Executing our strategy for profitable growth - 2005 ING Group

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Executing our strategy for profitable growth - 2005 ING Group

ING Group

Annual Review

Executing our strategy
for profitable growth
Executing our strategy for profitable growth - 2005 ING Group
1.0                                         WHO WE ARE


                                                                                                    IFRS                                 Dutch GAAP
                                                                                         2005      2004       2004      2003      2002         2001

Balance sheet (in EUR billion)

Total assets*                                                                           1,159      964        866       779       716          705
Capital and reserves*                                                                      37       28         26        21        18           22

Assets under management (in EUR billion)                                                 547       492        492       463       449          513

Market capitalisation (in EUR billion)                                                    65         49        49        39        32           57

Income (in EUR million)
Insurance operations                                                                   57,424    55,602     55,398    53,233    59,449      55,274
Banking operations                                                                     13,848    12,678     12,537    11,680    11,201      11,111

Expenses (in EUR million)
Insurance operations                                                                    5,195     4,746      4,837     4,897     5,203       5,583
Banking operations                                                                      8,844     8,795      8,658     8,184     8,298       8,186

Impairments/additions to the provision
for loan losses (in EUR million)                                                         119       475        497      1,288     2,099         907

Profit (in EUR million)
Insurance operations                                                                    3,978     4,322      4,005     3,486     3,170       2,792
Banking operations                                                                      4,916     3,418      3,414     2,371     1,468       2,170
Profit before tax                                                                       8,894     7,740      7,419     5,857     4,638       4,962

Underlying (IFRS)/operating net profit (Dutch GAAP)                                     6,196     4,959      5,389     4,053     3,433       3,539
Divestments and special items (IFRS)/non-operating net profit (Dutch GAAP)              1,014       796        579       -10     1,067       1,038
Net profit                                                                              7,210     5,755      5,968     4,043     4,500       4,577
Distributable net profit                                                                7,210     5,755      5,968     4,043     4,253       4,252

Figures per ordinary share of EUR 0.24 nominal value
Net profit                                                                               3.32      2.71       2.80      2.00      2.32        2.37
Distributable net profit                                                                 3.32      2.71       2.80      2.00      2.20        2.20
Dividend                                                                                 1.18      1.07       1.07      0.97      0.97        0.97
Capital and reserves*                                                                   16.96     12.95      11.76     10.08      9.14       11.03

Ratios (in %)
ING Group
  (Operating) return on equity (ROE)                                                     26.6      25.4       22.9      21.5      17.4        15.3
  (Operating) net profit growth                                                           25        n.a.       33        18         -3           4
Insurance operations
  Combined ratio                                                                          95        94         94        98       102          103
  Capital-coverage ratio*                                                                255       204        210       180       169          180
Banking operations
  BIS ratio ING Bank*                                                                   10.86     10.46      11.47     11.34     10.98       10.57
  Tier-1 ratio ING Bank*                                                                 7.32      6.92       7.71      7.59      7.31        7.03
  Cost/income ratio                                                                      63.9      69.4       69.1      70.1      74.1        73.7

Employees (average FTEs)                                                              115,300   113,000    113,000   115,200   113,060     112,000

* Comparable figures shown under 2004 are IFRS-based figures at 1 January 2005;
  figures were restated due to adjustments to the opening balance sheet under IFRS.
Executing our strategy for profitable growth - 2005 ING Group

                                                        1.0                                   WHO WE ARE
                                                        ING AT A GLANCE                                            2
        in EUR billion                                  CHAIRMAN’S STATEMENT                                       4
1,100                                                   STRATEGY                                                   6
                                                        2.0                          OUR PERFORMANCE
  400                                                   FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS                                       8
  300                                      IFRS
  100                                      Dutch GAAP   RISK MANAGEMENT                                           11
        96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 04 05                INSURANCE                                                 12
                                                        – Insurance overview                                      12
        MARKET CAPITALISATION                           – Insurance Europe                                        13
        in EUR billion                                  – Insurance Asia/Pacific                                  14
  90                                                    – Insurance Americas                                      15
  70                                                    BANKING                                                   16
  60                                                    – Banking overview                                        16
  50                                                    – Wholesale Banking                                       17
  40                                                    – Retail Banking                                          18
  30                                                    – ING Direct                                              19
  10                                                    ASSET MANAGEMENT                                          20
        96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05                   OUR PEOPLE                                                22

        OPERATING/UNDERLYING NET PROFIT                 CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY                                  23
        in EUR billion
   9                                                    3.0      GOVERNANCE AND COMPLIANCE
                                                        CORPORATE GOVERNANCE                                      24
                                                        COMPLIANCE                                                25
   3                                       IFRS
   2                                                    SUPERVISORY BOARD AND
   1                                       Dutch GAAP   EXECUTIVE BOARD                                           26
        96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 04 05                REMUNERATION                                              28

        average FTEs, in thousands                      4.0                    GENERAL INFORMATION
 110                                                    INFORMATION FOR SHAREHOLDERS                              30
  80                                                    ADDITIONAL INFORMATION                                    32
        96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05

                                                                                   ING Group Annual Review 2005    1
Executing our strategy for profitable growth - 2005 ING Group
1.0                                       WHO WE ARE

MISSION                                         PROFILE

We strive to deliver our financial              ING is a global financial services company   individuals, families, small businesses,
products and services in the way our            with 150 years of experience, providing      large corporations, institutions and
customers expect: with exemplary                a wide array of insurance, banking and       governments. Based on market
service, maximum convenience and                asset-management services in over 50         capitalisation, ING is one of the 15
at competitive rates. This is reflected         countries. Our 115,000 employees work        largest financial institutions worldwide
in our mission statement: to set the            daily to satisfy a broad customer base:      and in the top-10 in Europe.
standard in helping our customers
manage their financial future.

    ING                                         INSURANCE – BANKING – ASSET MANAGEMENT
                                                ING has six business lines. A clear client focus and strong
                                                business logic are the key elements in this structure.

INSURANCE             Operates the insurance activities in the Netherlands, Belgium,
EUROPE                Spain, Greece and Central Europe. In these countries we offer life               UNDERLYING PROFIT BEFORE TAX
                      insurance with a particular focus on pensions. In the Netherlands                INSURANCE EUROPE
                      and Belgium we also offer non-life insurance. Insurance Europe            2005                    2,021
                      also includes our European asset-management operations.                   2004               1,612
                                                                                                       in EUR million

INSURANCE             Conducts insurance operations and asset-management
AMERICAS              activities in the Americas. It is well-established in the United                 UNDERLYING PROFIT BEFORE TAX
                      States with retirement services, annuities, life insurance and                   INSURANCE AMERICAS
                      asset management. We have a leading position in non-life                  2005                    1,979
                      insurance in Canada. Furthermore, we are active in Mexico,                2004               1,601
                      Chile, Peru and Brazil.                                                          in EUR million

INSURANCE             Conducts the life-insurance operations and asset/wealth-
ASIA/PACIFIC          management activities in Asia/Pacific. It has well-established                   UNDERLYING PROFIT BEFORE TAX
                      positions in Australia and New-Zealand, Hong Kong, Japan,                        INSURANCE ASIA/PACIFIC
                      South Korea, Malaysia and Taiwan. The activities in China,                2005       447
                      India and Thailand are future growth engines for ING.                     2004       475
                                                                                                       in EUR million

