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Good examples of the Lithuanian Rural Development Programme measures 2007–2013   LREVIVAL OF LITHUANIAN COUNTRY SIDE
                                   REVIVAL OF


Revival of Lithuanian
         Future starts today

          Good examples of the Lithuanian
           Rural Development Programme
                    measures 2007–2013

UDK 338.43(474.5)

                                                                                                        I bow with respect to diligent rural people		 7

                                                                                                        Chapter I.
                                                                                                        Road to Europe
                                                                                                        Rural people began to feel their worth		                                                     10
                                                                                                        Paving the way today for tomorrow 		                                                         12
                                                                                                        Lithuanian vegetables earned recognition on the Western market		                             14
                                                                                                        Lengthy negotiations behind each number		                                                    16
                                                                                                        Good grain yield needs efforts		                                                             18
                                                                                                        Lithuanians buy ecological products straightly from farmers		                                20
                                                                                                        Plant-growing is the most popular sector of agricultural production		                        22

                                                                                                        Chapter II.
                                                                                                        National Priority – Livestock-Breeding
                                                                                                        Cattle come back to the pastures of the country		                                            24
                                                                                                        Selling of final products is more profitable		                                               28
                                                                                                        Let’s replace “sofa farmers” by beef cattle		                                                29
                                                                                                        Farms under modernization in the dairy sector		                                              30
                                                                                                        Success and honour of farmer Petras wear his father’s jacket		                               33

Revival of Lithuanian
                                                                                                        Not only a mountain and crisis can be bypassed		                                             37
                                                                                                        Milk rivers appear not after the rain		                                                      40
                                                                                                        The youngest livestock-breeding sector is paving its way		                                   42

Countryside                                                                                             Those complaining of payments are overdoing considerably
                                                                                                        Indigenous Scottish breed takes a foothold in Lithuania
                                                                                                        The wealth, honour and pride of a farm		                                                     48
Future starts today                                                                                     Good news for Šilalė region farmers		                                                        50
                                                                                                        Wellbeing of animals is an index of both, productivity and human culture		                   53
                                                                                                        From generation to generation keeping the family tradition		                                 54
                                                                                                        New markets – new opportunities		                                                            57
                                                                                                        Increase of organic meat demand on the market		                                              60
Photos by Martynas Vidzbelis, Ričardas Pasiliauskas,
Petras Malūkas, Raimundas Šuika and Stanislovas Vadapolis                                               Competitiveness is strengthened by cooperation		                                             61
Editor Genovaitė Paulikaitė                                                                             Opportunities suggested by cooperation not to the small businesses alone		                   63
Designer Jūratė Tamošiūnaitė-Karašauskienė
Language editor Gitana Valukonytė
                                                                                                        Chapter III.
Authors of publications: Milda Jonkienė, Edvardas Balčiūnas,
Dainius Bičiūnas, Regina Vaičekonienė and Genovaitė Paulikaitė
                                                                                                        Science and Education
                                                                                                        The same seedling is caressed with farmer and researcher hands		                             66
                                                                                                        Technological innovations in organic farming		                                               70
                                                                                                        Modern vegetable growing technologies are employed by farmers
                                                                                                        The Lithuanian origin of Skudde (škudė) sheep breed is being clarified by the scientists		   75
                                                                                                        For a Smart Farm – Smart Specialists		                                                       76
ISBN 978-609-8131-02-4                           Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania
Vilnius, 2014                                    Vilnius, 2014 UAB “Gimtinės šaltinis”                  Dowry for Starting Life		                                                                    78

REVIVaL Of LIThuaNIaN COuNTRy sIdE                                                                                                                         fuTuRE sTaRTs TOday

Decision, helping to restore profession prestige                    79
I am a super farmer                                                 80
News for students and teachers                                      83

Chapter IV.
young farmers Involved in farming
Young people still more often prefer farming                        86
The young farmer has bred a herd of fallow-deers to his son’s joy   88
You need work more, cry less and everything will be OK              90
The last one not always is a loser                                  92

Chapter V.
Reviving Village
So that people would fancy living in the village...                  94
Old crafts are encouraged                                            98
“Stubriai” take care of recreation and handicraft development       100
A modern stud farm established in Pustelninkai village              102

Mobile business of making food for the land                         104
The perspective of 2014–2020                                        105

                                                                          Prof. Vigilijus Jukna, Minister of Agriculture.

                                                                          I bow with respect
                                                                          to diligent rural people
                                                                          I visit frequently Lithuanian countryside and       Even though bacons, sheep and other products,
                                                                          take delight in seeing it ever changing. Primari-   manufactured by Lithuanian farmers during the
                                                                          ly, I am proud of and grateful to our rural peo-    inter-war period, had their value on the Europe-
                                                                          ple for their honest labour. With the wise use of   an markets, during the period of more than fifty
                                                                          the Lithuanian Rural Development Programme          years they were forgotten in the West. We are
                                                                          for 2007–2011 and earlier programmes, they          coming back. Lithuanian products find their con-
                                                                          were able to create the rural economy that a        sumers not only in Europe, but also pave road to
                                                                          decade ago for many people looked like Utopia.      other countries as well.
                                                                          I bow with respect to rural people. Thanks to          The expanding markets open new opportu-
                                                                          them, our negotiations with the European Com-       nities for rural people and show evidently that
                                                                          mission and the more favourable conditions for      we are exporting excessive amounts of raw
                                                                          Lithuania, resulting from negotiations, were not    materials, thus reducing considerably our inco-
                                                                          fruitless. Money, whatever their amount, is of no   me. It is the final product that creates the ad-
                                                                          use without people.                                 ded value. The rural economy may be balanced
                                                                             I understand it was not easy. It is not enough   by livestock-breeding. The climatic conditions
                                                                          to grow good products, you need to sell them.       of Lithuania are especially favourable for beef ➤

6                                                                                                                                                                           7

cattle-breeding and sheep-breeding. In my opi-           The increasing demand for specialists is the
nion, the National Livestock-Breeding Deve-            motivation for rural young people to choose
lopment Programme and promotion methods,               agricultural professions and come back to their
developed by the Ministry in collaboration with        native land. Youth is the life of our countrysi-
the social partners, will be the basis of compe-       de. Village starts to become moribund without
titive livestock-breeding. Livestock breeding,         young people and the laugh of children and turns
being highly labour-consuming, will contribute         gradually into the factory of agricultural product
to the reduction of unemployment and income            production.
increase. Beef cattle-breeding and sheep-bree-           And again I turn back to rural people. It highly
ding give the opportunity for strengthening of         depends on them whether we are able to preser-
small-scale farms. It is promising if after coope-     ve our cradle of culture. We are grateful to com-
ration they will start setting up small agricultural   munities, contributing to the creation of village,
product processing undertakings, thus strengt-         attractive for living of young people. During the
hening their economic stability.                       negotiations with the European Commission and
   Our farmers today use most advanced tech-           in planning our national budget we are always
nologies, though still stronger competition sti-       searching for the ways to reduce rural social
mulates the implementation of more modern              exclusion, to improve conditions of life and work,
innovations. I believe that European Program-          to create better conditions for acquisition of ne-
me of Innovations is a good choice for Lithu-          west knowledge.
ania, encouraging in the short term to establish         When I am asked what type of farm I am for,
the strong cooperation between scientists and          I answer: for a competitive one, which is being
agricultural producers in implementing science-        created by our rural people.
based innovations in the farms. The smart farms          Even though the new rural development pro-
need high-quality specialists. A good specialist       gramme for Lithuania foresees somewhat lower
cannot be born in an hour. It takes time to bring      budget, I believe in the capacity of rural peo-
up a good specialist; therefore, the Ministry of       ple to make more purposeful and effective in-
Agriculture launched an initiative to show to          vestments. Our people understood long ago that
young people through educational programmes            we, not the European Union, must know what
that agricultural specialities are not inferior or     we want to achieve.
less perspective, and farming is also a profitable                                   Prof. Vigilijus Jukna
business.                                                                          Minister of Agriculture

                                                                                                             ChaPteR i.
The Minister, speaking with farmers who sell their farm products on the farmers’ market-place in Kaunas.

