Results Today - GF Machining Solutions

Results Today - GF Machining Solutions
GF Machining Solutions

The global customer magazine

 Automation seals
 Yiben’s success

 Asia | 10–11

 High speed, high
 tech, high quality

 Europe | 12–13

 Staying ahead:
 a versatile solution

 Americas | 14–15

 Printing the
 human body

 Medical | 18–21

 Drones: into the
 great wide open

 Aerospace | 22–23
Results Today - GF Machining Solutions
Results Today 13
In brief                                       Ask our expert                             Complete solution
                                                                                          Mikron MILL P 500 advances mold makers’
From annual results to upcoming trade          Industry 4.0                               productivity, accuracy and autonomy.
fairs, get a look at GF Machining Solutions’   GF Machining Solutions’ software
activities around the world.                   engineering expert explains how            28–29
                                               digital solutions put success at
4–7                                            customers’ fingertips.                     Precision airfoils
                                                                                          Premier aircraft engine providers
                                               16–17                                      count on the new Liechti g-Mill 1000
                                                                                          airfoil machining center.
perspective                                                                               30–31
                                               Expert insights
GF Machining Solutions Market Region           Printing the human body                    Laser micromachining
Europe and South America provides              University Hospital Basel’s 3D Print Lab   Microlution’s MLTC
complete solutions for manufacturers           is revolutionizing surgery and improving   enables micromachining
in a complex region.                           patient outcomes.                          at the speed of light.

8–9                                            18–21                                      32–33
                                               Into the great wide open                   Additive Manufacturing

Asia                                           Once limited to military applications,     New AgieCharmilles CUT AM 500
                                               drones today tackle a host of civil and    pushes the limits of EDM to advance
                                               commercial applications.                   Additive Manufacturing.
Automation seals Yiben Mold’s success
as sealing solutions supplier to gold-star
automotive industry customers.                 22–23                                      34–35
10–11                                                                                     Customer Services
                                                                                          rConnect digital services platform
                                               News                                       links customers to success,
                                                                                          and the numbers prove it.
Europe                                         Special die-sinking EDM for ASIA
                                               FORM P 330 Dedicated connects users
High speed, high tech, high quality:           performance in automotive and ICT.
Pankl Racing Systems leads with a fleet
of automated Mikron Mill solutions.            24–25                                      Academy
                                                                                          “Passion for Education” facilitates

12–13                                          Wire-cutting EDM
                                                                                          key knowledge transfer.

                                               The future starts today with
                                               the AgieCharmilles CUT P Pro’s
                                               groundbreaking HMI and Spark Track.

Canadian thin-wall mold maker                  26–27
Moulexpert counts on highly versatile
Mikron MILL P 800 U ST to stay ahead.

Results Today - GF Machining Solutions

A source of                                    In these unprecedented times, we know
                                               you are counting on us and that’s a
                                                                                              Dear readers,

strength in                                    responsibility we take very seriously.
                                               We are eager to prove our customer-centric
                                                                                              Welcome to GF Machining Solutions’
                                                                                              customer magazine, Results Today,
challenging                                    orientation to you—and the success stories
                                               and solutions detailed in this Results Today
                                                                                              your gateway to inspiration from our
                                                                                              successful customers around the world
times                                          issue are a great place to start.              and our complete solutions that help
                                                                                              enable their success!
                                               Lastly, I will be retiring as president
                                               of GF Machining Solutions at the end of        I am proud, as president of GF Machining
                                               June 2020 and I thank all of our customers     Solutions, that our Division of GF has
                                               for your loyalty. I will continue to support   your confidence. Your success is our
                                               the Division in an advisory capacity until     success, and we are keenly focused
                                               September and ask that you join me in          on helping our customers bounce back
                                               supporting my successor, Ivan Filisetti.       from the current pandemic and flourish
                                                                                              in this “new normal.” This commitment
                                               Pascal Boillat                                 goes beyond simply selling machines. It
                                               President, GF Machining Solutions              means supporting you with best-in-class
                                                                                              service, application support, and expert
                                                                                              advice and training that only we, with our
                                                                                              broad technology portfolio and technology
                                                                                              leadership recognized across the globe,
                                                                                              can offer. Our complete solutions can
Dear readers,                                                                                 help your business recover—and help
                                                                                              customers grow in the future—whether
In the wake of the coronavirus disease                                                        you are looking to extend your capacity or
2019 (COVID-19) and its impact on the
global supply chain, it is clearly more
                                               Committed to                                   adopt a new technology.

important than ever for manufacturers
to have strong, integrity-based supplier
                                               your success                                   Last, I thank my predecessor, Pascal
                                                                                              Boillat, for his many years of leadership
relationships. That is exactly what
GF Machining Solutions delivers. Our broad
                                               in the “new                                    as president of GF Machining Solutions. He
                                                                                              will remain in the organization to support
portfolio—Milling, Spindles, Electrical
Discharge Machines (EDM), Laser texturing
                                               normal”                                        the Division by working on dedicated
                                                                                              special projects for the months to come.
and micromachining, Automation,                                                               Together with our teams around the world,
software, and Customer Services—as well                                                       we are passionate about your success and
as our application and process expertise                                                      we are eager to prove this to you.
make us a source of strength and a single
point of contact to customers worldwide.                                                      Ivan Filisetti
                                                                                              President, GF Machining Solutions
Whatever your market segment or
application challenge, you can work in
confidence that your success is at the
center of everything we do. As a Division of
the global GF group, we are in a uniquely
strong position to help your business
navigate a changing manufacturing
landscape and achieve the next level
of success.

Results Today - GF Machining Solutions
In brief


New GF
                                                Pascal Boillat, President of                  Ivan Filisetti will take reins as new
                                                GF Machining Solutions, will retire           GF Machining Solutions President,
With the retirement of GF Machining             at the end of September 2020                  effective July 1, 2020
Solutions President Pascal Boillat at the
end of September 2020, Ivan Filisetti will
take the reins as President, effective                                                As part of GF Machining Solutions’
July 1, 2020.                                                                         commitment to quality, innovation and
                                                                                      long-term growth, two key leadership
Boillat, who became president in January                                              changes were implemented on
2013, led GF Machining Solutions to its
position as a world-leading machine tool
                                             Commitment                               September 1, 2019.

manufacturer with a strong focus on
Digitalization and new technologies.
                                             to quality,                              Scott Fosdick, former GF Machining
                                                                                      Solutions US President and Head of
He joined GF Machining Solutions as
Head of Operations in October 2010, after
                                             innovation and                           Market Region North and Central America,
                                                                                      was promoted to the role of Head of
serving for seven years as President and
CEO of GE FANUC Automation Europe.
                                             growth drive                             Sales, Marketing, Business Development
                                                                                      and Communications. Phil Hauser,

Filisetti, a mechanical engineer in
                                             leadership                               formerly the Director of Sales and Head of
                                                                                      Turbine Group at GF Machining Solutions
automation and robotics, first joined GF
Machining Solutions in 1990, holding
                                             changes                                  USA, assumed Fosdick’s former position
                                                                                      with responsibility for sales, marketing
a number of management positions.                                                     and service operations in the region.
From 2000 to 2009, he held production,
logistics, operations and division manager
roles at two European machine tool
companies, rejoining GF Machining
Solutions in 2009. As GF Machining
Solutions Vice President for Operations,
he has had global responsibility for the
Division’s production and research and
development activities.

