Copper Coast Economic Development & Marketing Plan Parallax Design Evans+Ayers

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Copper Coast Economic Development & Marketing Plan Parallax Design Evans+Ayers
Copper Coast
Development &
Marketing Plan

Parallax Design
Copper Coast Economic Development & Marketing Plan Parallax Design Evans+Ayers
Copper Coast
Economic         Contents
Development &
Marketing Plan
                 Executive Summary                 1
                 Introduction                     4
                 Findings                         11
                 Economic Development Plan       20
                 Actions                         25
                   1. Brand Affirmation          26
                   2. Develop Tourism Offering   32
                   3. Deliver Health             49
                   4. Generate Investment        55
                   5. Strengthen Education       62
                 Other Considerations            66
                 Economic Development Timeline   70
                 Conclusion                      74
                 Appendices                      78
Copper Coast Economic Development & Marketing Plan Parallax Design Evans+Ayers
Copper Coast
Development &
Marketing Plan


Copper Coast Economic Development & Marketing Plan Parallax Design Evans+Ayers
Copper Coast
Economic         The Copper Coast Council is
Development &
Marketing Plan   aiming to better understand
                 the dynamics that have and will
                 deliver growth, development and
                 prosperity to the region; and to
                 develop a plan that communicates
                 these qualities to drive visitation,
                 expenditure, investment and

Copper Coast Economic Development & Marketing Plan Parallax Design Evans+Ayers
Copper Coast                                         Regional Status                                   Regional Offering                              Regional Goals
                                                     The Copper Coast Council area is at the           The Copper Coast is a centre for agriculture   The Copper Coast Council’s vision for
Economic                                             northern end of South Australia’s Yorke           on the Yorke Peninsula, a significant          the region is for it to be ‘South Australia’s
Development &                                        Peninsula and was established in 1996 with        destination for intrastate travel and an       lifestyle location of choice to live and
Marketing Plan                                       the merger of the Kadina, Wallaroo and            emerging retirement centre. It boasts rich     visit’ and it aims to deliver well-being,
                                                     Moonta Councils. The regional economy             cultural heritage associated with mining       sustainability and prosperity through
                                                     is based on agriculture, tourism and health.      in the late 19th and early 20th century,       economic development, leadership and
                                                     The region boasts a family friendly coast         sweeping family friendly beaches, myriad       opportunity provision. These key guidelines
                                                     line, rich cultural heritage, a central medical   fishing opportunities and produces some        provide a framework around which annual
                                                     hub and consistent farming production.            of the nation’s finest broad acre crops        and strategic planning is undertaken,
Executive                                                                                              and seafood.                                   however they are not quantified in concise
Summary                                              Regional Performance                                                                             and focused targets or goals.
                                                     The population at merger was 10,473 and           Regional Potential
                                                     has grown to 14,295 in 2017, delivering a         The Copper Coast possesses significant         Recommendations
                                                     gross regional product of $545 million            opportunity to grow and develop over the       The recommendations in this report are
                                                     through agriculture ($110m), retail ($85m),       next 10 to 20 years with steadily growing      underpinned by three primary principles
                                                     health ($55), and tourism ($200m) primarily,      population, a consistent and strong base       or understandings. The first is that the
                                                     with government and other goods and               economy, attractive tourism offerings and      leadership and delivery of regional economic
                                                     services contributing $100m1.                     sound community infrastructure, however,       growth will come from a collaborative
1. RDA Yorke + Mid North Region,                                                                       to realise the region’s potential the          interaction between the community and
   Copper Coast Council Area Economic Review
   (ID, the population experts).                     Since merger the region’s population has          community must pro-actively and positively     commercial interests, not from Council.
2. South Australian Tourism Commission,
   National Visitor Survey March 2018.               grown an average of 1.51% per annum,              worth together in both the private and         The second is that the greatest return will
3. Australian Bureau of Statistics, Populations by
   Age and Sex, Regions of Australia 2015 SA.
                                                     whilst tourism grew 6% in the twelve              public realms.                                 be generated by encouraging current
                                                     months ending March 20182 driven by                                                              visitation to stay longer and spend more
                                                     intrastate ‘visiting family and friends’ travel                                                  rather than pursuing higher visitation
                                                     from Adelaide, its northern suburbs and                                                          numbers, and lastly, what gets measured
                                                     within the region itself.                                                                        gets done.

                                                     The Copper Coast population has a
                                                     significant and increased aged element
                                                     with close to a third of the population
                                                     over 65, with this percentage forecast to
                                                     increase 1% every five years out to 2031.3

Copper Coast Economic Development & Marketing Plan Parallax Design Evans+Ayers
Copper Coast
Development &
Marketing Plan

Copper Coast Economic Development & Marketing Plan Parallax Design Evans+Ayers
Copper Coast
Economic         The project to produce an Economic
Development &
Marketing Plan   Development and Marketing Plan
                 for the Copper Coast region began
                 with an affinity for the region
Introduction     through over twenty years of
                 holidaying with family and friends
                 in Moonta Bay and surrounds, a
                 briefing from the Council, research
                 and a series of conversations with
                 local residents, business operators
                 and community leaders.

Copper Coast Economic Development & Marketing Plan Parallax Design Evans+Ayers
Copper Coast     Precious Time         Throughout this introduction the                          As the project progressed and understanding
                                       opportunity inherent in the region revealed               and awareness developed the initial concept
Economic         — A State of Mind     itself willingly as did the timeliness of this            of ‘precious time’ that led to the title,
Development &    — A Way of Thinking   project and the recommendations it delivers;              evolved into it needing to be; a state of
Marketing Plan   — A Call to Action    whilst at the same time a small but present               mind; a way of thinking and a call to action.
                                       spirit of negativity weaved its way
                                       repeatedly through the regional narrative.                The successful implementation of the
                                                                                                 Economic and Marketing Plan detailed
                                       Early on in the project a working title                   in this report will require willing, active,
                                       ‘Precious Time’ was introduced. This was                  and collaborative leadership from the
Introduction                           based on the concepts of saving, spending,                community, its people, its businesses and
                                       seeing and importantly securing ‘precious                 its governance, to ensure the desired
                                       time’ for the region, through the delivery                well-being, sustainability and prosperity
                                       of services and support; maximising time                  outcomes are realised.
                                       spent with family; ensuring care and
                                       support in retirement; maintaining and
                                       leveraging cultural heritage and planning
                                       for a prosperous and sustainable future.

                                                                        Credit: Callum Jackson
Copper Coast Economic Development & Marketing Plan Parallax Design Evans+Ayers
Copper Coast     Open communication and positive                  Now is the time, the ‘precious time’ to
                 collaboration will facilitate development        come together with a collaborative state
Economic         and lead to common good. It is this common       of mind, a cooperative way of thinking and
Development &    good that needs to be understood and             a compelling call to action to deliver a
Marketing Plan   valued by the community, without it the          common good and to ensure the qualities
                 region’s ability to achieve its potential will   and offerings of the region are valued by
                 be perpetually limited and restrained by         its residents and demanded in markets
                 the small but weighty anchor of insular          across the state, the nation and ultimately
                 and narrow-minded negativity.                    around the world.
Introduction                                                      We commend to you this plan and look
                                                                  forward to working with you to achieve
                                                                  the goals it sets.

