Review One year in review 2019: fibromyalgia

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                            One year in review 2019: fibromyalgia
               F. Atzeni1, R. Talotta2, I.F. Masala3, C. Giacomelli4, C. Conversano5,
              V. Nucera1, B. Lucchino6, C. Iannuccelli6, M. Di Franco6, L. Bazzichi4

 Rheumatology Unit, University of Messina;    ABSTRACT                                     influence the findings of the EMG (for
  Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology,       Fibromyalgia is characterised by             example, family neural degenerative
University of Milan;                          chronic pain, fatigue and functional         conditions, diabetes mellitus, vitamin
  Orthopaedic and Trauma Unit,
                                              symptoms. Its aetiopathogenesis is still     B-12 deficiency, etc.) 55 FM subjects
Santissima Trinità Hospital, Cagliari;
  Rheumatology Unit, Department of            a matter of debate, but various phar-        remained: 29 subjects with “FM only”
Clinical and Experimental Medicine,           macological and non-pharmacological          and 26 subjects with FM + rheumatoid
University of Pisa;                           therapies are currently available for its    arthritis (“FM + RA”). All subjects also
  Department of Surgical, Medical             treatment. We review the literature con-     underwent skin ankle biopsy for the
and Molecular Pathology, Critical Care        cerning the most recent findings related     determination of the epidermal nerve
Medicine, University of Pisa;                 to the aetiopathogenesis, diagnosis,         fibre (ENFD). Fourteen other subjects,
  Department of Internal Medicine
                                              clinical aspects and treatment of FM         without FM or RA, examined by the
and Medical Specialities, Rheumatology
Unit, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.     published between January 2018 and           same electromyograph, were chosen
                                              January 2019.                                as an EMG/NCS comparison group.
Fabiola Atzeni, MD, PhD
Rossella Talotta, MD, PhD                                                                  Ninety percent of the “FM only” sub-
Ignazio Francesco Masala, MD                  Aetiopathogenesis                            jects generated a demyelinating and/or
Camillo Giacomelli, PhD                       In the time frame analysed by this re-       axonal sensory-motor polyneuropathy,
Ciro Conversano, PhD                          view, not so many new aetiopathoge-          and 63% had SFN (ENFD ≤7 fibres/
Valeria Nucera, MD                            netic hypotheses for fibromyalgia (FM)       mm), suggesting a mixed fibre neuropa-
Bruno Lucchino, PhD                           have been formulated with respect to         thy in most cases. In addition, 61% of
Cristina Iannuccelli, MD, PhD
                                              other years (1). However, the focus of       The “FM-only” subjects showed sug-
Manuela di Franco, MD
Laura Bazzichi, MD                            the researchers in this year was on the      gestive EMG of non-myotomial axonal
Please address correspondence to:
                                              phenomena related to neuropathies. In        motor denervation of the lower limbs,
Prof. Fabiola Atzeni,                         2018, Grayston et al. (2) proposed an        most likely a cause of polyneuropathy,
Rheumatology Unit,                            interesting meta-analysis on the preva-      and 41% met the criteria for “possible”
University of Messina,                        lence of small fibre neuropathy in FM.       chronic inflammatory demyelinating
Via C. Valeria 1,                             The researcher evaluated 935 scientific      polyneuropathy (CIDP). Interestingly,
98100 Messina, Italy                          articles and underlined the prevalence       there was little difference in the EMG/
E-mail:             of small fibre neuropathy (SFN) in 49%       NCS findings between the “FM only”
Received and accepted on January 21,          of FM patients. This high prevalence of      and the “FM+RA” groups, while in the
2019.                                         SFN in FM emphasises the importance          comparison group no pathologic find-
Clin exp Rheumatol 2019; 37 (Suppl. 116):     of identifying standard methods for the      ing was shown, with the only exception
S3-S10.                                       description of this neuropathy and un-       of carpal tunnel syndrome. The results
© Copyright Clinical and                      derstanding the processes leading to the     highlighted by the research group show
Experimental Rheumatology 2019.
                                              development of SFN, to achieve better        that the electrodiagnostic characteris-
                                              therapeutic and diagnostic strategies.       tics of polyneuropathy, muscle dener-
Key words: fibromyalgia
                                              Moreover, Caro et al. (3) studied for        vation and CIDP are common in FM.
