Return to learn CONTINUE YOUR STORY WITH US THIS FALL! - Linn-Benton Community College

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Return to learn CONTINUE YOUR STORY WITH US THIS FALL! - Linn-Benton Community College
FALL 2021


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                                    REGISTER NOW
                                    FOR IN-PERSON &
                                    ONLINE CLASSES!
Return to learn CONTINUE YOUR STORY WITH US THIS FALL! - Linn-Benton Community College
                          Linn-Benton Community College has been
                          your partner for nearly seven decades.
                          Together we have seen our communities
                          grow and change. Together we’ve worked
                          to ensure they prosper. In the good times
                          and the not-so-good times, we remain
                              committed to you, our neighbors.

                                        If you’re ready to:
                                                  ... start a new business,
                                                         get your GED or learn
                                                               a language, begin
                                                                     your path to a
                                                                       college degree or
                                                                       enter a new career field,
                                                                       learn how to drive or gain new
                                                                       parenting techniques ...

                                                                             We are here for you!
                                                                         Business leaders come to us for professional guidance
                                                                         or start-up advice through the Small Business Develop-
                                                                         ment Center. Our apprenticeship programs prepare
                                                                       students for rewarding careers in the trades. Healthcare
                                                                   programs – like phlebotomy or sleep technology – have people
                                                               like you on the path to a rewarding new career ... in just months!

                                                You may think
                                              you know LBCC.
                               We invite you to look again.
                             LBCC is your partner for:
                             > a trained workforce
                             > a vibrant, healthy community
                             > strong families
                             > a robust local economy

                        It’s time. Apply
                        or enroll today.

  2 Schedule of Classes FALL Quarter 2021 Vol. 29, No. 1 • Linn-Benton Community College Schedule of Classes (ISSN 012132) is published quarterly
  by Linn-Benton Community College, 6500 Pacific Blvd. SW, Albany, OR 97321-3755. Periodical postage is paid at Albany, OR and additional mailing offices.
  POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Linn-Benton Community College Schedule of Classes, Advancement Office, Linn-Benton Community College,
  6500 Pacific Blvd SW, Albany, OR 97321-3755.
Return to learn CONTINUE YOUR STORY WITH US THIS FALL! - Linn-Benton Community College
Welcome to Fall Term!
                     Dear Community Members,

                     At Linn-Benton Community College, the future
                     looks promising. We are open for business, and
                     have been open all along – throughout the
                     entire pandemic. In fact, our mission has never
                     been more important!

                      The fact is, education changes lives by helping
                      people acquire the skills and knowledge that
                      they need to get good jobs, support themselves
                      and their families, and connect to their personal
                      passions and goals. Now that fall is here, we
                      are helping to make the choice of education as
                      accessible as possible: the time is finally right
                      for us to safely begin to offer in-person classes
as well as remote options. Our staff have worked incredibly hard
to develop an innovative and compassionate “Rebounding Plan” to
open our campus locations with your health and safety at the fore-
front (read about it on our website, We are so
delighted to welcome you back to our classrooms!

You are sure to find some opportunity gems in the following Extend-
ed Learning Schedule. From popular classes like Better Bones and
Balance in Albany, Corvallis and Lebanon; to art classes at Riverside
Community Center and Meadowpark; to Spanish classes at the
Benton Center; to face-to-face advising through our Small Business
Development Center, LBCC is in every corner of our community –
and here to help you connect to other people who share your love of

While you are browsing these pages, I hope you will also take a mo-
ment to read some of our stories, and celebrate the resilient spirit
we’ve seen in our students throughout this entire difficult time in
history. I can honestly say that nothing is more inspiring to me than
people who find a way to choose education, despite the odds. I hope
you make that choice as well. LBCC is here for you every step of the way.

Best wishes for a wonderful fall term.


Dr. Lisa Avery
President, Linn-Benton Community College
Return to learn CONTINUE YOUR STORY WITH US THIS FALL! - Linn-Benton Community College
Free Summer Camps
Build community ...
& rockets!
   Make your own guitar and then play it.        Chris Singer, Program Coordinator
   Solve a crime. Build a rocket. Play Super     for the Mid-Valley STEM CTE Hub,
   Mario using fruit as your controller. Write   led “Makey Makey” – the camp where
   a play. Build a set. Learn how to weld, or    they learned to
   to cook.                                      play a computer
                                                 game with fruit.    My teachers
   These are among the activities that
   young campers pursued during                  LBCC and the         were calm
   Linn-Benton Community College’s free          Mid-Valley          and    patient.
   summer camps, which took place in July        STEM-CTE           And I learned
    and August.                                  Hub work             a lot about
                                                 closely with          science!”
             According to Rob Camp, the                                - NIKLAS, AGE 11
                                                 each other and
             summer camps director, the
                                                 local business
          idea was simple: give kids a
                                                 and industry to make connections be-
       chance to get out of the house and
                                                 tween classroom and career all along a
       enjoy themselves. For Linn and
                                                 learner’s journey.
       Benton County parents, it was much
       greater than that.                        Singer’s goal at summer camp was to
                                                 show the kids how much fun learning
   “The last year has been so hard for our
                                                 can be, so they gain confidence in their
        kids. They’ve been separated from
                                                 own abilities. “I want them to have the
        their friends for so long,” said Lin-
                                                 confidence of knowing, ‘I invented
       nea Everts of Albany, mom to Niklas,
                                                 things, I can go work for Space X’ or ‘I
       age 11. “Nik participated in a health
                                                 can go work for HP,’” Singer said. “I want
         career camp, one about rocket sci-
                                                 them to realize that if they can do stuff
           ence, ‘Get me Out of the House’,
                                                 like this they can do anything.”
            and game coding,” she said. “I
   loved seeing him learning in a new envi-      Rob Camp believes that because of their
   ronment … and now he said he can see          participation, the campers have acquired
   himself at LB.”                               a deeper connection to the community
                                                 and a greater sense of their own inde-
   And what about Nik?
                                                 pendence. But not only that.
   “I got to be with my friends!” said Nik,
                                                 “One parent told me
            who starts middle school this
                                                 that this is the happiest
          fall. “My teachers were calm and
                                                 their children have been in
        patient. And I learned a lot about
                                                 over a year.”
Return to learn CONTINUE YOUR STORY WITH US THIS FALL! - Linn-Benton Community College
Important Fall Term Dates
   • Registration starts Aug. 23                       Table of Contents
   • Fall term is in session from Sept. 27 - Dec. 10   Community Education
   Registration online requires a credit card.         Face-to-Face Classes ....................................... 04
   If you wish to use an alternate form of             Class Location Key .............................................06
   payment, please call 541-917-4840 and we
   can help you.                                       Arts & Crafts ........................................................ 07
                                                       Computer Skills & Technology........................09
                                                       Consumer Education ............................................10
                                                       DevNW Classes ...................................................10
                                                       Fitness & Dance .................................................. 12
                                                       Food & Drink ........................................................ 16
                                                       Garden, Nature & Outdoor ............................... 17
                                                       Health & Wellness .............................................. 18
                                                       History & Culture ................................................ 19
                                                       Home & DIY........................................................ .20
                                                       Music ....................................................... 21
                                                       Personal Enrichment ........................................ 22
                                                       Professional Growth.......................................... 23
                                                       Vehicle Safety & Operation................ ............. 24
                                                       Writing.................................................. ................ 25
                                                       Youth & Family.................................................. .. 25
                                                       Now Hiring Instructors...................................... 26
                                                       How to Zoom........................ .............................. 27
                                                       Small Business Development Center
                                                       Going Into Business .......................................... 28
                                                       Foundations of Business.................................. 28
                                                       Quickbooks ......................................................... 28
                                                       Pre-Licensing ...................................................... 29
                                                       Family Resource and Education Center
Pilates instructor Jennifer Powell guiding her         Parenting Education Classes .......................... 30
students during a pre-pandemic Classical Pilates       Child Care Workforce Trainings ..................... 32
class. We are excited to offer several classes
in-person this fall term. See our Face-to-Face         Pre College Preparation in Adult Basic Skills
section for a complete list. Pre-registration and      (English Language Acquisition, GED®).......... 34
adherence to safety protocols will be required.