                      PREMIUM INCOME
                      PER BUSINESS LINE
                      in EUR million

                                                  Insurance Europe         23% 10,702
                                                  Insurance Americas       50% 22,744
                                                  Insurance Asia/Pacific    27% 12,286
                                                  Other                            26
                                                  Total                   100% 45,758

2    ING Group Annual Review 2005
Executing our strategy for profitable growth - 2005 ING Group
Visit www.ing.com for further information

BUSINESS                                                                                  STAKEHOLDERS

ING is a major financial services company      insurer based on direct written premium.   ING conducts its business on the
in the Benelux home market. ING                ING Direct is a leading direct bank with   basis of clearly defined business
services its retail clients in these markets   15 million customers in nine countries.    principles. In all our activities we
with a wide range of retail-banking,           In the growth markets of Asia, Central     carefully weigh the interests of our
insurance and asset-management                 Europe and Latin America we provide        stakeholders: customers, shareholders,
products. In our wholesale-banking             life insurance. We are also a large        employees, business partners and
activities we operate worldwide, but           asset manager with assets under            society at large. ING strives to be
with a primary focus on the Benelux            management of almost EUR 550 billion.      a good corporate citizen.
countries. In the United States, ING is a      ING Real Estate is the largest property
top-10 provider of retirement services         company in the world based on its
and life insurance, based on sales and         total business portfolio.
assets under management. In Canada,
we are the top property and casualty

WHOLESALE            Conducts all the global wholesale-banking operations.
BANKING              Wholesale Banking offers a full range of products to corporates                UNDERLYING PROFIT BEFORE TAX
                     and institutions in the home markets in the Benelux countries.                 WHOLESALE BANKING
                     Elsewhere it follows a more selective and focused client and            2005                     2,276
                     product approach.                                                       2004                    2,092
                     A separate activity is ING Real Estate, the world’s largest                    in EUR million
                     property company.

RETAIL               Offers retail-banking services in the Netherlands, Belgium,
BANKING              Poland, Romania, India and China. Private banking is offered                   UNDERLYING PROFIT BEFORE TAX
                     in the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland and                       RETAIL BANKING
                     various countries in Asia, Latin America, and Central and               2005                1,815
                     Eastern Europe.                                                         2004             1,168
                                                                                                    in EUR million

ING DIRECT           Operates direct retail-banking activities for individual clients
                     in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Austria, Italy, Spain,                  UNDERLYING PROFIT BEFORE TAX
                     the United Kingdom and the United States. The main                             ING DIRECT
                     products offered are savings, mortgages and mutual funds.               2005        617
                     A separate activity is ING Card, which manages for ING the              2004       435
                     credit cards within the Benelux and Germany.                                   in EUR million

                     TO CUSTOMERS
                     in EUR billion

                                                 Netherlands           55%   238.2
                                                 Belgium                9%    41.6
                                                 Rest of Europe        21%    90.3
                                                 North America          9%    40.5
                                                 Latin America          1%     2.8
                                                 Asia                   2%    10.9
                                                 Australia              3%    14.9
                                                 Total                100%   439.2

                                                                                                            ING Group Annual Review 2005   3
Executing our strategy for profitable growth - 2005 ING Group
1.0                                WHO WE ARE


In 2005, we focused on creating value for our
shareholders through a stringent approach to capital
allocation, investing for growth, improving execution
and increasing returns at all of our businesses. Our
results provide evidence that we are delivering on
those objectives and that our strategy is paying off.

                                                                                      progress. Only a few years ago the
                                                                                      internet was considered by many
                                                                                      to be a hype, now it is big business,
                                                                                      especially for financial services
                                                                                      companies. People everywhere want
                                                                                      to enjoy the practical benefits of
                                                                                      modern technology. The third trend
                                                                                      concerns the gradual shift in economic
                                                                                      power from West to East (including
                                                                                      Central Europe). In the coming
                                                                                      decades China and India will be
                                                                                      among the four largest economies in
                                                                                      the world, together with the United
                                                                                      States and Japan. The countries of
                                                                                      Central Europe will benefit from their
                                                                                      entry into the European Union.

                                                                                      At ING, we are seizing the opportunities
                                                                                      these trends offer and we are using
                                                                                      them to drive our three growth
                                                                                      engines – retirement services, direct
                                                                                      banking and life insurance in
                                                                                      emerging markets. In 2005, our
                                                                                      growth engines showed very
Dear stakeholder,                           costs, risk and reputation. All this is   encouraging results. We significantly
                                            reflected in the theme of this annual     increased our pension activities, both
2005 was a very good year for ING. We       review: ‘Executing our strategy for       in the United States and in the growth
were able to lift our profits to a next     profitable growth’. In August 2005,       markets of Central Europe, Asia and
level. Our net profit rose from EUR 5,755   Standard & Poor’s endorsed our            Latin America. The pre-tax profit from
billion to EUR 7,210 billion, an increase   strategic direction by awarding ING       our retirement-services activities in the
of 25.3%. Our underlying profit before      with AA credit ratings. The upgrades      United States went up by 22%.
tax increased by 19.4%. This illustrates    underline the fact that ING is a solid
that our strategy of improving execution    company and we are pleased to have        The success of ING Direct shows that
and investing for growth and value          achieved these ratings.                   technological progress helps to deliver
creation is paying off. Stock markets                                                 excellent service to customers and to
rewarded our efforts, as evidenced by       At the heart of our strategy lies a       drive down costs. ING Direct’s profits
the performance of ING’s share price.       thorough analysis of our position in      rose 42% in a challenging interest-rate
                                            the global financial environment.         environment. Built from scratch in
Our goal is to deliver value to             There are in my opinion three             1997, ING Direct has grown to become
shareholders through a combination          fundamental trends that are shaping       the world’s leading direct bank. It
of growth and return that is higher         this environment. The first is ageing     serves 15 million customers in North
than the average of our peers. To           populations – a phenomenon that is        America, Europe and Australia and
achieve that, we steer our business         being observed everywhere in the          manages close to EUR 200 billion in
towards value creation and aim to           world, whether in Europe, Asia or the     funds entrusted.
keep improving the execution of our         Americas. As a consequence, an
business fundamentals. We want to           increasing number of people are           As for life insurance in emerging
excel at what we do and focus on            looking for ways to secure their          markets, ING is the leading foreign
delivering outstanding service to our       financial situation after retirement.     insurer in Central Europe and the
customers and on firmly managing            The second trend is technological         second-largest in Asia. We have built