                                              the first time large fibre involvement in    These findings are often seen to coin-
                                              FM. In the past few years, several stud-     cide with SFN and are not significantly
                                              ies have pointed to a link between small     affected by the presence of RA. These
                                              fibre neuropathy and FM, but in most of      results, besides helping to understand
                                              the cases these studies did not evaluate     the aetiopathogenesis of FM, can also
                                              possible alterations in the large fibres.    be useful for diagnostic purposes.
                                              The researchers included the electro-
                                              myographic findings of 100 consecu-          Diagnosis
                                              tive unselected clinical patients that met   The diagnosis of FM is still based on
                                              the 1990 ACR criteria for FM. After the      patients’ reports and on clinical assess-
                                              exclusion of FM subjects with con-           ment, mainly because the pathogenesis
Competing interests: none declared.           comitant clinical conditions that could      of FM is still not well understood and

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One year in review 2019: fibromyalgia / F. Atzeni et al.

because of the lack of reliable biomark-      mon medical co-morbidities; dimension          the possibility to take into account the
ers of the disease. The publication of the    4: neurobiological, psychosocial, and          many other associated symptoms that
2010/2011 American College of Rheu-           functional consequences; and dimen-            may support the diagnosis of FM. This
matology (ACR) criteria for the diagno-       sion 5: putative neurobiological and           could make the FM identification more
sis of FM superseded the traditional          psychosocial mechanisms, risk factors,         practical in clinical settings and at the
1990 ACR classification criteria, ac-         and protective factors (8). Recently Ar-       same time simplify the identification of
cording to the identification of the mul-     nold et al., in order to address the prob-     FM patients for research purposes (9).
ti-symptomatic nature of FM and the           lem of the limited reliability and validi-     The multidimensional approach to FM
difficulty of the standardisation of the      ty of the existing diagnostic criteria,        definition offers undoubtedly advantag-
tender points exam, required in 1990          published a multidimensional diagnos-          es in terms of current clinical practice
ACR criteria (4). However, subsequent         tic framework applied to FM. This is           and of diagnosis, but considering the
validation studies showed that in spite       based on the review of the existing diag-      heterogeneity of the disease and the
of the simplification of FM diagnosis         nostic criteria, it reflects the current un-   possible changes during the time of the
through the application of symptom            derstanding of FM and is thought to be         disease features, it may be limiting in
scales, such as the widespread pain in-       useful in a practical clinical setting.        terms of practical management of the
dex (WPI) and the symptom severity            Identifying FM mainly as a pain disor-         single FM patient. Indeed, a recent ret-
scale (SSS), there was a substantial mis-     der, the core diagnostic criteria (dimen-      rospective analysis of a large number of
classification mostly of patients with        sion 1) include the presence of multisite      patients included in an FM continuum
severe regional pain disorders (5). The       pain, defined as the presence of pain in       spectrum, identified 4 possible classes
misdiagnosis occurred principally be-         6 out of 9 possible sites together with        of the disease. Class 1 was represented
cause the 2010/2011 criteria did not          moderate to severe fatigue or sleep            by a mostly regional FM within the con-
consider the spatial distribution of the      problems assessed by a health care pro-        test of the widespread pain while class 2
painful sites. Therefore, in 2016 a re-       fessional. Those must have been present        was characterised by a greater severity
vised set of criteria was published. This     for at least 3 months. Dimension 2,            of pain, a broader involvement of body
revision introduced “generalised pain         namely features that may support a di-         regions and several associated symp-
criteria”, defined as the presence of pain    agnosis of FM, is identified in the ten-       toms. These two classes represented the
in 4 out of the 5 possible painful body       derness to touch (positive tender points       most prevalent in the study population,
regions, which allowed the exclusion of       exam), the dyscognition (trouble con-          and their clinical phenotype overlaps
the regional pain syndromes from the          centrating, forgetfulness, and disorgan-       with the one identified by the diagnostic
diagnosis of FM without losing the di-        ised or slow thinking), musculoskeletal        criteria. Class 3 was characterised by an
agnostic accuracy of the criteria set (6).    stiffness and environmental sensitivity        increase in the level of pain compared to
Nevertheless, uncertainty and lack of         (intolerance to bright lights, loud nois-      the previous classes, a strict association
confidence in FM diagnostic criteria use      es, perfumes and cold). A broad spec-          with sleep disorders and to the possibil-
in clinical practice is still reported, es-   trum of possible comorbidities (dimen-         ity of chemical sensitivity. The highest
