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                    THE FINAL UPDATE OF THE 1990-2020 PLAN


For 25 years community and agencies have worked together to tackle issues that threaten the
natural resources underpinning agricultural production across the Shepparton Irrigation Region
(SIR). Considerable progress has been made over this time. Implementing, reviewing and renewing
our SIR Land and Water Management Plan have been essential steps. This process has ensured we
set actions and targets, report on progress and reflect regional priorities. We are now implementing
the last 5 years of a 30-year plan, a significant achievement for catchment management.

Our success is built on strong and enduring partnerships, an approach that is reflected in the
development of this plan, the fifth and final iteration. A community led Taskforce was established
under the guidance of the Sustainable Irrigation Program Advisory Group to look at the previous
plan and identify emerging issues and actions to make the SIR a world-leader in the sustainable
production of milk, fruit, vegetables, grains and meat. The Taskforce directed a way forward for this
sustainable production that also protects and enhances our natural resources.

The Taskforce recognised the need to advocate for increased funding for the continuation of
drainage, whole farm planning, and biodiversity and revegetation programs across the SIR.
Community see the continued improvement in on-farm water use efficiency through the Farm
Water Program as critical for the future prosperity of the region. Community also wanted more
emphasis placed on projects that support water availability and farm viability, waste management,
water and land stewardship and renewable energy use.

The Taskforce revised the structure for overseeing the plan implementation, forming the Shepparton
Irrigation Region People and Planning Integration Committee (SIRPPIC). This Committee builds on
existing partnerships and encourages innovation and community leadership development.

Together we can achieve effective land and water management and a thriving SIR.

Helen Reynolds               Carl Walters                 Chris Norman
Chair                        Sustainable Irrigation       Chief Executive Officer
SIRPPIC 2015-17              Program Manager              GB CMA
                             GB CMA

This update was led by the Shepparton Irrigation Region People and
Planning Integration Committee on behalf of the Goulburn Broken           The SIRLWMP 2016-20 Summary                                  2
Catchment Management Authority, 2015 and we thank them for
                                                                          1. The journey since the 1980s                               3
their contribution and leadership.

Thank you also to the following contributors: Rod McLennan,                 Adaptive planning: From salinity to resilience             3
Helen Murdoch, Pat Feehan, Carl Walters, Rebecca Caldwell, Jenny
                                                                            How to read the plan: Parts A and B                        3
Wilson, Terry Hunter, Megan McFarlane, Chris Nicholson, Lachlan
Barnes, Simon Casanelia, Mark Turner, Neville Atkinson, James               Twenty-five years of achievement                           5
Burkitt, Rebecca Pike and Fiona Johnson.

© State of Victoria, Goulburn Broken Catchment Management
                                                                          2. The region’s natural advantage                            6
Authority 2016.
                                                                          3. Challenges, changes and progress                          8
Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority
168 Welsford Street, PO Box 1752                                            The link between the Regional Catchment Strategy and the   11
Shepparton VIC 3630                                                         SIRLWMP
                                                                          4. The 2020 vision                                           12
Disclaimer: This publication may be of assistance, but the Goulburn
Broken Catchment Management Authority and its partners do                 5. Realising the vision                                      14
not guarantee that the publication is without flaw of any kind or
is wholly appropriate for your particular purpose and therefore             Critical attributes being targeted                         14
disclaim all liability from error, loss or other consequence which may
arise from relying on any information in this publication.
                                                                            Priorities for action                                      22

                                                                          6. Implementation plan                                       26

    ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF TRADITIONAL OWNERS                                    Implementation programs                                    26
    The Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority
                                                                          7. Evaluation and making adaptation happen                   28
    acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land in
    the Goulburn Broken Catchment and strongly respects                     Adapt by understanding change and impact                   28
    the rich culture and intrinsic connection the Traditional
    Owners have to the land.                                              Glossary of terms and acronyms                               33

                                                                          References                                                   34

    VISION & PURPOSE            PRIORITIES                                         5-YEAR TARGETS
                                impact on one or more of the critical attributes   for implementing priorities

                                                                                     –– 90% of the irrigation delivery system is modernised, with all irrigated land connected
      The Shepparton               Update irrigation
                                                                                     –– 60% of irrigated farms have been redesigned to capitalise on, and align with, modernised irrigation
      Irrigation Region            infrastructure
      community leads
      Australia in producing
      food in harmony with                                                           –– 10% of farmers are assisted each year to make changes that improve farm viability and provide
      the environment.             Build natural resource
                                                                                        long-term public benefits
                                   management into the
      The purpose of the                                                             –– All farmers and designers have ready access to information that allows them to factor
                                   farming system
      plan is to support                                                                environmental sensitivities into planning
      and grow the natural
      base that is vital
                                                                                     –– Irrigated land is protected from salinity and waterlogging threats by a coordinated private and
      for agriculture,             Match drainage to
                                                                                        public drainage network
      biodiversity and people      meet changed needs
                                                                                     –– Groundwater pumps are ready to be used when required to mitigate risk from high watertables
      to jointly flourish.

      The purpose will be
      achieved by realising                                                          –– Five seasonal watering proposals are developed annually for priority waterways and wetlands to
                                   Balance water
      long-term goals for                                                               meet environmental outcomes, with consideration of agricultural and social needs
                                   availability for all users
      five critical regional                                                         –– Water quality is improved or maintained to meet set targets in waterways
      attributes: water
      availability, water
                                   Reconnect large areas                             –– Across three focus landscapes, the extent of native vegetation is increased by 300 ha each year
      quality, watertables,
                                   of enhanced nature                                –– Across three focus landscapes, 150 ha of native vegetation is enhanced each year
      native vegetation
      extent, and farm
      and food processor
                                                                                     –– Community-led ideas and actions and research have increased stewardship of the natural
      viability.                   Build stewardship,
                                                                                        resource base
                                   incorporating local
                                                                                     –– Community and industry groups, agencies and individuals have increased capacity to contribute
                                   action and ideas
                                                                                        to the SIR vision

                                   Maintain partnerships                             –– Partners actively participate in SIRLWMP-led projects
                                   and good governance                               –– SIRPPIC is accountable through demonstrated processes and actions that contribute to SIRLWMP implementation

                                   Adapt by understanding
                                                                                     –– SIRLWMP is adaptive through demonstrated processes that consider change, impact and responses
                                   change and impact


