Sacred Heart Catholic Church Diocese of Tyler 4505 Elizabeth St. Texarkana, Texas 75503

Page created by Rachel Salinas
Sacred Heart Catholic Church Diocese of Tyler 4505 Elizabeth St. Texarkana, Texas 75503
Sacred Heart Catholic Church     Diocese of Tyler
                        4505 Elizabeth St. Texarkana, Texas 75503
                                        Office: (903) 794-4444 Fax: (903) 792-1529
                                        Office Hours: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
                                    Daily Mass: 12:05 Lunch 1:00 - 2:00 pm
                                  Check out our new website:
                     Fr. Justin Braun, Pastor e-mail: 903-240-2493
               Fr . Michael J. Adams, Pastor Emeritus: e-mail: 936-554-6863

                                                                                         Sunday, January 2, 2022
                                                                                         The Epiphany of the Lord
                                                                                         Weekend Mass Times
                                                                                         Saturday: 5:30 Vigil Mass
                                                                                         Sunday: 8:30 am English
                                                                                         10:30 am English High Mass
                                                                                         12:30 pm Misa en Español

                                                                                         Daily Mass Times
                                                                                         Monday: 12:05 pm
                                                                                         Tuesday: 12:05 & 6:00 pm
                                                                                         12:05 & 6 :00 pm
                                                                                         Thursday: 9:00 am
                                                                                         12:05 pm & 6:00 pm Mass
                                                                                         Friday: 9:00am & 12:05 pm
                                                                                         Saturday: 9:00 am (daily)
                                                                                         5:30 pm Vigil Mass
                                                                                         Exposition & Adoration
                                                                                         of the Blessed Sacrament
                                                                                         Sunday thru Friday 3:00 - 4:00 pm

                                                                                         Confessions: Or by appointment
                                                                                         Saturday: 8:00 am & 4:00 pm
                                                                                         Sunday: 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

The Great Commission: Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of
the Son, and of the holy Spirit ~ Matthew 28:19
Id, pues, y haced discípulos de todas las naciones, bautizándolos en el nombre del Padre, y del Hijo, y del Espíritu Santo ~ Mateo 28:19
Sacred Heart Catholic Church Diocese of Tyler 4505 Elizabeth St. Texarkana, Texas 75503
January 2, 2022                                                                   The Epiphany of the Lord
                                                                                  WEEKLY COLLECTIONS
  Mass Intentions for the Week-                                                       January 2022
      Happy 2022 Year                                             January 1 Sunday/ Solemnity of Mary
SUNDAY/DOMINGO, JANUARY 2, 2022                                   January 2 Sunday/ It’s Our Future
The Epiphany of the Lord                                          January 9 Sunday/ St. Vincent de Paul
 8:30 am CDA
                                                                  January 16 Sunday/No 2nd collection
10:30 am In Pro Populo
                                                                  January 23 Sunday/ Latin America
12:30 pm †Ulises Martinez (Martinez family)
                                                                  January 30 Sunday/ East Texas Catholic Schools
MONDAY/Lunes, January 3
12:05 pm †Ulises Martinez (Martinez family)                       You may mail your offering to the church office at
TUESDAY/Martes, January 4                                         4505 Elizabeth St, Texarkana, TX 75503 or put them in the
  12:05 pm †Bill Sweeney (Bob & Theresa Culling)                  basket located in the narthex.
    6:00 pm †Ulises Martinez (Martinez family)                    Ushers are now taking up the 1st collection.
                                                                         Thank you for your continued support!
WEDNESDAY/Miercoles, January 5
 12:05 pm Patty (Special Intentions)                              Due to early holiday printing totals will be in the January 9th
   6:00 pm †Ulises Martinez (Martinez family)                     bulletin. Thank you
THURSDAY/Jueves, January 6
  9:00 am For all Priests ordained in January
                  (Daughters of Divine Hope)
12:05 pm †Roberta Henderson (Sharon Kelly)
 6:00 pm †Ulises Martinez (Martinez family)
1st FRIDAY/Viernes, January 7
 9:00 am For all deacons ordained in January
                  (Daughters of Divine Hope)
12:05 pm †Ulises Martinez (Martinez family)
SATURDAY/Sabado, January 8,
 9:00 am Roth Family (Special Intentions)
 5:30 pm †Ulises Martinez (Martinez family)
The Baptism of the Lord
 8:30 am Matthew Burt (Special Intentions)
10:30 am In Pro Populo
12:30 pm †Maria Villanueva (Sanchez family)