pecially in primary care settings (7).        sion 3) has been identified as frequently      severity of pain and of associated symp-
The Analgesic, Anesthetic, and Addic-         associated to FM, which includes sev-          toms was present in class 4, which rep-
tion Clinical Trial Translations Innova-      eral somatic pain disorders, psychiatric       resented the “secondary FM” to other
tions Opportunities and Networks              conditions, sleep disorders and rheu-          diseases such as multiple sclerosis and
(ACTTION) public-private partnership          matic diseases. The outcomes related to        lupus, which had a high prevalence in
with the U.S. Food and Drug Adminis-          the disease, the poor quality of life and      this class. During the follow-up, some
tration (FDA) and the American Pain           the high indirect cost that belong to the      patients showed a tendency to progres-
Society (APS) in 2013 gathered togeth-        burden of FM are described in dimen-           sion from the lower to the higher classes
er an international working group of cli-     sion 4. This last dimension includes the       in a fairly linear fashion, although the
nicians and basic scientists. The aim of      risk factors for the disease, such as fa-      progression was also influenced by the
the working group was to address the          miliarity for functional chronic pain dis-     specific comorbidities and the presence
problem of the limited reliability and        orders and environmental stressors that        of secondary conditions. The results of
validity of the existing diagnostic crite-    may trigger the disease, e.g. early life-      this study suggest that FM represents a
ria for chronic pain disorders in clinical    time adverse events, trauma, medical           disease continuum in which the central-
practice. Accordingly, the group initiat-     conditions and psychosocial stressors,         ised pain becomes more centralised as
ed the ACTTION-APS Pain Taxonomy              together with the current knowledge            the disease progresses, and that the
(AAPT) initiative, to develop a diag-         about the putative pathophysiologic            characterisation of how the patients pro-
nostic system that would be clinically        mechanism that may sustain the disease         gress may improve diagnosis and con-
useful and consistent across chronic          (see Pathogenesis). The AAPT taxo-             sequent management (10). Considering
pain disorders. The AAPT Taxonomy             nomic approach to FM offers a system-          all the issues in the current clinical diag-
considers 5 dimensions: dimension 1:          atic method to diagnose FM, focusing           nosis of FM, in the application of diag-
core diagnostic criteria; dimension 2:        on limited number of core diagnostic           nostic criteria and in understanding and
common features; dimension 3: com-            symptoms but at the same time giving           possibly predicting the natural history

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of the disease, the lack of a reliable bio-   amount of different metabolites in bio-      dles in skin biopsy, increased cold and
marker is a main unmet need in FM             logic fluid to identify the variation of     warm detection thresholds in quantita-
management. Nonetheless, several new          the metabolites contents that can repre-     tive sensory testing and nociceptor hy-
acquisitions in terms of understanding        sent a fingerprint of a specific condi-      perexcitability. The study of the small
biologic modification of FM patients          tion. An interesting approach recently       fibre pathology through the skin biopsy
have been recently reported and some          described involves the metabolomic           represents a promising and easily per-
of them have the potential for future         screening of the low-molecular weight        formable diagnostic test that may allow
clinical application. In recent years, bio-   fraction metabolites of human blood          the identification of FM patients with
marker research on biological fluid has       collected by finger-stick. Using the in-     an underlying neuropathy and thereaf-
been enriched by the identification of        trinsic vibrational pattern of the differ-   ter guide the therapeutic choice through
relatively new molecules of interest.         ent molecules after absorbing infrared       drugs that are active on the neuropathic
For example, peculiar miRNA profiles          light, the authors have been able to suc-    aspects of pain. A technique recently
on blood, saliva (11) and cerebrospinal       cessfully classify FM patients and dis-      applied to the successful identification
fluid (12) have shown the ability to di-      criminate them from patients affected        of the small fibre pathology in FM, cor-
agnose and characterise FM. However,          by systemic lupus erythematosus or           neal confocal microscopy, is basically
the studied populations were small and        rheumatoid arthritis, without misclassi-     an in vivo microscopy that may become
a validation on larger cohorts is needed.     fication. Moreover, the characteristic of    a useful and non-invasive FM diagnos-
The application of innovative tech-           the vibrational spectra of FM patients       tic test (18). The “central sensitisation”
niques of proteomic or metabolomic            correlated with pain severity measured       has always been strongly implicated in
analysis on the same biological fluids        through the revised fibromyalgia im-         FM pathophysiology. The neuroim-
offers new potentiality in biomarker          pact questionnaire (FIQR). Apart from        mune activation is one of the potential
identification. Studying a large number       being a promising diagnostic tool in         mechanisms that may be involved in
of different proteins in the biological       FM, this kind of metabolomic analysis        the central nervous system abnormality
fluid gives the possibility to combine        may be useful to identify serum metab-       described in FM. Recently, a combined