4   ING Group Annual Review 2005
Executing our strategy for profitable growth - 2005 ING Group
on our early-entry advantage in              and attract new ones. For we know          I was also happy to work with my
important countries like China, India,       that customers look for reliable and       colleagues in a strong and united
Japan and South Korea in Asia and the        knowledgeable advice about their           management team. In 2006, the
Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and          financial future.                          composition of the Executive Board
Romania in Central Europe. In 2005,                                                     will change. Fred Hubbell, Alexander
we continued to invest in high-growth        When executing our strategy, we            Rinnooy Kan and Hans Verkoren have
markets. We acquired a stake in the          have a set of values that guide us:        decided to retire from the Executive
Bank of Beijing, which gives us a            the ING Business Principles. They          Board. Each of them played an
platform for selling a range of insurance    embody the standards of behaviour          important role in the development of
and investment products in China.            we expect from our employees and           ING. I am grateful for their strong
                                             the commitments we have towards            commitment during their years at ING.
We are able to move ahead with               our stakeholders. In addition, we          I am fully confident that the new team,
these growth engines because our             want to contribute to addressing           including the new to be appointed
long-established businesses in the           global issues. One of them is the lack     members Dick Harryvan, Tom McInerney,
Netherlands, Belgium and the United          of access to education for children in     Hans van der Noordaa and
States provide the resources and             many developing countries. In 2005,        Jacques de Vaucleroy, has the capacity
experience to do so. In 2005, these          together with UNICEF we successfully       and enthusiasm to lead ING to a
businesses again achieved solid profit       launched a new global community            successful future. This new team will
and income growth. Looking ahead,            development programme: ING                 pursue our strategic course with energy
our focus in the mature markets will         Chances for Children. At year-end,         and consistency.
remain on improving customer service         ING had raised enough money to
and on working more efficiently. In 2005,    send over 30,000 children to school.
we took the decision to streamline
and outsource parts of our Operations        It is with satisfaction that I look back
and IT activities in the Netherlands         on the past year. ING is successfully
and Belgium and to reduce the cost           executing its strategy for profitable
base of Nationale-Nederlanden. This          growth. In this report, you are being
will lead to a reduction in jobs, but        updated on the financial and strategic     Michel Tilmant
it is a necessary step to ensure the         developments of ING Group and its          chairman Executive Board
future competitiveness of our company.       business lines. The Executive Board
We take our responsibilities towards         would like to thank the ING staff for
employees seriously by making every          their contribution to our favourable
effort to help those affected.               achievements in 2005. The dedication
                                             and commitment of our staff is crucial
Our strong focus on execution has also       to the company’s success.
resulted in a greater emphasis on the
importance of adhering to laws and           Furthermore, I would like to stress the
regulations in 2005. Much to our             importance of the Supervisory Board,
regret, we experienced some compliance       guiding the Executive Board in its daily
incidents, mainly in the Netherlands.        management of the company. At the
In each case, we took the necessary          2006 Shareholders’ Meeting we will say
steps to address the issues, including       goodbye to two members: Aad Jacobs
compensating customers where                 and Paul de Meester. Both of them
appropriate, and tightening up               were of great value during their eight
compliance to better adhere to policies      years on the Supervisory Board, for
and business principles. We want to be       which I am very grateful. At the same
a reliable company to deal with. That        Shareholders’ meeting Piet Klaver, a
is why customer satisfaction is central in   Dutchman, will be nominated for
our strategy – both to retain customers      appointment.

                                                                                                    ING Group Annual Review 2005   5
Executing our strategy for profitable growth - 2005 ING Group
1.0                                 WHO WE ARE


The successful implementation of ING’s strategy led to
good financial results and allowed us to reward our
shareholders with a higher total return.

In 2005, ING continued to pursue the        ING’s objective is clear: to give our       Enhancing customer satisfaction
strategy it embarked on in 2004, which      shareholders, over the long term,           ING attaches great importance to
is founded on value-based management.       a better total return on investment         exemplary customer service: we believe
We achieved good results in our             than on most other investments in the       high levels of customer satisfaction can
businesses in mature markets, thanks to     financial sector. Value-based management    differentiate us and generate profitable
a constant focus on executing business      is at the heart of our strategy, focusing   top-line growth, especially in mature
fundamentals efficiently. In addition, we   on return improvement and profitable        markets. In 2005, ING Direct continued
grew in three highly promising business     organic growth. This strategy has been      to achieve an outstanding level of
areas – our ‘growth engines’.               successful: in 2005, our underlying         customer satisfaction, while Nationale-
                                            profit before tax increased by 19.4%        Nederlanden, our Dutch insurance
                                            to EUR 8,506 million.                       business, further raised its customer-
                                                                                        satisfaction levels to almost the industry
                                            In our mature banking and life-insurance    average. To further improve customer
                                            businesses in the Benelux and the United    satisfaction in the future, we have
                                            States, the key to generating profitable    adjusted our brand positioning, aiming
                                            organic growth lies in the proper           to excel by ‘being easy to deal with’,
                                            execution of business fundamentals.         ‘treating our customers fairly’, and
                                            This means managing costs, risks and        ‘delivering on promises’. In 2005,
                                            our reputation as well as offering          we started to promote this brand
                                            exemplary customer service.                 positioning within ING worldwide.

                                            ING continues to invest in ‘growth          Managing costs
                                            engines’, business areas with clear         Fierce competition means we are
                                            growth potential. We have identified        continuously looking for ways to contain
                                            three such areas: direct banking,           costs and improve efficiency. In 2005, we
                                            retirement services and life insurance      launched an efficiency programme to
                                             in emerging markets. We already have       reduce Nationale-Nederlanden’s annual
                                            strong positions in these areas, and        cost base and took initiatives to stream-
                                            intend to draw on experience and capital    line and outsource parts of our IT
                                            from our mature businesses to raise their   organisation in the Benelux. Together
                                            profit potential still further.             with the outsourcing of our technology
                                                                                        infrastructure in the United States, these
                                                                                        measures are expected to yield cost
                                                                                        savings of some EUR 500 million by 2008.

6   ING Group Annual Review 2005
Executing our strategy for profitable growth - 2005 ING Group
Managing risks                               Investing in growth                           LOOKING AHEAD
To achieve stable, profitable growth,        Our three ‘growth engines’ – direct
we need to manage our risks and make         banking, retirement services and life         ING managed for value and created
optimal use of our capital. For this         insurance in emerging markets – all           value in 2005. The consistent
purpose, we use integrated risk              made good progress in 2005. ING Direct’s      implementation of our strategy lifted
management, combining credit risk,           performance was outstanding: our direct-      our financial results and gave our
market risk, insurance risk and              banking business in mature markets            shareholders an above-average total
operational risk into a single view.         delivered high growth and profit in a         return compared with our peer group
It allows us to benefit from being a         challenging interest-rate environment.        in the financial sector. In 2006, we aim
diversified financial services firm, and     In the United States, profits in retirement   to create further value. We will continue
to better align our risk-taking with         services went up by 22%. In the Slovak        to emphasise return improvement and
our risk appetite. In 2005, we achieved      Republic, we acquired the pension             profitable organic growth so that we can
substantial progress in the area of credit   provider VSP Tatry Sympatia. Finally,         reward our shareholders with a higher
risk, in terms of both risk modelling and    our life-insurance business in emerging       total return on investment than most
data quality (both key elements of           markets posted a 40% rise in the value        other investments in the financial sector.
Basel II). To improve efficient use of       of new business. We also acquired
capital, we also introduced integrated       a 19.9% stake in the Bank of Beijing,
centralised capital management.              which provides us with a platform
                                             for selling insurance and investment
Managing reputation                          products to an increasingly affluent
Two of ING’s most important assets are       customer base in China.
integrity and reputation, because long-
term relationships with clients are only     Embedding a performance culture
possible when formed in a spirit of          Executing our strategy successfully
fairness and trust. We therefore wish to     and accelerating profitable growth
see compliance totally ingrained within      throughout the company requires that
our corporate culture. In 2005, we           employees understand the company’s
adopted a new compliance policy.             strategy and the goals of their business
As from 2006, compliance will also be        unit. Employees must know their role in
integrated in the performance targets        achieving these goals and should receive
and remuneration structure from ING’s        regular feedback on their performance
senior management. Some incidents            and be rewarded accordingly. In 2005,
took place in 2005 (mainly in the            appropriate steps were taken at all
Netherlands), and necessary steps            business levels to embed a performance
were taken to address these issues.          culture still more firmly, ranging from
                                             management-change workshops and
                                             programmes to individual talent and
                                             team-development initiatives.