REVIVaL Of LIThuaNIaN COuNTRy sIdE                                                                                                                                                                         fuTuRE sTaRTs TOday

                                                                                                              opened opportunities for rural people to increa-
                                                                                                              se their income. The other benefit of that period                          SAPARD      RDP       RDP
                                                                                                              was the door which was flung open to the world                                       2004–2006 2007–2013
                                                                                                              and possibility to see the pursuits and life of people      Amount of        0.866        2.1           7.89
                                                                                                              in other countries during the period when we have           support
                                                                                                              been involved in creating the “bright future”. More         LTL billion
                                                                                                              than one individual at that time firmly said: if they       EU funds         0.578        1.7          6.097
                                                                                                              can, I also can live like them.”                            LTL billion

                                                                                                              feeling more stable
                                                                                                                                                                         transparent utilization of funds, the Ministry’s
                                                                                                                 “When the individual has an aim and is willing to       employees during seven years, after gaining the
                                                                                                              achieve it, opportunities give him a chance. They          EC approval, more than ten times corrected the
                                                                                                              were opened after starting the implementation of           Programme documents,” notices Vice-Minister of
                                                                                                              the Lithuanian Rural Development Programme for             Agriculture Mindaugas Kuklierius and is delighted
                                                                                                              2007–2013. Farmers are implementing the most               that after more than 30 new investment and com-
                                                                                                              advanced technologies and innovations. Crop pro-           pensatory measures have been foreseen in the Pro-
                                                                                                              duction farms, especially of cereal growers, are           gramme, farmers involved in farming on the farms
                                                                                                              gaining in strength. With the interest of the popu-        with infertile soils started receiving payments.
                                                                                                              lation increased in healthy diet, demand in organic        They are paid annually to more than 350,700 far-
                                                                                                              products went up. Therefore, the number of farm-           mers. This is a considerable support, as lands less
                                                                                                              ers involved in organic farming and their income           favoured for farming cover 43.5% of the total area
                                                                                                              got increased. The number of young farmers who             of the country. The compensatory payments help
                                                                                                              received support increased thrice. The Ministry of         to level the difference between the farmers from
                                                                                                              Agriculture, upon noticing the weaker development          various places. Small and medium-sized farms
                                                                                                              of the traditional Lithuanian business – livestock-        are gaining momentum. Their owners understand
                                                                                                              breeding – after the programming period started            that not only large farms can be competitive and
                                                                                                              entering its second stage, entered into negotiations       modern. Success is predetermined by the abili-
                                                                                                              with the European Commission (EC) and received             ty of quick orientation on the market and flexible

Rural people
                                                                                                              its approval for redistribution of support funds,          adaptation to market preferences. The emerging
                                                                                                              focusing more considerable attention to animal             new areas of activities, new crops that have been
                                                                                                              breeders. Positive changes were quick to appear.           cultivated rarely or not cultivated at all, alternative
                                                                                                              The number of animals started to increase evident-         businesses evidence that our people are endowed

began to feel their worth                                                                                     ly. This correction was not the only one. The Minis-
                                                                                                              try reacted flexibly to each changing situation and
                                                                                                              the emerging new needs of people. With an aim
                                                                                                                                                                         with resolution, inventiveness and creativity. Rural
                                                                                                                                                                         tourism farmsteads have become a favourite pla-
                                                                                                                                                                         ce of recreation and leisure for national and inter-
                                                                                                              to achieve the rational, effective and, certainly,         national holiday-makers. A variety of investments
Mindaugas Kuklierius, Vice-Minister of Agriculture, is convinced:                                                                                                        and payments under RDP for 2007–2013 reaches
the greatest achievement in the past decade is the changed                                                     In agriculture, forestry and fishery:                     every rural resident in the country. During the first
                                                                                                                                                                         period of the EU membership, support amoun-
approach of Lithuanian rural people to their activities,                          Vice-Minister of              In 2004, 15.2% and in 2003, 8.4% of the total
                                                                                                                                                                         ting to LTL 9.7 billion was invested in the national
                                                                                                                 amount of the country’s workers were employed.
innovations, opportunities and their own selves.                                  Agriculture Mindaugas
                                                                                                                 This accounted for 27% of the total rural population.
                                                                                                                                                                         agricultural and rural development. Income of the
                                                                                                                                                                         rural population was supplemented by more than
                                                                                                                The created added value per worker increased
                                                                                                                                                                         LTL 10 billion of direct payments. The agricultural
                                                                                                                 from LTL 11,800 in 2004 to LTL 38,000 in 2013.
                                                                                                                                                                         and food sector of Lithuania has become one of
                                                                                                                The created added value per hour increased
                                                                                                                                                                         the strongest branches of economy, creating 8.6%
Return of hopes                                         wake-up call was Lithuania’s accession to the Eu-        from LTL 7.1 in 2004 to LTL 20.1 in 2013.
                                                                                                                                                                         of the gross domestic product of the country. And
                                                        ropean Union. This was a very active period for the     Real income of rural population
                                                                                                                                                                         what is more important – rural people gained sta-
   An opinion has been formed within the long ye-       farmers, the Ministry of Agriculture and its stake-      within 2004-2013 increased twice.
                                                                                                                                                                         bility and confidence.” ●
ars that only those who are not able to adapt them-     holders in seeking that as many rural residents as
selves anywhere else stay in the village. Thus, no      possible should feel the real EU support. And this
wonder, that in the course of time people also start-   depended on each word in their documents prepa-
ed thinking about themselves that way. It was not       red – the Lithuanian Rural Development Plan for
easy for the village to rise from stagnation.           2004–2006, enforcing the compensatory support,
   “The first wake-up call was news about support       the Single Programming Document, determining
coming into Lithuania from the European Union           the amount of investments, the Lithuanian Rural
(EU). The Special Accession Programme for Agri-         Development Programme (RDP) for 2007–2013
culture and Rural Development was a starting            and on the ability to defend that word in the nego-
point for the bravest farmers in the country to         tiations with the European Commission. Special at-
create a modern farm,” the Vice-Minister reviews        tention was devoted to setting up of young farmers.
the days when people started to feel a hope: is         These years were very significant and had a great
it actually possible to live otherwise? “The second     impact on economic and social life. The EU market

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REVIVaL Of LIThuaNIaN COuNTRy sIdE                                                                                                                                                                 fuTuRE sTaRTs TOday

