Regulatory standards and guidance for the use of health applications for self-management in Africa: scoping review protocol - BMJ Open

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Open access                                                                                                                                   Protocol

                                   Regulatory standards and guidance for

                                                                                                                                                                    BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-058067 on 11 February 2022. Downloaded from on March 1, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
                                   the use of health applications for self-­
                                   management in Africa: scoping
                                   review protocol
                                   Benard Ayaka Bene ‍ ‍,1,2 Sunny Ibeneme,3 Kayode Philip Fadahunsi ‍ ‍,1
                                   Bala Isa Harri,4 Nkiruka Ukor,5 Nikolaos Mastellos,6 Azeem Majeed,1 Josip Car1

To cite: Bene BA,                  ABSTRACT
Ibeneme S, Fadahunsi KP,                                                                             Strengths and limitations of this study
                                   Introduction Despite health applications becoming
et al. Regulatory standards        ubiquitous and with enormous potential to facilitate
and guidance for the use of                                                                          ► This study, to the best of our knowledge, is the first
                                   self-­management, regulatory challenges such as poor
health applications for self-­                                                                         attempt to identify gaps in the health application
                                   application quality, breach of data privacy and limited
management in Africa: scoping                                                                          regulatory environment across WHO African Region
review protocol. BMJ Open          interoperability have impeded their full adoption. While
2022;12:e058067. doi:10.1136/      many countries now have digital health-­related policies/
                                                                                                     ► The study will also map out the key stakeholders
bmjopen-2021-058067                strategies, there is also a need for regulatory standards
                                                                                                       and their roles in regulating the use of health ap-
                                   and guidance that address key regulatory challenges
► Prepublication history and                                                                           plications for patient self-­management across WHO
                                   associated with the use of health applications. Currently,
additional supplemental material                                                                       African Region countries.
                                   it is unclear the status of countries in Africa regarding
for this paper are available                                                                         ► Considering that regulatory standards and guidance
online. To view these files,       regulatory standards and guidance that address the use of
                                                                                                       may not be publicly available, it is possible that
please visit the journal online    health applications.
                                                                                                       some documents may be missed; however, efforts
(​       This protocol describes the process of conducting a
                                                                                                       will be made to obtain these documents by contact-
bmjopen-2021-058067).              scoping review which aims to investigate the extent to
                                                                                                       ing key stakeholders.
                                   which regulatory standards and guidance address the use
Received 15 October 2021           of health applications for self-­management within the WHO
Accepted 20 January 2022           African Region countries.
                                   Methods The review will follow the methodological                their healthcare providers to maintain good
                                   framework for conducting a scoping study by Arksey and           health.1 2 As the world experiences a massive
                                   O’Malley (2005), and the updated methodological guidance         proliferation of mobile applications, better
                                   for conducting a Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) scoping           internet access and advances in artificial intel-
                                   review. Given that regulatory standards and guidance are
                                                                                                    ligence, it is increasingly becoming easier for
                                   unlikely to be available in scientific databases, we will
                                                                                                    people to engage in self-­management.3–6
                                   search Scopus, Google, OpenGrey, WHO Regional Office
                                   for Africa Library (AFROLIB), African Index Medicus (AIM),          A mobile application, which is a software
                                   websites of WHO, ITU and Ministries of Health, repositories      application designed to run on mobile devices
                                   for digital health policies. We will also search the reference   such as smartphones and tablet computers,
                                   lists of included documents, and contact key stakeholders        can provide an important platform for self-­
                                   in the region. Results will be reported using descriptive        management.3 7 Health applications have the
                                   qualitative content analysis based on the review objectives.     unique ability to facilitate one or more aspects
                                   The policy analysis framework by Walt and Gilson (1994)          of self-­management of diseases by capturing
                                   will be used to organise findings. A summary of the key          the user’s health data, and providing tailored
                                   findings will be presented using tables, charts and maps.        information, instructions, graphic displays,
                                   Ethics and dissemination The collection of primary data
                                                                                                    guidance and reminders.8–12 They enable
                                   is not anticipated in this study and hence ethical approval
                                                                                                    remote monitoring of patient’s health status
                                   will not be required. The review will be published in a peer-­
                                   reviewed journal while key findings will be shared with          while also linking patients to their health-
© Author(s) (or their
employer(s)) 2022. Re-­use         relevant organisations and/or presented at conferences.          care providers and social networks.8–12 Rather
permitted under CC BY.                                                                              than manually recording the user’s health
Published by BMJ.                                                                                   data, some health applications are designed
For numbered affiliations see      BACKGROUND                                                       to allow patient’s health data such as blood
end of article.                    Self-­management is a crucial component of                       glucose, blood pressure, heart rate and
 Correspondence to                 chronic disease management, and it incorpo-                      weight to be automatically transmitted to the
 Dr Josip Car;                     rates the daily practices carried out by indi-                   application (via Bluetooth) from measuring
​josip.​car@i​ mperial.​ac.u​ k    viduals intentionally and with the guidance of                   devices, wearables or sensors.13