 Course Request                 Day class meets                    Start Date                          Total number of
 Number (CRN)                   (R=Thursday)                                                           weeks class meets

  Click here to register or call 541-917-4840             M = Monday; T = Tuesday; W = Wednesday; R = Thursday;
  Instructor                 Cost                  Time the   class
                                                        F = Friday; S = meets
                                                                        Saturday; U = SundayType of online platform
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FACE-TO-FACE CLASSES J                                               BETTER BONES & BALANCE® J
                                                                     Based on OSU Bone Research Lab studies, this exercise
                                                                     program has been shown to slow the rate of bone
REGISTER NOW! Registration required                                  loss in adults of all ages. Improve your balance and
prior to the class beginning due to                                  coordination, reduce your risk for falls, and see an
limited seat availability.                                           increase in muscle tone and overall body fitness. See
                                                                     supplies to bring to class:
                                                                     27114         TR   12:00 p.m.-12:50 p.m.   28-Sep    11   SWANSO
                                                                     Yee, Julia	        $99 FEE

                                                                     PILATES COMBO J
                                                                     Pilates is a series of low-impact exercises that
                                                                     concentrates on building strong abdominal muscles,
                                                                     which improves balance and coordination. This Pilates
                                                                     Combo format involves toning with light weights,
                                                                     balancing, and mat workout using a combination of
                                                                     yoga and pilates moves.
                                                                     27136         TR   5:30 p.m.-6:20 p.m.     28-Sep    11    AC-120
                                                                     Yee, Julia	        $99 FEE

                                                                     EXPLORING DREAMS: DREAM ANALYSIS &
                                                                     INTERPRETATION NEW! J
                                                                     Are you a dreamer? Yes! You are! And your dreams are
                                                                     more than “just dreams”. Come explore the playground
ALBANY                                                               of dream analysis and interpretation in this new and
                                                                     exciting workshop.
                                                                     27949         T    7:00 p.m.-8:20 p.m.     7-Dec	     1   CC-210
ADVANCED & INTERMEDIATE WATERCOLOR                                   LaMore, Sharon	    $29 FEE
Delight in the color, brilliance, and challenge of                   FORKLIFT TRAINING J
watercolor painting. Learn composition, perspective,                 This is a forklift training that follows OSHA
reflections, shadows, and color theory with new and                  requirements, employers are required to certify their
challenging techniques. This class is for those who are              employees. Students should bring their lunch. Training
already knowledgeable of the basics of watercolor. No                is limited to 10 students.
class on 11/24. See supplies to bring to class: linnbenton.          27352         S    8:00 a.m.-4:50 p.m.     16-Oct	    1	IA-102
edu/supplies                                                         Rice, Michael      $149 FEE
27110          W   9:30 a.m.-11:20 a.m.   29-Sep   10     RCC
Hansen, Ellen	     $109 FEE                                          CORVALLIS

ACRYLIC PAINTING FOR FUN J                                           TRAVEL SKETCHBOOKS & OUTDOOR ART
This course is designed for all skill levels, no experience          NEW! J
required, and you can use whatever acrylic paints and                Wander with your art! Students will create their own
brushes you have already. We will be painting on wood,               personalized travel art studio including watercolor
glass, cloth, canvas, canvas boards, and anything else               paper, pockets and straps for holding tools, and mini
that sounds like fun. The goal of the class is to have fun           unique watercolor palette during the first class via
and explore the versatility of the medium of acrylics.               Zoom. Students will create everything by hand and
See supplies to bring to class:              personalize their wandering studio with a unique cover,
27108          R   1:30 p.m.-3:20 p.m.    30-Sep   9      RCC        binding, and closure. The second class will be held in
Hansen, Ellen	     $109 FEE
                                                                     person at Starker Arts Park in Corvallis and will be
                                                                     required to provide their own transportation. Students
                                                                     will take their travel sketchbooks out to draw and paint
                                                                     from nature. See supplies for class:
                                                                     27945          S   11:00 a.m.-1:20 p.m.    9-Oct	     1     BSAP
                                                                     Hernandez, Jen	    $59 FEE

Click here to register or call 541-917-4840                          M = Monday; T = Tuesday; W = Wednesday; R = Thursday;
                                                                     F = Friday; S = Saturday; U = Sunday
Return to learn CONTINUE YOUR STORY WITH US THIS FALL! - Linn-Benton Community College

CLAY EXPLORATION J                                                       FLORAL DESIGN: MASTER THE BASICS J
An opportunity for students of all skill levels to learn a               Learn the basics of flower arranging with a focus
variety of porcelain and stoneware techniques and to                     on techniques to make your arrangements easy and
participate in a number of high fire and Raku firings as                 enjoyable. Basic principles will include, scale and
well as an obvara and soda glaze firings.                                proportion, use of color, and flower care and handling.
27155          T     6:30 p.m.-9:20 p.m.     28-Sep    8   BC-140        Each student will take home weekly projects. Supply
Moses, Keith         $149 FEE
                                                                         fee covers fresh flowers for all class projects. Additional
                                                                         supplies/flowers provided by the student. Supply list
HANDBUILDING WORKSHOP: TREES NEW! J                                      provided at first class.
A specialized workshop-style handbuilding class limited                  27202          T    7:00 p.m.-8:50 p.m.    28-Sep    5   BC-106
to the theme of Trees. Techniques to evoke roots, bark,                  Somppi, James	      $109 FEE

burl, leaves, tree rings, and fungi in clay.
27946          R     1:00 p.m.-3:50 p.m.     30-Sep    6   BC-140        FLORAL DESIGN: CELEBRATE THE SEASON J
Childers, Laurie     $119 FEE
                                                                         Learn fun and unique flower arranging with a focus
                                                                         on fall holidays and celebrations. Each student will
BETTER BONES & BALANCE® J                                                take home weekly projects. Supply fee covers fresh
Based on OSU Bone Research Lab studies, this exercise                    flowers for all class projects. Additional supplies/flowers
program has been shown to slow the rate of bone                          provided by the student. Supply list provided at first
loss in adults of all ages. Improve your balance and                     class.
coordination, reduce your risk for falls, and see an                     27204          T    7:00 p.m.-8:50 p.m.    2-Nov     5   BC-106
increase in muscle tone and overall body fitness. See                    Somppi, James	      $109 FEE

supplies to bring to class:
27170	MWF            7:00 a.m.-7:50 a.m.     27-Sep   11   BC-130        SPANISH, INTERMEDIATE/ADVANCED J
Brown, Rachael       $119 FEE
27181         TR     8:00 a.m.-8:50 a.m.     28-Sep   11   BC-130
                                                                         Speak entirely in Spanish as you study grammar and
Whipple, Monica	     $99 FEE                                             practice Spanish conversation in groups. We will also
27925         TR     11:00 a.m.-11:50 a.m.   28-Sep   11   BC-130        explore culture and language through stories, proverbs,
Samuels, Margaret	   $99 FEE
27926         TR     12:15 p.m.-1:05 p.m.    28-Sep   11   BC-130        poems, and songs of Latin America and Spain. Class will
Samuels, Margaret	   $99 FEE                                             not meet 11/24.
                                                                         27392           W   9:00 a.m.-10:50 a.m.   29-Sep   10   BC-205
                                                                         Platt, Doris	       $109 FEE
Tai Chi is a form of movement, meditation, and martial
art that originated in China. Promotes relaxation,
                                                                         BEGINNING GUITAR J
relief from stress, and improved general well-being by                   Explore the possibilities of the most popular instrument
practicing mind/body harmony and cultivating internal                    in the world! Adult (16+) beginning guitar class ranging
energy or ‘chi.’                                                         from an introduction to your guitar to basic chords and
27190          S     10:00 a.m.-11:50 a.m.   2-Oct	    9   BC-130        strumming patterns through learning simple popular
Leban, Diane         $99 FEE                                             songs. Explore harmony and melody with additional
                                                                         material for more advanced players. Please bring your
MODIFIED EXERCISE WITH CHAIRS J                                          own guitar.
                                                                         27227	M	            6:00 p.m.-7:50 p.m.    27-Sep   8    BC-106
Modified exercise for older adults: chair exercises,                     Demarest, Thomas	   $99 FEE
walking, limited dance movement, and stretching. Open
to all seniors and everyone in the community.                            LEBANON
27188          TR    9:00 a.m.-9:50 a.m.     28-Sep   11	MEADOW
Livesay, Nichole     $99 FEE
                                                                         BETTER BONES & BALANCE® J
                                                                         Based on OSU Bone Research Lab studies, this exercise
BALLET CORE NEW! J                                                       program has been shown to slow the rate of bone
A combination of ballet, stretching, and core work to                    loss in adults of all ages. Improve your balance and
develop strength, flexibility, and balance. Ballet Core                  coordination, reduce your risk for falls, and see an
involves ballet exercises at the barre, core strengthening               increase in muscle tone and overall body fitness. See
workouts, and stretching, as well as routines in the                     supplies to bring to class:
center to develop a range of skills. The use of light                    27173	MWF           8:00 a.m.-8:50 a.m.    27-Sep   11	LEBSR
weights throughout the class creates an additional                       Walker, Pamela	     $119 FEE
challenge and adds to the goal of achieving a full body
workout. No previous dance experience required.
27195          TR    6:00 p.m.-7:20 p.m.     28-Sep   11   BC-130
Laukkanen, Kaisa	    $119 FEE

