Remind JUNIORS CLASS OF 2020 - Text: Enterprise High School

Page created by Clara Fitzgerald
Remind JUNIORS CLASS OF 2020 - Text: Enterprise High School

              Remind                          Text:
       Sign up now to receive
        information from the                  @ehs-2020
          counseling center
                                              to 81010
         throughout the year

Please sign up while we wait to get started
    Don’t worry, we will not spam you!
Remind JUNIORS CLASS OF 2020 - Text: Enterprise High School
Remind JUNIORS CLASS OF 2020 - Text: Enterprise High School
Get ready! It’s going to be a busy year!
Remind JUNIORS CLASS OF 2020 - Text: Enterprise High School
Agen da
                                 ●   Graduation Requirements
                                 ●   A-G
                                 ●   CAASPP
                                 ●   PSAT/Pre-ACT
                                 ●   SAT vs. ACT
                                 ●   ASVAB
                                 ●   College and Career Research
                                 ●   Narrowing down your Post-
                                     Secondary Choices
Robin Aukland     Deitra Smith
   LEQ - R            A-C
Michelle Saelee   Molly Huhn
     S-Z           D - LEP
Remind JUNIORS CLASS OF 2020 - Text: Enterprise High School

                              230 Credits
                     1 year long class = 10 credits
 ❏   English: 40 credits
 ❏   Social Science: 40 credits
 ❏   Math: 30 credits with CP Math 3 or 40 credits without
 ❏   Science: 20 credits with a physical science & life science
 ❏   Physical Education: 20 credits
 ❏   Visual/Performing Art : 10 credits
 ❏   Practical/Vocational Art : 10 credits
 ❏   Electives: 60 credits
** Computer Proficiency
Remind JUNIORS CLASS OF 2020 - Text: Enterprise High School
All classes must be completed with a grade of C or better

    A) Social Science: 2 Years from World History,
       Cultural Geography, US History, or American

    A) English: 4 Years

    A) Mathematics: 3 Years and must include two
       semesters of CP Math II and CP Math III
Remind JUNIORS CLASS OF 2020 - Text: Enterprise High School
D)        Lab Science: 2 Years, must include one Physical
      Science and one Life Science. * 3 years recommended

E)       Language Other Than English (LOTE): 2 Years of
      same language

F)       Visual/Performing Art: 1 Year

G)       College Prep Elective: 1 Year
Remind JUNIORS CLASS OF 2020 - Text: Enterprise High School

What is CAASPP / EAP? CAASPP/ EAP Scores

ht t p:/ / www.csumat mobile/ ms
w/ wat ch
Remind JUNIORS CLASS OF 2020 - Text: Enterprise High School
Th e ACT & SAT ar e pr e-
     co lle g e a s s e s s m e n t s

It ’s a g o o d id e a t o t a ke t h e m e ve n if yo u ’r e n o t
 g o in g t o a u n ive r s it y r ig h t o u t o f h ig h s ch o o l!

●   Take them because you’re competitive and/ or
●   Pre-College assessment scores are good for 5
    years- What if you change your mind?

●   Pre-College assessments may be used in place of
    college assessment tests

●   ACT & SAT scores will help you qualify for more

●   It may be free to you!
Remind JUNIORS CLASS OF 2020 - Text: Enterprise High School
“Students who take the PSAT score
  145 points higher on the SAT.”         Wh y t ak e t h e PSAT
                                                     (Pr el i m i n ar y SAT)

When: October 10th                   1. I t ’ s f r ee t o you!

Where: EHS (during school)           2. Recei ve i n f or m at i on f r om
                                         sch ol ar sh i p pr ovi der s an d col l eges
Where to Sign Up: English class OR
                  At Counseling      3. Pr edi ct h ow w el l you w i l l do on t h e
                                         SAT w i t h out addi t i on al t est pr ep
                                     4. You can use your r esul t s t o gai n
                                         i n di vi dual i zed SAT t est pr ep on
                                         Kh an Academ y
PSAT Sch ol ar sh i ps an d
    Re co g n it io n

●   When you take the PSAT and say "yes" to the free
    Student Search Services you help scholarship
    providers find you. There are over $220 million in
    scholarships offered annually.