                                            Bene BA, et al. BMJ Open 2022;12:e058067. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-058067                                           1
Open access

                                                                                                                                             BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-058067 on 11 February 2022. Downloaded from on March 1, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
   The use of health applications for self-­   management       digital health technologies across different countries.37 38
could increase access to and reach (coverage) of effective      The inaugural report on the Global Digital Health Index
and safe healthcare services at scale while also promoting      was subsequently published in 2019.37 To the best of our
autonomy, person-­centred care, equity and privacy and          knowledge, this inaugural report is the first attempt to
confidentiality.3 14–17 This also presents an opportunity to    evaluate countries’ progress in digital health using 19
strengthen health systems in Africa and other low-­income       core indicators grouped under seven categories of key
and middle-­income countries where the potential of these       indicators of the WHO/ITU’s National eHealth Strategy
applications has hardly been harnessed. For over a decade,      Toolkit (leadership and governance; strategy and invest-
mobile health-­related interventions in Africa have been        ment; legislation, policy and compliance; workforce; stan-
restricted to services that do not require smartphones          dards and interoperability; infrastructure; and services
or internet connection, such as short messaging service         and applications). Although the report provided valu-
(SMS) and use of voice notes.3 18 19 This is partly because     able insights into the current state of legislation, policy
of the limited access to smartphones and low penetra-           and compliance as well as standards and interoperability
tion of internet services on the continent. However, this       across countries, only 6 of 47 countries (Benin, Ethiopia,
narrative is changing as there is increased availability of     Mali, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, and Uganda) in the WHO
cheaper smartphones, and the cost of mobile internet            African Region participated in the evaluation. Moreover,
subscription is rapidly declining,20 thus presenting an         the report did not provide any insight on whether coun-
immense opportunity to close the digital heath divide           tries have standalone regulatory standards and guidance
that had existed between Africa and high-­income coun-          on digital health and whether existing policies and strat-
tries for decades. The adoption of smartphones in sub-­         egies address key regulatory challenges related to the use
Saharan Africa continues to rise rapidly moving from            of health applications for self-­management.
10% of total smartphone connections in 2014 to about               In this paper, we present a protocol for a scoping review
50% in 2020. This is expected to rise to 65% by the end of      to investigate the extent to which regulatory standards
2025 with about 678 million smartphone connections.21 22        and guidance address key regulatory challenges affecting
   Because health applications for self-­      management       the use of health applications for self-­management in
present many opportunities and potential for the conti-         countries (Algeria, Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina
nent of Africa, appropriate regulatory standards and            Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African
guidance are required to facilitate the adoption of             Republic, Chad, Comoros, Ivory Coast, Democratic
evidence-­based, safe and efficient health applications.13 23   Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethi-
The WHO affirms that the existence of regulatory stan-          opia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-­         Bissau,
dards and guidance play an important role in strength-          Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali,
ening digital health governance at both national and            Mauritania, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger,
international levels.24 25 They provide a framework and         Nigeria, Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, São Tomé and
guidance (with clearly defined roles) for data governance       Príncipe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, South Africa,
that ensures data protection, confidentiality and integ-        South Sudan, Eswatini, Togo, Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia
rity of personal health data and system accessibility.25        and Zimbabwe) within the WHO African Region.
Globally, the delay in establishing appropriate regula-
tory standards and guidance has led to the persistence
of major regulatory challenges including poor applica-          AIM AND OBJECTIVES
tion quality,26–30 breach of data privacy31 32 and limited      Aim
interoperability,13 33–35 thus impeding the maturity of         To identify and assess the extent to which regulatory
health applications (as a fully integrated component of         standards and guidance regulate the use of health appli-
the healthcare system).13 Africa, however, has a golden         cations for self-­management, and to map out the key
opportunity of addressing these challenges early and thus       stakeholders and their responsibilities in regulating the
leapfrogging the barriers that many high-­income coun-          use of health applications for patient self-­management
tries have had to deal with.36                                  across WHO African Region countries.
   Many countries including those in Africa now have some
form of national policies or strategies on digital health.25    Objectives
However, beyond having national policies and strategies         The objectives of this review are to:
on digital health, it is imperative for countries in Africa     1. Identify regulatory standards and guidance that are
to have regulatory standards and guidance that address             available for regulating the use of health applications
key regulatory challenges affecting the use of health              for self-­
                                                                            management across WHO African Region
applications. So far, it is unclear which countries in the         countries.
WHO African Region have such regulatory standards and           2. Assess the extent to which the regulatory standards and
guidance. The Global Digital Health Index and Maturity             guidance regulate the use of health applications for
Model, an initiative of HealthEnabled and its partners,            self-­management in terms of what aspects are regulat-
was launched in 2018 to serve as an interactive digital plat-      ed, why, how and for whom, and what aspects are not
form for tracking, monitoring and evaluating the use of            regulated.