                                                                                                        ING Group Annual Review 2005   7
Executing our strategy for profitable growth - 2005 ING Group
2.0                                            OUR PERFORMANCE


ING produced strong results in 2005. We achieved
double-digit underlying top-line growth, higher
returns and an improvement in efficiency ratios across
the board. This strong performance together with our
confidence in the future, allows us to increase the total
dividend by 10.3% to EUR 1.18 per share.

Net profit rose 25.3% to EUR 7,210                                          EUR 161 million in releases in 2004. The      at 1 January 2005, supported by growth
million, due in part to a lower effective                                   effective tax rate is expected to return to   in capital and reserves. The capital-
tax rate. Earnings per share rose to                                        a normalised level of 20% to 25%.             coverage ratio for ING Verzekeringen
EUR 3.32 from EUR 2.71. Total underlying                                                                                  N.V. increased to 259% of E.U. regulatory
profit before tax* increased 19.4% to                                       Impact of IFRS                                requirements at the end of December
EUR 8,506 million in 2005, driven by                                        The application of new accounting             2005, compared with 200% at 1 January
strong growth from Retail Banking and                                       standards (IAS 32, 39 and IFRS 4) from        2005. The Tier-1 ratio of ING Bank N.V.
ING Direct as well as the insurance                                         1 January 2005 had a positive impact on       stood at 7.32% at the end of 2005, up
activities in the Americas and Europe,                                      ING Group’s results in 2005, with more        from 6.92% on 1 January 2005, as growth
supported by growth in retirement                                           volatility on a quarterly basis, mainly due   in capital was partially offset by strong
services and favourable results from                                        to value adjustments on non-trading           growth in risk-weighted assets. The
non-life insurance.                                                         derivatives. The total impact on total        solvency ratio (BIS ratio) for the bank
                                                                            profit before tax of ING Group was            improved to 10.86% at the end of
Divestments resulted in a pre-tax gain                                      approximately EUR 455 million, or             December 2005 from 10.46% on
of EUR 366 million in 2005 compared                                         EUR 392 million after tax.                    1 January 2005. Total risk-weighted assets
with EUR 55 million in 2004. Divested                                                                                     of the banking operations increased by
units contributed EUR 22 million to                                         Dividend                                      EUR 45.6 billion, or 16.6%, to EUR 319.7
profit before tax in 2005, down from                                        At the annual General Meeting of              billion at the end of December 2005,
EUR 218 million a year earlier. Special                                     Shareholders on 25 April 2006, ING will       driven by growth in all three banking
items refer to a gain of EUR 287 million                                    propose a total dividend for 2005 of          business lines.
on the U.S. dollar hedge, a EUR 96 million                                  EUR 1.18 per (depositary receipt for an)
gain on old reinsurance business and                                        ordinary share, up 10.3% from EUR 1.07        INSURANCE OPERATIONS
restructuring provisions of EUR 41 million                                  per (depositary receipt for an) ordinary
at Wholesale Banking, all in 2004.                                          share in 2004. Taking into account the        ING’s insurance operations continued to
Including the impact of divestments and                                     interim dividend of EUR 0.54 made             benefit from strong growth in retirement
special items, total profit before tax                                      payable in September 2005, the final          services and life insurance in developing
increased 14.9% to EUR 8,894 million.                                       dividend will amount to EUR 0.64 per          markets, higher investment results and
                                                                            (depositary receipt for an) ordinary share    a favourable claims environment for the
Taxes and net profit                                                        to be paid fully in cash. ING’s shares will   non-life insurance businesses. Underlying
The effective tax rate declined to                                          be quoted ex-dividend as of 27 April 2006     profit before tax from insurance rose
15.5% in 2005 from 22.1% in 2004 due                                        and the dividend will be made payable         11.5% to EUR 3,975 million. The non-life
to a lower statutory tax rate in the                                        on 4 May 2006.                                operations in the Netherlands, Belgium
Netherlands, high tax-exempt gains on                                                                                     and Canada continued to benefit from a
divestments, and EUR 583 million from                                       Capital ratios                                historically low claims ratio, which helped
the creation of tax assets and net releases                                 The debt/equity ratio of ING Group            drive underlying profit before tax from
from tax provisions compared with                                           improved to 9.3% compared with 11.9%          non-life insurance up 21.3%. The life-
                                                                                                                          insurance activities in the Netherlands,
                                                                                                                          United States and Central Europe showed
UNDERLYING PROFIT BEFORE TAX PER BUSINESS LINE*                                                                           strong profit growth, supported by
in EUR million                                                                                                            increased sales, improved returns, growth
                   Insurance Europe       22%                                2,021
                   Insurance Americas     22%                                1,979
                                                                                                                          in assets under management, and
                   Insurance Asia/Pacific    5%                                 447                                        investment gains. Underlying profit
                   Wholesale Banking      24%                                2,276                                        before tax from life insurance increased
                   Retail Banking         20%                                1,815                                        7.4%, as growth was somewhat
                   ING Direct               7%                                 617
                                                                                                                          tempered by continued reserve
                          Excludes the component ‘Other’ in
                          banking and insurance                                                                           strengthening in Taiwan and lower
                                                                                                                          capital gains on equities. Strong sales
* Underlying profit before tax is defined as profit before tax excluding divestments
  and special items.                                                                                                      and a focus on cost control led to an
                                                                                                                          improvement in the efficiency ratios for
                                                                                                                          life and investment products.

8     ING Group Annual Review 2005
Total premium income increased 4.9%
to EUR 45,758 million, driven mainly by
strong growth of life premiums in Asia,
particularly South Korea and Japan.
Premium growth was partially offset
by divestments and the reclassification
of some life products to investment
contracts from the beginning of 2005
under IFRS 4, notably in Australia, the
United States and Belgium. Excluding
divestments and the reclassification,
total premium income increased 10.4%
on a comparable basis.