                                                                                                            up of new farms. For example, within the first        red to 2003 the number of machinery possessed by
                                                                                                            half-year of 2013, 1660 new farms were set up.        agricultural producers doubled. Old machines are
                                                                                                            New farms were mostly set up in Vilnius county –      replaced by new machinery. Implementing inves-
                                                                                                            358 farms. In Marijampolė county their number         tment projects, farmers dispose of crop harvesters,
                                                                                                            was lowest – 85 farms.                                mineral fertilizer spreading machines, sowing ma-
                                                                                                                                                                  chines, hay mowers, manure spreaders, grain cle-
                                                                                                            On the farms – new machinery and                      aners and other machinery. The number of objects
                                                                                                                                                                  registered with the SE Agricultural Information and
                                                                                                            equipment                                             Rural Business Centre Register increases annually
                                                                                                               Starting with the preparation for the EU acces-    by tenth. The main reasons for the growing num-
                                                                                                            sion and ending with the Lithuanian Rural Develop-    ber of objects in the Tractor Register are the EU
                                                                                                            ment Programme for 2007–2013, special attention       support to the farmers.
                                                                                                            was devoted to enhancing of competitiveness in           Most agricultural machinery is registered in Cen-
                                                                                                            agricultural and food as well as forestry sectors.    tral Lithuania: Kaunas, Šiauliai, Panevėžys and
                                                                                                            Within the past seven years alone those willing to    Marijampolė counties, lowest number in Utena and
                                                                                                            modernize their agricultural holdings submitted       Telšiai counties.
                                                                                                            13,685 applications for support, of which 11,960         Machinery acquisition was especially stimulated
                                                                                                            were approved, and LTL 3.46 billion was allocated.    by the simplified procedure for granting of support
                                                                                                            These funds were used for renovation of machine-      to small projects, for implementation of which
                                                                                                            ry and equipment, as new and modern agricultural      support amounts to up to LTL 150,000.
                                                                                                            machinery is more efficient and effective – con-         As at the beginning of 2014, Lithuanian farms
                                                                                                            sumption of fuel is less and labour volumes get in-   disposed of 249,497 units of various machinery.
                                                                                                            creased. Supply of farms with modern agricultural        The major part of machinery is acquired by agri-
                                                                                                            machinery improves working conditions of far-         cultural producers from Šiauliai, Raseiniai, Šakiai,
                                                                                                            mers, preserves nature and reduces the consumed       Vilkaviškis, Kaunas, Alytus, Vilnius, Panevėžys and
                                                                                                            amount of energy. For example, in 2010 as compa-      Biržai regions. ●

Paving the way                                                                                                                        Number of farms by land area used in a farm
                                                                                                                                                    1 June 2014

today for tomorrow                                                                                                  0–3 ha      3–10 ha        10–20 ha        20–30 ha       30–50 ha        daugiau nei 50 ha

Present-day Lithuanian village, what is it? all that is most modern and advanced                                                                          3%   2%
today, and tomorrow something more progressive will appear. and so each                                                                                                               31 %
day. Lithuania’s membership in the EU, financial support, opportunities opened                                                 17 %
for free movement of goods, acquisition of new knowledge and know-how,
innovations implemented in the agricultural production of our country give
changes to the life of people. The most conspicuous tendencies of the first
decade of the EU membership: large farms are increasing, agricultural machinery
is being renovated, crop production becomes stronger, especially cereal farms;
Lithuanian products are gaining a strong foothold in the European market.
                                                                                                                                                                  41 %

Large farms increasing in number                      Farms under the SE Agricultural Information and
                                                      Rural Business Centre, the number of farmers’
   Enlargement of farms is one of the most dis-       farms registered as at 1 July 2013 amounted to
tinct tendencies of the decade. At the end of 2004,   115,460 of farmers’ farms. This was due to the
                                                                                                                       A diagram, provided by the Agricultural Information and Rural Business Centre, shows
319,900 farms were registered in Lithuania. Hol-      enlargement of farms and possibility to receive
                                                                                                                     that farms with 3 to 10 ha are prevailing in Lithuania. Their number (47,705) accounts for
dings up to 5 ha accounted for 64% of the total       support for retirement of senior people from active
                                                                                                                      41 % of the total number of farmers’ farms. Farms covering up to 3 ha account for 31 %
holdings, and those over 100 ha – only 0.6%.          agricultural production.                                       (35,852), and farms with the total land area from 10 to 20 ha (20,061) account for 17 %.
   The largest farmers’ farms were registered in         Enlargement of farms has a positive effect on              The largest farms with the total land area over 50 ha make 2 % (1923) of the total numbers
Šiauliai, Panevėžys and Marijampolė counties,         the modernization of farms and their supply with                   of farmers’ farms, 6 % (6258) are the farms with the total land area of 20–30 ha.
smallest in Alytus, Kaunas and Vilnius counties.      machinery.
According to the data of the Register of Farmers’        Support to young farmers encourages setting-

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                                                                                                Z. Cironkienė said that vegetable growers expe-        herbs, dill, leaf parsley and celery, Chinese cabba-
                                                                                                rienced more than ordeal on their ten-year long        ge, etc. Certainly, the expanding market again is
                                                                                                way to the EU market. Lithuanian vegetables did        stimulating us for perfection, as the need appears
                                                                                                not conform to the EU quality requirements. “To        for larger amounts of vegetables of uniform size,
                                                                                                comply with them, you had to make quite a lot of       form and packaging. A lot of vegetables, grown by
                                                                                                investments. And there was no time for waiting.        our vegetable growers, bear the mark of excep-
                                                                                                Vegetables from other EU countries began to flood      tional quality product. Investments are needed
                                                                                                our country. Once you left the market, it would        again, this resulting in higher income, generated
                                                                                                be difficult to come back. Therefore, we started       due to vegetables of higher quality.”
                                                                                                changing vegetable growing technologies most ra-          In the forthcoming financial support period, pri-
                                                                                                pidly as we could, purchased equipment for creat-      ority attention will be devoted to vegetable grow-
                                                                                                ing commercial exterior appearance, and built quick-   ing. According to the Director, it gives hopes for
                                                                                                ly modern vegetable growing storage facilities.        increase of vegetable areas in Lithuania. ●
                                                                                                Finally, we had to coordinate logistics, to supply
                                                                                                modern means of transport for delivery of goods
                                                                                                to our clients in due time. Without the European
                                                                                                support we could not manage to do all this. We
                                                                                                can see the RDP 2007–2013 mark close to a great
                                                                                                number of modern storage facilities. In solving any
                                                                                                issues that arise we can always consult with the Mi-
                                                                                                nistry of Agriculture. The vegetable growers began
                                                                                                to understand still more that their cooperation will
                                                                                                reduce cost price of vegetables and enhance their
                                                                                                competitiveness,” the Director of the Association
                                                                                                spoke about the troubles faced by vegetable gro-
                                                                                                wers. “And here emigration took start. Vegetable
                                                                                                growing farms are labour consuming. Labour for-
                                                                                                ce was in shortage in many places. The only way
                                                                                                out was to start mechanization of manual work.
                                                                                                This again needed considerable investments. At
                                                                                                the time the world markets began to show interest
                                                                                                in our vegetables, we have already created mo-
                                                                                                dern, advanced and competitive farms. It was then
                                                                                                that Lithuanian vegetables were in high demand
                                                                                                in Russia. And now carrots, grown by our vege-
                                                                                                table growers, are one of those enjoying highest
                                                                                                demand in this country. The Western market got
                                                                                                expanded and is ever expanding. Our local consu-
                                                                                                mers also wish to be supplied with vegetables in

                            Lithuanian vegetables
                                                                                                larger quantities and variety. And even though the
                                                                                                basic Lithuanian vegetables are potatoes, carrots,
                                                                                                beets, cabbages and onions, our vegetable grow-
                                                                                                ers began to cultivate garlic, zucchini, pumpkins,

                            earned recognition                                                  spinach, salads of various sorts and types, spicy

                            on the Western market
                           “As scientists discovered still more advantages of red beet, this
                           vegetable that has been grown in Lithuania since of old is gaining
                           popularity on the Western market. Pickled beets, especially.
                           actually, it would be strange for us if in spring when we want
                           to cook a red beetroot soup we could not have this vegetable
                           for ourselves,” says Zofija Cironkienė, Director of the Lithuanian
Zofija Cironkienė,         Association of Vegetable Growers with more than 80 members           Vegetable growers, having received the support,
Director of the                                                                                 started building the storage facilities, acquired
Lithuanian Association
                           and makes a joke that the European Union (EU) forced the             more sophisticated machinery and more advanced
of Vegetable Growers.      vegetable growers to improve and modernize.                          technologies, and deepened their know-how.