This chapter describes how     ADAPTIVE PLANNING:                                                     Plan implementation results directly
                                                                                                      in works on the ground and increases
the approach to natural        FROM SALINITY TO                                                       regional resilience by connecting                            HOW TO READ THE
resource management has        RESILIENCE                                                             stakeholders: the plan and its resulting                     PLAN: PARTS A AND B
evolved since the first land                                                                          processes influence how stakeholders
and water management           This Shepparton Irrigation Region Land                                 invest, impacting positively on natural                      SIRLWMP Part A
                               and Water Management Plan (SIRLWMP)                                    resources.                                                   Growing the natural advantage
plan was developed and                                                                                                                                             summarises the strategic
                               is the fifth update of the adaptive 30-year
lists major onground           plan first prepared in 1989 (GBSPPAC
                                                                                                      Building on three decades of lessons and
                                                                                                                                                                   rationale, priorities and
                                                                                                      achievements, this version of the plan
achievements from the          1989). It lists priority interventions for the                                                                                      implementation approach, and
                                                                                                      identifies the next phase of critical actions
1980s to now.                  next five years to shore up the natural
                                                                                                      by bringing into sharp focus the features
                                                                                                                                                                   establishes the framework that
                               base of soils, water and biodiversity. So                                                                                           links the long-term vision with
                                                                                                      of the region and its people that make it
                               far, Governments have invested $450                                                                                                 onground action and ongoing
                                                                                                      a stand-out in terms of natural and other
                               million in implementing the plan. The                                                                                               adaptation.
                                                                                                      competitive advantages.
                               investment by the local community is
                                                                                                      While the community-agency partnership                       SIRWLMP Part B
                               more than double this amount (GB CMA
                                                                                                      model fostered during development                            SIR profile and implementation
                                                                                                      and implementation of the 1989 plan                          program tasks include data
                               The focus on managing the natural                                                                                                   on the SIR’s natural resources
                                                                                                      remains a feature today, this update also
                               base evolved from an emphasis on the                                                                                                and related industries,
                                                                                                      highlights the importance of linking long-
                               single threat of salinity in the 1980s to                                                                                           progress to date and detailed
                                                                                                      term management of natural resources
                               integrated catchment management in the                                                                                              implementation program tasks.
                                                                                                      more directly with the business of food
                               mid-1990s, to valuing total benefits via                                                                                            Part B also provides greater
                               ‘ecosystem services’ (such as maintaining                                                                                           contextual detail than is included
                               productive soils and clean water) in the                               This update also lays down a clearer                         in Part A of the plan.
                               early 2000s, to the resilience of complex                              pathway between the complex system of
                               systems of people and nature from 2005.                                people and nature and what needs to be
                                                                                                      done to make the regional system resilient.

                               1. The $450 million does not include all of the Goulburn Broken CMA’s program investment. It also does not include the $2 billion
                                  irrigation delivery system modernisation project being delivered across the GMID.

Figure 1. Planning hierarchy showing how vision is achieved by implementing priorities

              Responsibility                                                                                                                         Vision and Purpose
                                                                                                                                                    The Shepparton Irrigation Region
                                                                                                                                                      community leads Australia in

                                                                                                                                                   producing food in harmony with the

                                                                                                                                                  The purpose of the plan is to support
                                                                                                                                                  and grow the natural base that is vital
                                                                                                                                                     for agriculture, biodiversity and
                                                                                           Critical Attributes                                           people to jointly flourish.
                                                                                                  with long term goals

                                                                                        Farm and food processor viability

                                                           Native vegetation extent                                                Water availablility

                                                                                Watertables                              Water quality

                                                Adapt by understanding change and impact                                 Update irrigation infrastructure
               Operational programs

                                            Maintain partnership and good
                                                              governance                                                                  Build NRM into the farming system

                                                                                                  with 5 year targets

                                      Build stewardship, incorporating local                                                               Match drainage to meet changed needs
                                                           action and ideas

                                                        Balance water availability for all uses                          Reconnect large areas of nature

The plan identifies five critical attributes
                                               TWENTY-FIVE YEARS OF                          Figure 2. SIRLWMP achievements against original targets1990-2015 (GB CMA 2015a)
that underpin the functioning of the SIR as
a system and therefore need to be targeted     ACHIEVEMENT                                   120%
for action to improve or maintain. Eight                                                             308,692
                                               Since 1990, the SIRLWMP has
priorities have been identified to guide                                                               ha
                                               achieved much of its planned works            100%
actions in meeting goals for these critical                                                                              230
                                               program (Figure 2). However, while                                                                                                3,475
attributes (see Figure 1 and Chapter 5).                                                                                 km                                                                                                                                     (no.)
                                               progress towards long-term strategy                                                                                               (no.)
The Shepparton Irrigation Region People        implementation targets is on track in most
and Planning Integration Committee             areas, it is falling behind in others.
(SIRPPIC), which includes community                                                          60%
                                               Targets are subject to changing contexts,
and agency stakeholders, plays a key
                                               for example the completion of originally                                                                                                                                                                                                    52,847                   1.4
role in setting direction, monitoring                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ha                     EC
                                               planned infrastructure works (drains          40%                                                           64,590
implementation of this plan and adapting                                                                                                450
                                               and public groundwater pumps) was                                                        km                                                              34
it to changed circumstances, on behalf                                                                                                                                                                 (no.)                     48
                                               slowed due to changes in priorities for
of the Goulburn Broken Catchment                                                             20%                                                                                                                                (no.)
                                               Government investment.
Management Authority Board (GB CMA).
                                               On-farm works, such as laser levelling, are
The original plan written in 1989 had a
                                               generally on track or ahead of target due      0%
30-year horizon, so this version could be


                                                                                                                            Drain -
                                                                                                                       primary built

                                                                                                                                              Drain -
                                                                                                                                       community built

                                                                                                                                                              Area protected
                                                                                                                                                            by surface drains

                                                                                                                                                                                      Farm reuse
                                                                                                                                                                                 systems installed

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Highflow drain
                                                                                                                                                                                                       diversion - dams built

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Groundwater pumps -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 public installed (new)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Groundwater pumps -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                private installed (new)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Area protected by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            groundwater pumps

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Salinity credits used
                                               to increased investment in on-farm water
considered as the last update. However,
                                               efficiency projects (largely via the Farm
a major review set for 2020 is likely to
                                               Water Program) by the Australian and
find that a plan is still needed to respond
                                               Victorian Governments and irrigators.
to current issues and prepare for an
uncertain future, consistent with the          Whole farm plans have always been
‘resilience approach’.                         critical in implementing the SIRLWMP
                                               because they link farm and regional-          Table 1. Whole farm plan achievements (GB CMA 2009-2015)
The SIRLWMP is one of several ‘sub-
                                               scale priorities. The trend in whole farm
strategies’ that guide implementation of                                                                             2008-09           2009-10                         2010-11                       2011-12                     2012-13                                           2013-14                        2014-15
                                               planning investment since the 2011
the overarching and adaptive Goulburn
                                               plan update reflects changing Victorian       Plans (n)                    247                        212                        256                            223                                        170                                79                                             71
Broken Region Catchment Strategy (GB
                                               Government priorities (Table 1).              Area (ha)                20,476               16,018                           21,388                    23,492                            17,499                                            8,629                     6,715
CMA 2013). The SIRLWMP also satisfies
Victorian Government requirements for          This update identifies ongoing and new
land and water management plans.               works to implement the final stage of the
                                               original 30-year plan.


