RMIT case study for The Australian Medical Council - Embedding digital health capabilities in curriculum for GPs and other Healthcare ...

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RMIT case study for The Australian Medical Council - Embedding digital health capabilities in curriculum for GPs and other Healthcare ...
Embedding digital health capabilities in curriculum
for GPs and other Healthcare Professionals :
A credentialing and pathways approach

    RMIT case study for The Australian Medical Council

  23rd April, 2021
RMIT case study for The Australian Medical Council - Embedding digital health capabilities in curriculum for GPs and other Healthcare ...
OUR VISION:         Background on RMIT Online
                    We are the online division of RMIT University; bringing the best digital

A community of      methodologies and people to online education, focussed on meeting the needs of
                    the future of work. Our wholly online courses range from short, ‘snackable’

lifelong learners   credentials to full undergraduate and postgraduate accredited programs. With a
                    heavy focus on digital skills and emerging technologies, our portfolio of courses is

successfully        co-designed and co-delivered with world-leading industry partners.

navigating the      Our Portfolios

                                                            Future Skills short courses
                    Non-accredited credentials:
world of work                                               Micro credentials
                                                            Credentialing as a service

                    Accredited degree programs:             In-house Future Degrees
                                                            Accelerated Future Degrees
                                                            Non-accelerated accredited
RMIT case study for The Australian Medical Council - Embedding digital health capabilities in curriculum for GPs and other Healthcare ...
Our Strategy and Approach in Digital Health

 Problem                                                                                        Purpose and Strategy

 Digital health learning must be scaffolded over time and roles                             Credit Pathways from credentials to postgraduate degree

 •      Digital health technologies and processes will impact almost every role in          •     RMIT Online starts by offering three short credentials for healthcare
        healthcare in the next decade.                                                            practitioners, leaders and healthcare designers.
 •      However, learning needs to be staged and scaffolded at the appropriate level,       •     Completion of two of these courses provides a credit pathway into the
        role, setting and stage of adoption.                                                      postgraduate degree where capability is broadened and deepened.

 Upskilling the workforce in digital health requires investment                         Upskilling investment partners improves care; reduces costs

 •      Healthcare learning and development leaders want to fund their teams to         •       DHCRC partnered with RMIT Online to sponsor and co sponsor learning with
        study and apply digital health skills but do not have the budget for non                workplaces for 120+ learners.
        compliance based activities.                                                    •       More employer investment and related incentives are required to meet ADHA
                                                                                        •       Digital health initiatives can reduce costs by up to 11% and increase equity
                                                                                                and access to care (McKinsey, 2019).

                                                                                            The Graduate Certificate in Digital Health prepares emerging
     Digital health leadership capacity limits adoption scale & pace
     The healthcare workforce needs expertise and guidance to evaluate new
                                                                                            healthcare leaders
     technologies, grounded in real world processes (Topol, 2019). So health services       •    to establish digital health services and capabilities within their departments
     are under immense pressure to prepare their workforces to be capable of using               and settings.
     digital health tools by 2022 (ADHA, 2020) but their departmental and other             •    Capability contributes o quality and scale in adoption.
     leaders lack the capability to plan and drive this adoption.                           •    Courses build capability in virtual care and Electronic Medical Records
                                                                                                 contribute to the majority of digital health projects in Australia and can prevent
                                                                                                 most3 adverse medication events, save lives by improving compliance with
                                                                                                 care recommendations and reduce duplicate diagnostic tests (McKinsey,
RMIT case study for The Australian Medical Council - Embedding digital health capabilities in curriculum for GPs and other Healthcare ...
Current Digital Health Portfolio developed with industry and academy

Digital Health Strategy and                                                                                          4. Graduate Certificate in
Change                                  Healthcare Design                       Technology Enabled Care              Digital Health
                                                                                                                     for clinicians and leaders to
is a six week online course              is a six week online course            is a six week online course          develop and deliver digitally
facilitated industry mentors. One of    facilitated industry mentors for        facilitated industry mentors         enabled healthcare services
the biggest barriers to patient         people who want to design future        that enables GPs and health          including technology and
outcomes from digital health            health services. Design thinkers        practitioners to select and safely   enablers, virtual care, usage f
initiatives is resistance to change.    from any profession as well as          and effectively apply                data and EMR, and two option
For existing health care leaders and    health and social care managers will    digital health technologies to       courses in either strategy or
nurses, this course equips you with     first grasp what good design looks      help patients to achieve their       delivery.
the ability to evaluate, decide on      like in healthcare, then be given the   health goals.                        The strategy option course can
and deploy digital health initiatives   tools and frameworks to plan the                                             receive direct credit transfer
toward patient outcomes and that        design of a prototype for their                                              from two Future Skills courses.
see your strategy                       portfolios.
meaningfully adopted by your                                                                                           12 Credit Point
workforce.                                                                                                             credit transfer
RMIT case study for The Australian Medical Council - Embedding digital health capabilities in curriculum for GPs and other Healthcare ...
Core principles underpinning our courses