                                                Scott Fosdick, Head of Sales,                 Phil Hauser, GF Machining Solutions US
                                                Marketing, Business Development               President and Head of Market Region
                                                and Communications                            North and Central America

4 | Results Today 13
Results Today - GF Machining Solutions
Smart, advanced technologies
showcased at EMO 2019
More than 3,200 guests representing the worldwide manufacturing industry experienced
firsthand how GF Machining Solutions is “connected to your needs,” at EMO Hannover 2019
last September in Hannover, Germany. On its 1,156-square-meter stand, the GF Division gave
visitors a peek into the future, with Industry 4.0-enabling solutions ranging from machine
tools to digital products and Customer Services, all developed to take manufacturers’
processes to the next level of productivity.

“Connected to your needs” was
the theme of GF Machining Solutions’
EMO showcase.

          More than 3,000 guests from around     GF Machining Solutions President   In the aerospace corner of the
          the world got a peek into the future   Pascal Boillat speaks at the EMO   GF Machining Solutions' booth, visitors
          of manufacturing at GF Machining       press conference.                  discovered dedicated solutions and
          Solutions’ EMO 2019 booth.                                                optimized manufacturing processes for
                                                                                    engine compressor and low-pressure
                                                                                    turbine applications.

Results Today - GF Machining Solutions
In brief

Customers are at the heart of
expansions worldwide
In September 2019, the Division
                                                 Officials from GF Machining Solutions
inaugurated its new, CHF 100 million,            and GF Piping Systems last November
44,000-square-meter innovation and               commemorated the start of work on new
                                                 joint headquarters in Ontario, Canada.
production center in Biel/Bienne,
Switzerland. Situated on a 24,500-square-
meter site, the center unites former
GF Machining Solutions sites in Nidau,
Ipsach and Luterbach all under one
roof. The new building, which also is
the Division’s headquarters, boasts
13,000 square meters for production
and assembly, and allows room for a
research and development center as
well as a modern application center. At
this facility, customers can experience
GF Machining Solutions’ broad portfolio
firsthand and take part in on-site training.
Employees benefit from bright, spacious
project rooms fostering creativity and
interdisciplinary collaboration.

Additionally, in December 2019, GF
Machining Solutions moved to its new,
32,000-square-meter plant on 51,550
square meters of land in Changzhou,
China, with dedicated assembly lines for
its Mikron MILL P, MILL E U, HEM and HSM
products and a team of 200 employees.
                                                                          GF Machining Solutions and GF Piping
The facility also includes application, office                            Systems officials last October broke
and storage areas.                                                        ground on a new joint headquarters in
                                                                          Nuevo Leon, Mexico.

To further strengthen direct sales and
service to customers, GF Machining
Solutions and GF Piping Systems
                                                                          GF Machining Solutions' new innovation
last year broke ground for new joint                                      and production center in Biel/Bienne,
headquarters in Mexico and Canada. In                                     Switzerland, unites former sites in
                                                                          Nidau, Ipsach and Luterbach under
October, work began on a 7,000-square-
                                                                          one roof, with 13,000 square meters
meter facility in Nuevo Leon, Mexico,                                     of production and assembly space.
and in November, the two GF Divisions
officially began work on a 6,225-square-
meter facility in Ontario, Canada.

6 | Results Today 13
Results Today - GF Machining Solutions
Key figures 2019                                                                                    EBIT

GF Machining Solutions generated sales
of CHF 972 million, an organic decline
                                              The reduction in sales and the lower
                                              utilization of production capacities affected
                                                                                                    57     MILLION

of 7.5% compared to the previous year.        the operating result. It fell from CHF 88
Businesses in China and Western Europe
have been impacted the most, whereas
                                              million to CHF 57 million, resulting in 5.9%
                                              return on sales (ROS) compared to
the Division was even able to grow in the
United States, based on its strong position
                                              a strong 8.3% in 2018.
                                                                                                                   71       MILLION

in aerospace and medical technologies.        Innovations in the field of new technologies
Innovations and a strong focus on the
defined strategic market segments
                                              such as Laser texturing and Additive
                                              Manufacturing continued to see a high               EBIT
allowed the Division to clearly outperform    demand from customers, growing 41%
the North American market.                    in 2019.

                                                                                                              972              MILLION

Successful launches                                                                                                Employees

in 2019                                                                                                            3,358
New AgieCharmilles LASER S series
sets new productivity milestone
Launched in Asia in February 2019,
GF Machining Solutions’ new high-
performance LASER S series of Laser
texturing solutions establishes a new
milestone in terms of productivity.

Revolutionary Spark Track
technology prevents wire breakage
GF Machining Solutions’ revolutionary new
Spark Track technology for wire-cutting
Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM)
represents a big breakthrough. Launched
in Switzerland in April 2019, Spark Track
prevents wire breakage, an age-old
dilemma that can arise from irregularly
shaped workpiece features.                                                                             GF Machining Solutions’ and 3D
                                                                                                       Systems’ new DMP Flex 350,
                                                                                                       launched at EMO Hannover 2019,
                                                                                                       improves print productivity,
                                                                The new high-performance               drives time to market, and
                                                                LASER S series helps users             slashes operating costs.
                                                                achieve unprecedented levels of
                                                                productivity and quality.

Results Today - GF Machining Solutions
Market Region Europe and South America

Complete solutions for
a highly complex region
Encompassing more than 22 million square kilometers,
over 1.1 billion people, and a diverse cross-section of
manufacturing segments with often differing needs,
Market Region Europe and South America demonstrates
how GF Machining Solutions’ complete solutions help
manufacturers keep their customers coming back.

“We had the                                                                                  From large organizations with their
                                                                                             own supplier strategy and a need for

vision, we                                                                                   key account management to smaller
                                                                                             businesses seeking a competitive edge,

listened to                                                                                  the GF Division has plenty to offer.

the market,                                                                                  “The way we take care of customers is
                                                                                             shaped by the innovation, Swiss quality,

developed the                                                                                and efficiency pillars of our business
                                                                                             strategy. Every new solution is evidence of

products, and                                                                                the strength of these pillars,” Faccio says.

adapted our                                                                                  He cites a complete solution—including
                                                                                             Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM),

organization.”                                                                               Milling, Automation and Software—GF
                                                                                             Machining Solutions conceived and
                                               “This region is extremely complex, with       installed for a global, Germany-based
                                               countries and manufacturers of various        pharmaceutical industry powerhouse.
Antonio Faccio, Head of Market Region Europe
and South America                              sizes and segments. The manufacturing         “The customer wanted to achieve
                                               industry across the entire region is highly   targeted return on investment and reduce
                                               competitive,” says Antonio Faccio, Head of    production costs. They are very happy to
                                               GF Machining Solutions Market Europe and      have been able to achieve this—and even
                                               South America. “Customers tell me that        improve their results—with our multi-
                                               our position as a single point of contact     technology solution, project management,
                                               for complete solutions to resolve their       and after-sales support,” Faccio adds.
                                               manufacturing challenges is a key point       “They rely on us as a key supplier and we
                                               in our favor.”                                are accountable for the project’s success.”

