Resident fears for her safety as luxury apartment tower becomes a hotbed for violence, drug activity - CBD News

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Resident fears for her safety as luxury apartment tower becomes a hotbed for violence, drug activity - CBD News
February 2022, Issue 83                                                            The Voice of Postcode 3000                                                                                    见 26 页                                                                                  Forever Free                                                                              Puzzles & Trivia P25

                                                                                                                             Resident fears for her safety as
                                                                                                                             luxury apartment tower becomes a
                                                                                                                             hotbed for violence, drug activity
                                                                                                                             A resident of a lavish CBD skyscraper says she
                                                                                                                             no longer feels comfortable living at her newly
                                                                                                                             developed apartment building as it becomes
                                                                                                                             overrun with violence and illegal drug activity.

                                                                                                                             words by Brendan Rees                    in the entrance smoking on a crack
                                                                                                                             HEALTH                                   pipe”.
                                                                                                                                                                         In another instance, she said a
                                                                                                                                                                      woman approached her asking for
                                                                                                                             “I’ve been asked for heroin; I’ve been   “shard” [also known as ice, a type of
                                                                                                                             asked for ice, every drug under the      methamphetamine] as Jane went to
                                                                                                                             sun and it’s just so uncomfortable,”     the lobby to pick up a food delivery at
                                                                                                                             Jane [not her real name] said af-        9.30pm one evening.
                                                                                                                             ter moving into her Queens Place            “I said no,” Jane said she told the
                                                                                                                             apartment building at the corner of      woman who then approached others
                                                                                                                             Queen and A’Beckett streets in July      “and there was some exchange”.
                                                                                                                             last year.                                  Another man was found either
                                                                                                                                As part of its $150 million Home-     asleep or passed out at the front steps
                                          Block Arcade owner Grant Cohen [back row] was joined by tenants last               lessness to a Home Program, the state    of the complex before being moved
Block Arcade unites                       month in a show of support of his management and passion for the arcade as a       government bought apartments at          on by security.
Photo by Murray Enders                    bitter dispute between his family and the former operator of the Hopetoun          the Queens Place complex in May last        Jane said she was furious at the sit-
                                          Tearooms continues. More on page 17.                                               year – 12 of which are now occupied.     uation and had reported multiple in-
                                                                                                                                The program assists placing Victo-    cidents to the building’s management
                                                                                                                             rians experiencing homelessness out      but still “nothing gets done about it”.
                                                                                                                             of emergency accommodation and

Late-night pub bid rejected
                                                                                                                                                                         This included a time her moth-
                                                                                                                             into long-term housing.                  er and her partner had attended the
                                                                                                                                While Jane, who wished to remain      complex to visit Jane for her birthday
                                                                                                                             anonymous for fear of reprisals and      when a man yelled abuse at them.
                                                                                                                             putting her personal safety at risk,        “The guy followed them in and
words by David Schout                                          of hard work and argued their case so compellingly,” she      welcomed the initiative to get peo-      said if he could get to the eighth floor.
PLANNING                                                       said.                                                         ple off the street, she said her expe-   They said, ‘sorry we are here visiting
                                                                  “Residents banded together, fought to retain some lev-     rience of living alongside clients of    someone’.”
                                                               el of amenity and were able to prove their case. It was       the homeless program had made her           “He started calling my mum the
A bid to extend the opening hours of a proposed Bourke         pleasing that the VCAT members assessed the reality on        feel unsafe.                             C-word and yelling at her and he
St hotel from 1am to 3am has been rejected by the Victori-     the ground and disallowed any further impact to what we          “I don’t want to walk downstairs      lightly kicked my Mum’s partner in
an Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT).                   will already have to endure until the early hours, 365 days   to get UberEats and have to deal with    the leg.”
   The tribunal was unconvinced that the under-construc-       per year, and it certainly highlighted some inadequacies      everyone,” she said. “There’s always        Fortunately, the man was removed
tion venue, in part a restoration of the 1840s-built Job       in the planning permit conditions and reports as issued.”     a fight among them, there’s always       from the building within a week,
Warehouse, would not have “unreasonable impacts on the            The 673-patron bar and restaurant, set to be called Ju-    something going on.”                     but Jane said open drug dealing, vi-
amenity of the area” and backed the City of Melbourne’s        liet’s Terrace, would replace the derelict Job Warehouse,        The 24-year-old said security         olence, and chaotic behaviour were a
decision to order the venue close at 1am.                      which has sat dormant since 2012.                             guards had been stationed at the         common occurrence at the 80-storey
   Concerns principally surrounded long-term residents            Developers the O’Brien Group, owners of the nearby         complex, but they hadn’t stopped the     tower.
on Liverpool St, some of whom live less than 10 metres         Imperial Hotel, had previously argued that the economic       issues from occurring, including vio-       “I don’t feel safe walking to the
from the proposed venue.                                       viability of the new venue was reliant on a favourable li-    lent screams throughout the building     building at night,” she said, adding
   One of those, Nicola Smith, said the decision handed        quor licence.                                                 and aggressive behaviour.                her partner “will always drive me
down on December 17 vindicated their hard work.                   “Due to the age of the building and its heritage status,      One man, she said, exposed him-       home and walk me in”.
   “It was a nice Christmas present, a huge relief. I am in-   the care, time and skill needed to restore this building is   self while her friend and fellow res-
credibly proud of the residents who invested 18 months                                                Continued on page 7.   ident took footage of a “guy literally                       Continued on page 3.

           BUSINESS, PAGE 02                                   HERITAGE, PAGE 05                                  HOMELESSNESS, PAGE 07                               BUSINESS, PAGE 09

A                                                   B                                                   C                                                  D
           HER by Arbory to open                               Concerns grow for                                  Unison CEO’s high                                   Businesses driven to the
           on Lonsdale St                                      heritage Shell House                               hopes for Make Room                                 wall with Omicron
Resident fears for her safety as luxury apartment tower becomes a hotbed for violence, drug activity - CBD News
The Voice of Postcode 3000                                                                                                                                                                                         2

