Review The axial spondyloarthritis clinical phenotype in idiopathic hypoparathyroidism: critical review of concept that muscular ...

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Review The axial spondyloarthritis clinical phenotype in idiopathic hypoparathyroidism: critical review of concept that muscular ...

     The axial spondyloarthritis clinical phenotype in idiopathic
    hypoparathyroidism: critical review of concept that muscular
         hypercontractility can induce enthesopathy lesions
                                      A.T. Masi1, L.C. Jorgenson2, S. Ilahi3

  Department of Medicine, University      ABSTRACT                                       contractility may predispose to axial
of Illinois College of Medicine at        Idiopathic hypoparathyroidism (iH-             radiographic enthesopathy lesions and
Peoria (UICOMP), Peoria, IL, USA;         PoPT) is a rare condition infrequently         contribute knowledge on biomechanical
  Transitional Resident, University
                                          associated with axial spondyloarthri-          contributions and pathways for further
of Illinois College of Medicine at
Peoria (UICOMP), Peoria, IL, USA;         tis (SpA) which may mimic ankylosing           research.
  Family Medicine Resident, Niagara       spondylitis (AS). Axial SpA is a unifying
Falls Memorial Medical Center,            clinical term for chronic inflammatory         Introduction
Niagara Falls, NY, USA.                   spinal disorders, although biomechani-         Parathyroid diseases are associated
Alfonse T. Masi, MD, DR.PH                cal factors may play a role. The prima-        with rare and well-recognised muscu-
Laura C. Jorgenson, MD                    ry objective of this review is to critically   loskeletal disorders, like spondyloar-
Sadia Ilahi, MD                           describe the iHPoPT/SpA phenotype              thritis (SpA) and mimics of ankylosing
Please address correspondence to:         defined by established criteria and its        spondylitis (AS) (1-3). Hypoparathy-
Alfonse T. Masi,                          differentiation from AS. Five databases        roid syndromes, whether idiopathic,
Department of Medicine,                   were comprehensively searched without          iatrogenic, or familial, are character-
University of Illinois College
of Medicine at Peoria,
                                          time limit to retrieve 14 (11M, 3F) iH-        ised by decreased parathyroid hormone
One Illini Drive,                         PoPT/SpA cases. Their demographic,             (PTH), hypocalcaemia, hyperphos-
Peoria, IL 61605, USA.                    clinical, laboratory, radiographic, and        phataemia, neuromuscular hyperir-
E-mail:                     HLA-B27 status were compared to two            ritability, subcutaneous calcifications,
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9695-6634             national series of AS patients. Mean           and normal or increased bone mineral
Received on February 15, 2021; accepted   (SD) onset age of musculoskeletal              density (BMD) (2). Pseudohypopar-
in revised form on April 26, 2021.        symptoms [32.5 (9.7)] was significant-         athyroidism (PHP) is a genetic form
Clin Exp Rheumatol 2021; 39: 1422-1431.   ly older than 943 German AS patients           of hypoparathyroidism with increased
© Copyright Clinical and                  [25.1 (8.5), (p=0.004)] and 842 Span-          PTH which may have similar SpA
Experimental Rheumatology 2021.           ish AS patients [26.1 (9.7), (p=0.030)].       manifestations (4) as primary hypopar-
                                          Radiographic lesions of iHPoPT/SpA             athyroidism (1, 2).
Key words: spondyloarthritis,             differ morphologically from skeletal           Primary hyperparathyroid syndromes
idiopathic hypoparathyroidism,            alterations in hyperparathyroid and            are caused by hypersecretion of PTH
ankylosing spondylitis,                   hypophosphataemic syndromes which              resulting in low serum phosphate lev-
neuromuscular hypercontractility,         often have inadequate bone mineralisa-         els, normo- or hyper-calcaemia, and
resting axial hypertonicity               tion and decreased bone mineral den-           increased bone resorption at the sub-
                                          sity (BMD). Clinical musculoskeletal           periosteal and bone marrow interface
                                          manifestations were greater (p
SpA in idiopathic hypoparathyroidism / A.T. Masi et al.