more proteins of interest and increase        olites that could be valuable as bio-        research group from Sweden and the
diagnostic accuracy. A proteomic analy-       markers. In fact, the discriminating re-     United States demonstrated for the first
sis of whole saliva performed on FM           gion of the vibrational spectra was          time the presence of activated glia, and
patients, compared with healthy con-          dominated by bands characteristics of        consequently of active neuroinflamma-
trols, patients with migraine and pa-         pyridine ring, tyrosine residues in pro-     tion in the brain of FM patients. Using
tients with rheumatoid arthritis, showed      teins and protein backbone, highlight-       positron emission tomography (PET)
an increased expression of several pro-       ing the importance of aromatic and car-      imaging and radioligands that bind to
teins like serotransferrin, alpha-enolase,    boxylic acid molecules as potential bio-     the 18-kDa translocator protein (TSPO),
phosphoglycerate-mutase-I and trans-          markers, including tryptophan and its        the authors described an increased up-
aldolase. Performing a ROC curve              metabolites (15). The role of tryptophan     take of the radioligand in FM patients’
analysis, the combination of apha-eno-        and its metabolite, serotonin, in FM         brain, especially in the brain regions
lase, phosphoglycerate-mutase-I and           pathogenesis has been supported by a         previously implicated in FM pathology.
serotransferrin obtained a good dis-          number of experimental observations          TSPO expression is normally low in
criminative ability (AUC 0.792) (13).         and confirmed by the common use in           healthy brain tissue but is dramatically
Similarly, a proteomic analysis per-          FM treatment of selective serotonin          upregulated in activated glial cells un-
formed on plasma of FM patients iden-         reuptake inhibitors (16). A reduced lev-     der inflammatory stimuli. Moreover,
tified 33 differently expressed proteins      el of serum serotonin in blood sample        the radioligand uptake in several brain
belonging to several patterns like acute-     of women recently diagnosed with FM          regions correlated significantly with the
phase reaction, Liver-X Receptor/Reti-        compared to controls has been reported.      subjective fatigue score reported by FM
noid-X Receptor activation, Farnesoid-        However, there was no relation between       patients. Because it suggests a possible
X Receptor/Retinoid-X Receptor acti-          the reduction of serum serotonin and         association between neuroinflamma-
vation, complement and coagulation,           clinical manifestation, suggesting a         tion and FM, this work opens to future
suggesting the existence of a plasmatic       possible use of serotonin levels in FM       researches about the role taken by acti-
inflammatory protein signature in FM,         diagnosis but not in the assessment of       vated microglia in FM with the possible
which may be related to a neuroinflam-        the disease severity (17). The investiga-    identification of diagnostic biomarkers
matory process. Among the proteins            tion of neurologic abnormalities both in     or therapeutic strategies (19). Unfortu-
that presented an increased serum level       the peripheral and central nervous sys-      nately, to date, none of these diagnostic
in FM patients, haptoglobin and fibrin-       tem have been a rich field of research in    tests is sufficiently validated to be intro-
ogen had the highest FM/control ratio,        FM. Several different groups have de-        duced into clinical practice. Further
representing two interesting possible         scribed the presence of a small fibre        studies are needed in order to identify
targets of further study on their role as     neuropathy in a large number of FM           the best diagnostic test that can easily
biomarkers (14). As well as proteomics,       patients, represented by a reduction in      help the diagnosis and management of
metabolomics aims to screen a large           dermal unmyelinated nerve fibre bun-         FM patients.

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Treatment                                     drug mirtazapine is a central presyn-       prescription in a wide set of chronic
Due to the heterogeneity of symptoms          aptic α2 adrenergic antagonist with         pain diseases, including FM, although
and the poorly known pathogenesis,            serotonergic and noradrenergic effects,     the real effects on symptom relief are
the therapy of fibromyalgia (FM) still        acting on amygdala, hippocampus,            inconclusive (25). However, in an
remains a challenge for physicians. Ac-       frontostriatal circuits, cortical midline   8-week prospective, single centre fea-
cording to the most recent European           structures and parietal cortex. This drug   sibility study, the combined treatment
League Against Rheumatism (EULAR)             increases neuronal response to positive     with gabapentin 900 mg/daily plus
guidelines, once the diagnosis of FM          emotional and reward boosts, and at-        osteopathic manipulative medicine re-
is made, priority should be given to          tenuates the processing of threatening      sulted in improved Wong-Baker FAC-
non-pharmacologic treatment (20). The         stimuli (21). In addition, mirtazapine      ES Pain Rating Scale scores, although
reason lies in cost-effectiveness, pa-        contrasts the effects of histamine on       the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire
tient’s preference, safety and availabil-     H1 receptors and this confers sedative      (FIQ) score and the number of tender
ity. Physical exercise, having the best       properties that may be exploited in the     points did not change significantly
profile of efficacy and safety, should be     treatment of sleep disorders. A recent      from baseline (26).
