Resuming ALICE LS2 activities during CERN (partial) re-opening Phase 0 & 1 - ALICE TC / Safety Team - CERN Indico

Page created by Vivian Little
Resuming ALICE LS2 activities during CERN (partial) re-opening Phase 0 & 1 - ALICE TC / Safety Team - CERN Indico
Resuming ALICE LS2 activities during
CERN (partial) re-opening Phase 0 & 1

 ALICE TC / Safety Team
Resuming ALICE LS2 activities during CERN (partial) re-opening Phase 0 & 1 - ALICE TC / Safety Team - CERN Indico
Gradual and cautious re-start plan

 Phase Phase Phase
 0 to 1 2

Today 18th + ~16
 Up to 600 May + ~500 people weeks “Unlimited”
 persons on
 on site per week access to
 site sites

 Ramp-up to unlimited
 Resume gradually, starting
 access may be completed
Safe-mode and other with LS2, accelerator and
 by mid-September
 urgent activities detector upgrades, urgent site
 and building work.
 - Number of people on sites include CERN’s personnel as well as contractors.
 - Personnel involved in LS2, accelerator and detector upgrades, urgent site and building
 work will come back gradually as of 18th May.
 - The rest of personnel will come back gradually as of 2nd week of June.
 - Personnel will be called by supervisors
Resuming ALICE LS2 activities during CERN (partial) re-opening Phase 0 & 1 - ALICE TC / Safety Team - CERN Indico
CERN’s COVID-19 Health & Safety Measures

The measures stay in place until further notice.
They will be reviewed and up-dated as function of the evolution of the pandemic and of
scientific and regulatory developments related to COVID-19.
 8th May 2020 EDMS 2371288 3
Resuming ALICE LS2 activities during CERN (partial) re-opening Phase 0 & 1 - ALICE TC / Safety Team - CERN Indico
Individual Responsibility - Hygiene

Each person present on CERN’s sites shall:

• Respect physical distancing, do not stay closer than 2 meters to each other!

• Respect hygienic measures:
 wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand
 (‘CERN instructions on COVID-19 related health and safety measures’ EDMS 2370903)

• Wear masks when indoors and other persons present (shared workspaces) or be
 encountered (public spaces). Masks to be worn outdoors if physical distance of 2m cannot
 be respected.

• Clean tools regularly, work stations … before and after usage.
 8th May 2020 EDMS 2371288 4
Resuming ALICE LS2 activities during CERN (partial) re-opening Phase 0 & 1 - ALICE TC / Safety Team - CERN Indico
Individual Responsibility - Illness

If you experience COVID-symptoms Medical Service Helpline:
 +0041 22 766 7777
 • fever
 • persistent coughing
 • loss of taste and/or smell
call Medical Service for advice; Don’t come to work!

If at CERN stop your activity immediately and call the Medical Service for advice.

Suspicion of COVID: do not go directly to the hospital or your general practitioner, but call
144 (Switzerland) or 15 (France). Inform CERN’s Medical Service.

Each person confirmed with COVID and who has spent time at CERN during the 14 days
before the first symptoms appeared needs to be followed up. CERN Medical Service
needs to be informed immediately. (Contact-tracing!)

 8th May 2020 EDMS 2371288 5
Resuming ALICE LS2 activities during CERN (partial) re-opening Phase 0 & 1 - ALICE TC / Safety Team - CERN Indico
Access to CERN Sites (Phase 0 and 1)
• Presence on site should be limited
• COVID-19 safety course will be mandatory for access from 18th May onwards.
• Access by visitors shall be limited. Any visit should be cleared by DH/Spokesperson.
• Access for persons aged 65 and above to be certified by DH/Spokesperson
• Persons with vulnerabilities shall work remotely

• CERN shuttle: masks shall be worn.
• CERN cars (by extension to any transport mean): the individual use of cars is
 recommended. No more than two persons shall use a car together, they shall wear
• Each car user must clean the areas they have touched (steering wheel, etc.) with
 appropriate means prior to and following using the car.

 8th May 2020 EDMS 2371288 6
Resuming ALICE LS2 activities during CERN (partial) re-opening Phase 0 & 1 - ALICE TC / Safety Team - CERN Indico
Work Organization I

Organic units shall ensure that each person under their responsibility
• has access to sanitary facilities/means
 • soap and running water or alcohol based hand sanitizer
 • cleaning material necessary for cleaning workstations and cars
 • adequate waste bins/bag
• is provided with the necessary PPE.

