may be obtained from the Personnel Commission Office/Classified Human Resources, 255 West Stanley Avenue, Suite
100, Ventura, CA 93001.

Any individual with a disability, who requires reasonable accommodation to participate in a Personnel Commission meeting may
request assistance by contacting the Personnel Commission Office/Classified Human Resources, 255 W. Stanley Avenue, Suite 100,
Ventura, CA 93001 or 805.641.5000, ext. 1170 or FAX 805.653.7852.
Ventura Unified School District
                                     Resolution # 22-01

                  Personnel Commission's Authority to Hold Virtual Meetings
                                    Pursuant to AB 361

WHEREAS, on March 4, 2020, Governor Gavin Newsom declared a statewide emergency
arising from the coronavirus (COVID-19) that remains in effect; and

WHEREAS, on March 17, 2020, Governor Newsom issued Executive Order N-29-20 suspending
certain provisions of the Brown Act pertaining to teleconferenced meetings; and

WHEREAS, on June 11, 2021, Governor Newsom issued Executive Order N-08-21 which
indicated that Executive Order N-29-20’s authorization for holding virtual meetings would expire
on September 30, 2021; and

WHEREAS, on September 16, 2021, Governor Newsom signed AB 361 (Rivas) as urgency
legislation effective immediately, which provides that legislative bodies may continue to meet
remotely during a declared State of Emergency subject to certain conditions; and

WHEREAS, AB 361 amends the Brown Act (Government Code section 54953) to add the
following provision:

       (e)(1) A local agency may use teleconferencing without complying with the requirements
       of paragraph (3) of subdivision (b) if the legislative body complies with the requirements
       of paragraph (2) of this subdivision in any of the following circumstances:

       (A) The legislative body holds a meeting during a proclaimed state of emergency, and state
       or local officials have imposed or recommended measures to promote social distancing.

WHEREAS, AB 361 amends the Brown Act (Government Code section 54953) to add the
following provision:

       (3) If a state of emergency remains active, or state or local officials have imposed or
       recommended measures to promote social distancing, in order to continue to teleconference
       without compliance with paragraph (3) of subdivision (b), the legislative body shall, not
       later than 30 days after teleconferencing for the first time pursuant to subparagraph (A),
       (B), or (C) of paragraph (1), and every 30 days thereafter, make the following findings by
       majority vote:

       (A) The legislative body has reconsidered the circumstances of the state of emergency.

       (B) Any of the following circumstances exist:
(i) The state of emergency continues to directly impact the ability of the public, staff,
       students, and members of the Board to meet safely in person.

       (ii) State or local officials continue to impose or recommend measures to promote social

WHEREAS, the Ventura County Office of Public Health Officer recommends that legislative
bodies of Ventura County practice social distancing measures to slow the spread of COVID-19 by
continuing to meet remotely.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Personnel Commission of Ventura Unified
School District finds that the Governor’s March 4, 2020 declaration of a state of emergency
due to the COVID-19 pandemic remains active.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Personnel Commission of Ventura Unified School District
finds that the Ventura County Public Health Officer continues to impose or recommend that
legislative bodies of Ventura County practice social distancing measures to slow the spread of
COVID-19 by continuing to meet remotely.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Personnel Commission of Ventura Unified School District
finds that due to the state of emergency meeting in person would present imminent risks to the
health or safety of members of the public attending the meeting and/or the state of emergency
continues to directly impact the ability of the public, staff, students, and/or members of the
Personnel Commission to meet safely in person due to the prevalence of the Delta and Omicron
variants, the indoor setting of meeting facilities, the potential presence of unvaccinated
individuals attending meetings, the potential for non-compliance with mask wearing
requirement, and the desire to protect the health of immuno-compromised members of the
public, staff, students, and Commissioners.

PASSED AND ADOPTED by the following vote of the Personnel Commission of Ventura
Unified School District, County of Ventura, State of California on January 19, 2022.