2                                                                Bene BA, et al. BMJ Open 2022;12:e058067. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-058067
Open access

                                                                                                                                             BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-058067 on 11 February 2022. Downloaded from on March 1, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
3. Map out the key stakeholders and their roles in reg-                     guideline, digital health, eHealth, app, WHO African
   ulating the use of health applications for patient                       Region and sub-­Saharan Africa, and list of all countries
   self-­management.                                                        within the WHO African Region. We will use truncation
                                                                            to increase yield of results.
                                                                               The search strategy will then be used to search for all
                                                                            eligible documents and policy related sources of evidence
Study design
                                                                            including conference proceedings and grey literature
A team comprising experts and researchers with expe-
                                                                            (committee reports and government reports). Boolean
rience and interest in the relevant disciplines (digital
                                                                            terms (mainly ‘OR’ and ‘AND’) will be used to combine
health, self-­management, health policy and planning and
                                                                            search results. ‘OR’ will be used to combine results within
scoping review methodology) will design, conduct and
                                                                            the same category while ‘AND’ will be used to combine
report the scoping review. The process of the scoping
                                                                            result between different categories to narrow down the
review will follow the methodological framework for
                                                                            search results.
conducting a scoping study originally described by Arksey
                                                                               Considering that regulatory standards and guidance
and O’Malley (2005), and the updated methodological
                                                                            are unlikely to be available in scientific databases, we will
guidance for conducting a Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI)
                                                                            focus our search on Scopus, Google, OpenGrey, WHO
scoping review.39–42 While stage 1 of the framework will
                                                                            Regional Office for Africa Library (AFROLIB), African
guide the formation of the review question and search
                                                                            Index Medicus (AIM), websites of WHO, ITU and Minis-
strategy, stage 2 and stage 3 will subsequently guide the
                                                                            tries of Health, and repositories for digital health poli-
identification of relevant studies and the study selection
                                                                            cies (including ICT Works, WHO directory of eHealth
process respectively. Stage 4 will guide the development
                                                                            policies and HIS Strengthening Resource Centre). In
of the data-­charting form as well as the data charting
                                                                            addition, we will search the reference lists of included
(extraction) process itself, whereas stage 5 will guide
                                                                            documents, and contact key stakeholders in the region,
the process of collation, summarisation and reporting of
                                                                            including persons working at the Ministry of Health
results. The final stage (stage 6) is optional, and it is meant
                                                                            (or other relevant departments and institutions), WHO
to guide the process of consultation with stakeholders (if
                                                                            Country Offices and the WHO Regional Office for Africa.
required). The reporting of the scoping review will be
                                                                               A sample search strategy for Scopus is provided in
guided by the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic
                                                                            online supplemental file 1.
Reviews and Meta-­Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews
(PRISMA-­ScR) checklist.43 The PRISMA-­ScR checklist will
                                                                            Stage 3: study selection
be completed and attached as an online supplemental
                                                                            Standalone regulatory standards and guidance; national
additional file.
                                                                            policies and strategies; and other sources of evidence
   This review is not registered with PROSPERO or any
                                                                            including committee or government reports (published
similar registration platform as it is not a requirement for
                                                                            or unpublished) identified from searches and key
scoping reviews to be preregistered.42
                                                                            contact persons will be imported into Mendeley refer-
Stage 1: identifying the research questions                                 ence management software to remove duplicates. After
Research questions                                                          removing duplicates, the remaining documents will be
The scoping review will attempt to answer the following                     imported into Covidence (a web-­based tool that allows two
research questions, which were generated based on gaps                      reviewers to independently manage article screening and
identified from preliminary literature review:                              data extraction). Using the predefined eligibility criteria
1. What regulatory standards and guidance are available                     outlined below, two reviewers, working independently,
   for regulating the use of health applications for self-­                 will screen each source of evidence in two stages (title and
   management across WHO African Region countries?                          abstract, and full text) for possible inclusion in the review.
2. To what extent do regulatory standards and guid-                         Any discrepancies will be discussed in order to reach a
   ance regulate the use of health applications for self-­                  consensus. Unresolved disagreements will be further
   management in terms of what aspects are regulated,                       deliberated on and resolved in a steering group meeting
   why, how and for whom, and what aspects are not reg-                     involving a third reviewer.
3. Who are the key stakeholders and what are their roles                    Criteria for selection of documents for this review
   in regulating the use of health applications for patient                 Inclusion criteria
   self-­management?                                                        The following categories of documents that will be consid-
                                                                            ered for inclusion in this review:
Stage 2: identifying relevant documents                                     ► Standalone regulatory standards and guidance that
A comprehensive search strategy will be designed by two                          potentially regulate or provide guidance for the use
reviewers with the assistance of a librarian and in consul-                      of health applications.
tation with other research team members. The following                      ► National policies and strategies on digital health
key terms will be included: policy, legislation, strategy,                       developed and produced by countries within the
regulation, standard, criterion, framework, guidance,                            WHO African Region.

Bene BA, et al. BMJ Open 2022;12:e058067. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-058067                                                               3
Open access