Operating expenses from the insurance
operations increased 9.5% to EUR 5,195
million, due to costs to support the
ongoing growth of the business,
particularly in Asia, as well as the impact
of a new collective labour agreement
in the Netherlands, investments in IT
infrastructure, and start-up costs for
a new distribution channel in Canada.         Cees Maas vice-chairman and CFO
Recurring expenses increased 4.9% to
EUR 4,831 million. The efficiency ratios      PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT
for life insurance and investment             in EUR million                      2005     2004    change
products improved as premium and              Total income                      71,141   68,159     4.4%
asset growth outpaced the increase            Total expenditures                62,247   60,419     3.0%
in expenses.                                  Profit before tax                  8,894    7,740    14.9%
                                              Taxation                           1,379    1,709   -19.3%
Embedded value/value of new business          Third-party interests                305      276    10.5%
The embedded value of ING’s life              Net profit                         7,210    5,755    25.3%
insurance operations increased 22.9%
to EUR 27,586 million. The value of new       Profit before tax                  8,894    7,740   14.9%
business increased 27.4% to EUR 805           Gains/losses from divestments        366       55
million, driven by improved pricing           Profit from divested units            22      218
margins, higher sales, and a more             Special items                                 342
profitable product mix in the United          Underlying profit before tax       8,506    7,125   19.4%
States and Asia/Pacific. Central Europe
and Asia/Pacific both generated
particularly strong growth in 2005,
indicating the strong future earnings
potential of the businesses in both
regions. The internal rate of return
increased to 13.2% from 12.1% in 2004.

                                                                                                            ING Group Annual Review 2005   9
2.0                            OUR PERFORMANCE


BANKING OPERATIONS                             Operations & IT activities in the Benelux,   ASSET MANAGEMENT
                                               impairments on development projects
ING’s banking businesses showed a strong       at ING Real Estate and provisions taken      Assets under management increased
increase in profit in 2005 driven by solid     in Belgium). An additional EUR 168           23.5% to EUR 547.4 billion in 2005,
growth in income at ING Direct and             million was related to the consolidation     excluding the impact of several
Retail Banking, as well as historically low    of 50% of Postkantoren BV. The               divestments and restatements including
risk costs. Underlying profit before tax       remaining increase was driven by             Baring Asset Management and parts of
rose 27.2% to EUR 4,531 million. Growth        continued investment in growth               ING BHF-Bank. The growth in assets was
was driven by higher savings and strong        opportunities, such as ING Direct and the    driven by a net inflow of EUR 33.8 billion,
demand for mortgages at both Retail            expansion of retail banking activities in    plus EUR 34.9 billion attributable to
Banking and ING Direct, including high         Romania, Poland and India.                   higher currencies and EUR 35.5 billion
prepayment penalties on the refinancing                                                     from higher stock markets. Including
of mortgages in the Netherlands. Profit        Additions to the provision for loan losses   divestments and restatements, total assets
was also supported by the sale of equity       remained exceptionally low, supported        under management increased 11.3%.
investments and a positive impact on           by an improvement of the credit
balance from IFRS.                             portfolio, the release of provisions         LOOKING AHEAD
                                               previously taken, the absence of new
Total income from banking increased            large defaults and improvements in risk      In 2005, ING was confronted with low
9.2% to EUR 13,848 million. On an              management. The total addition in 2005       interest rates and a flattening yield curve,
underlying basis, excluding divestments        amounted to EUR 88 million compared          but also benefited from some favourable
and special items, banking income rose         with EUR 465 million in 2004.                market conditions, including strong
11.4% to EUR 13,408 million, mainly                                                         equity and real-estate markets,
due to strong growth in savings and            RAROC                                        historically low credit losses for both
mortgage lending as well as higher             The after-tax risk-adjusted return           bank lending and fixed-income
investment income.                             on capital (RAROC) of the banking            investments, low claims at most non-life
                                               operations improved to 22.6% from            insurance units, and low taxes. Looking
Total operating expenses increased 0.6%        14.5% in 2004. On an underlying basis,       ahead, the interest-rate environment will
to EUR 8,844 million, as divestments           excluding divestments and special items,     remain challenging, while risk costs and
largely offset the impact of consolidations,   the after-tax RAROC improved to 18.8%        non-life claims are expected to return
higher labour costs and one-off expenses.      from 16.4%, driven by higher economic        gradually to more normal levels.
On an underlying basis, excluding the          returns due to the sharpened focus on        However, ING has confidence in the
impact of divestments and special              managing for value throughout the            growth of the underlying business and
items, operating expenses rose 9.6%            company, and a more stringent approach       in the Group’s ability to continue
to EUR 8,789 million, an increase              to capital allocation. All three banking     creating value for shareholders.
of EUR 768 million. Of that increase,          business lines posted higher RAROCs,
EUR 255 million was related to one-off         and all performed above ING’s target
costs (such as restructuring the               of 12.0% after tax.

10   ING Group Annual Review 2005

ING quantifies risks through several risk-management
techniques and monitors the risk classes of its lending
portfolio for the banking businesses and the fixed-
income portfolio for the insurance businesses.

The Executive Board manages the Group’s         Earnings-at-Risk (EaR) and VaR. EaR           Equity Risk Through scenario analysis,
overall risk profile, aiming for a good         measures the loss of net accrual interest     ING Insurance also measures potential
balance between risk, return and capital.       income over a period of one year              changes in the expected earnings of the
This chapter focuses on ING’s exposure to       resulting from an instantaneous increase      insurance operations over a period of
and management of key risks.                    of 2% in market interest rates. As at         one year resulting from an instantaneous
                                                31 December 2005, EaR was EUR -733            increase/decrease of 10% in equity
ING BANK                                        million. VaR at 31 December 2005 was          markets. As at 31 December 2005, the
                                                EUR -3,203 million.                           impact on net profit of a 10% increase
Credit risk                                                                                   was estimated at EUR 59 million, and
ING Bank aims to maintain an                    Liquidity Risk This is the risk that ING      the impact of a 10% decrease at
internationally diversified loan and            Bank or one of its subsidiaries cannot        EUR -80 million.
bond portfolio, while avoiding large            meet its financial liabilities when they
risk concentrations. The emphasis is on         come due, at reasonable costs and in a        Credit risk
managing developments within the                timely manner. As at 31 December 2005,        For the investment portfolios backing
business lines by means of concentration        the one-week/one-month liquidity position     the insurance liabilities, ING Insurance’s
limits for countries, individual borrowers      was EUR 111,165/24,512 million.               policy is to maintain a well-diversified
and borrower groups. In 2005, ING                                                             investment portfolio across companies
added EUR 88 million to the provision           ING INSURANCE                                 and industries
for loan losses, which was historically
low (2004: EUR 456 million).                    Actuarial and underwriting risk               The percentages in the table below are
                                                ING is exposed to life and non-life           based on EUR 172 billion of general
RISK CLASSES ING BANK                           insurance risks. Actuarial risks arise with   account fixed-income assets on
LENDING PORTFOLIO                               respect to the adequacy of insurance          31 December 2005 and exclude
as percent of total outstandings         2005   premium-rate levels and provisions            equities and real estate, but include
                                                with respect to insurance liabilities.        preference shares.
AAA (1)                             13.8%       Underwriting exposures are limited
AA (2-4)                            22.1%       through exclusions, cover limits and          RISK CLASSES ING INSURANCE
A (4-7)                              9.5%       reinsurance.                                  FIXED-INCOME SECURITIES
BBB (8-10)                          21.6%                                                     in percentages                                  2005
BB (11-13)                          27.6%       Market risk
B (14-17)                            4.0%       Insurance market risks are managed            AAA                                          26.3%
Watch / Problem Grade (18-22)        1.4%       through asset-and-liability (ALM) policies    AA                                           23.0%
                                                                                              A                                            32.8%
                                   100.0%       and procedures with an ALM committee
                                                                                              BBB                                          14.3%
                                                structure established at both business        Other                                         3.6%
Market risk                                     line and business-unit levels.
Trading Risk ING Bank focuses on an
internationally diversified and mainly          Interest Rate Risk ING Insurance
client-related trading portfolio. To            measures potential changes in the
measure trading risk, ING applies Value-        expected earnings of insurance
at-Risk (VaR). In addition, ING performs        operations over a period of one year
stress testing to monitor market risk           resulting from an instantaneous
                                                increase/decrease of 1% in interest rates.    Some information for 2004 has not been stated,
under extreme market movements.                                                               due to a lack of comparability following the first-
Average VaR over 2005 was EUR 28                As at 31 December 2005, the impact on         time application of the IFRS accounting standards
million (2004: EUR 25 million).                 net profit of a 1% increase/decrease was      for financial instruments and insurance contracts
                                                estimated at EUR -68/-1,743 million.          in 2005.
Non-Trading Risk ING Bank has a
structural interest-rate risk mismatch
in its non-trading books. To measure
interest-rate risk, ING Bank applies

