World Education Immersive Online Career Training - Academic Catalog 2020-2021

Page created by Adrian Mccarthy
World Education Immersive Online Career Training - Academic Catalog 2020-2021
Immersive Online Career Training

World Education
Academic Catalog 2020-2021
World Education Immersive Online Career Training - Academic Catalog 2020-2021
Whether you’re looking to get ahead in your career,            Our staff is trained to help students with all of the paperwork
change careers, enter the job market for the first time,       and red tape to qualify for grants such as MyCAA, Vocational
or looking to complete your Continuing Education (CE)          Rehabilitation, and other Workforce grants, giving students the
hours- World Education has got you covered!                    ability to train for their career with little or nothing out of pocket!

World Education partners with accredited colleges and          We believe in creating a positive learning journey for students by
universities all across the U.S. These partnerships allow      providing superior service, comprehensive content, and expert
schools to offer our online library to their students, while   coaching in a format that is available and affordable to all students.
issuing certificates of completion backed by their name.       We accomplish our purpose when our students complete their
                                                               program ready to meet the expectations and challenges of their
Established in 2014, World Education partners with             industry and are equipped to find employment.
these colleges and universities to provide students the
best possible online class experience. Students have           With a compelling and engaging eLearning curriculum, World
the ability to train for a rewarding and in-demand career      Education offers students a personalized learning experience.
around their busy schedules, without needing to attend         We understand the unique challenges today's learners face,
a physical campus.                                             and our team of experts work collaboratively to evaluate, design,
                                                               and deliver custom solutions that focus on comprehension and
Many of our courses include certification exam                 engagement. Our instructional design team is seasoned in not
vouchers, and all students are offered career services         only eLearning theories and cognitive principles, but the latest in
after completion to help them find a career they love!         technology resulting in superior design and delivery.

   2 • MAXMAG | Traveling Magazine
World Education Immersive Online Career Training - Academic Catalog 2020-2021
Support Center Analyst                                     Labs & Exams
Operational and Strategy Principles for Business           Certificate in Data Analytics
Owners and Managers                                        Certified Information Systems Security Pro (CISSP)
Logistics, Supply Chain and Purchasing Management          Prep Course and Exam
Management and Leadership Studies                          Certified Web Designer with Adobe Creative Cloud
Six Sigma Green Belt Prep Course and Exam                  CompTIA Computer Technician Specialist with Practice
Pay Per Click Marketing                                    Labs & Exams
Search Engine Marketing Manager                            Introduction to Programming and Design
Advanced Human Resource Management with PHR                Web and Mobile Application Design and Development
Exam Prep                                                  Certified Ethical Hacker
Accounting and Bookkeeping Studies                         Certificate in CyberSecurity
Project Management
Especialista en Comunicación                               MEDIA AND DESIGN | 24
Profesional de Gestión Empresarial
Especialista en Recursos Humanos                           Certified Professional Photographer
Liderazgo                                                  Certified Wedding Planner
Servicio Al Cliente y Profesional de Ventas                Event Management and Design
                                                           Floral Design
CULINARY AND HOSPITALITY | 12                              Green Interior Decorating & Design
                                                           Interior Decorating & Design Entrepreneur
Certified Cannabis Edibles Professional                    Professional Photography
Certified Catering Professional                            Social Media Professional
Dining Room & Banquet Management                           Social Media Strategist with Search Engine Marketing
Hospitality Operations and Management
Hospitality Sales and Marketing                            SKILLED TRADES AND INDUSTRIAL | 28
Professional Cooking & Catering
Travel Agent Training                                      Certified HVAC/R Support Technician
                                                           Certified Master Automotive Technician
                                                           Certified Master Medium-Heavy Truck Technician
HEALTHCARE AND FITNESS | 16                                Building Automation Systems Program (BAS)
                                                           Wind Energy Professional
Certified Clinical Medical Assistant OB/GYN Specialist     Landscaping
Certified Physical Therapy Aide                            Building Construction
Certified Clinical Medical Assistant Associate             Introduction to Automation and Mechatronics
Certified Professional Medical Coder                       Introduction to Industrial Process Control
Certified EKG Technician                                   Introduction to Mechanical Systems
Phlebotomy Technician                                      Técnico Certificado de HVAC Core
Certified Medical Biller and Coder
Home Health Aide with Medical Terminology
                                                           SUSTAINABILITY | 32
Emergency Medical Technician
Certified Pharmacy Technician
Certified Asistente Médico Clínico Asociado                Alternative Energy Specialist
Asistente Médico Clínico: Especialización en Cuidados      Certified Green Energy Consultant
de Emergencia                                              Certified Green Supply Chain Professional (GCCP)
Asistente Médico Clínico: Especialización en Obstetricia   Certified Indoor Air Quality Manager
y Ginecología                                              Certified Indoor Environmentalist (CIE)
Asistente Médico Clínico: Especialización en Pediatría     Certified Renewable Energy Specialist
Asistente Médico Clínico: Especialización en Salud         Certified Sustainability Specialist
Mental                                                     Photovoltaic Energy Professional
                                                           Renewable Energy Specialist
                                                           Sustainability Professional

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World Education Immersive Online Career Training - Academic Catalog 2020-2021