    The Shepparton Irrigation     The region is internationally renowned                                 Getting produce to domestic and                           Victoria’s largest river, the Goulburn,
                                  for its high quality produce and                                       international markets is relatively easy                  meanders through the SIR and Australia’s
    Region is the heart of food
                                  innovative approaches to natural resource                              because the region is:                                    largest river, the Murray, runs along its
    production in Australia,      management, with a $4.9 billion                                                                                                  northern border.
                                                                                                          –– a major node of Australia’s highway
    founded on a wealth of        economy that includes $1.38 billion of
                                                                                                             network (25 per cent of Victoria’s                    The region is an inland jewel that
    natural advantages.           agricultural production (Monticello 2012).
                                                                                                             truck registrations; The Shepparton                   continues to attract long-term investment
                                  The region ticks all the required boxes for                                Adviser 2015)                                         in agriculture, agricultural-related
                                  efficient irrigated agriculture:                                        –– within two hours of seaports and an                   industries and manufacturing.

                                   –– abundant sunshine                                                      international airport                                 Unlike many other inland regions in
                                   –– productive soils and a landscape suited                             –– within two hours of Melbourne (4.4                    Australia, the SIR population of 138,000
                                      to irrigation                                                          million people; Australian Bureau of                  (GB CMA 2013) is growing. Since the
                                                                                                             Statistics 2014).                                     first Europeans arrived in the mid-1800s,
                                   –– a reliable annual supply of clean water
                                                                                                                                                                   soldier settlement schemes and successive
                                      to supplement rainfall                                             The region covers 500,000 hectares,
                                                                                                                                                                   waves of migrants from many parts of
                                   –– a state-of-the-art irrigation-delivery                             4.5 per cent of the Murray-Darling
                                                                                                                                                                   the globe have resulted in a diverse,
                                      system                                                             Basin, including 300,000 hectares of
                                                                                                                                                                   harmonious and vibrant community.
                                                                                                         irrigated agriculture (GB CMA 2013).
                                   –– world-class farm infrastructure and
                                                                                                         Annual rainfall of 440 millimetres per                    The region enjoys a rich Aboriginal
                                                                                                         year (Bureau of Meteorology 2015) is                      heritage and has a local Indigenous
                                                                                                         supplemented by annual delivery of                        population of more than 6,000, the
                                                                                                         approximately 880 gigalitres of water                     largest in regional Victoria (GB CMA
                                                                                                         (Carl Walters, pers. comm.) through a                     2013). Yorta Yorta Nation, which includes
                                                                                                         natural and constructed irrigation supply                 eight clans, has statutory responsibilities
                                                                                                         network.                                                  for managing traditional cultural heritage
                                                                                                                                                                   (Victorian Government 2006)2 and crown
                                                                                                                                                                   land within Yorta Yorta Country, which
                                                                                                                                                                   covers most of the SIR (State of Victoria
                                                                                                                                                                   and Yorta Yorta Nation 2004).

                                  2. The Yorta Yorta Nation Aboriginal Corporation has Registered Aboriginal Party status under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006

Residents, tourists, kangaroos, cows and
others enjoy a great climate in an iconic
Australian setting: agricultural woodland
landscapes between vast areas of riverine
forests and wetlands, including the
world’s largest river red gum forest, the
Ramsar-listed Barmah wetlands.

The SIR has significant brand strengths
in quality produce, integrated
governance, and cutting-edge irrigated
food production and food processing
technologies. The region also enjoys an
international reputation for environmental
leadership. Visitors from all over the globe
visit the region to better understand how
the state-of-the-art irrigation delivery
system and farm technologies are
integrated with management of natural
resources and how genuine partnerships
are fostered between government,
industry and the community.

Maintaining this reputation and
overcoming challenges falls within the
domain of the SIRLWMP, as described in
the next chapter.


    Natural assets provide      The future of SIR communities depends         People left dairying and horticulture,
                                on a strong economy and thriving              several major food processing factories
    benefits that are
                                biodiversity. A strong economy cannot         closed and many features of the natural
    fundamental to our lives.   be sustained without clean and reliable       environment were severely stressed.
    Most of the region’s        water and healthy soils. Biodiversity         However, industries are recovering: for
    natural assets have         cannot be increased or even maintained        example, the region has the highest
    been highly modified        without intervention in our working           rate in Australia of orchard plantings for
                                landscapes.                                   the fresh-fruit market (Peter Hall pers.
    from their pre-European
    state and continue to       Thanks to many visionary leaders
    change: we have ‘working    and the efforts of local communities,         The Murray-Darling Basin Plan (MDBA
                                supported by successive governments,          2012) has been heavily influenced by
    landscapes’, with complex   the region is well-placed for an increase     lessons from the millennium drought.
    relationships between       in agricultural production, but this places   The planned retrieval across the Basin
    people and nature.          heavy demands on the underpinning             of 2,750 gigalitres of water for the
                                natural resource base of soils, water and     environment has come from water
                                biodiversity.                                 saving infrastructure, on-farm efficiency
                                                                              and Commonwealth buyback projects.
                                SIR communities are up against the same
                                                                              Basin Plan implementation presents
                                major challenge facing other regions in
                                                                              opportunities as well as challenges to
                                the Murray-Darling Basin: how to make
                                                                              irrigation-dependent communities.
                                best use of a limited supply of water
                                as demand increases in a variable and         A once-in-a-generation water-savings
                                changing climate.                             project was initiated in 2007 with a $2
                                                                              billion investment in upgrades to the
                                The millennium drought from 1997 to
                                                                              publicly-owned irrigation delivery system
                                2010 highlighted the effects of reduced
                                                                              (modernisation). This GMW Connections
                                water availability. The restructuring of
                                                                              Project aims to save 429 gigalitres of
                                dairying and horticulture that might have
                                                                              water (GMW 2015b).
                                taken one or two decades under ‘normal’
                                climatic conditions happened in just a
                                few years.