Click here to register or call 541-917-4840                              M = Monday; T = Tuesday; W = Wednesday; R = Thursday;
                                                                         F = Friday; S = Saturday; U = Sunday
Return to learn CONTINUE YOUR STORY WITH US THIS FALL! - Linn-Benton Community College

Based on OSU Bone Research Lab studies, this exercise                Healthy breathing is the cornerstone of good health. In
program has been shown to slow the rate of bone                      this class we’ll practice a variety of breathing exercises
loss in adults of all ages. Improve your balance and                 to regulate the nervous system and improve the
coordination, reduce your risk for falls, and see an                 strength and flexibility of your breathing muscles and
increase in muscle tone and overall body fitness. See                lungs. You’ll also learn how to breathe optimally in your
supplies to bring to class:                  everyday life, as well as the basic science behind how
27187	MW           5:15 p.m.-6:05 p.m.    27-Sep   11	LEBSR          and why healthy breathing is effective and foundational
Gregory, Darci     $99 FEE
                                                                     for your mental and physical health.
                                                                     27923	MW                   10:00 a.m.-10:50 a.m.          27-Sep            10	LCX-103
GENTLE YOGA J                                                        Cloud, Patricia	           $69 FEE

Increase strength, flexibility, and reduce stress while
learning techniques to calm your mind and soothe your                EXPLORING DREAMS: DREAM ANALYSIS &
spirit. Learn yoga poses that develop strength, balance,             INTERPRETATION NEW! J
proper breathing, and relaxation. Students will need a               Are you a dreamer? Yes! You are! And your dreams are
yoga mat and blanket.                                                more than “just dreams”. Come explore the playground
27261         TR   9:30 a.m.-10:20 a.m.   28-Sep   11	LCX-103        of dream analysis and interpretation in this new and
McCarthy, Leigh    $99 FEE
                                                                     exciting workshop.
                                                                     27933         W            7:00 p.m.-8:20 p.m.            1-Dec	             1	LCX-103
PILATES J                                                            LaMore, Sharon	            $29 FEE
Increase flexibility, energy, mobility, strength, and range
of motion through a series of dynamic movements that                 PHILOMATH
restore balance to core muscles of the lower back and
abdominal. Each workout is adaptable to the students                 BETTER BONES & BALANCE®: AFTER WORK
own level. Please bring a yoga mat.
27917         TR   8:30 a.m.-9:20 a.m.    27-Sep   11	LCX-103
                                                                     NEW! J
McCarthy, Leigh    $99 FEE                                           Based on OSU Bone Research Lab studies, this exercise
                                                                     program has been shown to slow the rate of bone
                                                                     loss in adults of all ages. Improve your balance and
                                                                     coordination, reduce your risk for falls, and see an
                                                                     increase in muscle tone and overall body fitness. See
                                                                     supplies to bring to class:
                                                                     27911	MW                   5:30 p.m.-6:20 p.m.            27-Sep            11            REBK
                                                                     Brown, SHELLY              $99 FEE

LOCATION KEY                                                                            Request for Special Needs or Accommodations
                                                                                        Direct questions about or requests for special needs or accommodations
AC - Activites Center, 6500 Pacific Blvd SW, Albany                                     to the LBCC Disability Coordinator, RCH-105, 6500 Pacific Blvd.
                                                                                        SW, Albany, Oregon 97321, Phone (541) 917-4789 or via Oregon
BC - Benton Center, 757 NW Polk Ave, Corvallis                                          Telecommunications Relay TTD at (800) 735- 2900 or (800) 735-1232 . Make
BSAP - Bruce Starker Arts Park, 4485 SW Country Club Dr, Corvallis                      sign language interpreting or real-time transcribing requests 2-4
                                                                                        weeks in advance. Make all other requests at least 72 hours prior to the
CC - Calapooia Center, 6500 Pacific Blvd SW, Albany                                     event. LBCC will make every effort to honor requests. LBCC is an equal
                                                                                        opportunity educator and employer.
IA - Industrial A Building, 6500 Pacific Blvd SW, Albany
LAFYTE - Lafayette Elementary, 3122 Madison Street SE, Albany
LCX - Lebanon Center Annex, 44 Industrial Way, Lebanon                                  LBCC Comprehensive Statement of Nondiscrimination
                                                                                        LBCC prohibits unlawful discrimination based on race, color, religion,
LEBSR - Lebanon Senior Center, 80 Tangent Street, Lebanon                               ethnicity, use of native language, national origin, sex, sexual orientation,
MEADOW - Meadow Park, 277 NE Conifer Blvd, Corvallis                                    gender, gender identity, marital status, disability, veteran status, age,
                                                                                        or any other status protected under applicable federal, state, or local
RCC - Riverfront Community Center, 489 Water Avenue NW, Albany                          laws. For further information see Board Policy P1015 in our Board
                                                                                        Policies and Administrative Rules. Title II, IX, & Section 504: Scott Rolen,
REBK - 100F Rebekah’s Lodge, 148 N 13th St., Philomath                                  CC-108, (541) 917-4425 ; Lynne Cox, T-107B, (541) 917-4806 , LBCC, Albany,
SWANSO - Cool Swanson Action Center, 705 Railroad St SE, Albany                         Oregon. To report:

TBA - To Be Arranged

Click here to register or call 541-917-4840                          M = Monday; T = Tuesday; W = Wednesday; R = Thursday;
                                                                     F = Friday; S = Saturday; U = Sunday
Return to learn CONTINUE YOUR STORY WITH US THIS FALL! - Linn-Benton Community College