Cleaning of
• premises according to the CERN-wide hygiene plan (which includes COVID directives).
• work place and related tools and accessories by the individual.

 8th May
 EDMS 2371288 7
Resuming ALICE LS2 activities during CERN (partial) re-opening Phase 0 & 1 - ALICE TC / Safety Team - CERN Indico
elevator occupancy

Work Organization II

Work Organization:
• > 2 m physical distance
• organizational measures to allow the respect of distance > 2 m • masks obligatory
 • 1 m2 per person
• respect of hygienic measures
• masks

Tunnels, experiments, laboratories, etc.:
• Additional PPE like safety glasses, face shields or protective screens as result of a
 risk assessment if distance < 2m

Individual tools and workstations:
• If sharing of tools or workstations cannot be avoided, adequate cleaning and
 ultimately wearing gloves.
 8th May
 EDMS 2371288 8
Resuming ALICE LS2 activities during CERN (partial) re-opening Phase 0 & 1 - ALICE TC / Safety Team - CERN Indico
COVID-19 Related Protective Material

• Personal protective equipment (masks, safety glasses, face shields…) has been
 specified, ordered (300 000 masks arrived) or is being produced at CERN in sufficient
 quantities (face shields, alcoholic sanitizing gel). Surface disinfectant, wiping paper are

• Special waste bins for masks, gloves, etc. will be made available (at the entrance of
 the buildings) by SMB and will get deployed as of next week.

• Additional dispensers for alcoholic sanitizer gel will be installed.

 8th May 2020 9
 EDMS 2371288
Resuming ALICE LS2 activities during CERN (partial) re-opening Phase 0 & 1 - ALICE TC / Safety Team - CERN Indico
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

PPE - surgical masks, face shields, alcoholic sanitizer gel etc. (in CERN catalogue)
to be ordered from stores via a responsible nominated by DH, TC or GL for an organic unit
the responsible need to be on the ‘Whitelist’ (access list)
SMB delivers material to a distribution point identified by the organic unit
the responsible distributes and monitors consumption of PPE

 Only CERN masks are allowed for
 MPEs and MPAs.
 Contractors: at least CE certified
First time you come to CERN after lockdown: (EN14683) surgical type I masks.

guards distribute 1 – 2 masks at the entrance
you collect the rest of your masks and other PPEs required for the next two weeks from the
 responsible of your organic unit

 8th May 2020 EDMS 2371288
Safety Training

 COVID-19 training course (e-learning) will be available from 12th May

 Mandatory for access from 18th May – checked by safety training for all persons on whitelist

 CERN's LMS (Learning Hub): Learning Hub >> Catalogue >> Safety Training >> Safety & Health

Refresher courses:
 • Most of them are e-learning (e.g. RP Controlled Areas).
 • For those that need physical presence (Self Rescue) the validity will be automatically
 prolonged by Safety Training – by checking the names on the whitelist.
Bat 55 is no more adequate for newcomers to do e-learning – alternative premises are being

 8th May 2020 EDMS 2371288
Safety Training

3 face-to-face courses training are mandatory

  Self rescue masks
  via Vidyo
 (demonstration in the tunnel mock-up is suspended for the time being)

  Radiation Protection Training for Controlled Areas
  via Vidyo

  Electrical safety
  via Vidyo
All available from 18th May onwards
 8th May 2020 EDMS 2371288

COVID-19 reinforced cleaning SMB

 Portes Poignées, ferme porte, porte, tranche, etc…
 Chasse d'eau Bouton, poignée, etc…
 Poubelles En particulier les couvercles
 Tous les jours (2 fois par jour)
 Distributeurs (savon, essuie-mains) Nettoyage ET recharge

SMB, HSE and Department
 Portes Poignées, ferme porte, porte, tranche, etc…
 are developing the CERN Interrupteurs
hygienic plan from today to Boutons de commande interieur et exterieur,
 Ascenseurs main courante, etc…
 Phase 2 Escalier Main courante
 En particulier les couvercles, y compris zones de
 Poubelles tri
 Fontaines à eau Boutons de commande
 Automates (café, distributeurs, bancomat,
 photomaton, etc…) Boutons de commande et tables à proximités
 Salles de conférence Tables, portes, interrupteurs, etc…
 Tous les jours
 Surfaces horizontales, commandes de
 Coins cuisine l'electroménager
 Comptoirs de réception Surface publique
 Ordinateurs des zones publics Clavier, sourris, tables, etc...
 Telephones publics Combiné, clavier, etc…
 Boutons de commande et autres zones
 Photocopieurs publics habituellement manipulées
 Burotel Toute surface qui est touchée