ALTERNATE LANGUAGES | 36                               IT AND SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT | 48
Beginning Conversational Spanish                       Computer Fundamentals
TOEFL Test Preparation                                 Introduction to Certified Information Systems Security
English as a Second Language (ESL) for Spanish         CompTIA A+ Certification (220-1001 and 220-1002)
Speakers                                               CSS Cascading Style Sheets
                                                       Cyber Security Awareness and Prevention
BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL | 38                         HTML Essentials
                                                       Microsoft Outlook 2016
Project Management Skills for Non-Project Managers     Microsoft PowerPoint 2016
Online Learning Accessibility                          Microsoft Word 2016
Supply Chain Management Basics                         Applied Machine Learning Basics
Lean Basics                                            Especialista en Informática con Microsoft Office
Ace Your Job Search!                                   Fundamentos de la Computadora
An Overview of Marketing                               Uso Seguro De Contraseñas
Introduction to Online Learning
Social Media Marketing                                 MEDIA AND DESIGN | 52
Emotional Intelligence for Managers
Introduction to Certified Associate in Project         Create Stunning Digital Photographs
Management                                             Learn Photoshop Elements 2019
Gestión Del Desempeño                                  Learn Photoshop Elements 2020
Protección Solar
Reuniones Efectivas
                                                       PERSONAL ENRICHMENT | 54
Atención Al Cliente
Liderazgo con Valores
                                                       Creativity & Innovation Toolkit
                                                       Learning Online
CULINARY AND HOSPITALITY | 42                          Personal Branding
Gestión de Seguridad Alimentaria                       Personal Excellence
                                                       Personal Finance
                                                       Personal Stress Management
                                                       Personal Stress Reduction
Being a Medical Coder
Communication in Healthcare                            SKILLED TRADES AND INDUSTRIAL | 56
Healthcare Fundamentals
Medical Documentation and Record-Keeping: HIPAA        Automated Vehicle Localization Techniques
Medical Terminology: A Short Course                    Better Bow Hunting
Introduction to Anatomy & Physiology                   Fire Safety
Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialization               Intelligent Transportation Systems Basics
Medical Coding: Current Procedural Terminology (CPT)
ICD-10 Coding                                          SUSTAINABILITY | 58
Nutrition and You: Functional Foods
                                                       An Overview of Sustainable Management
                                                       Environmental Science
                                                       Going Green
                                                       LEED Green Associate Exam Prep

 4 • World Education
World Education Immersive Online Career Training - Academic Catalog 2020-2021

Creating a New Peer Support
Creating Connections
History of Peer Support
One to One
Peer Support 9 Part Training
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
The Importance of The Basics


Classroom Management Secrets
Bullying in Schools
Teaching Struggling Readers
Creating Safe Classroom
Using Technology in Your
Fueling Creativity in the
SMARTBoard Training
Differentiation for the Elementary
Rookie Teacher Survival Guide
STEM for Teachers in Grades

                                     World Education • 5
World Education Immersive Online Career Training - Academic Catalog 2020-2021
                      The career training market is underserved. Organizations who are
                      in a position to make a positive impact on this underserved market
                      shouldn’t have to do it alone.

                      World Education forms partnerships with organizations who are
                      looking to help close the skills gap and our greatest achievements
                      have stemmed from strategic alliances focused on creating mean-
                      ingful outcomes for students.

                      Our wide array of products and services are available to jumpstart,
                      accelerate, or enhance what is already working well for you. If you
                      share our entrepreneurial spirit, penchant for exceptional customer
                      service, and desire to make a difference… we are eager to explore
                      the possibilities with you!

                      World Education offers a partnership model with colleges and uni-
                      versities that allows institutions to expand offerings, increase reach,
                      and drive revenue.

6 • World Education
World Education Immersive Online Career Training - Academic Catalog 2020-2021
Unlike other providers, World       World Education and our              Become a Partner today!
Education does not offer            service focused approach             World Education has over
courses direct to the public.       allows minimal administrative        1,000 courses in our product
Our success as a company            overhead to efficiently              library that can be aligned to
is mutually dependent on the        manage the program.                  any type of business training.
success of our partners. We
provide further value and tools     Our target audiences can be          The student experience is
to our partners by assisting with   very diverse, such as: aspiring      customizable, so World
outreach, demystifying potential    professionals, unemployed,           Education is able to personalize
funding sources, and forging        injured workers, teachers, and       landing pages and any other
a path to employment for the        the military community.              learner environments for your
students.                                                                company.
                                    If you are a growth-oriented
As learners enroll in their         college or university with a         If you are ready to invest in one
courses, it creates a revenue       similar passion for helping          of your greatest assets, your
generating opportunity              those with educational needs         employees, World Education is
for the school. There’s no          reach their full potential, we are   available to help.
upfront cost to working with        standing by ready to assist!

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World Education Immersive Online Career Training - Academic Catalog 2020-2021

8 • World Education
World Education Immersive Online Career Training - Academic Catalog 2020-2021
Operational and Strategy Principles              Six Sigma Green Belt Prep Course
for Business Owners and Managers                 and Exam

This course explores the fundamental             The Six Sigma Green Belt Prep program
concepts and theories practitioners will         is specifically designed for adult learners
need to successfully guide operations in         who want to take the Six Sigma Green Belt
manufacturing and service organizations.         exam. This extensive training program not
Modules in this self-paced course introduce      only gives you knowledge of the concepts
key foundational material, describe the          but also highlights techniques, tools, and
interplay of supply chains and demand            strategies that you can use. With the Six
management, and explain the role that            Sigma Green Belt certification, you can
processes and process management                 apply your learned skills in improvement
play in robust operations. Specific tools,       activities at various companies.
techniques, and methodologies (including
Lean, total quality management, and
Six Sigma) are presented to show their           Management and Leadership
applicability to operational strategies.         Studies

Support Center Analyst                           Owning your own business or managing
                                                 a business provides many unique
This on-demand Support Center Analyst            opportunities and is a satisfying career path.
Certification Training course provides           Our management and leadership studies
frontline agents the communication and           program will give students the necessary
technical skills and knowledge they need to      skills and knowledge to be successful in any
deliver effective and efficient, high-quality    management role as well as successfully
customer service. Included real-world            starting and operating their own business.
simulations and assessments ensure that          The nine modules in this program will cover
once you complete this course, you will          leadership and persuasion, management
provide better service to your customers.        operations, problem-solving, disciplines,
                                                 negotiations, development and change,
Logistics, Supply Chain and                      decision making skills, assertiveness,
Purchasing Management                            interpersonal communication, and the
                                                 best practices for a successful business.
This assessment-rich supply chain                Successful completion of this program
management program is specifically               will open the doors into business and
designed for people who have zero                management and allow students to pursue a
experience in supplychain management.            variety of successful career paths.
Therefore, this course will help you acquire
the necessary skills and knowledge to            Pay Per Click Marketing
secure entry-level positions in supply chain
and purchasing management.                       Pay per click (PPC) marketing is a highly
                                                 specialized area of search engine marketing
Accounting and Bookkeeping                       that allows businesses to promote their Web
                                                 sites by paying for exposure in the paid ads
                                                 results of major search engines, including
                                                 Google, Yahoo! and Bing. Pay per click
This online accounting and bookkeeping
                                                 ads are delivered in response to keyword
course is designed specifically for people
                                                 searches and appear under the heading
who have zero experience in this field, or for
                                                 “sponsored results” or “featured listings” for
those who wish to improve their knowledge
                                                 relevant search queries.
of accounting and bookkeeping.