ARTS & CRAFTS                                                         INTRO TO ABSTRACT ART NEW!
                                                                      Abstract art is considered one of the purest forms of
                                                                      expression as it allows the artist to freely communicate
                                                                      without the constraint of objective reality. You will
ART                                                                   learn different techniques and be encouraged to make
                                                                      up your own abstract art using a variety of mediums
JUMP INTO WATERCOLOR!                                                 like pencils, colored pencils, pastels, and/or paints. See
Dive into textures, create patterns, and splash through               supplies to bring to class:
                                                                      27931          F          5:00 p.m.-6:50 p.m.     1-Oct	   5	ZOOM
beautiful colors to begin the challenge of watercolor                 Lathrop, Adaline          $69 FEE
painting. Yes, it can be difficult, but well worth the trip!
Take the chance and immerse yourself! Please join me
in the journey through this engaging media. This class
                                                                      MIXED MEDIA MADNESS
is for the beginner watercolor painting student. See                  If you like art and haven’t settled on one media, join
supplies to bring to class:                   me in mixing them up to explore some different
27907         T    6:00 p.m.-7:50 p.m.    28-Sep   10	ZOOM
                                                                      and inventive ideas. Projects are designed for fun
Nazarenus, Vikki   $109 FEE                                           and success - for the beginning artist to the more
                                                                      experienced. Express yourself and get creative! See
ADVANCED & INTERMEDIATE WATERCOLOR                                    supplies to bring to class:
                                                                      27908         R           10:00 a.m.-11:50 a.m.   30-Sep   9	ZOOM
PAINTING (face to face and remote classes) J                          Nazarenus, Vikki          $109 FEE
Delight in the color, brilliance, and challenge of
watercolor painting. Learn composition, perspective,                  CREATING COMICS
reflections, shadows, and color theory with new and                   Dig in deep to take your stories from life or imagination
challenging techniques. This class is for those who are               and turn them into a digital or hand-drawn webcomic.
already knowledgeable of the basics of watercolor. No                 Get the scoop on comic creation, story-writing, and work
class on 11/24. See supplies to bring to class: linnbenton.           with digital drawing software. Learn about creative
edu/supplies                                                          habits to make daily art a part of your life, and how
27110          W   9:30 a.m.-11:20 a.m.   29-Sep   10      RCC
Hansen, Ellen	     $109 FEE                                           to share your work with others. Perfect for beginners,
27909          R   9:30 a.m.-11:20 a.m.   30-Sep   9	ZOOM             this class is designed to be an introduction to both
Hansen, Ellen	     $109 FEE                                           comic creation and digital art, with helpful guidance
                                                                      and shared studio time. See supplies to bring to class:
ACRYLIC PAINTING FOR FUN J                                  
This course is designed for all skill levels, no experience           27914          R          5:30 p.m.-6:50 p.m.     30-Sep   9	ZOOM
                                                                      Hernandez, Jen	           $89 FEE
required, and you can use whatever acrylic paints and
brushes you have already. We will be painting on wood,
glass, cloth, canvas, canvas boards, and anything else                ZINES: A CRASH COURSE NEW!
that sounds like fun. The goal of the class is to have fun            Enter the world of Zines - a fun way to capture all
and explore the versatility of the medium of acrylics.                aspects of life in a digital or printed publication. Capture
See supplies to bring to class:               and share your passions, whether it be sketches or
27108          R   1:30 p.m.-3:20 p.m.    30-Sep   9       RCC        drawings, comics, recipes, poetry, imagery, you name
Hansen, Ellen	     $109 FEE                                           it! They make a great gift or can be a personal record
                                                                      of something special to you. See class supplies at
COLOR THE NATURAL WORLD WITH                                
COLORED PENCILS                                                       27990	MW                  6:00 p.m.-6:50 p.m.     27-Sep   3	ZOOM
                                                                      Hoke, Steven	             $59 FEE
Explore the vibrant world of colored pencils in this class
for all levels of artistic skill. Learn about techniques
for blending colors, using solvents, and creating                     VISUAL JOURNALING FOR MINDFULNESS
compositions that pop! Practice skills that you can use               Join this class for a fun process using mindfulness for
to create landscapes, portraits, still life, and more in              self-discovery and creative expression! Students in this
this versatile medium. Each week, live demonstrations                 class will explore the process of creating insightful
will cover drawing exercises to warm up with, and then                pages in a repurposed book using on-hand or second-
studio practice with real-time guidance and feedback.                 hand materials. This is a process-based exploration: no
See supplies to bring to class:               art background or ‘artistic ability’ needed.
27912          T   1:00 p.m.-2:20 p.m.    28-Sep   11	ZOOM            27928         T           11:00 a.m.-12:50 p.m.   28-Sep   1	ZOOM
Hernandez, Jen	    $89 FEE                                            Burgess, Louise-Annette   $29 FEE

Click here to register or call 541-917-4840                           M = Monday; T = Tuesday; W = Wednesday; R = Thursday;
                                                                      F = Friday; S = Saturday; U = Sunday
Return to learn CONTINUE YOUR STORY WITH US THIS FALL! - Linn-Benton Community College

DOODLING FOR MINDFULNESS                                                          STAMP MAKING: AN INTRODUCTION TO
Students will explore doodling techniques to promote                              LINOCUT NEW!
mindfulness to calm both mind and spirit. These skills                            Carve and print your own handmade stamps in this
translate well beyond the classroom for overall wellness.                         introductory linocut course. Learn about the versatile
No need to purchase anything special, come prepared                               art of printmaking to create one-of-a-kind greeting
with blank paper, black pen, a pencil, and clean eraser to                        cards, post cards, and other small works on paper. See
play and create during class.                                                     supplies at
27929         T           12:00 p.m.-12:50 p.m.   5-Oct	         2	ZOOM           27991         R            5:30 p.m.-6:50 p.m.    30-Sep          4	ZOOM
Burgess, Louise-Annette   $29 FEE                                                 Carr-Kiprotich, Kaitlyn	   $59 FEE

                                                            Color Theory,                                                                     Textile Art &
                                                            Beginners’                                                                        Design I with
                                                            Gel Plate, and                                                                    Kimberley Vu
                                                            Advanced Mono
                                                            Printing with
                                                            Peggy Joyce

COLOR THEORY FOR THE COLOR                                                        TEXTILE ART & DESIGN I NEW!
CHALLENGED                                                                        Embrace free-flowing usage of colors to create beautiful
Tired of seeing ‘muddy’ prints or colors that don’t look                          textile designs and patterns using the wax-resist
the way you want them to? Get a quick refresher of                                dyeing technique! Learn the art of decorating on cloth.
color mixing, color theory, and ways to keep your colors                          This class will primarily be based on experimenting
bright, clear, and eye catching. Supply list available                            and trying new techniques, as students develop their
online:                                                   skills and their own unique designs. This course is an
27910         TR          6:00 p.m.-7:50 p.m.     28-Sep         1	ZOOM           introductory level course, but all skill sets and levels are
Joyce, Peggy	             $49 FEE                                                 welcome! See supplies at Note:
                                                                                  supplies may take time to acquire.
BEGINNERS’ GUIDE TO GEL PLATE PRINTING                                            27936	M	                   6:30 p.m.-8:20 p.m.    11-Oct	         5	ZOOM
                                                                                  Vu, Kimberley	             $69 FEE
Yummy yellows, fiery reds, elegant purples smothered
under glazes, patterns, and shimmery metallic paints. If
you like having fun while you learn to create lively and                          TRAVEL SKETCHBOOKS & OUTDOOR ART
stunning images on paper, then this beginner class using                          NEW! J
gel plate printing techniques is for you! Use your prints                         Wander with your art! Students will create their own
for mixed media projects, tiny houses, art journals, cards,                       personalized travel art studio including watercolor
and more. Supply list available online:                           paper, pockets and straps for holding tools, and mini
supplies                                                                          unique watercolor palette during the first class via
27249         WF          6:00 p.m.-7:50 p.m.     6-Oct	         2	ZOOM           Zoom. Students will create everything by hand and
Joyce, Peggy	             $69 FEE
                                                                                  personalize their wandering studio with a unique cover,
                                                                                  binding, and closure. The second class will be held in
ADVANCED MONO PRINTING TECHNIQUES                                                 person at Starker Arts Park in Corvallis and will be
Experience in mono printing or using a gel plate                                  required to provide their own transportation. Students
recommended. Take your mono printing skills to the                                will take their travel sketchbooks out to draw and paint
next level with a basic design principles review, silk                            from nature. See supplies for class:
fabric printing, limited palette, alcohol inks and stains,                        supplies
double stencils, and stencil making. Supply list available                        27945          S           11:00 a.m.-1:20 p.m.   2-Oct	          1	ZOOM
online:                                                   Hernandez, Jen
                                                                                                 S           11:00 a.m.-1:20 p.m.
                                                                                                             $59 FEE
                                                                                                                                    9-Oct	          1  BSAP
27715         F           12:30 p.m.-3:20 p.m.    22-Oct	        3	ZOOM
Joyce, Peggy	             $69 FEE

Click here to register or call 541-917-4840                                       M = Monday; T = Tuesday; W = Wednesday; R = Thursday;
                                                                                  F = Friday; S = Saturday; U = Sunday

                                                  Bespoke              HANDBUILDING WORKSHOP: TREES NEW! J
                                                  Bookbinding with     A specialized workshop-style handbuilding class limited
                                                  Jen Hernandez        to the theme of Trees. Techniques to evoke roots, bark,
                                                                       burl, leaves, tree rings, and fungi in clay.
                                                                       27946          R    1:00 p.m.-3:50 p.m.   30-Sep      6       BC-140
                                                                       Childers, Laurie    $119 FEE