8 | Results Today 13
Results Today - GF Machining Solutions
tell me that
GF Machining
position as a
single point of
contact is a
key point in
our favor.”
Antonio Faccio, Head of Market Region Europe
and South America
                                               “Our customers
                                               are more
The GF Division’s Renault Formula 1                                                           On the advanced manufacturing side,
technical partnership in motorsports is                                                       GF Machining Solutions brings together

another example.                                                                              Laser texturing, Additive Manufacturing
                                                                                              (AM) including both 3D metal printing and

                                               and successful
“With a shop full of our machines,                                                            a unique EDM solution to separate AM
they appreciate the value we add:                                                             parts from the build plate, and Laser

                                               because of
precision, speed, reliability, quality and                                                    micromachining.
performance,” he says. “Motorsports truly

                                               their trust- and
puts our solutions to the test. The results                                                   “Ten years ago, we envisioned being
are confirmed by our partner’s extensive                                                      the reference for Laser texturing of

measuring to ensure that components                                                           big automotive dashboard molds, and
made with our machines fulfill the                                                            today it’s a fact,” Faccio says. “We had

requirements.”                                                                                the vision, we listened to the market,
                                                                                              developed the products, and adapted our

                                               with us.”
Manufacturers in South America are also                                                       organization. Our customers worldwide
looking for trust-based partnership.                                                          are more competitive and successful
                                                                                              because of their trust- and integrity-based
“The level of entrepreneurship in South                                                       partnerships with us.”
                                               Antonio Faccio, Head of Market Region Europe
America is very high. We see a lot of          and South America
investment in advanced manufacturing
solutions to meet the needs of a variety of
segments, including automotive, medical,
aerospace, and consumer goods that
depend on mold making,” Faccio explains.

Results Today - GF Machining Solutions
Market Region Asia

Yiben Mold’s success
in automotive industry
Founded in 2003 with ¥10 million (USD 1.4 million, €1.3 million)
in capital, Yiben today is an automotive industry success story:
Specializing in tooling and molds for post-processing sealing of
vehicles, Yiben’s gold-star list of customers includes Mercedes
Benz, BMW, GM, Volkswagen and Renault.

                                                   “The technology                            “The technology and solutions from GF
                                                                                              Machining Solutions help us achieve great
                                                   and solutions                              improvements in production efficiency,”
                                                                                              says Yiben owner Ni Liping. “We plan
                                                   from GF                                    to integrate additional GF Machining
                                                                                              Solutions EDM machines into our
                                                   Machining                                  production lines in the next half year.”

                                                   Solutions help                             Those are important considerations
                                                                                              at Yiben which, like other automotive
                                                   us achieve great                           industry suppliers, faces formidable
                                                                                              challenges, including the costs of raw
          Yiben Mold owner Ni Liping says          improvements                               materials, cutters and tool holders, labor,
                                                                                              and mold testing. At the same time, Yiben
                                                   in production
          GF Machining Solutions helps drive the
          company’s production efficiency with                                                must deliver high-quality molds to its
          both machine tools and Automation.
                                                                                              customers, reduce its five-axis machining

From its sprawling 12,000-square-meter
                                                   efficiency.”                               cycle times, and manage the costs of
                                                                                              training new employees. The automated
factory in near Shanghai, Yiben’s 350                                                         Milling cells have proven themselves
employees produce up to 700 molds, 700             Yiben owner Ni Liping                      a real game-changer, reducing Yiben’s
sets of tooling, and 100 machines each                                                        manufacturing costs and lead time,
year. To make that happen, Yiben relies            Changzhou. From concept to installation,   optimizing its manufacturing process,
on a total of 36 GF Machining Solutions            the collaboration between Yiben and        and underscoring its leadership in its
Mikron Mill, AgieCharmilles Electrical             Changzhou AgieCharmilles had the           automotive subsegment.
Discharge Machining (EDM), and System              solution up and running within a year.
3R Automation solutions—the results of                                                        Those achievements cement Yiben’s
ten years of trust-based collaboration.            The results for Yiben are clear: Quality   leading position among Tier 2 suppliers to
                                                   errors and labor costs have been           the global automotive original equipment
Evidence of that solid relationship is found       significantly reduced while production     manufacturers and demonstrate GF
in Yiben’s two full Automation cells featuring     efficiency and quality have increased      Machining Solutions’ customer-centric
the Mikron MILL E 700 U manufactured               dramatically.                              orientation—for ten years and counting.
at the GF Machining Solutions factory in

10 | Results Today 13
Yiben Mold
No.58, Taizhong Road,
Taicang, Jiangsu Province, China

Phone: +86 512-33005800
Fax: +86 512-33005899


GF Machining Solutions machines
16x MILL E 700 U
1x HPM 1350U
1x HEM 700 U
6x UCP 800
2x FORM E 350
1x FORM 20
1x FO 23 UP
1x CUT 20 P
1x CUT 30 P
4x CUT 200 BP
2x CUT E 350                                                 A perfectly machined mold for post-processing
                                                             vehicle sealing is made possible by GF Machining
                                                             Solutions’ five-axis Mikron Mill technology and
                                                             System 3R Automation.

Yiben Mold’s 12,000-square-meter     One of the 700 flawlessly                         Yiben specializes in manufacturing
factory near Shanghai, China         executed molds produced by                        molds and tooling for post-process
                                     Yiben each year                                   sealing for the automotive industry.

Market Region Europe

Pankl Racing Systems leads
with high speed, high tech,
high quality
Pankl Racing Systems’ mission, “High speed, high tech, high
quality,” comes to life in Bruck an der Mur, Austria, where
a 380-member team develops and produces the bespoke
pistons, piston pins and connecting rods essential to both race
cars and high-performance road cars. Behind their success
is an impressive fleet of automated Mikron Mill high-speed
Milling machines.