                                                           Meet “HER”
Suite 108, 198 Harbour Esplanade
Docklands 3008                                             An entire CBD building dedicated to some of
Tel: 8689 7980                                             Melbourne’s greatest loves – dining, immersive
                                                           art and a vinyl soundtrack – will soon open to
Sean Car
                                                           the public at 270 Lonsdale St on February 2.
                                                             Established by HQ Group, the team behind
                                                                                                                                                                    Works begin on
                                                           Arbory and Arbory Afloat on the north bank of
                                                           the Yarra River, HER is touted as a “wonderland
                                                                                                                                                                    theatre forecourt
Hyperlocal News Pty Ltd                                    of modern classic food, sophisticated drinks, art                                                        CAPITAL WORKS
ABN: 57 623 558 725                                        and music”.
                                                             Located across four levels of a Federation
                                                           building, which has undergone an extensive                                                               The City of Melbourne began work on a $1
Hyper-local print works for advertisers
                                                           renovation, the name “HER” derives from the                                                              million expansion of the Princess Theatre fore-
in our digital world because local people
                                                           feminine architectural features of the building                                                          court on Spring St.
are interested in local news.
                                                           and speaks to the building’s context and its                                                                The council is adding 240 sqm of additional
To sell to the CBD community,
                                                           curious history.                                                                                         public space to the forecourt area, which will
contact Jack Hayes on 0401 031 236 or                                                                          ▲ HER will open in February at 270 Lonsdale St.
                                                             HQ Group has partnered with leading archi-                                                             see new street furniture, garden beds, bluestone
                                                           tects and designers JCB and Tamsin Johnson to                                                            paving and protective bollards installed, as well
Reader contributions are welcome.                          create four distinct venues within the building,                                                         as a new raised asphalt pedestrian crossing at
Send letters, articles and images to:                      which include:                                            and exposed brick – to complement its          the Little Bourke and Spring streets intersec-                                          • Ground floor – HER BAR. For cocktail-                 fiery kitchen.                                 tion.
                                                                drinking, with chic, Parisian-inspired            • Rooftop – HER ROOFTOP. With inspiring              The project is being delivered as part of the
The deadline for the March edition                              interiors, it features soaring woven                 cityscape views overlooking some of the        $100 million Melbourne City Recovery Fund –
is February 17.                                                 cane ceilings and leather banquettes,                CBD’s most stunning heritage icons, the        a collaboration between the City of Melbourne
                                                                while a 10-metre painting of colour and              rooftop space is inspired by the European      and the Victorian Government.
SOCIAL MEDIA                                                    movement by local artist Eleanor Louise                                                                Lord Mayor Sally Capp said the expanded
                                                                                                                     garden party, with playful interiors, fun
Twitter Follow us on Twitter                                    Butt sits above the long, zinc-covered bar,                                                         forecourt would better accommodate both
                                                                                                                     drinks and food from the BKK menu.
@CBD_News_3000                                                  with more artworks coordinated by Lily                                                              pedestrians and theatre patrons as the city con-
                                                                                                                  HQ Group’s marketing director Georgie
                                                                Mora (Sunday Salon) in Salon Hangs on          Larkins said HER would provide the CBD with          tinued its recovery from COVID.
FACEBOOK-SQUARE Like us on Facebook
                                                                the walls.                                     a trove of new experiences.                             “We’ve seen theatre goers return in droves
                                                             • Level one – Music Room. A level dedicated          “This project has involved so many creatives,     recently, thanks to the popularity of shows like
instagram Follow us on Instagram                                to the love of sound inspired by the           people who love what they do, whether they           Harry Potter and the Cursed Child,” Cr Capp
@cbdnews                                                        listening bars of Japan and Europe. With       express themselves visually, in design or in         said.
                                                                its American walnut-panelled walls             music, or make superb food or cocktails – and           “The new forecourt will create a more
Opinions expressed by contributors are not                      mimicking a speaker box, and a bespoke         all in the one place. The result is HER; a fun and   inviting space for those visiting the Princess
necessarily shared by the publisher.                            sound system and console showcasing            gorgeous place to spend your time with friends.      Theatre, encouraging them to dwell and sup-
                                                                three turntables, the room is complete with
                                                                a wall of vinyl records curated by local
                                                                                                               We think it’s pretty special,” she said    •         port local businesses.”
                                                                                                                                                                       Temporary work to expand the forecourt                                     artist, DJ JNett.                                                                                   was undertaken in 2018 to manage the large
                                                             • Level three – BKK. A Thai BBQ canteen led                                                            audiences drawn in by theatre shows, which
                                                                by head chef Sungeun Mo and HQ Group’s                                                              included closing a section of the Spring St ser-
                                                                executive chef Nick Bennett. Inspired by                                                            vice lane. The temporary work and service lane
                                                                the night markets of Thailand, BKK has
                                                                                                               For more information:                                closure will be made permanent as part of the
                                                                a stripped back interior – terracotta walls                                        expansion  •

                                                                                                                                                                  THERE’S A
                                                                                                                                                                 NEW DAME
                                                                                                                                                                   IN TOWN.

                                         Atrium entry, 35 Collins St

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Resident fears for her safety as luxury apartment tower becomes a hotbed for violence, drug activity - CBD News
February 2022, Issue 83                                                                                                                                                                                                    3

Resident fears for her safety as luxury
apartment tower becomes a hotbed for
                                                                                                               City Loop to close in 2023
violence, drug activity                                                                                        due to safety works
                                                                                                               words by Brendan Rees
  Continued from page 1.                                                                                       PLANNING