                     Pastoral Council :Are you interested in serving on the Pastoral Council
                     for the parish? If so, touch base with Fr. Braun and he'll set up a time with
                     you to discuss what it entails and if it is a good fit for your gifts and
                     talents. You can email him at
                     cell phone (903) 240-2493 or the church office at (903) 794-4444 ext:

Remember to Pray for our Military here and abroad: Albert Pena, Darren Patterson,
Rick Posey, Gavin Posey, Austin Bennett, Sam Carroll, Baylor Harris, Abel Romero, Gabriel Nicodemus, Kaitlin (Lusk)
Martinez, Pablo Eduardo Martinez, Liam Cork, Gabriel Ochoa, Diego Lozano, Nick Pitman, Alyssa Biggar,
Jaden Singleton, Justin Mann, David Blanton. Jr.,
Sacred Heart Catholic Church Diocese of Tyler 4505 Elizabeth St. Texarkana, Texas 75503
January 2, 2022                                                            The Epiphany of the Lord
                    Reflections from Deacons Isaac Oviedo and Mario Torres
                    Dear Parish Family

                  After six years of formation, study, and growth I am approaching the date when I will be ordained
                  a priest of Jesus Christ. When I realize the dignity of the priesthood and the challenges that lie
                  ahead it is easy to be discouraged. However, I know, and this is a conviction that I have had from
                  the first time I thought of becoming a priest, that my vocation is not my invention; rather, it is the
                  eternal design of God the Father who has prepared me and given me the grace to accept this invi-
tation to lend my humanity to Jesus Christ so he may continue his work of redemption here on earth. It is Jesus
Christ, God-incarnate, who I desire to serve.

In this small note I wanted to thank you for your spiritual and financial support. These months have been very fruit-
ful. I continue to prepare for my future ministry, especially learning how to hear confessions and say mass; but
what’s more important I continue growing in prayer and friendship with God. It is this friendship that is the center
of the life of every Christian and the secret to happiness here on earth and for all eternity. May the Virgin Mary pro-
tect you and make you experience the great love of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Teacher. Please pray for me, know of
my prayers for you .

In Christ,
Dcn. Isaac

                     Et Incarnatus Est De Spiritu Sancto Ex Maria Virgine

                     In this Christmas season we stop once again to contemplate one of the central events in our life
                     of faith, the Birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. The sun rising from above has come to illuminate
                     our human nature and has put its dwelling place amid its people. This event fills us with joy,
                     because the Eternal Word fully assumes our human nature to redeem us and bring us closer to
                     God the Father. For this reason, we can be filled with joy as we raise our gaze to Heaven, thank
                     God for his great gift in his Son Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Let us draw near to the simplicity and silence of Bethlehem! Let us contemplate the Mystery of God's Humility and
Love; but above all, let us allow ourselves to be contemplated by the eternal gaze of our dear Child Jesus, who to-
day wants to put his dwelling place in our lives. May our Mother, Mary Most Holy, intercede so that we may enter
the Mystery of the Emmanuel "God with us," and contemplate the Glory of God amid his people.

Furthermore, Christmas is the season to give thanks to God for all the benefits He has bestowed upon us in His Son
Jesus Christ. And, to thank those who have accompanied us on the journey of life. Thus, I would like to thank the
Lord for the Gift and the Mystery of our priestly vocation, and I thank you all for your prayers and generous assis-
tance in our priestly formation. It is my hope that upon my return to the Diocese, I can serve you as a priest. Please
continue to pray for me and my brother seminarians.