in impaired bone metabolism and in-           tous and entheseal ossifications, sub-      clude reports of diffuse idiopathic skel-
adequate mineralisation, causing os-          cutaneous and ectopic calcification,        etal hyperostosis (DISH) or ossification
teomalacia or softening and weaken-           and ankylosing spondylitis-like back        of the posterior longitudinal ligament
ing of bones (6). Hypophosphataemic           disease (1-3, 12, 15).                      (OPLL). Cited references of retrieved
osteomalacia in adults can result in          The primary objective of this critical      articles were searched for additional
exuberant enthesopathic calcification         narrative case review is to describe the    case reports (Table I). The lead author
of tendon, ligament, and joint capsule        clinical-radiographic consistency of        determined that accepted cases were
insertions in the axial and appendicular      reported iHPoPT/SpA cases. The sec-         documented as primary or idiopathic
skeleton without known pathogenesis           ondary aim is to differentiate its “neu-    hypoparathyroidism and not including
(7).                                          romuscular hypercontractility” mecha-       pseudohypoparathyroidism (2,4, 12).
The association of parathyroid dis-           nistic feature (1, 2, 13, 15) from the      Data were summarised into pre-defined
eases and osteomalacia with various           previously proposed “innate resting         tables by the lead author.
musculoskeletal disorders and skeletal        (passive) axial myofascial hypertonic-      Diagnostic features at presentation of
abnormalities are not well defined (7).       ity” in AS (11,16).                         accepted cases (17-30) are summarised
Skeletal abnormalities in XLH, as oste-       Since 1953, 14 symptomatic cases of         (Table I). Cases qualified for serum hy-
omalacia, enthesopathy, and periosteal        iHPoPT were reported to show radio-         pocalcaemia level below 8.0 mg/dl or
hyperostosis, are age related and clini-      graphic syndesmophyte and entheso-          2.0–2.12 mmol/L (21 reported 2.2) and
cally encountered along sites of muscu-       phyte lesions associated with a clini-      serum hyperphosphataemia above 4.5
lar attachment (8). Since bone spur for-      cal axial spondyloarthritis phenotype       mg/dl (20 reported 4.3) or 1.46 mmol/L
mation at entheses (enthesophytes) can        (iHPoPT/SpA) (17-30). Unlike AS,            (2, 12). Only the initial accepted case
occur as an adaptive tissue reaction to       iHPoPT/SpA cases do not have the            report in 1953 (17) was longitudinal in
mechanical stress (9), bony malforma-         typical structural sacroiliac joint (SIJ)   the sense of a follow-up after a 13-year
tions in osteomalacia may theoretically       plain radiographic lesions of erosions      earlier report in 1940 (31). The majority
result from decreased physical resist-        or bony bridging nor its high frequency     of iHPoPT/SpA cases had documenta-
ance to entheseal stresses. Regarding         of HLA-B27 positivity (1-3, 12). No         tion of hypocalcaemia only at presenta-
BMD, tibial bone mass in children and         mechanistic pathway has been offered        tion (Table I), although a number had
adults is increased with greater muscle       to explain the similarity and differen-     earlier neuromotor manifestations of
force, suggesting the pathway of myo-         tiation of iHPoPT/SpA and AS. Further       hypoparathyroidism. Each case report
fascial stress stimulating bone develop-      study of parathyroid disorders (1, 2, 4,    was reviewed for authors’ diagnoses
ment (10). Younger adult AS patients          5) and hypophosphataemic syndromes          (Table I). Each of the 14 reported iH-
were reported to have greater resting         (6-8) promise to clarify respective         PoPT/SpA cases (17-30) was evaluated
(passive) lumbar extensor myofascial          structural stresses, strains, microin-      in terms of quality of a case report (32)
stiffness than normal volunteers (11).        jury, and repair processes in relation      and CARE guidelines (33) indepen-
Idiopathic hypoparathyroidism (iH-            to the axial iHPoPT/SpA phenotype.          dently by both co-authors. Individual
PoPT) is a rare disease associated with                                                   scores and CARE checklist assess-
other endocrine dysfunction and mus-          Methods                                     ments can be provided on request. De-
culoskeletal manifestations (1, 2, 12).       This critical literature review searched    mographic, clinical, and radiographic
In 1939, six new cases of iHPoPT were         PubMed and Embase databases, Med-           findings at presentation (Table II) were
reported with review of eight previous        line via Ovid, the Cochrane Database        compared to large series of AS patients
patients (13). This disorder was defined      of Systematic Reviews, and the Cen-         from the German and Austrian ankylos-
as having neuromuscular manifesta-            tral Registry of Controlled Trials by a     ing spondylitis societies (34) and the
tions of stiffness, cramps, and rigidity      medical reference librarian with input      National Registry of Spondyloarthritis
of extremities or whole body (13). The        from the principal investigator. The        of the Spanish Society of Rheumatol-
proposed criteria for iHPoPT included:        key words searched without time limits      ogy (REGISPONSER database) (35,
low serum calcium; high serum inor-           were: “hypoparathyroidism”; “spondy-        36). The comparator AS cohorts (34-
ganic phosphate; chronic tetany, and          loarthropathy” or “spondylarthritis” or     36) were selected because of their large
absence of other explanatory causative        “spondylitis”, or “ankylosing spondy-       size, national sampling, and recognition
conditions for the serum abnormalities        litis.” The search process was initially    in the literature. Statistical probability
(13). In 1952, a new case of iHPoPT           performed on 03-28-19 and repeated          of differences in binomial frequencies
and detailed review of the total previ-       on 04-28-20, yielding an additional         of attributes in iHPoPT/SpA cases
ous literature yielded 52 patients, none      report of post-thyroidectomy hypopar-       versus comparison series was deter-
having a possibility of post-operative        athyroidism, not eligible in this review.   mined by Fisher’s exact test calcula-
hypoparathyroidism (14). Rheumatic            For greater consistency among reported      tor  and by t-test of mean (SD) of
recognised to include muscle cramps           cluded only those describing iHPoPT.        continuous variables in case subgroups
and myopathies, increased neuromus-           Unless titles also included the key-        .

Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 2021                                                                                    1423
SpA in idiopathic hypoparathyroidism / A.T. Masi et al.

Table I. Diagnostic features at presentation of spondyloarthritis in cases associated with idiopathic hypoparathyroidism, 1953-2016*

Reference no.,      Age   Duration               Tests at presentation		           Authors’    Prior cases
First author,        and of low Ca2+		                       		                    diagnoses        cited
Year reported        sex   (years)    Low Ca2+          High P           Low PT

17, Salvesen, ’53   57 M       9      5.4 mg/dL       5.7 mg/dL            ND     Ossification Earlier adm
18, Gibberd, ’65    29 F   present    7.4 mg/dL       5.8 mg/dL            ND      Abn bone         (17)
19, Chaykin, ’69    59 M   present    6.6 mg/dL       6.4 mg/dL            ND         SpA         (17,18)
20, Adams, ’77      62 M       2      5.9 mg/dL         WNLs               Und    Ossification   (17-19)
21, Korkmaz, ’05    45 M       7     2.2 mmol/L      4.6 mmol/L
SpA in idiopathic hypoparathyroidism / A.T. Masi et al.

tion (LOM) affecting the neck, back,          Table III. Ages at diagnosis and onset and years of diagnosis delay of spondyloarthritis
and hips in the 13 iHPoPT/SpA cases           cases in idiopathic hypoparathyroidism vs. patients with idiopathic hypoparathyroidism
                                              and series of ankylosing spondylitis.
(excluding 23) with specified data (Ta-
ble II). The mean (SD) duration of mus-        Spondyloarthritis in idiopathic hypoparathyroidism (iHPoPT/SpA)
culoskeletal manifestations at presenta-
tion and diagnosis was 15.6 (7.9) years                           Diagnosis age   Onset age     Diagnosis delay
                                                                     (n=14)        (n=11)           (n=11)
(range 8-35 years) in 11 specified cases
                                                                   Mean (SD)      Mean (SD)       Mean (SD)
(Tables II, III). In the total 14 iHPoPT/
SpA cases, 54 radiographic syndesmo-                                48.8 (10.3)   32.5 (9.7)       15.6 (7.9)
phyte and enthesophyte lesions were re-
ported involved: 30 syndesmophyte (7                 Idiopathic hypoparathyroidism (iHPoPT)

cervical, 10 thoracic, 13 lumbar), 9 pel-       Diagnosis age Onset age Diagnosis delay                                  p difference
vic, and 15 other enthesophyte lesions           Mean (SD)      Mean (SD)     Mean (SD)                              (from iHPoPT/SpA)
(2 shoulders, 1 sternal, 12 hips) (Table
II). Postural abnormalities simulating        Steinberg et al., (14)				                                          Diagnosis:   p
SpA in idiopathic hypoparathyroidism / A.T. Masi et al.