An email sent to Jane from the building’s
management and seen by CBD News, said it                                                                       Delays in fixing safety upgrades in Metro’s City
had received reports from residents and was                                                                    Loop will see the network closed for a “short
“working hard on a resolution” with the own-                                                                   period” in 2023, as the project’s cost blows out
ers’ corporation.                                                                                              by $249.2 million.
   Jane said she was most disappointed she had                                                                    The second stage of works include installing
not been told that she would be living with                                                                    platform smoke extraction systems, upgrading
formerly homeless Victorians before buying her                                                                 sprinkler systems, and integrating the new               “A contract for the next stage of the project
apartment, adding her real estate agent was not                                                                systems into the City Loop’s operating environ-       is expected to be awarded shortly, with work to
even aware.                                                                                                    ment.                                                 commence by the middle of this year,” it said in
   The alarming reports come as the newly-built                                                                   It comes as the works have stalled since 2018      a statement.
Botanic apartment complex in Southbank has                                                                     after the contractor hired to complete the re-           “The City Loop is currently safe and operates
also become a hotbed for violence, illegal drug                                                                pairs went broke, leaving large worksites unat-       in accordance with all required national rail
activity, and aggressive behaviour after the                                                                   tended and blocked off to the public at Flagstaff     safety laws and standards.”
state government bought 13 apartments at the                                                                   and Parliament stations.                                 “The planned safety upgrades are about
building as part of its Homelessness to a Home                                                                    The safety upgrades were originally identi-        catering for patronage growth and the future
Program.                                                                                                       fied in 2014 by the then Liberal state govern-        needs of Melbourne’s train network, with about
   According to Homes Victoria, a small number                                                                 ment, which announced it would spend $43              105,000 entries across the three stations each
of residents in the program “have had difficulty                                                               million to rectify the issue.                         weekday prior to the pandemic.”
settling into their new homes”.                                                                                   But by 2016, the Labor Party, which had tak-          Stage one of the project has been completed
                                                       ▲ The Queens Place building.   Photos: John Tadigiri.
   “Some are overcoming trauma and disad-                                                                      en office two years earlier, said it would spend      including upgrades to existing fire detection
vantage, and for them, transitioning into a new                                                                $132.8 million on stage two of the upgrades           systems, fire hydrant infrastructure, upgraded
home has been challenging,” it said.                                                                           with the project slated for completion in 2020.       CCTV and the implementation of an intruder
   “Homes Victoria is working with its commu-            Homes Victoria said where appropriate al-                In September last year, the Victorian Auditor-     detection system.
nity partners to ensure wrap-around support            ternative long-term accommodation could be              General’s Office revealed in its Major Projects          Opposition public transport spokeswoman
is provided to these individuals and to resolve        identified, and renters agreed, “we have and will       Performance report that the total cost of the         Steph Ryan said the safety works exposed a
and respond to any issues that may arise in the        continue to support people to relocate. No one          stage-two safety upgrades had blown out to            “shocking neglect of commuter safety”.
building, to ensure all renters are fulfilling their   will be left without a home”.                           $382.09 million – nearly nine times the original         “There will be massive disruptions when the
obligations under the Residential Tenancies Act          “We welcome this developer’s commitment               cost.                                                 entire City Loop has to close, meaning that the
to afford neighbours the quiet enjoyment of            to the wellbeing of all residents and their sup-           Level Crossing Removal Project [LXRP) con-         CBD and an unknown number of train lines
their own homes.”                                      port for social and affordable housing options          firmed it would now lead stage two of the works       will be grinding to a halt at a time when busi-
   Homes Victoria confirmed it had bought              integrated into residential construction in             on behalf of the state government, with the City      nesses are attempting an urgent recovery,” she
“a number of apartments” in locations across           Victoria,” it said.                                     Loop to be shut down in early 2023 for a “short       said.
Melbourne, including “some” at the Queens                A Homes Victoria spokesperson said it                 period’ without elaborating for how long.                “Surely these closures could have been sched-
Place complex.                                         had helped break the cycle of homelessness for             “Like all disruptions, we’ll work to minimise      uled while people were working from home
   The Queen St complex, which consists of             more than 1500 Victorian households – or 1800           the impact and provide lots of warning to pas-        during the pandemic.”
twin towers and a five-level podium at 57              Victorians – as of January 12.                          sengers,” an LXRP spokesperson said.                     LXRP said “every effort is being made” to mi-
A’Beckett St and 370 Queen St, was developed             “We’re continuing to adapt this program to               LXRP said it had already carried out exten-        nimise any disruptions and more information
by Chinese developers 3L Alliance, who did not         meet the complex needs of those eligible for the        sive investigations, planning and design work         would be provided to commuters “well ahead
respond to a request for comment.                      program,” the spokesperson said    •                    during the past 12 months.                            of the closure”   •

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Resident fears for her safety as luxury apartment tower becomes a hotbed for violence, drug activity - CBD News
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Resident fears for her safety as luxury apartment tower becomes a hotbed for violence, drug activity - CBD News
February 2022, Issue 83                                                                                                                                                                                               5

Concerns grow over heritage-listed building, but Planning
Minister says there’s “no plan” for destruction
words by Brendan Rees                                                                                       “I am particularly concerned about new                 Melbourne University architecture academic,
HERITAGE                                                                                                 buildings cantilevering over heritage places and       Rory Hyde, who is also opposed to the rede-
                                                                                                         need to ensure that heritage places are actively       velopment, said it would be a “real detrimental
                                                                                                         used so they are conserved and have a future.          outcome of the building as a whole.”
A fight to save a city icon from destruction is                                                          There are two separate decisions for the devel-           “I think that building being heritage-listed is
underway after Minister for Planning Richard                                                             opment which will be considered – one related          important and we need to respect the decisions
Wynne called in an application that proposes                                                             to heritage and the other to planning.”                made by those bodies,” he said.
to redevelop the site of the heritage-listed Shell                                                          The Planning Minister has the power to                 He also believed the site should not be built
House.                                                                                                   intervene or “call in” in a planning application       over, saying, “I think that we need more open
   The 28-level building at the corner of                                                                that has been referred to local councils or ap-        space in the city”.
Flinders and Spring streets was designed by the                                                          peals being reviewed by the Victorian Civil and           Professor Hyde, who also sits on the
late Harry Seidler, one of Australia’s greatest                                                          Administrative Tribunal.                               Melbourne Design Review Panel, a newly cre-
modernist architects, and has received multiple                                                             Simon Ambrose, chief executive officer of           ated body that provides expert design advice
state and national architecture awards.                                                                  The National Trust for Victoria, said the pro-         to the City of Melbourne on major develop-
   Formerly known as Shell House, the 1 Spring                                                           posal by Phillip Nominees Pty Ltd would “de-           ments, said that the minister’s decision to call in
St tower, which is a mixture of government and                                                           stroy the aesthetic and architectural integrity”       the application “does strike me as very unusual”.
commercial offices and well-recognised for its                                                           of Shell House which encompassed the build-               “Obviously we don’t know what the minis-
curved and interlocking shell-like shape, was                                                            ing, a plaza, and a podium on Flinders Lane.           ter’s decision will be. I think in the past things
added to the Victoria Heritage Register in 2017.                                                            “Shell House, which won both state and na-          get called in when they want to get overturned,
   But an application which proposes to build a                                                          tional awards following its completion in 1989,        or the proposal would be approved without
second 121.68-metre-high office tower within                                                             is the only example of a Seidler-designed sky-         going through those proper processes.
the co-location of Shell House with a bridge                                                             scraper in Victoria,” Mr Ambrose said.                    “If that is what happens I think it doesn’t
linking the two buildings at the 15th level has                                                             “It remains remarkably intact to its origi-         really respect the processes as they are, and I
ignited concerns from the National Trust, the                                                            nal design and is one of the most important            think it would be a shame for the building.”
Australian Institute of Architects, and resi-                                                            buildings of this period in the state.”                   CBD residents’ group EastEnders president
dents’ groups.                                       ▲ A render of the proposal next to Shell House.        Mr Ambrose said if approved, it would               Dr Stan Capp said, “we should do everything
   Under the plans submitted in November                                                                 set a “concerning precedent” for future develop-       we can to protect the integrity” of the build-
2020, which are understood to have since been                                                            ments at heritage sites in the CBD, and “under-        ing because it was “of great significance to
amended, the existing Flinders Lane forecourt        and aesthetic significance to Victoria,” he said.   mine the integrity” of the state heritage register.    Melbourne’s CBD”.
would be “reinterpreted, to provide an inviting      “Milton House – located at the rear of Shell           In its submission objecting to the redevel-            “To have a separate process called in by the
accessible plaza for the public to enjoy and a       House – and built as a private hospital in 1901     opment application, the Australian Institute           minister just seems to me to be very unusual
welcoming new internal plaza situated between        – is one of Melbourne’s most exceptional Art        of Architects said constructing a new tower            and unnecessary and an inappropriate lack
the proposed Tower 2 and the existing Tower 1”.      Nouveau buildings.”                                 “would result in irreversible damage to a sig-         of confidence shown in the heritage council
   Mr Wynne said he had called in the appli-           He said the state government had “strong          nificant heritage place that actually helps define     frankly,” he said.
cation after Heritage Victoria refused permit        credentials when it comes to protecting the         the high-quality environment of Melbourne”.               Dr Capp added he hoped the City of
applications and the applicant had sought a          heritage values communities cherish.”                  According to the plans, the proposed tower          Melbourne and Heritage Victoria would “ac-
review from the Heritage Council.                      “In this instance I believe it is crucial that    has been “carefully considered to respond to the       tively advocate for the retention and non-devel-
   However, he affirmed, “Let me be clear – there    planning and heritage matters are considered        heritage context” of Shell House and the histor-       opment of this precinct”.
is no plan for the destruction of Shell House.       concurrently to ensure the best outcome for         ic Milton House in Flinders Lane. “The organic            Residents 3000 president Rafael Camillo de-
   “This building is undoubtedly one of the          the site,” he said. “Calling-in both applications   building form sweeps in a gentle curve away            scribed the proposal as “insanity”. “They should
most significant modernist buildings in              means an expert advisory committee will advise      from Tower 1 and is set high above the street          not touch significant architecture. We already
Melbourne and it is rightly included in the          on both the heritage and planning components        providing breathing space to Milton House,” it         have too much influence on our buildings in the
Victorian Heritage Register for its architectural    of the proposal.”                                   said.                                                  city,” he said •