“Our Mikron                                          “Supplier relationships are always
                                                     important. Our suppliers are worldwide,
                                                                                                “A piston for an engine with rpm level
                                                                                                higher than 18,000 and ignition pressures
Mill machines                                        since our products are quite special and
                                                     all of our materials and coatings are
                                                                                                up to 300 bar is highly stressed during its
                                                                                                use, so every surface must be perfect in
support our                                          nonstandard and often designed and
                                                     evaluated just for Pankl,” says Peter
                                                                                                such a critical part in order to prevent the
                                                                                                risk of engine failure,” Rattinger says.
mission of high                                      Rattinger, Head of Pankl’s Piston and
                                                     Piston Pin Department. “Our Mikron Mill    Pankl bought its first Mikron Mill machine
speed, high                                          machines support our mission of high
                                                     speed, high tech, and high quality.
                                                                                                for piston manufacturing 15 years ago
                                                                                                when the business was rethinking its
tech, and high                                       They allow us to produce our parts very
                                                     quickly and efficiently with five-axis
                                                                                                manufacturing process due to changing
                                                                                                piston designs. When evaluating Milling
quality.”                                            simultaneous Milling. The Workpiece
                                                     Changer (WPC) on the rear of each
                                                                                                machine suppliers, quality, geometric
                                                                                                accuracy and fast machining times were at
                                                     machine allows us to run our machines      the top of the list. All these factors, plus a
Peter Rattinger, Head of the Piston and Piston Pin   nights and weekends, even unattended.”     high degree of automation, are necessary
Department, Pankl Racing Systems                                                                to guarantee the output of Pankl’s fastest-
                                                     That’s important, he says, because         growing profit center manufacturing
                                                     Pankl pistons—machined primarily from      approximately 30,000 pistons per year for
                                                     exclusively developed aluminum alloys      the racing industry.
                                                     and high-strength steel—often have long
                                                     cycle times due to their complex shapes
                                                     and the requisite high surface quality.

12 | Results Today 13
GF Machining Solutions machines*
         2x Mikron XSM 400U
         2x Mikron XSM 400U LP
         1x Mikron HSM 400U LP
         3x Mikron MILL S 400 U
         2x Mikron MILL S 600 U
         *All with Workpiece Changer
         (WPC) Automation

         Pankl Systems Austria GmbH,
         Engine Systems
         Kaltschmidstrasse 2-6
         8600 Bruck an der Mur, Austria

         Phone: +43 3862 33999 - 0


                                                     At Pankl Racing Systems, a 380-member team develops and
                                                     produces the bespoke pistons, piston pins and connecting rods
                                                     essential to both race cars and high-performance road cars.

“With GF
Machining                                                                      GF Machining Solutions' Mikron Mill
                                                                               machines master Pankl pistons'
                                                                               complex shapes and requisite high

Solutions, we                                                                  surface quality.

have a strong
partner at
our side.”
                                                                               Crankshaft components are highly
                                                                               stressed during engine use, so every
Peter Rattinger, Head of the Piston and Piston Pin                             surface must be perfect in order to
Department, Pankl Racing Systems                                               prevent the risk of engine failure.

“The Mikron XSM 400U was a natural fit
for us because it meets our requirements
and has compact Automation to increase
both efficiency and our productivity per
square meter,” says Rattinger, adding that
available smart modules also contribute to
                                                                               The crankshaft rotates, in
his department’s success.                                                      conjunction with connecting rods,
                                                                               to convert the reciprocating motion
                                                                               of the pistons into rotational motion
“At the same time, GF Machining Solutions
                                                                               essential to engines in race cars and
provides complete solutions. We don’t                                          high-performance road cars.
have to talk with three or four different
companies to get solutions related to
                                                                                                                   Pankl Racing Systems Austria

our machining process,” he asserts,
noting that Pankl will soon add a new
Mikron MILL S 600 U to its fleet. “With GF
Machining Solutions, we have a strong
partner at our side, whether our question
                                                                                                                   © Images:

is related to hardware, software, or some
other technical issue.”

Market Regions Americas

Thin-wall mold maker
Moulexpert finds “Swiss Army
knife” of solutions in Mikron
Quebec, Canada-based multicavity injection mold designer
and manufacturer Moulexpert Inc. today machines high-
quality, thin-wall molds for round plastic food containers in
hours instead of days. GF Machining Solutions’ highly versatile
Mikron MILL P 800 U ST (simultaneous turn) machining center
plays a key role.

Moulexpert boasts a customer base               Moulexpert also wanted to maintain the
spanning eastern Canada, Europe and             agility to meet customer expectations
the United States. Focused primarily on         for faster production without sacrificing
molds for food packing from the start,          quality and reliability. It essentially
the business also took on mold making           needed a “Swiss Army knife” of machines,
opportunities in different industry             something small that could do a lot: high
segments and in 2011 decided to                 precision, high speed and high capacity.
concentrate on its strengths in designing
and manufacturing thin-wall molds for           GF Machining Solutions’ Mikron MILL P
food packaging.                                 800 U ST (simultaneous turn), purchased
                                                                                               New molds are generally being
                                                in 2018, checks all the boxes. With its        produced by Moulexpert every two
Thin-wall molds present big challenges:         high removal rates and precision on            weeks, and the company plans to
                                                                                               expand its footprint in Canada and
It’s more difficult to inject plastic into      round and other challenging mold cavity
                                                                                               expand further into the U.S. market.
the molds because the flow channels             components, it meets Moulexpert’s need
are incredibly thin—just 0.015 inches           for productivity, part table capacity, and
(0.381 cm). During plastic injection, these     superior quality.
thin flow channels create tremendous
pressure inside the tool. Even with a good      “With the Mikron MILL P 800 U ST,
mold design, any uneven wall thickness          everything was there: roughing, finishing,
will have physical effects on the mold and      five-axis, accuracy, and the ability to turn
prevent it from producing good containers.      very big parts,” Project Manager Marc De
For that reason, it is essential to rely on a   Grandmont says.
machine that can produce molds within a
tolerance of 5 microns.
                                                                                               The Mikron MILL P 800 U ST mills
                                                                                               and turns and features a powerful,
                                                                                               specifically designed 20,000 rpm spindle
                                                                                               with a hydraulic system that firmly locks
                                                                                               it in place for turning operations.

14 | Results Today 13
Moulexpert Inc.
                                                                               Moulexpert Project Manager Marc De Grandmont (left) and CEO
        415, 3e Avenue
                                                                               Steve Nadau (right) are convinced of the value the MILL P 800 U ST
        Levis, Quebec, Canada
                                                                               brings to the firm’s production of high-quality, thin-wall molds for
                                                                               the food packaging sector.
        Phone: +1 418 834-5544


                                                                               GF Machining Solutions machines
                                                                               1x Mikron MILL P 800 U ST

“If we had                                      This all-in-one solution enabled
                                                Moulexpert to increase the overall capacity

purchased                                       of the plant, reduce lead time to widen
                                                profit margins, meet demand and quality

a turning                                       specifications to strengthen the customer
                                                experience, and make the business more

machine instead                                 competitive by improving productivity for
                                                those thin-wall molds for round-shaped

of the MILL P                                   containers. It has also positioned the shop
                                                to boost its capacity by 25%.

800 U ST, we                                    Additional equipment and programming
                                                                                                          Prior to acquiring the Mikron MILL P
                                                                                                          800 U ST, Moulexpert’s 25 employees

would not have                                  technology for automation integration are
                                                likely on the horizon for Moulexpert as it
                                                                                                          were making about 125 molds per year.
                                                                                                          Today, the company produces about
                                                                                                          270 molds, depending on size, with the

five-axis milling                               looks to manage growth-driven production
                                                                                                          same number of employees—a 116%
                                                                                                          improvement in productivity.

capabilities, and                               “GF Machining Solutions helps us with all

we would have                                   of this,” CEO Steve Nadau confirms.

had to purchase
two machines.”
Marc De Grandmont, Project Manager,
Moulexpert Inc.

