TVET College Times - TVET Colleges: Focussed on employability - Volume 43 - West Coast College

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TVET College Times - TVET Colleges: Focussed on employability - Volume 43 - West Coast College
ISSN 2410-6496
Volume 43
                            College Times
            December 2015   The Official Quarterly TVET College Newsletter and Journal

TVET Colleges:
Focussed on employability
                                                      TVET COLLEGE TIMES December 2015
TVET College Times - TVET Colleges: Focussed on employability - Volume 43 - West Coast College
TVET Colleges: Focussed on
                                               W      elcome to the final edition of
                                                      TVET College Times for 2015!
                                               The sub-title on the cover mast-head of
                                                                                              is enhanced through Artisanship
                                                                                              training, the entrepreneurship training
                                                                                              and endeavours of graduates, Work
                                               TVET College Times reads, ‘The Official        Based Experience initiatives, SETA
Editorial team                                 Quarterly TVET College Newsletter and          collaboration, Recognition of Prior
                                               Journal’. It raises the question, how          Learning, the work of the Human
Editor: Keith Loynes                           much of TVET College Times is Journal          Resources       Development       Council
Rotating Assistant Editor: Ivan Swart          and how much is Newsletter?                    and rural development. Proof of the
Design & Printing: RSALitho                          Perhaps the shortest response            employability of TVET graduates may be
Professional language service:                 is that TVET College Times seeks to            sampled in a focus on college alumni.
Woodleys Literary Services                     publish newsworthy items of interest           The column, Policy and Operational
                                               to TVET professionals that has ‘shelf-         Shifts is where policy related items are
                                               life’ or news of an enduring nature.           featured. There is the important DHET
                                               From another angle, one could                  Communication Circular 1/2015. This
DHET TVET Colleges, Private Bag
X174, Pretoria 0001, South Africa,             describe the content of the publication        is followed by the Director-General’s        IN THIS ISSUE:
December 2015.                                 as being journal material in a ‘news’          address delivered at the inaugural           Cover Story
                                               format! Regular requests for and               academic dialogue for top performing
TVET Colleges Website                          downloads of back-copies seems to              TVET College students. Other useful          TVET Colleges: Focussed on
                                               affirm its ‘shelf-life’.                       information follows in a number of items                               Consider the content to illustrate       which are again related to the promotion
                                                                                                                                           employability pages 14 - 25
Visit the website for free online
                                               the point. The personal message from           of employability including the follow-up                   From the Ministry
subscription to TVET CollegeTimes.
                                               the Minister in the column on this             item by Dr Andre van der Bijl on the
                                               page provides a contextual overview of         TVET lecturer qualifications framework.      Page 4 - 7
Cover Photograph
                                               matters relevant to TVET colleges. It is an          Finally in Intellectual Debate,
                                                                                                                                                       Cutting Edge News
TVET Colleges: Focussed on                     overview that will remain relevant into the    in accordance with our focus on
employability. Photograph supplied by          distant future until it becomes a historical   employability, a model which                 Page 8 - 11
Ivan Swart, Northlink TVET College.            statement of what were key issues for          proposes a mechanism for taking
                                               the colleges in December 2015. The             TVET College students through a                        Movers and Shakers
Waiver                                         same could be said of the extracts from        training model, to become TVET               Page 12
                                               the Minister and the Deputy Minister’s         College lecturers is featured.
The views and opinions of contributors                                                                                                                    Campus Matters
do not necessarily reflect those of
                                               speeches featured in the column From                 In conclusion, having demonstrated
DHET. TVET College Times and the               the Ministry. In Cutting Edge News,            that the content of TVET College Times,      Page 14 - 31
DHET accept no liability with regard           where the focus falls on Information           while perhaps not constituting a Journal,
to authorship and content of articles          Communication Technology (ICT) in this         is also not typically a newsletter to             Policy & Operational Shifts
and photographs and present these              issue, there are cutting edge reports which    be read once and discarded. For this
                                                                                                                                           Page 32 - 37
as the bona fide contributions of              impact on ICT teaching and learning            reason, given the extended shelf-life of
correspondents.                                practices in colleges. In the Movers and       the content, we have decided to bind                     Intellectual Debate
                                               Shakers column we provide a follow-up          the print publication in a manner that
Contributors                                   report from a participating college on         facilitates convenient shelf-storage and     Page 38 - 39
Busiswa Nongogo and Calvin Nkosi,
                                               SA’s participation in the WorldSkills Brazil   easy reference. The easily accessible              College Contact Details
Chris Brink and Faruk Hoosain, Deon            international competition. On page 35, in      PDF editions, going back several
Halls, Marian Theron, Dr John Volmink,         a related report, TVET professionals may       years, can be downloaded from www.           Page 40
Lame Morubane, Thabo Moloto, Tilly             find some inspiration which may enable Make this edition
Reddy, Nomusa Zulu-Mangxa, Lewis Nzira         your college to start preparing now to         your personal travelling companion
and Monica Tshangana, Fazielah Williams
                                               compete in the WorldSkills International       as you embark on the summer festive
and Sharon Grobbelaar, Minette Kilian,
Nothando Ndlovu, Tshegofatso Rapoo,            Competition to be held in Abu Dhabi,           holidays. With a variety of items from no
Tamzyn Arendse, Matau Manye, Steve             United Arab Emirates in 2017.                  fewer than 38 different contributors from
Reid, Cheslynn Johnson and Ivan Swart,               In Campus Matters we have                all over South Africa, there is certain to
Nadine Moodaely, Patience Makhaphela,          grouped related items into various             be something of interest to you.
Wanda Möller, Gert Witbooi, Thokozani          focus themes, the bulk of which
Ndhlovu, Tshepo Magoro, Nondumiso
Khumalo, Colleen Brennon, Annelene
                                               speaks to the employability of TVET            Happy holidays and happy
Petersen, Brenda Ntombela, William             College      graduates.      Employability     reading!
Somo, Lehlohonolo Mphuthi, Adrienne