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Resident fears for her safety as luxury apartment tower becomes a hotbed for violence, drug activity - CBD News
The Voice of Postcode 3000                                                                                                                                                                       6


                                                                                       Your City of Melbourne community update

                                                                                                            Prominent businesswoman and                ‘I am particularly pleased that this
                                                                                                            Richmond Football Club President           award cites my lifetime commitment
                                                                                                            Peggy O’Neal AO has been                   to equality for women and girls and
                                                                                                            crowned 2021 Melburnian of the             the significant role that sport can
                                                                                                                                                       play in making equality happen for all
                                                                                                            Year for her work advocating for
                                                                                                            women in leadership roles.
                                                                                                                                                       Previous Melburnian of the Year
                                                                                                            Since moving to Melbourne from
                                                                                                                                                       winners include leading medical
                                                                                                            West Virginia in the United States
                                                                                                                                                       researcher Professor Doug Hilton AO
                                                                                                            of America more than 30 years ago,
                                                                                                                                                       and radiation oncologist and tobacco-
                                                                                                            Peggy has forged a successful career
                                                                                                                                                       free lobbyist Dr Bronwyn King AO.
                                                                                                            as a lawyer, and in 2013 became the
                                                                                                            first-ever female president of an AFL      The prestigious award forms part of
                                                                                                            club.                                      the annual Melbourne Awards program,
                                                                                                                                                       which this year recognised another
                                                                                                            Peggy is also a board member of
                                                                                                                                                       eight organisations for their valued
                                                                                                            Women’s Housing Ltd – helping
                                                                                                                                                       work across a range of industries.
                                                                                                            disadvantaged and vulnerable women
                                                                                                            gain access to safe housing.               Winners included The Torch, a
                                                                                                                                                       program supporting Aboriginal art
                                                                                                            ‘When I came to Melbourne in 1989,
                                                                                                                                                       in prison and in the community;
                                                                                                            I could never have imagined that an
                                                                                                                                                       Farmer’s Daughters, a food and
                                                                                                            honour like this would come my way,’
                                                                                                                                                       dining experience that champions
                                                                                                            Peggy said.
                                                                                                                                                       local sourcing and sustainability; and
                                                                                                            ‘My deepest thanks to the City of          RMHive, an app developed to respond
                                                                                                            Melbourne for this recognition. When       to the unique mental health needs of
                                                                                                            I consider those who have previously       health-care workers.
                                                                                                            been named Melburnian of the Year, I
                                                                                                            am surprised and truly humbled to find      Visit
                                                                                                            myself in such company.                     to read more about their amazing
             Peggy O’Neal is a prominent business leader and women’s advocate                                                                           achievements.

             Feel instantly at home in the rustic                 ‘Having travelled the world to            ‘When I was nine, my mum opened           small businesses make to our city.
             surrounds of Il Solito Posto. Set in a               many beautiful cities, returning to       a ladieswear boutique in the
                                                                                                                                                      ‘It is quite an honour when I
             sub-basement off Collins Street, the                 Melbourne always reminds me how           Southern Cross Hotel on the corner
                                                                                                                                                      was the recipient of the bronze
             Melbourne institution offers casual                  lucky I am,’ Michael said.                of Exhibition and Bourke and this is
                                                                                                                                                      commendation, and to receive the
             cafe meals and authentic formal                                                                when my true passion for the central
                                                                  ‘When I was young, I lived in                                                       25-plus years commendation is a
             dining amid wine-stacked shelves.                                                              city started.
                                                                  Reservoir and there was a little                                                    dream come true,’ Michael said.
             Restauranteur Michael Tenace, Managing               window with views of the city.            ‘When I was 24 and decided I wanted
                                                                                                                                                      ‘It gives me validation that my
             Director of Il Solito Posto, said he loves           My dream was to be in the                 to open up a cafe, it had to be in
                                                                                                                                                      passion and loyalty has provided
             running a business in Melbourne.                     Melbourne CBD.                            Melbourne CBD.’
                                                                                                                                                      such a substantial contribution to the
                                                                                                            Il Solito Posto is now one of             Melbourne CBD.
                                                                                                            Melbourne’s beloved institutions,
                                                                                                                                                      ‘It is a great initiative by the City of
                                                                                                            built in a forgotten basement, tucked
                                                                                                                                                      Melbourne to recognise the hard
                                                                                                            down a laneway. The success of the
                                                                                                                                                      work and dedication it takes to
                                                                                                            welcoming haunt was one of the
                                                                                                                                                      create longevity in a business and
                                                                                                            catalysts of Melbourne’s distinctive
                                                                                                                                                      it is a huge honour to share the
                                                                                                            laneway culture.
                                                                                                                                                      commendation with many well-
                                                                                                            Like so many of Melbourne’s               respected businesses.
                                                                                                            businesses, Il Solito Posto has been
                                                                                                                                                      ‘Hopefully one day I will be recipient
                                                                                                            hit hard by COVID-19.
                                                                                                                                                      of the 40-plus years commendation
                                                                                                            ‘The last 18 months have been the         to really stamp my legacy in the
                                                                                                            most challenging in all my time here. I   Melbourne CBD and my children can
                                                                                                            was on my knees and I didn’t know if      be recipients of the generational
                                                                                                            I was going to last,’ Michael said.       commendation - fingers crossed.’
                                                                                                            ‘Nobody knew what was going to
                                                                                                            happen. To receive the support of my       To read more inspiring stories of
                                                                                                            landlord, my customers, family and         Melbourne’s small businesses, visit
                                                                                                            friends to say you’re going to be okay
                                                                                                            meant the world to me.                     commendations