                                                                                World Education • 9
World Education Immersive Online Career Training - Academic Catalog 2020-2021
Search Engine Marketing Manager

This Search Engine Marketing Manager
program is designed to address the
skyrocketing need for qualified search
engine marketing professionals in this
challenging and rewarding field. Search
engine marketing has become a primary
marketing tool to connect with the millions
of people who use search engines like
Google, Yahoo! and Bing to locate products
and services of every type. Search engine
marketing encompasses a wide variety of
techniques and as a certified search engine
marketer; you’ll be responsible for selecting
the ones which best suit your client’s needs
and budgets. This program will teach
students step-by-step how to optimize a web
site in order to attain higher rankings on the
world’s most popular search engines for
specific keywords and phrases.

Project Management

Our online project management course is
ideal for anyone seeking to enhance their
skills and increase their knowledge of
fundamental project management principles
and practices.

Advanced Human Resource
Management with PHR Exam Prep

Human Resource professionals handle
the hiring and staffing of businesses, they
institute employee compensation and
                                                 Especialista en Recursos Humanos
benefits, and they help define the work
processes within a company.. Human
                                                 Las personas capacitadas en el campo de
resource managers are the intermediaries
                                                 Recursos Humanos están calificadas para
between top executives and the rest of the
                                                 prosperar en una amplia gama de puestos
company. A human resources department
                                                 de trabajo. Los especialistas en recursos
oversees every process that involves
                                                 humanos pueden seguir una variedad
people, and people are the most valuable
                                                 de carreras como gerente, ejecutivo y
resource in any company. The importance
                                                 consultor. Los especialistas en recursos
that companies place on human resources is
                                                 humanos están calificados para manejar
reflected in the salaries offered. The median
                                                 tareas tales como gestión de empleados,
income for a human resources professional
                                                 comunicaciones y disputas y capacitación
in 2015 was $104,400 per year. The job
                                                 de empleados.
growth in this field is at 9% per year, which
is a fast rate of growth.

10 • World Education
Especialista en Comunicación                    Servicio Al Cliente y Profesional de
Este programa está diseñado para
ayudar a los estudiantes a convertirse en       En nuestro programa de Servicio al Cliente,
comunicadores más efectivos y persuasivos       los estudiantes aprenderán cómo llegar
y le da un gran énfasis a las habilidades       al corazón del servicio al cliente; Un logro
escritas y verbales que necesitan para          desafiante pero no imposible. Los clientes
tener éxito en los negocios. El programa        esperan un servicio de calidad y, a cambio,
se enfoca en una variedad de temas              brindarán lealtad. Las empresas de hoy
que incluyen escritura, gramática y             entienden que la lealtad del servicio al
aplicaciones prácticas para aquellos tales      cliente contribuye al éxito y al crecimiento de
como cómo escribir piezas interesantes,         un negocio. Es por eso que es importante
informativas y persuasivas que agreguen         entender la importancia de aprender,
valor a cualquier negocio. Además de            desarrollar y mejorar las habilidades
escribir, hablar en público es una forma        necesarias para comunicarse de manera
valiosa de comunicación, constantemente         efectiva en una mansión profesional con los
útil en formas tales como hablar con un         clientes. En este programa, exploraremos
colega, compañero de trabajo, supervisor        la interacción con los clientes y cómo
o empleador, cliente o vendedor. Qué tan        comunicarnos efectivamente con ellos.
bien hable refleja su profesionalismo y         Discutiremos cómo controlar los conflictos,
competencia, y puede ayudar efectivamente       el estrés y el tiempo en un entorno de
a construir su influencia personal, así como    servicio al cliente. Por último, describiremos
la de toda su organización. Incluimos la        la prestación de servicio al cliente en
evaluación de varios estilos de negociación y   diferentes formatos, incluso en persona y
estrategias para los entornos empresariales     por teléfono. Con este programa, obtendrá
más comunes, y ayuda a los estudiantes a        las habilidades necesarias para trabajar en
desarrollar las habilidades de negociación      cualquier puesto de servicio al cliente.
fundamentales que necesitarán en una
variedad de contextos profesionales.
                                                Profesional de Gestión Empresarial
Liderazgo                                       Liderar un equipo de colegas o administrar
                                                su propio personal requiere un conjunto de
Qué es el liderazgo y por qué es                habilidades de liderazgo que a menudo son
importante? Cómo fomenta un líder el            pocas y distantes en la cultura empresarial
cambio sin provocar una resistencia             actual. Comprender las personalidades que
temerosa? Cuáles son los elementos clave        trabajan para usted y con usted, al tiempo
para liderar un equipo efectivo? Cuál es el     que maniobra para aprovechar al máximo
papel del carisma en el liderazgo? Cómo         los diferentes conjuntos de habilidades y
puede un líder lograr el equilibrio trabajo-    personalidades de su personal, es esencial
vida? Este conjunto de cursos aborda todas      para un liderazgo efectivo y una gestión
estas preguntas y muchas más.                   productiva.