   Equity of Access &                   Holistic View             Patient at the Centre            People are at the heart         Reflective Leadership
      Ethical Care                                                                                   of transformation

  Transformation should target     Healthcare is a complex and    Patients are helping to drive     Technology is only a tool to       Healthcare is always
  inclusion for all system users    inter-dependent system.       change and are at the centre       support better healthcare       changing and healthcare
   including those from diverse                                   of any digital transformation.            outcomes.                 leaders will always be
   cultural and socio-economic     Successful transformations                                                                                learning.
           backgrounds              depend on the interactions     Health 2.0: “Nothing to me        People are the drivers of
                                     between: Patients, Their             without me”                 change and leaders of          Continuous reflection and
                                   Families, Service Providers,                                          transformation.           improvement are at the heart
                                       Payors, Purchasers.                                                                          of an encouraging learning
                                                                                                    Successful implementation
                                                                                                    requires investment in your

RMIT case study for The Australian Medical Council - Embedding digital health capabilities in curriculum for GPs and other Healthcare ...
Our learners and learning outcomes

Learners    •     Clinical healthcare managers                   •     Design thinkers wanting to get               •     Clinicians including GPs, nurses,              •     Early career clinicians
            •     Non clinical healthcare managers                     into healthcare                                    psychologists, other allied health             •     Mid career health administrators
            •     All settings and modalities                    •     Healthcare managers                                professionals                                  •     Want to lead future of health
                                                                                                                    •     All settings and modalities

           1. Analyse how digital health trends                  1.   Evaluate, apply contemporary and              1.   • Evaluate, apply contemporary and              1.   Critically analyse societal, cultural, economic
                technologies are impacting current and
Outcomes                                                              relevant industry frameworks, the risks,           relevant industry frameworks, the risks,             and technological factors that enable or
                future healthcare ecosystems, and enabling
                                                                      barriers and success factors to adoption of        barriers and success factors to adoption of          inhibit patient, consumer and citizen
                including patient-centred care, new care
                                                                      current consumer and patient                       current consumer and patient technologies            engagement in safe, effective and efficient
                models, the ageing population, legal and
                                                                      technologies                                  2.   Critically analyse approaches to efficacious,        digital health service delivery and business
                policy settings
                                                                 2.   Critically analyse approaches to                   patient-centric, technology-enabled health           models.
           2.   Evaluate readiness for a digital health
                                                                      efficacious, patient-centric, technology-          and wellbeing                                   2.   Evaluate the importance of data, information
                initiative, considering alignment to state and
                                                                      enabled health and wellbeing                  3.   Recommend digitally enabled approaches               and knowledge management in digital health
                organisational strategy within an Australian
                                                                 3.   Recommend digitally enabled approaches             to patient care that support patient                 and the implications for effective governance
                organisational context
                                                                      to patient care that support patient               outcomes and wellbeing                               in both health service delivery and citizens’
           3.   Formulate a strategy for a digital health
                                                                      outcomes and wellbeing                                                                                  rights.
                initiative for a healthcare executive team to
                                                                                                                                                                         3.   Analyse contextual considerations, including
                approve, including an approach to change
                                                                                                                                                                              regulation, policies and standards, socio-
                management and adoption
                                                                                                                                                                              economic, socio-technical and cultural
                                                                                                                                                                              sensitivities, funding, workforce and other
                                                                                                                                                                              capabilities, to the provision of digital health
                                                                                                                                                                         4.   Design an effective strategy for implementing
                                                                                                                                                                              digital health initiatives in two core socio-
                                                                                                                                                                              technical domains - electronic health records
                                                                                                                                                                              and virtual care delivery - using reflective 6
RMIT case study for The Australian Medical Council - Embedding digital health capabilities in curriculum for GPs and other Healthcare ...
Embedding digital health capability across RMIT Health and Biomedical Sciences

