Rugmaker's Riding Club 67th Annual Open Horse Show Saturday May 11,2019 Show

Rugmaker’s Riding Club 67th Annual Open Horse Show
                                       Saturday May 11,2019 Show 1
                                   Cobleskill Fairgrounds, Cobleskill, NY
                    **Sunshine Show Series and Tri- County Pony Club Pointed Show**
                                              Judge: John Sullivan
          Saturday, May 11th 8:00 AM                         38. $10 W/T/J Pleasure 13 & Over
                                                             39. $10 Green H/P 3- Gait Pleasure
1. $8 Jack Benny Fitting & Showmanship                       40. $10 Open English Pleasure
2. $8 Fitting & Showmanship 12 & Under                       41. $8 W/J Western Equitation 12& Under
3. $8 Fitting & Showmanship 18 & Over                        42. $8 W/J Western Pleasure 12 & Under
4. $8 Fitting & Showmanship 13-17                            43. $8 Hunt Seat Pleasure 18 & Over
5. $10 Hunt Seat In Hand​ Geldings and Stallions H/P         44. $8 Jack Benny Equitation 39 & Over
6. $10 Hunt Seat In Hand Mares H/P                           45. $8 W/T/J Equitation 13 & Over
7. $10 Saddleseat In Hand H/P                                46. $10 Open W/T/J Equitation
8. $10 Western In Hand Geldings and Stallions H/P            47. $10 Saddleseat Equitation
9. $10 Western In Hand Mares H/P                             48. $10 Rescue Equine Pleasure 2 Gait
10. $10 Ranch Horse/Pony In Hand                             49. $10 Open Western Pleasure
11. $10 Five & Under In Hand H/P/M                           50. $8 Hunt Seat Equitation
12. $10 Green H/P/M in Hand                                  51. $10 Pony Discipline Rail
13. $10 Miniature Mares In Hand                              52. $8 Starter Equitation 2 Gait
14. $10 Miniature Geldings In Hand                           53. $10 Academy W/T-J/C-L Pleasure
15. $10 Miniature Stallions In Hand                          54. $10 English Disciplined Rail
16. $10 Solid Color In Hand H/P/M                            55. $10 Ranch Horse Pleasure
17. $10 Multicolor In Hand H/P/M                             56. $8 Academy W/T-J/C-L Equitation
18. $10 Pony Under 11.2 In Hand                              57. $8 Western Equitation
19. $10 Pony Over 11.2 In Hand                               58. $10 Green H/P 3- Gait Discipline Rail
20. $10 Driving Type In Hand H/P/M                           59. $10 Pony Equitation
                                                             60. $10 Western Pleasure 18 & Over
               ***Short Break***                             61. $10 Starter Disciplined Rail 2 Gait
                                                             62. $10 Western Discipline Rail
21. $10 Rescue Equine Model                                  63. $10 W/T/J Disciplined Rail all ages and seats
22. $10 Liberty Class H/P/M                                       Classes 64-72 will be run in covered arena not
23. $5 Leadline Pleasure 3-8 All Seats                                              before 4:00
24. $5 Leadline Equitation 3-8 All Seats                     64. $10  VSE   Trail
25. $8 Green H/P 3 Gait Equitation                           65. $10 Lead-Line Trail
26. $10 Hunseat Pleasure 17& Under                           66. $10 Starter Horse Trail
27. $10 Pony Pleasure                                        67. $10 Trail W/T/J anyage
28. $8 Academy Pleasure W/T/J                                68. $10 Trail Horse/Pony
29. $8 Academy Equitation W/T/J                              69. $10 Ranch Horse Trail
30. $10 Open W/T/J Pleasure                                  70. $5 Bareback Equitation W-T/J-C/L
31. $10 Ranch Horse Riding (pattern)                         71. $5 Bareback Equitation W-T
32. $10 Saddleseat Pleasure                                  72. $5 Egg Stomp Race
33. $8 W/T English Pleasure 12 & Under                           Classes 73-76 will be run directly after lunch
34. $8 W/J English Equitation 12 & Under                     73. $10 Pleasure Driving VSE
35. $10 Starter Pleasure 2 Gait                              74. $10 Pleasure Driving Horse/Pony​ 11.2 and Over
36. $10 Western Pleasure 17& under                           75. $8 Reinsmanship H/P/M
37. $10 Jack Benny Pleasure 39 & Over                        76. $10 Driving Performance Quandrangles H/P/M
Rugmaker’s Riding Club 67th Annual Open Horse Show
                                      Sunday May 12, 2019 Show#2
                                  Cobleskill Fairgrounds in Cobleskill, NY
                  **Sunshine Show Series and Tri County Pony Club Pointed Show **
                                              Judge: John Sullivan
Sunday, May 12th 8:00 AM                                     137. $10 Ranch Riding (Pattern)
101. $8 Walk Trot Eq Any Age over Crossrails                 138. $10 Saddleseat Pleasure
102. $8 Walk Trot Hunter A  ​ ny Age over Crossrails         139. $8 W/T English Pleasure 12 & Under
103. $10 Hunter over Crossrails                              140. $8 W/T English Equitation 12 & Under
104. $8 Equitation over Crossrails                           141. $10 Starter Pleasure 2 Gait
105. $10 Hunter Over Fences 2’                               142. $10 Western Pleasure 17& under
106. $10 Equitation Over Fences 2’                           143. $10 Jack Benny Pleasure 39 & Over
   ***Short Break***                                         144. $10 W/T/J Pleasure 13 & Over
107. $8 Jack Benny Fitting & Showmanship                     145. $10 Green H/P Pleasure 3 Gait