Fraternally, Rev. Mr. Mario Torres

Pope Francis’ Intentions for January: True Human Fraternity
We pray for all those suffering from religious discrimination and persecution; may their own rights and dignity be recognized,
which originate from being brothers and sisters in the human family.
Sacred Heart Catholic Church Diocese of Tyler 4505 Elizabeth St. Texarkana, Texas 75503
Tuesday Adult Study with Fr. Braun                          ¿Desea Bautizar a su hijo(a)?
Fr. Braun will begin a book study of Scott Hahn's           Pases por la oficina para registrarse y traiga:
The Decline and Fall of Sacred Scripture: How the           • Copia del acta de nacimiento del niño(a).
Bible Became a Secular Book starting January 4th            • Copia del acta de matrimonio
                                                            (de la iglesia, no civil) de los padrinos.
at 6:45pm and it will continue each Tuesday for the         Recuerde que cerramos las registraciones 2
following 7 weeks, ending February 22nd. If you             semanas antes de empezar las clases.
                                                            Clases de Bautismo
are interested in getting the book before the first         6 de febrero 2022
class, please let Nancy Hemard know by December             13 de febrero 2022
                                                            20 de febrero 2022
28th. Purchasing the book is not necessary, as Fr.          Para más información: Sr. Ramón: 903.293.7916
Braun will present on major themes from each chap-          Sr. Memo y Sra. Laura Becerril:
ter throughout the study.

         Faith Formation January Schedule                            Marriage Formation
                                                                     Are you interested in getting married in
Wednesday 1/5         Faith Formation   6:45 - 8:00pm                the Church? Contact our marriage coor-
Wednesday 1/12        Faith Formation   6:45 - 8:00pm                dinator Mrs. Gisele Rodriguez (903)434
Wednesday 1/19        Faith Formation   6:45 - 8:00pm
Wednesday 1/26        Faith Formation   6:45 - 8:00pm                Formación matrimonial
                                                        ¿Está interesado en casarse por la Iglesia? Co-
                                                        munı́quese con nuestra coordinadora de matri-
                                                        monios, la Sra. Gisele Rodrı́guez (903)434-9275.
          The January Class for 2022                    .
   Sacramental Prep       Sacramental Prep
     January 9th             January 16th
    Year 2: 2:00 pm        Year 1: 2:00 pm                  ¿Deseas celebrar tu Quinceanera?

                                                            Para más información:
               Catholic Daughters                           Sra. Rosario Acevedo 903.276.1199
                                                            Sra. Rafaela Ramirez 903.276.1758
       Congratulations to the winners of the
    Catholic Daughters 2021 Christmas Raffle
1st place winner, Christmas Wagon:
                                                            Sacred Heart Apostolates & Ministries
Dylan Conde (Son of Miriam Flores)
                                                            ♦   Catholic Daughters 6:30 pm
2nd place, $100 Gift Card: Michelle Felling
                                                                 (2nd Monday of the month)
3rd place, $50 Gift Card: Cynthia Goerke                    ♦   Our Lady Queen of Peace Prayer
                                                                weekly prayer group Wednesday 2 - 3 pm
                                                            ♦   Rosary Makers: Wednesday 1-3pm
                                                            ♦   Knights of Columbus Meetings /Social
                                                            ♦   Invitation to Personal Prayer Adult
                                                                Formation class. Wednesday 6:45 - 7:55 pm
                                                            ♦ Thursday Morning Adult Study 9:45 am
                                                              with Dr. Petrie DVD
                                                            ♦ Unit III - 6 pm (2nd Thursday of the month)
Dylan Conde (Son of Miriam Flores)   Michelle Felling       ♦   SVdP Diaper disbursement 2nd & 4th
                                                                 Mondays 4:30-5:30 pm.
Sacred Heart Catholic Church Diocese of Tyler 4505 Elizabeth St. Texarkana, Texas 75503
2 de enero de 2022                                                                  Epifanía del Señor
Reflexiones de nuestro deacons Mario Torres & Isaac Oviedo
                     Et Incarnatus Est De Spiritu Sancto Ex Maria Virgine
                     En este tiempo de navidad nos detenemos una vez más para contemplar uno de los acontecimientos cen-
                     trales en nuestra vida de fe, el nacimiento de nuestro señor Jesucristo. El sol que nace de lo alto ha venido
                     a iluminar nuestra naturaleza humana y ha puesto su morada en medio de su pueblo. Este acontecimiento
                     nos llena de gozo, porque el Verbo Eterno asume plenamente nuestra naturaleza humana para redimirnos
                     y acércanos más íntimamente a Dios Padre. Esta es la razón por la cual, hoy podemos llenarnos de ale-
                     gría, y elevando nuestra mirada el cielo, agradecer a Dios por el gran don que nos ha dado en su Hijo
                     Jesucristo, nuestro Señor.