So far, the project has remediated 196              caused watertables to rise, resulting in   Figure 3. Residual rainfall 1964-2015 and SIR watertable contours 2015
kilometres of delivery channel, removed             waterlogging and salinisation of soils.
825 kilometres of delivery channel,                 Part of the solution was found to be
installed 5,801 new meters3, removed                improved irrigation efficiency, achieved
1,962 redundant meters4 and saved 206               by public and private investment in
gigalitres of water (Rose Young pers.               farm planning and farm infrastructure
comm.). While the predicted reduction               upgrades and water use licences which
in the SIR’s ‘irrigation footprint’ (the            describe maximum application rates for
total area irrigated) that was initially            irrigation.
envisaged is not happening, this project
                                                    Further reduced water accessions
has significantly altered the irrigation
                                                    to watertables were achieved by
landscape across the Goulburn Murray
                                                    coordinating surface water run-off
Irrigation District (GMID).
                                                    and saline groundwater disposal
As the regional delivery system is                  through drains built across the region.
modernised, irrigated farms are also                Salt contributions from the region to
undergoing a matching accelerated                   downstream waterways comply with
infrastructure overhaul. A total of 67.9            targets set by Basin Salinity Management
gigalitres of water has been saved so far           2030 (BSM2030) (MDBMC 2015).
through the Goulburn Broken CMA-led
                                                    A series of extreme rainfall events
consortium’s Farm Water Program (GB
                                                    since the millennium drought have led
CMA 2015b). Water savings are shared
                                                    to a rapid recharge of groundwater,
between the environment and irrigators.
                                                    consistent with residual rainfall:
Through foresight and good                          watertable-depth and water quality
management, our region’s farmers                    salinity thresholds remain critical
have been saving water and creating                 objectives for management. (Residual
significant water-use efficiencies                  rainfall is calculated as the cumulative
since the late 1980s when, ironically,              monthly deviation from the mean and
it was excess water that catalysed                  is indicative of the wetness of the soil
an unprecedented community-led                      profile and therefore watertable level;
response: the ‘wet’ period in an irrigated          see Figure 3.)
landscape from the 1950s to the 1990s

3,4. Includes both ‘backbone’ and on-farm meters.

Managed drainage is critical in sustaining    as changes in crop types or seasonal
     productivity of the soils and protecting      production. The emerging diverse land-
     the quality of water in rivers and streams.   use pattern, with irrigation demand and
     The shallow groundwater and surface           supply varying annually on parts of farms
     water drainage system is being adapted        and in areas across the region, is creating
     to changes in water delivery and farm         a new set of risks and opportunities
     irrigation requirements. Implementation       for the health of soils, water systems,
     of remaining drainage works needs to be       biodiversity and sites of significant cultural
     accelerated because of risks from climate     heritage.
     variability in the form of more frequent
                                                   Reduced water availability also provides
     and intense summer storms.
                                                   a stronger private driver for improved
     Other significant changes in climate          irrigation efficiency. There is a need to
     likely to affect the region include greater   review the regional irrigation development
     variability in the ‘autumn and spring         guidelines and conditions on water use
     breaks’, increased storm events, increased    licences to ensure they remain relevant to
     temperatures and fewer frosts. The            these changing risks.
     unprecedented drought and extreme
                                                   Sensitive management of waterway
     bushfires and floods over the last decade
                                                   systems, especially regulation of flows,
     have impacted on the region’s people and
                                                   is critical to the ecological health of the
     biodiversity long after these events.
                                                   region’s many waterways and wetlands.
     Consistent with world-wide trends,            Flows are being adjusted as part of
     increasing production costs and lower         significant water policy reforms that aim
     commodity prices continue to lower            to balance delivery of water for:
     profit margins, driving the need for
                                                   –– biodiversity habitat (within and
     higher production volumes or a shift in
                                                      downstream of the region, including
     production type. When coupled with
                                                      wetlands outside of riparian areas)
     opportunities from upgraded irrigation
                                                   –– irrigated agriculture and associated
     delivery infrastructure, some enterprises
                                                      processing industries
     are trying to capture the cost advantages
     of increased size.                            –– domestic consumption.

     There is a trend towards larger-scale,        There is now also pressure to recognise
     more intensively irrigated enterprises. As    recreational and cultural values in using
     this trend continues, it means that areas     streams, storages and other water
     on farms might be used differently, such      resources as part of evolving water policy.

Catchment partners communicate               even more important as the climate
priorities to water policy bodies such as    changes) so that species can adapt to
the Murray-Darling Basin Authority and       different climatic conditions. In addition,
                                                                                            THE LINK BETWEEN THE REGIONAL
the Victorian Government.                    as the likelihood and impact of fires is       CATCHMENT STRATEGY AND THE SIRLWMP
                                             exacerbated during extended dry periods,
While water quality continues to be
                                             natural and other assets are placed at         The Goulburn Broken Regional Catchment Strategy (RCS; GB CMA
a priority in the SIRLWMP, significant
                                             further risk.                                  2013) provides the long-term vision and an integrated planning
investment over the last 20 years in
                                                                                            framework for managing land, water and biodiversity resources in the
water treatment plants, water reuse          While the region is extremely fortunate
                                                                                            Goulburn Broken Catchment. It is the overarching strategy for directing
systems, dairy shed effluent design and      to have a gravity-fed irrigation system,
                                                                                            implementation through sub-strategies and action plans, in accordance
management, improvements in fertiliser       some water-use efficiencies of the
                                                                                            with government and community priorities.
and water management and removal             modernised irrigation system can only
of stock grazing along streams have          be captured by using increased amounts         The SIRLWMP aligns with the principles set in the RCS, including
reduced phosphorus and nitrogen loads        of energy to operate pumps, adding             application of a systems approach, which is underpinned by an
to below long-term targets. The five-year    to increasing energy demands from              understanding of system resilience.
rolling average phosphorus load equates      increased production and other changes.        The SIRLWMP encompasses the plan for one of the Goulburn Broken
to a reduction of 80 per cent from the       The resulting emerging challenges require      Catchment’s five sub-catchment social-ecological systems, the
benchmark year of 1993-94 (GB CMA            actions that factor in the broad costs and     Agricultural Floodplains, as well as part of the North Central Catchment
2015a).                                      benefits to the region’s overall resilience.   (which is in the west of the SIR).
                                             Renewable energy sources will help
Much of the SIR has been cleared since
                                             address increasing energy demands as
European settlement to make way for
                                             we also strive to reduce greenhouse gas
productive agriculture and many species
                                             emissions or are faced with shortages in
of plants and animals have become
                                             non-renewable energy sources. Farmers
extinct or are ‘hanging on’ in ecosystems
                                             are increasingly considering ways to use
that are below threshold requirements for
                                             waste for reducing input costs.
survival in the long term. However, many
local landscapes have significant riparian   As challenges and changes continue
and roadside corridors and patches of        to shape the region, we need to turn
habitat that are acting as biodiversity      our efforts to identifying and managing
reservoirs.                                  priorities that keep the region functioning,
                                             as described in the next chapters.
Efforts need to be targeted at these
reservoirs and the pathways connecting
them to allow plants and animals and
their genes to migrate (which is becoming