                                                                                                                                                       BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-058067 on 11 February 2022. Downloaded from on March 1, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
►   Other sources of evidence (published or unpub-              Therefore, data extracted in stage 4 will be reported
    lished) including committee or government reports           using descriptive qualitative content analysis based on
    that potentially address regulatory issues related to       the review objectives and as an attempt to answer the
    the use of health applications in any WHO African           research questions. The policy analysis framework by Walt
    Region country.                                             and Gilson44 will be used to organise findings according
                                                                to the aspects of the use of health applications for self-­
Exclusion criteria                                              management that are regulated, the reasons why they are
Documents that fall within the following categories will        regulated, how the regulations are enforced, for which
be excluded:                                                    population are the regulations targeted. This will be done
► Regulatory standards, guidance, policies, strategies          based on four priori categories, namely: content, context,
    and committee or government reports that address            process and actors. The Reporting Items for Stakeholder
    regulatory issues related to the use of health applica-     Analysis (ie, the RISA tool)45 will be used to guide the
    tions for patient self-­management in countries outside     mapping of key stakeholders and their responsibilities
    the WHO African Region.                                     in regulating the use of health applications for patient
► Documents that were written or produced earlier than          self-­management.
    2005. This is because it was only in the year 2005 that       Following descriptive qualitative content analysis,
    global efforts toward promoting standards to mini-          summary of the key findings will be presented using
    mise variability and potential harms that could arise       tables, charts and geospatial map(s) to aid visualisation.46
    from poorly regulated use of digital health began.25        More specifically, geospatial mapping will help highlight
                                                                gaps in coverage of regulatory standards and guidance
Stage 4: charting (extraction) the data                         for regulating the use of health applications for self-­
Two reviewers in consultation with the other members            management across countries within the WHO African
of the research team will develop the data extraction           Region.
form using an iterative process. At the initial stage of this
process, a pilot data extraction will be carried out on at      Stage 6: consultation
least 10% of included sources of evidence. The form will        Stage 6 (consultation) is an optional but important
continuously be refined until a consensus is reached.           component of scoping study methodology.41 While this
  Following the development of the data extraction form,        study does not include stage 6, there are future plans for
full data extraction will then be done by the two reviewers     consultation with patients, healthcare professionals and
independently and any disagreement will be resolved by          policymakers in form of interviews, focus group discus-
discussion. Inconsistencies or unresolved issues will be        sions and stakeholders’ workshop.
discussed and resolved with a third reviewer in a steering
group meeting. Any missing information that is relevant to
this review will be sought from the relevant stakeholders.      PATIENT AND PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT
  As recommended by Peters et al,42 the data to be              There was no direct involvement of patients and the
