Restaurant industry's response to Covid-19 - Lund University ...

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Restaurant industry's response to Covid-19 - Lund University ...
Restaurant industry’s
response to Covid-19
     By Nikoleta Mircheva, Barbara
      Plompen and Milan Wynants
Restaurant industry's response to Covid-19 - Lund University ...
Restaurant industry's response to Covid-19 - Lund University ...
Restaurant industry’s response to Covid-19
                    Nikoleta Mircheva, Barbara Plompen & Milan Wynants

Purpose – The key objective of this research is to discuss different restaurant strategies that
emerged in Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark and Sweden in response to the Covid-19 pandemic
and relate the respective restaurant activities to brand trust and reputation. Therefore, the
restaurant industry is analysed with respect to the pandemic and findings are put into context
by explaining the countries’ severity of lockdown. The current research contributes to literature
on the restaurant industry during the Covid-19 pandemic and encompasses important theoretical
and practical implications for restaurant strategies regarding customer trust and relationship.

Design/Methodology/Approach – Literature review on restaurant industry during Covid-19 in
connection with brand trust and reputation followed by case studies of four restaurants in
different countries to draw conclusions about undertaken strategies in reaction to the pandemic.

Findings – The analysed Covid-19 restaurant strategies distinguish themselves in level of
change and communication. Findings are depicted in a 2 by 2 model. Existing brand trust,
reputation and strong customer relationship prove to be of high value regarding the restaurants’
organizational performance while facing the challenges of the Covid-19 health crisis.

Research limitations/implication – Lack of literature, longitudinal studies and empirical data
due to the recency of the Covid-19 pandemic. Due to a small sample size the findings are not
statistically significant. Future research on restaurant strategies during and after the health crisis
focusing on brand perception have high potential to create valuable theoretical and managerial

Practical implications – Fostering brand trust and brand preference in the customer’s mind is
crucial in order to face unprecedented challenges such as the Covid-19 pandemic.

Originality/value – The current paper is the first research that focuses on comparing restaurant
strategies in four different European countries that emerged from the specific country’s severity
of lockdown and provides important general and contextual managerial recommendations.