Copper Coast Economic Development & Marketing Plan Parallax Design Evans+Ayers
Copper Coast     The Project Team   Scope                                            Process
                                    The Economic Development and Marketing           The Economic Development and Marketing
Economic         Matthew Remphrey   Plan will be used by the Copper Coast            Plan was produced through informed and
Development &    Parallax Design    Council and the community to guide them          comprehensive analysis of existing data,
Marketing Plan                      towards achieving their vision for the region    relevant gap analysis, stakeholder
                 Marc Allgrove      to be ‘South Australia’s lifestyle location of   engagement, retail knowledge, creative
                 Evans + Ayers      choice to live and visit.’                       thinking, plus industry, business
                                                                                     management and regional development
                 Roberto Cardone    The project identifies and prioritises           experience.
                 Evans + Ayers      the qualities and assets of the region,
Introduction                        understanding the markets to which they
                                    are relevant and recommends ways to
                                    leverage their status and contribution to
                                    deliver prosperity and sustainability.
                                    This includes opportunities presented by
                                    the region’s three centres, Moonta, Kadina
                                    and Wallaroo and their environs, including
                                    landscapes, experiences and businesses.

                                    The report includes a high-level review of
                                    the region’s current status, identifies
                                    opportunities to pursue and provides
                                    direction for investment, development and
                                    communication strategies to attain them. A
                                    specific budget for the implementation of
                                    the marketing plan was provided by the
                                    Copper Coast Council, all other actions
                                    proposed in the plan require Council priority
                                    agreement and subsequent detailed
                                    evaluation, planning and budgeting which
                                    are beyond the scope of this document.

Copper Coast     Development    27th July 2018                         — Seb Packer
                                Project Launch/Briefing in Kadina        (Proprietor, Tree Climb, Adelaide)
Economic         Schedule +     — Council members , CEO Peter Harder   — Judy Magarey
Development &    Contributors                                            (Acting Head of Nursing,
Marketing Plan                  July — October                           University of Adelaide)
                                Research + Interviews                  — Rachael West
                                — Ben Howard                             (University of Adelaide)
                                  (CEO Monopoly Developments,          — John Carragher
                                  Wallaroo Shores)                       (Agriculture, University of Adelaide)
                                — Lisa Robertson                       — Dr Irina Santiago Brown
Introduction                      (Chair, Kadina CBD,                    (Author, Sustainable Australia
                                  Chamber of Commerce)                   Winegrowing)
                                — Neil Sawley                          — Brad Higgins
                                  (CEO, Kadina Medical Associates)       (Westpac, State Manager)
                                — Scott Lintern                        — Kieran Purcell
                                  (CFO, Drakes Supermarkets)             (Macquarie, State Manager)
                                — Neil Windsor                         — Daniel Fisk
                                  (Rate payers association)              (Clean Seas)
                                — Stephen Stock                        — Adam Stanford
                                  (Moonta Mines Heritage Trust)          (Strategy + Insights Manager, SATC)
                                — Craig Costello                       — Roseanne Healy
                                  (Wallaroo Marina Apartments)           (Deputy Chair, Grains Research
                                — Kristen Colliver                       Development Corporation)
                                  (Nook + Nourish, Moonta)             — Graham Marsh
                                — Nicola Adams                           (Graham Marsh Golf Design)
                                  (Redwing Farmstay, Miners Couch,     — Richard Chamberlain
                                  Moonta)                                (Richard Chamberlain Golf Design)
                                — Peter Murray                         — Tony Love
                                  (Moonta Progress Community)            (Advertiser journalist, food + wine)
                                — Jo Freund                            — Michelle Bain
                                  (Taste of York, Moonta)                (Yondah Beach House)
                                — Mike Newton                          — Helen Edwards
                                  (SAPOL, Kadina)                        (SATC Regional Development Strategy)
                                — Jo Buchanan                          — Country Health SA,
                                  (Regional Development Authority,       Wallaroo Hospital Taskforce
                                  Moonta)                              — Derek + Nicole Mathewman
                                — Brooke Liebelt                         (CU at Wallaroo)
9                                 (Yorke Peninsula Tourism)
Copper Coast     4th — 6th September 2018                       — Health + Well Being                          25th October 2018
                 3-day Region Visit —                             Neil Sawley (Kadina Medical Associates),     1-day Region Visit —
Economic         Market Visit, Industry                           Karen Bates (Director of Nursing)            Council and Community Update
Development &    Reviews & Interviews                           — Investment                                   — Council update
Marketing Plan   — Heritage                                       Bill Clarke (Councillor),                       Mayor Paul Thomas
                    Stephen Stock, Mike Austin,                   Ben Howard (Wallaroo Shores),                   CEO Peter Harder
                    Shirley Eales, Graham Hancock                 Barrie Harrop (Thrive Ventures P/L),            Muller Mentz
                    (Moonta Mines)                                Michael Liebelt (Mosel Surveyors)            — Community update
                 — Food + Beverage                              — Aged Care/Lifestyle                             Lisa Robertson
                    Kirsten (Nook + Nourish, Moonta),             Ben Jolly (Gannon Group),                       Jo Freund
Introduction        Pam (Café Mia, Wallaroo),                     Judy Niotis (Star of the Sea),                  Brooke Liebelt
                    David (Smelter, Wallaroo),                    Alison Clare (Moonta Health),                   Stephen Stock
                    Jo Freund (Taste the Yorke, Moonta)           Rosie Francis (Estia)                           Mark Schilling
                 — Seafood                                      — Agriculture
                    Mark Crocker (Port Hughes Store),             Mark Schilling (AG Schilling Enterprises),
                    Barry Whellum (Port Hughes Fishing            John + Chad Kennett,
                    Charters),                                    Gary ‘George’ Price,
                    Mark Fletcher (Commercial fisher)             Nick Bruce
                 — Brand                                        — Planning
                    Brooke Liebelt (Yorke Peninsula Tourism),     Muller Mentz (Copper Coast Council)
                    Liz Saint (Wallaroo Shores),                — Education
                    Mike Ellis (Yorke Peninsula Country           Paul Thomas (Mayor, Copper Coast
                    Times),                                       Council)
                    Nicola Adams (Red Wing Farmstay)            — Copper Coast Community
                 — Events                                         (Mike Newton,
                    Rohan Bock,                                   Neville Hibbard,
                    Lynn Spurling (Kernewek Lowender &            Malcolm Sparks)
                    Council Tourism Events Coordinator),
                    Glenys Blacker (Kernewek Lowender),
                    Elaine Bussenschutt (YP Field Days),
                    Gary Pammett (YP Field Days),
                    Bruce Philbey (YP Field Days),
                    Michael Byrne (Wallaroo Holiday Park)
                    Tom Chapman (The Dunes)

Copper Coast
Development &
Marketing Plan

Copper Coast
Economic         Economic development in the
Development &
Marketing Plan   Copper Coast will be delivered by
                 the community and commercial
                 interests in the region working
Findings         through four interconnected
                 pillars of investment and activity.
                 The pillars are tourism, health,
                 education and investment.