                                                                       COMPUTER SKILLS &
BESPOKE BOOKBINDING NEW!                                               GET COMFORTABLE WITH INDESIGN NEW!
Bookbinding for beginners: In this class we’ll practice 4              InDesign is a massively powerful program and you
different bookbinding methods from around the world                    may not know how you could be using it better. This
to create our own unique sketchbooks and journals.                     class is designed for people already using InDesign
Each class will include step-by-step instructions for                  or trying to switch to InDesign from a different page
each method, and live demonstration by the instructor.                 builder program. Learn how to get your layout designs
Create a travel watercolor journal, a sketchbook with                  on the page quickly and ready for production without
pockets, a personalized diary, plus gorgeous decorative                the stress. Supply list available online:
binding. Plus, extra tips and instructions for single-                 supplies
                                                                       27934         T     4:00 p.m.-5:50 p.m.   28-Sep       4
page books and zines on the exclusive class website. See                                                                   GOOGLE CLASSROOM
supplies for class:                            Petroccione, Cole   $89 FEE
27950          R   1:00 p.m.-2:20 p.m.   30-Sep        4	ZOOM
Hernandez, Jen	    $59 FEE
                                                                       GRAPHIC DESIGN FOR BUSINESS & PLEASURE
                                                                       Graphic design has many uses, from marketing to
CERAMICS                                                               branding to personal art projects! Come learn about
                                                                       the industry and get a better understanding of the
CLAY EXPLORATION J                                                     Adobe Creative Suite and what programs to use when.
An opportunity for students of all skill levels to learn a             Learn the basics of Photo editing, Digital illustration,
variety of porcelain and stoneware techniques and to                   Typography, and Layout Design! Supply list available
participate in a number of high fire and Raku firings as               online:
                                                                       27962         W     4:00 p.m.-5:50 p.m.   29-Sep       5
well as an obvara and soda glaze firings.                                                                                  GOOGLE CLASSROOM
27155          T   6:30 p.m.-9:20 p.m.   28-Sep        8     BC-140    Petroccione, Cole   $99 FEE
Moses, Keith       $149 FEE

                                                                       GET YOUR WEBSITE GOING WITH
SEASONAL CLAY PROJECTS NEW!                                            WORDPRESS
This class series will offer a new project each week
                                                                       The first steps of a website project are often the most
of the term to decorate your home with seasonal
                                                                       intimidating. This class will walk you through the
handmade creations made with Sculpey Clay that
                                                                       process of securing hosting, purchasing a domain, and
students will harden in their home ovens. No previous
                                                                       getting WordPress installed on your new site. We will be
clay experience or special tools are needed. Projects
                                                                       focusing on backend set up as well as front end design
will be demonstrated and explained, guiding students
through the project. Instructions for copying the project              27669         R     4:00 p.m.-5:50 p.m.   30-Sep      4	GOOGLE SUITE
example will be given, as well as ideas and techniques                 Petroccione, Cole   $89 FEE
for students to make some creative choices. Supply list
available online:                              DIGITAL ILLUSTRATION WITH ADOBE
28004	M	           7:00 p.m.-8:20 p.m.   27-Sep       11	ZOOM
Mahoney, Karen	    $109 FEE                                            ILLUSTRATOR
                                                                       Students will discuss digital illustration and how it's
CLAY HANDBUILDING TECHNIQUES NEW!                                      used in Graphic Design. Using Adobe Illustrator, we
Engage in different methods of handbuilding with clay,                 will learn how to manipulate shape and color to create
creating both guided and open projects during the term.                vector illustrations.
                                                                       27646         T     4:00 p.m.-5:50 p.m.   26-Oct	      4
Coils, slabs, and pinching will be covered, as well as                                                                     GOOGLE CLASSROOM
decoration. All projects will be made using Sculpey Clay               Petroccione, Cole   $89 FEE
students will harden in their home oven. Supply list
available online:
27992         T    7:00 p.m.-8:20 p.m.   28-Sep       11	ZOOM
Mahoney, Karen	    $109 FEE

Click here to register or call 541-917-4840                            M = Monday; T = Tuesday; W = Wednesday; R = Thursday;
                                                                       F = Friday; S = Saturday; U = Sunday
                                                     Google Apps for        LANDLORD-TENANT LAW DURING A
                                                     Everyone with          PANDEMIC
                                                     Paul Tannahill
                                                                            Discussion of landlord-tenant law in general and
                                                                            Oregon's new rent control law. Plus discussion on the
                                                                            new rules put in place during COVID-19. Class also
                                                                            covers tenancy types and eviction laws. Instructor is
                                                                            Keith Tierney, Director of Civil Rights for Seniors, and
                                                                            current faculty member at LBCC.
                                                                            27674	M	           6:00 p.m.-7:50 p.m.   11-Oct	   1	ZOOM
                                                                            Tierney, Keith     $29 FEE

                                                                            ADVANCED LANDLORD-TENANT LAW DURING
                                                                            A PANDEMIC
GOOGLE APPS FOR EVERYONE NEW!                                               This workshop will have a little deeper look into
Many people use the basic features and functions of                         landlord tenant law, from writing the rental agreement
Gmail, Google Calendar, and Google Docs. This course                        to going to court.
is for those who want to explore other productivity-                        27330          W   6:00 p.m.-7:50 p.m.   13-Oct	   1	ZOOM
oriented applications within the Google Apps suite,                         Tierney, Keith     $29 FEE
along with some useful techniques to have various apps
‘talk’ to each other to take things to the next level.                      MEDICARE 101: ONE-ON-ONE
27955          W     6:00 p.m.-6:50 p.m.   29-Sep          7	ZOOM
Tannahill, Paul      $79 FEE
                                                                            The Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance
MICROSOFT EXCEL LEVEL I                                                     (SHIBA) program is a statewide network of trained
                                                                            volunteers who educate and advocate for people of all
Learn or update basic spreadsheet skills with Microsoft
                                                                            ages who have Medicare. SHIBA volunteers currently
Excel. The class will cover creating and editing simple
                                                                            provide 1:1 appointments via telecounsel in Linn, Benton,
spreadsheets as well as how to enter values and
                                                                            and Lincoln Counties which is sponsored by the Retired
formulas, format spreadsheets, and use multiple tabs for
                                                                            & Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) of the OCWCOG.
creating more than one worksheet in a workbook. You
                                                                            Call 541-812-0849 and make an appointment today!
do not have to purchase Excel to complete this course.                      27344         TBA					INTERNET
We will be using the online version of Excel which is                       STAFF
27640          TR    4:00 p.m.-5:50 p.m.   12-Oct	         3	ZOOM
O’Brien, Kathleen	   $129 FEE
                                                                            DEVNW CLASSES
MICROSOFT EXCEL LEVEL II                                                    All DevNW Financial Wellbeing classes are web-based
Increase your knowledge of Excel! This course                               with live instructor(s). A $75 annual membership
covers a wide variety of formulas and functions to                          registration includes the class you are interested in,
manage and analyze information. Plus, you’ll learn to                       as well as other financial wellness workshops and
effectively use charts and pictures to make your data                       financial counseling. You can register for all DevNW
eye-catching and understandable. Using and creating                         classes at or 541-345-7106. If you need
large worksheets and templates will also be covered.                        special accommodations contact DevNW at 541-345-7106
Foundational knowledge of Excel or completion of Excel                      or 503-779-2680.
1 is recommended.
27937          TR    4:00 p.m.-5:50 p.m.   2-Nov           3	ZOOM
O’Brien, Kathleen	   $129 FEE                                               FINANCIAL FOUNDATIONS
                                                                            You know the financial basics, but everyone can benefit
                                                                            from a refresher on money management. Learn ways to
CONSUMER EDUCATION                                                          reach money goals, tackle debt, build credit, save, invest
                                                                            and plan for the future.
                                                                            27342  S           9:00 a.m.-4:50 p.m.   25-Sep    1	INTERNET
CITIZENSHIP NEW!                                                            27729  T           5:30 p.m.-7:20 p.m.   5-Oct	    4	INTERNET
Adult citizenship education covers the content                              STAFF
                                                                            27732	MTWR         8:00 a.m.-9:50 a.m.   11-Oct	   1	INTERNET
knowledge and English language skills needed to                             STAFF
prepare for successful naturalization. The course will                      27737  S           9:00 a.m.-4:50 p.m.   23-Oct	   1	INTERNET
help lawful permanent residents who are eligible for                        STAFF
                                                                            27739  T           5:30 p.m.-7:20 p.m.   2-Nov     4	INTERNET
naturalization improve their English language skills and                    STAFF
learn about the history and government of the United                        27743  S           9:00 a.m.-4:50 p.m.   20-Nov    1	INTERNET
States.                                                                     STAFF
27996         TR     6:00 p.m.-7:20 p.m.   5-Oct	          3	ZOOM
Camacho, Karina	     $79 FEE