                                                                                                               ING Group Annual Review 2005         11
2.0                                  OUR PERFORMANCE


Insurance Overview                                                                     UNDERLYING PROFIT BEFORE TAX INSURANCE
                                                                                       in EUR million
ING booked good results with its insurance                                                                Insurance Europe
                                                                                                          Insurance Americas
activities. Retirement services and life                                                                  Insurance Asia/Pacific
                                                                                                                                             10%        447
insurance in emerging markets – two of                                                                    Total                            100%       3,975
                                                                                                       *Other insurance results are mainly interest on core
ING’s growth engines – continued their                                                                  debt and gains on equity investments that are not
                                                                                                        allocated to the three business lines. The component

strong performance.                                                                                     ‘Other’ is not included in the pie chart.

The underlying profit before tax from                  Central-Europe, ING has a strong             LOOKING AHEAD
the insurance operations increased                     foothold in the life-insurance market.
11.5% to EUR 3,975 million in 2005.                                                                 Looking ahead, risk costs and non-life
We benefited from strong growth in                     In 2005, ING successfully focused            claims are expected to return to more
retirement services and life insurance in              on upgrading customer service and            normal levels. ING will create value
developing markets and a favourable                    improving efficiency to counter the          in insurance by emphasising return
claims environment for the non-life                    relatively modest growth in the mature       improvement and profitable organic
insurance business. ING is a leading                   insurance markets. The insurance             growth. Cost control and good customer
insurance company in the Netherlands                   business in high-growth markets in Asia      service remain a priority. Furthermore,
and Belgium. Also in the United States                 and Central Europe are expanding faster      we want to continue to expand our
we are well-established with a wide                    than in mature markets worldwide. We         business in retirement services and
array of insurance and asset-                          also dealt with an increase in legislative   in those emerging markets in which
management products and services,                      and regulatory requirements, which had       we already enjoy a leading position.
while in Canada we are the number                      an impact on product design and costs.
one non-life insurer. In Asia and

     Satisfaction &
     “Customer-centricity can be achieved by
      meeting customers’ individual financial
      needs,” says Sungjin Choi from ING Life
      Korea. “To help them best as a financial
      consultant, I use reliable sources of
      information, including views from experts
      from various financial service sectors. I also
      link my clients to my expert network of tax
      experts, stock brokers and lawyers. This
      helps my clients find the proper solutions
      to their specific financial questions.”

12      ING Group Annual Review 2005
Insurance Europe                                                              PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT
                                                                              in EUR million
ING achieved strong value creation                                                                                        2005           2004         change
across Europe thanks to improved                                              Premium income                             10,702         11,369         -5.9%
                                                                              Operating expenses                          1,870          1,768          5.8%
margins in the Netherlands and                                                Total profit before tax                     2,031          1,623        25.1%
robust sales in other countries.                                              Underlying profit before tax*               2,021          1,612        25.4%
                                                                              * Underlying profit before tax is defined as profit before tax excl. divestments
                                                                                and special items.

Strong sales growth in Central Europe and     Developments in mature markets                          local projects. Our Polish pension fund
solid non-life results of the Netherlands     Against the background of modest                        was again rated best performer in the
and Belgium were the main contributors        market growth in the Netherlands and                    market by the independent press.
to the profit increase in Europe. The         Belgium and a wide range of new                         Hungary strengthened market leadership
improvement in customer satisfaction          regulations, ING focused on improving                   by introducing an innovative unit-linked
levels at Nationale-Nederlanden brought       customer service and efficiency. Customer               product. In the Slovak Republic, we gained
the company close to the industry             satisfaction at Nationale-Nederlanden                   a strong position in both mandatory and
average, confirming that sustained large-     increased significantly and is now close to             voluntary pensions by setting up a new
scale investments have begun to bear fruit.   the industry average. Its product portfolio             fund and acquiring two existing funds.
                                              has been optimised to concentrate on
Underlying profit before tax increased        products that offer particularly attractive             Enhanced investment performance
25.4% to EUR 2,021 million in 2005,           returns, such as group life and mortgages.              In 2005, ING Investment Management
thanks to robust performance in Central       Also, Nationale-Nederlanden continued to                Europe and insurance business units
Europe and strong underwriting results at     look for ways to improve efficiency and                 worked closely together to improve
the non-life businesses in the Netherlands    preserve its competitive position. In May               the performance of client-driven
and Belgium. Underlying profit from life      2005, a cost-containment programme                      investment services. New funds
insurance increased 22.2% to EUR 1,597        was announced, which will reduce the                    successfully introduced included the
million, while that from non-life insurance   workforce by 1,000 positions by the end of              Premium Dividend Fund for the Dutch
rose 39.0% to EUR 424 million.                2007. As for the other insurance business               and European markets (EUR 500 million)
                                              units in the Netherlands, RVS strongly                  and the Multi-Manager Fund for
Total premium income declined 5.9% to         increased sales in an otherwise flat                    the Dutch institutional market
EUR 10,702 million. Part of this decline      market. Postbank Insurance saw a strong                 (EUR 400 million).
was the result of a reclassification of       increase in mortage-linked insurance sales.
some life products due to the new             In Belgium, ING Insurance increased                     LOOKING AHEAD
accounting standards. Operating               product offerings, introduced innovations
expenses rose 5.8% to EUR 1,870 million,      in underwriting life policies, and                      In 2006, Nationale-Nederlanden will
reflecting higher expenses in the             expanded distribution through                           endeavour to further improve customer-
Netherlands. Underlying profit before         independent brokers.                                    satisfaction ratings. In Central Europe
tax in the Netherlands increased 23.2%                                                                we will continue to expand our existing
to EUR 1,589 million, mainly due to           Market leader in Central Europe                         business; in order to accelerate growth,
higher investment income.                     In Central Europe, we are a leading                     we will focus on the fast-emerging,
                                              foreign provider in pensions and life                   upper middle-class segment. Increased
                                              insurance. We have optimised the                        operational leverage across borders
                                              current business and accelerated new                    should improve our competitive position.