108. $8 Fitting & Showmanship 12 & Under                     146. $10 Open English Pleasure
109. $8 Fitting & Showmanship 18 & Over                      147. $8 W/J Western Equitation 12 & Under
110. $8 Fitting & Showmanship 13-17                          148. $8 W/J Western Pleasure 12 & Under
111. $10 Hunt Seat In Hand G  ​ eldings and StallionsH/P     149. $8 Hunt Seat Pleasure 18 & over
112. $10 Hunt Seat In Hand MaresH/P                          150. $8 Jack Benny Equitation 39 & Over
113. $10 Saddleseat In Hand H/P                              151. $8 W/T/J Equitation 13 & Over
114. $10 Western In Hand​ Geldings and Stallions H/p         152. $10 Open W/T/J Equitation
115. $10 Western In Hand MaresH/P                            153. $10 Saddleseat Equitation
116. $10 ​ Ranch Horse/Pony In Hand                          154. $10 Rescue Equine Pleasure 2 Gait
117. $10 Five & Under In Hand H/P/M                          155. $10 Open Western Pleasure
118. $10 Green H/P/M In Hand                                 156. $8 Hunt Seat Equitation
119. $10 Miniature Mares In Hand                             157. $10 Pony Discipline Rail
120. $10 Miniature Geldings In Hand                          158. $8 Starter Equitation 2 Gait
121. $10 Miniature Stallions In Hand                         159. $10 Academy W/T-J/C-L Pleasure
122. $10 Solid Color In Hand H/P/M                           160. $10 English Disciplined Rail
123. $10 Multicolor In Hand H/P/M                            161. $10 Ranch Horse Pleasure
124. $10 Pony Under 11.2 In Hand                             162. $8 Academy W/T-J/C-L Equitation
125. $10 Pony Over 11.2 In Hand                              163. $8 Western Equitation
126. $10 Driving Type In Hand H/P/M                          164. $10 Green H/P Discipline Rail 3 Gait
         ***Short Break***                                   165. $10 Pony Equitation
127. $10 Rescue Equine Model                                 166. $10 Western Pleasure 18 & over
128. $10 Liberty Class H/P/M                                 167. $10 Starter Disciplined Rail 2 Gait
129. $5 Leadline Pleasure 3-8 All Seats                      168. $10 Western Discipline Rail
130. $5 Leadline Equitation 3-8 All Seats                    169. $10 W/T/J Disciplined Rail ​all ages and seats
131. $8 Green H/P Equitation 3 Gait                         ​Classes 170-173 To be run immediately after lunch
132. $10 Hunseat Pleasure 17& Under                          170. $10 Pleasure Driving VSE
133. $10 Pony Pleasure                                       171. $10 Pleasure Driving Horse/ Pony ​11.2 & over
134. $10 Academy Pleasure W/T/J                              172. $8 Reinsmanship H/P/M
135. $8 Academy Equitation W/T/J                             173. $10 Driving Perf-Quadrangles H/P/M
136. $10 Open W/T/J Pleasure
Show and Gymkhana Regulations
1. The show Committee reserves the right to add, cancel or combine any classes in accordance with the Sunshine Show
    Series Rules.
2. It’s strongly suggested that the first 4 classes be pre-entered. Classes must be entered two (2) classes in advance.
3. Tack changes must be reported to the secretary stand two (2) classes ahead of schedule. There is a time limit of no
    more than three (3) minutes between classes, including tack changes.
4. Classes with ten (10) or less entries will be sweep-staked. Classes with less than three entries may be canceled.
5. Please refer to the Sunshine Show Series rule book regarding eligibility in the ​Leadline, 12 & under W/T/J, 13 &
    over W/T/J, Academy and Rescue ​classes being offered at this show. It is the entrant’s responsibility to know these
    rules and enter the correct classes.
6. Health Paperwork​: All horses on the show grounds must have a legible, current Coggins and rabies certificate
    available for inspection.
7. All classes are open to everyone meeting the criteria listed for the class. Please refer to Sunshine Show Series
    Rule book to confirm eligibility.
8. The show committee reserves the right to change, move, add or cancel classes as warranted.
9. Classes must be paid for as entered or a blank check left at the entry booth. Numbers will be issued for each horse.
    Day end points will be for the horse. Each entry form must have the release statement signed by the exhibitor or a
    parent or legal guardian if the exhibitor is under 18 years of age. Failure to wear the correct number in a class or
    failure to sign the release statement will result in disqualification and forfeiture of the entry fees for that class.
10. Horses staying overnight must be stalled. ​No horses are allowed on grounds before 3:00 p.m. Friday, May 10th,
    2019. Stabling is by direction of the show office. Please do not put your horse in a stall that is not yours. ​Be
    sure to check with the show staff before stabling. Stalls used for any purpose must be paid for. Stalls found in use
    without payment will be vacated immediately.
11. A $10.00 grounds fee per day will be charged for each un-stabled horse. This fee is per horse/per day.
12. Although dogs are welcome, please be sure to keep your pet on a leash at all times. If a dog is found to be unleashed,
    the owner and dog may be asked to leave the show grounds. For safety purposes, dogs should not be near the show
    ring or gate areas. Owners of aggressive or nuisance dogs will be asked to remove them from the show grounds. No
    entry fees will be refunded.
Sunshine Show Series Pointed Show