                                               FROM THE MINISTER
Bird, Dr Andre van der Bijl, Elsie Potgieter

Contributors send articles to:
TVET College Times/Send Your Article
                                               T   he year 2015 has been a turning
                                                   point for the Department of Higher
                                               Education and Training (DHET)
                                                                                              TVET College Provincial Staff who
                                                                                              render curriculum and governance
                                                                                              support. Currently, the Labour               construction of 12 additional
Or use this url:                               especially in so far as the TVET sector        Relations Directorate is working             campuses is on course. This will
                                               is concerned. The year represented             on a Post Provisioning Model for             facilitate the absorption of many more
                                               the conclusion of the full circle of           Colleges to be implemented on 1              people, especially the youth, into the
                                               function shift and staff transfers.            April 2016. These developments               TVET college sector. As Government,
Advertising, Subscriptions                          We started the process with               were accompanied by the absorption           we have identified the expansion of
and editorial matters:                         Principals and Deputy Principals who           of the Adult Education Training              the TVET sector as a national priority
                                               were transferred to the Department             system (AET) into the DHET. These            in the post-school education and
                                               on 1 April 2013. This year, 17                 shifts of function have expanded the         training system. The high demand
Fax: 012 328 3322
                                               000 staff from TVET Colleges                   DHET to become one of the largest            for artisans and skilled workers by
Telephone: 012 312 6182
Closing date for volume 44:                    transferred to the Department and              state departments in the country. I          the economy has necessitated the
Wednesday, 27 January 2016                     were captured on the personnel                 am pleased that the expansion of             re-prioritisation of the sector in order
TVET College Times is supported by             administration system PERSAL, as               our TVET Sector is proceeding well.          to meet our future targets. One of
subscribers and advertisers                    of 1 April 2015. This includes 103                  The      work     around    the         the key strategic goals for DHET,

                 TVET COLLEGE TIMES December 2015
TVET College Times - TVET Colleges: Focussed on employability - Volume 43 - West Coast College
as espoused in the White Paper for      establishment and refurbishment of            Mpumalanga provinces. To date,           form. Both the advertisement and
Post-School Education and Training      TVET colleges was conducted with              three sites, Thabazimbi campus           registration forms are available
and in the National Development         due consideration of the Human                for the Waterberg TVET College,          from the DHET website www.dhet.
Plan Vision 2030, is that of            Sciences Research Council research            Bambanani        campus     for   the as well as from colleges.
increasing access to education and      of 2006. The research focuses on              Umfolozi TVET College and Nkandla             As we reach the end of the
training opportunities by the youth.    the Provincial Indices of Multiple            A campus for the Umfolozi TVET           year, I wish to extend our gratitude
     Since 1994, there has been         Deprivation (PIMD) for South Africa.          College, are under construction.         as Government and the DHET for
no       consistent,     co-ordinated         The utilisation of the PIMD priority    These newly constructed, and             the spirit of co-operation that has
investment in the expansion of          list guides interventions towards the         under construction campuses, are         seen us attain our targets for the
the TVET College sub-system.            skills and economic development               expected to offer partial enrolment      current year. I hope that each one
     The establishment of the 12        of identified local municipalities,           capacity for the 2016 academic year.     of us will take this well-deserved
new TVET College campuses and           and for the country as a whole.                    Some TVET Colleges are              summer-break to rest and re-charge
the refurbishment of two existing             In terms of broader socio-              experiencing shortages of lecturing      so that we return with renewed
campuses, is aimed at putting in        economic impact, the impact                   personnel. This is especially true in    vigour to face the challenges of
place a standard for expansion. A       of each campus construction                   scarce skills programmes or subjects     2016. To those students who
particular focus is on improving        site can be measured in the                   such as those in the engineering         have successfully completed their
access in regions which have a high     estimated on-site training and                disciplines. DHET has established        studies, we wish them all the best
poverty index and in which there        employment opportunities generated            a     database     of   unemployed,      in their future endeavours especially
is inadequate or no provision of        by      the     construction      activity.   industry-based, retired as well          as they enter the job market.
education and training. According             The current estimate reveals            as foreign-based lecturers. The               I also wish to take this
to the White Paper for Post-School      a direct benefit of approximately             purpose is to assist colleges with       opportunity to urge all TVET
Education and Training, the TVET        430 people per construction site. A           the recruitment of suitably qualified    stakeholders to spread the word about
infrastructure expansion programme      further impact in terms of financial          lecturers. An invitation, by means       the value of the sector. Emphasise
aims to expand the TVET College         investment        through       estimated     of an advertisement, has been            the point in all conversations and
system by providing quality teaching    local procurement is in the region            published. The invitation requests all   at all levels that TVET training is
and learning infrastructure. This       of R162 million per construction              prospective candidates, from within      the way forward for future growth
infrastructure will have a multi-       site. There are 16 campuses                   and outside SA’s borders, who have       and economic and personal
purpose capacity for offering a mix     planned for construction and/or               the necessary teaching experience        prosperity for all in South Africa.
of qualifications and programmes,       refurbishment in four provinces.              and qualifications and who are
specifically relevant to, and within    The campuses up for construction              seeking employment in public TVET        Dr BE Nzimande, MP
each, affected local municipality.      are located in the Eastern Cape,              Colleges in the Republic of South        Minister of Higher Education
     The process of prioritising the    KwaZulu-Natal,         Limpopo,       and     Africa, to complete a registration       and Training

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                                                                                                               TVET COLLEGE TIMES December 2015
TVET College Times - TVET Colleges: Focussed on employability - Volume 43 - West Coast College