       AYES: ______________________________________

       NOES: ______________________________________

       ABSENT: ____________________________________


President, Board of Trustees
                                                                  December 15, 2021
CALL TO ORDER       A regular meeting of the Personnel Commission of the Ventura Unified School District was held in person on
                    December 15, 2021. Ms. Stallings, Chair, called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.
                    Present: Commissioners Stallings, Walker and Campbell. Classified Human Resources Staff Members Present:
                    Andrea Crouch, Classified Human Resources Director, and Reina Murillo, Human Resources Analyst,
ADOPTION OF         On a motion by Mr. Walker, seconded by Ms. Campbell, Motion/Seconded/Carried Unanimously (MSCU), the
AGENDA              agenda for the December 15, 2021 Personnel Commission meeting was adopted by a vote of 3-0. (Ayes –
                    3/Walker, Campbell, Stallings; Nay 0; Abstain 0)
ADMINISTRATION OF   Ms. Cathi Stallings, Commission Chair, administered the oath of office to Mr. John Walker. Mr. Walker was
OATH OF OFFICE      reappointed to a three-year term to the Personnel Commission as the joint appointee effective December 1,
                    2021 – December 1, 2024.

APPROVAL OF         On a motion by Ms. Campbell, seconded by Mr. Walker, MSCU the minutes of the November 17, 2021
MINUTES             Personnel Commission meeting were approved by a vote of 3-0. (Ayes – 3/ Campbell, Walker, Stallings; Nay
                    0; Abstain 0)

ITEM F1             VESPA REPORT
                    Mr. Robert Ybarra, VESPA Vice President reported that VESPA would like to wish everyone a happy and safe

                    Ms. Crouch reported:
                         1) At the Board of Education meeting on 12/14/2021, the Board elected a new President, Trustee
                            Matt Almaraz, and new Vice President, Trustee Sabrena Rodriguez for the 2022 calendar year.
                         2) The Board also recognized and thanked Trustee Velma Lomax for serving as the President for the
                            2021 year.
                         3) The Personnel Commission 2020 – 2021 Annual Report will be presented at the next board
                            meeting in January.
                    Ms. Crouch continued with the following VUSD calendar highlights and upcoming events:
                            -    Winter Break 12/20/21 – 1/02/2022; HR will be open, but will have limited staffing due to the
                                 scheduled holidays and planned vacation time.
                            -     Next regular Board of Education meeting will be held 1/11/2022.

                    Ms. Crouch provided the Commissioners with an update regarding recruitment and selection. She shared in
                    January 2022, the Classified Human Resources Department is planning to host a job fair in partnership with
                    Certificated HR to recruit candidates for any current vacancies and all substitute positions. Classified HR will
                    also be partnering with Certificated HR to participate in several job fairs on the campuses of local colleges
                    such as Cal Lutheran and Cal State Channel Islands.

                    An update of various classifications was provided:
                                 -    Final interviews were completed for two Custodian vacancies, and the custodial team is
                                      now fully staffed.
                                 -    New recruitments were opened this week: Family Liaison and Campus Supervisor
                                 -    Fiscal Services is close to being fully staffed, as (3) new Fiscal Technicians have been hired
                                      and (2) of the (3) have been on-boarded and started their assignment. Also, the
                                      Purchasing Specialist position has been filled.
Personnel Commission Minutes
December 15, 2021
Page 2 of 3

ITEM F4               Next Regular PC Meeting: January 19, 2022
                      At this time, the Personnel Commission plans to meet in person for this meeting.

                      On a motion by Ms. Campbell, seconded by Ms. Stallings, MSCU to appoint Commissioner Mr. Walker as
                      Chairperson for a one-year term by a vote of 3-0. (Ayes – 3/Campbell, Stallings, Walker; Nay 0; Abstain 0)
                      On a motion by Ms. Stallings, seconded by Mr. Walker, MSCU to appoint Commissioner Ms. Campbell as Vice-
                      Chairperson for a one-year term by a vote of 3-0. (Ayes – 3/Stallings, Walker, Campbell; Nay 0; Abstain 0)

                      After brief discussion, on a motion by Mr. Walker, seconded by Ms. Campbell, MSCU to approve the revised
                      classification specification for Sprinkler Systems Technician as presented by a vote of 3-0. (Ayes – 3/ Walker,
                      Campbell, Stallings ; Nay 0; Abstain 0)