Ask our expert: Jonas Ruesch

Driving manufacturing’s
digital transformation
GF Machining Solutions Head of Software Engineering Digital
Business Jonas Ruesch explains how the GF Division’s digital
solutions are making manufacturing more efficient, productive
and measurable—all at the touch of a finger.

“Capital cost                                                                              What does all of this mean for
pressures                                                                                  Customers’ needs drive everything we do.
                                                                                           With our extended machine connectivity
and demand                                                                                 capabilities, they can tightly integrate our
                                                                                           machines into their digital environments.
for flexible                                                                               Second, our web-based customer
                                                                                           portal, the Digital Hub—cocreated with
manufacturing                                                                              customers—serves as a unique access
                                                                                           point for software measuring and
solutions are                                                                              improving our machines’ performance. It
                                                                                           will also bring us closer to our customers.
accelerating a                               What can you tell us about
                                                                                           With this approach, we are responding
                                                                                           to demands for extended software
shift toward                                 GF Machining Solutions’ Digital
                                                                                           services, which must run on top of
                                                                                           traditional human-machine interface (HMI)
service-oriented                             Around the globe, digitalization is rapidly
                                             transforming how customers use and
                                                                                           functionality, can be installed at the click of
                                                                                           a button and are accessible from browsers
manufacturing                                integrate our equipment. In parallel,
                                             capital cost pressures and demand for
                                                                                           and mobile devices, anytime, anywhere.

solutions.”                                  flexible manufacturing solutions are
                                             accelerating a shift toward service-
                                             oriented manufacturing solutions. Our
Jonas Ruesch, Head of Software Engineering   Digital Business establishes a services
Digital Business                             ecosystem, empowering customers to
                                             leverage the true value of our machines
                                             with less effort.

16 | Results Today 13
“The Digital
cocreated with
serves as
a unique
access point
for software
and improving
our machines’
performance,                                 Tell us about GF Machining                     What’s on the horizon?
and will                                     Solutions’ state-of-the-art
                                             digital solutions.
                                                                                            The Digital Hub will allow for self-service
                                                                                            access to digital solutions like we are
also bring us                                Our OPC UA Interface v1.0 provides a
                                             first unified connectivity layer across our
                                                                                            used to on our mobile phones. Being
                                                                                            connected, we can react to customer
closer to our                                technology portfolio, so all of our machines
                                             can speak a common language. With this
                                                                                            needs faster and deliver updates with new
                                                                                            functionality within minutes. We foresee
customers.”                                  option, relevant data is readily available
                                             and can be can easily integrated into shop
                                                                                            commercial availability of Digital Hub-
                                                                                            based applications in 2021. One of the first
                                             floor dashboards, so it becomes easy to        will be the Part Inspector app. It leverages
Jonas Ruesch, Head of Software Engineering   measure key performance indicators and         recorded process data like EDM generator
Digital Business                             overall equipment effectiveness (OEE).         signals to identify and tag problematic
                                             OPC UA is available for all new                patterns indicating production issues.
                                             AgieCharmilles and Microlution machines        We’re also working on an app with our
                                             and our solutions developed with 3D            Milling team to enable effortless tracking
                                             Systems. For Mikron Mill and Liechti           and control of machine equivalence for
                                             machines, it will become available             multiple machines.
                                             later this year. We also offer software
                                             applications supporting the data flow
                                             around our machines. Our Multi-Process
                                             Planning tool suite, MPP/eTRUE, brings the
                                             right data to die-sinking EDM machines,
                                             allowing customers to optimize electrode
                                             geometry and process parameters based
                                             on the true target mold shape.
                                             Our eTracking software allows operators
                                             and process engineers to “listen” to the
                                             wire-cutting EDM process and track and
                                             trace process data with respect to a
                                             qualified reference.

Expert insights: 3D Print Lab

          A polymer (PLA) 3D skull model for surgery planning,
          is produced on a fused deposition modeling/fused
          filament fabrication (FDM/FFF) printer.

On the leading edge:
printing the human body
From 3D models of the human skull to 3D-printed patient
specific implants and biocompatible guides that tell surgeons
exactly where to cut during operations, the University Hospital
Basel’s state-of-the-art 3D Print Lab is revolutionizing surgery
and improving patient outcomes.

18 | Results Today 13
“I feel that                                         at the University of Basel’s Department
                                                     of Biomedical Engineering and a lecturer
                                                                                                    recalls. “Today, you just need a mobile
                                                                                                    phone or a laptop to visualize complex
patient-specific                                     for cranio- and maxillofacial surgery, and
                                                     cofounder and codirector of USB’s 3D Print

implants are                                         Lab.                                           And, as 3D printers become less expensive
                                                                                                    and more accessible, they are more
the future of                                        “Although my first computer, a
                                                     Commodore 64, had no internet
                                                                                                    commonly used.

medicine and                                         connection, I was really fascinated by
                                                     the possibilities and the opportunity
                                                                                                    “Today, at our hospital it is routine for
                                                                                                    doctors to order a 3D-printed model
that there                                           to visualize solutions on a computer
                                                     screen,” Thieringer explains. “Today,
                                                                                                    to support them in planning surgical
                                                                                                    procedures for craniomaxillofacial defects,
will be a huge                                       these visualization and manufacturing
                                                     technologies are everyday tools in
                                                                                                    to work with patient-specific titanium
                                                                                                    implants, or use biocompatible-certified
demand.”                                             craniomaxillofacial (CMF) surgery. When
                                                     I began my career, computer-based
                                                                                                    polymer surgical guides intraoperatively,”
                                                                                                    Thieringer adds. “With surgical guides, you
                                                     planning, virtual surgical planning, and       transfer information from the computer
Dr. Florian Thieringer, cofounder and codirector,    patient-specific implants were reserved        into the operating room: The guide shows
University Hospital Basel 3D Print Lab               for very rare cases. Today, these are very     you exactly where to cut the bone, drill a
                                                     powerful tools that we can use on a daily      hole, or where a biopsy should be taken.”
                                                     basis to facilitate the treatment process—
At just 42 years old, Dr. Florian Thieringer         not only in CMF but across a wide range of     The benefits of medical additive
doesn’t consider himself a digital native:           medical disciplines.”                          manufacturing are many and Thieringer is
His first personal computer didn’t even                                                             quick to add that additive manufacturing is
have an internet connection. Today,                  Thieringer recalls that early in his career,   a complement to—rather than a threat to—
though, the tools his team is using to               a single computer workstation used to          conventional manufacturing technologies.
transform patient care extend far beyond             analyze 3D images of the human skull was
an internet connection: 3D printing, the key         a staggering investment.
medical additive manufacturing technology
                                                                                                            Improving treatment processes
(MAM), plays a central role. Thieringer is           “The workstations then were larger                     through virtual surgical planning
University Hospital Basel (USB) Assistant            than the biggest refrigerator and cost                 and 3D printing also includes
                                                                                                            postoperative quality control
Medical Director, head of a research group           hundreds of thousands of dollars,” he
                                                                                                            using radiological 3D data.