extracted will include author (s); year of production or        public in the design of this study. Nevertheless, the inter-
publication; country (where the document was produced           ests of patients and the public were among the major
or published); type of document (eg, standalone regula-         factors that informed the study design.
tory standard/guidance, national policy, other sources
of evidence including government reports); document
development approach (eg, public–private/multisec-              ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION
toral approach or private sector approach); the aspects         This study is mainly a review with no intention to collect
of health applications for self-­     management that are       primary data. Hence, application for ethical approval is
regulated; the reasons why they are regulated; how the          not required.
regulations are enforced; for which population are the            On completion of the study, a manuscript will be
regulations targeted (eg, applications users, application       submitted to a peer-­  reviewed journal for publication
developers and healthcare providers); and the aspects           while summary of the findings will be shared with rele-
of health applications for self-­management that are not        vant organisations. Key findings will be summarised
regulated; and the key stakeholders and their responsi-         and presented at national, regional and international
bilities in regulating the use of health applications for       conferences.
patient self-­management.
                                                                Author affiliations
                                                                 Department of Primary Care and Public Health, Imperial College London, London,
Stage 5: collating, summarising and reporting the results       UK
Unlike systematic reviews, the goal of scoping reviews is not    Department of Public Health, Federal Ministry of Health, Abuja, Federal Capital
to synthesise the results or outcomes of included sources       Territory, Nigeria
                                                                 Office of the Assistant Regional Director, Research, Development & Innovations
of evidence. However, as recommended by Peters et al,           Division, WHO – African Regional Office, Brazzaville, Congo
the scoping review authors may choose to extract results        4
                                                                 Department of Health Planning, Research and Statistics, Federal Ministry of Health,
and descriptively (rather than analytically) map them.42        Abuja, Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria

4                                                                 Bene BA, et al. BMJ Open 2022;12:e058067. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-058067
Open access

                                                                                                                                                                        BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-058067 on 11 February 2022. Downloaded from on March 1, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
 Universal Health Coverage/Live course Cluster (UHC/LC), WHO – Nigeria Country              10 Anderson K, Burford O, Emmerton L. Mobile health Apps to facilitate
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Twitter Benard Ayaka Bene @Bene_eHealth and Kayode Philip Fadahunsi @                       12 Bene B, O’Connor S, Majeed A, et al. The impact of mobile health
PF_eHealth                                                                                     applications on self-­management in adults with type 2 diabetes
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Acknowledgements We appreciate Rebecca Jones, the Library Manager and                          CRD42017071106, 2017. Available:​
Liaison Librarian at the Charing Cross Library, Imperial College London, for her               prospero/display_record.php?ID=CRD42017071106 [Accessed 30
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