 Portes Poignées, ferme porte, porte, tranche, etc…
 BUREAUX Telephones Combiné, clavier, etc…
 Chaque semaine Bureaux/tables

 8th May 2020 Appareil DMC/IMPACT pour accès aux zones RP Boutons de commande
 AUTRES Salles de contrôle
 Tous les jours

 20-03-2020 13 4
Nettoyage COVID-19
 Courtesy V. Sogno, P. Fonesco Da Costa (SMB)

Nettoyage renforcé :
• Nettoyage habituel (sols, poussières, etc.) + vider les poubelles
• Désinfection (points de contacts : poignées, interrupteurs, boutons d’ascenseurs,
 rambardes d’escaliers, etc.). Uniquement dans les sanitaires et zones
Les zones concernées sont les suivantes :
• Surface (bâtiments occupés) : sanitaires, restaurant 1, zones « publiques », couloirs,
 locaux gardiens, Service médical, Pompiers, CCC, B55, B904, Salles de contrôle
 AMS/CMS, bureaux et salles de réunions où vous avez reçus un ticket. Dans ces
 zones, on ne touche pas aux équipements informatiques (clavier, souris, etc.) ·
• Bâtiments machines : sanitaires en surface
• Souterrains et machines : pour l’instant pas de nettoyage. Une demande a été faite
 pour les accès (point1,2,3,4,5,6,7), les ascenseurs et les sanitaires en souterrains
 (IMPACT bloqué pour des raisons de mise à jour du Pdp – à confirmer). Des
 campagnes de nettoyage sont prévues à partir de juin.
 8th May 2020 EDMS 2371288
 Mitigation measures are taken by line management.

Implementation to ALICE Environment


• All PPEs for ALICE activities will be ordered and distributed by LEXGLIMOS/TC

• Work procedure: 2 m of physical distance need to be respected @ CERN
  In case the working conditions do not allow to respect the 2 m physical distance, mitigation measures will have
 to be undertaken in consultation with the ALICE LEXGLIMOS/TC

• Masks
  Surgical CERN masks of type 1 must be worn for all ALICE activities
  You are strongly encouraged to wear gloves at all times
  For some activities FFP2 masks and/or face shields or safety glasses could be needed, this will be decided
 following a risk assessment by ALICE LEXGLIMOS/TC
  The mask must be changed at least every 4 hours or in case of damage

 surgical masks of type 1 FFP2 mask face shield safety glasses

• Tools
  Workers should be equipped with personal tools. If not possible, the workers shall use gloves. The tools have to
 be disinfected at least once at the end of the day

Implementation to ALICE Environment

 Access to common areas
• ALICE Workshops
  It is recommended to wear face shields and gloves and to use whenever possible personal tools
 (decision following safety assessment by ALICE LEXGLIMOS/TC)

• ALICE Cleanrooms
  Ventilation to be maintained on high level not to be reduced or switched to standby.
  Respect min. 3 hours of no person in the room (rest-time) between change of occupants
  Face shields and masks shall be worn, if more than 1 person working inside

• ALICE, P2 common areas and kitchen
  The P2 kitchen will stay closed
  The meeting rooms and ARC at P2 will stay closed, except for 3294 R-008 (which will be used as
 check-in point – see later)
  The outside tent (b.6952) and the BBQ point (no more than 4 people) can be used as resting area

• We remind that smoking inside the buildings is strictly forbidden

Implementation to ALICE Environment
 Create an IMPACT for your activity, this will trigger the usual planning and safety assessment, and in
 particular a safety assessment related to the Covid-19 risk
  New IMPACT for any restarting ALICE activity at Meyrin and ALICE P2 (surface and underground)  No generic
 IMPACTS with lots of names
  All Impacts must contain the exact zone/location and all person (and only those), who physically will work there.
  Only workers
Implementation to ALICE Environment

 ALICE Underground
• Max. 3 persons in the lift to UX25 (AS-724) at the same time

• Max. 2 persons in the lift to CRs (AS-715) at the same time

• Everyone will wear a mask

• Respect the distance between each other when waiting for the lift

• All other Personal Protective Equipment required for underground work must
 be worn (e.g. helmet with headlamp, safety shoes, harness, …)

• Need of wearing a face shield will be assessed on case by case via the risk
 assessment by TC/LEXGLIMOS