prescribed to every patient with a diag-      systematic review aimed to evaluate the     A novel drug, acting as a N-methyl-d-
nosis of FM. The efficacy of pharma-          effects of mirtazapine in FM patients       aspartate (NMDA) receptor modulator
cologic intervention has a weak level         (22). Data from selected articles (three    and known as NYX-2925, is currently
of evidence, and, due to potential side       randomised placebo-controlled trials        investigated in FM patients in a phase
effects and low compliance, should be         and one open-label trial) reported an       2 clinical trial (NCT03249103, www.
indicated in specific cases (e.g. unre-       improvement in pain, sleep and qual- The rationale for the
sponsive pain or sleep disturbances).         ity of life, despite different treatment    use of this agent lies in the role played
In the most severe situations, patients       doses and duration. Another systematic      in neuronal plasticity as well as in the
could benefit from a multimodal thera-        review by the Cochrane group on the         control of learning and memory pro-
peutic approach.                              use of mirtazapine in FM evaluated the      cesses, and in the promising results ob-
                                              efficacy versus placebo in pain relief,     served in analgesia in preclinical stud-
Pharmacological therapies                     patient’s perception of efficacy, safety    ies (27).
The therapeutic management of FM in-          and tolerability (23). The analysis of      Mexiletine is an anti-arrhythmic drug
cludes the use of drugs modulating neu-       data from 3 low-quality studies on          that blocks in a non-selective way the
rotransmission and acting on the pain,        more than 500 FM patients treated for       voltage-gated sodium channels. The
emotional and reward circuits. Recent         at least 7 weeks revealed modest effica-    drug has also modulatory effects on
European guidelines provided a de-            cy of mirtazapine over placebo in pain      chronic nociception and muscle stiff-
tailed list of recommended therapies ac-      relief and Patient Global Impression        ness. The retention rate and side effects
cording to a review of published meta-        of Change (PGIC), but also reported a       of mexiletine in neuropathic pain and
analyses and systematic reviews (20).         higher incidence of adverse events in       FM patients was evaluated in a retro-
The authors evaluated the efficacy and        the mirtazapine arm, including somno-       spective cohort study (28). Mexile-
safety profile of several drugs, includ-      lence, increase in serum transaminases      tine was prescribed at daily dosage of
ing antidepressants, pain modulators,         and weight gain.                            150 up to 450 mg to 21 FM patients.
hormones, anticonvulsants and muscle          The serotonin and norepinephrine            About 30% of patients discontinued the
relaxants. For some of them, including        reuptake inhibitor antidepressant mil-      treatment at 6 and 12 months, mainly
amitriptyline, pregabalin and dulox-          nacepram was tested in a prospective,       because of gastrointestinal, neurologic
etine, encouraging results on pain have       randomised, controlled double-blind         and cardiac events. Although not re-
been reported. Other symptoms, such as        clinical trial in patients with FM (24).    ported in this study, the risk of serious
sleep disturbance, fatigue and disability,    The researchers evaluated the effects       side effects, such as QT abnormali-
may ameliorate at a different rate under      of milnacipram titrated up to 100 mg/       ties and torsades de pointes, limits the
amitriptyline, pregabalin or serotonin-       daily in a group of 54 FM patients who      widespread use of this treatment in FM
ergic agents. On the contrary, based on       were randomised to receive the active       patients.