The following is an extract from the Speech of the Minister
of Higher Education and Training, Dr BE Nzimande, on the
occasion of the unveiling of the plaque, commemorating the
construction of the Thabazimbi Campus of Waterberg TVET
College in Limpopo. The campus is scheduled to open its doors
for the 2016 Academic Year.
T    he Department of Higher Education and Training
     (DHET) has, since its inception in 2009, made
great strides advancing post-school education and
                                                             21years of democracy and 60 years of the Freedom
                                                             Charter, it is with a huge amount of pride that we
                                                             open such an institution in Thabazimbi.
                                                                                                                         the occupations in high demand identified in 2014
                                                                                                                         is published elsewhere in this edition of TVET
                                                                                                                         College Times.)
training opportunities in South Africa. This is an                 The fact is that in 2015, South Africa faces many          Over the next five years we are committed
achievement of which we are justly proud.                    challenges on the economic front. It is a fact that         to strengthening the capacity of the post-school
      We continue to promote our overall objective           without an economically active citizenry, government        education and training system. We will collectively
of building a fair, equitable, non-racial, non-sexist        cannot defeat the basic challenge of uplifting the lives    work towards meeting the long-term goals as
and democratic South Africa. One of our focuses              of all South Africans, especially the underprivileged.      set out in the National Development Plan, such
has been to bring institutions of higher education           It is also a fact that education and training are the       as increasing qualifying artisans to 30,000 per
and training to areas throughout the country that            doors that when opened, will lead to the economic           annum, and increasing enrolments by Technical
historically have been neglected, especially rural           freedom that underpins government policy.                   and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)
areas such as this one.                                      Statistics tell the unpleasant story that our youth bear    Colleges to 4 million per annum.
      All of us gathered here today are aware of             the brunt of economic stagnation. Yes, we are well               The DHET continues to address the plight of
the importance of June in terms of education                 aware that employment opportunities are scarce, and         students who are unable to graduate because they
and the evolving history of South Africa. This lies          that this frustrates many. We therefore also call upon      cannot find places for experiential learning. It is
essentially in its association with the youth who            our youth to take it upon themselves, in a similar          estimated that countrywide there are more than
said ‘Enough is Enough’ on 16 June 1976, and                 manner as the youth of 1976, to actively seek out           60 000 graduates and out of school youth and
stood up against the might of the apartheid state,           and participate in constructive economic activities         students who require work-placements. DHET is
armed with only their determination and the rocks            instead of waiting passively for help to come to them.      currently strengthening interventions and practical
and stones of the streets of Soweto. June 16, is             As government, we recognise that we need to train           responses to deliver on our slogan of “Together,
historical and memorable because on that day                 our people, especially the youth, in skills such as         turning every work place into a training space”.
the long suppressed anger and resistance against             bricklaying, carpentry, electrical, motor mechanics,        In pursuit of the inherent objectives of this slogan,
apartheid and its hated ‘Bantu education’ system                                                                         my department has entered into partnerships
broke loose and manifested itself with the youth                                                                         with Sector Education and Training Authorities
braving the tear gas and guns of the regime in a
                                                                We realise that our youth                                (SETAs), municipalities, national and provincial
loud show of defiance. June 16, was the day when                    need proper career                                   government departments and the private sector. A
the youth rose up and said ‘No’ to the enforced                                                                          concerted effort is being made by all stakeholders
imposition of Afrikaans, the language of the                     guidance to direct them                                 to ensure that work-integrated learning and the
oppressor at the time, as a medium of instruction.                                                                       placement of TVET college students, University
This was a measure that would further restrict the                 towards programmes                                    of Technology graduates and out-of-school youth,
attainment of an already discredited system of                                                                           gains momentum throughout the country.
‘Bantu education’. By their actions, the youth of                 for which they have an                                      For the 2014/15 financial year and onwards,
1976 were not only repudiating the imposition of                                                                         SETAs have allocated over R340 million to the
Afrikaans as a language of instruction upon them,
                                                               aptitude, and which provide                               Province of Limpopo. This resource will target
but also challenging the whole apartheid system                     for imparting skills                                 the training of 11 345 beneficiaries in various
that had placed them and their forebears under the                                                                       interventions, which includes adult education and
yoke of subjugation for several generations.                    needed for the country’s                                 training and artisan development. The funds will
      In 1976, the youth throughout the length                                                                           also be disbursed as bursary funding for Limpopo
and breadth of the country, stood up against a                       economic growth.                                    students, internships, learnerships, Recognition of
system declared as ‘a crime against humanity’                                                                            Prior Learning (RPL), skills programmes and pre-
by international rights bodies. It was a system                                                                          apprenticeship training.
which not only resisted international pressure but           plumbing, small medium and micro enterprise                      On the 30th of April 2014, I promoted a
one which continued to brutally enforce its stifling         development, general maintenance, computer                  project in the Vhembe district which was financed
grip on the lives and aspirations of black South             literacy, and welding, all of which will be taught          through the National Skills Fund (NSF). The NSF
Africans. In 1976 the youth took up the cudgel               here in future. Also in the pipeline for this institution   has invested R26.7 million in the Vhembe District
from where the banned liberation movements had               are occupational programmes and qualifications in           Municipality Skills Development Project. The
left off before their time, and risked their lives for the   the disciplines of plumbing, bricklaying and block-         project commenced in January 2013 and will
greater objective of liberation of the country. Their        making, general maintenance, tiling, and retail             run over a three year period. It has involved the
fight was not in vain. 1976 revived the sleeping             management.                                                 training of 2 188 beneficiaries by the University of
giant of resistance, spurring the underground                      We realise that our youth need proper career          Venda in partnership with the District Municipality.
movement to bolder action in confronting the evil            guidance to direct them towards programmes for              The Local Economic Development Strategy of
system. Not to say that the liberation movements             which they have an aptitude, and which provide for          Vhembe, informed by the Provincial Growth
were by any means inactive at this time. We are              imparting skills needed for the country’s economic          Strategy, states that the key economic sectors in
all aware that the underground movement was                  growth. The DHET would like to encourage the                the district of Vhembe are agriculture, tourism
quite active, and that the apartheid regime was              youth to enrol for scarce and critical skills like          and the arts, which is in line with the identified
as equally determined to suppress the will of the            engineering, the artisan trades and others, in order        sectors for the whole Province. In addition to this
people. Today, therefore, as South Africa celebrates         to ensure that these skills are kept secure. (A list of     project and other small-scale projects funded