                      After brief discussion, on a motion by Ms. Campbell, seconded by Mr. Walker, MSCU to approve the revised
                      classification specification for Plumber I as presented by a vote of 3-0. (Ayes – 3/ Campbell, Walker,
                      Stallings; Nay 0; Abstain 0)

                      After brief discussion, on a motion by Mr. Walker, seconded by Ms. Campbell, MSCU to approve the revised
                      classification specification for Locksmith as presented by a vote of 3-0. (Ayes – 3/ Walker, Campbell, Stallings;
                      Nay 0; Abstain 0)

                      MANAGER - ELEMENTARY
                      After brief discussion, on a motion by Mr. Walker, seconded by Ms. Campbell, MSCU to approve the
                      reclassification of the Child Nutrition Assistant III positions assigned to the Elementary sites (position #1986,
                      #342, #893) to Child Nutrition Manager- Elementary, as well as reclassifying the incumbents Tylisha Hernandez
                      and Cathryn Burke, based on a gradual accretion of duties per PCRR 30.3, by a vote of 3-0. (Ayes – 3/ Walker,
                      Campbell, Stallings; Nay 0; Abstain 0)

                      After some discussion, on a motion by Ms. Campbell, seconded by Mr. Walker, MSCU to approve
                      reallocating the salary range for Lead Grounds Maintenance Worker from range 230 ($3,809 -
                      $4,755/month) to range 260 ($4,406 - $5,500/month) on the classified represented salary schedule,
                      effective January 1, 2022, by a vote of 3-0. (Ayes – 3/ Campbell, Walker, Stallings ; Nay 0; Abstain 0)

                      After extensive discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Walker to approve the modification of salary ranges for
                      the Warehouse Supervisor from range (M5) to range (M13) on the Classified Management salary schedule
                      and the Human Resources Supervisor from range (M16) to range (M25) on the Classified Management salary
                      schedule. There was no second to the motion, so the motion died. After further discussion, Ms. Campbell
                      and Ms. Stalling expressed that they didn’t support approving realignment of both positions and wanted to
                      break the request into two pieces. A motion was made by Ms. Campbell, seconded by Ms. Stallings, to
                      reallocate the salary range for the Warehouse Supervisor from range (M5) to range (M13) on the Classified
                      Management salary schedule, and passed by a vote of 2-1. (Ayes – 2/ Campbell, Stallings; Nay 1/ Walker;
                      Abstain 0). No further motions were made, however Ms. Campbell and Ms. Stallings did say they were willing
                      to reconsider if more data was presented to them

                      After a brief discussion, on a motion by Ms. Campbell, seconded by Mr. Walker, MSCU to approve the
                      advanced salary placement for a new hire Level I: Licensed Associate at range (310)/step (5) effective the
Personnel Commission Minutes
December 15, 2021
Page 3 of 3

                      first day of their established work calendar for the 2021-22 school year by a vote of 3-0. (Ayes – 3/
                      Campbell, Walker, Stallings ; Nay 0; Abstain 0)

                      After a brief discussion, on a motion by Mr. Walker, seconded by Ms. Campbell, MSCU to approve the
                      advanced salary placement for a new hire Level II: Licensed Associate, Supervisor at range (320)/step (5)
                      effective the first day of their established work calendar for the 2021-22 school year by a vote of 3-0. (Ayes –
                      3/ Walker, Campbell, Stallings; Nay 0; Abstain 0)

                      On a motion by Mr. Walker, seconded by Ms. Campbell, MSCU to approve the Personnel Transactions Report
                      by a vote of 3-0. (Ayes – 3/ Campbell, Walker, Stallings; Nay 0; Abstain 0)
                      The Commissioners wished everyone Happy Holidays and a great winter break.