Paper type - Research paper

Keywords: Strategic Brand Management, Restaurant Industry, Brand Trust, Brand Reputation,
Customer Relationship, CSR, Covid-19 Pandemic, International Dimensions
Restaurant industry's response to Covid-19 - Lund University ...
restaurant activities    regarding     brand
                                                  reputation and trust.
    1. Introduction
How do restaurants adapt their business
strategies to the ongoing Covid-19                2.1 Covid-19 and restaurant industry
pandemic and how does this affect their           The pandemic has a severe negative impact
brand? Through the analysis of four specific      on the food serving industry (Ou, Wong, &
European restaurants located in Belgium,          Huang, 2021, p. 1). Due to various
Bulgaria, Denmark and Sweden and the              safeguard       measures      imposed      by
development of two models, the restaurant         governmental authorities against Covid-19
strategy model and the country lockdown           such as safety protocols, stay-at-home
model, this paper aims to find a coherent         orders, social distancing or lockdowns of
answer to the aforementioned question             communities, restaurants all over the world
while taking into account the different           have been experiencing a significant
situation each country finds itself in with       decrease in volume of customers (Statista
regard to Covid-19. The interconnection           2020). Bartik et al. (2020, p. 14) state that
between the restaurants’ strategies, brand        the chances for restaurants to survive the
trust and brand reputation is going to be         health crisis radically decreases the longer
investigated as the restaurant sector is one      the crisis lasts (e.g. 72% chance of survival
of the economy’s main sectors that is being       after one month, 15% chance of survival
affected heavily by the ongoing pandemic.         after six months). However, authorities
The analysis is based on a scientific             started to slowly introduce easing of certain
approach by considering the restrictions and      restrictions that, amongst others, also are
measures that are put into place by the local     directed at the restaurant industry. In most
governments and how these affect the              countries, operating restaurants have to
restaurants’ business strategies as well as       integrate several safety measures and
customers’ assessment of branding                 protocols into their organisational models
concepts.                                         and practices. For instance, they are only
                                                  allowed to accommodate a limited number
                                                  of guests while simultaneously following
    2. Theoretical background
                                                  solid social distancing and hygiene rules
The availability of literature concerning         (Gursoy & Chi, 2020, p. 527).
restaurants during the Covid-19 pandemic
                                                  Hu et al. (2020) investigate how
is still relatively scarce given the recency of
                                                  organisations in the hospitality industry can
the crisis. Furthermore, literature provides
                                                  facilitate employee compliance with said
only little theoretical insight on response
                                                  Covid-19 safety requirements. The authors
strategies of organisations to a global
                                                  argue that in the pursuit of strengthening
pandemic (Hu, Yan, Casey, & Wu, 2020, p.
                                                  employees’ commitment to safety it is
2). Gursoy & Chi (2020, p. 527-528)
                                                  important that management responds to
suggest that the Covid-19 crisis creates new
                                                  environmental threats that concern
research opportunities in hospitality
                                                  employees (e.g. the organization’s viability
marketing and management literature
                                                  and job security) and thus positions the
regarding the newly generated insights
                                                  organisation internally as a ‘safe haven’.
about the industry and how changed
                                                  This creates a basis for a cooperative
customer needs and values influence the
                                                  relationship between management and
industry’s operations. The following will
                                                  employees      from     which      employee
provide an overview over already existing
                                                  compliance with the Covid-19 safety
research on the pandemic and its influence
                                                  measures can evolve. Deep compliance
on the restaurant industry focusing on
                                                  stems from health and risk awareness (e.g.
                                                  perceived risk of Covid-19), perceived
Restaurant industry's response to Covid-19 - Lund University ...
utility of the imposed safety measurements       on the supply chains of many restaurants.
to protect customers’ health, behavioural        Therefore, CSR was mainly directed at
adaptation of those measures and finally,        farmers given their importance in the
integration of the safety measures into          foodservice supply chain. Ou et al. (2021)
existing work routines. (Hu et al., 2020, p.     suggest that restaurants investing in CSR
8-10)                                            efforts to enhance the industry’s and
                                                 society’s situation during the uncertain
Creating safety compliance among
                                                 times of the Covid-19 pandemic will be able
employees is relevant for the current paper
                                                 to create competitive advantage and to stay
given that employees play a central role in
                                                 in business. (Ou et al., 2021, p. 7-8)
creating the customer’s perception of the
restaurant image and reputation (Erkmen &        The insight that constantly being present in
Hancer, 2019, p. 1481).                          the customers’ minds (e.g. through CSR
                                                 efforts) helps restaurants to keep their
                                                 position in the market (Ou et al., 2021, p. 8)
2.2 Brand reputation, trust and restaurant       can be linked to Erkmen & Hancer’s (2019)
strategies during Covid-19                       finding that restaurant employees can
Ou et al. (2021) outline how restaurants         contribute significantly to restaurant
could foster a positive image and reputation     branding. More concisely, the more contact
during different phases of the Covid-19          and interaction there exists between
pandemic. Central to their research is CSR       customer and employee (e.g. the more
as organizational crisis response from           present in the guest’s mind), the higher the
restaurants to various stakeholders.             opportunity that employees can be the
Therefore, they introduced a three-stage         restaurant’s source of differentiation.
model depicting the periods incubation           Hence, the authors emphasise the potential
(stage one), acceleration (stage two) and        of internal branding to create a unique
peak (stage three) of the crisis. In the first   customer experience and thus, an increased
stage, work performance within the               brand image of the restaurant. (Erkmen &