     Using key documents, we are developing:
                                                             Every STEM graduate program will include
       RMIT         RMIT digital      Position
                                                             our four platform courses to develop
    definition of     health       statement for             graduate digital capabilities.
      digital       capabilities    accrediting
      health                          bodies                 Every health graduate program will include
                                                             our digital health capabilities to develop
                                                             graduate digital health capabilities.
RMIT case study for The Australian Medical Council - Embedding digital health capabilities in curriculum for GPs and other Healthcare ...
Progress so far

Courses we have built with the Digital Health CRC                                                               short
                                                    •   Launched Aug 2020 with                                  intakes
   Technology       Digital Health     Healthcare       three short courses
   Enabled          Strategy and       Design       •   DHCRC sponsored 105

                    Change                              learners and half-sponsored
   Care                                                                                                         hours of
                                                        20 learners
                                                    •   600+ expressions of interest                            webinars
                                                    •   180 total enrolments                                    delivered
                                                    •   Evaluation of skills adoption

                                                                                           3.9 mOSI*
                                                        and impacts yet to

                    Certificate in
                    Digital Health

                                                    • Credit Pathway                    *mOSI = mean Overall Satisfaction Index, a
                                                      Established from                   weighted index generated from all surveyed
                                                      Short Courses                      students asked to rate their overall
                                                                                         experience on a scale of 1-5.
                                                    • First intake July 2021
RMIT case study for The Australian Medical Council - Embedding digital health capabilities in curriculum for GPs and other Healthcare ...
The Healthcare Design          Uplift of digital health skill confidence
course has already
benefited my role in that it
has helped me be more
                                                                     Average Skill Rating (out of 5)
‘health focused’ with my
tech background.

The most impactful piece of
learning was the
                                    4                                                                      3.9
healthcare’s three sided
marketplace. I found my                                                           +44%
mentor to be incredibly
well versed on the topic,
approachable and                    3

As a result, I would
definitely recommend this           2

course as I feel the design
thinking / innovation skills
for my friends in health
would be v. helpful”                1

Georgina Drury, Founder,
                                                       Pre Course                                      Post Course
RMIT case study for The Australian Medical Council - Embedding digital health capabilities in curriculum for GPs and other Healthcare ...
Insights into our sponsored & co-sponsored learners
“The Digital Health
Strategy and Change                Found the course                                        Learners would recommend                             Course lived up to
course has already helped          practical & easy to                                         this course to their                                 learners’
                                          apply                                                    colleagues                                     expectations
me in my role. Indeed, I
                                          100%                                                        100%                                            91%
used the course content
(my business case) in a
review report that the Dept
of Health commissioned my
work to undertake.
                                     Health                                                          Technology
This business case fed into          Strategy                                                        Enabled
my report and helped                 and                                                             Care
shape my organisational              Change

approach to rolling out a
digital health initiative.”

Andrew McAlister, Data
Governance and Ethics
Specialist , NPS MedicineWise
                                                                    DHCRC                                   2020 Enrolments         2021 Enrolments
                                                             Fully Sponsored                                             105
                                                              Co-Sponsored                                                10              22

                                                 *Statistics are based on post course survey responses which included 30 learners
Insights into our sponsored & co-sponsored learners
The Technology Enabled
Care course is such an eye
opening and thought
provoking course that can

                                    90%                             97%                  93%
be applied to all healthcare
situations and would be
valuable for all healthcare

I have learnt so much! It
will make me reflect on the
journey of the patient
through the health system
and how technology can
support and impact on
                                   90% of our                       97% of our           93% of our
Natalie Wischer, Chief           sponsored and                    sponsored and      learners would be
Executive Officer, National       co-sponsored                     co-sponsored         interested in
Association of Diabetes             learners                    learners feel they     future DHCRC
Centres                          completed their                    have learnt         sponsorship
                                     course.                     something new          opportunities
                                                                     from their         across RMIT
                                                                      course            Online health
Student Case Study

Cameron Botterill
ICT Director – Business Growth & Innovation at Australian Red Cross
Graduate of Digital Health Strategy & Change

"I completed the Digital Health Strategy & Change micro-credential. I
have always had an interest in digital transformation and the role it can
play in improving health outcomes. As digital technology increasingly
shapes and influences our lives, consumer and patient experiences and
expectations are changing and health needs to move with that. I’ve
worked in and around technology and the role that it can play in
improving health for many years, however it’s always good to get a fresh
perspective and learn about new capabilities and what other health
industries are doing.

The course outline from RMIT really interested me in terms of using that
to seek new ideas and perspectives. The fact that the course was also
shaped by the Digital Health CRC was also a huge plus. The training
has given me the confidence to continue to contribute to and shape
digital transformation at Lifeblood."
Credit Pathways Approach
Thank you
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