                                                                              World Education • 11

12 • MAXMAG | Traveling Magazine
Certified Cannabis Edibles                       Certified Catering Professional
                                                 Our Certified Catering Professional program
Are you looking to combine your creativity       will take you through all the steps involved
in the kitchen with an exciting new career in    in operating a successful catering business.
the cannabis profession? The three modules       From planning an event step-by-step, to
in this Cooking & Edibles course will            developing a full menu, to managing your
prepare you to become a Certified Cannabis       clients and employees, this program offers
Edibles Professional (CCEP).                     solutions and considerations for all types of
                                                 related issues that may arise. Learn the skills
                                                 and techniques you need to build and grow
Dining Room & Banquet                            a successful catering business today! The
Management                                       two part professional cooking section of this
                                                 program will explore the cooking principles
This Dining Room & Banquet Management            you need to begin your career in the exciting
course is ideal for a student that wants         culinary industry. This program explores
to move into hospitality management. Its         professional techniques and methods for
emphasis is on the service aspects of a          creating hundreds of recipes both traditional
business that will distinguish an outstanding    and contemporary. Each year millions of
dining experience. The course includes the       Americans get sick, hundreds of thousands
history of dining room and banquet service,      are hospitalized, and several thousand die
the proper techniques of service, sanitation     from tainted food served in restaurants
requirements, and important merchandising        or prepared at home. This is unfortunate
concepts. In addition, information               because most food borne illnesses are
about reservations, priority seating, and        caused when food is not handled properly.
reservations systems is also included.           Regardless if workers are in a full-service
                                                 eating establishment, working a street
                                                 corner deli cart, cooking for everyone
Hospitality Sales and Marketing                  at the annual company picnic, or simply
                                                 bringing in a dish for the monthly office
In today’s competitive hospitality market,       pot-luck, it is crucial that they know and
understanding sales and marketing is             follow the generally practiced food safety
essential to succeed in the hospitality          techniques set by local, State, and Federal
business. Our Hospitality Sales and              agencies. This program will teach you the
Marketing course dives into specific market      steps necessary for setting up and running
segments, such as travel, food service,          your own home-based catering business.
lodging and events. The content draws            From writing a successful business plan to
upon practical experiences and new trends        marketing your new business and tips for
related to customer relationship management,     deciding on a menu- this program has it all.
advertising, social media and technology. This
course explores customer motives and how
sales professionals can tailor their approach    Professional Cooking & Catering
to the buyer’s perception of value.
                                                 This professional cooking and catering
                                                 course is designed for anyone who wants
                                                 to learn how to cook on a professional level
                                                 and how to start a catering business. With
                                                 the right kind of knowledge and skills, you
                                                 can make a successful career in doing what
                                                 you love.

                                                                               World Education • 13
Hospitality Operations and

This program provides a detailed description
of the many facets of the Hospitality
and Tourism sector, including tours and
travel, hotels, restaurants, culinary, casino
operations, cruises, and the recreation
and leisure industries. Personal profiles
of industry leaders highlight the wide
range of career opportunities available
in the field. This course discusses the
Hospitality and Tourism industry’s evolution
toward increased internationalization and
integration. Industry vignettes offer a behind-
the-scenes view of real-life job tasks and
career success stories. Each module of
this course features practical case study
scenarios, including business and social
attitude comparatives, advertising and
marketing messaging, financial modeling,
and competitive analysis formulation. Real
and hypothetical hotels, restaurants, and
other business types found in the hospitality
industry are included as case studies giving
the opportunity for reflection on hospitality
concepts and principles. The “Ethics in
Business” segments encourage students to
analyze ethical issues associated with each
topic. Drawing from the insights of leading
sales executives, Hospitality Sales covers
the changing hospitality sales profession,
including the three emerging selling roles
and when to use them.

Travel Agent Training

The travel and tourism industry is a $4 trillion
industry and growing. Our Travel Agent
Training Program teaches students the skills
they need to know to start a career in this
exciting and rewarding field.

14 • World Education
World Education • 15
                 AND FITNESS

16 • MAXMAG | Traveling Magazine
Certified Clinical Medical Assistant              Certified Clinical Medical Assistant
OB/GYN Specialist                                 Associate

This course is designed specifically for          Whether you are a healthcare professional
aspiring healthcare professionals who want        that’s looking to become a certified clinical
to make a successful career in women’s            medical assistant or you simply want to
reproductive health. Thus, our goal is to train   prepare for the national certification exam,
you to become a certified OB/GYN medical          this program will help you achieve your
assistant. To help you become a health care       goals.
professional in the healthcare industry, we’ll
teach you 3 vital healthcare skill sets.
                                                  Certified EKG Technician
Emergency Medical Technician                      This certified EKG technician program is
                                                  designed for people who want to pursue a
This course is designed to prepare the EMT        successful career as an EKG technician in
student to work effectively in the chain of       the growing healthcare industry. You don’t
a health care team. The course provides           need to have any previous experience in the
didactic knowledge so that the student            healthcare industry to enroll in this course.
may efficiently and effectively provide
emergency medical care at the basic life
support level with an ambulance service or        Certified Medical Biller and Coder
other specialized agency or department.
Students learn to recognize the nature and        As the ones responsible for the proper
seriousness of a scene and emergency              processing of patient data (including
victim(s), assess extent of injuries or           recording insurance information and
illness, administer appropriate emergency         diagnoses, and collecting payment from
medical care based on assessment, move            providers), people with Medical Biller and
or position the patient to minimize further       Coder training are some of the most crucial
injury or discomfort, and transport the           members of any healthcare organization.
patient to the appropriate medical facility.      This highly specialized and valuable position
Students additionally learn the philosophies      is the fastest growing career field in the
and systems of emergency medical                  healthcare industry, according to the U.S.
services as well as effective strategies for      Bureau of Labor Statistics, and is therefore
communicating with patients, bystanders,          achieving professional certification as a
families of victims, and other healthcare and     Medical Biller and Coder can be a valuable
rescue personnel.                                 step towards achieving a successful and
                                                  flourishing medical career.

Phlebotomy Technician
                                                  Certified Pharmacy Technician
This course is specifically created for
people who don’t have experience with             This interactive and multimedia-rich course
phlebotomy or the healthcare industry in          is designed for people who don’t have any
general. It will teach you how to comfort         experience in the healthcare industry. With
patients when drawing their blood and             that said, it can also be an excellent oppor-
much more. Therefore, this program is an          tunity for existing professionals to increase
excellent option for healthcare professionals     their knowledge on the subject.
to improve their skills as well.