¡Acerquémonos a la sencillez y silencio de Belén! y contemplemos el misterio de la humildad y amor de Dios, pero sobretodo
dejémonos contemplar por la mirada eterna de aquel niño que hoy quiere poner su morada en nuestras vidas. Que nuestra Ma-
dre, María Santísima, interceda para que podamos adentrarnos al misterio del Emmanuel “Dios con nosotros”, y contemplar la
Gloria de Dios en medio de su pueblo.

Además, la Navidad es un tiempo para agradecer, en primer lugar, a Dios por todos los beneficios que nos ha concedido en su
hijo Jesucristo. Y agradecer también, a todos aquellos que nos acompañan en el camino de la vida. Por ello, agradezco al Señor
por el Don y el Misterio de la vocación sacerdotal, y les agradezco a ustedes por sus oraciones y ayuda generosa en favor de
nuestra formación sacerdotal. Tengo la esperanza de poder regresar a la Diócesis en un tiempo cercano, y servirles como sacer-
dote. Por ello me sigo encomendando a su oración.


Rev. Mr. Mario Torres

                     Querida familia parroquial
                    Después de casi seis años de formación, de estudios y preparación me estoy acercando final-
                    mente a la fecha en la que seré ordenado sacerdote de Jesucristo. Cuando veo la gran dignidad
                    del sacerdocio, y cuando me doy cuenta de los retos que me presenta el futuro como sacerdote
                    católico, a veces me desanimo. Sin embargo, me doy cuenta de que mi vocación no es de ori-
                    gen humano. No ha comenzado en mí, ha nacido en un designo eterno del Padre que desde toda
                    la eternidad me ha llamado y preparado para responder a su invitación de prestarle mi humani-
                    dad para que Cristo continue su misión redentora. Es a ese Dios, a Jesucristo, Dios encarnado, a
quien deseo servir como sacerdote.

En esta pequeña nota les quiero agradecer su apoyo espiritual y económico. Estos meses han sido de gran prove-
cho; continúo aprendiendo como administrar los sacramentos, en particular como escuchar confesiones y como
celebrar la misa; pero lo que es aún más importante, continúo creciendo en oración y en amistad con Dios. Esa
amistad es el centro de la vida de todo cristiano y es el secreto de la felicidad aquí y para siempre. Que la Virgen
María los proteja y les haga experimentar el gran amor de Jesucristo, el Maestro y el Señor. Por favor recen por
mí, rezo por ustedes.