4. THE 2020 VISION

                                       The vision, purpose and narrative            Effective and efficient joint action
                                       updates the vision set for 2020 when         involves the integration and leveraging
      VISION                           the original Shepparton Irrigation Region    of partner contributions, based on a
                                       Land and Water Salinity Management           clear understanding and respect for the
      The Shepparton Irrigation
      Region community leads           Plan was prepared in 1989. Many aspects      roles that the community, government
      Australia in food production     of the original plan have been realised      and business play in an agriculturally
      in harmony with the              and are important foundations for the        dominated economy.
      environment.                     future desired now.
                                                                                    The community–government agency
                                                                                    partnership helps government direct
                                                                                    investment in natural resource projects
                                       HOW WE WANT TO                               that provide public benefits and create
                                       DESCRIBE THE SIR IN                          the confidence for business to invest.
      PURPOSE                          2020
                                                                                    This investment has a high leverage
                                                                                    effect: every dollar of government
      To support and grow the                                                       investment is more than matched by
                                       The SIR is a vibrant and prosperous
      natural base that is vital for                                                local contributions.
                                       region where enthusiastic communities
      agriculture, biodiversity and
                                       work closely with each other,                The region continues to be widely
      people to jointly flourish.
                                       government and other businesses. This        recognised for leadership in community-
                                       joint action to meet challenges head         led environmental management, hosting
                                       on is a legacy of lessons learnt and         delegates from across the globe each
                                       the international reputation earned          year and contributing to national
                                       in the 1980s when rising watertables         and international forums. Visitors
                                       threatened to waterlog and salinise soils.   are impressed by the genuineness of
                                                                                    government, industry and community
                                                                                    partnerships and by practical
                                                                                    demonstrations of cutting-edge farm and
                                                                                    farm-related technologies that conserve
                                                                                    and enhance the use of resources.

The region has the capacity to adapt            Bird species that have been missing from
and grow in response to changes in the          the region’s landscapes for decades
climate, markets and community needs            are re-establishing, using the corridors
and aspirations because the natural base        created between large reservoirs of
is shored up in a way that provides future      habitat.
generations with options to expand
                                                The population of the region continues
agriculture or develop other industries.
                                                to grow, attracting and retaining vibrant
Agricultural productivity has increased as      and diverse people who are willing to
irrigation farmers capitalise on efficiencies   work together and continually learn and
from the completion of the revolutionary        develop.
upgrade of water delivery infrastructure
                                                Indigenous Australians actively manage
and associated improvements in farm
                                                large areas of their country in partnership
infrastructure and management.
                                                with government and local communities.
Water-sharing arrangements are                  Yorta Yorta people’s ecological and
becoming sophisticated, providing at            cultural knowledge of their country is
least minimum flows for agriculture and         widely appreciated and incorporated
other consumptive users, as well as for         into the day-to-day management of our
the environment, during extended dry            environment.
periods. Environmental flow management
                                                The SIR’s natural environment inspires
is focused on making the most of
                                                a common connection between its
every drop: the timing and volumes of
                                                diverse people. People in the region’s
environmental water releases are refined
                                                urban centres recognise the rivers as
to allow irrigators and other users to use
                                                their lifeblood and derive a significant
water simultaneously. The river channel
                                                sense of well-being and custodianship
and streamside floodplains are flooded
                                                through recreation in riverine environs.
from time to time, resulting in the re-
                                                Rural people have a strong sense of
establishment of native vegetation and
                                                responsibility for their local environment,
the provision of good quality water.
                                                working together to deal with problems
                                                and capture opportunities to thrive in the


     The many relationships       CRITICAL ATTRIBUTES                          Long-term goals for these critical
                                                                               attributes further direct action and also
     in our complex system of     BEING TARGETED                               act as reference points when reviewing
     people and nature creates                                                 progress.
     a risk of spreading scarce   To be effective and efficient, and in
                                  context of all the challenges and changes
     resources and efforts too    described in Chapter 3, interventions
     thinly in trying to carry    must be targeted at five attributes that
     out actions to meet the      are critical to the functioning of the
     purpose of supporting and    region’s complex system of people and

     growing the natural base.
                                  nature. These critical attributes are:           CRITICAL ATTRIBUTES
                                  ––   watertables                                 AND THE RESILIENCE-
     This chapter describes       ––   water quality                               BASED APPROACH
     management of this           ––   native vegetation extent
     complex system by            ––   water availability                          Along with being critical to
                                  ––   farm and food-processor viability.          the functioning of the region’s
     focusing on the actions
                                  Focusing on critical attributes fosters          complex system of people and
     with the highest impact.                                                      nature, critical attributes are
                                  shared understanding of trade-offs
     There are just a few         and multiple benefits when choosing              targeted for intervention because
     high-level goals we are      interventions: most interventions usually        they have crossed, are crossing, or
                                                                                   could cross thresholds. Decisions
     trying to achieve and a      impact on several critical attributes
                                  because of the highly connected nature           about interventions are made
     few interventions that                                                        to “manage the resilience of
                                  of the dynamic working landscape of
     enable these goals to be     people and nature. Intervention priorities       the current domain and avoid a
     achieved.                    are described in the second part of this         domain shift or transformation”,
                                  chapter.                                         or to “enable systemic change”
                                                                                   (Abel et al 2016), either because
                                                                                   it needs to be encouraged or is