                                                                                 World Education • 17
Home Health Aide with Medical                 Certified Professional Medical
Terminology                                   Coder

A Home Health Aide (HHA) may also be          This course is created for healthcare
known as a Home Caregiver or Residential      professionals that are searching for medical
Assistant (RA). An HHA provides basic,        coding certification online. The course is
personal care and health-related services     designed to be user-friendly so that users
to a variety of individuals (patients) who    can access it even if they’re not good at
require more assistance than family and/      using computers.
or friends are able to provide. HHAs are
part of a category of occupations that
                                              Certified Physical Therapy Aide
is commonly referred to as “direct care
workers.” The services/care that a Home
                                              This assessment-rich program is designed
Health Aide provides depends upon their
                                              for those of you who’ve been looking for
specialty area. If you’ve ever thought
                                              physical therapy assistant programs online.
about becoming a home health aide, our
                                              Through this course, you can become
in-depth curriculum could help you learn
                                              a certified physical therapy aide and
important fundamental, practical skills
                                              perform duties like keeping the treatment
involved in a career as a home health aide.
                                              area organized and clean. You’ll also be
For each patient, an HHA is responsible for
                                              performing clerical duties, helping patients
recording services performed, as well as
                                              in wheelchairs,ordering supplies, and a lot
the patient’s condition and progress. They
also record and report any changes in a
patient’s condition to the case manager or
supervisor and also discuss observations
with them. Quickly master the basics of
medical terminology and begin speaking
and writing terms almost immediately! This
course omits time-consuming, nonessential
information and helps you build a working
medical vocabulary of the most frequently
encountered suffixes, prefixes, and word
roots. Medical terms are introduced in the
context of human anatomy and physiology to
help you understand exactly what they mean,
and case studies, vignettes, and activities
demonstrate how medical terms are used
in practice. With all this plus medical
animations, word games, and flash cards on
the companion website, you’ll be amazed
at how easily medical terminology becomes
part of your vocabulary.

18 • World Education
Asistente Médico Clínico:                        Asistente Médico Clínico:
Especialización en Cuidados de                   Especialización en Pediatría
                                                 En la creciente industria de la salud, los
En la creciente industria de la salud, los       asistentes médicos clínicos calificados son
asistentes médicos clínicos calificados son      algunos de los empleados más buscados.
algunos de los empleados más buscados.           Los asistentes capacitados en la práctica
Los asistentes capacitados en la práctica de     de obstetricia / ginecología en particular
Cuidados de emergencia en particular son         son muy deseados debido a su experiencia
muy deseados debido a su experiencia en el       en el trabajo con mujeres en las distintas
trabajo con mujeres en las distintas etapas      etapas de los embarazos. Cualquier persona
de los embarazos. Cualquier persona que se       que se convierta en un asistente médico
convierta en un asistente médico Cuidados        Pediatríaaltamente capacitado tiene una
de emergencia altamente capacitado tiene         clara ventaja en el competitivo mercado
una clara ventaja en el competitivo mercado      laboral de atención médica, y está lista para
laboral de atención médica, y está lista para    prosperar en una variedad de entornos
prosperar en una variedad de entornos            de atención médica, como consultorios
de atención médica, como consultorios            y clínicas de Pediatría, hospitales e
y clínicas de Pediatría, hospitales e            instalaciones ambulatorias / ambulatorias.
instalaciones ambulatorias / ambulatorias.
                                                 Asistente Médico Clínico:
Asistente Médico Clínico:                        Especialización en Salud Mental
Especialización en Obstetricia y                 En la creciente industria de la salud, los
Ginecología                                      asistentes médicos clínicos calificados son
                                                 algunos de los empleados más buscados.
En la creciente industria de la salud, los       Los asistentes capacitados en la práctica
asistentes médicos clínicos calificados son      de Salud Mental en particular son muy
algunos de los empleados más buscados.           deseados debido a su experiencia en el
Los asistentes capacitados en la práctica        trabajo con mujeres en las distintas etapas
de obstetricia / ginecología en particular son   de los embarazos. Cualquier persona que
muy deseados debido a su experiencia en el       se convierta en un asistente médico Salud
trabajo con mujeres en las distintas etapas      Mental altamente capacitado tiene una clara
de los embarazos. Cualquier persona que          ventaja en el competitivo mercado laboral de
se convierta en un asistente médico OB /         atención médica, y está lista para prosperar
GYN altamente capacitado tiene una clara         en una variedad de entornos de atención
ventaja en el competitivo mercado laboral de     médica, como consultorios y clínicas de
atención médica, y está lista para prosperar     Salud Mental, hospitales e instalaciones
en una variedad de entornos de atención          ambulatorias / ambulatorias.
médica, como consultorios y clínicas de
OB / GYN, hospitales e instalaciones             Certified Asistente Médico Clínico
ambulatorias / ambulatorias.

                                                 Los asistentes médicos clínicos son una de
                                                 las profesiones de más rápido crecimiento
                                                 en el cuidado de la salud, que ya es una de
                                                 las industrias de más rápido crecimiento.
                                                 Trabajan en diferentes entornos de atención
                                                 médica, incluidos centros de atención
                                                 ambulatoria o ambulatoria, consultorios
                                                 médicos y clínicas, y hospitales.
                                                                             World Education • 19