Copper Coast     These pillars underpin a continuous cycle of
                 economic development initially establishing
Development &
                 an affinity and engagement with the
Marketing Plan
                 region leading to a more permanent
                                                                                   age                                    Ge
                 relationship and the support that entails,
                 both in infrastructure and economic value
                                                                                 ng                                         ne
                 generation.                                                    E                                             ra




Findings                                                                                             Facilities


                                                                            Retirement                                  Employment

                                                                             Lifestyle                                  Development
                                                                               Care                                        Care
                                                                             Support                                      Services


                                                                                        Tourism                    Population

                                                                                                                                             n it
                                                                                         Family                     Housing

                                                                                        Friends                     Medical
                                                                                      Experiences                  Education

                                                                        Su                                                              in

                                                                                sta                                               o w
                                                                                      in a                                  G   r
                                                                                             b ilit y
Copper Coast                               Goals                                            Economic development and the activities
                                           1. To establish regional interest,               undertaken to achieve it must be measured
Economic                                      commitment and momentum towards               and motivated by challenging yet achievable
Development &                                 collaboratively delivered economic            targets. A list of six criteria are suggested
Marketing Plan                                growth and social benefit.                    below with which to track regional and plan
                                           2. To establish community leadership that        implementation performance over the next
                                              complements Council contribution to           10 to 15 years. They are extrapolated from
                                              implement the plan and deliver regional       current trends and stretched based upon
                                              economic growth and social benefit.           incremental activity proposed in the plan.
                                           3. To identify and prioritise key deliverables
Findings                                      that together will commence the delivery
                                              of regional economic growth and social

4   RDA Yorke & Mid North Region, Copper
    Coast Council Area Economic Review,
    id — The Population Experts.

                                             Growth Targets4                                Now            2031            Growth

                                             Population                                     14,295         20,000          2.34% pa

                                             Gross Regional Product                         $550m          $800m           2.78% pa

                                             Employment                                     4,500          6,000           2.08% pa

                                             Businesses                                     1,000          1,250           1.61% pa

                                             Visitation                                     500,000        750,000         4% pa

                                             Tourism Spend                                  $200m          $311m           4% pa + $5 p/
                                                                                                                           visit increase

Copper Coast                                       The plan began with identifying the key         The location is family friendly and              they do not leverage general consumer
                                                   areas of regional strength and the key issues   possesses a rich cultural heritage. It is also   understanding nor align with broader
Economic                                           which were limiting their contribution or       readily accessible from its major market         promotional and communication activity.
Development &                                      development, along with defining in macro       Adelaide; early concerns about the quality       Anecdotal evidence and current South
Marketing Plan                                     terms, the segments of the population that      of the roads dissipated following the            Australian Tourism Commission strategy7
                                                   do and will have impact on the plan and its     announcement of major infrastructure             demonstrate an emphasis placed on the
                                                   implementation.                                 investment in the Port Wakefield Road            Yorke Peninsula rather than townships,
                                                                                                   in August 20185.                                 sub-regions or Council boundaries.
                                                   These streams were then explored and key
                                                   regional values and attributes added to         The region’s brand emerged from the merger       Tourism represents over a third of the
Findings                                           surround and guide the thought process.         of the three municipal councils, Kadina,         gross regional product of the region, driven
                                                   Finally, the key outcomes being targeted        Wallaroo and Moonta in 1997 and the              largely by intrastate visitors from Adelaide
                                                   emerged, encapsulating the plan.                subsequent collective name adopted by            and its northern environs (Adelaide 60%-
                                                                                                   the new entity. It has since been supported      70%, Regional SA 19%-21%, Local 10%-20%)8
                                                   > See diagram overleaf                          by a positioning line ‘Lifestyle Location        on holidays visiting family and friends
                                                                                                   of Choice’ which was an abridged version         (Intrastate 88%-91%, VFR/Holiday 93%-
                                                   The quality of life the region offers and       of the vision adopted by the Council in its      95%)9. Major holiday activity is focused on
                                                   its location will underpin economic             strategic plan6, ‘South Australia’s lifestyle    the beach and sea, with fishing a primary
                                                   development with a strong agricultural          location of choice to live and visit.’ Whilst    driver.
5      base, established intrastate tourism market     both the brand and positioning statement
6   Pg 7, District Council of the Copper Coast,    and emerging retirement economy.                accurately, and in the case of the latter in
    Strategic Plan 2015-2025.                                                       particular somewhat clumsily, reflect the
    Yorke Peninsula insights supplied by SATC.
                                                                                                   location and reason for being of the region,
9   Pg 10, Yorke Peninsula Tourism Business Plan
    2016-2017 & SATC Yorke Peninsula Regional
    Profile March 2018.

                                                                                                    Credit: South Australian Tourism Commission
Economic Development

                                                 Yorke Peninsula                                      Fishing                                                      Heritage                                      Provenance

                                                                                                        Precious Time
                                                                                                        — A state of mind


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Copper Coast
                                                                                                        — A way of thinking
                                                                                                        — A call to action

                                                                                                        & Collaboration
                                                                                                        — Brand
                                                                                                        — Regional signage
                                                                                                        — On line consolidation

                                                           Tourism                    Investment                                                                  Education                 Health

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Wellbeing & Sustainability
     Opportunity & Leadership

                                                                                                                                  Communication & Collaboration
                                                           Moonta Mines               Ag Fund                                                                     Tertiary Hub              Hospital
                                                           — Plan                     — Value adding enterprises                                                  — Nursing                 — 24hr paramedics
                                                           — Destination governance   — Regional entrepreneurs                                                    — Ag management           — Obstetrics
                                                           — Management                                                                                           — Ag tech                 — Radiology
                                                           — Funding                                                                                              — Medical placements      — GPs
                                                                                                                                                                  — Allied health

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                South Australia

                                                           Events/Pop Ups             Resources                                                                   Re-purpose Facilities     Aged Care
                                                           — Kernewek Lowender        — Implementation                                                            — Kadina TAFE             — Link to hospital
                                                             (Annual)                 — Advocacy                                                                  — YP Field Days lecture   — Home care
                                                           — YP Field Days            — Lobbying
                                                             (Farm/Family Bridge)     — Annual event management
                                               Commerce    — Kiosks
                                                           — Catch & cook
                                                                                      — Medical services
                                                                                      — RDA
                                                           Service                    Infrastructure                                                              Partners                  Retirement/
                                                           — Benchmarking             — New lifestyle village                                                     — Adelaide University     Lifestyle Village
                                                           — Training                 — Seafood processing                                                        — Uni SA
                                                           — Advocacy                 — Pedestrian bridge
                                                           — Awards                   — Moonta Mines
                                                                                      — Mini golf
                                                                                      — Transport

                                                           Seafood                    Plan                                                                        Regional Sustainability
                                                           — Production               — Development &                                                             — Develop regional
                                                           — Availability               implementation                                                              programme
                                                           — Branding
                                                           — Connection

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Quality of Life
                                Value Adding

                                                           Mini Golf
                                                           — Design
                                                           — Dunes

                                                           — Pulses                                                     Common
                                                           — Grains
                                                           — Seafood                                                    Good
                                                                                                                        — Community
                                                                                                                        — Prosperity
                                                                                                                        — Future

                                                 Beaches                                   Service                                                                Experience                                         Caring