WATERTABLES                                   The risks of salinisation and waterlogging     The way forward                                Management of public and private
                                              have increased in recent years due to the                                                     groundwater pumps needs to be adapted
                                                                                             The risk of high watertables is well
Salinity associated with high watertables     return of wetter conditions. Watertables                                                      to provide cost-effective groundwater
                                                                                             understood, however knowledge
has been the biggest natural resource         dropped about three metres during the                                                         pumping when and where required.
                                                                                             about how quickly the risk can increase
challenge in the SIR over the last three      millennium drought but quickly bounced                                                        There are approximately 80 public pumps
                                                                                             with reasonable winter rainfall is not
decades. We live with and actively            back with 170,000 hectares having a                                                           and 800 private pumps servicing 85,000
                                                                                             widely known. Partnerships with key
manage high watertables and associated        watertable within three metres of the                                                         hectares across the SIR (Terry Hunter, pers.
                                                                                             stakeholders are very mature, nurtured
salinity.                                     surface in 2014 (Terry Hunter pers.                                                           comm.).
                                                                                             continually for 30 years, however the
Management of salt is essential to                                                           capacity and preparedness of some              The drainage works program needs to be
achieve a sustainable irrigation industry     The trend of the shallow watertable rise       partners to contribute in recent years has     completed, using a hybrid approach to
and protect the productive capacity of        is concerning given how long it took for       diminished and requires attention.             drainage (a combination of constructed
the region. Actions to manage salinity        watertables to drop during the drought.                                                       and natural drainage courses to remove
                                                                                             Continued monitoring of salinity
have significant benefits for agriculture,    The increased risk is clearly linked to                                                       drainage water) as detailed in the SIR
                                                                                             threats is needed and mapping needs
water quality, water supply security and      rainfall on a wet (irrigated) catchment.                                                      drainage program (GB CMA 2015d).
                                                                                             to be refined, with trends in watertable
biodiversity. There is potentially a $100     Historically there have been fluctuations
                                                                                             levels and salt content assessed and           Agreed cost-sharing for onground
million annual loss in regional production    in available funding for surface and sub-
                                                                                             communicated. The Murray-Darling               responses are well defined. Cost-sharing
if no action is taken (Alexander 2014).       surface drainage works for mitigating this
                                                                                             Basin Authority has now recognised             for public groundwater pumps and
The Murray-Darling Basin Authority                                                           that continuous communication and              surface drainage through GMW’s tariff
recognises that managed discharge of salt     A works program of surface and sub-            resulting management are crucial in the        review and regional and state drainage
to waterways from the region is required      surface drainage has been in place for         ongoing control of salinisation of irrigated   reviews need to be redefined.
to protect agricultural land from saline      many years to help manage watertables          landscapes (MDBA 2015).
                                                                                                                                            Landholders have a role to play in
shallow water tables. The Murray-Darling      and dispose of surface water. This has
                                                                                             It is important that irrigators understand     managing salinity risks on their farm and
Basin Authority regulates this action via     been coupled with a range of incentives
                                                                                             and manage their drainage risks. Agencies      providing them with current salinity risk
obligations placed upon Victoria and the      and extension to help manage drainage
                                                                                             also need to design and manage surface         information is important to help with
region under BSM2030 (MDBMC 2015)             on farm, including whole farm planning.
                                                                                             and sub-surface irrigation drainage            decision making.
                                              While funding for whole farm planning
 The target related to Murray-Darling                                                        networks or other options to deal with
                                              has continued to provide drainage
Basin Authority’s requirements for salinity                                                  excess water when on-farm management
                                              benefits on farm, government investment
impacts on the River Murray at Morgan is                                                     systems are overwhelmed by extreme
                                              in drainage works has fluctuated, leaving
discussed in the ‘Water quality’ attribute                                                   rainfall events.
                                              an incomplete drainage network that
                                              does not to protect all areas still at risk.

                                              The long-term goal is to manage shallow
                                              watertables so that soil zones at risk are
                                              not salinised or waterlogged.

WATER QUALITY                                   Blackwater events occurred after heavy         oxygen levels, is vital to trigger responses   Safe drinking water risk management
                                                     rainfall in 2010 and 2011 following            to minimise the impact of activities           plans need to be implemented with
     The high quality of the region’s water          a long period of drought. Blackwater           that threaten aquatic life, agricultural       water authorities, including reduced stock
     resources provides for many beneficial          events usually happen in warmer weather        production and human health and safety.        access to water and management of point
     water uses, including safe drinking,            after floods when most or all oxygen in                                                       sources.
                                                                                                    The long-term water quality goal is ‘to
     irrigation, industry, and aquatic               the water is consumed by decomposing
                                                                                                    maintain and improve water quality for         Blackwater and blue-green algal events
     ecosystems.                                     vegetation, impacting severely on oxygen-
                                                                                                    the range of beneficial uses (values)’ (GB     are a major challenge for environmental-
                                                     dependent biota. Fish deaths can be the
     While groundwater salinity was one of                                                          CMA 2014).                                     flow management and monitoring
                                                     highly visible result of a blackwater event.
     the initial (1989) plan’s key risks to farm                                                                                                   conditions, particularly during high risk
     production, assets and environmental            Although elevated pathogen levels                                                             periods, is the only way to manage
                                                     are unlikely, they have extremely high         The way forward                                potential risks.
     features, salinity levels are generally below
     threshold levels of concern now. Salinity       consequences, and a catchment approach         Continued efforts are needed in:               A better understanding of the occurrence
     contributions from the region comply            is one component of catchment-to-tap
                                                                                                    –– stakeholder collaboration to address        of biocides, endocrine active compounds
     with targets managed under the Murray-          risk management. Water businesses are
                                                                                                       identified risks                            and heavy metals will also be gained by
     Darling Basin Authority.                        required to develop, implement and
                                                                                                                                                   targeted monitoring and research.
                                                     maintain a risk management plan that           –– implementing the SIRLWMP and the
     In the 1990s, blue-green algal blooms                                                             Goulburn Broken Waterway Strategy,
                                                     assesses risk from catchment-to-tap and
     were becoming increasingly prevalent and                                                          including incentives to remove or
                                                     demonstrates effective barriers to protect
     water quality was found to be breaching                                                           lessen the impact of grazing on
                                                     human health from microbial risk.
     state, national and Murray-Darling Basin                                                          riparian zones
     guidelines (GBCaLP Board 1996). The             Biocides and heavy metals are generally
                                                     of low risk. Endocrine active compounds        –– using environmental flows to maintain
     major cause of water quality decline was
                                                     have been detected at low levels (Scott et        or improve water quality
     from sediment and nutrients (phosphorus
     and nitrogen) entering waterways                al 2014).                                      –– monitoring, reporting and reviewing,
     upstream of and within the SIR from                                                               under the auspice of the regional
                                                     Targeted programs have resulted in
     diffuse and point sources.                                                                        Irrigation Drainage Memorandum of
                                                     significant reductions in nutrient loads
                                                                                                       Understanding (DSE 2010), especially
     The unprecedented fires in 2009 and             to waterways, thereby improving water
                                                                                                       against various water quality thresholds
     2013 caused areas in the upper regions          quality. The five-year rolling average
                                                                                                       indicated by the State Environment
     of the Goulburn Broken Catchment                phosphorus load from the Goulburn
                                                                                                       Protection Policy (Waters of Victoria),
     to be particularly vulnerable to soil           Broken Catchment is below the long-term
                                                                                                       BSM2030, Australian Drinking Water
     erosion, further increasing water               target set in 1996, equating to a reduction
                                                                                                       Quality Guidelines and the Australian
     quality risks through sedimentation.            of 80 per cent from the benchmark year of
                                                                                                       and New Zealand Environment
     This sedimentation risk is also increased       1993-94 (GB CMA 2015a). Sedimentation
                                                                                                       Conservation Council
     through stock grazing in and along              risks are being reduced by streamside
     waterways.                                      revegetation and regular monitoring            –– maintaining current management
                                                     of water quality, including dissolved             activities and control risks.