20 • MAXMAG | Traveling Magazine
IT Support Center Analyst                        Certified Web Designer with Adobe
                                                 Creative Cloud
Our IT Support Center Analyst Certification
Training gives front line agents the             Are you a creative person who like working
communication and technical skills and           on a computer? Web design may be the
knowledge they need to deliver effective         perfect field for you. Every business needs
and efficient, high-quality customer service.    to present a new and exciting image to their
This course covers the basics of Information     audience, the public. Good web designers
Technology support and includes real-world       help companies present their best ideas
simulations and assessments that ensure          using a combination of technology and
once you complete this course, you will          designs. Using these tools, you may be the
provide better service to your customers.        one to help your company or clients get the
                                                 message to the public.
An Introduction to CompTIA: A+
Network+ Security+ with Labs &                   CompTIA Computer Technician
Exams                                            Specialist with Practice Labs &
Our goal with this introductory IT program is
to give individuals who have no experience       This CompTIA Computer Technician training
or training in this field the opportunity to     program is for anyone who wants to learn
pursue a career as a network professional or     how necessary information technology
security professional.                           (IT) skills are for a career as a network
                                                 professional or security professional. So,
                                                 even if you have zero experience in IT, you
Certificate in Data Analytics                    can create career opportunities for yourself
                                                 in this field.
This interactive module is specifically
designed for people who are looking for
data analytics certification online. With this   Introduction to Programming and
certification module, you can acquire the        Design
necessary skills, knowledge, and credentials
to make a successful career for yourself in      This user-friendly program features a design
the field of data analytics.                     and programming languages course that will
                                                 help you secure entry-level positions in web
                                                 design and computer programming. If you
Certified Information Systems
                                                 don’t have any experience in this field, don’t
Security Pro (CISSP) Prep Course                 worry. This program is specifically designed
and Exam                                         for people who want an introduction in
                                                 various program languages.
This program will prepare students for
the CISSP exam so that they may secure
                                                 Web and Mobile Application Design
positions, such as Chief Information
Security Officers, Security Architects,          and Development
or Security Analysts.This course is for
professionals who have experience working        This training is designed for aspiring web
as security officers and want to improve their   design and development professionals with
qualifications with a CISSP certification.       no prior experience in the field. This project-
                                                 based program is multimedia and assess-
                                                 ment rich, which means the learner receives
                                                 prompt feedback and follow-up on their

                                                                                World Education • 21
Certified Ethical Hacker                        Certificate in CyberSecurity

This ethical hacking training course is         This Certificate in Cybersecurity offers
designed for anyone who wants to become         an introduction to the critical elements of
a certified ethical hacker. Thus, in this       information security, as well as foundational
course, you’ll learn about the five essential   information about key certifications for
phases of ethical hacking. With this            professionals in the industry. Each of the
knowledge, you’ll know how to approach          eight courses in this suite will help learners
your target and what you must do to             master the vocabulary of the industry and
succeed at breaking-in and achieving your       offers examples, videos, interactive games,
goal each time.                                 and review questions to ensure mastery of
                                                the material.

22 • World Education
                    AND DESIGN

24 • MAXMAG | Traveling Magazine
Certified Professional Photographer              Floral Design

This certified professional photographer         Our Floral Design course prepares students
course is designed to help you acquire           for a career designing floral arrangements
the credentials and the necessary skillsets      and running a successful florist business.
to pursue a career as a portrait, aerial,        The course balances theory with practice,
news, scientific,fine-arts, or commercial        covering the history of design, artistic
photographer.                                    elements, floral anatomy, and nomenclature,
                                                 along with techniques, tools, and
                                                 specialties. Students will be prepared for
Certified Wedding Planner                        the real business world with discussions on
                                                 distribution, marketing, advertising, and the
Weddings are landmarks in the lives of           other industry-specific issues needed for
the brides, grooms, and their families. The      success in the field.
wedding consultant has the most important
role in planning this special day. Today’s
brides and grooms have busy lives and            Green Interior Decorating & Design
they often do not have time to make all the
preparations for their dream wedding. They’ll    Interior design and decorating touches the
gladly pay a wedding consultant to take care     lives of all of us in a very direct way we
of the details. This program will provide you    all live in interiors, and most of us work,
with all the tools you will need to create the   study, shop, and travel inside buildings,
business you want.                               vehicles, and other enclosures. At one time
                                                 or another, almost everyone has been an
                                                 interior designer or decorator on a limited
Event Management and Design                      scale, when choosing a painting color
                                                 or a rug, when buying furniture, or when
The event and meeting planning industry          arranging furniture in a new living place.
is growing at a rapid pace and creating          For these reasons, interior design and
new opportunities for professional event         decorating is -- or should be -- of interest to
management professionals. Our event              everyone. This course helps you understand
management program includes greener              the basic principles of interior design and
events, corporate social responsibility,         decorating to both improve your life, and set
international best practices, and the            you in a new direction for your career!
expanding event field. You will also learn
how technology, including the use of social
media, may be harnessed to improve               Interior Decorating & Design
the financial, environmental, and other          Entrepreneur
strategic outcomes of a special event. This
course will introduce students to the keys       This user-friendly interior design course is
to selecting the best registration method        designed specifically for any individual who
to help people wanting to attend events.         wants to start and operate their own interior
Learn a systematic approach to evaluating        design company.This course is available
meeting objectives and group needs as they       on a user-friendly platform so that you can
relate to menu design, pricing structures,       access every resource at your disposal with
guarantee strategies, negotiation items and      ease.
overall information about food and beverage
services. This course will introduce essential
tools needed to prepare a budget for
events of all sizes, and how to prepare and
communicate presentations to clients.