Click here to register or call 541-917-4840                                 M = Monday; T = Tuesday; W = Wednesday; R = Thursday;
                                                                            F = Friday; S = Saturday; U = Sunday

HOMEBUYING FOUNDATIONS                                               INVESTMENT PROPERTY WORKSHOP
Learn about the steps of homebuying from financial                   Are you interested in buying a rental property to build
preparation, downpayment assistance, and mortgages,                  assets over time? How do you get started? Learn the
to home inspections, escrow, and home insurance.                     basics from local real estate investors who were once in
This class is HUD-certified and meets education                      your shoes...just getting started. In this workshop, we’ll
requirements for many downpayment assistance                         explore & analyze properties, investment financing, your
programs.                                                            responsibilities as a landlord and learn from a panel of
27730  W          5:30 p.m.-7:20 p.m.    6-Oct	    4	INTERNET        investors who share their experiences, strategies and
27311  S          9:00 a.m.-4:50 p.m.    9-Oct	    1	INTERNET
STAFF                                                                27728     S        9:00 a.m.-2:20 p.m.   30-Oct	   1	INTERNET
27742  S          9:00 a.m.-4:50 p.m.    13-Nov    1	INTERNET        STAFF
27981	MTWR        9:00 a.m.-10:50 a.m.   15-Nov    1	INTERNET
STAFF                                                                SOCIAL SECURITY PLANNING
                                                                     Do you have a plan for withdrawing Social Security?
YOUTH FINANCIAL FOUNDATIONS                                          How does Social Security fit in your overall financial
Map a path to your financial goals. Are you working                  planning? How are Social Security benefits taxed in
to save for a car, education or your first apartment?                retirement? Proper Social Security Planning positively
Youth Financial Foundations class will give young adult              impacts your retirement. This two-hour workshop
participants techniques and mobile tools to build to                 covers the fundamental aspects of Social Security,
manage money, build emergency savings and create                     focusing on the filing options given the current laws.
                                                                     27840     W        5:30 p.m.-7:20 p.m.   3-Nov     1	INTERNET
savings goals for big purchases, build and repair credit,            STAFF
and make smart decisions about taking on loans. It’s
time to #adulting with your money. In this class series,             EXTREME COUPONING WORKSHOP
we will explore: Money Management, Building Credit,
Avoiding Debt, Build to Goals and Savings, and Thinking              Are you leveraging the countless ways to save with
Big for the Future.                                                  couponing? Learn about the best current apps,
27738	MTWR        3:30 p.m.-5:20 p.m.    13-Sep    1	INTERNET
                                                                     resources and strategies you can implement to save on
STAFF                                                                monthly expenses.
27982  S          9:00 a.m.-4:50 p.m.    6-Nov     1	INTERNET        27983     W        5:30 p.m.-7:20 p.m.   10-Nov    1	INTERNET
STAFF                                                                STAFF

HOME MAINTENANCE WORKSHOP                                            STUDENT DEBT WORKSHOP
Basic maintenance is important to protect your home                  Do you have a plan for tackling student loans? Learn
investment. From the exterior gutters and foundation                 strategies you can implement today that will improve
to the interior HVAC and p-traps, learn from a local                 your financial capability and help you work to goals like
contractor how to upkeep and maintain your home.                     homeownership.
27836     W       5:30 p.m.-7:20 p.m.    22-Sep    1	INTERNET        27741     W        5:30 p.m.-7:20 p.m.   17-Nov    1	INTERNET
STAFF                                                                STAFF

SIDE HUSTLE WORKSHOP                                                 HOME ENERGY SAVINGS WORKSHOP
Are you interested to see if a passion can generate                  Saving energy means more money in your pocket. Learn
income? Side Hustles are great ways earn some side                   from a local energy conservation professional an array
cash, make a life change, or explore starting a business             of tips and tricks you can implement to make your
with little risk.                                                    apartment or house work more efficiently.
27731     W       5:30 p.m.-7:20 p.m.    6-Oct	    1	INTERNET        27744     W        5:30 p.m.-7:20 p.m.   1-Dec	    1	INTERNET
STAFF                                                                STAFF

Do you have a plan for your loved ones if you die? We’ll
explore wills, beneficiary designations, durable power of
attorney, advanced directives and more topics led by a
local estate planning attorney.
27740     W       5:30 p.m.-7:20 p.m.    20-Oct	   1	INTERNET

Click here to register or call 541-917-4840                          M = Monday; T = Tuesday; W = Wednesday; R = Thursday;
                                                                     F = Friday; S = Saturday; U = Sunday

clases en asociación con DevNW                                      PROPIEDAD DE INVERSION
Todas las clases de DevNW Financial Wellbeing serán en              ¿Está interesado en comprar una propiedad de
línea con instructor en vivo. Un registro de membresía              alquiler para construir activos a lo largo del tiempo?
anual de $ 75 incluye la clase que le interesa, talleres de         En este taller, exploraremos el análisis de propiedades,
bienestar financiero, y asesoramiento financiero. Puede             financiamiento de inversiones, sus responsabilidades
registrarse para todas las clases de DevNW en http://               como propietario y consejos de un panel de o 541-345-7106. Si necesita adaptaciones              inversionistas inmobiliarios locales.
                                                                    27988         S      9:00 a.m.-4:50 p.m.     13-Nov   1	INTERNET
especiales, comuníquese con DevNW al 541-345-7106 o al              STAFF
                                                                    INVERSION DE DIY
FUNDACIONES FINANCIERAS                                             ¿Cómo puede empezar a invertir por su cuenta?
¿Cómo puede tomar el control de la administración de                ¿Cómo se evitan las tarifas excesivas? En este taller,
dinero? ¿Estás planificando para esos objetivos a largo             exploraremos algunas de las consideraciones básicas
plazo? Mapea tu camino hacia el exito Financiero.                   sobre la elección de inversiones para objetivos a largo
27343     W       3:30 p.m.-7:20 p.m.   3-Nov     4	INTERNET        plazo.
STAFF                                                               27989         W      5:30 p.m.-7:20 p.m.     8-Dec	   1	INTERNET
¿Estás listo para comprar una casa? En esta clase,
aprenderá sobre preparación financiera, hipoteca,                   FITNESS & DANCE
inmobiliaria, inspecciones de hogar, el proceso de cerra y
seguro de hogar.
          W       5:30 p.m.-7:20 p.m.   6-Oct	    4	INTERNET
ALQUILANDO Y SUS DERECHOS                                           BETTER BONES & BALANCE®: FIRST STEPS
¿Está alquilando o planea alquilar una vivienda?                    Exercises are adapted for individuals needing
Conozca sus derechos legales como inquilino, recursos               improvement in balance and strength, who may have
comunitarios para inquilinos.                                       limited mobility, and/or difficulty standing for long
27984     W       5:30 p.m.-7:20 p.m.   15-Sep    1	INTERNET        periods of time. Balance aids will be used. Focus on
STAFF                                                               lower and upper body strength, improving balance, and
                                                                    strengthening your core. The benefits? Reduce your
CUPONES EXTREMOS                                                    risk of falls, increase your strength, and improve overall
¿Está aprovechando las innumerables formas de ahorrar               mobility and fitness. See supplies to bring to class:
con cupones? Conozca las mejores aplicaciones, recursos   
y estrategias actuales que puede implementar para                   27184	MWF            11:30 a.m.-12:20 p.m.   27-Sep   11	ZOOM
                                                                    Pozzesi, Linda	      $119 FEE
ahorrar en gastos mensuales.
27985     W       5:30 p.m.-7:20 p.m.   29-Sep    1	INTERNET
STAFF                                                               BETTER BONES & BALANCE®: UPRIGHT
ITINS & IMPUESTOS                                                   Based on OSU Bone Research Lab studies, this exercise
Aumenté su conocimiento del número de identificación                program has been shown to slow the rate of bone
conocido como ITIN. En este taller aprenderá como                   loss in adults of all ages. Improve your balance and
aplicar y/o renovar para el ITIN, como se usa el ITIN               coordination, reduce your risk for falls, and see an
para el desarrollo de bienes y el propósito y beneficio de          increase in muscle tone and overall body fitness. This
la declaración de impuestos con ITIN.                               class is designed to keep you upright - no mats. See
27986     W       5:30 p.m.-7:20 p.m.   13-Oct	   1	INTERNET        supplies to bring to class:
                                                                    27714	MW             10:15 a.m.-11:05 a.m.   27-Sep   11	ZOOM
                                                                    Davenport, Angela	   $99 FEE
¿Tiene un plan para su familia en caso de fallecimiento?
Exploraremos testamentos, designaciones de
beneficiarios, poder notarial duradero y directivas
anticipadas. Este taller está dirigido por un abogado de
planificación patrimonial local.
27987     W       5:30 p.m.-7:20 p.m.   27-Oct	   1	INTERNET