NATIVE VEGETATION                             Although some clearing of native             Successful regional models for targeting      The impact of efforts within these focus
                                              vegetation continues, the region is          landscapes include the Superb Parrot          landscapes can be maximised by pooling
EXTENT                                        fortunate to have some local landscapes      and Grey-crowned Babbler projects.            various government agency, non-
The regional landscape has been               that have large areas of agriculture         These projects, along with conservation       government organisation and individuals’
transformed since the 1880s, with more        complemented by significant areas of         management and landcare networks, are         resources and by targeting specific
than 97 per cent of native vegetation on      habitat: corridors, drainage lines, large    community-based: they involve working         properties. For example, pooled resources
private land cleared for settlement and       patches and scattered remnants of native     with local communities to maintain            can target water quality and biodiversity
agriculture.                                  vegetation, and continuous and scattered     and improve habitat while supporting          benefits simultaneously by linking large
                                              wetlands and dams.                           sustainable, productive agriculture.          fragments of native vegetation with
Most remaining native vegetation is in
                                                                                                                                         a river habitat corridor, resulting in
public land reserves (such as the red         These landscapes are critical for the        The long-term goal for native vegetation
                                                                                                                                         improved natural filtering of water, and
gum-dominated 28,500 hectare Barmah           long-term survival of many species in the    extent is to increase the extent of native
                                                                                                                                         species being able to move in search of
National Park) and corridors alongside        region because they provide sufficient       vegetation within high priority landscapes.
                                                                                                                                         food and mates while being protected
waterways and roads. Areas of native          habitat for species and populations
                                                                                                                                         from predators.
vegetation away from these reserves and       to move and adapt as environmental
corridors are mainly isolated fragments       conditions vary. These landscapes also       The way forward                               There is also potential to target offset
with layers, fallen logs and other habitat    have broad habitat diversity, which many     Our approach to increase the extent and       works that preserve and improve
elements needed to host a diversity of        species need, such as planted indigenous     quality of native vegetation is to build      habitat within these focus landscapes.
flora and fauna. Many local species have      shelterbelts to feed upon and large          on these successful regional community        Offset works can be statutory, such as
become extinct and others are under           scattered paddock trees to roost in. Water   models by targeting priority (or ‘focus’)     compensatory works for clearing native
threat.                                       levels in many of these landscapes’ water    landscapes that have areas of existing        vegetation, and voluntary, such as when
                                              bodies can also be managed because they      high quality habitat while recognising        people choose to compensate for their
The loss of species impacts on our long-
                                              are part of a regulated irrigation system,   these landscapes as important for             cars’ greenhouse gas emissions. Either
term productive capacity as well as the
                                              which can help flora and fauna adjust to     agriculture.                                  way, arrangements can be made to
natural environment. For example, many
                                              changing climatic conditions.                                                              protect these habitats in perpetuity.
insect-eating birds that benefit crops                                                     Plans created for these landscapes will be
and pastures are largely absent without       While large areas of native vegetation       landholder-centric, integrating the various
shrubs and natural ground layers. Native      have been established and protected since    needs of landholders and other land
vegetation is also nature’s water purifier,   implementation of the SIRLWMP began in       managers to achieve goals for agricultural
preventing large loads of sediments and       1990, government-funded extension and        production and native vegetation and
nutrients from entering waterways.            incentive projects have been spread thinly   species conservation. These landscape
                                              across the region: they have not usually     plans could be considered as ‘integrated,
The biggest threats to the region’s
                                              targeted specific landscapes nor been        multi-property whole farm plans’ that are
flora and fauna are the clearing, direct
                                              strictly guided by the goal of increasing    consistent with a sustainable development
degradation and non-renewal of ageing
                                              species’ populations.                        approach.

WATER AVAILABILITY                               But these rules also needed to ensure
                                                      that users all along the river systems
     Historically, the region’s major rivers had      could access water. Water extraction
     relatively large but highly variable natural     for consumptive use was first limited in
     flows. Previous generations dammed               the Murray-Darling Basin by a cap that
     the rivers to provide a more reliable            was implemented in 1997 based on
     water supply for stock and domestic and          1993-4 extraction levels (for Victoria,
     irrigation purposes. This has markedly           South Australia and NSW). The cap was
     changed river flows, impacting on river          then reduced as it became apparent
     and wetland health. Less water now flows         that the riverine environments needed
     in the Goulburn River through the SIR in         water to improve their health. Water
     winter and spring, with a more uniform           savings began being returned to the
     flow in summer to meet user demands.             river as environmental flows through
                                                      various government-based water-saving
     The northern regions of Victoria have
                                                      schemes, such as the Living Murray
     developed a relatively sophisticated
                                                      program. Since 2007, further returns
     approach to sharing water between
                                                      have been made via implementation of
     consumptive, environmental and
                                                      water-saving projects and water buy-back
     recreational users, thanks to a long
                                                      under the Murray-Darling Basin Plan.
     history of working collaboratively. Rules
     have been developed to secure the                Droughts are a key risk to social,
     supply of good quality water for irrigated       economic and environmental outcomes.
     food production and associated food              Droughts reduce the volumes of
     processing industries. This has been             water available for agriculture and the
     critical to the viability, vibrancy and social   environment and increase tensions
     fabric of our rural communities and is a         between all water users. Water-supply
     big part of the competitive advantage of         storage capacity and management in
     the SIR as a place to invest in irrigated        Victoria mean short-term droughts
     food production. The region has built this       present only low risk. The key risk is from
     advantage on a reliable seasonal supply of       extended drought sequences, such as the
     irrigation water in all but the driest years.    1997 to 2010 period, which can result in
                                                      extremely low natural river flows and very
                                                      low water allocations.