ITEM J                CLOSED SESSION:
                      It was decided that Closed Session was not needed at this time.
                      There was no Closed Session.
ADJOURNMENT           On a motion by Ms. Campbell, seconded by Mr. Walker, MSCU to adjourn the meeting at 5:54 p.m. by a vote
                      of 3-0. (Ayes – 3/ Campbell, Walker, Stallings; Nay 0; Abstain 0)
Agenda Item E                                                        Classified Human Resources
                                                                      PERSONNEL COMMISSION

                                                                  255 W. Stanley Avenue, Suite 100
                                                                          Ventura, California 93001
                                                                             T 805.641.5000 x1170

 To:         Personnel Commission

 From:       Andrea Crouch, Director Classified Human Resources

 Date:       January 19, 2022

 Subject:    Recognition and Honoring of Classified Retirees

The following classified employee recently retired from VUSD, and will be presented to the
Personnel Commission to honor, and recognize their many years of service to our students and
the District community.

   •     Jeanette Weston-Longstreet, Senior Office Assistant, Purchasing Department
            o Retired December 30, 2021 - 13 years of service
Agenda Item H1 & H2
                                                                      Classified Human Resources
                                                                       PERSONNEL COMMISSION

                                                                   255 W. Stanley Avenue, Suite 100
                                                                           Ventura, California 93001
                                                                              T 805.641.5000 x1170

 To:        Personnel Commission

 From:      Andrea Crouch, Director Classified Human Resources

 Date:      January 19, 2022

 Subject:   Approval of New Classification Specification and Salary Allocation
            Student Data Specialist I

There has been a growing need to expand the District’s data team, and establish a classification
that is focused on fulfilling a specific department’s data needs, particularly within the Ed Services
Division. We have some departments in which there has been evolving needs to specifically
manage data, implement systems, monitor compliance, and work with internal and external
entities to track, monitor and report the data. This position will also work in collaboration with
the Technology Services Department to ensure data is clean, and in compliance with District
reporting requirements (i.e. CalPADS, SIRAS, etc.) Discussions have been held with Executive
Cabinet, along with representatives from Ed Services about the need for this position, and on
01/11/2022 the Board of Education approved creating this position.

Creating this position will now expand the student data career ladder. This proposed
classification would become the second level in a three tier career ladder specializing in student
data processing and management. A Student Data Technician serves at a high school and
performs a variety of technical duties in the preparation, updating and maintenance of manual
and automated records and files for high school students. The Student Data Specialist positions
serve at the district level and perform a variety of technical, specialized and complex
computerized activities and coordinate data processing, analysis and reporting functions on
District systems that serve district-wide programs and services. The Student Data Specialist I is
assigned to a particular department in comparison to the Student Data Specialist II which is
assigned to the Technology Services Department and serves as a lead to the student data
positions, as well as a liaison to all District sites and departments, County Office of Education,
California Department of Education, and other outside agencies.

A salary survey was conducted among districts within Ventura County to identify and compare
similar positions, but limited data was available. Although technology positions exist, there were
none that were comparable to the established needs for this particular position at VUSD.
Therefore, a job evaluation was conducted in which the function, essential duties, knowledge,
skills and abilities of the proposed new classification were compared against existing
classification specifications.
Student Data Career Ladder

        Student Data Technician                            Range 215 ($3,581 - $4,471/mo)

        (New) Student Data Specialist I                    Range 250 ($4,163 - $5,196/mo)

        Student Data Specialist II (title change only)     Range 260 ($4,406 – $5,500/mo)

It is therefore recommended that the Personnel Commission approve:
      • the attached classification specification for the Student Data Specialist I, and allocate the
          classification to salary range 250 on the Classified Represented Salary Schedule.
      • revising the current Student Data Specialist job description to reflect a title change to
          Student Data Specialist II, and add the new distinguishing characteristics section.

Attachment:    Student Data Specialist I proposed classification specification
               Student Data Specialist revised classification specification

Under the direction of a designated department administrator, perform a variety of technical, specialized
and complex activities involved in the computerized collection, processing, input, preparation,
verification, extraction, analysis, record retention and reporting of assessment, demographic, program
and other data for an assigned department of the District; serve as a liaison and coordinate data
processing, analysis and reporting functions on the District systems between department and District
personnel, administrators, vendors and various outside agencies.