        National Merit Scholarship Program

●    The top 50,000 s coring juniors a nnua lly will be
    recognized a nd cons idered for s chola rs hips : 7,500
    of thos e will be chos en for a Na tiona l Merit
    Schola rs hip in the a m ount of $2,500
I n t er pr et i n g Your
    PSAT Re s u lt s
Wi n t er Br eak of your Jun i or Year Pr i m e
             Tim e fo r St u d yin g !
ACT Test Pr ep
Sh oul d you t ak e t h e
        ACT o r SAT?

● Which one did you do better on
  when you took the preliminary

● If you didn’t take either preliminary
  assessment, take both!

●    If you’re still unsure, discuss it with
    your counselor

Englis h                                                        Reading
Ma th                                                           Writing & La ngua ge
Rea ding                                                        Ma them a tics
Science Rea s oning                                             Es s a y (optiona l) but recom m ended!
Es s a y (optiona l) but recom m ended!
                                                                Ma th: Arithm etic
                                                                       Algebra I & II
Ma th: Arithm etic                                                           Geom etry, Trigonom etry, Da ta Ana lys is
             Algebra I & II
             Geom etry, Trigonom etry, Proba bility &           Science: NO SCIENCE
             Sta tis tics
                                                                Es s a y: tes ts your com prehens ion of a s ource text
Es s a y: tes ts how well you eva lua te a nd a na lyze
                                                                Scoring: 400 - 1600
com plex is s ues

Scoring: 1 - 36
Regi st er i n g f or t h e
     ACT a n d t h e SAT

● Pay attention to registration
● National statistics show that
  students score highest when they
  take the ACT & SAT March-June of
  their junior year
● Registration deadlines are 4-6
  weeks before the exam
https:/ / sat/ register

                  http:/ /
                Register online at

Test Dates      Regular Registration Date   Late Registration Date w/ Fees

March 9, 2019   Feb. 8, 2019                Feb. 27, 2019
May 4, 2019     April 5, 2019               April 24, 2019
June 1, 2019    May 3, 2019                 May 22, 2019

                     SAT without Essay: $47.50
                     **SAT with Essay: $64.50**
                  Register online at

Test Dates       Regular Registration Date   Late Registration Date w/ Fees

Feb. 9, 2019     Jan. 11, 2019               Jan. 18, 2019
April 13, 2019   March 8, 2019               March 25, 2019
June 8, 2019     May 3, 2019                 May 20, 2019
July 13, 2019    June 14, 2019               June 24, 2019

                     ACT without Essay: $50.50
                     **ACT with Essay: $67.00**
Fee Waivers available in
 the counseling office for
    those who qualify

  2 SAT & ACT fee waivers
available per student, per year!
I f you do n ot f eel
 co n fid e n t w it h h o w w e ll
yo u d id o n t h e ACT a n d / o r
   SAT yo u g e t a s e co n d
            ch a n ce …

      o r 3r d , 4 t h , e t c…

  Co n t in u e s t u d yin g o ve r
 t h e s u m m e r if yo u d o n ’t
    fe e l co n fid e n t in yo u r
               s co r e s !
 Ar m e d Se r vice s Vo ca t io n a l Ap t it u d e Ba t t e r y
The ASVAB subtests are designed to measure aptitudes in four domains:
Verbal, Math, Science and Technical, and Spatial
Additional Career
Col l ege an d Car eer                    Research Tools
       Re s e a r ch                   https:/ /

                                     https:/ /
  This is an OPTIONAL engagement

1. Consider how much time
   Nar r ow i n g Dow n              you want to invest in your
       Yo u r Po s t -                a. University (4+ years)
  Se co n d a r y Ch o ice s          b. Military (4-6 years)
                                      c. Community College (1
                                         semester- 2+ years)
                                      d. Trade School (1- 18
Researching your potential for
federal and/ or state financial
    aid is a crucial step in      2. Consider what type of
  developing a post-second           institution would be the
                                     best fit for your chosen
                                     career path
Ti ps f or
Cr e a t in g
a Co lle g e
  Sh o r t
    Lis t
I f you h ave an y quest i on s

          Ot h e r ca m p u s r e s o u r ce s
        Ca r e e r ce n t e r t e ch n icia n o r
GEAR UP, TRIO/ ETS, Up w a r d b o u n d , Co lle g e Op t io n s

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