                                                                                                            ‘Having come through the recession
                                                                                                            in the 90s and the struggles of the       Information and events in this
                                                                                                            global financial crisis, I strongly       publication are current at the time
                                                                                                            believe that Melbourne is a true          of printing. Subsequent changes
                                                                                                            thoroughbred and will survive.            may occur. All photos taken in line
                                                                                                            I have seen her deal with trials          with health and safety guidelines.
                                                                                                            and tribulations and always rise to
                                                                                                            the top.’
                                                                                                                                                      Connect with us
                                                                                                            The City of Melbourne has recognised         /cityofmelbourne
                                                                                                            Il Solito Posto with a Lord Mayor’s
                                                                                                            Commendation, a program that
               Michael Tenace at Il Solito Posto, recognised with a Lord Mayor’s Commendation                                                            @cityofmelbourne
                                                                                                            celebrates the vast contributions

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February 2022, Issue 83                                                                                                                                                                                                              7

Unison CEO hopes council housing project                                                                                                                                 Late-night pub
could be the first of many in the CBD                                                                                                                                    bid rejected
                                                                                                                                                                            Continued from page 1.
words by Sean Car
                                                                                                                                                                            three times what it would normally be. To
                                                                                                                                                                         make it viable, we need a 3am licence,” CEO
                                                                                                                                                                         Michael O’Brien said in December 2020.
When Unison CEO James King first got wind                                                                                                                                   “The reality is, without the support of the
that the City of Melbourne was looking to                                                                                                                                Melbourne City Council for a 3am licence, it
transform one of its CBD properties into hous-                                                                                                                           will not proceed, and we’ll have no other choice
ing for rough sleepers, he knew his organisation                                                                                                                         but to hand back the keys.”
was well-placed to deliver its vision.                                                                                                                                      Residents were angered by this expectation.
   The Make Room project at 602 Little Bourke                                                                                                                               “It’s a disgrace and completely unreasonable
St will see the council-owned building re-                                                                                                                               that the [former] building owners have allowed
furbished by Unison as part of a $20 million                                                                                                                             a heritage buildings of state significance to fall
initiative offering 50 studio apartments to the                                                                                                                          into such an appalling state of disrepair and
city’s rough sleepers. Early works are scheduled                                                                                                                         then expect the local residents to pay for its
to begin in March.                                                                                                                                                       restoration through significant loss of amenity,”
   And with recent figures indicating that there                                                                                                                         Ms Smith previously told CBD News.
are anywhere between 60 and 90 people sleep-                                                                                                                                The O’Brien Group did not follow through
ing rough on our streets on any given night,                                                                                                                             on its threat to hand back the keys, and began
Make Room presents a significant opportunity          ▲ Unison CEO James King.                            ▲ A render of the Make Room project.                           development on the site in October, notably
to curb what’s an ever-growing challenge when                                                                                                                            before VCAT had handed down its decision.
it opens in 2023.                                                                                                                                                           Mr O’Brien did not respond to requests for
   But not only will Unison be responsible for           He told CBD News that one moment forever         commence it gives funders, or donors, some                     comment from CBD News.
managing the physical transformation of the           etched in his memory was showing a resident         confidence that the project really is happening                   Planning policy dictates that most larger
building, currently used to store the council’s       their new bedroom in a project completed by         as it said it’s going to happen so we’re hoping                CBD venues, like the proposed Juliet’s Terrace,
art and heritage collection, it will also manage      Unison in Footscray. He said the man, having        there’ll be a late surge in funding as well,” he               close at 1am.
the ongoing wraparound services for residents         only previously lived in rooming houses and on      said. “But we’re pretty confident that we’ll be                   While some hotels in the CBD may operate
upon completion.                                      the streets, “couldn’t get his head around what     able to get the funds in order to be able to de-               until 3am, VCAT found this did not translate to
   Operating under the vision – “communi-             the bedroom in the apartment was for”.              liver this project.”                                           a one-size-fits-all model.
ties that thrive” – Unison’s vast experience             “When I explained to him that was his bed-          As part of the refurbishment, 50 studio apart-                 “Because one, or more, hotels within the CBD
in collaborating to not only develop housing          room that was where he slept and that he didn’t     ments will be constructed alongside communal                   may operate until 3am or beyond, that does not
for those experiencing homelessness, but also         have to sleep in the kitchen, that was quite an     living areas, housing and homelessness services,               mean it is an acceptable outcome in all situa-
managing it, saw it given the nod to deliver this     emotional moment for him. He’d never been in        a social enterprise, cafe and wraparound sup-                  tions,” the findings read.
life-changing project.                                his own sort of bedroom before where he didn’t      port for residents.