                 TVET COLLEGE TIMES December 2015
TVET College Times - TVET Colleges: Focussed on employability - Volume 43 - West Coast College
The Vhembe district                               ensure more diverse opportunities for university             and unaffordable to the majority of poor students in
                                                         study in Limpopo Province.                                   the country. The Department remains committed to
    funding is in keeping with                                My Department, with the assistance of the               sourcing additional funding to meet the need.
                                                         University of Pretoria, is conducting a feasibility               The DHET’s provision of career advice and
     the strategic thrust of                             study to determine the most appropriate and viable           career development services, the Apply Now!
                                                         type of post-school institution for the Giyani district.     Campaign was launched in 2012. This was in
     my department namely,                               Ensuring that there are appropriate post-school              response to the increased number of learners
                                                         education opportunities in rural areas is important,         that pass Matric annually and who do not apply
       that of strengthening                             but we need to know that relevant skills training will       for admission to university programmes in time to
       of the capacity of the                            be provided. The former Giyani College of Education          meet the deadlines. This has led to students not
                                                         was established in 1988 in the Mopani District, in           being admitted to study programmes related to
        TVET College system                              present-day Limpopo Province. The college offered a          their interests as well as a large number of walk-
                                                         four-year Higher Diploma in Education, with Science          in applicants that could not be accommodated.
      by expanding access to                             as one of its specialisation areas. During the post-         The campaign seeks to provide learners upfront
                                                         1994 reforms of the higher education and training            with critical information on post-school education
     meet the overwhelming                               sector, the college was identified for incorporation         and training options, qualifications and funding
                                                         into an existing university that specialised in teacher      while highlighting the importance of applying in
     skills shortage faced by                            education. However, the envisaged incorporation did          time. An ‘Apply Now!’ booklet, developed in 2012
    the Province in particular                           not materialise and the college closed down in 2002.         in collaboration with the Department of Basic
                                                              The closure impacted on the provision and               Education, is distributed to all Grade 12 learners
    and the country at large.                            availability of educational opportunities to the             across the country.
                                                         immediate community and the region. Currently, the                The booklets are accompanied by an
      It is envisaged that the                           campus of the former college is utilised as a multi-         instruction note to help educators explain them
                                                         purpose skills training centre. The local community,         to learners. We make every effort to ensure that
     investment in the seven                             through the Khatsani Educational Initiative,                 learners have access to them. Furthermore, the
                                                         has petitioned my Department to consider the                 Department has invested in the Khetha Radio
     colleges will benefit over                          establishment of a university or college campus on           Programme which broadcasts ‘Apply Now!’ topics
           15 000 students.                              the former Giyani College of Education site. This is the     and messages. The programmes are presented
                                                         context that informs the feasibility study. I am keen to     weekly in ten African languages, including
                                                         support the development of this campus as a multi-
from the NSF throughout Limpopo, the NSF has             purpose post-school institution. A feasibility study will
made a further investment of R398 million in the         inform us of the kinds of programmes that such a
                                                                                                                          The national career advice
seven public TVET Colleges, spanning the three-          post-school institution should offer, and what level of           helpline can be reached
year period 2013 to 2016. This investment is in          investment will be required to bring this to fruition.
keeping with the strategic thrust of my department       The development of the Giyani Campus will be                     at 086 999 0123 or you
namely, that of strengthening of the capacity of         dependent on our ability to raise the funds required.
the TVET College system by expanding access to                I am pleased to say that Government, through                 could simply send an
meet the overwhelming skills shortage faced by           my Department, has invested significant funds in
the Province in particular and the country at large.     the two Universities in Limpopo province. A total of              SMS to 072 204 5056
It is envisaged that the investment in the seven         R1 480 billion from the Department’s infrastructure
colleges will benefit over 15 000 students. It is also   and efficiency earmarked grant has been allocated
                                                                                                                            with your name and
expected that each college will use the capacity         to these Universities since 2006, when the fund                 contact telephone number.
building allocation to ensure that they secure           was initiated. Specifically, the Department has
beneficial partnerships with industry, communities,      invested total of R848,870 million into UL and                   A career advisor will call
local and provincial governments and the SETAs.          R631,279 million into UNIVEN from 2006 to
They must as a consequence of the investment,            2014. This support has enabled these universities                        you back.
ensure that they are able to serve the skills needs      to improve the quality of their infrastructure
of local, regional and provincial economic players.      significantly, and has supported the construction of
     The Limpopo Province is home to two                 new academic buildings, laboratories and lecture             Afrikaans and targets deep rural areas. The Khetha
universities, namely the University of Venda, or         theatres. It has also enabled the refurbishment,             Career Development Services brand, “decide your
UNIVEN as it is popularly called, and the University     upgrading and conversion of academic buildings,              future – make the right choice” was set up to
of Limpopo (UL). These universities contribute in a      the development of student accommodation and                 establish a comprehensive and co-ordinated career
number of ways to the development of high level          the acquisition of equipment and furniture.                  development service for everyone in South Africa.
skills for the province and the country as a whole.           Government’s key mechanism for assisting                Khetha offers a national career advice helpline
It is particularly gratifying to note how they have      poor students to access post-school education is the         which anybody, learners, parents, workers, can
developed over the last 20 years, growing their          National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS).               call to get career information and advice. I want to
student numbers, improving their infrastructure          In 1999 the NSFAS was responsible for disbursing             encourage everyone to call if you are unsure of any
and moving strongly into the fields of science           R441million in financial assistance to students.             career related matter. The national career advice
engineering and technology. The University of            Today the entity is responsible for allocating over          helpline can be reached at 086 999 0123 or you
Limpopo is expected to achieve a total enrolment         R9.5 billion in financial support to students with           could simply send an SMS to 072 204 5056 with
of just under 20 000 students this year, with            most of the funding provided by government. This             your name and contact telephone number. A career
38% in the Science Engineering and Technology            is a sizeable contribution by government to assist           advisor will call you back.
fields. The UNIVEN is expected to have enrolled          poor students, but as you all know the demand for                 In conclusion, I take this opportunity to urge
almost 12 000 students with 42% in these fields.         financial aid far outstrips the available resources.         our youth to be vigilant against self-destructive
The targeted number of new spaces for students           South Africa’s present level of public expenditure           activities such as alcohol, drug and substance
entering these universities in 2016 is expected          on higher education is rather high by international          abuse and unprotected sex. In whatever you do,
to be in the region of 5 000 at UL and 3 600             standards and has been growing at a somewhat                 know that your country needs you to be healthy,
at UNIVEN. Both Universities are set to expand           faster real rate than in many other countries. And           strong, well trained and focused.
into new fields of study in the near future. My          yet, despite increased funding, the cost of higher
department will be supporting them in this to            education especially at universities remains expensive       I thank you.