Farmers suffered financially because of        The GB CMA recognises the Murray,            Farmers need to be skilled in positioning,   Environmental features already in decline
the millennium drought and have since          Goulburn, Broken and Campaspe Rivers         adapting and structuring their business      are still recovering from the millennium
been adapting through a period of              as ‘working rivers’, with associated         before and during a drought, including       drought and there is a continuing need
increased water availability in preparation    objectives and thresholds around             use of the new tools of trade such as        to build their health before the next
for future drought. (At the time of            providing sustainable environmental          ‘carryover’ water and the water market.      drought sequence. The delivery of water
writing, very low 2015 winter and spring       values while meeting economic and social                                                  to stressed rivers and wetlands, integrated
                                                                                            The maintenance of the water supply
inflows into the region’s main water           needs (GB CMA 2014).                                                                      with other regional priorities, is crucial to
                                                                                            infrastructure and its associated water
storages are again threatening to impact                                                                                                 the region’s long-term resilience.
                                               Separate water entitlements for the          management arrangements are the keys
on the levels of water availability).
                                               environment allows the environment to        to controlling water allocations and a       Communities benefit where development
Environmental needs, changing markets          share more equally in the limited water      reliable water supply. In addition, water    occurs, but need to adapt to change.
and agricultural demands, and population       available in droughts, and to target water   trading and water carryover options for      The forecast increase in the frequency
growth drive the need for a better             to best minimise impacts. The allocation     individual water entitlement holders allow   and severity of droughts will increase the
understanding of how to make best              and use of increasing volumes of water       different and targeted individual risk       volatility of on-farm and public water
use of available water. The water needs        for the environment since 2010 is helping    management, particularly in extremely        supplies and will require farmers and rural
of each user-group and how to ‘cut-            the river environment recover, rebuilding    low water-availability years. As major       communities to plan, invest and adapt
the-pie’ to maximise the benefits for          its health so it will better withstand the   water users, irrigators and environmental    to maintain the region’s comparative
all, particularly when conditions are dry      impacts of extended and severe droughts.     water delivery partners pay charges for      advantage in agriculture (2006).
and availability is reduced, must be well      Ongoing research and monitoring will         system maintenance and water delivery.
                                                                                                                                         The roll-out of the Murray-Darling Basin
understood.                                    progressively improve the targeting of       The Victorian Government is committed
                                                                                                                                         Plan water saving projects will continue,
                                               water for environmental outcomes, both       to ensure clear and transparent charging
Against a backdrop of water policy reform                                                                                                with its success depending on a strong
                                               between and during droughts. Waterway        arrangements as actioned in Water for
and changes in climate, a more accurate                                                                                                  community–government partnership to
                                               programs that improve the physical river     Victoria (2016).
picture of the water needs of all users and                                                                                              improve water-use efficiency within both
                                               habitat are also important in building
the water volumes available is emerging                                                     The long-term goal is to ensure that water   the environmental and irrigation sectors
                                               resilience to drought.
and driving many changes. Changes                                                           is available and allocated to meet the       for the benefit of the region’s farms and
to water trading rules have transferred        Environmental flows have so far only         needs of the environment, agriculture and    floodplains. The Victorian Government
water between irrigation areas in a less       targeted benefits within wetlands and        social consumption when required.            is committed to supporting communities
controlled way. The ‘needs’ of some of         the river channel. Vegetation on the                                                      adapt and expand production with less
these irrigation areas require revisiting to   floodplain and the important interaction                                                  water (2016). This will require a mix of
ensure the delivery systems can operate        between the floodplain and river channel     The way forward                              existing and new ideas that encompass
and support irrigated production in the        have not been targeted because of the        In response to the dynamic, fast-changing    technological, management and
future.                                        potential impact on public and private       nature of the irrigated agricultural         engineering solutions. Further research
                                               assets. Environmental risks have been        industry, the availability of a reliable     and innovative delivery is key in improving
                                               reduced because we now have some             supply of good quality water is critical,    water-use efficiency.
                                               water to deploy during a drought.            requiring a clear, transparent and fair
                                                                                            water market to be continually improved.

FARM AND FOOD                                 Farmers face challenges to remain              There has been a shift in farm size and
                                                   profitable in the face of a variable climate   operations, with the demise of the 100
     PROCESSOR VIABILITY                           and increasingly expensive inputs, such        cow, 100 hectare farms of 30 years
                                                   as land, water, nutrients, oil, technology     ago. Larger-scale farm enterprises have
     The region is dominated by agricultural
                                                   and skills.                                    emerged in an attempt to increase
     production and the main agricultural
                                                                                                  production and profitability. New
     industry is irrigated dairying, covering      Irrigation farmers in the region are
                                                                                                  irrigation developments on individual
     120,000 hectares and accounting for           also paying more than in the past for
                                                                                                  properties are integrated with broader
     70 per cent (620,000 megalitres) of           irrigation delivery shares, irrigation and
                                                                                                  landscape sustainability needs by
     water use. Horticulture covers 9,000          drainage service fees and municipal
                                                                                                  complying with development guidelines.
     hectares and uses approximately 7 per         rates. These fixed charges are becoming
     cent (60,000 megalitres) of the region’s      more prominent in influencing farmers’         The Goulburn Broken Catchment is also
     water. Other irrigated industries use about   investment decisions, particularly in the      losing about one per cent of farmland
     22 per cent (200,000 megalitres) of the       dairy industry.                                every year to other land uses (Cribbs
     water, including cropping (for fodder and                                                    2012). The SIR’s agricultural land use,
                                                   Increased returns from water-use
     grain markets), viticulture and annual                                                       especially horticulture, is under pressure
                                                   efficiencies of the modernised irrigation
     horticulture, such as tomatoes and other                                                     from urban expansion around larger
                                                   system can often only be gained by using
     vegetables. (Carl Walters, pers. comm).                                                      centres like Shepparton and Cobram.
                                                   energy to operate pumps and move water
     There are also areas of rain-fed cropping                                                    However, horticulture is beginning to
                                                   across the farm: farm irrigation power
     and livestock production.                                                                    expand outside of these traditional
                                                   costs are rising from zero in the former
     Food production and processing are large      gravity-fed system to (of the order of) 4 to
     contributors to the region’s economy and      12 per cent in the modernised system (GB       “The region has one of the highest
     are important employers. These industries     CMA 2015e).                                    concentrations of food processing firms
     face many challenges, including domestic                                                     in Australia including Simplot, Fonterra,
                                                   If the region’s farms are not viable and
     and global pressures ‘to produce more                                                        Nestlé, Unilever, Murray Goulburn, Bega,
                                                   cannot continue to invest in adapting to
     with less’. However, industry diversity has                                                  and of course SPC.” (Sheed 2015). The
                                                   change, then the whole system, including
     helped develop the region’s resilience to                                                    shift in farm type, size and mix has been
                                                   regional communities and the riverine
     variable domestic and world markets.                                                         accompanied by a change in the region’s
                                                   and water environment, will suffer. Only
     The impact of global market peaks                                                            food processing industries. Several
                                                   one-fifth of Victorian farms are considered
     and troughs have been ‘smoothed out’                                                         long-established companies have either
                                                   large enough to fund the level of farm
     because different industries are not                                                         closed or been amalgamated over the
                                                   investment required for productivity
     usually impacted at the same time.                                                           last two decades, although smaller niche
                                                   growth and to provide an average
                                                                                                  industries have emerged.
                                                   standard of living for a full-time farming
                                                   family (Barr 2012).

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