   Speaking with CBD News in the wake of re-          have to leave,” Mr King said.                          Mr King said that while Unison still had to
ceiving a $1.75 million grant from the Ian Potter        “So, in my journey in community housing,         do “a lot of due diligence” in repurposing the
Foundation last month, taking its fundraising         it was at that moment a lot of it kind of came      building, each apartment would be of a “suitable
total up to $11.75 million, Unison CEO James          home to me in terms of helping those who need       size” in accordance with the state government’s
King said this would be the crucial component         help and giving them that opportunity to estab-     apartment design standards and incorporate                       In other words, adding to the
to ensuring successful outcomes.                      lish a home. That was pretty powerful for me.”      their own outdoor space.                                         vitality of the central city as a
   “The project isn’t so much the success; the           It’s that same opportunity to provide the           “We’re looking at each apartment having an
success is when I see rough sleepers being            human right of safe and secure housing to our       instep sort of balcony within the building en-                   24-hour city, does not mean in
accommodated who otherwise wouldn’t be ac-            city’s most vulnerable which is what makes the      velope which creates some challenges but gives                   all locations – it does not mean
commodated in the CBD. And, after a period of         project at 602 Little Bourke St so exciting, ac-    the residents the ability to have their own sort
time, they’ve been able to sustain their tenancy      cording to Mr King.                                 of outdoor space,” he said.                                    ❝ it should occur here.
and transition into long-term housing,” he said.         He said the initiative also underscored the         Despite managing a number of govern-
   “I think it’s [managing construction and           City of Melbourne’s commitment to ending            ment-owned properties for other housing ini-
wraparound services] pretty important because         homelessness.                                       tiatives, he said that the model of partnership
we have a very deep understanding of what                “They’re [the council] putting up their asset,   underpinning the Make Room project repre-
works and what doesn’t and especially for this        putting their money where their mouth is so to      sented a first for Unison.                                        The tribunal was not satisfied the venue
cohort. If you look at some of our projects           speak,” he said.                                       With the City of Melbourne, Victorian                       could prevent “unreasonable impact” on nearby
which have won awards recently we have of-               “I think they came to the position that          Government and a significant core of philan-                   locals, particularly those on Liverpool St.
fices located on site. It’s part of our place-based   long-term social housing is a state government      thropy joining forces, he said he hoped Make                      “To allow the venue to operate beyond the
approach.”                                            problem, but that there’s been under investment     Room would be the first of many more projects                  hours supported by the planning policy, we
   “We’re acutely aware of the homelessness           for a considerable period of time and there is      just like it in the CBD and surrounds.                         would need to be satisfied that the proposal
and rough sleeping problem or numbers in the          housing stress on everyone. Whether you’re on          “There’s no reason why it can’t be replicable               would not result in unreasonable impacts on
CBD. We work with that cohort daily anyway,           the verge of homelessness or not, everyone feels    and I’m really keen to develop it and deliver                  the amenity of the area. As based on the mate-
so we’re not shocked by some of the challenges.”      some sort of stress at some point in time.”         this project so that people do ask that question               rial before us we are not satisfied that this is the
   With an existing presence in the CBD at its           The City of Melbourne is providing the $7.45     – ‘okay, it’s been delivered successfully, and                 case.”
660 Elizabeth St office, as well as other bases       million former electricity network building in      these are the outcomes. What’s next?’” he said.                   The development is significant as it rep-
spanning from Geelong and Melbourne’s west            addition to $365,000 to begin the refit. The        “I know the City of Melbourne has a serious                    resents the much-needed restoration of one of
to the northern suburbs, Unison has a long            Victorian Government has already tipped in $9       mandate to look at replicating this across other               the CBD’s oldest buildings.
history of providing housing for our most             million for the project, while the Lord Mayor’s     assets in the CBD.”   •                                           The Job Warehouse, which last served as a
vulnerable.                                           Charitable Fund has contributed $1 million.                                                                        haberdashery, has been described as one of the
   Having led Unison as CEO for the past                 While the project still requires an additional                                                                  CBD’s “most high-profile eyesores”, and calls
two years after first joining as the director of      $9.25 million to fulfill the vision, Mr King said                                                                  for its restoration have come from across the
property development, Mr King said the or-            the City of Melbourne had considered under-         For more information:                                          board, including from residents.
ganisation’s impact in changing people’s lives        writing the shortfall to allow for construction                                                                       However, a planning application submitted
had proven powerful in his own journey in the         to begin.
                                                                                                                              in April 2020 proposed an almost 1000-patron
housing industry.                                        “With projects like this, sometimes once you     make-room                                                      venue which would remain open until 3am                 •

                                                                                                                                                 FAMILY MURMURINGS
                                                                                                                                                        A collaborative art exhibit of writing,
                                                                                                                                                       art works & virtual reality by Ken Chan,
                                                                                                                                                           Nancy Liang and Oliver Clifton.
                                                                                                                                                          FEBRUARY / MARCH 2022
                                                                                                                                                       Museum of Chinese Australian History
                                                                                                                                                       22 Cohen Place Melbourne VIC 3000

                                                                                                                                                 This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia
                                                                                                                                                                    Council, its arts funding and advisory body.
                                                                                                                                                                 Supported by the City of Melbourne Arts Grants.
                                                                                                                                                          Supported by the Museum of Chinese Australian History.

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The Voice of Postcode 3000                                                                                                                                                                                                  8