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                                                                                                                up, Lithuania required the European Commission to        val of the reform was in fact quite a challenge.
                                                                                                                take measures on the uniformity of direct support,       For the first time we had to take into account the
                                                                                                                allocated per hectare, in all Member States. Lithu-      needs of 28 EU Member States, each possessing
                                                                                                                ania is a small country; therefore, in order to achie-   the unique structure of their economies and diffe-
                                                                                                                ve results, you have to search for co-thinkers in the    rent agronomic and economic conditions. We are
                                                                                                                negotiations. Together with eight new Member Sta-        convinced that we have achieved the perfectly ba-
                                                                                                                tes we submitted a declaration on the uniformity of      lanced result: maintained the firm EU CAP structure,
                                                                                                                direct payments at the EU level,” the Minister re-       complying with the needs of farmers. The approved
                                                                                                                views the participation of Lithuania in the CAP.         CAP transitory provisions will ensure the smooth
                                                                                                                   As far as 2010, Lithuania started preparing inten-    transition from the present to the new 2014–2020
                                                                                                                sively for the negotiations on the new CAP reform        period and sustainability of the present CAP support
                                                                                                                after 2013. According to Prof. V. Jukna, negotiations    measures. The reformed CAP to be enforced from
                                                                                                                were not easy, but part of Lithuania’s aspirations in    1 January 2015 will further be the essential EU poli-
                                                                                                                reforming the CAP after 2013 was enforced: to en-        cy allowing one to ensure sustainability, productivity
                                                                                                                sure the necessity to distribute the direct payments     and competitiveness of the agricultural sector,” says
                                                                                                                between Member States more fairly, to concentrate        the Minister speaking about the country’s position
                                                                                                                on the active farmers, to apply certain relationship     in striving to create the most favourable conditions
                                                                                                                between support and production, to uphold market         for Lithuanian agricultural and rural development.
                                                                                                                regulation measures, operating as a reliable and se-     “At present the average size of direct payments
                                                                                                                curity ensuring network, to strengthen rural policy      paid to our country’s agriculturists is lower than the
                                                                                                                in order to achieve higher competitiveness and mo-       average in Members States. Nevertheless, a high
                                                                                                                dernization of the agricultural sector, etc.             achievement was reached in the negotiations for
                                                                                                                   In October 2011 long and complicated negotia-         2014–2020 multi-annual financial programme.
                                                                                                                tions started on CAP 2014–2020, which were su-           According to the results of the negotiations, the
                                                                                                                ccessfully completed during the Lithuanian Presiden-     amount of direct payments allocated to Lithuania
                                                                                                                cy of the Council of the European Union. Lithuania       from 2014 will increase annually until the level of
                                                                                                                holding presidency of the EU Council achieved one        direct support in 2019–2020 reaches EURO 196 per
                                                                                                                of the most important goals in the agricultural sec-     hectare, i.e. about 75% of the EU average. We, ho-
                                                                                                                tor – CAP reform legal acts and the regulation of        wever, will use all intellectual, diplomatic and ne-
                                                                                                                the CAP transition provisions for 2014 were offici-      gotiating powers at meetings of all levels preparing
                                                                                                                ally approved. This official covenant completed the      the ground for further uniformity of direct payments
                                                                                                                three-year long intensive discussions, negotiations      in Member States. Direct payments are a very vul-
                                                                                                                and coordination of positions between Member             nerable constituent of the national budget, having
                                                                                                                States and most important EU institutions. “Appro-       an impact on many farmers.” ●

Lengthy negotiations
behind each number
Speaking about investments to the national rural economy, we seldom
think about lengthy negotiations underpinning each figure. The size of
support depends on the ability of negotiators to defend interests of their
country. No secret, you need to find co-thinkers and patrons. The Minister
of Agriculture Prof. Vigilijus Jukna remarks that from accession to the
EU Lithuania is an active participant in preparing and adopting decisions
relevant to the agricultural and rural development and strives for these
decisions to comply with the national interests of the country and the
common interests of the Eu.

“We started to participate in the direct negotiations   enforced a good number of its priorities: application
on the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) reforms         of the scheme for lump sum payments for areas
only in 2003, though then without the right of vo-      was prolonged, the transitional period for the gra-
ting, when after the end of the negotiations on the     dual implementation of complex support require-
accession to the EU we became the observers at all      ments was negotiated, the more flexible path for
EU institutions. Later, in 2008, we participated in     milk quota abolition in 2015 was foreseen, etc.
the CAP reform follow-up. Lithuania has successfully    From the very beginning of the CAP reform follow-       Minister of Agriculture Prof. Vigilijus Jukna.

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Revival of Lithuanian Countryside                                                                                                                                   Future starts today

                                                                                                                                    are getting close step by step. Certainly, new ma-
                                                                                                                                    chines and modern technologies are making their
                                                                                                                                    contribution.” The grain growers believe that after
                                                                                                                                    funds were allocated to scientists for applied rese-
                                                                                                                                    arch and specific experiments, they should have
                                                                                                                                    something they could refer to, since now, accor-
                                                                                                                                    ding to R. Majauskas,they receive lots of different
                                                                                                                                    proposals, but there is no one to ask about their
                                                                                                                                    benefit for the land and harvest.
                                                                                                                                       R. Majauskas points the other side of the EU
                                                                                                                                    membership, i.e. stricter requirements for envi-
                                                                                                                                    ronment protection and some restrictions. “Surely,
                                                                                                                                    you can say it is negative side of the membership
                                                                                                                                    though at the same time it has a positive influ-
                                                                                                                                    ence, i.e.the growing requirements stimulated the
                                                                              The grain growers themselves agree with it. Accord-   modernization of farms. Many grain growers have
                                                                              ing to Romas Majauskas, Chairman of Lithuanian        bought tractors, harvesters and other machinery
                                                                              Association of Grain Growers, Lithuania’s mem-        and equipment using support from the EU and the
                                                                              bership in the European Union was quite positive      State budget,” he says.
                                                                              for their activities. Firstly, the Western market        Agricultural cooperative “Joniškio Aruodas” uni-
                                                                              was opened. There prices are normal. “Before our      ting the grain growers from the Northern Lithuania
                                                                              membership to the European Union,usually, after       has implemented one of the biggest projects. In
                                                                              having yielded the harvest,we were used to call the   2007, the cooperative members having contribu-
                                                                              buyer and offer him grain, and he asked to pay him    ted LTL 27,000 each purchased buildings for LTL
                                                                              for coming to bring away the grain,” says Chairman    525,000 and rented 5 ha land plot. Seeking to en-
                                                                              of the Association uniting more than one hundred      sure long-term successful business the farmers
                                                                              grain growers and farming more than 30,000 ha         chose expensive quality and reliable equipment for
                                                                              of land. “Now we have no difficulties to sell the     the elevatorfrom the Swedish company “Tornum”
                                                                              harvest. Not only our grain is in demand, but also    with is value of LTL 12 million. Part of the inves-
                                                                              corn, rapeseed, and beans. And even our yields        tment was compensated from the Rural Develop-
                                                                              may match the yields of the EU old-timers. We         ment Programme 2007–2013. ●

Good grain yield
needs efforts

Last several years were the golden age for grain
growers. Good climatic conditions predetermine       Romas Majauskas,
                                                     Chairman of Lithuanian
good yield, and market prices allow one to breathe   Association of
more freely.                                         Grain Growers            Grain stockrooms of the “Joniškio Aruodas” Agricultural Company.