En Cristo,
Dcn. Isaac Oviedo

ENERO 2022 Por la verdadera fraternidad humana
Oramos por todos aquellos que sufren discriminación y persecución religiosa; Que se reconozcan sus
propios derechos y dignidad, que nacen de ser hermanos y hermanas en la familia humana.
Sacred Heart Catholic Church Diocese of Tyler 4505 Elizabeth St. Texarkana, Texas 75503
SUN                         MON                    TUES                       WED                 THUR               FRI                  SAT

                                                                                                                                              Mary Mother of God
                                                                                                                                              10:30 am
                                                                                                                                              12:20 pm Spanish

                                                                                                                                              5:30 Vigil Mass

2                               3 The Most Holy          4 St. Elizabeth Ann    5 St. John Neumann,   6                   7                   8
8:30 am Mass                                                                    Bishop                                    First Friday
                                Name of Jesus           Seton, Religious                              Mass 9am, 12:05                         Mass 9 am
10:30 pm High Mass              12:05 pm Mass            Mass 12:05             Mass                  6:00 pm TLM         Mass 9am            Confessions:
                                                                                12:05 & 6pm                               12:05pm             8 am & 4pm
12:30 pm Spanish                                         Holy Hour 3-4 pm
                                Holy Hour 3-4 pm                                                    Thursday Adult       Adoration
                                                                                Holy Hour 3-4 pm
Holy Hour 3-4 pm/
                                                         Tuesday Evening                            Study Dr. Pitre 9:45 Exposition
                                                                                Faith Formation                          9:30 - 11:45am
                                           Columbus      Study: The Decline                                              12:30 - 5:15 pm      Vigil 5:30 pm
                                           Club          and Fall of Sacred     Classes 6:45 - 8 pm
                                                                                                    Holy Hour 3-4 pm Benediction
                                                                                                                                              Fr. Braun away

9                               10                      11                      12                    13                  14                 15
8:30 am Mass                    12:05 pm Mass           Mass                     Mass                 Mass                9am - 12:05pm
10:30 pm High Mass              Holy Hour 3-4           12:05 & 6:00pm           12:05 & 6pm      NO 9:00 am Mass                  Mass 9 am
12:30 pm Spanish                                        Holy Hour 3-4 pm         Holy Hour 3-4 pm 12:05 & 6:00 pm Holy Hour 3-4 pm Confessions:
                                                                                                                                             8 am & 4pm
Holy Hour 3-4 pm/                 SVdP: Diaper Day                                                   Adult Study
Confessions                                             Tuesday Evening          Faith Formation
                                                                                                     Dr. Pitre 9:45
Sacramental Prep
                                                        Study: The Decline       Classes 6:45 - 8 pm
                                             Business and Fall of Sacred                             Holy Hour 3-4 pm
Year 2: 2pm                                  Meeting Scripture:                                                                              Vigil 5:30 pm
     JCDA 930 -10:25                                                                                  Unit III -6pm
                                     Safe Travels                    Fr. Braun away                        Safe Travels                      Fr. Braun away
16                                                                              19                    20                  21
                                17                      18 Mass                                                                               Mass 9 am
8:30 am Mass                                                                    Mass                                      Mass
                                12:05 Mass               12:05 & 6pm                                  Mass 9:00am
10:30 pm H M                                                                    12:05 & 6pm                               9am - 12:05pm
                                                         Holy Hour 3-4 pm                             12:05pm & 6:00                          Confessions:
12:30 pm Span.                       Holy Hour 3-4                               Holy Hour 3-4 pm
                                                                                                                                              8am & 4pm
                                                                                                       Thursday Adult
Sacramental Prep                               4th       Tuesday Evening        Faith Formation Study Dr. Pitre 9:45 Holy Hour 3-4 pm
Year 1: 3pm                                    Degree
                                                         Study: The Decline     Classes 6:45 - 8 pm   Holy Hour 3-4 pm
                                                         and Fall of Sacred
Holy Hour 3-4 pm/                                        Scripture:                                                                           Vigil 5:30 pm