QVM People’s Panel members speak out after
recommendations “broadly ignored” by council
words by David Schout                             “The City of Melbourne, under the      the market community was “totally
COUNCIL AFFAIRS                                leadership of Lord Mayor Sally Capp,      wrong” and the council had “cher-
                                               is pressing ahead with a drastic re-      ry-picked things they wanted to do
Members of the City of Melbourne’s             make of the Queen Victoria Market,        anyway”.
Queen Victoria Market (QVM)                    in line with the discredited Doyle           “Management is not interested in
People’s Panel, formed to give the             plan,” a statement from the RHSV          listening to the traders because they
community a greater voice in the               said.                                     completely have another agenda.”
market’s redevelopment, have called               “The City of Melbourne still seeks
                                               to implement changes that the peo-        Updated market business
on the council to “cease misrepre-
                                               ple of Melbourne have consistently        case for QVM based on
senting” them.
                                               rejected. They must not be allowed        “assumptions”
   It comes after Lord Mayor Sally
Capp drew condemnation for                     to misrepresent the People’s Panel to        Councillors have endorsed the
comments she made at the Future                support these changes.”                   Queen Victoria Market’s updated              ▲ People’s Panel member Mary-Lou Howie         ▲ QVM ladies clothing stall holder Soraya
Melbourne Committee meeting on                    Speaking at the December 7 coun-       business case 2021 in December                 says the panel’s workshops did not provide     Niaznand was left devastated after her
December 7, in which she described             cil meeting, which saw the endorse-       following a nine-two vote, despite a           “a reset and a way forward”. Picture: Mur-     stock was damaged from a leaking roof.
the People’s Panel as being “absolute-         ment of the QVM renewal program           council report noting it “was based            ray Enders.                                    Picture: Cameron Grant.
ly critical in providing us with a reset       delivery plan proceeding, Cr Capp         on a number of assumptions which
and a way forward” for the future of           said after Heritage Victoria’s shock      are closely aligned to the 2017 busi-
QVM.                                           decision to knock back planned            ness case” including the provision of           This year will see the redevelop-           items that were impacted by the
   Residents and the Royal Historical          works on heritage sheds in 2018, “I       720 car spaces.                              ment of the trader and northern sheds          storm.
Society of Victoria (RHSV), who                think the People’s Panel absolutely          However, a report prepared by SGS         begin as well as the refurbishment of             Market chief executive Stan Liacos
form part of the 40-member People’s            was critical in providing us with a       Economics and Planning on the busi-          the food court, however, the prog-             said the storm was “incredibly in-
Panel which was set up by the                  reset and a way forward”.                 ness case, said the market renewal           ress of projects including Queens              tense” but maintained he was “not
council in 2018, were outraged by                 She continued, “I’m grateful to        budget had been reduced from $308            Corner Building, Market Square and             concerned” about the structural
the Lord Mayor’s claim, saying the             everybody who was involved in that        million to $268 million because of           southern development site have been            integrity of the heritage sheds which
council “consistently mispresents”             so that we could move beyond a            the pandemic and “significant budget         delayed because of COVID-19.                   were recently restored at a cost of
or “broadly ignores” the panel’s               deadlock with confidence and really       pressure” on the City of Melbourne,             A council report said several deci-         $30 million.
recommendations.                               provided that pathway for ongoing         with cost savings made across the            sions relating to the outcomes of the             “We believe that the workmanship
   According to some members of the            engagement to ensure that the re-         overall budget.                              southern development site invest-              and the drainage capacity is appro-
panel, the City of Melbourne ignored           newal could go ahead and that we             The report also concluded the pre-        ment would be considered between               priate and certainly not any different
its first recommendation which called          could move forward knowing we had         cinct renewal would be financially           July and September 2022.                       to what’s been for 142 years,” he said.
for a review of storage and amenities          significant trader, public and heritage   viable and for every dollar invested in         A preferred developer for the                  Mr Liacos said around eight to 10
for traders with concerns the “gold            support. That’s where we find our-        the program, more than four dollars          southern site – which will include             traders were impacted by the storm
plating” of infrastructure would lead          selves today.”                            in value would be returned to the            mixed use development and between              and his team would support them “as
to higher costs and rent to traders.              Cr Capp added improvements to          market and local community.                  220 and 500 car parking spaces for             appropriate”.
   The panel also said the council             the market would “deliver broader            “The updated business case re-            customers – is expected to be an-                 “Very few roof drainage systems
had ignored its rejection of turning           community benefits for one of our         inforces that our renewal program            nounced by mid-2022.                           can cope with that intensity of rain,
the existing carpark at Queen St               fastest growing precincts and our         remains critical to the market’s                                                            but in our case absolutely it caused
                                               investment is the only way to secure      future,” the Lord Mayor said, adding         Storm causes havoc at heritage                 some difficulties but that will happen
into green space, however, it said the
                                               the future of QVM”.                       it “forecasts the market returning to        sheds                                          from time to time.”
council arrived at a compromise by
keeping the 500 car spaces at the site            People’s Panel member Mary-Lou         an operating profit from 2025” with             A video has captured the moment                Asked if affected stall owners
and the remaining land converted to            Howie, also president of the Friends      visitation “growing year on year”            rain poured through a newly renovat-           would be compensated, he said they
open space.                                    of QVM, wrote a letter to the Lord        after trade took a blow from repeated        ed market roof at J shed after a storm         would be “assessed on a case-by-case
   Furthermore, RHSV said it had               Mayor, saying she “wanted to set the      COVID lockdowns.                             hit the city on January 7.                     basis”.
“strongly recommended” that “all sig-          record straight” following Cr Capp’s         However, heritage portfolio lead             Ladies clothing stall holder of 35             Former federal MP Kelvin
nificant fabric is retained in-situ and        remarks which she believed had            Cr Rohan Leppert, who voted against          years, Soraya Niaznand, who runs               Thompson, now convenor of lobby
restored” with any new infrastruc-             “seriously misrepresented the actual      the business case motion, said while         West 49 Fashion, said she was left             group Planning Democracy, said he
ture placed outside the heritage area          situation”.                               he recognised the “extraordinary             “really disappointed” after a more             was disappointed by the leaking roof
of the market, but “instead council               “The PP [people’s panel] work-         work” of SGS he was “not confident”          than $1000 worth of stock was                  and believed the council was “failing
is planning three major new build-             shops did not provide ‘a reset and a      that the impacts of COVID had been           damaged.                                       to deliver a market which works for
ings inside the heritage area for              way forward’ as you claim,” she wrote.    “adequately modelled” in the updated            “Rain from the roof like a water-           traders and maintains its unique her-
storage, mechanised delivery and                  “Since the PP workshops, your          business plan.                               fall came on top of my stock. I was            itage features”.
distribution, change rooms, showers,           council has repeatedly endorsed              “There are some assumptions un-           screaming, I didn’t know what to do,”             “There are plenty of tiled floor
lunchrooms, etc. These are not sought          recommendations which, in effect,         derpinning the cost benefit analysis         she said before traders and security           retail options around Melbourne but
by traders”.                                   either misrepresent or broadly ignore     in this business plan that are still very,   came to her aid.                               there’s only one Queen Vic,” he said.
   Professor Charles Sowerwine and             the PP’s recommendations which            very rubbery or the 2017 business               “I took them [clothes] home to dry             “This is the latest in a series of is-
Associate Professor Judith Smart of            were arrived at by hard work and in       plan was very, very wrong,” he said.         it out, some of them the colour is ter-        sues where it would seem, the council
RHSV, both of whom are members of              good faith by community and stake-           But he supported a separate motion        rible. I didn’t have good weather the          is not supporting the traders or lis-
the panel, stressed the importance of          holder participants.”                     for the delivery of the QVM renewal          next two days to dry them out.”                tening closely to them and managed
protecting “the social and intangible             Ms Howie told CBD News that the        program to go ahead, saying “traders            She said management visited her             to spend a lot of money, but the roof
cultural heritage significance”.               claim Cr Capp had the support of          just want us to get on with it”.             stall and told her to write a list of          doesn’t seem to be fit for purpose.”  •

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February 2022, Issue 83                                                                                                                                                                                                      9