A Student Data Specialist I is the second level in a three tier career ladder specializing in student data
processing and management. A Student Data Technician serves at a high school and performs a variety
of technical duties in the preparation, updating and maintenance of manual and automated records and
files for high school students. The Student Data Specialist positions serve at the district level and perform
a variety of technical, specialized and complex computerized activities and coordinate data processing,
analysis and reporting functions on District systems that serve district-wide programs and services. The
Student Data Specialist I is assigned to a particular department in comparison to the Student Data
Specialist II which is assigned to the Technology Services Department and serves as a lead to the student
data positions, as well as a liaison to all District sites and departments, County Office, and other outside

Perform a variety of technical and complex activities involved in the processing, preparation, verification,
record-keeping and reporting of assessment, demographic and program data; establish, develop,
maintain and update databases to meet various District data and reporting needs, requests and
requirements; verify and assure accuracy and integrity of data and reports.

Serve as a liaison between assigned department and Technology Services to streamline processes through

Compile, input, process, format and extract a variety of data in an assigned computer system; establish
and maintain automated records and files; create queries and macros, develop spreadsheets and generate
a variety of computerized reports and documents; assure accuracy and completeness of input and output
data; import, scan, export and upload a variety of data and information.

Prepare a variety of narrative and statistical lists, records and reports related to student assessment, test
results, demographics, programs, grants, enrollment, curriculum, assigned projects and activities; format
and generate charts and graphs; compare data and identify errors and discrepancies; make corrections,
additions and modifications as needed.

Develop, prepare, maintain and produce reports for district and school personnel. Specific information
may include: attendance, enrollment, CSIS, SIS, SIF, CDIF, SNOR, CRDC, HQT, NCLB, CBEDS, CALPADS,
SIRAS, graduate, special education, English learner, dropouts, mobility, grades, demographics, courses,
programs, test results, health, discipline, scheduling, credentials, assignments, positions, permissions,
software, data specifications, user accounts and assigned activities.

Research, compile and verify a variety of data and information; compute statistical information for various
Federal, State and District reports as necessary; resolve a variety of statistical discrepancies; sort, arrange
and tabulate data according to reporting requirements.

Coordinate with Technology Services to ensure data of assigned department/program needs are fulfilled;
assist in providing technical information concerning reports, research, statistics, and related practices,
standards, requirements and procedures.

In coordination with Technology Services and other designated agencies, serve as a liaison between the
District and the State concerning assessments and other related data and materials as directed.

Assure mandated and requested reports related to student assessment, demographics, programs and
assigned activities are completed according to established timelines and requirements; troubleshoot and
resolve problems with report queries and macros.

Receive and evaluate requests for data, statistical analysis and research projects; design strategies to
complete assignments; lead the design and building of data systems and data sets in order to enhance the
department and District’s ability to move quickly, efficiently and effect program and instructional

Operate a variety of office equipment including a copier, scanner, computer and a variety of specialized
software; provide recommendations concerning computer system and software enhancements.

Communicate with personnel and various outside agencies to exchange information and resolve issues or
concerns, including but not limited to the Ventura County Office of Education, Ventura County SELPA and
California Department of Education.

Attend and participate in various meetings; present materials, reports and information concerning
student assessment tests, demographics and programs.

Perform related duties as assigned that support the overall objective of the position.

Principles, practices, procedures and techniques involved in the processing, preparation, verification,
record-keeping and reporting of statistical data.
Data collection, information systems and statistical software.
Computerized data collection, management, manipulation and distribution requirements for analysis and
reporting functions.
Principles, methods and procedures of operating computers and peripheral equipment.
Record retrieval and storage systems.
Data control procedures and data entry operations.
Report writing and statistical record-keeping techniques.
Data verification and clean-up procedures.
Correct English usage, grammar, spelling, punctuation and vocabulary.
Interpersonal skills using tact, patience and courtesy.
Oral and written communication skills.
Statistical and mathematical computations.