Table IV. Presenting musculoskeletal manifestations by regional localisations in idiopathic               A counterpart non-radiographic axial
hypoparathyroid spondyloarthritis cases compared to ankylosing spondylitis from the Spa-                  SpA includes patients where sacroiliitis
nish National Registry by all ages and early- vs. late-onset disease.*
                                                                                                          is evident only on magnetic resonance
                                                               Spanish AS patients by onset age           imaging (MRI) (3, 40). Axial SpA is
                                                                                                          characterised pathologically by new
Presenting regional                iHPoPT/SpA            All ages
SpA in idiopathic hypoparathyroidism / A.T. Masi et al.

ing anti-inflammatory therapy, com-           BMD, most notable at the lumbar spine,         etal and ligamentous changes resem-
parative studies performed for over a         was found in a small cross-sectional           bling AS.” However, no iHPoPT/SpA
decade have not definitely determined         study of hypoparathyroid patients with         case report inferred a sequential cau-
that TNF inhibitor (TNFi) therapy over        either iHPoPT or post-thyroidectomy            sality of hypocalcaemia from iHPoPT
2 years can inhibit bone proliferation or     and attributed to optimised bone min-          causing neuromuscular irritability and
progression of spinal structural damage       eralisation (59). The influence of aging       hypercontractility, thereby contributing
in AS patients (50). Such results (50)        and maleness will require further study        to micro-injury and skeletal entheso-
enhance the present study focusing on         in iHPoPT/SpA.                                 pathic lesions, which is the proposed
biomechanical influences which may            The SpA in iHPoPT may be a “natural            mechanism in this review.
precede micro-injury and inflammatory         experiment” (60) which allows probing          An earlier proposed biomechanical con-
markers not addressed in the preceding        if chronic axial neuromuscular hyper-          cept of AS (11, 16) was extended to il-
TNFi studies (50) and deserve future          irritability and hyper-contractility con-      lustrate how hypocalcaemia in iHPoPT
critical attention.                           tributes to syndesmophyte and entheso-         increases axial neuromuscular irritabil-
In a systematic review of SpA which           phyte lesions of the spine and pelvis. A       ity and hypercontractility and differs
analysed plain radiography or ultra-          2018 review of axial SpA (61) stressed         from AS (Fig. 1). The hypercontractil-
sound (US) techniques (none with              that the new technique of low dose CT          ity in iHPoPT is differentiated from in-
MRI), a greater BMI was considered a          is a major step forward in assessing syn-      nate resting (passive) axial myofascial
biomechanical factor which may trigger        desmophyte score and new bone forma-           hypertonicity proposed in AS (11, 16).
an inflammatory process and new bone          tion, which may be applied in future to        The SIJs are not entheses, but cartilagi-
formation in healing at those sites (51).     comparison of iHPoPT/SpA and AS.               nous joints which primarily support the
Biomechanical factors may also be a           Reports of iHPoPT consistently sup-            vertical load of the spine and trunk (66).
main contributor to entheseal changes of      port hypocalcaemia causing increased           The proposed mechanistic concept
lower extremities in normal adults (52).      neuronal and muscular excitability and         (Fig. 1) needs further documentation
In a study of 80 healthy adults, the prev-    stiffness (1, 2, 12, 62-64), which may         for its support, e.g. a “dose-response”
alence of ultrasound (US) enthesitis le-      plausibly contribute to development of         relation of chronic hypocalcaemic axial
sions defined by the OMERACT group            associated SpA in susceptible persons.         neuromuscular hypercontractility in
(53) increased with age, body mass in-        The pattern of syndesmophytes in iH-           iHPoPT leading to development of SpA
dex (BMI), and high physical activity         PoPT/SpA are described to originate            (23). Longitudinal analysis of separate
(54). Stratification of subjects
SpA in idiopathic hypoparathyroidism / A.T. Masi et al.

                                                                                                            Fig. 1. Proposed pathways
                                                                                                            of axial spondyloarthritis in
                                                                                                            idiopathic hypoparathyroid-
                                                                                                            ism (active, pink) vs. anky-
                                                                                                            losing spondylitis (resting,
                                                                                                            yellow) and common demo-
                                                                                                            graphy and mechanobiology
                                                                                                            factors (orange).