Businesses driven to wall as
Omicron chaos fuels staff
shortages and hesitant customers
words by Brendan Rees                                    Caroline Tuohy, owner of Café Segovia at the
photography by Cameron Grant                          Block Place, said business had been stretched so
BUSINESS                                              thin that she reduced her opening hours due to
                                                      staff shortages.
                                                         “I lost four of my staff within a day because
The fast-spreading Omicron wave is caus-              of close contacts,” she said.
ing headaches for hospitality owners in the              “You can lose people rapidly; everybody gets      ▲ The Omicron crisis has caused disruption at Journal Café as staff member Jenn welcomes the few customers.
CBD with some labelling the crisis as “bad as         knocked out.”
lockdown”.                                               She said there was “literally no-one” to hire.
   Many eateries and restaurants told CBD News        “People go ‘what about giving school kids a
they were fighting on two fronts to stay afloat       go?’ I do employ school kids, three of my staff
including staff shortages due to COVID-19 in-         members are single parents, one of my staff
fections or having to isolate as close contacts as    is a mature age student. I do hire quite a large
well as consumer spending plunging as hesitant        diversity of different people.”
Victorians avoided public places.                        Ms Tuohy said the situation was “very stress-
   Georgia Mackie, owner of Seedlings Café in         ful” and she was worried about keeping up with
Flinders Lane and Little Collins St, said she was     expenses. “You’re stealing from Peter to pay
forced to get back into the kitchen despite being     Paul. It’s a challenging time. The main question
on maternity leave after her two chefs had to         is when this is going to get any better?”
self-isolate for a week as they awaited the re-          One of her supervisors Ali Pajouhandeh, who
sults of their PCR tests.                             had been lucky enough to avoid the Omicron
   “I’m juggling to look after a 14-week-old baby     wave, said all staff had banded together to
and working to cover our chefs. I’ve had friends      support the business, adding “we try our best to
and family come in to walk him around the city        work as a team”.
in between feeds and everything,” she said.              Scott Assender, owner of the Mint Bar and         ▲ Ali Pajouhandeh, supervisor at Café Segovia, said their venue had resorted to reducing their hours.
   “Everyone is desperate for staff. It’s as bad as   Restaurant on William St, and 100 Burgers
lockdown, I think in the city with people being       Group chain, said trade was “way quieter than
told to work from home, it’s as bad as it’s ever      normal” because of the Omicron chaos.                Charlyne Manshanden said the hospitality, re-                   “They’re paying deferred payments and try-
been.”                                                   “Normally we run at about at this time of         tail and leisure industries had suffered a “huge              ing to cover their debt. It’s a huge struggle for
   “We’re doing what we can to stay open and          year 50-60 per cent of trade normally, but not       impact,” and needed help to “recover, rebuild                 small businesses.”
have some income come in through the door,”           30,” he said.                                        resilience and thrive”.                                         The state government has extended the com-
she said, adding she hoped the government                “We’re pretty resilient so I think we’ll get         “The Collins Street Precinct Group welcomes                mercial tenancy relief scheme to allow small to
would offer fresh financial support schemes.          through, it’s a challenge.”                          any additional financial support from the state               medium businesses experiencing hardship by
   “Our trade is actually worse than what it was         John Vakalis, owner of the Journal Café, said     or federal government that will assist our                    coronavirus to defer rent.
in lockdown but there’s no support available.”        revenue was down 80 to 90 per cent of normal         members and help them bounce back from the                      Innes Willox, chief executive of the nation-
   “It’s so quiet, we’re doing a couple of hundred    trade as more people avoided crowds. “The is-        devastation caused by the pandemic,” she said.                al employer association Ai Group, said one
dollars a day. It’s just nuts. We’re getting some     sue is there’s not enough people in the city. It’s      City of Melbourne councillor and small                     potential solution to staff shortages was to
tourists who are still around and hopefully we        very frustrating and I’m a bit concerned to be       business portfolio lead, Jason Chang, said many               temporarily grant work rights to all visa holders
have some people around for the tennis, but we        honest,” he said.                                    businesses were finding it “hard to make ends                 currently in Australia to allow them to work in
mostly rely on corporate workers.”                       Collins St Precinct Group spokeswoman             meet”.                                                        the areas of “acute need”      •

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A safe outing for those on “staycation”
words by Rhonda Dredge

Some of us have been waiting for seven months
to see the Patricia Piccinini exhibition at
Flinders Street Station.
   The exhibition was cancelled at the last min-
ute then extended then postponed again.
   This is a common feature of many of the live
cultural events in the city.
   Amanda Bacon was one of the few who final-
ly made it to the exhibition in January, at a time
when most people were away.
   She met a friend under the clocks and the
exhibition was her treat during a “staycation”.
                                                                                                              CBD, West Melbourne COVID
   Not only has Amanda been working from
home but holidaying at home as well, staying in
Melbourne to be close to her daughter.
                                                                                                              vaccine clinics open for kids
   “Human beings are very nuanced,” she said.
“It’s hard to know how people are coping.”                                                                    words by Spencer Fowler Steen                           Cohealth      chief    executive       Nicole
   Piccinini’s show A Miracle Constantly                                                                      HEALTH                                               Bartholomeusz is urging parents and carers
Repeated deals with this dilemma.                                                                                                                                  to book their children in for their COVID
   In one exhibit a girl rewilds a rare species                                                                                                                    vaccination.
trapped in a ghost town. In another a couple                                                                  Cohealth has welcomed 5- to 11-year-olds to a           “By choosing to get your child vaccinated
pulls apart computers to scrape together a mea-                                                               new CBD vaccination clinic at the Drill Hall         against COVID, you are giving them the
gre living. In a third, a dolphin rescues a girl                                                              opposite Queen Victoria Market, also opening         best possible protection against the virus, as
beneath the sea.                                                                                              its West Melbourne vaccination clinic to 5 to        well as protecting those around them,” Ms
   The theme of the exhibition resonates with              ▲ The story corridor at Flinders Street Station.   11-year-olds from January 10.                        Bartholomeusz said.
the current zeitgeist. Humans as social crea-                                                                    Both sites will welcome people aged 12-              “When children are vaccinated, the risk
tures, Amanda says, who care for other species                                                                plus for COVID vaccinations, alongside 5- to         that they will become infected and spread
and for each other. This can be difficult during           management cared so much about its employ-         11-year-old children seeking their first dose of     COVID-19 to family members, friends and
a pandemic.                                                ees that they had their own library containing     Pfizer.                                              others around them is reduced.”
   This is the first time in 40 years that Flinders        10,000 books.                                         Child-friendly, native animal themed rooms           “It’s much better to be preventing children
Street Station has been opened to the public                 Employees living in outlying suburbs could       have been created at Cohealth’s West Melbourne       from getting COVID than to be treating them
and the exhibition is staged in rooms off the              have their second book delivered by train to       site to cater for the thousands of children ex-      when they become unwell.”
third floor corridor where life-like creatures             their local station.                               pected through the doors in the coming weeks.           “With the school year starting in less than a
and video installations create heart-warming                 There was a billiard room with pool tables, a       Cohealth has been preparing for the vaccina-      month, now is the time to book your child in for
stories.                                                   ballroom, a child welfare department, nurseries    tion rollout to 5- to 11-year-olds since late last   their COVID vaccination,” she said.
   You might pass a few leaks and the plaster-             and even a 440-yard running circuit on the         year, with staff receiving special training to          Cohealth says its new vaccination site at the
work has seen better days but the arched win-              roof.                                              enable them to safely administer the vaccine to      Drill Hall opposite Queen Victoria Market will
dows, the barrel-vaulted ceiling of the ballroom             The exhibition prides itself on being as         children.                                            provide an accessible CBD vaccination location.
and Australia’s third longest corridor have their          COVID-safe as possible.                               As well as dosage requirements, the training         “Demand for COVID vaccinations is at an
own stories to tell, as well.                                Visits are scheduled with just small numbers     supports staff to make the vaccination process       all-time high, and we’re working hard to find
   In the old days of the railways, according to a         in a large space, there are temperature checks     low-stress for kids, including avoiding the use      new and accessible spaces to set-up vaccination
“humble 19-year-old” who was acting as a guide,            and you have to be double-vaxxed          •        of the words “needle” and “jab”.                     clinics,” Ms Bartholomeusz said •

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