                                                                      That is the customer satisfaction score achieved in 2005 by
                                                                      Nationale-Nederlanden in the independent annual Dutch Insurance
                                                                      Performance Survey, out of a maximum of 5. It confirms the tide is
                                                                      turning for Nationale-Nederlanden, with customer service now
                                                                      almost back to industry average. Customers valued the significantly
                                                                      shorter processing times and improvements to http://mijn.NN.nl,
                                                                      which enables online transactions.

                                                                                                                           ING Group Annual Review 2005          13
2.0                            OUR PERFORMANCE


Insurance Americas                                                             PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT
                                                                               in EUR million
ING created more value through                                                                                             2005           2004         change
higher profits and strongly                                                    Premium income                             22,744         22,761         -0.1%
                                                                               Operating expenses                          2,397          2,202          8.9%
improved operational execution.                                                Total profit before tax                     1,941          1,692        14.7%
                                                                               Underlying profit before tax*               1,979          1,601        23.6%
                                                                               * Underlying profit before tax is defined as profit before tax excl. divestments
                                                                                 and special items.

In 2005, ING Insurance Americas had a       acquisition of Allianz Canada and                          In December 2005, ING Canada, whose
strong focus on improving execution and     expenses in the United States related to                   core business is auto and homeowners
value creation across the region, through   strategic initiatives and higher incentive-                insurance, completed its first full year as
continued pricing discipline and by         related benefit costs.                                     a public company with success. In almost
concentrating on business with the best                                                                a year, its stock price more than doubled
long-term growth potential. We showed       Leading market positions                                   to over CAD 52.
strong results in Canada and the United     ING Insurance Americas concentrated
States. The results in Mexico declined      on those businesses in which we have                       Restructuring in Mexico
primarily due to claims and expenses        leading market positions. In line with this                ING Mexico introduced a restructuring
from hurricanes.                            strategy, several other businesses were                    programme based on a new strategy,
                                            divested, including ING Chile’s property-                  organisational structure and
Underlying profit before tax from           and-casualty insurance operations and                      management team, with members
Insurance Americas increased 23.6% to       Life Insurance Company of Georgia.                         from ING as well as recruited from
EUR 1,979 million in 2005. Profit growth                                                               the local market. In addition, we
was driven by a 27.4% increase in the       In the United States, ING launched a                       launched a new distribution strategy
United States, led by higher results from   broad Six Sigma initiative to improve                      via tied agents based on ING’s
retirement services and annuities due to    processes to better meet customer                          global best practices. This runs
higher asset levels, improved investment    needs while reducing costs. It also made                   counter to traditional practice in the
performance and higher margins. The         substantial headway in outsourcing its                     Mexican market, which is dominated
Canadian non-life insurance business        technology infrastructure to IBM.                          by independent intermediaries.
posted a 35.8% increase in underlying
profit before tax, driven by continued      Investment Management                                      LOOKING AHEAD
strong underwriting results and the         With some newly recruited top
acquisition of Allianz Canada.              managers, ING Investment Management                        ING will continue to balance growth
                                            delivered strong and improved                              with solid value creation by leveraging
Premium-income development at               performance across core United States                      our leading market positions for sales
Insurance Americas was virtually flat at    assetclasses. In March 2005, we raised                     and top-line growth and driving unit
EUR 22,744 million as higher non-life       EUR 1.8 billion of investor assets for the                 costs down. We will focus on execution,
premiums were offset by lower life          new ING Global Equity Dividend and                         increase margins on new business
premiums. Operating expenses increased      Premium Opportunity Fund, which made                       (where market conditions permit)
8.9% to EUR 2,397 million due to the        it the eighth largest closed-end fund                      and aggressively manage risk to
                                            listed on the New York Stock Exchange.                     ensure value creation.

                                            Building relationships gives Insurance Americas
                                            a competitive advantage. When the State of
                                            Connecticut decided to combine its government
                                            and education retirement plans, going from
                                            many vendors to one, it chose ING’s US Financial
                                            Services as the retirement administrator for
                                            44,000 state employees with combined
                                            retirement plan assets of USD 2.5 billion. Why?
                                            Because of ING’s experience, relationship
                                            management and strong reputation.

14   ING Group Annual Review 2005
Insurance Asia/Pacific                                                       PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT
                                                                             in EUR million
The value of new life business                                                                                           2005           2004         change
again increased significantly,                                               Premium income                             12,286          9,469        29.7%
                                                                             Operating expenses                            867            727        19.3%
which indicates healthy growth                                               Total profit before tax                       478            756       -36.8%
opportunities and confirms that                                              Underlying profit before tax*                 447            475         -5.9%
                                                                             * Underlying profit before tax is defined as profit before tax excl. divestments
life insurance in Asia is a solid                                              and special items.
growth engine for ING.

In 2005, Insurance Asia/Pacific enjoyed     distributors. Overall, our bancassurance                 and several other major cities. In India,
another good year with South Korea and      strategy in the region paid off: 22% of                  ING Vysya Life, opened 61 new branches
Japan as the main growth drivers. ING is    total annualised premium equivalent                      and hired over 11,000 agents.
the second-largest foreign life insurance   (APE) came through banks and securities
company in Asia/Pacific. We remain          houses (14% in 2004).                                    Investment Management
committed to investing in growth                                                                     In Asia/Pacific, ING enjoyed strong
opportunities across the region.            Portfolio and performance                                growth in assets under management
                                            As competition in the region is fierce,                  to EUR 72 billion (from EUR 51 billion
Underlying profit before tax from           we optimised our product portfolios to                   in 2004) thanks to increased bank
Insurance Asia/Pacific declined 5.9% to     capitalise on customer needs and we                      distribution, relaxation of regulations,
EUR 447 million. This is a reflection of    focused on efficiency. In Taiwan, for                    and a move from traditional insurance
our decision to strengthen reserves in      instance, ING broadened its product                      products to investment-linked products.
Taiwan, in response to the country’s        range, leading to a diversification of                   We launched new funds in India, the
continuing low interest rates. Excluding    risks. Across all business units, ING                    Philippines, South Korea and Taiwan.
the impact of this reserve strengthening,   enhanced efficiency by actively
underlying profit rose 15.8% to             managing against benchmarks                              LOOKING AHEAD
EUR 447 million. Premium income             and by improving operational risk
rose 29.7% to EUR 12,286 million driven     management. In South Korea, ING’s                        ING aims to expand activities in the
by sharply higher sales in Japan, South     growth strategy of rapidly expanding its                 countries where we currently operate,
Korea and Taiwan. Operating expenses        sales force whilst maintaining its high                  especially the larger markets. A major
increased 19.3% to EUR 867 million,         standards of quality has paid off. We                    goal is to further strengthen partner-
reflecting the continued growth of          now have over 5,000 highly productive                    ships with banks and securities houses.
our businesses across the region.           tied agents in the country.                              Our product portfolio will continue to
                                                                                                     shift from traditional life-insurance
Strong distribution channels                Markets with growth potential                            products to investment-linked products,
To optimise our distribution channels,      In 2005, Insurance Asia/Pacific continued                as well as mutual funds, group insurance
we focused on strengthened                  to invest in growth opportunities in its                 and pension products. ING is looking
partnerships with local banks and tied      greenfield operations. In China, we                      forward to participating in the
agents across the region. In Japan,         increased operations by acquiring a                      opportunities created by pension
the increase in sales in 2005 can be        stake in the Bank of Beijing and by                      reforms in several countries.
attributed to the rapidly growing           setting up insurance branches (through
network of bank and securities-house        our joint ventures) in Beijing, Shenyang

                                             That is the total number of agents in the network of banks, securities houses and
                                             independent agents through which ING sells life-insurance products in Japan – a
                                             number that has quadrupled in the past three years. Corporate-owned life-insurance
                                             (COLI) products are sold through independent agents and variable annuities are sold
                                             primarily through banks and securities houses.