                                                                                                                     TVET COLLEGE TIMES December 2015
TVET College Times - TVET Colleges: Focussed on employability - Volume 43 - West Coast College
It’s cool to be a 21st Century Artisan
      BUSISWA NONGOGO AND                    government and in particular as
         CALVIN NKOSI                        the Ministry of Higher Education,
                                             our mandate is to establish a post-

L  ate August, in Mossel Bay
   Western Cape, the Deputy
Minister of Higher Education and
                                             school education and training
                                             (PSET) system that is responsive
                                             to the needs of individual citizens
Training, Mr Mduduzi Manana,                 and of employers in both the public
motivated over 1000 high school              and private sectors. In addition, it is
learners and youth currently not             also our aim that the PSET sector
in education or training (NEET) to           should serve broader societal and
consider career-paths in artisanship         developmental objectives”.
as, ‘It’s cool to be a 21st century              It is strategic that the campaign
artisan,’ in the words of the                is hosted by TVET Colleges. The
campaign slogan.                             Department of Higher Education
     “The aim of the campaign                and Training’s top priority is to
is to assist SA to produce a more            strengthen and expand public                 Deputy Minister Manana addresses the audience. The Mossel Bay leg
skilled and capable workforce in             TVET colleges so that they                   of the Deputy Minister’s flagship project ‘Decade of the artisan (2014-
the future as well as to contribute          become institutions of choice for            2024)’, forms part of the Western Cape awareness campaign
to our economic growth and                   young people. Key objectives in
development” added the Deputy                strengthening colleges include                   Acknowledging the vital role        CATHSSETA for co-hosting the event
                                                                                          which Sector Education and              together with South Cape TVET
                                                                                          Training Authorities (SETAs) play       College. Representing employers,
                                                                                          in facilitating workplace learning      Mr Otto made a call to all fellow
                                                                                          partnerships between employers          employers to support the Decade
                                                                                          and      educational   institutions,    of the Artisan campaign as key
                                                                                          the Deputy Minister thanked             partners in artisan development.

                                                                                            About the Decade of the Artisan
                                                                                            There is a continuous need for suitably qualified artisans to sustain
                                                                                            industry and to support economic growth within South Africa. In a
                                                                                            range of national strategies the need for artisans has been identified
                                                                                            and elevated as a priority area for skills development. While the
                                                                                            National Development Plan indicates that by 2030 the country should
                                                                                            be producing 30 000 qualified artisans per year, this target has been
                                                                                            brought forward by the 2014 – 2020 Medium Term Strategic Framework
                                                                                            to 31 March 2026. At present the country is producing an average of
                                                                                            13 000 qualified artisans per year. It is therefore clear that the number
The Deputy Minister takes a tour through the South Cape TVET College Mossel Bay             has to more than double over the next ten years leading up to 2026.
campus workshops and interacts with students                                                     To achieve a significant growth of more than 130%, not only requires
                                                                                            considerable investment and commitment by all artisan development
Minister. The Mossel Bay leg of              improving      access,   throughput            role-players, but will also require sustained, committed and high profile
promoting the Deputy Minister’s              rates,      management      capacity,          leadership. This leadership challenge has been accepted through the
flagship project ‘Decade of the              student support services, student              personal intervention of the Minister of Higher Education and Training,
artisan (2014-2024)’, forms part             accommodation,           developing            Dr Blade Nzimande, and the Deputy Minister of Higher Education and
of the Western Cape awareness                management information systems                 Training, Mr Mduduzi Manana. In responding to the challenge, the
campaign. The Deputy Minister                and building partnerships with                 Minister and Deputy Minister are engaging with employers to ensure
travels to provinces to advocate             employers. Government expects                  that more workplaces are opened for artisans. Another intervention
artisanship among youth, learners            that TVET colleges will become                 aims to target the training of life orientation practitioners, community
and employers. The campaign aims             the cornerstone of a broad band                development workers, ward councillors and college career guidance
to encourage more young people,              of initiatives aimed at meeting the            advisors, on artisanal career options. Basic Education learners from
especially high school learners              country’s acute skills shortage.               academic schools will be introduced to technical and vocational study
and unemployed youth, to pursue              South Cape TVET College Principal              opportunities from as early as Grade 6 through interactive “try-a-skill”
artisanship as a career of choice.           Elsie Potgieter welcomed the                   exhibitions and similar initiatives.
Deputy Minister Manana said “as              opportunity to co-host the initiative.

School learners and future prospective artisans file into the venue to hear the Deputy Minister promote artisanship

                 TVET COLLEGE TIMES December 2015
TVET College Times - TVET Colleges: Focussed on employability - Volume 43 - West Coast College
Deputy Minister opens 6th Pan African TVET Conference
       CHRIS BRINK AND                                                                                                         the HIV Landscape amongst TVET
        FARUK HOOSAIN                                                                                                          College students in South Africa”.
                                                                                                                                    Quinton Damstra, one of the

T   he 6th Pan African TVET and FET
    Colleges Conference, hosted by
the UNESCO affiliated International
                                                                                                                               participants at the Conference
                                                                                                                               mused enthusiastically,
                                                                                                                                    “To be part of this extremely
Association of Community          and                                                                                          diverse team of interesting role players
Further Education Colleges, took                                                                                               and educators from the ranks of
place in late October at a Cape Town                                                                                           artisans, principals, doctors, professors,
Waterfront venue.                                                                                                              teachers and ministers was incredibly
     The annual gathering of                                                                                                   rewarding. To have all role players
TVET        Principals,      Lecturers                                                                                         present and under one roof over two
and      independent        providers,                                                                                         days, linking industry and education, is
was officially opened by the             Deputy Minister Manana is thanked by Mr Chris Brink, Vice President of the            a dynamic process.
Honourable Deputy Minister of            International Association of Community and Further Education and Training Colleges         This conversation needs to be
Higher Education and Training,                                                                                                 encouraged and fervently continued far
Mr Mduduzi Manana. The refined           offer courses appropriate to the           quality and image, and performance         beyond these two days. To my mind,
presence of the Deputy Minister          local environment. He also spoke of        improvement for individual colleges.       having this type of conference just once
for Higher Education and Training,       the need to support education and          Prioritising the budget and resources      a year, is almost a matter of ‘too few
gave the necessary gravitas              training for sustainable livelihoods,      mix, and a management and                  and far in between’. I look forward to
offering the Opening Keynote             offer NQF5 level courses, build            performance culture also featured          following up on the many conversations
Address, against the backdrop of         additional campuses across the             prominently. Contextualising the           that have been ignited and to continue
student turbulence at universities       country, improve maths and                 role, place, value and function            to look for solutions in these very
nationally. The Deputy Minister          science foundation programmes,             of Colleges at economic, social,           challenging arenas. Anyone who has a
declared his unconditional support       and to apply Recognition of Prior          community and individual level were        passion for education should definitely
of the Conference as a vital strategic   Learning more widely.                      also debated. Honest debate ensued         download (from www.iacsouthafrica.
and pre-figurative forum in the               The Conference theme was              around the internal and external  the 16 or more conference
TVET arena. He contextualised the        “Strategies for Improvement”. The          tensions, contradictions, challenges       presentations and unpack the many
DHETs key performance indicators         range of input from diverse speakers       and possibilities for Colleges. No         pertinent points raised.”
for advancing and promoting              looked at the What, Why, How and           conference is complete without a                Enthusiasts may diarise
economic democracy in the 21st           how well, Colleges could map out           focus on HIV and AIDS. In this regard      the 2016 annual Pan African
Century. The Deputy Minister             ways in which to do so. Typically          Dr Ramneek Ahluwalia, Country              TVET College Conference which
spoke of imperatives for the sector’s    inputs focused on the improvement          Director for the HEAIDS Higher             will be held at the Table Bay
improvement including ways to            of teaching and learning, the use          Education and Training programme,          Conference Centre, Waterfront,
combat discrimination, expand            of technology, strategy, integrated        made a presentation on “Using a            Cape Town, on the 27th and
access, expand opportunities, and        improvement, increasing numbers,           Best Practice Model to Improve             28th October 2016.