          3D skull models such as this one help surgeons at
          Basel University Hospital to plan and safely perform
          complex operations.

Expert insights: 3D Print Lab

“Compared to other workflows more                   While restoring the facial functions like           shape not only self-image but how others
ideal for serial production—like milling            chewing and speaking are important                  perceive the patient. Technologies like
of molds for plastic injection—additive             considerations in CMF surgery, they                 MAM can make an enormous contribution
manufacturing can, with little effort,              aren’t the only determinants of a                   to both functional and aesthetic
produce individualized models, implants,            satisfactory patient outcome. Thieringer            outcomes, and he’s looking forward to big
guides and instruments. If you have to              says the aesthetic outcome is also of key           breakthroughs in MAM technology in the
produce many parts of the same shape,               importance, because the human face can              coming decade.
a more traditional production method
would be more suitable.”

“We have
that MAM
can speed
up orbital
by 30%.”
Dr. Florian Thieringer, cofounder and codirector,
University Hospital Basel 3D Print Lab

                                                            The 3D Print Lab of the University Hospital of Basel prints models from a variety of
                                                            polymers and other materials and conducts research in new application areas such
On the patient-specific implants side,                      as intelligent implants and biomaterials for medical use, as well as in medical image
                                                            analysis and segmentation.
titanium and high-performance polyether
ether ketone (PEEK) are the materials of
choice, he says. 3D-printed patient-specific
implants can be adapted to the patient’s
specific anatomy so that function can be
restored in the best possible way.

“I feel that patient-specific implants
are the future of medicine and that
there will be a huge demand. I foresee
a real demand, for example, in CMF
surgery for patient-specific implants to
repair the cranial walls or for mandible
reconstruction after tumor surgery,
since the mandible should be perfectly
reconstructed to avoid impediments to
function,” Thieringer says enthusiastically.
“Complex orbital defects or dental
rehabilitation after severe trauma or
tumor treatment are other areas where
                                                            Binder jetting 3D printing allows                     Dr. Florian Thieringer, University
patient-specific implants can make a huge                   large-scale, full-color printing without              Hospital Basel (USB) Assistant Medical
difference in the patient outcome.”                         support structures. This process is used              Director, shows how 3D printing can be
                                                            in the 3D Print Lab mainly for complex                used to bring 3D planning data from the
                                                            anatomical models such as skulls.                     computer to the operating room.

20 | Results Today 13
Surgeons especially count on the                   With the help of a workflow              The models produced with the binder
        3D Print Lab for patient-specific                  developed at Basel University            jetting process require infiltration
        printed models and surgical guides                 Hospital, patients can be individually   with liquid acrylate to achieve
        to support them in planning surgical               treated for complex cranial defects      optimum strength.
        procedures.                                        based on 3D planning data.

        Prof Florian Thieringer (right in                  A positive side effect of the use of     The use of handheld 3D scanners
        white jacket) observes a computed                  3D models in the treatment process       and 3D-printed models is now
        tomography (CT) scan. Such scans                   is the possibility to improve the        standard for many operations at
        produce the digital radiological images            training of residents. With the          the University Hospital Basel.
        on which individualized 3D-printed skull           help of 3D printing, even complex
        models, surgical guides, and patient-              pathologies become "tangible."
        specific implants are based.

“The technology is already quite                   Even with those challenges afoot,
sophisticated today, but I look forward            Thieringer’s enthusiasm for MAM
to being able to print patient-specific            is unbridled.
implants without the need for complex,
time-consuming post-processing,” he                “I think patients realize the value of MAM,
says. “Medical device regulation is another        too, because we can show a patient—on
big challenge as we enter an era in which          a 3D-printed model of his or her own
hospitals can become manufacturers. For            skull—exactly what we’re going to do in the
example, we have demonstrated that MAM             operating room,” he says. “Postoperative
can speed up orbital reconstruction by             patient compliance is better, too, because
30% at the same, or even superior, quality         the patient becomes invested and part of
compared to a conventional operation               the surgical planning process.”
using stock implants.”
                                                                                                                                      Universität Basel, Christian Flierl
                                                                                                                                      © Images:

Expert insights: Drones

Into the great wide open—
with drones
With a history going back more than 180 years and once
limited to military applications, unmanned aerial vehicles
(UAVs), better known as drones, today tackle a host of civil and
commercial applications. It appears that the future is drone
enabled—and wide open.

Some authorities trace the history of          “Over the past several years drone             • During the coronavirus pandemic
drones to 1839, when Austrian soldiers         technology has proven its value in serving     (COVID-19), drones were used to enforce
used explosive-filled unmanned                 the greater good, from saving lives,           lockdowns in China and France and were
balloons to attack the city of Venice—a        mitigating risks to first responders, to       employed to spray disinfectant in crowded
misadventure that resulted in balloons         preventing diseases like malaria,” says DJI    urban areas.
being blown back and bombing the               Senior Director of Public Safety Integration
Austrians’ own lines. In 1898, Serbian-        Romeo Durscher. DJI is the world leader
American inventor, electrical and              in civilian drones and aerial imaging          How might drones shape society in the
mechanical engineer, and futurist Nikola       technology.                                    future? Predictions run the gamut from
Tesla was granted a patent for a wireless,                                                    self-flying vehicles to construction aided
radio-controlled, unmanned boat, setting       Indeed, the humanitarian applications of       by drones equipped by 3D printers.
the course for modern wireless drones.         drones are especially impressive:              Flying cars, for example, have long
                                                                                              occupied the public’s collective vision
Since its earliest iterations, drone           • Following the 2013 typhoon Haiyan,           of how technology could transformation
technology has evolved to a staggering         small and lightweight UAVs were used to        mobility. Today, aerospace and automotive
degree. The global drone market,               identify places where non-governmental         manufacturers, world-class research
according to some estimates, is on             organizations could set up camp and            institutes, and governments are leading
target to grow by 15 percent through           which roads were passable, to assess           the charge to open the skies to drone-
the year 2025, propelled in large part by      post-storm-surge damage and flooding,          inspired self-flying vehicles.
commercial sectors, including oil and          and to gauge which villages had been most
gas, construction, energy, entertainment,      affected.                                      If futurists are right, the horizons for
medical, and parcel delivery industries.                                                      drones are indeed wide open.
In fact, multinational professional services   • As the famed Notre Dame Cathedral in
network PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)           Paris, France, was burning in 2019, Paris
estimates the value of the total emerging      firefighters sent in commercial drones
global drone market at US $127 billion         with thermal cameras to track how the fire
through 2020.                                  was spreading and where it originated.
                                               Those images were used to determine the
                                               most effective way to position fire hoses,
                                               preventing even worse damage to the
                                               850-year-old landmark.