• In case of evacuation alarm, everybody must evacuate either via PX24 or PM25 as
 usual and the number of people can be more than 3 per lift

• The pressurised area door must not be left open

Check in areas Disposal areas
• Dedicated places where you • Specific containers with
 can find: Covid-19 label will be placed
  Hand sanitizer to dispose masks and gloves

  Type 1 personal mask Draft/ under study
 for Covid-
  Gloves 19 PPE

  Safety glasses

Check and disposal areas at P2

 Check-in (3294 R-008)
 Disposal (outside 3294)

Check and disposal areas in b167


Check and disposal areas in b162


Check and disposal areas in b581


Implementation to ALICE Environment

 Good practices

 At the end of the day, write down with whom you have been in

 If you notice that there is no soap or paper towels in the toilets or
 empty disinfectant distributers, report to ALICE TC/Safety.

 Wash your hands with soap or hydro-alcoholic solution. Keep in mind
 that as soon as you have touched something even with gloves, your
 hands are “dirty” and you should anyway do not touch your face!

 Even wearing the mask, you must try to always keep the 2 meters

individual declaration template for resuming ALICE LS2 Activities

 Individual Declaration for Resuming ALICE LS2 Activities

 I, ___________________________________ CERN. ID: _______________ confirm that:
 (First Name, Name in block letters)

 • I am not ill and younger than 65 and I do not have vulnerabilities / medical risk
 preconditions with respect to COVID-19;

 • I received the information and instructions of the CERN-HSE COVID-19

 • I will wash hands thoroughly with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand
 sanitizer as recommended in the Hygiene measures;

 • Unless needed by work, I will not get in close contact with other people. Respect
 social distancing by not being closer than 2 meters for up to 15 minutes, being
 understood that the time should be minimized under all circumstances;

 • I will stay home if I am ill, irrespective of the symptoms. In case of suspicion of
 COVID-19 I inform CERN medical service and stay home for a further 48 hours
 or the period advised by CERN’s medical service after the symptoms subside;

 • If I feel unwell while at CERN, I will stop my activity immediately and call
 CERN medical service;

 • I will sign a presence logbook at the workplace. This information will be kept for
 this tracing purposes only. By signing this declaration I agree to this.

 I am aware that it is my responsibility to contribute to the effort of reducing the spread of the
 COVID-19 infection by reducing the chances of being infected or spreading COVID-19 by
 taking the above listed simple precautions;.

 CERN, ___________________




 Medical emergencies and advice

If you present any of the symptoms associated with COVID-19, do not go directly to the hospital, your general
practitioner, or the Medical Service (if at CERN). Instead, call the appropriate emergency number (below) for advice.
Members of CERN personnel who have either tested positive for COVID-19 or are suspected cases (i.e. having
possible COVID-19 symptoms but untested) are requested to inform the Medical Service (

 Location Emergency/advice Information
 +41 22 766 7777 (8 a.m. to
 CERN +41 22 767 4444 (24 hours)
 5 p.m.)
 Switzerland 144 (24 hours) +41 58 463 0000 (24 hours)
 15 (24 hours)
 France If you don’t speak French, call +33 800 130 000 (24 hours)
 the CERN number above.

Information hotlines are also available in the Cantons of Geneva (08 00 909 400, between 10 a.m. and 10 p.m.) and
Vaud (08 00 316 800, between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.). A Swiss information hotline for travellers is also available
at: +41 58 464 4488 (between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m.).

 – HSE Covid-19 directive EDMS 2371269
 – ALICE EDMS 2369007

• Suisse
 – OFSP – Recommandations pour les milieux professionnels
 – Secrétariat d’Etat à l’Economie (SECO) - Prévention du COVID-19 -
 Liste de contrôle pour les chantiers de construction

• France
 – INRS - Obligations des employeurs et des salariés en période de
 – Ministère du travail – dossier coronavirus
 • Fiches conseils par métiers
 – Guide de préconisation construction OPPBTP
CERN’s COVID-19 related health and safety measures

 • reflect current best practice and knowledge about the pandemic
 • take CERN’s specificities into account
 • support a gradual, safe re-start of CERN and its facilities
 • will be reviewed and up-dated as function of the evolution of the pandemic
 and of scientific and regulatory developments

Each of us has to take responsibility and respect CERN’s
COVID-19 related health and safety measures to guarantee
CERN’s success in protecting all persons
 8th May 2020 EDMS 2371288 28
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