                          Rugmaker’s Riding Club 67th Annual Open Horse Show

                                    Cobleskill Fairgrounds Cobleskill, NY

                                            ENTRY INFORMATION

1. Entry Fees/Paybacks:

a. $10    PERFORMANCE classes - paybacks are $10, $7, $3 with 6 ribbons per class for classes with 10 or
more entries. Paybacks are $7, $4, $1 with 6 ribbons per class for classes 6 to 9 entries. 6 ribbons per class will
be given for classes with 1 to 5 entries.
b. $8    EQUITATION classes - Awards with six ribbons will be awarded per class.
c. $5    LEADLINE classes - Awards with ribbons will be awarded for all participants.
2.​ ​Pre-Entries:
Mail your completed entry form (including all release signatures) Coggins & Rabies for each horse with at least
one class entry for each rider horse combination. You will not be charged for any classes entered if scratched at
least 3 classes prior. ​A signed blank check will need to be left at the show office to insure payment of
remaining fees before a back number will be released. Only one payment will be accepted per number.
3. ​ ​Post Entries:
In celebration of Mother’s Day, there will be no Fee for late entries; however, please check out our free
drawings for those of you that pre-enter!
4. Box Stalls:
Stalls will be available starting Friday evening. Stalls used for any purpose must be paid for. Tags will be issued
at time of payment and will be checked throughout the show. All stalls must be assigned by the office. Stalls
found in use without payment must be vacated immediately.
5. Grounds Fee:

A $10.00/day grounds fee will be charged for each un-stabled horse. This fee is per horse and is per day.