Copper Coast                                       A strong sporting and recreation community        developed and not maximising the                               well-being. Key areas of service include
                                                   and culture exists within the Copper Coast        provenance and quality of its local produce,                   general health, obstetrics, geriatric care
Economic                                           which has resulted in high quality local          not through lack of intent but rather through                  and increasingly mental health and drug
Development &                                      facilities that attract and host myriad events,   issues with the accessibility and suitability                  use, all of which are responding to identified
Marketing Plan                                     competitors, and their supporters. This           of product. Significant opportunity to                         trends including; ageing population,
                                                   community and its venues must be                  address these issues exists through value                      evolving seasonal influx, growing retiree
                                                   maintained as they contribute significantly to    adding local grains and pulses and                             population and increasing younger and
                                                   the region’s appeal, culture and well-being.      improving production, distribution, retail                     lower socio-economic demographic
                                                                                                     and wholesale access to the region’s                           migration.11 The sector identifies palliative
                                                   The cultural heritage associated with the         seafood, for which the establishment of                        care, transport, dementia, radiology, stroke
Findings                                           Cornish mining history of the region is also      regional proprietary branding should be                        management, obesity, emergency and
                                                   a valuable and defining asset, reinforced         pursued. In addition, gaps exist in the                        indigenous cultural needs as areas that
                                                   bi-annually by the Kernewek Lowender              quality of service and ability or willingness                  will require increasing service needs as the
                                                   festival. Engagement with this heritage is        to cross promote the region’s many                             region develops.12 In addition, the need to
                                                   focused on the Moonta Mines site managed          experiences and offerings.                                     strengthen links and collaboration between
                                                   by the National Trust, which provides                                                                            the hospital service and aged care providers
                                                   insights into the life, work and times of the     The health and well-being sector of the                        through various activities including
                                                   miners and their families, when Moonta was        regional economy10 contributes significantly                   increased home care provision, is recognised
                                                   the second largest town in South Australia.       to its current amenity and potential.                          by all sector participants, as is an apparent
 10 17% employment, pg 6, Copper Coast SA                                                            The Wallaroo Hospital is a regional hub                        shortfall in the regional stock of aged
    Retail Market Profile. 4% economy, Business
    SA Regional Voice Report 2018 (28.8.18).       There is an emerging local ‘eating and            offering general care and select specialist                    care and lifestyle facilities in the region
11 Wallaroo Health Service Planning, a co-design
    approach, clinician engagement workshop.       drinking’ offering particularly in and around     services, supported by broader community                       now and going forward.
12 Wallaroo Health Service Planning, a co-design
    approach, clinician engagement workshop.
                                                   Moonta, however this is largely under             infrastructure that supports health and

                                                                                                                      Credit: South Australian Tourism Commission
Copper Coast                                     The health and well-being sector               needs and wants of the region and its              education within the region despite the
                                                 acknowledge the importance of working          community are able to be met now and               rapid development of modern teaching
Economic                                         closely with the Council and local             into the future.                                   technologies and practices.
Development &                                    community to achieve the regional needs.
Marketing Plan                                   “Councils role is to advocate for services     The importance of education in maintaining         The importance of private and public
                                                 within the catchment area, as well as          and developing a community is recognised           investment for the region in achieving the
                                                 provide intelligence with regard to future     within the region, which is well serviced          targets set out in this plan and delivering
                                                 population trends. Council are also            by a collection of primary and secondary           the region’s ambitions obviously cannot
                                                 responsible for broader community              schools in Kadina, Wallaroo and Moonta.            be overstated. It is fundamental that the
                                                 infrastructure that supports health and        The Kadina Memorial School is the largest          region attracts and generates investment
Findings                                         well-being local facilities for example,       government school outside the Adelaide             both from within and from outside its
                                                 as opposed to health service facilities.”      metropolitan area.15 In addition, the              boundaries. It must demonstrate the value
                                                 — Melissa Koch, Community Health               importance of eduction in delivering               and potential returns it represents both
                                                 Manager, Yorke and Northern Region             growth, innovation, entrepreneurship and           socially and economically, through its
                                                 Country Health SA Local Health Network         employment is appreciated, as is the fact          planning, prioritisation and implementation
                                                 Inc. SA Health, Government of South            that students who leave the region to              of resource allocation, infrastructure
                                                 Australia.13                                   undertake tertiary studies are less likely to      investment, funding facilitation and
                                                                                                develop the strength or quality of bond or         commercial activity.
                                                 State wide, the management of health           affinity to the area as if they had spent a
13 Email to Marc Allgrove, Evans + Ayers,        services is being reformed under the current   larger proportion of these formative years
   24th September 2018.
14       South Australia government including the       within it. Recent announcements regarding
   about+us/governance+reforms/govern-           establishment of 10 Local Health Networks      the establishment of the Uni Hub Spencer
15 Mayor Paul Thomas, Interview 6.9.18.
                                                 (LHNs), each with its own Governing            Gulf in Port Pirie16 attest to an understanding
                                                 Board.14 The region’s health and well-being    of these issues across the broader South
                                                 sector forms an integral and active part of    Australian regional community. The region
                                                 the Yorke and Northern Health Network,         enjoys strong historical links to state tertiary
                                                 requiring the development and maintenance      education. In 1872 local pastoralist, and
                                                 of strong and effective relationships within   miner Walter Watson Hughes provided an
                                                 this network to ensure further that the        endowment of £20,000 to establish the
                                                                                                University of Adelaide.17 Today, however,
                                                                                                there is currently very limited opportunity
                                                                                                for students to progress to tertiary

Copper Coast
                                   1. Establish the ‘common good’
Development &
Marketing Plan                        concept
                                   2. Adopt a collaborative approach
                                      through community and
Findings                              commerce
                                   3. Focus on four key areas —
                                      Tourism, Health, Education +
                                   4. Agree and deliver a specific
                                      set of actions
                                   5. Establish and agree defined goals,
                                      targets and measurement

Copper Coast
Development &
Marketing Plan


Copper Coast
Economic         The Economic Plan takes the project
Development &
Marketing Plan   findings, distils their implications and uses
                 them as a mechanic with which to filter
                 and assess ideas leading to a simple list of
                 actions. The successful implementation of
Plan             the actions will require further investment
                 in planning, delivery, lobbying and
                 advocacy on particular projects, strategies
                 and requirements.

                 The plan is based on delivering three
                 goals through effective, efficient and
                 collaborative implementation over a
                 10-15 year time frame and measured
                 by the attainment of agreed targets.
Copper Coast
                 Guiding Principles
                                      Common Good
Development &
Marketing Plan                        — Commerce and community
                                      — Communication and
Plan                                  Focus
                                      — Deeper rather than broader
                                      — What gets measured gets done

Copper Coast
                         1. To establish regional interest,
Development &
Marketing Plan              commitment and momentum
                            towards collaboratively delivered
                            economic growth and social
                         2. To establish community
                            leadership that will compliment
                            Council contribution to implement
                            the plan and deliver regional
                            economic growth and social
                         3. To identify and prioritise key
                            deliverables that together will
                            commence the delivery of
                            regional economic growth and
23                          social benefit.
Copper Coast                              Targets         Growth Targets18                        Now       2031      Growth
Development &
Marketing Plan                                            Population                              14,295    20,000    2.34% pa

                                                          Gross Regional Product                  $550m     $800m     2.78% pa

                                                          Employment                              4,500     6,000     2.08% pa

                                                          Businesses                              1,000     1,250     1.61% pa

                                                          Visitation                              500,000   750,000   4% pa

Economic                                                  Tourism spend                           $200m     $311m     4% pa + $5 p/

Development                                                                                                           visit increase


18 RDA Yorke & Mid North Region, Copper
   Coast Council Area Economic Review,
   id — The Population Experts.

                                          Measurement   Following the adoption of the plan and
                                                        implementation commencement, a regular
                                                        reporting programme must be established
                                                        to communicate progress and connect all
                                                        stakeholders—community and commerce—
                                                        instilling ownership amongst them all
                                                        with, and of, the successful economic
                                                        development of the region.

Copper Coast
Development &
Marketing Plan

Copper Coast
Development &
Marketing Plan


26               Affirmation
Copper Coast
Economic         The regional brand will form the
Development &
Marketing Plan   platform upon which and by which
                 the region’s development is com-
                 municated and delivered. It must
1. Brand
                 be unifying and understandable,
Affirmation      providing direction, location and
                 identity. It must be aware of the
                 environment in which it operates,
                 leveraging complimentary assets
                 and reflecting and reinforcing the
                 region’s key attributes and values to
                 both its audience and constituents.
                 The brand essence, based on its
                 properties, attributes and values is
                 represented in the following
Copper Coast     Strategic Intent
                 To establish regional interest,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Target Audience
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       South Australian family holidays, retirees,
Economic         commitment and momentum towards
                 collaboratively delivered economic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       investors and policy makers.