22 | Results Today 13
The global drone market, according
                                                                                            to some estimates, is on target to
                                                                                            grow by 15 percent through the year
                                                                                            2025, propelled in large part by
                                                                                            commercial sectors.

“Over the
past several
years drone
technology has
proven its value
in serving the
greater good,
from saving
lives, mitigating
risks to first
to preventing
diseases like
Romeo Durscher
DJI Senior Director of Public Safety Integration

                                                   Self-flying vehicles could be the next
                                                   frontier for drone technology—and
                                                   the mobility sector.

News: Special die-sinking EDM
for ASIA

FORM P 330 Dedicated
connects you to performance
in automotive and ICT
Asia connector mold manufacturers for the automotive
and information and communications technology
(ICT) sectors are connected to success, thanks to the
AgieCharmilles FORM P 330 Dedicated.

Delivering high repeatability, output and
exceptional homogeneity, the tailored
and ready-to-use FORM P 330 Dedicated
die-sinking Electrical Discharge Machining
(EDM) solution positions mold makers for
performance in these highly demanding
market segments. Conceived especially
for these users, this machine ensures
perfect quality to reduce scrapped molds
and puts perfect results at the touch of
a finger. Its simple, effective Tooling and
competitiveness-driving Automation
solutions further advance users’ success.

                                              The AgieCharmilles FORM P 330
                                              Dedicated supports mold manufacturers
                                              in the automotive and ICT sectors.

24 | Results Today 13
Manufacturers                                    • The production cost package with the
                                                 Rotary Tool Changer (RTC) or an external

can choose                                       robot to fulfill the needs of manufacturers
                                                 confronting challenging labor costs

the package                                      • The advanced package with a C axis,
                                                 aimed at middle- to large-size

that best suits                                  manufacturers focusing on mold
                                                 quality and increased productivity.

their individual                                 Customer-approved solution
                                                                                               Perfect homogeneity is essential in
                                                                                               the production of plastic injection

production                                       The FORM P 330 Dedicated has already          molds for automotive connectors.
                                                                                               The FORM P 330 Dedicated masters
                                                 impressed the chairman of a global            this challenging mold requiring a

needs                                            strategic mold supplier to top 500
                                                 companies. He said the improved HMI
                                                                                               homogenous surface (roughness of
                                                                                               VDI 18–22) and
News: Wire-cutting EDM

The future starts today
with the CUT P Pro series'
groundbreaking HMI and
Spark Track
As the future unfolds at high speed and reshapes the way
manufacturers work, GF Machining Solutions' AgieCharmilles
CUT P Pro wire-cutting Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM)
series break new ground.

Developed in collaboration with                They also appreciate Uniqua’s enormous       ensures that users experience the best
customers to meet their needs, the             contribution to workshop productivity, as    possible EDM performance—without the
CUT P Pro wire EDM series takes users'         it helps them achieve increased efficiency   risk of wire breakage. Spark Track, with
flexibility, productivity, speed and quality   and a drastic reduction of the machine's     its state-of-the-art ISPS, monitors and
to a new level. Featuring the new and          non-productive time.                         measures sparks generated during the
easy-to-use Uniqua human-machine                                                            EDM process and uses that data to adjust
interface (HMI) and Intelligent Spark          Whether the machine operator is used to      machine parameters accordingly.
Protection System (ISPS) with                  working with the Vision interface or is a    The result: greater EDM process security,
Spark Track technology, the CUT P Pro          high-level job customer accustomed to ISO    higher efficiency, and easier execution
series represents a new approach to            programming, Uniqua's object-oriented        of applications.
work management and planning.                  approach is an unprecedented alternative
                                               that enables highest productivity.           The completely automatic process enabled
Unleashing high flexibility                    Typically demanding tasks like stopping      by the ISPS is highly effective, even
Specifically, Uniqua is easy for machine       the machine, changing machining strategy,    in the most difficult cutting conditions
operators to manage because its                or changing a part are dramatically          and for the most complex part shapes.
attractive, easy-to-understand graphics        simplified by Uniqua. In fact, processes     That means users can focus on cutting
guide the way to successful processing         become logical with its intuitive onscreen   without worrying about wire breakage:
and increased productivity. By simplifying     icons, all available with a simple touch.    Efficiency and the vision of zero-defect
the operator’s tasks, the HMI unleashes        Moreover, its low learning curve makes       manufacturing are built into the system.
high flexibility to increase production        mastery easy, whether the user is new to
efficiency and reduce operating costs.         machine programming, a seasoned Vision       As the fourth industrial revolution—Industry
                                               user, or a veteran ISO code programmer.      4.0—changes the way manufacturers
Customers currently using the Uniqua                                                        work, the CUT P Pro series with the new
HMI say it is easy to learn, has onboard       Don’t worry, just cut                        Uniqua HMI and Spark Track technology
intelligence, and provides immediate,          At the same time, the CUT P Pro solutions'   underscores GF Machining Solutions’
visual operator-machine communication.         groundbreaking Spark Track technology        customer-centered innovation legacy.

26 | Results Today 13
Screen display: The illustrated             GF Machining Solutions’ Intelligent               The AgieCharmilles CUT P Pro’s new
demonstration piece contains                Spark Protection System (ISPS),                   and easy-to-use Uniqua HMI simplifies
very difficult geometries: bevels,          available for the CUT P Pro wire-                 the machine operator’s job, increases
protrusions, and points. On the screen,     cutting EDM series, resolves the issue            production efficiency, and reduces
there is real-time control of the energy    of wire breakage during machining of              operating costs.
density on the wire. The ISPS detects       complexly shaped parts.
when sparking becomes too intense.
Wire breakage is thus prevented even
with complex shapes.

Uniqua enables a high flexibility to
increase production efficiency and reduce
operating costs.

                                            The AgieCharmilles CUT P Pro’s high flexibility
                                            and ease of use are made possible by the new
                                            Uniqua HMI and available Intelligent Spark
                                            Protection System (ISPS) to prevent wire
                                            breakage on irregularly shaped workpiece

News: Complete solution

                                                                                                                        Multicavity molds in certain
                                                                                                                        industries require high
                                                                                                                        positioning accuracy and
                                                                                                                        high surface finishes.

Mikron MILL P 500
                                                                                                                        The MILL P 500 meets
                                                                                                                        these demands, thanks to
                                                                                                                        its 42,000 rpm Step-Tec
                                                                                                                        Spindle and a stable

advances mold makers’
                                                                                                                        structural design that
                                                                                                                        ensures no cutting marks
                                                                                                                        on glossy finishes.

productivity, accuracy
and autonomy
                   30 m/min feed rate
                   42,000 rpm Step-Tec Spindle

          The MILL P 500 delivers the highest
          precision achievable on a standard three-
          axis high-speed Milling machine. With its
          high productivity and long-term stability
          over long machining times, this solution is
          a game-changer for mold and die makers.