restaurants declined because of the              Hancer, 2019, p. 1481)
pandemic’s impact on the economy. Thus,          Branding plays a crucial role for restaurants
corporate communication focusing on              to stand apart from the fierce competition in
social initiatives was primarily addressed to    the foodservice industry (Erkmen &
internal stakeholders (e.g. employees). In       Hancer, 2019, p. 1469). Erkmen & Hancer
stage two, the severity of the pandemic has      (2019) show that the brand image of
substantially increased. The pandemic not        restaurants is significantly influenced by
only impacts organisations but also affects      service quality and the experiences of other
society in general leading to a significant      customers. The latter is considered to be a
decrease in volume of restaurant guests.         tangible cue of the restaurant’s brand
According to Gursoy & Chi (2020, p. 527)         personality and thus is able to increase
only around 25% of individuals have              guests’ preference for the brand. Another
already eaten out in a restaurant while over     factor that enhances brand preference is the
50% of individuals do not feel safe to dine      congruence of brand personality and the
in a restaurant during this phase of the         customer’s self-concept. Furthermore, it is
pandemic. Hence, recognising the people’s        argued that brand image has a positive
needs and wants, CSR efforts were focused        effect on brand trust. This especially holds
mainly on enhancing the local community’s        true for fine dining restaurants (Erkmen &
lives and situations (e.g. donations of food     Hancer, 2019, p. 1479-1480). These
and money to those in need). The economic        findings are valuable indications to
stagnancy that characterises stage three         formulate strategies in response to the
challenged the existence of several small        pandemic. In other words, being aware of
businesses which also had a negative impact
Restaurant industry's response to Covid-19 - Lund University ...
the customer segment’s needs and possibly         3. Restaurant strategy model
changed values due to the Covid-19
situation, and implementing those values in    Since the pandemic was a worldwide
business practices, could contribute to        phenomenon it is of utmost importance to
higher brand preference and trust.             research various examples in multiple
                                               settings. Nevertheless, the paper will
Given the current lack of literature on        constrain its research to the borders of
strategies restaurants formulated in           Europe due to the additional factors which
response to the Covid-19 pandemic, the         immensely affect the differences in habits,
next section introduces a two by two matrix    culture, behaviour and crisis management
depicting four different strategies that       approaches. The following section will
emerged due to the crisis respectively in      concentrate on the responses of the four
Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark and Sweden.         chosen restaurants to the covid-19
Hereby, the country specific safety Covid-     pandemic by discussing their branding,
19 measures are taken into account as they     positioning, communication and reaction to
set the framework for possible strategy        the crisis and a model will be developed to
formulations. The matrix is subject to an      put the findings into a common platform.
underlying model that discusses how
restaurant strategies, brand trust and
reputation interconnect (see Figure 1).           3.1 Introduction to the four restaurants
                                               Frantzén in Sweden
                                               Frantzén is a three Michelin star restaurant
                                               based on a philosophy of casual elegance in
                                               the central parts of Stockholm. The
                                               restaurant serves modern Nordic cuisine
                                               with influences from Japan in three floors of
                                               a townhouse. In 2010 Frantzén was
                                               awarded with two Michelin stars and the
                                               restaurant gained its third star in 2018. In
                                               2019 the chef Björn Frantzén won the Best
                                               Chef Top100 Award based on the chef’s
                                               experience, talent and potential as well as
                                               his personality. (Frantzén Group, 2020)
                 Figure 1
                                               Frantzén is part of the Frantzén Group
                                               which owns several award-winning
                                               restaurants and bars in different Swedish
The interconnection between currently
                                               cities, Hong Kong and Singapore.
undertaken restaurant activities regarding
                                               Furthermore, the Frantzén Group promotes
brand trust, CSR as well as brand reputation
                                               projects to support quality assurance in
and image reinforce the customers’
                                               Sweden’s food industry. The Frantzén
perception of and closeness to the brand.
                                               Group establishes high quality standards in
The unprecedented safety measures
                                               terms of service and food and it also aspires
stemming from the pandemic and the virus
                                               to integrate its values and identity to offer
itself impact existing perceptions of
                                               its guests a unique dining experience in
individuals and societies. From this change
                                               every of its restaurants. (Frantzén Group,
in perception, new values are created in the
                                               2020) (see Appendices 8.1 for visual
customer’s mind which restaurants need to
consider in their future behaviour and
business practices.                            Fine dining restaurants strongly depend on
                                               international guests (Abend, 2020) which
Restaurant industry's response to Covid-19 - Lund University ...
poses a potential risk for premium              Hof van Cleve in Belgium
restaurants as many countries have              Hof van Cleve is a high-end cuisine
introduced travel bans in response to the       restaurant located in the small village of
Covid-19 pandemic.                              Kruishoutem, Belgium. Since 2005, the
The following briefly outlines Sweden’s         restaurant has been awarded three stars in
covid-19 strategy to give an overview about     the Michelin Guide and is even recognised
the general situation in Sweden and             as the best restaurant in the world by
implications for restaurants. Sweden’s          wbpstars which has led to the restaurant
strategy in response to covid-19 has the        being      considered    Belgium’s      most
overarching objective to protect people’s       prestigious. The main aim of the restaurant
health and life as well as to ensure health     is to give its customers a total experience.
care capacity by mitigating the spread of the   Chef Peter Goossens and his staff combine
virus. At the same time, the Swedish            high quality local products with a limited
Government emphasises the importance of         amount       of    imported     international