Development &    growth and social benefit.
Marketing Plan   To establish community leadership
                 that will compliment Council
                                                                                                            ustain                                                         Fis
                 contribution to implement the plan                                                        S                                                         Re       hin
                                                                                                                                                                       gio       g
                 and deliver regional economic growth                                        rity                                                                         na
                 and social benefit.                                                      spe                                                                                  ea      A
                                                                                         o                                                                                        lth c

                 To identify and prioritise key


                 deliverables that together will


                                                                       Co lues
Actions          commence the delivery of regional                                                                In a place where time is precious,


                                                                                                          relationships valued and environment nurtured.


                 economic growth and social benefit.

1. Brand

                                                                                                           Where commerce and community collaborate



                                                                                                                to deliver prosperity + sustainability.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          f or






                                                        Quality Time
                                                                                                                             Brand Motivators

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             YP Field Days
                                                                                                                               Precious time.

                                                                                                                            Quality agriculture/
                                                                                                                              Holidays, family,
                                                                                                                             beaches + fishing.


                                                                                                                         Brand Tone/Personality
                                                                                                                             Down to earth

                                                                                 Be                                                                                                                       l                                                            Competitors
                                                                                      ac                                                                                                             ta
                                                                                           he                                                                                                 s   pi                                                                   Local
                                                                                                s                                                                                       H o
                                                                                                                                                                                      o                                                                                Port Pirie, Clare Valley,
                                                                                                    Se                                                                           ro                                                                                    Southern Yorke Peninsula
                                                                                                         afo                                                            a l la
                                                                                                                       Prope                          s                W
                 Key Reasons to Believe                                                                        od            r ti     es/Facts/Symbol                                                                                                                  State
                 Who?                                                                                               Agr i                               r i t a ge                                                                                                     Kangaroo Island, Fleurieu Peninsula,
                                                                                                                          cu l t u r e              H e
                 South Australian families.                                                                                               M in in g                                                                                                                    Robe, Riverland, Beachport
                 What?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 National
                 Family, fishing, beaches, produce.                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ballarat, Swan Hill
                 Why?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  International
28               Caring, nurturing, growing.                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Bali
Copper Coast     Name                The region’s brand name, Copper Coast,             Strategy + Management
                                     emerged from the merger of the three               To review the brand interplay,
Economic         Yorke Peninsula’s   municipal councils, Kadina, Wallaroo               communication platforms (including online,
Development &    Copper Coast        and Moonta in 1996 and the subsequent              advertising and signage) and priority
Marketing Plan                       collective name adopted by the new entity.         regional offerings/experiences to develop
                                     It has since been supported by a positioning       applications that reinforce the strengths
                                     line ‘Lifestyle Location of Choice’ which was      and values of the regional offering and
                                     an abridged version of the vision adopted          encourage visitors to spend more time and
                                     by the Council in its strategic plan, ‘South       money in the region by broadening their
                                     Australia’s lifestyle location of choice to live   regional interaction. Along with motivating
Actions                              and visit.’                                        residents to assume an increasingly positive
1. Brand                                                                                outlook on the region and to proactively
Affirmation                          Whilst both the brand name and positioning         advocate on its behalf.
                                     statement accurately, and in the case of
                                     the latter in particular somewhat clumsily,        Management should be led by a defined
                                     reflect the location and reason for being          role within Council, supported by a small
                                     of the region, they do not leverage general        committee consisting of relevant regional
                                     consumer understanding of where you are            representatives
                                     located, nor align with broader promotional
                                     and communication activity from agencies           Outcome
                                     such as SATC who only reference Yorke              Consistent, positive and clear regional
                                     Peninsula. We therefore are suggesting a           branding and messaging informing a
                                     new brand name for the region — Yorke              marketing plan, actions and implementation
                                     Peninsula’s Copper Coast.                          strategies/responsibilities.

                                     Aim                                                Development Costs + Returns
                                     To establish regional confidence, regional         Costs associated with review and plan
                                     advocacy and regional cohesiveness                 development along with implementation will
                                     through the development of a consistent            deliver significant returns with consistent,
                                     regional marketing and communications              affirming messaging and increasing regional
                                     plan. To establish messaging which                 awareness and positivity.
                                     reinforces and links the qualities and values
                                     of the region, articulates the relationship/       Funding
                                     roles of the Yorke Peninsula/Copper Coast          Council funded development and
                                     brands and encourages residents to ‘love           implementation (advised budget of $300K
                                     the place they live’ and to advocate on its        from the original tender document) and an
                                     behalf.                                            annual allowance for continued presence
29                                                                                      and evolution within and beyond the region.
Copper Coast     Marketing Plan                                                      Objective                                         As such, the Marketing Plan focuses
                                                                                     The objective of this Marketing Plan is to aid    on driving and achieving these
Economic         Building Confidence                                                 in the overarching objective of the Copper        recommendations, within a $300,000
Development &                                                                        Coast Council to position the region as           annual budget.
Marketing Plan                                                                       “South Australia’s lifestyle location of choice
                                                                                     to live and visit”, and to drive economic         Who are we talking to?
                                                                                     development within the region.                    — Residents
                                                                                                                                       — Local business and industry
                                                                                     Key recommendations of this report are:           — Shack owners
                                                                                     — Delivery of regional economic growth            — Holiday makers
Actions                                                                                will come from a collaborative interaction        (Adelaide’s northern suburbs focus)
1. Brand                                                                               between the community and commercial            — Grey nomads
Affirmation                                                                            interests, not from Council.
                                                                                     — The greatest return will be generated
                                                                                       by encouraging current visitation to
                                                                                       stay longer and spend more rather than
                                                                                       pursuing higher visitation numbers.

                 Billboard Photography Credit: South Australian Tourism Commission                                                                     Credit: South Australian Tourism Commission
Copper Coast     Marketing Plan                 This is a useful technique for understanding
                                                and identifying a region’s Strengths and
Economic         SWOT Analysis                  Weaknesses, what Opportunities can be
Development &                                   exploited and the Threats faced. Used
Marketing Plan                                  in a regional context, it helps to carve a
                                                sustainable and ownable brand position in
                                                the market.

                  Strengths       — Proximity to Adelaide                Weaknesses            — Distance from Adelaide
1. Brand                          — Family friendly                                              deters day trippers
Affirmation                       — Fishing, beaches, outdoor                                  — Public transport in region
                                    activities                                                 — Accommodation options
                                  — Proximity to nature and                                    — Health and Aged Care
                                    Innes National Park                                        — Availability of fresh seafood
                                  — Clean air, land, sea                                       — Stalled projects
                                  — Sustainable farming and                                      (The Dunes, Wallaroo
                                    agriculture                                                  Shores, Wallaroo Marina)
                                  — History tourism
                                  — Affordable

                  Opportunities   — Wallaroo Marina and                  Threats               — Competitor regions
                                    Wallaroo Shores activation                                 — Lack of collaboration
                                  — Connect Wallaroo North                                       between council,
                                    Shore to town centre                                         community and commerce
                                  — Aquaculture                                                — Inter-town rivalry
                                  — Access to fresh caught
                                    seafood (Western King
                                  — Farm/sea to plate
                                  — Agritourism
                                  — Provenance

Copper Coast     Marketing Plan            Positioning is arguably the most important        at hand create a space Yorke Penisula’s
                                           sentence in any brand strategy. It is a           Copper Coast can own. The positioning
Economic         Positioning Statement     concise description of what a brand does          has to communicate equally to all target
Development &                              differently to its competition, and how they      audiences (families, holiday makers, grey
Marketing Plan                             wish to be perceived. The region’s strengths      nomads, retirees, investors and policy
                                           (clean air, land, sea; family friendly; outdoor   makers) across all topics (lifestyle, tourism,
                                           leisure activities; sustainable agriculture;      agriculture, manufacturing, industry, health
                                           affordability) paired with the opportunities      and aged care, etc).