23                              24                      25                       26                    27                 28                  29
8:30 am Mass                    12:05 pm Mass           Mass                     Mass                 Mass 9 am,                              Mass 9 am
10:30 pm High Mass              Holy Hour 3-4 pm        12:05 & 6pm              12:05 & 6pm          12:05pm & 6:00      Mass 12:05 pm
12:30 pm Spanish                SVdP: Diaper Day        Holy Hour 3-4 pm
                                                                                                      Thursday Adult                          Confessions:
Holy Hour 3-4 pm/ Confessions               Social      Nurses In:10am -12:00    Holy Hour 3-4 pm     Study Dr. Pitre     Holy Hour 3-4 pm    8am & 4pm
30                              31                      Tuesday Evening         Faith Formation
8:30 am Mass                    12:05 pm Mass           Study: The Decline      Classes 6:45 - 8 pm   Holy Hour 3-4 pm
10:30 pm High Mass              Holy Hour 3-4 pm        and Fall of Sacred                                                                    Vigil 5:30 pm
12:30 pm Spanish                                        Scripture:
Holy Hour 3-4 pm/ Confessions
Sacred Heart Catholic Church Diocese of Tyler 4505 Elizabeth St. Texarkana, Texas 75503
Please pray for: Bishop Joseph Strickland.
 Priests of Sacred Heart Texarkana: Fr. Justin Braun, Pastor, and Fr. Michael Adams, Emeritus
 Deacons of Sacred Heart: Dcn. Larry Benzmiller, Dcn. Craig Lashford and Dcn. Ron LeFors
 Seminarians: Deacon Isaac Oviedo, Deacon Mario Torres, Jared Earnest, and all the clergy of the
 Diocese of Tyer.

                          Prayer requests:
                          Cynthia Bower, Melodie Brunt, Vernon Rachal, Shunti Burton, Norma Durrant, Sam Maranto,
                          Michelle McInturff, Jim Vaughn, Burt family, Mike Tullos, Wanda Northam, Rebecca Hlavinka,
                          Cynthia Goerke, Jason Blanton, Patsy Eckelkamp, Eileen McCoy, Special Intentions, Grace Tagha,
John Peacock, Nanette Grass, Donald & Doris Stanley, Jack & Eileen Rothwell, Melanee Turner, Gina Davis, Carolyn
Rooney, Rose Manfredi, Sophie Cepeda, Deyza Batton, Ochoa family, Ellie Toubia, Tim Beard, Sandra Chapa, Michael Allen,
Graham Hurst, Ericka Castaneda and family, Madeline & Chad Jr., Will Morgan, Deacon Larry Benzmiller, Patricia Pal-
omlist, Jesse Martinez , Betsy Moyer, Colton Lusk, Carrie Primm , Joanne Cianciulli, Michael Gwinn. Rose Cruson, P J
Jendro, Caleb Kirby, Rae Kirby, Liz Birdwell, Ms. Shaffer, Pam McCoy
                                            Please call or email names to be added or removed from the prayer list.

                                                                                    Queen of Peace
                                                                 The Queen of Peace prayer group will resume
                                                                 meeting in January 2022.

                                                                          Pastor: Fr. Justin S. Braun
                                                                          903-240-2493 cell (Church ext: 303)
                                                                          Pastor Emeritus: Fr. Michael J. Adams
                                                                          936-554-6863 cell (Church ext: 305)
                                                                          Deacons: 903-794-4444
                                                                          Deacon Larry Benzmiller
                                                                          Deacon Craig Lashford
                                                                          Deacon Ron LeFors
                                                                          Choir Director: Marc A. Bougie
                                                                          call or email:
                                                                          Parish Nurse: Jo Kahler-Lamb
                                                                          Marriage Formation: Mrs. Gisele Rodriguez
                                                                          Administrative Assistant: Maria Byrne
                                                                          903-276-7912 cell (Church ext: 302)
                                                                          Faith Formation: Nancy Hemard
                                                                          email: (Church ext: 307)
                                                                          Receptionist: Ann Blanton
                                                                          email: (Church ext: 301)
Sacred Heart Catholic Church Diocese of Tyler 4505 Elizabeth St. Texarkana, Texas 75503
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Sacred Heart Catholic Church Diocese of Tyler 4505 Elizabeth St. Texarkana, Texas 75503 Sacred Heart Catholic Church Diocese of Tyler 4505 Elizabeth St. Texarkana, Texas 75503
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