keeping in mind which effects the measures      ingredients to add that special touch. He
against covid-19 might have on overall          believes all five senses have to be
public health and society. The Swedish          stimulated during a visit and therefore
Government invokes its people to take           everything is put into practise to deliver an
individual responsibility and it is expected    experience of the highest quality. Attention
that individuals act accordingly to protect     to detail is very important both in the food
themselves and others. Hence, the Swedish       as well as in the design of the restaurant
Corona strategy is mostly based on advice       where a local artist is put on display every
and recommendations of the government           year. (Hof van Cleve, 2020). (see
rather than restrictions and prohibitions.      Appendices 8.2 for visual representation)
(Krisinformation, 2020)                         With regard to covid-19 in Belgium we can
Existing bans such as temporary travel          detect certain important dates that affect the
restrictions into Sweden have an impact on      operations within the restaurant industry.
the restaurant industry. However, the           On 17 March 2020, the Belgian National
exempt of restaurants, cafés and pubs of the    Security Council decided to close all non-
public gathering limit has given Swedish        essential shops in an attempt to stop the
restaurants the opportunity to stay open        rapid spread of the coronavirus (Belgium,
during the pandemic (Krisinformation,           2020). As a result, all restaurants were
2020). Nevertheless, premises serving food      forced to shut down including Hof van
have to follow specific rules including         Cleve. After a period of almost three
implementing measures to ensure the guests      months restaurants were again allowed to be
are able to keep enough distance from each      reopened on 8 June 2020 provided that they
other (at least one meter), only providing      take into account certain measures imposed
table service and providing guests with         by the government such as there are: a
means to take care of their hand hygiene.       maximum of 10 people per table, 1.5 meter
(, 2020; Krisinformation,          distance between restaurant staff and
2020)                                           customers, obligatory use of a facemask
                                                unless seated at a table, etc. A more in-depth
Accordingly, Frantzén has stayed open
                                                analysis and discussion of the measures and
throughout the pandemic. The restaurant
                                                restrictions will be done later in the paper.
did not change its strategy and the pandemic
                                                (Vlaanderen, 2020; FOD Economie, 2020)
is not mentioned in the restaurant’s
Restaurant industry's response to Covid-19 - Lund University ...
Happy in Bulgaria                                 The company marketed the change through
                                                  the slogan: “still delivering the happy
Happy is a daily restaurant chain that owns
                                                  experience”. The campaign was called “Eat
multiple restaurants in Bulgaria. Before the
                                                  at home” and included communications
pandemic, Happy reported a revenue of
                                                  such as “You can't come? Then eat at home”
$14.63 million, had 103 employees as well
                                                  and had its own hashtag on Facebook
as 26 subsidiaries and seven branches
                                                  #HappyВкъщи (Happy at home) (Forbes
(Dun&Bradstreet, 2019). Happy already
                                                  България, 2020). The manager of Happy
offered online delivery and also had a strong
                                                  Delivery, Ivelin Iliev, states that there has
established identity prior to the pandemic
                                                  been a 10% growth in delivery sales and
                                                  attributes these results to the trust of the
During the pandemic, the company did not          customers (Forbes България, 2020).
change its business model even though the         According to him, the main advantage of
measures introduced by the Bulgarian              the company is that it offers food made only
government were severe and a lockdown             inside Happy’s own premises and that this
was announced almost immediately after            provides good conditions to fully manage
the first confirmed covid-19 cases which          the whole process of preparing and
meant only grocery stores and delivery            delivering the food (Forbes България,
services were allowed to be operational           2020). (see Appendices 8.3 for visual
(, 2020). Happy maintained          representation)
their usual brand promise and solely relied
on their delivery services while the
restaurants were forced to be closed.             Noma in Denmark
When restaurants were again allowed to be         Noma is a Danish two-star Michelin Guide
opened, the manager of Happy, Teodora             restaurant located in Copenhagen and it is
Popova, came out with a statement                 considered one of the best restaurants in the
concerning the issue:                             world. It offers a new way of cuisine due to
“Every day, more than 50,000 people visit us      its innovative genre of cooking. For four
and we are responsible for protecting them. We    years it was named The World’s best
have introduced hygiene measures, in              restaurant (2010, 2011, 2012, 2014) and it
compliance with the Ministry of Health and the    has earned the Highest New Entry Award
European standards […]. We do our best to         with its debut (UI - 50B - Restaurants -
provide maximum protection for customers          GLOBAL, 2020).
[…]. For 25 years we have been practising a
responsible business culture, so we monitor the   The fine dining restaurant offers three
situation hourly [...].” [11th of March 2020]     menus per year based on the seasonal
(, 2020).                               ingredients and each menu includes twenty
                                                  courses (UI - 50B - Restaurants - GLOBAL,
The measures imposed by the government            2020). The restaurant also has made its own
include cleaning surfaces at all times,           publications with The Noma Guide to
employees were to wear gloves and masks           Fermentation which includes special
and the employees’ temperature was                recipes and has become a New York Times
mearured (, 2020). Additional           Best Seller (UI - 50B - Restaurants -
measures taken by the restaurant chain            GLOBAL, 2020).
involved packaging of food and drinks in
hermetically closed plastic bags and              During the pandemic Noma kept its doors
carrying out deliveries “Without personal         open by changing its business model
contact” (Forbes България, 2020). The             drastically and relying on its reputation and
delivery boxes are also being kept in heated      established trust and relationships. The
spaces to reduce the risk of infection            Danish authorities introduced a lockdown
(Forbes България, 2020).                          and limited restaurant activity because it
Restaurant industry's response to Covid-19 - Lund University ...
involved close interaction between service          3.2 Introduction of      the   restaurant
providers and customers (, 2020).              strategy model
As to accommodate the measures Noma             After briefly examining the four restaurants