1. Brand

                                         Yorke Peninsula’s
                                         Copper Coast
                                         Naturally better.

Copper Coast     Marketing Plan                    A Brand Passport is a concise snapshot
                                                   showing who we are, what we offer, what
Economic         Brand Passport                    we stand for, how we behave and who we’re
Development &                                      talking to.
Marketing Plan

                                   What we offer                                               What we stand for
1. Brand
Affirmation            Precious time; clean air, land, sea;                               Family, Quality Time,
                      sustainable agriculture/aquaculture;                               Heritage, Community,
                  family friendly holidays, beaches and fishing;                        Prosperity, Sustainability
                                quality retirement.

                                                                  Who we are

                                    Yorke Peninsula’s Copper Coast
                                           Naturally Better.
                                   How we behave                                                  Who cares

                                   Welcoming                                   Residents, local business and industry
                                  Down to earth                                    shack owners, holiday makers
                                     Real                                        grey nomads, retirees, investors,
                                     Local                                                 policy makers
Copper Coast     1. Brand Identity program                      2. Website                                        4. Signage
                 Budget: $50,000                                Budget: $50,000                                   Budget: $100,000+
Economic         Completed Year 1                               Completed Year 1                                  To be completed over a 2-3 year time frame
Development &
Marketing Plan   Brand is reputation. It is what people say     Develop a new tourism website for Yorke           — Lobby DPTI to change highway signage
                 about you when you’re not in the room.         Peninsula’s Copper Coast to marry the               to reference Kadina, not Bute.
                 Brand positioning and identity allows you      tourism and municipal aims, providing             — Entry signage to each town highlighting
                 to control that conversation.                  a single source of information about the            and selling the attractions of each town.
                                                                region, its attractions, history and lifestyle.   — Exit signage from each town highlighting
                 A key pillar of the Marketing Plan will be                                                         and selling the attractions of nearby
Actions          to address the region’s Brand Identity.        3. Digital Campaigns                                towns, with travel times.
1. Brand         Leading this is a name change to “Yorke        Budget: $50,000                                   — Outdoor campaign from Port Wakefield,
Affirmation      Peninsula’s Copper Coast” and a revised        Completed Year 1                                    selling the attractions of Yorke
                 Positioning. This change leads with a region                                                       Peninsula’s Copper Coast.
                 familiar to all South Australians, leverages   — External Facebook and Google
                 SATC promotional activities, locates the         advertising campaigns highlighting              5. Print campaign
                 Copper Coast and recognises the positive         regional attractions and targeting shack        Budget: $100,000+
                 connotations of the name “Copper Coast” in       owners, holiday makers (Adelaide’s              Completed Year 1
                 a marketing and tourism context.                 northern suburbs focus) and grey nomads
                                                                — Internal Facebook and Google                    — Develop a quarterly newspaper extolling
                 The brand identity program is to include:        advertising campaigns highlighting                the region, local heroes, success stories,
                 — How Brand Strategy (promise,                   Economic Development Plan findings                upcoming events, etc. Newspaper to be
                   positioning, personality, attributes)          and recommendations, what makes the               delivered to all residents, and distributed
                   comes to life                                  region special and local success stories,         through cafés, hotels, restaurants,
                 — Logo                                           targeting residents and local business            boutiques and convenience stores. The
                 — Colour palette                                 owners.                                           publication to be developed by Council
                 — Typographic standards                                                                            with the YP Times developing content.
                 — Tone of voice                                                                                    It is important that this initiative is fully
                 — Graphic language                                                                                 funded and not rely on advertising.
                 — Collateral
                 — Advertising
                 — Signage and livery
                 — Photographic style
                 — Brand extensions, community and
                   regional marks (ie “Grown in YPCC”,
                   “Made in YPCC”, Proudly YPCC”, etc)
                 — Comprehensive Brand Identity
34                 Style Guide
Copper Coast
Development &
Marketing Plan


Copper Coast
Economic                                           Tourism is a major contributor
Development &
Marketing Plan                                     to the state’s economy and its
                                                   growth. The current 2020 state
                                                   plan includes a target of growing
2. Develop Tourism
                                                   the state’s tourism economy to $8B.
Offering                                           Recent review in preparation for
                                                   the development of the 2030 plan
                                                   proposes increasing that target
   tics/strategies/tourism-plan-2030               to $12.8B based on current

Copper Coast                                                        South Australian Tourism                                                                                        Hold Share                      Performance since plan set      South Australian Tourism   Current

         Economic                                                            2020 Growth Projection20                                                                                        Full Potential                  Lineal Trend
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             2030 Growth Projection20   Projected

         Development &
         Marketing Plan                                                      9                                                                                                                                                                               $14.0b                        $12.8b
                                                                             8                                                                                                                                                                               $12.0b
                                                                                                                                                                                                          (as at Mar 2018)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 $6.7b       $10.0b
                                                                             7                                                                                                                                                                                                             $10.8b

                                                                                                                                                   $5.1b                                                                                         $6.1b        $6.0b
         2. Develop Tourism                                                  5
         Offering                                                            4                                                                                                                                                                                $2.0b

                                                                             3                                                                                                                                                                                 $.0b

                                                                                                                     Dec 09

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Dec 09
                                                                                          Dec 06

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Dec 06
                                                                                                            Dec 08

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Dec 08

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Dec 30
                                                                                 Dec 05

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Dec 05
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Dec 20

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Dec 20

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Dec 29
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Dec 26
                                                                                                   Dec 07

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Dec 07

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Dec 28
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Dec 24
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Dec 23
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Dec 25
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Dec 22

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Dec 27
                                                                                                                              Dec 10

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Dec 10
                                                                                                                                                                                         Dec 16

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Dec 16
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Dec 19

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Dec 19
                                                                                                                                                                       Dec 14

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Dec 14
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Dec 18

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Dec 18
                                                                                                                                                              Dec 13

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Dec 13
                                                                                                                                                                                Dec 15

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Dec 15

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Dec 21
                                                                                                                                                     Dec 12

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Dec 12
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Dec 17

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Dec 17
                                                                                                                                        Dec 11

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Dec 11
             Hold Share                      Performance since plan set      South Australian Tourism                                  Current
             Full Potential                  Lineal Trend                                                                              Projected
                                                                             2030 Growth Projection20

                                                                             $14.0b                                                        $12.8b
                          (as at Mar 2018)
                                                                 $6.7b       $10.0b

                                                                 $6.1b        $6.0b



                                                                                          Dec 09
                                                                                          Dec 06
                                                                                          Dec 08

                                                                                          Dec 30
                                                                                          Dec 05
                                                                    Dec 20

                                                                                          Dec 20

                                                                                          Dec 29
                                                                                          Dec 26
                                                                                          Dec 07

                                                                                          Dec 28
                                                                                          Dec 24
                                                                                          Dec 23
                                                                                          Dec 25
                                                                                          Dec 22

                                                                                          Dec 27
                                                                                          Dec 10
         Dec 16

                                                                                          Dec 16
                                                        Dec 19

                                                                                          Dec 19
                                                                                          Dec 14
                                         Dec 18

                                                                                          Dec 18
                                                                                          Dec 13
Dec 15

                                                                                          Dec 15

                                                                                          Dec 21
                                                                                          Dec 12
                       Dec 17

                                                                                          Dec 17
                                                                                          Dec 11

Copper Coast                                       The five key pillars that have underpinned      As a consequence of the aforementioned
                                                   the state’s tourism strategy are forecast       trends the profile of the visitor to South
Economic                                           to remain unchanged going into the 2030         Australia has changed as per images below,
Development &                                      plan. The five pillars; drive demand, work      however in the Copper Coast intrastate
Marketing Plan                                     better together, support what we have,          travel accounts for over 90% of all visitation
                                                   increase recognition of the value of tourism    and as such should remain the focus of
                                                   and use events to drive visitation; are all     effort and investment.
                                                   very relevant to the Copper Coast tourism
                                                   market and opportunity.
Actions                                            From a state perspective, significant focus
2. Develop Tourism                                 has been placed on increasing international
Offering                                           (doubled in the last 10 years) and interstate
                                                   visitation (+29%), however the key trends to
                                                   be leveraged by the Copper Coast are the
                                                   71% increase in day trips over the period and
                                                   18% growth in intrastate travel.