18                                                                                                                                                                                   19
REVIVaL Of LIThuaNIaN COuNTRy sIdE                                                                                                                                                                   fuTuRE sTaRTs TOday

                                                                                                                  You may invest in premises after machinery was purchased from support funds
                                                                                                                  “Today I can say bravely we would not have the
                                                                                                                  farm we have today without support of the Eu-
                                                                                                                  ropean Union,” says Alvytė Valuckienė, a farmer
                                                                                                                  from Ramoniškės village (Vilkaviškis district), af-
                                                                                                                  ter having celebrated the twentieth anniversary
                                                                                                                  of the farm, arranged near the new modern buil-
                                                                                                                  dings of the farm.
                                                                                                                     The farmers engaged in potato growing received
                                                                                                                  the first support through the SAPARD Programme.

Lithuanians buy ecological products
                                                                                                                  Then they acquired all engineering facilities ne-
                                                                                                                  cessary for a modern potato farm, beginning with
                                                                                                                  soil preparation and ending with potato sorting.
                                                                                                                  However, machinery wears off after ten years of

straightly from farmers
                                                                                                                  its intensive usage and new modern machines
                                                                                                                  with greater capacity are developed. Renovation of machinery for potato farming became possible
                                                                                                                  for the farmers possessing land plots smaller than 150 ha with the support of RDP 2007–2013. Using
                                                                                                                  Programme funds they purchased a two-bed harvester, two tractors, humus spreader, equipment for
Ecological vegetables and meat of Lithuanian origin you may find in small shops,                                  potato packing, planting machine, telescopic stacker, mobile fuel container to provide fuel for harves-
especially those specialized, but still more customers, according to Saulius Daniulis,                            ters operating in the fields. “We have renovated almost all equipment. Some were purchased according
Chairman of Lithuanian Association of Organic Farms, go to the farmer and here buy                                to the simplified support procedure,” says Alvytė Valuckienė.
                                                                                                                     Receiving support for machinery purchase, the farmers could afford to build modern potato storage
meat and vegetables.                                                                                              houses, premises for potato sorting and to equip everyday facilities for workers to have good working
Ecological vegetables and meat of Lithuanian ori-         that payments to organic farming, foreseen in the       conditions.
gin you may find in small shops, especially those         Rural Development Programme for 2007–2013,
specialized, but still more customers, according to       contributed greatly in maintaining the viability of     Roadside shrubs is                                   Probiotics against odours
Saulius Daniulis, Chairman of Lithuanian Associa-         ecological farms.
tion of Organic Farms, go to the farmer and here             In 2013, the area covered by organic farming         environment-friendly fuel
buy meat and vegetables.                                  reached approx. 163,500 ha. The organic farming            Stanislovas Jurkus from the village Lėgai
   “Even though people in Lithuania have been             programme support within the period of 2007–2013        (Rietavas Municipality) innovated his farm, pur-
raising ecological vegetables and animals quite           amounted to EUR 84,714,980. At the end of 2013,         chased necessary machinery, equipment for the
for a long time, organic farming gained momen-            2,549 farms of organic production were certifie-        farm and decided to buy a crusher for shrubs
tum only after the EU membership. This type of            dand their total utilized area covered 170,895 ha.      and shoddy trees and the Swedish trailer using
farming needs considerable investments, thus              The average size of an ecological farm is from 5 to     support from the RDP 2007–2013. Stanislovas
without support we could not manage to undertake          50 ha.                                                  attacked roadsides and trenches and last year
it,” says S. Daniulis. “After entering the EU, people        In the Lithuanian Rural Development Programme        prepared and sold to the Rietavas boiler-hou-
started to take interest in organic farming. Now          for 2014–2020, organic farming is separated from        se900 cu m of chippings. This year he plans to
the number of farmers involved in organic farming         the measure “Agrarian Environmental Protection          provide 1000 cu m of environment-friendly fuel.
decreased, whereas farms are enlarging. Still more        and has become a separate measure. During the           “There are lots of shrubs around Rietavas. Sin-
farmers expand their activities from raw materi-          new period under the programme it is intended to        ce we have used money of the European Union
als to production of final products. When visiting        differentiate the amount of support in dependence       then let’s show the Europeans that we are not
any country in the West you meet a farmer and he          on the trend and size of the ecological farm. The is-   scruffs,” says farmer S. Jurkus.
starts telling of his father and grandfather who de-      sue of the most intensive support to mixed farms,                                                            Odour spreading from livestock-breeding and
veloped organic farming, you understand that our          certifying crop production and keeping certified                                                             poultry farmsis an urgent and hardly insolvable
farmers are the beginners in this area.”                  animals, is under consideration. Farms of that                                                               problem. The Chamber of Agriculture having im-
   According to S. Daniulis, the size of support is of    type make the closed cycle of production which is                                                            plemented the project “Improving Hygiene Con-
utmost importance here: no support – no product.          necessary at organic farming. In addition, those                                                             ditions of Stables and Cattle Complexes and Use
“It is easier to heal somebody who is ill than to         farms create higher added value per area unit as                                                             of Biotechnology to Manage Biologically Decom-
resurrect the dead one,” says S. Daniulis and adds        compared to the farms of one production trend. ●                                                             posable Waste” believes that the most effective
                                                                                                                                                                       means to reduce odour is microbiologic, i.e. the
         Information about the number and area of farms who received payments                                                                                          special composites of natural microflora-probi-
                                                                                                                                                                       otics. They protect from developing pathogenic
               in 2007-2013 according the programme “Organic Farming”                                                                                                  microflora, sulphur reducing microorganisms and
                                                                                                                                                                       reduce discharge of ammonia in manure and
                                     2007    2008        2009     2010      2011       2012       2013                                                                 slurry of livestock complexes. Probiotics have an
                                                                                                                                                                       advantage since they do not threaten any risk to
     Number (units)                  991     1 082       1 178    1 950     2 588      2 504      2 605
                                                                                                                                                                       animals and servicing staff. Composite of probio-
     Including, livestock-breeding 817       805         740      796       832        882                                                                             tics is being spread in the farm of Audrius Banio-
     Area (thous.ha)                 2 180 26 601        51 171   96 056    150 399    155 634 163 723                                                                 nis, an innovative farmer, a winner of the Green
                                                                                                                                                                       diploma in Margininkai village (Kaunas district).