cited 2 previously reported cases in this    with other cohorts or with series of axi-     strength of evidence (SOE) and quality
review (19, 20) as being different from      al spondyloarthritis patients. This liter-    of an observational study may be in-
his patient. The duration and degree of      ature review is also limited in its ability   creased by additional strong evidence
hypocalcaemia is an essential determi-       to determine if a causative sequential        of association, consistency and homo-
nant for future research in the co-occur-    relation occurs between iHPoPT and            geneity of the data, and evidence of a
rence of iHPoPT and SpA.                     SpA versus a coincidental or statistical      dose response gradient (74, 75).
A limitation of this review is restriction   association.                                  A strength of this critical analysis in-
only to cross-sectional case reports         Randomised clinical trials (RCTs) are         cludes not detecting bias in case reports
of individual patients with short-term       often classified as “high quality” evi-       regarding descriptions of muscular
follow-up after iHPoPT/SpA diagnosis         dence regarding efficacy of new treat-        spasticity or skeletal enthesopathy le-
and treatment of hypocalcaemia (17-          ments for patients with a specific dis-       sions (Tables I, II). All analysed cases
31). Selection bias cannot be excluded       ease, whereas case reports and other          had sufficient data to qualify for a con-
in the reporting of age, gender, or dura-    observational data are considered as          firmed iHPoPT diagnosis. Only symp-
tion of SpA manifestations in the ana-       hypothesis generators with initially          tomatic SpA patients with radiographic
lysed cases (Tables I, II). Additional       classified lower grade of evidence (69-       documentation of syndesmophytes or
iHPoPT/SpA cases may be available in         72). However, an increasing argument          axial enthesophytes associated with
the literature or textbooks which were       is being made in defense of case re-          iHPoPT were included in the review for
not retrieved in our comprehensive           ports and its restoration as a prominent      greater consistency and comparability
search of five databases. Unrecognised       and useful medical reporting strategy         of the case subjects. Cases had compa-
potential confounders may not allow          (73). Methods to improve the validity         rable SpA manifestations of pain, stiff-
generalisability of the findings. Com-       of results from aggregation of single         ness or LOM of the neck, back, or hips
parison of the iHPoPT/SpA cases was          cases are increasingly needed, includ-        (Table II) and all but 2 reports (24, 25)
made with two national series of AS          ing estimation of an effect size and          had cited preceding cases of iHPoPT/
patients (34-36) and results may differ      generalisability of the data (73). The        SpA, reflecting consistency (Table I).

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SpA in idiopathic hypoparathyroidism / A.T. Masi et al.