                                                     200820                                          201820

                                                                                                               Domestic          17%
                                                               Day Trips
                                                                 21%                                           Day Trips

                                                               Intrastate                                      Intrastate
                                                                  34%                                             28%

Copper Coast         The March 2018 South Australian Tourism
                     Commission Market Update reports almost         Tourism Visitation
Economic             half a million visitors per annum to the
                                                                     SATC March 18 Update

Development &        Copper Coast, contributing over $200
Marketing Plan       million to the economy. The table to the        Visition per annum                                                                      485,000
                     right demonstrates the potential scale of       Annual contribution                                                                     $200,000,000
                     tourism in the region if current growth rates
                                                                     Contribution per visit                                                                  $412.37
                     are maintained, along with the impact of
                     focusing on providing a greater number          Extra value per visit                                                                   $5.00
                     of experiences to visitors with an aim to       Growth rate                                                                             4%
Actions              increase the value of each visit. At current    Domestic overnight trips growth rate                                                    5%
2. Develop Tourism   growth and expenditure rates the value of
                                                                     Domestic day trips growth rate                                                          3%
                     regional tourism will grow to well in excess
                     of $300 million per annum by 2026, plus if      Domestic nights growth rate                                                             9% (6% State)
                     an extra $5 contribution can be extracted
                     from each visit a further $25 million could
                     be generated over the period. Reinforcing
                     the value in focusing on intrastate travel
                                                                     Projected Revenue
                     and increasing the opportunities for visitors   After Extra Value Per
                     to spend money whilst in the region.            Visit Is Implemented

                                                                     Year                     Visitors per annum,   Annual         Annual contribution       Extra value
                                                                                              projected growth      contribution   incl. extra value of $5
                                                                                              of 4% p.a                            per visit

                                                                     2019                     504,400               $208,000,000   $210,522,000              $2,522,000

                                                                     2020                     524,576               $216,320,000   $218,942,880              $2,622,880

                                                                     2021                     545,559               $224,972,800   $227,700,595              $2,727,795

                                                                     2022                     567,381               $233,971,712   $236,808,619              $2,836,907

                                                                     2023                     590,077               $243,330,580   $246,280,964              $2,950,383

                                                                     2024                     613,680               $253,063,804   $256,132,202              $3,068,399

                                                                     2025                     638,227               $263,186,356   $266,377,490              $3,191,135

                                                                     2026                     663,756               $273,713,810   $277,032,590              $3,318,780

                                                                     Total                                                                                   $23,238,279

Copper Coast                               The vast majority of visitation to the                           The coastal lifestyle quality of the Yorke
                                           region is classified as leisure visitation21                     Peninsula and its Copper Coast is reinforced
Economic                                   (VFR — visiting friends and relatives and/                       as a differentiator in the table overleaf,
Development &                              or holidaying), combined these reasons for                       which summarises and compares the visitor
Marketing Plan                             travel represent 93% of travel purpose.                          strategies of neighbouring and comparable
                                           The top four activities undertaken by
                                           visitors to the region are going to the beach
                                           (53%), eating out (51%), family gatherings
                                           (42%) and fishing (35%). The graph below,
Actions                                    supplied by the South Australian Tourism
2. Develop Tourism                         Commission, clearly highlights the position
Offering                                   of the Yorke Peninsula as South Australia’s
                                           premier fishing destination; a unique and
                                           reinforceable attribute.

21 SATC Yorke Peninsula Regional Profile

                                             Visitors undertaking fishing                                                                           Interstate Residents
                                                                                                                                                    Regional SA Residents
                                             activities in South Australia
                                                                                                                                                    Adelaide Residents


                                                       Yorke        Eyre        Fleurieu    Limestone   Riverland   Murray-   Adelaide   Kangaroo    Flinders &
                                                       Peninsula    Peninsula   Peninsula   Coast                   lands                Island      Outback
                                                                                                                                                     (Pt Augusta)
Copper Coast
Economic                                        South Australian Regional
                                                Visitor Strategy Comparison22
Development &
Marketing Plan                                                                  Barossa                   Flinders Ranges + Outback       Kangaroo Island                    Yorke Peninsula              Total state

                                                Spend                           $190m                     $425m                           $123m                              $198m                        $6,6b

                                                % state regional total          8%                        17%                             5%                                 8%
                                                (Excl. ADL)

Actions                                         Employment                      800                       2,600                           700                                1,600                        36,000

2. Develop Tourism                              % state regional total
                                                (Excl. ADL)
                                                                                4%                        14%                             4%                                 9%

Offering                                        No. of businesses               372                       516                             143                                461

                                                % state regional total          7%                        10%                             3%                                 9%
                                                (Excl. ADL)

                                                ATDW                            283                       151                             143                                314

                                                % state regional total          76%                       29%                             100%                               68%
                                                (Excl. ADL)
22 South Australian Regional Visitor Strategy
   2020, published May 2018.
                                                Identity focus                  Wine + regional events    Wildlife, landscape, indigienous Nature, artisan producers         Coastal, lifestyle, nature

                                                Events                          — Vintage Festival                                        — Kangaroo Island Races            — Kernewek Lowender
                                                                                — Gourmet Weekend                                         — Marathon                         — YP Field Days

                                                Accommodation target            5 star property           Caravan + camping               Upgrade                            4-5 star accommodation

                                                Capability                      International marketing   Digital marketing               Digital marketing, skilled staff   Customer service

                                                Infrastructure                  Wayfinding/signage        Accessibility/transport         Coastal                            Roads + coastal

                                                Touring route                   Epicurean Way             Explorers Way                   Southern Ocean Drive               Coastal Way

Copper Coast
Economic             The tourism development
Development &
Marketing Plan       recommendations following this
                     page are informed by current
                     trends, supported by the region’s
2. Develop Tourism
                     attributes, guided by the plan’s
Offering             principles and underpinned by
                     the key pillars of the state’s current
                     and evolving tourism strategy.

Copper Coast         Moonta Mines             Aim                                                            Outcome
                                              To develop and leverage the Moonta Mines                       Hub created to welcome and retain
Economic             — Plan                   site and heritage through destination/                         visitors, providing a focused experience,
Development &        — Destination            experience creation to drive increased                         encouraging dwell time/expenditure and
Marketing Plan         Governance             regional awareness, demand, visitation and                     raising the quality of the Moonta Mines
                     — Management             expenditure.                                                   offering.
                     — Funding                Strategy + Management                                          Hub
                                              Project and asset ownership and                                To include improved courtyard (landscaping,
                                              management between the Heritage Trust,                         signage, parking), small retail space/café,
Actions                                       Council and volunteers needs to be defined                     upgraded sweet shop and upgraded train
2. Develop Tourism                            to ensure good governance and delivery.                        service (signage, audio, lighting).
Offering                                      In addition, funding models and sources
                                              need to be agreed, targeted and secured,
                                              along with a delivery timeline and reporting
                                              structure established.