The highest precision achievable on a standard three-axis
high-speed Milling machine is a hallmark of GF Machining
Solutions’ new Mikron MILL P 500—but its advantages
don’t stop there.
The MILL P 500 high-performance Milling                 MILL P 500 satisfies the needs of mold and   reliability, availability and stability are
solution delivers long-term stability over              die makers serving the automotive, home      met by the MILL P 500’s mastery of
long machining periods as well as a                     appliance and packaging for consumer         machine behavior related to temperature
competitive edge in terms of productivity.              goods markets.                               fluctuations during machining as well
The MILL P 500 extends GF Machining                                                                  as in the production area. Moreover,
Solutions’ three-axis performance                       Mold and die makers serving the ICT and      manufacturers’ demands for best
portfolio with new solutions dedicated to               EC segments require more consistent          productivity per square meter, including
mold and die makers in the information                  precision and processes. The MILL P 500      optimal operator access to the machine, are
and communications technology (ICT) and                 delivers that crucial support with machine   answered by the MILL P 500’s compactness
electronic components (EC) sectors. At the              setup and tool management. In parallel,      in comparison to competing machines.
same time, due to its large axis ratio, the             these manufacturers’ needs for greater

28 | Results Today 13
When using the CutterToolMonitoring (CTM) option,                               In the job list, the operator can also view
                  the user can see all the needed cutting tools to be                             the cutting tools and their status, as well
                  used in the job as well as their lifetime.                                      as whether any tools are missing.

Building on a stable machine base, the              Ra ≤ 0.1 μm                                        CellManager software or JobTool Manager
MILL P 500 provides the high accuracy               Manufacturers get their molds to their             (JTM) to verify that all necessary cutting
and dynamics essential to the quality               customers faster and at the expected               tools are available before the Milling
production of mold cavities for plastic             quality, thanks to the MILL P 500’s ability        operation begins; Alarm Server that sends
injection as well as stamping die plates.           to machine finishes finer than Ra 0.1 μm.          messages from the machine to the user
Extending user's competitive edge is                This solution reduces time-consuming,              by e-mail or text message; CellMonitor to
the solution's excellent material removal           labor-intensive manual polishing work              display the status of all cells and individual
rate, made possible by the high-speed               by days, so manufacturers can more                 machines and processes: and CellStatistic
Step-Tec Spindle.                                   quickly meet their customers’ mold                 that retrieves and analyzes cell utilization
                                                    making demands.                                    and order data.
±4 µm precision
The formidable manufacturing challenge of           Excellent dynamic behavior                         Step-Tec HVC 140 Spindle
ensuring less than ±5 µm deviation on parts         With its significantly high dynamics,              The MILL P 500’s HVC 140 Spindle with
machined over long periods—often 24 hours           the MILL P 500 significantly reduces               HSK-E40 tool interface ranks best in class
or longer—is resolved by the MILL P 500.            production costs. An additional competitive        in terms of precision and thermostability.
Moreover, the solution’s good roughing              edge in terms of productivity is ensured by        At the same time, this Spindle delivers
behavior is enabled by the thermostabilized         the MILL P 500’s 30 m/min feed rate and            highest-ever static and dynamic stiffness
machine body. High quality is guaranteed—           42,000 rpm Step-Tec Spindle with 8.8 Nm            with the least amount of runout. It has
regardless of the duration of the program—          of torque and HSK-E40 tool interface.              a dust-dry Spindle nose for medical or
by the process-supporting machine body.                                                                graphite machining.
On top of precision, users’ productivity is         24/7 automated process
advanced by state-of-the-art components,            Around-the-clock productivity is                   In mold and die, the HVC 140 Spindle is
high technical machine availability,                within easy reach, thanks to the                   the go-to solution for mold component
and an attractive array of Automation               automated processes made possible                  manufacturing for information and
possibilities. Together, these characteristics      by the MILL P 500’s well-integrated                communications technology (ICT)
mean manufacturers can achieve both                 tool magazine and the affordable                   applications and other super-precision
precision and top surface finish without            Mikron Work Pallet Changer WPC 10.                 moldmaking applications. On the parts
compromising on machining time.                                                                        production side, it is particularly suitable
                                                    A variety of System 3R software options            for high-precision machining and grinding
                                                    are available to even further boost the            applications in medical, dental, watch and
                                                    MILL P 500’s autonomy. These include               jewelry applications.
                                                    CutterToolMonitoring (CTM) when working
                                                    with System 3R's WorkShopManager

Airfoils milling

New Liechti g-Mill 1000 takes
your airfoil manufacturing to
a new level
Premier aircraft engine providers count on Liechti’s
new g-Mill 1000 airfoil machining center for flawless,
economical production of bladed integrated disks
(BIDs) up to 1,000 mm in diameter.

The recently launched g-Mill 1000 has           machine materials, including titanium
quickly earned big interest among some          alloys. The Liechti g-Mill 1000 masters
of the world’s most demanding aerospace         these challenges due to its unique ROLANT
players. That is because it delivers the        (Rotations-Linear-Antrieb) kinematics.
high rigidity, high dynamics, and high
roughing rates essential to their five-axis     ROLANT kinematics enable low machine
simultaneous machining of titanium and          height and lower center of gravity which,
nickel BIDs (also called blisks or integrally   along with superb rigidity, extend the
bladed rotors) up to 1,000 mm in diameter.      service life of costly cutting tools and
                                                                                                 4P: Solutions for
Advanced ergonomics allow easy, fast            provide greater cutting tool access to the
                                                                                                 lowest cost per part
loading and unloading of the workpiece          workpiece. The part is loaded horizontally
                                                                                                 Plan your profit
and secure operator safety.                     and then the table can be swung into
                                                                                                 Solution engineering of
                                                an overhead position which allows both           your technical and economical
Developed in collaboration with aircraft        optimal cutting tool access and chip flow.       production requirements
engine manufacturers, the Liechti g-Mill                                                         Performance
                                                                                                 Innovative technology for
1000 brings together g-performance              In parallel, the four direct drives allow more
                                                                                                 highest quality and quantity output
tuning, state-of-the-art TURBOSOFT              accurate and highly dynamic machining.           Partnership
plus software, and process development          The continuous 3.5 m/min (140 inches per         Support and performance updates over
leadership. This solution ensures best          minute) feed rate guarantees the same tool       entire machining solution life cycle
surface quality and tool life at the lowest     tip velocity around the whole blade and its      Profitability increase
                                                                                                 More than 30 percent,
cost per part, due to direct drives on the      edges. This is 40% faster compared with          lowest cost/part
A, B, X and Y axes. Additional damping can      other airfoil machining centers.
be added to the torque motor-driven axes.
Together, these characteristics establish a     With its HSK 80 tool interface, adjustable
solid foundation for lowest cost per part.      coolant nozzles, 1 g acceleration, and a
                                                rigid monobloc base, the g-Mill 1000 is the
As aircraft engines become smaller and          go-to solution for highest quality, lower
lighter weight to drive fuel efficiency,        cycle time and ergonomics to support both
BIDs are subject to greater pressure            part handling and operator safety.
and higher temperatures, requiring
more temperature-resistant, difficult-to-

30 | Results Today 13
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