6. ​ ​Camper Hook-ups:

Hook-ups will be available on a first come/first served basis for $50.00 for the weekend or $25.00 per night.
Please obtain a paid tag before hooking up. Campers found hooked up without payment must be disconnected
Back Number

                        *** Back Number is assigned to the HORSE ​not​ the RIDER***

Horse’s Name ________________________________________ Year Foaled: ____________

Owner _____________________________

Address ______________________________________          City ___________________

State      ______       Zip Code_________   Phone #     ____________________

Exhibitor Name:____________________________________ Date of Birth:_______________

Address:___________________________________________                State_____      Zip Code________

Entry Fees :                                                                    ________________________

Class number to be entered:                                 _______________________________________

Office Fee (one time) :                                                                          $3.00
Post Entry Fee: $0.00
Unstabled Horses Grounds Fee: $10/day
Campers : $25/night
Friday Night_____ Sat Night_____
Stall : $15/day
Total Pre-Paid Fees:
Less: Payback Vouchers
Total Due from Exhibitor(s)
Liability Waiver

The undersigned hereby acknowledges that s/he is fully aware that participation in a horse show or other equine
event involves inherent risk of life due to the behavior of the animals involved and natural conditions. The
undersigned hereby waives the right to institute a lawsuit for damages against or to recover damages from the
Sunshine Show Series or Rugmaker’s Riding Club based on any injury that occurs due to such inherent risk.
The undersigned also affirms that s/he is solely responsible for choosing and maintaining the horse and
equipment that the undersigned uses and that the undersigned waives any claim for damages against the
Sunshine Show Series and Rugmaker’s Riding Club due to an equipment failure or defect. The undersigned
further acknowledges the Sunshine Show Series and Rugmaker’s Riding Club are not responsible for the
conduct of other participants in such horse show and their animals and hereby waives any claim for damages
against the Sunshine Show Series and Rugmaker’s Riding Club based on an injury due to the conduct of
another participant in such event or other participant’s animal.

Per New York State Law No. VAT 1265, all riders 17 years of age and under must wear a helmet meeting
or exceeding ASTM F1163 (Safety Equipment Institute certified) Equestrian Standards. The
parent/guardian who signs the release form for a rider 17 years of age and under is personally
responsible to ensure that the exhibitor in their care or custody is obeying this law.

MUST ​be signed by a parent or legal guardian for any ​Total Day of Show Fees​ exhibitor 17 and under.

Participants Signature: ________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature: _____________________________________________________
Pointed Show with ​Sunshine Show Series

                          Rugmaker’s Riding Club 67th Annual Open Horse Show
                                    Cobleskill Fairgrounds, Cobleskill, NY
                                  ***Sunshine Show Series Pointed Show***
Please enjoy free coffee and donuts! In Honor of Mother’s Day, there will not be a late fee but check out our
                                   free drawings​ for those that pre - register!
       Pre - Registering will make our show start and end on time so ​please​ pre - register if possible.
            All Pre-Entries will be put in a drawing for a ​FREE stall for the ENTIRE weekend​.
                           Please pre-enter all showmanship classes both days!!!
                              We want to start our show on time for your benefit!!!
All Pre-Entered Showmanship Class Entries will be entered in a drawing for a​ FREE Showmanship Class!!!

       Pre-Entries must be                 Please mail your completed entry form (including all
     postmarked by ​ May 4th              release signatures), Readable Coggins (dated 2018 or
      For Questions contact            2019), & Rabies (April 2018 or later) for each horse with at
          Jennifer Peek                   least one class entry for each horse rider combination.
         (518) 209-5688                You will not be charged for any classes entered if scratched
     Make checks payable to:                               at least 3 classes prior.

     Rugmakers Riding Club
                                       A signed blank check will need to be left at the show office
       Send pre-entries to:
                                        to insure payment of remaining fees before a​ ​back number
         Denise Gannon
                                                              will be released​.
         108 Juergen Rd
       Mayfield, NY 12117
Rugmaker’s Riding Club Gymkhana
                           May 10, 2019 6:00pm

1. Chug A Lug-Leadline

2. Chug A Lug W/T

3. Chug A Lug Pee Wee

4. Chug A Lug Junior

5. Chug A Lug Senior

6. Chug A Lug Jack Benny

7. Keyhole Leadline

8. Keyhole W/T

9. Keyhole Pee Wee

10. Keyhole Junior

11. Keyhole Senior

12. Keyhole Jack Benny

13. Ball in A Bucket Leadline

14. Ball in A Bucket W/T

15. Ball in A Bucket Pee Wee

16. Ball in A Bucket Junior

17. Ball in A Bucket Senior

18. Ball in A Bucket Jack Benny

19. Dash Junior

20. Dash Senior

21. Dash Jack Benny

22. Scramble Junior

23. Scramble Senior

24. Scramble Jack Benny

25. Barrels Junior

26. Barrels Senior

27. Barrels Jack Benny
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