                     Credit: Callum Jackson                    Credit: South Australian Tourism Commission
Copper Coast                                        Development Costs + Returns                                  Council Loan Proposition is based on the
                                                    Based on the ‘Locales’ site development and                  ability of the National Trust to secure a
Economic                                            business case report, an indicative budget                   $500k loan, following which the Copper
Development &                                       of $2M for the project is forecast. Potential                Coast Council would approach the South
Marketing Plan                                      annual revenues based on pricing reviews23                   Australian government for matching funds
                                                    and increased visitation should exceed                       or apply for a state regional development
                                                    $500K per annum across all elements of the                   grant. Once this funding is secured, a pitch
                                                    new experience/hub. A detailed business                      for support from the Building Better Regions
                                                    plan and model should form an integral part                  Fund would be collaboratively developed
                                                    of the strategy, management and delivery of                  based on the TRC/Locales Moonta Mines
Actions                                             this project, including staffing requirements                report.24 Further funding may be accessible
2. Develop Tourism                                  going forward.                                               through State Heritage to allow a Site
Offering                                                                                                         Conservation Plan to be produced.25
                                                    Review Council loan proposition along
                                                    with national heritage and state tourism
                                                    development grants.

23 Pricing review, collective access pricing, see     Development Costs24
24 Moonta Mines Heritage Area, Site develop-
   ment Plan + Business Case (Locales/TRC),           Courtyard                                                                 $150,000
   June 2018.
25 Email, Copper Coast Council CEO Peter
                                                      — Arrival/parking
   Harder, 4/10/18 + Jo-anne Buchanan, RDA
   Yorke + Mid North.                                 Theatrette                                                                $600,000
                                                      —40 people. Fitout, equipment & design

                                                      Information centre, Retail space + cafe                                   $720,000
                                                      — Fitout existing building, small cafe facility (20 pax)

                                                      Toilets                                                                   $50,000

                                                      Sweet shop upgrade                                                        $40,000

                                                      Train upgrade                                                             $300,000
                                                      — Signage, audio & lighting

                                                      Total                                                                     $1,830,000

                                                      Current revenue                                                           $447,520

                                                      Potential revenue (Repriced)                                              $603,120

Copper Coast                                     Events + Pop Ups                                                          Aim                                               Strategy + Management
                                                                                                                           The Copper Coast region offers many               Plan, Prioritise + Resource
Economic                                         — Kernewek                                                                events of varying scale and content along         Review KL strategy with committee to
Development &                                      Lowender                                                                with annual New Year’s celebrations which         ensure appeal to a younger audience,
Marketing Plan                                   — YP Field Days                                                           attract significant numbers of visitors and       increase in profile, become annual event
                                                 — Pop Ups                                                                 generate a high level of expenditure. The         (reduce seasonality) and receive potential
                                                 — Catch + Cook                                                            region should focus on developing and             SATC funding. Ensure YP Field Days are
                                                                                                                           delivering the two major festivals, Kernewek      scheduled in school holidays, include
                                                                                                                           Lowender and the Yorke Peninsula Field            regional showcases and becomes a SA
                                                                                                                           days, along with establishing F+B pop ups to      Major Event. Develop pop up proposals for
Actions                                                                                                                    showcase the region, drive visitation and         local business consideration (ie Moonta Bay
2. Develop Tourism                                                                                                         generate SATC support. Innovative F+B             kiosk + Gelati). Undertake a feasibility study
Offering                                                                                                                   events during peak periods will enhance the       into the ‘Catch + Cook’ concept.
                                                                                                                           region’s food and beverage culture and
                                                                                                                           offering, encourage entrepreneurship and          Outcome
                                                                                                                           provide business development                      Successful delivery of two major events
                                                                                                                           opportunities. Existing businesses should be      to ensure inclusion on major event calendar,
                                                                                                                           encouraged to develop events which                innovative delivery of 1-3 pop ups across
                                                                                                                           showcase regional produce, in particular          region and the development of a third
26 YP Field Days visitation promoted to be                                                                                 seafood and the ability to catch it, as well as   annual regional event showcasing and
   between 30,000-40,000, in 2017 the num-
   bers were said to be 20,000, meeting 4/9/18                                                                             grains and the many ways to transform             reinforcing the local family/fishing
   YP Field Days committee, Dunes Pt Hughes.
                                                                                                                           them including brewing, baking and                positioning.

                                                                                                                                                              School Holidays
                                                                                                                                                              The 2015 YP Field Days were held on the 29/9 to 1/10,
                                                                                                                                                              in the first week of term 3 school holidays in South
                                                                                                                                                              Australia. In 2017 the event was held from the 26th-
                                                                                                                                                              29th of September, the last three days of term 3 of
                                                                                                                                                              the schooling year just prior to the holiday break.
                                                                                                                                                              Feedback presented by YP Field Day committee
                                                                                                                                                              members suggested that this had a significant
                                                                                                                                                              impact on visitor numbers, down by almost a third
                                                                                                                                                              to 20,000.26 The 2019 Field Days are again scheduled
                                                                                                                                                              to be on the last three days (24th-26th of September)
                                                 Credit: South Australian Tourism Commission   Credit: Kernewek Lowender
                                                                                                                                                              of term 3, potentially impacting visitation again.
Copper Coast                               Development Costs + Returns
                                           Maintain Council support through               Caravan Park Revenue Growth
Economic                                   sponsorship and review increasing it by
                                                                                          During Kernewek Lowender Events27
Development &                              prioritising the two events. Focus Council
Marketing Plan                             event staff on these events PLUS the
                                           development of a third event and 2-3 pop up    Kernewek Lowender Activity           Year                Revenue               Growth rate
                                           opportunities. Evaluate based on visitation,
                                           profile generation and operator occupancy.                                          2010                $99,346
                                           These tables highlight the impact of events    KL                                   2011                $126,919              28%
                                           in driving visitation by showcasing the
Actions                                    regional caravan park revenue lift in years
                                                                                                                               2012                $156,175              23%

2. Develop Tourism                         when the Kernewek Lowender festival            KL                                   2013                $194,198              24%

Offering                                   is held. Furthermore they highlight the                                             2014                $164,449              -15%
                                           impact of prioritising and targeting greater   KL                                   2015                $235,667              43%
                                           expenditure over greater visitation. On the                                         2016                $195,913              -17%
                                           assumption of 40,000 attendees to the
                                                                                          KL                                   2017                $260,603              33%
                                           event all of whom spend $10, a 5% increase
                                           in visitation to Kernwek Lowender will
                                           generate a $20,000 increase in value, whilst
27 Supplied by Copper Coast Council CEO.   an extra $5 expended per visit generates
                                           and extra $200,000 in value.                   Kernewek Lowender + YP Field Days Growth

                                           Council sponsorship (cash/resource),                                                Kernewek Lowender              YP Field Days
                                           Events SA, participation + attendance fees.
                                                                                          Attendance                           40,000                         20,000

                                                                                          Cost per visitor                     $10                            $10

                                                                                          Value                                $400,00                        $200,000

                                                                                          Attendance increase                  5%                             5%

                                                                                          Attendance                           42,000                         21,000

                                                                                          Value                                $420,000                       $221,000

                                                                                          Increase spend per visitor           $5                             $5

                                                                                          Value addition                       $200,000                       $100,000

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