Figure 2:
strategy model

changed its menu, moved its venue               within their respective country environment
outdoors and reopened its doors as a            it is evident that the restaurants experienced
“Burger bar”.                                   differentiating levels of change and need of
                                                adaptation. The pandemic had very specific
                                                effects in each of the cases and this can be
The reputation of the restaurant served as a    attributed to the approach each respective
guarantee for the burgers’ high quality. The    country took to the crisis as well as the local
product itself was relatively simple but on     mindset of the consumers. The idea that the
opening day Noma sold 1,300 burgers in          covid-19 measures had an impact on the
only four hours. The previous business          reaction of each restaurant will be further
model included fine-dining and a feeling of     discussed in the country specific analysis
exclusivity but the new one was inclusive       section of the paper.
and invited everyone on the streets (Insider,
                                                In order to put the findings into an
                                                expressible format a two by two matrix is
Previously a meal would cost around $500        developed, see Figure 2. On the horizontal
but the burgers served were sold for            axis, the level of radical change that
between $19 and $23. Some of the                occurred in restaurants’ operations is shown
customers were attracted to the “Burger         and on the vertical axis the amount of action
bar” for the relatively lower prices while      taken by each of them is illustrated.
others wanted to feel the new experience.
The customers were firm that they would             •   Horizontal axis: “No change” to
visit the bar again, although the feeling of            “Radical change”
exclusivity was still present when Noma         This includes how much the business
announced that the burger bar would close       model, communication and actions of the
on the 21st of June (Insider, 2020). Noma’s     respective restaurant changed. Relevant
changes were communicated online and            considerations for the assessment of this
interviews were done with both employees        axis were for instance if the restaurant
and customers. (see Appendices 8.4 for          changed venues, started offering home
visual representation)                          delivery options or kept the same business
                                                model but added something extra to express
Restaurant industry's response to Covid-19 - Lund University ...
•   Vertical axis: Level of action            more specifically, the Government
       undertaken in communication               Stringency Index (Our World in Data,
                                                 2020). This tool was developed by
This measure expresses the level of action
                                                 researchers at the Blavatnik School of
taken by the restaurants. Relevant questions
                                                 Government at the University of Oxford

                                                                                         Figure 3

                                                                                         Source: Our World
                                                                                         in Data, 2020

for the no action/action axis include, for       (Our World in Data, 2020). The data from
instance, if the restaurant emphasised           the research is translated into tables
communication differently or even                available on the Our World in Data website
completely changed it, if restaurants were       (Our World in Data, 2020).
able to attract more attention from
                                                 Following are the main criteria for country
customers, and if they had to instil             comparison measured through the GSI
additional trust in their customers or if they   which form the final coefficients displayed
could rely on their previously achieved          in the graphs:
brand reputation.
                                                    •   school closures;
                                                    •   workplace closures;
   4. Discussion
In this section, the measures taken during          •   cancellation of public events;
the pandemic will be discussed and data will        •   restrictions on public gatherings;
be presented explaining the differences in
severity of the lockdown and the impact on          •   closures of public transport;
the restaurant industry in order to put the         •   stay-at-home requirements;
four restaurant cases into context. After
which a new two by two matrix (e.g.                 •   public information campaigns;
country lockdown model) will be presented           •   restrictions on internal movements;
that positions the four countries on a
dimensional platform.                               •   international travel controls.
                                                 (Our World in Data, 2020)
For the purposes of this paper the Oxford
Coronavirus     Government       Response
Tracker (OxCGRT) will be utilised, and
4.1 Severity of Covid-19 measures in         In contrast, Bulgaria’s first case was
       Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark and           identified between March 1st and 15th and
       Sweden                                   with a fast pace, between March 15th and
                                                April 1st, the country subsequently
The comparison provides data from 21
                                                proceeded            from            National
January 2020 to 10 October 2020. The chart
                                                Recommendations to Localised lockdown
is dynamic and updated regularly and thus
                                                and finally established a National lockdown
for the purposes of this paper only the
                                                (BBC News, 2020). Bulgaria is the only
previously stated time period will be
                                                country of the four to have used the
discussed. An additional resource are the
                                                Localised lockdown strategy. According to
BBC News charts focussing on the global
                                                the GSI, the country introduced strict and
crisis which define four possible strategies
                                                swift measures but their implementation
for action such as there are localised
                                                had high fluctuations after the initial period
recommendations, localised lockdown,
                                                between March 11th and April 30th. The
national recommendations and finally,
                                                growing public discomfort, which pushed
national lockdown (BBC News, 2020).
                                                the government to indecisiveness, proved to
According to the GSI comparison, the four       be the reason for the fluctuations in decision
countries have a varying approach to the        making (, 2020). As of
pandemic. They will be discussed                October 10th, Bulgaria achieved a score of
separately to explain the progression of the    35.19 which is the lowest amongst the four
measures and the actions that have been         countries - Denmark (50.93), Belgium
undertaken.      See      the      graphical    (45.37) and Sweden (37.04) (Our World in
representation of the comparison of the four    Data, 2020).
countries in Figure 3.