20                                                                                                                                                                                                                   21

Plant-growing is the most popular
sector of agricultural production
Plant-growing is the most popular branch of agriculture.
So far it makes a major part in the total agricultural
production structure of the country – about 60%.
In the past years almost 159,500 individuals have       2012 almost 24,495 ha.
declared and utilized agricultural areas, their to-        By estimation of the Lithuanian Institute of Agra-
tal area covering 2,784,280 ha, including 170 479       rian Economics, the last year was one of the most
ha of arable land, 13 329 ha of orchards and ber-       successful in the agricultural and food sector of Li-
ry fields. According to the data of the Department      thuania. Due to good climatic conditions, the vo-
of Statistics, the crop areas in the period between     lume of production of most agricultural products,
2004 and 2013 almost doubled.                           especially of grain, has increased. In 2004, the
   In addition to these cultures, farmers cultivate     harvest of grain crops 2,916,900 tonnes, in 2013
triticale, rye, malting barley, winter rape, etc.       – 4,550,000 tonnes. No doubt, the development
   Of protein cultures, pies are most popular. In       of plant-growing was stimulated by the increased
2011, they covered the area of 26,510 ha, and in        procurement prices of grain.
                                                           Analysts propose to the plant-growing sec-
                                                        tor to increase the operating efficiency, since the
 The most popular cultures cultiva-
                                                        opportunities of record-setting harvest have alre-
 ted in the farms of the country
                                                        ady been exhausted, and grain procurement pri-

                                                                                                                ChaPteR ii.
  winter wheat in 2011 covered the area of
                                                        ces on the world markets are predicted to drop
     266,882 ha, and in 2012 the area of 418,723 ha;
                                                        by one-tenth as compared to those in the last
  spring wheat in 2011 covered the area of almost
                                                        year. Comparing to the EU valued added creat-
   262,563 ha, and in 2012 the area of 180,400 ha;
                                                        ed efficiency, Lithuania still is lagging behind by
  spring non-malting barley in 2011 was grown in the
                                                        several times. The method to increase efficiency
   area of 212,649 ha, and in 2012 almost 177,886 ha;
                                                        includes modernization of technologies and im-
  spring rapeseed in 2011 covered
                                                        plementation of innovations. Utmost attention
   219,897 ha, and in 2012 the area of 175,792 ha.
                                                        will be focused on this aspect in 2014–2020. ●

REVIVaL Of LIThuaNIaN COuNTRy sIdE                                                                                                                                                              fuTuRE sTaRTs TOday

                                                                                                                            Applications, received from 09-09-2013 to 11-10-2013

                                                                                                            Sector                  Number of applications The requested                   Foreseen funds
                                                                                                                                                           amount (LTL                     (LTL mill.)
                                                                                                            Cattle-breeding         668                    167                             45
                                                                                                            Pig-breeding            18                     11,7                            10
                                                                                                            Poultry farming         13                     11,1                            3
                                                                                                            Sheep-breeding          5                      0,804                           2
                                                                                                            Total                   704                    191                             60

                                                                                                        The prepared programme of development                   to be allocated from the state budgetary assign-
                                                                                                                                                                ments, the European Agricultural Fund for Rural
                                                                                                           During collection of applications, the Ministry of   Development and other EU financial support funds.
                                                                                                        Agriculture started implementing its goal for awar-        “The strategic objective of the Programme is to
                                                                                                        ding of priority status to livestock-breeding. In       form the prerequisites in the long-term national

Cattle come back to the
                                                                                                        2013, in cooperation with the representatives from      agricultural perspective for the development of the
                                                                                                        science and education institutions, associations of     competitive animal breeding sector, oriented to
                                                                                                        farm animal breeders and the Chamber of Agricul-        domestic and foreign market and causing no harm
                                                                                                        ture, the National Livestock-Breeding Sector Deve-      to the future generations and ensuring income for

pastures of the country                                                                                 lopment Programme for 2014–2020 was prepared
                                                                                                        and approved by the Government of the Republic of
                                                                                                        Lithuania, and the action plan for its implementa-
                                                                                                                                                                breeders and good-quality products for consu-
                                                                                                                                                                mers. After having achieved the strategic objecti-
                                                                                                                                                                ve, a favourable environment should be created
                                                                                                        tion was developed. The preliminary need of funds       for the development of livestock- breeding farms,
“The individual is always apt to choose the simpler way.                                                was LTL 1,078,421,000. This amount is intended          sale of livestock-breeding products, increase of the ➤
animals need everyday tending. you cannot say that today is
Sunday and I will not take care of you as I want to rest or plan                                                           Dynamics by cattle heads from 2004 to 1 January 2014
to go for holidays. Farmers very quickly realized that crop
growing was much easier. After half-year strenuous work you
may have a rest during the other half of the year and receive
income not less in amount,” Vice-Minister of agriculture                      Vice-Minister of
                                                                              Agriculture Živilė
Živilė Pinskuvienė thus characterizes the changes of the past                 Pinskuvienė
years in livestock-breeding.

Emergency aid – redistribution of funds             branch of economy. In 2013, more than 930,700
                                                    ha of pastures and meadows were declared in Li-
   “We have noticed that within the past years      thuania. We also have formed the livestock-breed-
with the strengthening of crop-growing in Lithu-    ing conditions and accumulated the enormous
ania the number of cattle is dropping considera-    experience in this area. The first step underta-
bly. In 2004–2005, Lithuanian farmers kept al-      ken by the Ministry of Agriculture in stimulating
most 950,000 heads of cattle, and in 2012 their     the farmers to return animals to their farms was
number declined to 670,000. Urgent measures         the 2013 initiative to redistribute funds between
had to be taken to animal decrease, as it threat-   the 2007–2013 Lithuanian Rural Development
ened to disbalance the economy. Primarily, live-    Programme measures. The European Commission
stock-breeding is important in the supply of the    had to be persuaded of the necessity to do this.
population of the country with more varied pro-     Upon receiving its approval, additional support
ducts. Another thing was the negative impact        of LTL 60 million was allocated to investments in
on export,” reflects Vice-Minister. “And add here   agriculture. With the use of these funds, priori-
the opportunities lost to more economically and     ty was given to cattle-breeding, pig-breeding,
effectively use the climate conditions, which are   sheep-breeding and poultry farming. The amount
incomparably more favourable to livestock-bree-     requested for modernization of farms more than
ding than in many other countries developing this   thrice exceeded the opportunities.

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REVIVaL Of LIThuaNIaN COuNTRy sIdE                                                                                                                                                                      fuTuRE sTaRTs TOday

                                                                                                                 still greater number of animal breeders, granting of   ing (4.5%).
                                      Dynamics by cattle heads                                                   support, with account taken of the animal breed-          “Special support schemes are the main measures
                                                                                                                 ers’ proposals, was simplified to the possible ex-     of the 2014–2020 National Livestock-Breeding Sec-
                                         2004–2014 month                                                         tent and liberalized. In 2014, the support recipient   tor Programme. The major part of funds – LTL approx.
                                                                                                                 should be the owner of land holding who declared       400, will reach animal breeders in 2014–2016,”
                                                                                                                 the utilized land area; animals eligible for support   underlines Vice-Minister Pinskuvienė      and feels
                                                                                                                 should be not younger than 12 months and kept on       sorry that pig-breeding, boasting of old traditions,
                                                                                                                 the farmer’s holding for the period not shorter than   which lately has suffered from classical and later
                                                                                                                 60 calendar days. The age of animals was determi-      from African plague and, even though no cases of
                                                                                                                 ned aiming to decrease the export of calves and to     this diseases occurred and the loss amounting to
                                                                                                                 increase the production of the final product, as the   LTL 13.8 was incurred, will not be strengthened un-
                                                                                                                 final product helps create the highest added va-       der the special (associated) support scheme. “The
                                                                                                                 lue,” Ž. Pinskuvienė presents measures, foreseen       Ministry of Agriculture applied to the Commission
                                                                                                                 for livestock-breeding, and reflects on their impact   with a request to partly compensate the losses in-
                                                                                                                 on Lithuania’s economy.                                curred. The European Commission approved the
                                                                                                                    Tentative payment per meat animal is from LTL       initiative of the Ministry and foresaw co-financing
                                                                                                                 304 to 389, per meat sheep LTL 9–105, depending        opportunity (up to 50%) for covering incurred los-
                                                                                                                 on the number of animals kept per sector. Ten-         ses. The remaining part of losses will be covered
                                                                                                                 tative payment per tonne of sold milk is LTL 28.       from the national budget,” relates the Vice-Minister
                                                                                                                 The precise amounts of payments will be appro-         about challenges suffered in the pig-breeding sector
                                                                                                                 ved at the end of the year when the total number       and the State aid, helping to overcome them, “in
                                                                                                                 of farmers who complied with the requirements is       2014–2020 , pig breeders will be able to use the EU
                                                                                                                 known.                                                 support for farm modernization and tackling of en-
                                                                                                                    In 2015, it is foreseen to allocate 13% of the      vironmental issues. Since odour spread by pigsties
                                                                                                                 financial envelope for the special (associated)        causes inconveniences for the neighbouring inha-
                                                                                                                 support scheme. Of that amount 20% will be assi-       bitants it is being considered how to stimulate the
                                                                                                                 gned to plant-growing and 80% to livestock-bree-       larger complexes to use biogas and thus create the
                                                                                                                 ding. Support will be granted to dairy livestock-      additional added value. Creation of small-scale pig-
                                                                                                                 breeding (55%) and dairy goat breeding (0.5%),         breeding farms is also welcome.” ●
                                                                                                                 beaf cattle-breeding (40%) and meat sheep breed-