Also, t-test comparison of the continu-       A widely accepted view among axSpA           tion resulting in increased muscle tone
ous variables (Tables I, II) between ear-     experts is the chronologic transition of     rather that overt shivering (80). Wheth-
lier versus later cases was performed         chronic back pain clinical manifesta-        er α-actinin-3 deficient individuals also
to assess consistency. Mean (SD) age          tions, to SIJ inflammatory changes on        display an increased passive muscle
at presentation and diagnosis (Table I)       MRI, and further radiographic structur-      tone (i.e. without neuronal activation)
was closely similar between the 7 earlier     al lesions on conventional radiography       requires further clinical assessment, in-
[49.7 (11.2)] and 7 later [47.9 (10.1)]       (CR), as mainly preceding syndesmo-          cluding myotonometry (11).
reported cases (p=0.750). Mean (SD)           phyte formation (78, Fig. 1). The pre-       The concept in this review could be
serum Ca (mg/dL) was similar in the           ceding sequence differs from current         tested independently in a follow-up de-
earlier [6.3 (1.4)] and later [4.8 (1.6)]     findings in the iHPoPT/SpA phenotype         termination of SpA occurrence in the
cases (p=0.097), as was serum P (mg/          which has prominent syndesmophyte            large HypoparaNet iHPoPT cohort (81)
dL) of [7.1 (3.3)] and [6.4 (1.0)], respec-   formation without SIJ structural le-         compared to a population and disease
tively (p=0.578) (Table I). Parathyroid       sions. The newly developed scoring           control. This large-scale national data-
hormone (pg/ml) was only reported in          method of bone formation on low dose         base of chronic hypoparathyroidism is
8 cases since 2005, with similar mean         computed tomography (LD-CT) of the           derived from expert medical-surgical
(SD) levels in 4 earlier [3.9 (2.3)] and 4    whole spine is a more sensitive method       centres in Italy and includes 61 adult
later [2.8 (1.5)] reports (p=0.453). The      for assessing the formation and growth       iHPoPT, 352 post-surgical and 37 ge-
mean (SD) number of total radiographic        of syndesmophytes than CR (79). New-         netic and other forms (81). Association
lesions per patient was also similar be-      ly detected iHPoPT/SpA cases can be          and development of SpA could be a fu-
tween earlier [3.9 (1.1)] and later [3.7      analysed with LD-CT and compared to          ture research objective of this project
(1.3)] cases (p=0.822) as was ESR [36.6       axSpA patients to compare the respec-        (81). Such further SpA outcome stud-
(8.4)] vs. [39.8 (23.5)], respectively        tive degrees of syndesmophyte forma-         ies can incorporate newly standard-
(p=0.782) (Table II). Such agreement          tion in relation to SIJ changes.             ised myotonometry (11) or shear wave
suggests that quantitatively combining        The novel translational mechanobio-          elastography (82) techniques to meas-
case reports may improve conclusions in       logical proposal of innate lumbar hu-        ure axial myofascial stiffness. Future
the field of rare diseases (70, 73). A nov-   man resting myofascial tone (HRMT)           longitudinal study of adult iHPoPT and
el hypothesis on causation can derive         contributing to AS physiopathogenesis        other parathyroid disorders is needed to
from a critical review of well-document-      (Fig. 1) are supported by preceding          determine an objective dose-response
ed case reports describing association of     studies (11, 16, 41, 44-47, 75). Genetic     effect of degree and duration of hypoc-
two distinct conditions, especially in-       factors contribute essentially all risk to   alcaemia interacting with age and sex in
volving a rare disorder (32, 70).             AS development and HLA-B27 strong-           the development of SpA. As important
Alamanos et al. (76) recently published       ly (circa 40-100-fold) associates with       new quality evidence becomes available
a systematic review of incidence stud-        risk (44). Both HLA-B27 and AS prev-         (83), the proposed hypothesis can be
ies of SpA subtypes indexed in Pub-           alence increase with colder climates,        reconsidered and appropriately revised.
Med electronic database during the last       hypothesised to be an evolutionary
25 years (1-1-1995 to 12-31-2019). In         thermogenesis trait related to increased     Conclusions
the latter review (76), the most recent       passive lumbar HRMT (44).                    The rare iHPoPT/SpA phenotype pre-
cohort study of SpA incidence (2014-          A recent physiologic, proteomic, and         sents mainly in middle-aged males as
2016) was by Hočevar et al. (77) and          genetic muscle study of α-actinin-3          widespread axial pain and LOM, par-
the only general population comparison        deficient healthy young males (n=8)          ticularly in cervical, lumbar, and hip re-
of axial and peripheral SpA, based on         versus normal males (n=11), as well as       gions. Its radiographic syndesmophyte
ASAS criteria (48,78). Of the total 302       wild type (n=18) and knockout (n=16)         and enthesophyte lesions simulate AS.
SpA cases, 98 (32.5%) were classified         mice for this trait, found that absence of   The mean ESR was similar to 2 cohorts
as axial versus 204 (67%) peripheral          protein α-actinin-3, normally expressed      of active AS patients by physician as-
SpA. The axial SpA group included 57          in fast-twitch skeletal muscle, is asso-     sessment. The iHPoPT/SpA cases dif-
(58.2%) AS and 31 (31.6%) undiffer-           ciated with improved thermogenesis           fer from AS by a paucity of structural
entiated SpA (without conventional            during cold-water emersion (80). The         SIJ lesions of erosions and bony bridg-
radiographic SIJ structural changes)          population frequency of this deficiency      ing and infrequent HLA-B27 positivity.
for a combined annual incidence rate          trait increases with distance from Afri-     Its hypocalcaemic axial neuromuscular
of 4.6 cases per 100,000 persons per          ca and is inferred to have resulted from     hyperirritability and hypercontractil-
year. As expected, median (IQR) age           modern humans migrating from Africa          ity are differentiated from a previously
was significantly (p=0.004) less in axial     to colder climates over 50,000 years         proposed resting (passive) innate axial
[39.8 (33.1–55.4)] than peripheral [49.8      ago (80), as previously inferred for         muscular hypertonicity and increased
(36.0–58.2)] SpA (77) and axial had           AS and HLA-B27 (44). The improved            stiffness in AS. The iHPoPT/SpA cas-
significantly (p
SpA in idiopathic hypoparathyroidism / A.T. Masi et al.

Acknowledgements                                          (‘entheses’) in relation to exercise and/or            curring hypoparathyroidism. Rheumatol Int
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