                                                Denmark had a more stable approach. The
In January 2020, Belgium introduced             country had its first registered case a few
measures at a stable pace. The country          days before the 1st of March but swiftly
reached the highest amount of measures          introduced National recommendations
throughout the whole period with a score of     followed by National lockdown measures
81.48 compared to Bulgaria (73.15),             between March 15th and April 1st (BBC
Denmark (72.22) and Sweden (46.30) (Our         News, 2020). The country was also most
World in Data, 2020). After the first three     stable in its policy towards the regulations
months the government alleviated the            during this first period of the pandemic. As
measures at an irregular pace until October     of 10 October, Denmark has the strongest
10th. Hence, Belgium became the second          measures with a score of 50.93. The
strictest country of the four with a score of   lockdown began early and was at its peak in
43.52 (Our World in Data, 2020).                March with a score of 77.22 after which the
According to the BBC News charts on the         measures were alleviated at a moderate pace
global lockdown, Belgium only introduced        reaching their current level (Our World in
two strategies - National Recommendations       Data, 2020).
and National Lockdown (BBC News,
2020). The first case of COVID-19 was
identified between February 1st to 15th but     The last country to introduce any kind of
the National recommendations only grew          recommendations was Sweden. Around
into National lockdown measures between         March 11th, the country scored 11.11 on the
March 1st to 15th with a sizable gap            GSI. Until June 19th, Sweden achieved a
between them (BBC News, 2020).                  score of 46.30 after which the value fell
                                                again at a very slow and steady pace (Our
                                                World in Data, 2020). Even though the first
                                                registered case of covid-19 in Sweden was
a few days before February 1st, the            infection among workers and guests (Rzi-
measures were introduced almost a month, 2020).
and a half later - between March 1st and
15th (BBC News, 2020). The only strategy
the country applied was National               The Danish measures in the beginning of
recommendations (BBC News, 2020) since         the crisis were swift. People could not
they chose to approach the global crisis in    gather and many free trade professions were
an entirely different way compared to most     mandatorily closed down (, 2020).
other European countries namely, a strategy    Most of them included premises at which
of social responsibility where citizens were   clients are offered services involving close
expected to follow the recommendations         physical contact such as restaurants and
without additional government interference     nightlife, retail shops, social activities and
(, 2020).               private parties (, 2020). No more
                                               than fifty people were allowed to gather in
                                               one venue and because of the growing
   4.2 Impact on the restaurant industry by    infection rate among the young population
       country                                 restaurant work hours were reduced, all
                                               guests were required to wear face masks
The Belgian National Security Council
closed all non-essential establishments on     except for when they were already seated, a
                                               maximum number of customers sitting
17 March 2020. Citizens were required to
                                               together was put in place and citizens were
stay in their homes (, 2020). The
                                               advised to use online applications to order.
then Prime Minister Sophie Wilmès
                                               A voluntary contact data gathering
announced that on 8 June 2020 restaurants
                                               measurement was introduced in case a
and bars were allowed to reopen, but a
                                               customer was infected (, 2020).
distance of 1.5 meters had to be maintained
between tables. Bars were expected to close
at 1 AM, mass gatherings were not allowed      Sweden only proposed recommendations,
and people were only allowed to meet up to     which included providing information for
10 other people within a single week           staff and customers, marking the
(Martuscelli, C. and Moens, B., 2020). On 8    appropriate distance between people on
October 2020, a decision was taken for bars    floors, rearranging venues so that there is no
to be closed again for a monthly period, as    clustering of people, washing hands often,
the Federal Health Minister, Frank             avoiding gatherings and using alternative
Vandenbroucke described bars as “real          means               of              transport
infection hotspots”, but restaurants were      (, 2020). Personal
kept         operational      for      now     responsibility was taken into consideration
(, 2020).                     in limiting the spread of infection
                                               (, 2020). After
In the beginning of the pandemic, Bulgaria
                                               July 1st, a new act was established for the
put in place a lockdown which allowed only
                                               restaurant industry which is valid until 31
grocery shops to be opened as well as all
                                               December 2020 and dictates that restaurants
kinds of home delivery services
                                               are responsible for taking measures to
(, 2020). Visits to bars,
                                               prevent the spread of the virus
restaurants and other establishments were
                                               (Riksdagsförvaltningen, 2020).
suspended       with    a    state   order
(, 2020). Later on, the
government allowed the restaurant industry        4.3 Country lockdown model
to resume business activities with some
conditions: ensuring the safety of workers     In this section, a two by two matrix will be
and restaurant guests and establishing         developed according to the information
procedures under the presumption of an         presented above which aims to express both
the level and severity of the lockdown         service and needed only reassurance due to
measures (estimated by Normal or High)         the lack of stability of action, high