number of farm animals, creation of the system for      livestock-breeding products produced in the local
the preparation of livestock-breeding specialists,      farmers’ farms of domestic, new opportunities for                                Distribution of cattle number by municipalities
development of applied scientific research and          income increase of small and medium-sized farms
implementation of innovations, know-how trans-          come forth,” underlines Ž. Pinskuvienė.                                                      (data as at 1 June 2014)
fer and consulting, creation of an attractive image
of livestock-breeding products inside and outside       Special support to livestock-breeding
the country,” says Vice-Minister of Agriculture Ži-
vilė Pinskuvienė on the decision to declare lives-         One of the most important measures for imple-
tock-breeding as the priority branch of agriculture.    menting the National Livestock-Breeding Sector
“This objective is to be achieved by encouraging        Development Programme for 2014–2020 are spe-
the rural population to increase the number of          cial (associated) schemes for livestock-breeding
farm animals and to expand the livestock-bree-          development prepared by the Ministry of Agricultu-
ding product output by implementing most novel          re and coordinated with the European Commission.
technologies and scientific achievements on lives-      “Special support to the livestock-breeding sector
tock-breeding farms, ensuring the preparation of        was started to be provided already in 2011–2013.
high-quality specialists necessary for the livestock-   It was this support that helped to stabilize meat
breeding sector, improving the pedigree system of       livestock-breeding and sheep-breeding sectors, to
farm animals, preserving genetic resources of farm      considerably increase the number of beef cattle,
animals, and ensuring welfare and health of farm        sheep and crossbred breeds. Evidencing that these
animals. Strengthening of livestock-breeding will       measures are justified, we plan in 2014 under the
contribute to the solution of rural social problems.”   special (associated) support scheme to allocate to
                                                        the development of meat livestock-breeding and
Niche for a family farm                                 sheep-breeding 3.5% from the total envelope for
                                                        the EU support to the rural development. Additio-                                                                                                 28 001–46 773
  “Livestock-breeding also affords broader oppor-       nally, 3% of the total financial envelope is allocated
                                                                                                                                                                                                          20 001–28 000
tunities for setting up of competitive family farms.    to dairy farming. This constitutes accordingly LTL
With account taken of the increasing climate chan-      42,733 million for meat livestock-breeding and LTL                                                                                                14 001–21 000
ges and more frequent sudden changes on the             4,748 million for dairy cattle-breeding. More than                                                                                                7 001–14 000
market, the activity of family farms, adjusting li-     LTL 88 million will be invested in livestock-breeding
                                                                                                                                                                                                          0–7 000
vestock-breeding and plant-growing, is not so ris-      in 2014 through special (associated) support. See-
ky. Moreover, with the increase of demand in fresh      king that these opportunities would be used by the

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REVIVaL Of LIThuaNIaN COuNTRy sIdE                                                                                                                                                                    fuTuRE sTaRTs TOday

                             Selling of final products
                             is more profitable
                             “It is good that livestock-breeding at last was given a due
                             attention. It creates the larger gross domestic product.                                                         Let’s replace “sofa farmers”
                                                                                                                                              by beef cattle
                             It may employ more people. More work means higher
                             probability for staying of young people in the village,”
                             Andriejus Stančikas, President of the Chamber of
Andriejus Stančikas,
President of the Chamber
                             agriculture, comments the decision of the Ministry to give                                                       I do not see any other branch of agriculture that could use
of Agriculture               priority to livestock-breeding.                                                                                  to a maximum areas less favoured for farming. This may
He notices that livestock-breeding makes pre-con-      will be created, and we could export not raw ma-                                       be done only owing to beef cattle, sheep and goats. To my
ditions for creation of balanced agriculture. “Even    terials, but the final product.                                                        understanding, no other opportunities exist to adapt profitably
though plant-growing began flourishing due to             Lithuanian products are good and well-appreci-                                      those lands and to stimulate “sofa farmers” to remove from
the record-setting grain harvest and high procu-       ated, especially in our traditional Eastern markets.
rement prices, the natural conditions in Lithuania     Measures, envisaged by the Ministry of Agricultu-         Darius Dzekčiorius,          agriculture. Still higher requirements are set for creation of
are not most suitable for it. For example, we can-     re for promotion of livestock-breeding, will have a       Director of the
                                                                                                                 Lithuanian Association
                                                                                                                                              dairy farming in comparison to beef cattle-breeding. The State
not cultivate much food wheat. The major part          positive effect on animal breeds, thus permitting
of grain grown by our farmers is for feed. More-       the manufacture of higher quality products. Bet-
                                                                                                                 of Beef Cattle Breeders      acts very properly in terms of strategy stimulating livestock-
over, grain quality is greatly dependent on climate    ter products open more markets. We could raise
                                                                                                                 and Improvers
                                                                                                                                              breeding, especially that of meat,” Darius Dzekčiorius, Director
conditions. If crop harvesting is more humid, our      higher income not as exporters of raw materials                                        of the Lithuanian Association of Beef Cattle Breeders and
grain is good just for feed. Feed grain is expor-      but rather as the exporters of the final product.
ted to the countries with the developed livestock-        And what are we doing today? Annually we sell,                                      Improvers, speaks straightforwardly.
breeding. Animals are fed with feed grown in our       on the average, approx. 120,000 calves. This is           “We hope that with the development of beef cattle-    ve of the Ministry of Agriculture to return support
country, added value is created, and the manu-         also raw material, which we sell rather than breed        breeding more markets will emerge for sale of pro-    for acquisition of pedigree cattle material, since
factured food products are imported to Lithuania.      ourselves.                                                ducts and direct contacts will be established with    this is one of the largest investments in the de-
We are just exporters of raw materials. The major         Livestock-breeding is also of importance for           them. So far we have been contacting frequently       velopment of beef cattle-breeding. The Ministry,
part of benefit is received in the country where       agriculture. Plant growing partly exhausts soil.          with intermediaries, and this is not the best way     probably, will find the way for partial compensa-
the final product has been manufactured,” under-       What can we give back to soil without livestock-          for sale of products. One of the most successful      tion of animal insurance. The expensive pedigree
lines Chairman of the Chamber of Agriculture. “It      breeding? Hay granule production that was laun-           market search projects is the international project   material is brought from abroad, thus we pay a
is understandable that livestock-breeding should       ched still more exhausts the land, as farmers wish        “Baltic Grassland Beef”, financed by the second       very high price for animal insurance. I am of the
be developed in our country. The more so that we       to receive a maximum from it. This just depends           largest Swiss trade network “Coop”. Beef, bearing     opinion that the Ministry of Agriculture which la-
have appropriate conditions and traditions. In the     on the time when soil erosion starts due to the           the trademark “Baltic Grassland Beef,” from three     tely has done a lot in strengthening cattle-breed-
last century Lithuania was the exporter of pork.       lack of humus. It is livestock-breeding that is able      Baltic States will be placed in the shops of this     ing in Lithuania will find still more levers to en-
Now, strange as it seems to be, it became the          to maintain the balance.                                  network not only in Switzerland, but also in other    courage farmers to get involved in this branch of
importer. We are not able to satisfy even our own         Granting of priority to livestock-breeding is one of   Western countries. This trademark should help         agriculture. The intensively increasing number of
needs in pork of our make. Small-scale farmers         the measures helping Lithuanian farmers to come           to strengthen the positions of the Baltic product     the world population is strong evidence that still
could specialize in pig breeding. In this case, feed   back to traditional activities – dairy farming and pig-   on the shop shelves and generally in the Western      larger amounts of food products will be needed.
grain could be used for manufacture of high-quali-     breeding, to strengthen meat cattle-breeding that         markets,” says D. Dzekčiorius. “We believe that       Lithuania possesses perfect grasslands suitable
ty products. The incomparably higher added value       gaining a strong foothold in the market.” ●               the European Commission will support the initiati-    for raising very good quality beef.” ●