                                                                                World Education • 25
Professional Photography                             Social Media Strategist with Search
                                                     Engine Marketing
Professional Photography is a profession
that offers flexibility and artistic freedom.        Social media is now a necessary part of any
Professional photographers use their                 organization’s marketing, sales, recruiting,
expertise, creativity, and composition skills        or public relations initiatives. Organizations
to produce and preserve images that tell             that use social media effectively create long-
a story or record a memory. Professional             term brand advocates from social media
photographers work in many different                 followers; while others spend their time in
environments depending on their desire               crisis management. Learn how to move
and specialty. Photographer specialties give         any organization from crisis management
professionals the freedom to pursue their            to social media success. By using today’s
artistic dreams as a portrait, aerial, scientific,   hottest social media platforms you are able
news, commercial and industrial, or fine arts        to build the powerful personal brand that
photographer. The professional photography           gets you what you want. From Facebook
profession allows the flexibility to work as a       to Pinterest to video sharing, this class will
freelance artist, a corporate employee, or           teach you the techniques and ideas that
both.                                                are practical, easy, and effective for your
                                                     brand. Networking and social media is a
                                                     business tool that needs to be utilized, but
Social Media Professional
                                                     do you know how to properly use it to fit
                                                     your brand? We will teach you to choose
Social media is now a necessary part of any
                                                     today’s best social media tools for your
organization’s marketing, sales, recruiting, or
                                                     personal goals, make the most of Facebook,
public relations initiatives. Organizations that
                                                     LinkedIn, and Twitter—and leverage new
use social media effectively create long-term
                                                     platforms like Pinterest and Google+, build
brand advocates from social media followers;
                                                     a personal brand campaign and measure
while others spend their time in crisis
                                                     the success of your social media branding.
management. This program includes four topic
                                                     Social media has created an opportunity
areas, marketing and PR, branding yourself
                                                     for businesses everywhere to promote and
with social media, social media marketing,
                                                     grow with just a simple push of a button.
and WordPress. With these areas we will
                                                     Whether you consider yourself a social
take the latest social media tools, marketing
                                                     media novice or a seasoned veteran, this
trends and apply them to real-life examples in
                                                     class will give you a solid foundation and
your business to equal success. In our course
                                                     understanding of what social media is and
you’ll build your skills in each lesson and
                                                     how you can use it to grow your business.
master cost-effective marketing strategies. We
                                                     You’ll learn about the most popular social
will look deep into newly popular tools such
                                                     media platforms—Facebook, Twitter,
as Infographics, photo-sharing using Pinterest
                                                     LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Google+—and
and Instagram. From Facebook to Pinterest
                                                     study secrets for using them to promote
to video sharing, this class will teach you the
                                                     your business.
techniques and ideas that are practical, easy,
and effective for your brand. Networking and
social media is a business tool that needs to
be utilized, but do you know how to properly
use it to fit your brand? We will teach you to
choose today’s best social media tools for
your personal goals, and how to leverage new
platforms like Pinterest and Google+, build a
personal brand campaign and measure the
success of your social media branding.

26 • World Education
Certified HVAC/R Support                          Building Automation Systems
Technician                                        Program (BAS)

The HVAC/R Technician Specialist program          The Building Automation Systems (BAS)
offers an opportunity for students to learn       Online Certificate Program provides
the skills necessary to enter the field of        entry level knowledge for those aspiring
heating, cooling and refrigeration while          to become Direct Digital Controls
also exploring methods for communicating          (DDC) Technicians. It starts with the
effectively with the customer and solving         fundamentals of building controls and
problems. As the industry moves forward           then works through general web based
into the future, the need for skilled             DDC networking knowledge. Next, it is
technicians is growing.                           on to control drawing fundamentals and
                                                  a simulated Graphic User Interface (GUI)
                                                  used to practice troubleshooting and DDC
Certified Master Medium-Heavy                     point identification. Finally, students are
Truck Technician                                  introduced to some common types of DDC
                                                  programming. The last two courses of the
Our Medium / Heavy Diesel Automotive              program allow students to practice applying
Technician three-part course series covers        DDC technology to common pieces of
industry trends and current technology            commercial HVAC equipment.
to provide an in-depth guide to highway
diesel engines and their management. This
series prepares entry-level and experienced       Certified Master Automotive
technicians alike for a successful career as a    Technician
Medium/Heavy Diesel Automotive Technician
by outlining the role of the truck technician,    This Automotive Technician (ASE) series
industry tools and standards for safety, and      covers automotive theory and the service
steps for diagnosing and servicing a full         and repair of various systems of the
range of diesel engines. Learn the necessary      automobile. This program prepares students
knowledge to gain employment in the               for a successful career as an Automotive
automotive industry with up-to-date content       Technician by outlining the automotive
including the principles and practices            industry, the role of the Automotive
underlying current and proposed ASE and           Technician, and steps for diagnosing and
NATEF tasks and the most current diesel           servicing all automobile systems. Learn
engine management electronics used in the         necessary knowledge to gain employment
industry. This series provides everything a       in the automotive industry with up-to-date
student needs to know to diagnose, service,       content including electronic automatic
and maintain diesel engine systems. This          transmissions, preventive maintenance, and
series is made up of three parts:                 hybrid vehicles. Our automotive technology
                                                  program is everything a student needs to
                                                  know to diagnose, service, and maintain
Wind Energy Professional
                                                  automotive systems. This program is
                                                  made up of three levels from beginner to
The availability of clean, renewable power
is without question going to be the defining
challenge and goal of the 21st century, and
wind will lead the way. Wind power can
realistically not only replace the lion’s share
of oil, coal, and natural gas fired electrical
plants in the U.S., but also can add enough
extra power capacity to allow for most of the
cars in the nation to run on electricity.
                                                                             World Education • 29
Building Construction                               Introduction to Automation and
      In this course, students will learn the
      components of building construction as              Mechatronics is equal parts mechanical,
      related to firefighter and life safety. This        electrical, and software engineering merged
      course will examine the five types of NFPA          to design, build and operate products.
      classifications for building construction. Loads,   Automation and Mechatronics engineering
      structural components, and how fire and other       is an inter-disciplinary field that integrates
      emergencies impact building design and              mechanical systems with electronics,
      construction will be explored. The components       control, and computer technologies.
      of building systems, their effects on building      This field combines mechanical system
      design and construction, and how structures         design and analysis with process control,
      act under fire and other emergency situations       networking, and computer software. In
      will be examined as well.                           this level one, entry level program we will
                                                          cover all the essential prerequisite skills and
                                                          knowledge necessary for working in this
      Introduction to Mechanical Systems
                                                          growing industry.
      Mechanical Systems manage power to
      perform a task that involves force and              Introduction to Industrial Process
      motion. With this introductory program,             Control
      learners will discover the applications of
      force, motion, energy, and fluid mechanics          Industrial process control is used in many
      to mechanical systems and discuss ways              industries such as oil refining, pulp and
      to reduce friction and wear on the systems.         paper manufacturing, chemical processing
      Understanding how machines work is a vital          and power generating plants. The
      in understanding any working with any type          development of large industrial process
      of machinery. This program will provide the         control systems was vital in allowing the
      basic knowledge and skills in mechanical            design of large high volume and complex
      systems management including the hand               processes, which could not be otherwise
      tools used, safety and health practices,            economically or safely operated. In this
      lubricants and lubrications, and industrial         introduction program, learners will dive
      rigging principles and practices.                   into industrial process control by exploring
                                                          the different areas of process control
                                                          measurement such as common methods
      Técnico Certificado de HVAC Core                    for measuring volume, motion, force,
                                                          temperature, fluid flow, and electricity, fluid
      El Programa de Técnico Central Certificado
                                                          flow, and temperature.
      de HVAC es un programa integral de
      educación en línea de HVAC que abarca un
      conjunto completo de habilidades utilizadas         Landscaping
      por instaladores y técnicos que buscan la
      Certificación NATE. Cubre todas las áreas           This Landscaping course provides the basic
      centrales de NATE con una rica selección            knowledge and industry information needed
      de cursos básicos, al tiempo que explora            to be successful in the field of landscape
      métodos para comunicarse de manera                  design and architecture. Focusing on three
      efectiva con el cliente y resolver problemas.       areas of professional practice; design,
      El contenido presentado cubre los objetivos         contracting, and management, traditional
      de aprendizaje identificados por el grupo           topics such as design, plant installation,
      industrial HVAC NATE como áreas de                  and pricing, as well as topics not found
      conocimiento crítico para un técnico.               in most other resources, such as interior
                                                          landscaping, xeriscaping, water gardens,
                                                          and safety are discussed.
30 • World Education
Certified Green Energy Consultant                Certified Indoor Environmentalist
As the usage of energy increases it is
imperative that businesses seek green            Do you work in the field of indoor air
energy sources. With this training program       quality (IAQ)? The Council- certified
we will explore alternative energy sources       Indoor Environmentalist (CIE) is the most
and ways to help conserve, reduce, reuse,        popular indoor air quality certification. If
recycle, and minimize the impact on our          you investigate air quality problems such as
planet. We will examine the history of           mold, VOCs, allergens, dampness, poor
sustainability practices and challenges that     ventilation and sick building syndrome, the
we currently face. This program will address     CIE is great certification to substantiate your
the main characteristics of the emerging         knowledge and experience. The certification
generation of technologies which will be         is designed for environmental consultants,
employed to provide energy for the power         HVAC professionals, property inspectors,
grid over the next 20 years.                     industrial hygienists, restoration contractors
                                                 and others working in fields related to indoor
                                                 air quality.
Certified Green Supply Chain
Professional (GCCP)
                                                 Sustainability Professional
With businesses becoming increasingly
                                                 Energy availability is a real concern for
environmentally-friendly, the demand for
                                                 everyone. Without energy or with access
green certified workers is increasing.
                                                 to much less energy than we currently use,
And our green supply chain management
                                                 we could not live in the same way, and life
professional (GCCP) certificate course is
                                                 would not be easy. As an Sustainability
becoming one of our most popular courses.
                                                 Professional you will learn about this new
                                                 “green” paradigm, where energy plays a
Certified Indoor Air Quality Manager             central role in our lives. Building an energy
                                                 future which assures ample supplies of
Are you a facility manager, building engineer    energy to meet our needs should be a
or property owner that is interested in how      major priority and of concern to all. Energy
indoor air quality (IAQ) affects the occupants   supply is a complex subject and many
of your space? The Council- Certified Indoor     considerations come into play: science,
Air Quality Manager (CIAQM) certification        technology, the economy, politics, the
is designed to demonstrate your ability to       environment, energetic independence,
diagnose indoor environmental problems in        national security, and so on.
your building, correct those problems, and
prevent them from ever happening again.
                                                 Photovoltaic Energy Professional