                                                                                     Figure 4: Country
                                                                                     lockdown model

and the amount of fluctuation in the           fluctuation of decision-making and the
decision-making process (estimated by Low      severity of the measures implemented in the
or High), see Figure 4.                        country (see Appendices 8.3 for visual
                                               representation). Belgium introduced severe
   •   Horizontal axis: Severity of
                                               measures and did not allow for much
       lockdown measures
                                               movement outside of these constraints and
This measurement includes how many             thus the reaction of Hof van Cleve is
regulations were implemented according to      rational and compelling (see Appendices
the Government Stringency Index as of 10       8.2 for visual representation).
October and what impact they had on the
different actors in the specific setting.
   •   Vertical axis: Stability of action      4.4 Analysis of brand trust and reputation
Through this measurement we aim to             after restaurants adapted their strategies
estimate the level of fluctuations in the      To analyse the interconnection between
chosen strategies and the pace of their        restaurant strategies, brand trust and brand
implementation and, later on, alleviation as   reputation we use the following model
of the whole period until October 10th. (See   which was briefly introduced previously
Figure 4)                                      (e.g. Figure 1).
Through usage of the matrix the adapted
strategies of the four restaurants become
clearer. In Sweden, which kept a similar
position throughout the crisis there was no
need for change or action from Frantzen’s
point of view (see Appendices 8.1 for visual
representation), while in Denmark the
environment dictated a radical change of
business model in order for Noma to sustain
its market position (see Appendices 8.4 for
visual representation). In Happy’s case, the
market was already well versed with the
                                                                Figure 1
After taking a closer look at the different       since the restaurant is still very much
strategies implemented by the restaurants         respected, but this can be attributed to the
while taking into account their country           cutback of tables served as well as guests
specific covid-19 approach, it is possible to     allowed within the establishment. The
evaluate the concepts of brand trust and          surviving popularity of the restaurant is
brand reputation and how they relate to said      visible in the fact that it is fully booked up
changes. Are we able to identify certain          until the end of year (Hof van Cleve). The
changes with regard to brand trust and/or         customers’ perception of the brand has not
brand reputation within our four chosen           changed and it is still considered Belgium’s
restaurants?                                      number one restaurant. They expect, and
                                                  receive, the quality that Hof van Cleve
First of all, after analysing the case of
                                                  stands for and the new covid-19 strategy has
Frantzén (Sweden) it is noticeable that the
                                                  not made an evident adjustment to that.
restaurant did not make any changes to its
regular, every day, operations. Although a        Furthermore, Happy (Bulgaria) kept their
big part of the restaurant’s clientele consists   brand image, promise and quality delivery
of international guests it has not been           service while mainly relying on their
possible to detect a specific loss in trust or    reputation to keep attracting customers
reputation. The brand’s reputation has been       during the pandemic. The cornerstone of
a key aspect in maintaining its loyal             their strategy is offering the usual service
customer base. Today, it is still necessary to    while putting extra emphasis on
make reservations on the first day of each        communicating the adjustments they made
month if you want to make sure you have           with regard to covid-19. This was done in
your place secured and there is no evidence       an attempt to increase brand trust in which
that indicates customers are more reluctant       they definitely succeeded. Sales saw an
than they were before about visiting the          increase of ten percent, according to
establishment. Customers are still willing to     manager Iliev, and this was directly
pay the initial price since the service quality   attributed to the trust consumers had in
and the experiences, as discussed by              Happy due to the fact that meals were
Erkmen & Hancer (2019), remain the same.          entirely prepared inside the restaurants
Frantzén persists in keeping its core values      (Forbes България, 2020).
and aims to deliver the same service as prior     The reputation of the brand did not decrease
to the pandemic. When taking a look at            due to their efficient communication and
customer reviews from the start of the            implementation of the government
pandemic on European soil (March 2020)            regulations. CSR also played an important
until today using designated websites, such       role in doing this. By showing that the
as there are TripAdvisor, we are able to          restaurant cares for its customers and
identify the continuation of the same             employees they kept their customer base
positive trend (TripAdvisor, 2020).               and the trust of the people. Even though
After that, we concluded that Hof van Cleve       their decision to use plastic bags as
(Belgium) had to make several radical             additional protection cannot be considered
changes to their strategy to comply with the      as environmentally friendly, they were able
covid-19 regulations put into force by the        to communicate their prioritisation of
Belgian government. Similar to Frantzén,          public health as a much more pressing issue.
the restaurant heavily relied on its brand        Finally, Noma (Denmark) changed their