                                                                                             Page 2|3
Perform a variety of technical, specialized and complex activities involved in the computerized collection,
processing, input, preparation, verification, extraction, analysis, record retention and reporting of
assessment, demographic, program and other data for the District.
Utilize an assigned computer system to input, update, format and extract data, maintain automated
records, and generate a variety of statistical reports and documents.
Review and verify input and output data to assure accuracy.
Assemble, organize and prepare data for records and reports.
Provide technical support for student assessment tests.
Serve as a technical resource concerning assigned projects, reports and related computer operations and
Type or input data at an acceptable rate of speed.
Detect and resolve errors and inaccuracies in data output reports.
Interpret findings and analyze data, and provide related recommendations.
Compile and verify data, and prepare reports.
Maintain accurate statistical records.
Effectively and consistently manage, organize and prioritize a high volume workload and competing
Establish and maintain cooperative and effective working relationships with others.
Perform mathematical and statistical computations with speed and accuracy.
Work independently with little direction.
Communicate effectively both orally and in writing.
Meet schedules and timelines.
Maintain regular and consistent attendance.

Requires any combination of education, training and/or experience equivalent to graduation from high
school, supplemented by college-level coursework in statistics, data processing or related field and two
years of experience involving the processing, verification, recordkeeping and reporting of statistical data,
including work with computer databases and related software applications. Experience working in a
public school environment highly desirable.

Office environment.

Dexterity of hands and fingers to operate a computer keyboard.
Seeing to read a variety of materials and view a computer monitor.
Hearing and speaking to exchange information.
Sitting for extended periods of time.

Approved by Personnel Commission:   for review and approval 01/19/2022

                                                                                           Page 3|3

Under the direction of the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) a designated Technology Services Manager,
perform a variety of technical, specialized and complex activities involved in the computerized collection,
processing, input, preparation, verification, extraction, analysis, record retention and reporting of
assessment, demographic, program and other data for the District; serve as a liaison and coordinate data
processing, analysis and reporting functions on the District systems between District personnel,
administrators, vendors and various outside agencies. Provide technical support for student assessment
tests; and work with the Educational Services Division to streamline processes.

A Student Data Specialist I is the second level in a three tier career ladder specializing in student data
processing and management. A Student Data Technician serves at a high school and performs a variety
of technical duties in the preparation, updating and maintenance of manual and automated records and
files for high school students. The Student Data Specialist positions serve at the district level and perform
a variety of technical, specialized and complex computerized activities and coordinate data processing,
analysis and reporting functions on District systems that serve district-wide programs and services. The
Student Data Specialist I is assigned to a particular department in comparison to the Student Data
Specialist II which is assigned to the Technology Services Department and serves as a lead to the student
data positions, as well as a liaison to all District sites and departments, County Office, and other outside

Perform a variety of technical and complex activities involved in the processing, preparation, verification,
record-keeping and reporting of assessment, demographic and program data; establish, develop,
maintain and update databases to meet various District data and reporting needs, requests and
requirements; verify and assure accuracy and integrity of data and reports.

Work with the Student Assessment Department and the Educational Services Division to streamline
processes through automation.

Input, process, format and extract a variety of data in an assigned computer system; establish and
maintain automated records and files; create queries and macros, develop spreadsheets and generate a
variety of computerized reports and documents; assure accuracy and completeness of input and output
data; import, scan, export and upload a variety of data and information.

Prepare a variety of narrative and statistical lists, records and reports related to student assessment, test
results, demographics, programs, grants, enrollment, curriculum, Title I and assigned projects and
activities; format and generate charts and graphs; compare data and identify errors and discrepancies;
make corrections, additions and modifications as needed.

Develop, prepare, maintain and produce reports for district and school personnel providing insight into
longitudinal and short-term trends. Specific information includes: attendance, enrollment, CSIS, SIS, SIF,
CDIF, SNOR, CRDC, HQT, NCLB, CBEDS, graduate, special education, English learner, dropouts, mobility,
grades, demographics, courses, programs, test results, health, discipline, scheduling, credentials,
assignments, positions, permissions, software, data specifications, user accounts and assigned activities.