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                                                                                                                 TVET COLLEGE TIMES December 2015
TVET College Times - TVET Colleges: Focussed on employability - Volume 43 - West Coast College
                                                                     ICT FOCUS
TVET College takes top                                                               providing students with skills geared
                                                                                     towards the needs of the ICT sector
                                                                                     in South Africa.
                                                                                                                                 Institute. The initiative has since
                                                                                                                                 trained over 2000 students as
                                                                                                                                 Certified Computer Technicians. The

honours at annual Cisco                                                              About the International
                                                                                                                                 criteria applied for the TVET Colleges
                                                                                                                                 section of the awards were:

Academy Awards 2015
                                                                                     Cisco Networking                            ●● Impact on new students
                                                                                     Academy Programme                           ●● Student satisfaction feedback
                                                                                     The Networking Academy curriculum           ●● Variety of course offerings
                                   DEON HALLS                                        is delivered online using a proprietary     ●● Consistency of impact.
                                                                                     learning platform (Netspace) in                   The College of Cape Town for TVET
Editor’s note: Deon Halls is the Academic Manager for ICT and Art &                  partnership with local education            is proud of the achievements of its Cisco
Design at the College of Cape Town for TVET. For further information                 institutions.      Cisco provides the       Networking Academy programme over
on the Cisco Networking Academy at College of Cape Town for TVET,                    curriculum, learning platform, and          the years since its inception and as a
you may email the author on                                        support resources. Local education          first TVET College implementer of the
                                                                                     institutions hire instructors, provide      programme in South Africa. The 2015

T   he College of Cape Town for TVET’s
    Cisco Networking Academy has
once again been awarded top honours
                                          Southern Africa. These academies
                                          are hosted at colleges and
                                          universities across Southern Africa.
                                                                                     equipment, and enrol students. An
                                                                                     engaging, up-to-date curriculum is
                                                                                     created and supported by experts in
                                                                                                                                 TVET College Awards re-confirms the
                                                                                                                                 quality of the programme that is being
                                                                                                                                 delivered. This is a sentiment that
as the best performing TVET College       They include the 69 networking             technology and instructional design.        was also recently echoed by Vaughan
Networking Academy (NetAcad) in the       academies in South Africa.                 Curriculum tools include:                   Beckerling, Director of the Cape
country. The award was made at the              The       Cisco       Networking     ●● Hands-on labs and online                 Peninsula University of Technology
2015 Cisco African Safari conference      Academy programme partners with                   activities for the practical         (CPUT) Cisco Academy Programme, at
hosted by Cisco Systems and the           governments, NGOs and educational                 application of learned skills        the recent CPUT Certificate Ceremony
Durban University of Technology.          institutions worldwide to afford           ●● Cisco Packet Tracer, a network           held in Granger Bay, Cape Town.
     The event was well supported both    students the opportunity to become                configuration simulation tool,       In his opening address, Vaughan
locally and internationally with more     ICT networking professionals, thereby             used for teaching, gaming,           acknowledged the quality of College of
than 100 delegates from 21 Cisco          increasing a country’s ICT skills base.           and team building                    Cape Town for TVET graduates in the
Networking Academy Programmes             The vision is aimed at providing           ●● Instructor guides, community             on-going articulation with CPUT.
(CNAPs) from outside the borders of       access to quality education. Cisco has            forums, and professional                   This was highlighted by the fact
South Africa. Ten African Union states    over the years shown its commitment               development support instructors      that CPUT’s two best performing
including Angola, Botswana, Lesotho,      to the building of a new South Africa      ●● Innovative online assessments            students in the Advanced ComNet
Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, the          and has invested approximately R100               include embedded activities,         Programme for 2015, Budzouta
Seychelles, Zambia and Zimbabwe           million in the training of over 34 000            simulations, text questions,         Tsangou and Sherwin Retief, were
were in attendance. Five international    students in a variety of ICT skills.              and performance-based                both former College of Cape Town
representatives of the Cisco Academy            This has occurred largely through           reviews.                             for TVET Cisco Networking Academy
were also in attendance.                  the establishment of the Cisco                                                         programme students.
     This year’s theme had a              Networking Academies across South          About the 2015 TVET                               Principal Louis van Niekerk
management focus and included             Africa. There are plans to introduce       College Cisco Academy                       extended his congratulations to the
a review of technical updates. The        another 200 Networking Academies           Award                                       management and lecturing staff of
event also provided an opportunity        to be hosted by public schools and              In recent years, the Networking        the IT Department of the Crawford
to profile a battery of newly available   TVET colleges over the next few years.     Academy’s programme has been                Campus for their commitment to
resources designed to assist Academy            The fact that over 80% of all        introduced to 29 TVET Colleges              the programme and for ensuring
students with workplace readiness         Networking Academy graduates               through     the    Department     of        consistency in the provision of
and employability.                        are employed shows that Cisco is           Communications’ Maraka eSkills              excellent results.
     These ‘add-on’ curricula are
designed to give students a better         About the College of Cape Town’s Cisco Networking Academy Programme
insight into the real world of work
and include modules such as                As a flagship initiative, the College of Cape Town for TVET’s        The impact of this development has left a significant
the Introduction to the Internet of        Cisco Networking Academy has its roots in the years which       legacy for the College of Cape Town for TVET, of which
Everything, Introduction to Cyber-         led up to the FET College mergers in 2002.                      faculty of the Crawford Campus are particularly proud.
security, Linux Essentials, Being your          This was a period when the former Athlone Technical        In the ensuing years, the College of Cape Town for TVET
own boss, Entrepreneurship and             College developed many international partnerships with          Cisco Academy witnessed many successes and received
Getting Connected. The conference          organisations such as the COTEC (Algonquin College 1999-        a few awards and recognitions along the way. These have
recognised top performing Academies        2003), University of Massachusetts, Springfield Community       included:
for supporting the programme and           College (USA) and numerous others.                              ●● The first TVET College in South Africa to
their contribution towards developing           The origins of the Crawford Campus’s Cisco Academy               implement the Cisco Networking Academy
working internet technology skills so      stem from a partnership between the Athlone Technical                 Curriculum
desperately needed in the region.          College, Springfield Community College (USA) and the North      ●● The only Networking Academy in Africa to offer the
                                           East Centre for Telecommunication Technologies (USA).                 Panduit Cabling curriculum (2003 – 2007)
About the African Safari                        The partners signed a joint agreement based on funding     ●● Cisco Academy Sustainability Award 2007
Conference                                 from a United States Aid Grant. The terms and conditions of     ●● FET Award for the Most Innovative Programme 2007
The annual African Safari conference       the grant specified the development of a telecommunication      ●● Cape IT Initiative Award for a Top Cisco Student 2007
brings together CISCO NetAcad              curriculum (assisted by the COTEC Project) based on a           ●● The CSIR Hosted Achiever Award Nomination
contacts, successful lead initiatives      “matching” funding model. One year after signing up as a              (Science and Technology category) 2010
and instructors. The programme             Local Cisco Academy, faculty attended the first International   ●● The Department of Communications’ 3rd Annual ICT
accommodates      both      technical      Cisco Education Conference in Paris, France.                          Expo Skills Competition – Top honours to a College of
and non-technical Academy staff.                Whilst in Paris, a funding proposal was submitted to             Cape Town student (2010)
The Cisco Networking Academy               UNESCO’s Info-Youth Division at their Headquarters, for         ●● Best TVET Cisco Academic for 2014 and 2015
programme holds the annual                 the establishment of an Academy. Subsequently, Athlone          ●● Top performing former students currently following the
conference for the more than 80            Technical College became the recipient of the first UNESCO            Cape Peninsula University of Technology’s (CPUT)
networking     academies       across      funded Cisco Academy in Africa.                                       programmes - for three years running (2013 - 2015).