reputation to attract customers although in       brand image largely from a two-star
the case of Hof van Cleve we can observe a        Michelin ranked restaurant when they
decline in the number of customers. This          decided to sell hamburgers outside the
reduction, however, has nothing to do with        establishment as a burger bar. However, the
a decline in brand reputation or brand trust,     restaurant’s reputation and previously
established trust and relationships made it       covid-19 imposed travel restrictions in
possible to turn it into an instant success.      many countries, fine dining restaurants
Customers were willing to pay between $19         were expected to be impacted severely by
and $23 per burger due to the quality             the pandemic. However, according to the
guarantee that comes with the positive            findings of the present research, fine dining
associations made with the Noma brand             restaurants were able to maintain their
regarding trust and reputation. The               customer base during the unprecedented
exclusivity that is normally associated with      measures that were introduced due to the
the restaurant was also kept as they              virus. This could be achieved through the
communicated that the burgers would only          customers’ already existing brand trust and
be sold until the end of June 2020 (Insider,      reputation which proves to be particularly
2020). Noma satisfied their customers’            high for fine dining restaurants. It is
wants in a unique way due to Noma’s high          important to note that this holds true for all
flexibility and ability to adapt quickly to the   three countries despite their different
changing environment. The radical and             approaches to reduce the spread of the virus.
successful change in strategy indicates that      These insights highlight the paramount role
Noma has a deep understanding about their         for managers to lay an emphasis in
customers and simultaneously implies              marketing strategy formulation and
strong customer relationship.                     implementation on fostering brand trust and
                                                  making meaningful CSR efforts for a
                                                  positive reputation among customers.
    5. General and contextual
                                                  Happy has managed to implement a
       implications                               marketing strategy that provided customers
The current research provides general and         with stability in a highly uncertain and
contextual managerial implications. In            unprecedented situation. Happy has become
general, due to the high relevance of             an actor in supporting the emotional
employee compliance with situational              stability of citizens and customers feeling
requirements in the restaurant industry, the      pressured by external circumstances that
paper reflects on how to strengthen               resulted from the covid-19 health crisis. In
employee commitment and involvement to            other words, Happy’s awareness of new
compliance. These insights go hand in hand        customer demands and values and the
with creating a meaningful customer               importance of actively responding to those
relationship and promoting a positive             changed customer wants has strengthened
customer perception of the restaurant image       customer relationships.
and reputation. Moreover, following the           Given the recency of this topic, there is a
paper’s findings, it is recommended that          lack of literature and empirical data on
restaurant managers are sensitive to cultural     restaurant strategies during the times of the
settings and external circumstances in their      pandemic. Once the pandemic reaches a
CSR strategy formulation. Finally, findings       more progressive state, more data such as
state the need for restaurant brand managers      there is impact on profit, organisational
to align brand personality with the               performance and customer feedback of the
customer’s self-image. In uncertain times,        respective restaurant strategies will emerge.
such as during the Covid-19 pandemic, this        These insights can then be utilised to
implies for managers to be adaptable to and       expand research in form of, for instance,
aware of changing customer values.                statistically significant quantitative studies
Contextual implications can be drawn from         that analyse more restaurants and countries
the cases of Frantzén, Noma and Hof van           or through usage of empirical data on
Cleve. Given that fine dining restaurants         different or additional customer values that
heavily rely on international guests but          evolved from the crisis and how restaurants
need to adapt to those new customer wants        what-swedens-restaurants-learned-staying-
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8. Appendices

          8.1 Frantzén in Sweden – the restaurant venue

Figure 5: The venue inside (Joynstudio,2017)                Figure 6: The venue outside (Joynstudio, 2017)

               8.2 Hof van Cleve in Belgium – the restaurant venue

Figure 7: The venue inside (, 2014)       Figure 8: The venue outside (UI -50B- Restaurants – GLOBAL., 2019)
8.3 Happy in Bulgaria – the restaurant before and after introduction of measures

                                                                          Figure 10: The Happy venue and service after the begining of the pandemic
 Figure 9: The Happy venue before the pandemic (TripAdvisor, 2020)        (iStock, 2020)

Figure 11: Packaging of delivery orders. On picture text: Packaging and   Figure 12: Dlivery of order to the customer. On picture text: The order is
closing in a bag (Happy Bar & Grill, 2020)                                already at your door! (Happy Bar & Grill, 2020)
8.4 Noma in Denmark – the restaurant before and after introduction of measures

Figure 13: Noma, before the pandemic (Time, 2018)            Figure 14: Noma, after the begining of the pandemic (Hosie, R.,2020)

Figure 15: Noma’s Burger bar venue (The Spaces, 2020)        Figure 16: Que for the Noma Burger bar (, 2020)
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