the disadvantageous profile of efficacy       compound or placebo. After 1 month          The use of cannabinoids for the manage-
and safety, the use of other compounds,       of treatment, no significant difference     ment of FM has been diffuse in recent
such as cyclobenzaprine, growth hor-          emerged between the two arms accord-        years and some studies evidenced that
mone, non-steroideal anti-inflamma-           ing to conditioned pain modulation,         it could add some benefits in the con-
tory drugs (NSAIDs), steroids, strong         global pain, mechanical and thermal         trol of accessorial symptoms, including
opioids and monoamino oxidase inhibi-         thresholds, allodynia, cognition, and       chronic low-back pain (29). Cannabi-
tors has been discouraged. Further evi-       tolerance.                                  noids derive from the plant Cannabis
dences on the effects of other molecules      The off-label use of gabapentin, a          sativa L. and exert their effects by inter-
on FM symptoms emerged from small             γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-mimet-           acting with the cannabinoid type 1 re-
trials or additional reviews conduced in      ic drug, has given rise to noteworthy       ceptor (CB1-R) expressed by neuronal
the last 12 months. The antidepressant        interest in the last few years, due to      cells and cannabinoid type 2 receptor

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(CB2-R) present on cells from the im-         systematic review evaluated the effica-    (37). When applied to the symptom
mune system. Cannabis contains vari-          cy (intended as a 30% or 50% improve-      insomnia, an 8-week CBT has shown
ous amounts of psychoactive compo-            ment of pain from baseline and PGIC        to rescue grey matter atrophy observed
nents, including the ∆9- tetrahydrocan-       amelioration) and safety of drug com-      through magnetic resonance imaging
nabinol (THC), which modulates noci-          bination versus mono-therapy or place-     (MRI) in FM patients (38). Several
ception, cognition and motor function         bo in published randomised controlled      studies have demonstrated, in fact, that
by binding CB1-R, and cannabidiol             trials on FM patients (34). The authors    long-lasting insomnia may reduce the
(CBD) which acts as a CB2-R antago-           selected 16 studies enrolling 1,474 pa-    volume of the hippocampus, amyg-
nist and a 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)         tients. The most frequent combinations     dala, anterior cingulate cortex, insula,
receptor agonist, modulating mood and         of drugs included the association of       medial frontal cortex, parahippocam-
cognition. Due to the different phar-         NSAIDs with benzodiazepine, amitrip-       pus, pre-frontal cortex, and thalamus.
macodynamics of THC and CBD, a                tyline with fluoxetine, tramadol with      When added to relaxation, GrpMI in-
recent randomised placebo-controlled          paracetamol, and monoamine oxidase         tervention similarly showed beneficial
4-way crossover trial aimed to evaluate       inhibitor with 5-hydroxytryptophan.        effects on mood and pain sensitisation
the efficacy of 3 inhaled cannabinoids,       The combination of drugs seemed to         in 56 FM women enrolled in a 12-week
having a different chemical composi-          give a greater advantage on pain than a    randomised trial (39).
tion, versus placebo for the treatment        single treatment alone, with only mild     Due to the chronicity of the disease,
of FM (30). These drugs (Bedrocan®,           side effects reported. However, the re-    one of the main concerns in treating
Bediol® and Bedrolite®) differ, in fact,      sults were biased by the heterogeneity     FM patients is the poor compliance
for the CBD/THC ratio. Testing 20 FM          of the study designs and variability in    to a long-lasting treatment. Psycho-
patients, the authors evidenced a small       sample sizes.                              logical support given by means of an
analgesic effect after a single inhala-                                                  Internet platform proved to be an ef-
tion of each compound; interestingly,         Non-pharmacological therapies              ficacious remedy for FM symptoms,
CBD and THC shared synergistic phar-          The non-pharmacological management         including pain, fatigue and mood dis-
macokinetics, whereas contrasted ac-          of FM has been focused on in many          orders. A randomised controlled trial
cording to pharmacodynamics and an-           studies and seems to have a stronger       on 140 FM patients assigned or not to
algesic effects when co-administrated.        impact on clinical manifestations,         Internet-delivered exposure showed
Bediol®, which has the highest content        symptoms and quality of life than the      significant advantages on FM symp-
of CBD, had the most impactful effect         pharmacologic treatment. Novel psy-        toms and a high retention rate (94%
on mechanic-induced pain.                     chological support therapy showing         of patients in therapy at 12-months)
Other data from a meta-analysis con-          promising results in FM includes virtu-    (40). In addition, this strategy showed
ducted on patients treated with cannabi-      al reality, Basic Body Awareness Ther-     greater cost-effectiveness than no treat-
noids for non-oncologic chronic pain,         apy (BBAT), Cognitive-Behaviour            ment, concerning both direct and indi-
including subjects suffering from FM-         Therapy (CBT) and Group Music and          rect costs in those patients achieving
related pain, evidenced no superiority        Imagery (GrpMI) intervention. Virtual      positive results (41). Results on the
of cannabinoids over placebo in terms         reality modulates pain perception by in-   efficacy of Internet-delivered therapy
of physical or emotional functioning,         fluencing attention, concentration and     from 6 randomised controlled trials on
whereas low-quality evidence on the           emotions. Therefore, acting through a      493 FM patients were reviewed by a
improvement of sleep and PGIC was             mechanism that does not directly in-       recent meta-analysis (42). The authors