                                                                                                                          ING Group Annual Review 2005          15
2.0                              OUR PERFORMANCE


Banking Overview                                                                    UNDERLYING PROFIT BEFORE TAX BANKING
                                                                                    in EUR million
It was a good year for ING’s banking                                                                   Wholesale Banking
                                                                                                       Retail Banking
activities. Our focus was on return,                                                                   ING Direct
                                                                                                                                          13%        617
growth and exemplary customer service.                                                                 Total                             100%      4,531
                                                                                                   *Other banking results consist mainly of interest
This led to solid results.                                                                          expenses that are not allocated to the business
                                                                                                    lines. The component ‘Other’ is not included
                                                                                                    in the pie chart.

2005 was a good year for our banking               Our wholesale banking business line           LOOKING AHEAD
activities. The underlying profit rose             operates across the globe with its
by 27.2% to EUR 4,531 million. ING                 biggest markets in the Netherlands and        Looking forward, the interest-rate
benefited especially from higher savings           Belgium. Wholesale Banking offers a full      environment will remain challenging,
and a strong demand for mortgages,                 range of products to corporates and           but we have confidence in the growth
while risk costs were historically low.            institutions. In Retail Banking, ING caters   of the underlying business. We want
Although we were confronted with low               to the banking needs of retail customers      to continue building our reputation
interest rates and a relatively small              in the Netherlands, Belgium and               towards our banking customers.
difference between long-term and                   Luxemburg and several emerging                Exemplary customer service is key in this.
short-term interest rates, we benefited            markets. We also offer private banking        Value will also be created through our
from historically low credit losses for            services in various countries across the      focus on good management of costs, risks
bank lending.                                      globe. Finally, ING Direct is one of the      and reputation and our focus on growth.
                                                   company’s ‘growth engines’. ING Direct
All our banking business lines                     offers direct-banking activities for retail
contributed to profit growth, helped by            customers in nine large mature markets.
their focus on good execution and growth.

     Clear savings
     through orange
     “No catches, no hidden costs or fees with
      the ING Direct 5/1 Orange Mortgage,”
      say ING Direct customers Linda and Sean
      from Princeton, New Jersey. They could not
      believe the savings they would see during
      the first five years, compared with other
      mortgages. “We can open another savings
      account, start a college fund for our
      child or invest the money – a million
      different things.”

16     ING Group Annual Review 2005
Wholesale Banking                                                               PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT*
                                                                                in EUR million
Through client focus,                                                                                                        2005          2004         change
cross-selling and cost control                                                  Total income                                 5,957         5,871          1.5%
                                                                                Operating expenses                           3,466         3,734         -7.2%
ING Wholesale Banking                                                           Additions to loan loss provisions             -108           192
achieved satisfying results                                                     Total profit before tax                      2,599         1,945        33.6%
                                                                                Underlying profit before tax**               2,276         2,092         8.8%
in a highly competitive market.                                                  * These numbers include the result from ING Real Estate which is discussed
                                                                                    in detail in the chapter on asset management.
                                                                                ** Underlying profit before tax is defined as profit before tax excl. divestments
                                                                                   and special items.

In 2005, ING’s Wholesale Banking              Client focus and cross-selling                            evaluating our client portfolio to focus
activities achieved satisfying results in a   In 2005, we placed even greater                           more on core clients who we can offer
highly competitive market. We created         emphasis on client needs and on cross-                    value-creating products. Positive results
new opportunities and closed many             selling high-value-added solutions,                       have already been achieved in Asia, the
landmark deals by increasing cross-selling    intensifying the use of so-called Client                  Americas and the United Kingdom.
and improving our client focus. We            Relationship Planning. In this process,
created more value by redistributing          account managers involve product and                      To control costs, we established a single
capital to more profitable clients and        sector specialists in determining how                     database running across all regions and
product opportunities. Furthermore,           best to serve clients. In addition, senior                products in the Financial Markets
tightening cost controls and strategic        bankers and focus-sector heads provide                    division; we outsourced the Equities
divestments reduced our economic              additional knowledge to ensure we                         Clearing and Settlement business in the
capital in 2005.                              identify all opportunities we should                      United Kingdom; and we introduced
                                              pitch to our clients.                                     Value Chain Management, creating
In a competitive market with eroding                                                                    more cost transparency, which enables
credit margins and low interest rates,        One brand                                                 a better allocation of business resources.
Wholesale Banking’s underlying pre-tax        To better serve our clients and present
profit rose 8.8% to EUR 2,276 million,        one face to the world, we implemented                     LOOKING AHEAD
driven by higher income from Structured       a single global brand for Wholesale
Finance, Leasing and ING Real Estate, as      Banking in 2005. We introduced a new                      Even though our overall priorities
well as the release of loan-loss provisions   visual identity and customised the ING                    – client focus, cross-selling and cost
due to a benign credit environment and        brand values to fit the Wholesale                         control – led to better results in 2005,
improved risk management. Operating           Banking business.                                         we aim to achieve further improvement
expenses declined 7.2% to EUR 3,466                                                                     in these areas in 2006, extending the
million, due to the divestment of our         Cost control                                              successful programmes mentioned
Asian cash equities business, CenE            Cost control was a significant priority                   above, improving product offerings,
Bankiers and parts of ING BHF-Bank,           in 2005. We made good progress in                         and increasing investments in key
as well as Baring Asset Management.           implementing our so-called Target                         product areas such as Financial Markets,
                                              Operating Model to improve cost                           Payments & Cash Management, Leasing
                                              control, revenue growth, use of capital                   and Structured Finance.
                                              and operational efficiency. This involved

                                                Cross-selling works
                                                NASDAQ-listed Central European Distribution Corporation (CEDC), Poland’s leading
                                                alcoholic beverage importer/exporter, is a prime example of Wholesale Banking’s cross-sell
                                                strategy involving several ING Banking teams. In 2005, Wholesale Banking not only
                                                advised CEDC on its acquisition of Polmos (Poland’s second-largest vodka producer),
                                                but also acted as sole bookrunner in its initial high-yield bond offering and as joint
                                                bookrunner on its equity offering.

                                                                                                                             ING Group Annual Review 2005           17
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