                TVET COLLEGE TIMES December 2015
TVET College Times - TVET Colleges: Focussed on employability - Volume 43 - West Coast College
North South TVET ICT Conference
           MARIAN THERON                  19 TVET colleges, three universities,         In his presentation, Pieter          thread throughout the conference.
                                          private    colleges     and    schools   Bruwer, CEO of Future Managers,           Presenters shared their experiences

T   he Department of Higher
    Education and Training (DHET)
endorsed the 4th Future Managers
                                          attended. This was in addition to the
                                          20 exhibitors who participated.
                                                The three day programme
                                                                                   asked how we can put the
                                                                                   ‘classroom’ back into the student
                                                                                   and still ‘think out of the classroom’.
                                                                                                                             on how to implement effective
                                                                                                                             strategies to manage open learning.
                                                                                                                                  Trudi van Wyk of DHET cautioned
North South TVET ICT Conference           was packed, with no fewer than                The use of technology can be         the delegates that distance learning
that took place in September in           41 presentations from local and          disruptive. It means that you stop        without any student support would
Somerset West, Cape Town.                 international presenters.                doing things in the way you have          be ‘criminal’. The three elements for
     The conference theme was “The              The keynote address was            always done. It can also lead to cost     successful distance education are
connected college”. Key among the         delivered by Gard Titlestad of the       savings. We can do more for less and      content, technology and pedagogy
‘connected college’ demands is to         International Council for Open and       bring the world into the classroom.       integrated into one.
become responsive 21st century            Distance Learning in Norway. In               He introduced the delegates to            Phil Miller of Blackboard
education and training institutions, in   his presentation he noted that ‘If       Periscope and demonstrated how            International presented on the
order to fulfil the national mandate.     education is the key to development,     easy it is for a lecturer to broadcast    importance of being open and how
From an educational technology            then TVET must be the master key’.       their lecture to students in- and         Moodle Rooms is a platform where
perspective, the connected college        Gard alluded to the pervasiveness        outside of the classroom.                 you can connect and collaborate
references how technology has             of technology which provides                  Prof Louis Fourie of the Cape        with your students.
exploded in recent years.                 for anytime, anywhere access             Peninsula University of Technology             Plenary sessions set the
     New computers, smartphones,          to information, enables social           introduced delegates to the “Internet     tone for the breakaway sessions
tablets and software are continually      interaction and provides for the use     of Things” and provided a peak into       where practitioners shared their
being released. This provides             of do-it-yourself learning guides.       the future when wearable technology       experiences,      challenges     and
faculty and students with improved              The impact therefor is that        will be common.                           implementation solutions.
opportunities to teach and learn.         technology enables us to do more,             Connectivity remained high on             The objective of the conference
Whilst we all may agree on the            know more and connect more.              the agenda and Alan Knott-Craig           organising     committee     is   the
positive impact of technology, many       Learning has become interactive,         provided an overview of how Project       enhancement and improvement
challenges still remain.                  personalised and flexible and creates    Isizwe (see a report on Project Isizwe    of teaching practices through the
     The conference provided a            new pathways to student success.         overleaf) is providing free Wi-Fi to      inclusion of technology and the
platform for exploration, discussion            Technology     thus     supports   the poor in Gauteng. He elaborated        identification of solutions for the
and debate on how these new               lifelong and life wide learning. He      on the Ingwe TVET College free Wi-Fi      TVET classroom. Planning for the 5th
technologies can be introduced to         emphasised that every country            project and described the benefits of     North South TVET ICT Conference is
support both lecturer and student.        should have an ICT policy as             Wi-Fi TV within communities. Open         in full swing and is scheduled for
     This year, 230 delegates from        required by UNESCO.                      and distance learning was a golden        20-22 September 2016.