Click here to register or call 541-917-4840                         M = Monday; T = Tuesday; W = Wednesday; R = Thursday;
                                                                    F = Friday; S = Saturday; U = Sunday

                                                            Better Bones and          BETTER BONES & BALANCE®: AFTER WORK J
                                                            Balance® with             Based on OSU Bone Research Lab studies, this exercise
                                                            Angie Davenport           program has been shown to slow the rate of bone
                                                                                      loss in adults of all ages. Improve your balance and
                                                                                      coordination, reduce your risk for falls, and see an
                                                                                      increase in muscle tone and overall body fitness. See
                                                                                      supplies to bring to class:
                                                                                      27187	MW             5:15 p.m.-6:05 p.m.     27-Sep   11	LEBSR
                                                                                      Gregory, Darci       $99 FEE
                                                                                      27911	MW             5:30 p.m.-6:20 p.m.     27-Sep   11     REBK
                                                                                      Brown, SHELLY        $99 FEE

                                                                                      ARTHRITIS FOUNDATION EXERCISES
                                                                                      Gentle, joint-safe exercises developed specifically by
                                                                                      the Arthritis Foundation for people with arthritis or
BETTER BONES & BALANCE®                                                               musculoskeletal conditions, fibromyalgia, COPD, and
(face to face and remote classes) J                                                   anyone who is recovering from injury with limited or
                                                                                      impaired joint mobility. This program will help relieve
Based on OSU Bone Research Lab studies, this exercise
                                                                                      pain and stiffness, strengthen muscles, and improve
program has been shown to slow the rate of bone
                                                                                      balance and mobility. Low-impact exercises are done
loss in adults of all ages. Improve your balance and
                                                                                      while sitting and/or standing. Led by an Arthritis
coordination, reduce your risk for falls, and see an
                                                                                      Foundation certified instructor.
increase in muscle tone and overall body fitness. See                                 27703         TR     11:00 a.m.-11:50 a.m.   28-Sep   11	ZOOM
supplies to bring to class:                                   Whipple, Monica	     $99 FEE
27170	MWF                  7:00 a.m.-7:50 a.m.     27-Sep        11     BC-130
Brown, SHELLY              $119 FEE
27172	MWF                  7:00 a.m.-7:50 a.m.     27-Sep        11	ZOOM              YOGA
Hourmanesh-Jones, Maryam   $119 FEE
27175	MWF                  8:00 a.m.-8:50 a.m.     27-Sep        11	ZOOM
                                                                                      A beginning and intermediate level class where students
Brown, SHELLY              $119 FEE                                                   learn basic yoga poses and are given options so that they
27173	MWF                  8:00 a.m.-8:50 a.m.     27-Sep        11	LEBSR             can work at their own level. Strengthening, stretching,
Walker, Pamela	            $119 FEE
27174	MW                   9:00 a.m.-9:50 a.m.     27-Sep        11	ZOOM              balancing, and relaxing are focused on in class. Benefits
Davenport, Angela	         $99 FEE                                                    include greater flexibility, strength, and reduced stress.
27176	MWF                  10:30 a.m.-11:20 a.m.   27-Sep        11	ZOOM              27704          TR    6:00 p.m.-6:50 p.m.     28-Sep    9	ZOOM
Pozzesi, Linda	            $119 FEE                                                   Ribeiro, Subbappa	   $99 FEE
27181           TR         8:00 a.m.-8:50 a.m.     28-Sep        11     BC-130
Whipple, Monica	           $99 FEE
27650           TR         9:15 a.m.-10:05 a.m.    28-Sep        11	ZOOM              GENTLE YOGA
Davenport, Angela	         $99 FEE
27925           TR         11:00 a.m.-11:50 a.m.   28-Sep        11     BC-130        (face to face and remote classes) J
Samuels, Margaret	         $99 FEE                                                    Increase strength, flexibility, and reduce stress while
27114           TR         12:00 p.m.-12:50 p.m.   28-Sep        11    SWANSO
Yee, Julia	                $99 FEE                                                    learning techniques to calm your mind and soothe your
27926           TR         12:15 p.m.-1:05 p.m.    28-Sep        11     BC-130        spirit. Learn yoga poses that develop strength, balance,
Samuels, Margaret	         $99 FEE
27182           S          8:00 a.m.-8:50 a.m.     2-Oct	        10	ZOOM
                                                                                      proper breathing, and relaxation. Students will need a
Hourmanesh-Jones, Maryam   $69 FEE                                                    yoga mat and blanket.
27913           S          9:15 a.m.-10:05 a.m.    2-Oct	        10	ZOOM              27119	MWF            11:00 a.m.-11:50 a.m.   27-Sep   11	ZOOM
Hourmanesh-Jones, Maryam   $69 FEE                                                    Rose, Mary	          $119 FEE
                                                                                      27261         TR     9:30 a.m.-10:20 a.m.    28-Sep   11	LCX-103
                                                                                      McCarthy, Leigh      $99 FEE
Stay fit for life. Achieve full body fitness by                                       MORNING FLOW YOGA NEW!
strengthening your muscles and conditioning your
cardiovascular system. Enjoy a dynamic mix of high                                    Awaken your senses and move through the day with
intensity cardio intervals, weightlifting, and core                                   clarity and energy with this flow yoga course. Flow yoga
strengthening activities. Round out your routine with                                 increases your strength, improves physical and mental
lower body exercises proven to prevent or minimize                                    balance, and helps metabolize energy going into the day.
bone loss. This is not a slow-paced class. See supplies to                            Class is recommended for those with yoga experience
bring to class:                                               and/or intermediate-advanced fitness level.
                                                                                      27947	MTWR           6:30 A.m.-7:00 A.M.     27-Sep   11	ZOOM
27186	MWF                  9:00 a.m.-9:50 a.m.     27-Sep        11	ZOOM              McCarthy, Leigh      $99 FEE
Pozzesi, Linda	            $119 FEE

Click here to register or call 541-917-4840                                           M = Monday; T = Tuesday; W = Wednesday; R = Thursday;
                                                                                      F = Friday; S = Saturday; U = Sunday

CLASSICAL PILATES                                                         CHEN TAI CHI CHAUN
A system of exercises based upon the teachings of                         Taijiquan (Tai Chi Chuan) can improve balance, promote
Joseph Pilates. The exercises can be modified so any                      relaxation, lower blood pressure, and decrease heart
student is able to achieve the workout. There is a                        rate. The gentle movements bring about a meditative
progression of challenge as we introduce new exercises                    state that reduces stress levels and leaves the
as the body becomes stronger and the mind is more                         practitioner feeling calm and happy. Chen Taijiquan is
knowledgeable about the correct muscles to be used.                       the original form of Tai Chi Chuan yet the most rare.
27125          TR    5:15 p.m.-6:05 p.m.     28-Sep   11	ZOOM             Mastering the movements brings a feeling of pride and
Powell, Jennifer	    $99 FEE
                                                                          accomplishment. No prior experience is needed.
                                                                          27916	MW             11:00 a.m.-11:50 a.m.   27-Sep    11	ZOOM
CLASSICAL PILATES-INTERMEDIATE                                            Kelly, Jeff	         $99 FEE