                                                 The Photovoltaic System Professional
Alternative Energy Specialist
                                                 is a comprehensive course and guide to
                                                 installation of residential and commercial
Become an Alternative Energy Specialist
                                                 photovoltaic (PV) systems. This course
and learn ways to help conserve, reduce,
                                                 covers the principles of PV electricity and
reuse, recycle, and thus minimize our impact
                                                 how to effectively incorporate it into stand-
on the planet. Through this entry-level
                                                 alone or utility-connected electrical systems.
green course you will learn that even small
                                                 We give detailed illustrations to clarify the
changes make a difference and that going
                                                 concepts behind PV system operation.
green is good for our health, the planet, and
even our budgets.

                                                                                 World Education • 33
Renewable Energy Specialist                      Certified Renewable Energy
This Renewable Energy Specialist course
addresses the main characteristics of the        This Certified Renewable Energy Specialist
emerging generation of technologies which        course addresses the main characteristics
will be employed to provide energy for the       of the emerging generation of technologies
power grid over the next 20 years. This          which will be employed to provide energy
course covers solar energy in its various        for the power grid over the next 20 years.
forms, such as photovoltaic, thermal and         This course covers solar energy in its
thermodynamic energy conversion, taking          various forms, such as photovoltaic, thermal
into account the various issues associated       and thermodynamic energy conversion,
with the connection of these solar plants to     taking into account the various issues
the grid.                                        associated with the connection of these
                                                 solar plants to the grid. We will also cover
Certified Sustainability Specialist              Wind technologies that are today in full
                                                 development and the section of this course
Energy availability is a real concern for        dedicated to wind technology describes the
everyone. Without energy or with access          state of the art, taking into consideration the
to much less energy than we currently            consequences of adding large quantities
use, we could not live in the same way,          of this intermittent energy source into
and life would not be easy. As a Certified       power grids, one of which may be wide
Sustainability Specialist you will learn about   disturbances. Energy from the sea is also
this new green paradigm, where energy            covered in the Certified Renewable Energy
plays a central role in our lives. Building      Specialist course, with a section on very
an energy future which assures ample             small hydraulic plants which will become of
supplies of energy to meet our needs             increasing interest as fossil fuels become
should be a major priority and of concern        more and more expensive. The course
to all. Energy supply is a complex subject       continues with an analysis of geothermal
and many considerations come into play:          energy along three lines: heat pumps, heat,
science, technology, the economy, politics,      and electric energy generation. Finally, the
the environment, energetic independence,         Renewable Energy Specialist needs to know
national security, and so on.                    about energy from biomass, which is also
                                                 becoming of great interest due to the high
                                                 cost of fossil fuels. In this section we cover
                                                 a wide-ranging description of biofuels and
                                                 biogas and we give special focus to sources
                                                 of energy from word, as a substitute for gas
                                                 or oil energy heating.

34 • World Education
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