Provide technical support for student assessment tests; prepare Pre-ID data files and other data and
information for assessment tests; prepare, develop, format and update answer sheets and various other
materials for assessment tests; assure answer sheets are aligned with State standards.

Provide technical training and assistance to District personnel concerning the operation of computer
systems, software, databases, applications, and reporting functions; respond to inquiries and provide
detailed and technical information concerning related practices, processes, reports, submissions, data,
requirements, techniques, policies and procedures; assist users with resolving network, database, login
and other technology issues; refer complex problems to other personnel as needed.

Research, compile and verify a variety of data and information; compute statistical information for various
Federal, State and District reports as necessary; resolve a variety of statistical discrepancies; sort, arrange
and tabulate data according to reporting requirements.

Advise and assist various departments with meeting data and program needs; provide technical
information concerning reports, research, statistics, and related practices, standards, requirements and

Assist with coordinating various student assessment tests; serve as a liaison between the District and the
State concerning assessment tests and related data and materials as directed.

Assure mandated and requested reports related to student assessment, demographics, programs and
assigned activities are completed according to established timelines and requirements; troubleshoot and
resolve problems with report queries and macros.

Receive and evaluate requests for data, statistical analysis and research projects; design strategies to
complete assignments; develop and implement research activities and methods of statistical data
collection, analysis and presentation for assigned projects.

Operate a variety of office equipment including a copier, fax machine, scanner, computer and a variety of
specialized software; provide recommendations concerning computer system and software

Communicate with personnel and various outside agencies to exchange information and resolve issues or

Attend and participate in various meetings; present materials, reports and information concerning
student assessment tests, demographics and programs.

Perform related duties as assigned that support the overall objective of the position.

Principles, practices, procedures and techniques involved in the processing, preparation, verification,
record-keeping and reporting of statistical data.
Data collection, information systems and statistical software.
Visual Studio, C#, Transactional SQL, SQL Server Management Studio, Powershell, and Microsoft Excel

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Computerized data collection, management, manipulation and distribution requirements for analysis and
reporting functions.
Principles, methods and procedures of operating computers and peripheral equipment.
Record retrieval and storage systems.
Data control procedures and data entry operations.
Report writing and statistical record-keeping techniques.
Data verification and clean-up procedures.
Correct English usage, grammar, spelling, punctuation and vocabulary.
Interpersonal skills using tact, patience and courtesy.
Oral and written communication skills.
Statistical and mathematical computations.

Perform a variety of technical, specialized and complex activities involved in the computerized collection,
processing, input, preparation, verification, extraction, analysis, record retention and reporting of
assessment, demographic, program and other data for the District.
Utilize an assigned computer system to input, update, format and extract data, maintain automated
records, and generate a variety of statistical reports and documents.
Review and verify input and output data to assure accuracy.
Assemble, organize and prepare data for records and reports.
Provide technical support for student assessment tests.
Serve as a technical resource concerning assigned projects, reports and related computer operations and
Type or input data at an acceptable rate of speed.
Detect and resolve errors and inaccuracies in data output reports.
Interpret findings and analyze data, and provide related recommendations.
Compile and verify data, and prepare reports.
Maintain accurate statistical records.
Establish and maintain cooperative and effective working relationships with others.
Perform mathematical and statistical computations with speed and accuracy.
Work independently with little direction.
Communicate effectively both orally and in writing.
Meet schedules and timelines.
Maintain regular and consistent attendance.

Requires any combination of education, training and/or experience equivalent to graduation from high
school, supplemented by college-level coursework in statistics, data processing or related field and two
years of experience involving the processing, verification, recordkeeping and reporting of statistical data,
including work with computer databases and software applications. Experience with Structured Query
Language (SQL) and working with Excel required.

Office environment.

Dexterity of hands and fingers to operate a computer keyboard.
Seeing to read a variety of materials and view a computer monitor.
Hearing and speaking to exchange information.
Sitting for extended periods of time.

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Approved by Personnel Commission:   09/19/2007
Revised:                            01/15/2014
Revised:                            08/09/2017
Revised:                            09/20/2017
Revised:                            Proposed revisions to PC for review and approval 01/19/2022

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