reported (31).                                volve the nociceptive pathway, virtual     demonstrated a significant reduction in
The use of opioids in FM has shown            reality may represent a valid additional   mood disturbances and disability at 6
delusive results (32), although trama-        tool to pharmacologic prescription in      months, despite no benefit in terms of
dol seems to moderately reduce pain           chronic pain conditions, like FM (35).     ≥50% pain relief was observed com-
(20). Naltrexone, an opioid antagonist,       BBAT is a movement awareness train-        paring Internet-derived psychological
has achieved promising results in FM-         ing programme that teaches patients        therapy to waiting list. Another sys-
related pain due to the increase in the       how to correctly move in space and         tematic review on Internet-delivered
endorphinergic tone related to the tran-      time, increasing awareness of body co-     cognitive behaviour therapy in patients
sient blockade of opioid receptors in         ordination. In a randomised study, 20      with chronic diseases, including FM,
the central nervous system; and some          FM patients assigned to BBAT and fol-      showed the greatest effect in anxiety
pilot studies evidenced a good profile        lowed-up for 24 weeks showed a sig-        and depression symptom modulation
of efficacy and safety of this drug in the    nificant reduction in pain and anxiety     (43). In the near future, the implemen-
FM setting (33).                              scale scores compared to 21 controls       tation of mobile applications delivering
Due to the great variability in clinical      (36). CBT focuses on coping strate-        self-administered cognitive behaviour-
expression, FM often requires com-            gies, emotional control and cognitive      al treatment may further enhance the
bined therapeutic strategies, including       psychology and has shown success-          adherence of patients to non-pharma-
both pharmacologic and non-pharma-            ful results in counteracting mood dis-     cologic therapeutic programmes (44).
cologic approaches. A recent Cochrane         orders and disability of FM patients       Physical exercise is a cornerstone in

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the non-pharmacologic management              mud-bathing for a month, a benefit has      cle tender points, in a randomised clini-
of FM, however, specific interventions        been registered in pain sensitisation to-   cal trial, showed a significant improve-
and programmes are poorly defined             gether with an amelioration of serum        ment of pain from baseline in FM-re-
(45). A number of studies reported a          biochemical parameters such as tri-         lated facial muscle tenderness, achiev-
significant benefit of the Chinese dis-       glycerides and C-reactive protein (52).     ing similar results to the local injection
cipline Tai Chi over aerobic exercise in      The mechanical, chemical and ther-          of lidocaine 2%, which, however, rep-
terms of mood and sleep disturbance,          mal properties of balneotherapy seem,       resents an invasive tool of pain control
disability and quality of life (46, 47).      in fact, to alleviate pain by means of      (58). The use of weak magnetic field (2
However, physical activity does not           several mechanisms. In particular, an       Tesla) to induce neuro-modulation in
seem to influence pain sensitivity, the       increase has been observed in pain          the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, a
management of which should require            threshold mediated by the activation of     brain area crucial for pain sensitisation,
the addition of a pharmacologic inter-        the descending inhibitory pain system       has been tested in a 4-week randomised
vention or other non-pharmacologic            and gamma-fibres and augmented lev-         double blind placebo-controlled trial
approaches (48).                              els of beta-endorphin, growth hormone       on 26 participants with a diagnosis of
Both hot and cold temperature can             and adrenocorticotropic hormone in          FM, showing a significant improve-
modulate nociception by acting on opi-        FM patients undergoing balneother-          ment in the symptom fatigue (59). The
oid endogenous pain inhibitory system         apy (53). In a randomised controlled        results from a comparative study on
and specific alternation of rhythm in         6-month trial, 100 patients with FM         120 FM patients evidenced the supe-
temperature (SART) stress can impair          were assigned to highly mineralised         riority of repetitive transcranial mag-
the control of nociceptive stimuli in         sulphate water or tap water. VAS pain       netic stimulation over regenerative
rats (49). Some studies on the effects of     and FIQ significantly ameliorated in        injection therapy, such as prolotherapy,
both cold and hot temperature exposure        patients assigned to the first arm of       in Beck Depression Inventory (BDI)
have been carried out in FM patients.         treatment at day 15th and benefits were     scores and cortical functions, whereas
Cryotherapy is widely used in sport           maintained over the follow-up period        pain was less controlled (60). The tech-
medicine due to the anti-inflammatory,        (54). The application of muscle exer-       nique is not invasive and is well toler-
anti-oedema and analgesic properties.         cise (e.g. using the Tai Chi technique)     ated with site discomfort and headache
In a study involving 60 FM participants       in a warm water context, namely the         reported as the most common side ef-
randomly assigned to whole body cryo-         aquatic Ai-Chi programme, can repre-        fects. In addition, the recent production
therapy or rest, the researchers showed       sent a further tool to control pain and     of portable devices for home use could
reduced FIQ, visual analogic scale            ameliorate quality of life, as shown        significantly ameliorate compliance to
(VAS) for pain and Combined Index             by the results of an experimental pilot     this kind of therapy (61).