The intermediate Classical Pilates class incorporates
a system of exercises based upon the teachings of                         TAI CHI J
Joseph Pilates. Exercises are geared towards a full body                  Tai Chi is a form of movement, meditation, and martial
workout and are designed to strengthen mind and body                      art that originated in China. Promotes relaxation,
by working them in tandem. This class is for individuals                  relief from stress, and improved general well-being by
seeking challenge beyond the fundamentals.                                practicing mind/body harmony and cultivating internal
27915	MW             3:30 p.m.-4:20 p.m.     27-Sep   11	ZOOM             energy or 'chi".
Powell, Jennifer	    $99 FEE                                              27190          S     10:00 a.m.-11:50 a.m.   2-Oct	    9     BC-130
                                                                          Leban, Diane         $99 FEE
Increase flexibility, energy, mobility, strength, and range               BEGINNING QI GONG
of motion through a series of dynamic movements that                      Qi Gong is an important part of Chinese Medicine that
restore balance to core muscles of the lower back and                     incorporates meditative slow movement with gentle
abdominal. Each workout is adaptable to the students                      stretching. We will learn basic moving and standing
own level. Please bring a yoga mat.                                       postures particularly within the 5 Elements. Students
27917         TR     8:30 a.m.-9:20 a.m.     28-Sep   11	LCX-103          will increase their energy levels and flexibility as well as
McCarthy, Leigh      $99 FEE
                                                                          gain a general sense of well-being.
                                                                          27924        TR      7:00 p.m.-7:50 p.m.     26-Oct	   4	ZOOM
PILATES COMBO J                                                           Small, Carol         $69 FEE

Pilates is a series of low-impact exercises that
concentrates on building strong abdominal muscles,                        OPTIMAL BREATHING J
which improves balance and coordination. This Pilates                     Healthy breathing is the cornerstone of good health. In
Combo format involves toning with light weights,                          this class we’ll practice a variety of breathing exercises
balancing, and mat workout using a combination of                         to regulate the nervous system and improve the
yoga and pilates moves.                                                   strength and flexibility of your breathing muscles and
27136           TR   5:30 p.m.-6:20 p.m.     28-Sep   11    AC-120        lungs. You’ll also learn how to breathe optimally in your
Yee, Julia	          $99 FEE
                                                                          everyday life, as well as the basic science behind how
                                                                          and why healthy breathing is effective and foundational
YANG TAI CHI                                                              for your mental and physical health.
Tai Chi is a form of movement, meditation, and martial                    27923	MW             10:00 a.m.-10:50 a.m.   27-Sep    10	LCX-103
art that originated in China. Participants learn mind/                    Cloud, Patricia	     $69 FEE

body harmony and how to cultivate our internal energy
or 'chi'. It also promotes balance, flexibility, relaxation,              MODIFIED EXERCISE WITH CHAIRS J
calm focus, and improved general health. All levels                       Modified exercise for older adults: chair exercises,
welcome.                                                                  walking, limited dance movement, and stretching. Open
27201            R   11:00 a.m.-11:50 a.m.   30-Sep   9	ZOOM              to all seniors and everyone in the community.
Billey, Jessica	     $69 FEE                                              27188          TR    9:00 a.m.-9:50 a.m.     28-Sep    11	MEADOW
                                                                          Livesay, Nichole     $99 FEE
Yang Tai Chi II includes the second half of a Yang Style                  CORETASTIC NEW!
short form and goes further in depth exploring mind/                      Coretastic will engage and strengthen your core in
body harmony while moving internal qi energy. We will                     fun and safe workouts. Exercises will also benefit your
practice new moves that promote improved mobility                         lower back, while gaining overall endurance. Designed to
and balance, calm relaxation, and overall good health.                    benefit any fitness or ability level.
Yang Tai Chi is a prerequisite.                                           27932	M	             5:00 A.m.-5:50 A.m.     27-Sep    8	ZOOM
27921            R   12:00 p.m.-12:50 p.m.   30-Sep   9	ZOOM              Schaefer, Michelle   $69 FEE
Billey, Jessica	     $69 FEE                                              27953         W      5:30 p.m.-6:20 p.m.     29-Sep    8	ZOOM
                                                                          Schaefer, Michelle   $69 FEE

Click here to register or call 541-917-4840                               M = Monday; T = Tuesday; W = Wednesday; R = Thursday;
                                                                          F = Friday; S = Saturday; U = Sunday

                                                      Total Body at              BREAK FOR WELLNESS SERIES NEW!
                                                      Home with                  A short workout during your work day might just be
                                                      Michelle Schaefer          the break you need to be happier, healthier, and more
                                                                                 productive. Exercise can boost your brainpower as it
                                                                                 challenges your muscles! We will be mixing things up - it
                                                                                 might be strength training OR it could be dance fitness,
                                                                                 but will ALWAYS be fun! Please bring light/heavy
                                                                                 weights for you and a handled resistance band to class.
                                                                                 Sign up for the entire series or choose your day(s).

                                                                                 27948	MTWR          11:30 a.m.-12:00 P.m.   27-Sep        10	ZOOM
                                                                                 Farrar, Kris	       $99 FEE
Get a total body workout in two days with this at-home                           MONDAYS
exercise program. Using weights and/or household                                 27954	M	            11:30 a.m.-12:00 P.m.   27-Sep        10	ZOOM
                                                                                 Farrar, Kris	       $39 FEE
items, each day will focus on working specific muscle
groups that tone the body and increase your confidence.
27717         T      5:30 p.m.-6:20 p.m.     28-Sep         8	ZOOM
Schaefer, Michelle   $69 FEE                                                     27965           T   11:30 a.m.-12:00 P.m.   28-Sep        10	ZOOM
27920         R      5:00 A.m.-5:50 A.m.     30-Sep         8	ZOOM               Farrar, Kris	       $39 FEE
Schaefer, Michelle   $69 FEE
RELEASE-FOAM ROLLING                                                             27971           W   11:30 a.m.-12:00 P.m.   29-Sep        10	ZOOM
                                                                                 Farrar, Kris	       $39 FEE
Perform deep-tissue massage on yourself using a foam
roller. Myofascial tissue compression techniques require
student to get down on the floor and some upper body                             THURSDAYS
                                                                                 27975           R   11:30 a.m.-12:00 P.m.   30-Sep         8	ZOOM
strength. Modifications are available for most positions.                        Farrar, Kris	       $39 FEE
27918          TR    6:30 p.m.-7:20 p.m.     28-Sep        11	ZOOM
Johnson, Bobbi       $99 FEE
                                                                                 ZUMBA® GOLD
HIIT NEW!                                                                        A dynamic, exciting, and effective fitness program
HIIT is an interval training class combining both                                perfect for active older adults who are looking for a
cardio and plyometric movements. The class works on                              modified Zumba® class that recreates the original moves
improving both cardiovascular and muscular fitness                               you love at a lower-intensity. It is designed to introduce
through the high intensity interval training model. It's                         easy-to-follow Zumba® choreography that focuses on
designed to be fun and engaging.                                                 balance, range of motion, and coordination.
                                                                                 27922	MW            10:00 a.m.-10:50 a.m.   27-Sep        10	ZOOM
27993	MWF            11:30 a.m.-12:00 P.m.   27-Sep        11	ZOOM
                                                                                 Farrar, Kris	       $99 FEE
Autry, Brenda	       $69 FEE
                                                                                 27134         TR    9:00 a.m.-9:50 a.m.     28-Sep        11	ZOOM
                                                                                 Farrar, Kris	       $99 FEE
A high intensity full body workout that incorporates
boxing techniques such as punches, head movement
and footwork, with cardio and plyometric moves to get
your heart rate up and burn maximum calories. Join us
while learning boxing skills and having fun!
28001          TR    5:00 p.m.-5:50 p.m.     28-Sep        11	ZOOM
Autry, Brenda	       $99 FEE

BALLET CORE NEW! J                                                                                                                    Ballet Core with
A combination of ballet, stretching, and core work to                                                                                 Kaisa Lukkanen
develop strength, flexibility, and balance. Ballet Core
involves ballet exercises at the barre, core strengthening
workouts, and stretching, as well as routines in the
center to develop a range of skills. The use of light
weights throughout the class creates an additional
challenge and adds to the goal of achieving a full body
workout. No previous dance experience required.
27195          TR    6:00 p.m.-7:20 p.m.     28-Sep        11      BC-130
Laukkanen, Kaisa	    $119 FEE

Click here to register or call 541-917-4840                                      M = Monday; T = Tuesday; W = Wednesday; R = Thursday;
                                                                                 F = Friday; S = Saturday; U = Sunday
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