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REVIVaL Of LIThuaNIaN COuNTRy sIdE                                                                                                                                                                                   fuTuRE sTaRTs TOday

                                                                                                                al attention was devoted to young farmers. They                     “Competitiveness of dairy firms enhanced: cow
                                                                                                                were compensated up to 60% of expenses, and up                   productivity increased and milk quality improved.
                                                                                                                to 70% of the total expenses eligible for financing              Making use of the funds of the rural development
                                                                                                                were compensated to the farmers developing dairy                 programmes, dairy farms implemented the EU Milk,
                                                                                                                farming in less favoured areas.                                  Nitrate Directive requirements, implemented envi-
                                                                                                                   Support to the activity “Restructuring of Dairy               ronment friendly farming methods,” Vaidotas Pru-
                                                                                                                Farms” under the measure “Modernization of Agri-                 sevičius, Head of Animal Breeding Division of the
                                                                                                                cultural Holdings” of the Lithuanian Rural Develo-               Agricultural Production and Good Industry Depar-
                                                                                                                pment Programme for 2007–2013 amounted to                        tment, reviews the ten-year period of dairy farming.
                                                                                                                LTL 16,370,108. Agreements signed totalled 19,                   “Aiming to diversify the risk of activity of milk produ-
                                                                                                                and LTL 13,657,864 were paid to their applicants.                cers and to create conditions for production of tra-
                                                                                                                                                                                 ditional village dairy products, investment support
                                                                                                                 According to the data of the Agricultural Information and       amounting to LTL 13.7 million, was allocated to
                                                                                                                 Rural Business Centre, in 2004 the average size of a milk       dairy farms, involved in the manufacture of dairy
                                                                                                                 farm consisted of 2.39 cows per farm, and at the begin-         products. Within the same period, milk processing
                                                                                                                 ning of 2014 already 4.92. However, within 2004–2014,           enterprises also got concentrated. With the help of
                                                                                                                 the number of cows dropped by almost 34%; over 130,800          the EU support, they technologically restructured
                                                                                                                 milk producers retreated from milk production.                  and modernized production. In 2004–2013, for mo-
                                                                                                                                                                                 dernization of milk processing enterprises and im-
                                                                                                                                                                                 provement of milk procurement logistics LTL 109.2
                                                                                                                Great changes in the sector                                      million was allocated. In 2010, support amounting

                                  Farms under modernization                                                        Farmers engaged in dairy farming for support
                                                                                                                funds could acquire new milk production, proces-
                                                                                                                sing, re-processing and supply facilities and tech-
                                                                                                                                                                                 to LTL 50.8 million was granted for construction of
                                                                                                                                                                                 the cooperative milk processing enterprise. It will
                                                                                                                                                                                 be the only milk processing enterprise in Lithuania

                                  in the dairy sector
                                                                                                                                                                                 in the ownership of milk producers. We hope that
                                                                                                                nological equipment, cleaning, as well as hardware
                                                                                                                                                                                 this enterprise will enhance the competitive posi-
                                                                                                                and software equipment. Also they could under-
                                                                                                                                                                                 tion of milk producers in the dairy sector and will
                                                                                                                take construction of new production buildings and
                                                                                                                                                                                 strengthen their negotiating powers.”
                                                                                                                reconstruction of old buildings, acquire new building
                                                                                                                materials, to build roads necessary for the dairy far-
                                Dairy production and processing is one of the most                              ming project, to put to order local water supply and             New methods for dairy product sale
                                developed agricultural and food sectors. dairy sector                           sewerage systems, and to install artesian wells.
                                                                                                                                                                                   In the period of 2004–2013, the sale of dairy
                                production in EU Member States accounts for 15% of the                             Within the past years great changes occurred
                                                                                                                                                                                 products increased by 3.3 times. In 2013, the sale
                                                                                                                in dairy farming. Farms underwent modernization
                                total agricultural produce. according to the data, provided                     and enlargement.                                                 of dairy products amounted to LTL 3.89 billion. ➤

Vaidotas Prusevičius,
                                by the European Commission, Lithuania is ranked sixteenth
Head of Animal Breeding         among 27 milk-producing Member States. The largest                                                 The number of cow in Lithuania in the period of 2004–2014.
Division of the Agricultural
Production and Good
                                number consisted of Lithuanian Black-and-White (73%) and
Industry Department             Red (22%) breed cows raised in the country.                                             467414 462867
Support to the sector – from production                  and manure utilization equipment. Support for cre-                                                                  380202
                                                         ation of this material basis was granted according                                                                           357114
to processing                                            to the measure “Milk Directives” under 2004–2006
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 316427 310405
   Utmost attention for a long time in Lithuania was     Rural Development Programme.”
devoted to the dairy sector. Prior to entering the EU,      New standards were implemented using the me-
Lithuania requested for the national milk production     asure “Following the Standards”.
quota of 2.25 million tonnes and the transition period      The period of 2007–2013 was of special signi-
so that until 2009 it could produce drinking milk of     ficance for dairy farms. Support was granted un-
more varied assortment, and milk-processing enter-       der the activity area “Dairy Sector Restructuring”
prises, milk farms and milks produced there would        of the measure “Modernization of Agriculture”. The
be in conformity with the EU veterinary hygiene          whole dairy sector could use the support, starting
requirements in 2007. Within the seven months of         with milk production and finishing with market
2004–2005 quota years 69% of milk quota intended         supply. Applicants could be individual farms and
for processing was used in Lithuania.                    legal entities, involved in dairy farming. Taking
   Modernization and restructuring of dairy farming      into account the farmers’ age, farming sector and
was one of the priority trends in dairy farming deve-    holdings being attributed to areas less favoured for
lopment in 2004–2006. At that time the main trends       farming, the EU support for agriculture under the
                                                                                                                         2004      2005      2006      2007       2008        2009     2010    2011      2012    2013    2014
of investment were renovation of freezing and mil-       measure “Modernization of Agricultural Holdings”
king equipment, production buildings and new cons-       could constitute from 40% to 70% of agricultural
truction, acquisition of feed preparation equipment      holding modernization project investments. Speci-

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