of Severity of Fibromyalgia (ICAF)            study on 20 FM subjects (55).               Finally, some studies have reported
scores in treated patients (50). How-         The use of transcutaneous and percu-        that dietary changes may have a posi-
ever, side effects were recorded, some        taneous electrical nerve stimulation,       tive repercussion on muscular pain.
of which, including palpitations, mus-        laser therapy and pulsed electro-mag-       FM subjects often have a deficit in se-
cle stiffness, tremor, sleep disturbance      netic fields has also been experimented     lenium, magnesium, zinc, vitamins B
and headache, could have represented a        in FM subjects. A 12-week randomised        and D and proteins, and may benefit
disease flare. Since the pharmacologic        controlled trial on 108 FM women aim-       from the intake of carnitine, anti-oxi-
background of the examined cohort is          ing to investigate the analgesic effects    dants, lactose-free and low-histamine
not detailed, it may be hypothesised          of the use of a Bio-Electro-Magnetic-       food and aromatic amino acids (62).
that the combination of cryotherapy           Energy-Regulation (BEMER) device            These nutrients can reduce systemic
plus tranquilliser or muscle-relaxant         did not find any significant difference     and neuronal inflammation and restore
agents would have improved the final          compared to women assigned to a             muscle strength. In addition, aromatic
result and avoided some of the report-        sham device (56). Electro-magnetic          amino acids, like tryptophan, may
ed side effects. Another randomised           fields seem to act by increasing micro-     normalise the level of neurotransmit-
trial involving 24 FM patients, part of       circulation and restoring the function      ters associated to sleep and mood con-
whom were assigned to a whole body            of the immune cells, however the exact      trol. The addition of vitamin D 50,000
cryotherapy group for a total of 10 ses-      role in FM is uncertain. Similarly, the     IU weekly to trazodone 25 mg a day
sions over a period of 8 days, reported       use of low-level laser therapy added        showed a significant improvement in
better scores in the Medical Outcome          to functional exercise failed to demon-     quality of life and pain perception in a
Study Short Form-36 questionnaire,            strate superiority to exercise alone in     cohort of vitamin D-deficient FM pa-
evidencing an improvement in the              pain, muscle performance, mood dis-         tients followed up for 8 weeks (63).
quality of life (51). On the other hand,      orders and quality of life in a double-     According to another recent study,
due to muscle relaxation, the applica-        blind randomised clinical trial on 22       the combination of a lacto-vegetarian
tion of heat has given beneficial effects     FM women (57).                              diet with exercise seems to represent a
in FM patients. In a study involving          On the contrary, the application of 12      more powerful means of pain control
7 FM patients daily undergoing 40°C           sessions of laser therapy on facial mus-    and muscle strengthening (64).

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To conclude, given the wide range of                     M: Circulating microRNA profiles as liquid             d-Aspartate Receptor Modulator that Induces
                                                         biopsies for the characterization and diagno-          Rapid and Long-Lasting Analgesia in Rat
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FM, physicians should be able to tai-                12. BJERSING JL, LUNDBORG C, BOKAREWA                  28. ROMMAN A, SALAMA-HANNA J, DWIVEDI
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bances, mood disorders, somatic symp-                13. CIREGIA F, GIACOMELLI C, GIUSTI L et al.:          29. YASSIN M, ORON A, ROBINSON D: Effect of
toms). Moreover, in the near future, the                 ”Putative salivary biomarkers useful to dif-           adding medical cannabis to analgesic treat-
possibility to deliver psychological or                  ferentiate patients with fibromyalgia. J Prot-         ment in patients with low back pain related
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