                                                                                                             TVET COLLEGE TIMES December 2015
TVET College Times - TVET Colleges: Focussed on employability - Volume 43 - West Coast College
Project Isizwe’s ‘Free WiFi for SA’ initiative
focuses on the education system
                              DR JOHN VOLMINK

Editor’s note: Dr Volmink is the Chairman of Project Isizwe. Project
Isizwe is responsible for the deployment of government-funded Free
WiFi throughout public spaces in low-income communities. The
project believes that each citizen should be within walking distance
of Free WiFi. The Tshwane Free WiFi project is the biggest municipal
public WiFi network project on the continent.
     Dr Volmink received his PhD in mathematics education from
Cornell University in 1988 and has spent the past 25 years dedicated
to education in South Africa, assuming leadership positions in
the University of Natal and the Department of Basic Education.
He has played a leading role in the transformation of education in
post-apartheid South Africa and has served for four years as the
Chairperson of the Umalusi Council.

A   s South Africans we know
    that inequality is the greatest
challenge facing the future of our
                                           videos for courses aligned with
                                           the CAPS curriculum. We have
                                           access to online encyclopaedias like
country;      economic     inequality,     Wikipedia, providing virtually infinite
healthcare inequality and most             sources of information. A world of
importantly, educational inequality.       opportunity is at our fingertips.
     Those who are yearning for                  Government initiatives are helping     education system as experienced               further opportunities for growth.
a decent education are being               to eradicate the hardware problem.           by students and lecturers relates                   If students find it embarrassing
left behind, whilst those whose            Government subsidies and distribution        to connectivity. Internet access can          to raise their hand in class to ask
educational thirst has been quenched       programmes have made a large                 alleviate these challenges in the             a question, imagine the social
are streaking ahead, miles ahead.          impact on hardware accessibility. The        following ways:                               pressure on faculty to pretend they
This is not a function of ability. It is   explosion of affordable smartphones                                                        know everything?
a function of opportunity. Children in     has resulted in even the poorest             For the student:                                    The world is moving fast and
wealthy households have unlimited          households in South Africa having                 Students would rather be stupid          so should college faculty. Online
access to technology, whilst those         access to smart devices. We feel like        than look stupid. Online assessments          communities of practice can be
from less privileged backgrounds           we are making progress but where             enable lecturers to identify students         created for lecturers to share
are stuck in the 20th century. Their       does it really leave us? We are left         with particular needs without                 methodologies, ideas and resources
educational exposure is restricted to      with an oversupply of hardware and           embarrassing them or singling them            whilst exposing them to quality
chalk and talk, pen and paper.             content, an unconnected graveyard of         out from the group. This ensures              teaching and professional dialogue
     What is the solution then?            lifeless caskets.                            that they can progress at their own           with peers.
Force the front-runners to wait for              It needs the Internet to bring it      pace. It is difficult to attract specialist         Internet access enables the fast
the back of the field? This will not       to life, to offer possibilities, to enable   faculty to live in rural areas. Internet      and efficient flow of information
help the problem. The solution             students to quench their thirst for          access allows for students to find            using online reporting systems,
lies in inclusivity and starts with        learning and life. We should now             specialist faculty online, freeing up         email and communication tools such
education. We need to ensure that all      be concentrating on paving ways              local faculty to focus on broader             as Skype. Allowing for administrative
learners and students have access to       to make the Internet accessible              educational priorities. Students              tasks to be conducted online reduces
technology, and to the opportunities       to all students, regardless of their         can find role models, discover a              the workload of faculty, particularly
for learning and growth that ICT           circumstances. So, what do we                wider world than their immediate              related to paperwork and the
technology has to offer.                   do? Build computer labs. The                 neighbourhood, open their eyes to             delivery of physical documentation
     The National Development              reality is that we spend more money          career possibilities that they never          to relevant parties.
Plan     strongly     advocates      for   securing the labs from break-ins             could have imagined.                                Online reporting and access to
investment in ICT as a strategy to         and vandalism than we do on the                   The World Bank estimates that for        human resources and financial data
drive development and achieve              equipment contained within the               every 10% of broadband penetration            allows for maximum transparency of
social equity in South Africa, both        lab. Ironically the Internet is only         in a country, Gross Domestic Product          institutional performance, enabling
within and beyond education                available within the labs and not            grows by 1,28%. This means that               interventions in a timeous manner and
systems. Thus, e-Education is both         when and where it is most needed,            colleges that can promote Internet            generally improving decision-making.
a strong policy imperative, and            namely after hours and at home.              access also promote local economic                  Internet access truly is the single
is overwhelmingly supported by             Students need to be able to learn,           development and job creation.                 lever that can have the most impact
policy and legislative frameworks.         share, collaborate and network at a          Furthermore, Internet access makes it         on our education system. Nowadays
ICT technology incorporates three          time that suits their learning needs.        easier for job matching and placement.        if we want to punish our children
primary components that include            We should be making the Internet             Employees can find employers using            we take away the Internet and force
hardware such as laptops, tablets          available (with the necessary safety         digital job boards like Gumtree.              them to watch TV.
and smartphones; content such              filters in place) at all times of the day,   Colleges play a vital role in increasing            There is no stopping the Internet
as online curricula, textbooks and         regardless of whether the college is         productivity, economic growth and the         wave. Our students are digital
information,      and    connectivity.     open or closed.                              quality of jobs.                              creatures and will find the Internet no
The most important component                     How can this vision be                                                               matter what. As lecturers and elders it
is connectivity. Without it we are         achieved? We will need to put                For the lecturer:                             is our duty to supply our students with
trapped, constricted to the confined       regulations in place that will guide              Online student assessment                the tools and the frameworks with
walls of the unconnected device.           the use of online education in the           provides      enormous      benefits,         which to engage with the Internet in a
The Internet is swarming with good         learning       environment        ensuring   including the reduction of lecturer           safe and ethical manner.
quality content. It is there, waiting      that our students can download               workloads by freeing them up from                   As in the African proverb, “If
with the promise of enhancing and          textbooks, submit online tutorials           the marking of papers while ensuring          you want to go fast, go alone; if you
enlightening, all just a few clicks        and assessments, and widely access           consistent education standards.               want to go far, go together.” ICT in
away. We have access to an array           information. A world is unlocked.            This also frees up more time for              education will allow us to go far as a
of digital textbooks. We have online       The primary challenges of our                individual feedback, which provides           lifelong learning nation.

                TVET COLLEGE TIMES December 2015
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