Sacred Heart Church & Saint Gerard Mission

Page created by Michael Goodwin
Sacred Heart Church & Saint Gerard Mission
Sacred Heart Church
& Saint Gerard Mission
       Diocese of Orlando / A Redemptorist Parish Since 1926
    Phone: 386-428-6426 • Emergency: 386-428-9899 • Fax: 386-423-4088
           998 Fr. Donlan Dr., New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168
              P.O. Box 729, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32170
website: Email:

               August 8, 2021
Sacred Heart Church & Saint Gerard Mission
Welcome to
                            Sacred Heart Catholic Church & St. Gerard Mission Church
         We are delighted to welcome everyone who has come to share a Eucharistic meal with us today.
         Whether you are a family member, a friend, a familiar face, or a visitor, know that your presence
              enlivens our Eucharistic celebration and our community. We are glad you are here.
               The Redemptorist Community of Sacred Heart Church & St. Gerard Mission
                                     Redemptorists Serving our Parish.
                    Fr. Kevin MacDonald, C.Ss.R.,           Fr. Jim McCabe, C.Ss.R.,      Fr. Aldrin Nunes, C.Ss.R.,
                                                       Permanent Deacons
                                              Deacon Lou Bartos Deacon Stephen Gross

         Sacred Heart Masses                                                     Mass Intentions
Saturday Vigil............................4:00pm
                                                                                 Saturday, August 7
Sunday: .........................8:00 & 10:30am
Weekdays: .. Mon—Fri—8:00am only                   4:00pm       Catholic Women’s Assoc
Holy Day Vigil:..........................7:00pm                                  Sunday, August 8
Holy Day: Please check with the Parish             8:00am +     Sal & Grace Fontana                   by Dixon Family
Office and Bulletin for varying schedule
                                                   10:30am +    Fr. Tom Burke C.Ss.R.                 by All Parishioners
                                                                                 Monday, August 9
  Contact Parish office to schedule an
    appointment for reconciliation                 8:00am   +   Patricia Huff                         by Lori & Frank Oliveto
Sacred Heart Catholic School                                                     Tuesday, August 10
        1003 Turnbull Street                       8:00am   +   Kenneth Lisk                          by Mom
    New Smyrna Beach, Fl. 32168                                                 Wednesday, August 11
  Pre-Kindergarten thru 8th Grade
 Principal: Mrs. Elizabeth Labreche                8:00am   +   William Tooley                        by Cousin Rick
        Phone: (386) 428-4732                                                   Thursday, August 12
         Fax: (386) 428-4087                       8:00am   +   Carla DeSousa                         by Sue & Bob White
                                                                                 Friday, August 13
     St. Gerard Mission Church                     8:00am       Pat Karwoski                          by Roger & Maria Bilodeau
          All administration is at                                               Saturday, August 14
        Sacred Heart Parish Office
                                                   4:00pm   +   Louise Bommarito                      by Peggy Dale
         3171 S. Ridgewood Ave.,
           Edgewater, FL 32141                                                   Sunday, August 15
     St. Gerard Mission Masses                     8:00am +     Dick & Betty Jane Dixon              by Dixon Family
                                                   10:30am +    Patricia Jones                     by Carol Patten & Jerry Bedenk
Saturday Vigil:........................No MASS
Sunday: .............................. 10:00am                        Cross indicates the person is deceased.
Reconciliation……….……9:15—9:45am                                            No cross the person is alive.

What do you treasure above all else and how do you keep it secure? In a peasant community the best safe was often
          the earth. The man in the parable "went in his joy" to sell everything he had (Matthew 13:44).
 Why? Because he found a hidden treasure worth possessing above everything else he had. He did not, however,
have enough to buy the treasure. Fortunately, he only needed enough money to buy the field. In a similar fashion,
 God offers his kingdom as incomparable treasure at a price we can afford! We can't pay the full price for the rich
 and abundant life which God offers us - but when we willingly exchange our life for the life which God offers, we
                                       receive a treasure beyond compare.
  Lord Jesus, reveal to me the true riches of your kingdom. Help me to set my heart on you alone as the treasure
 beyond compare with any other. Free my heart of any inordinate desires or attachment to other things that I may
               freely give to you all that I have in joy and gratitude for all that you have given to me.
                                  May I always find joy and delight in your presence
Sacred Heart Church & Saint Gerard Mission
Readings for the Week of                                             Events Calendar
                 August 8, 2021                                  Saturday,    August 7
Sunday           Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time              9am—3pm        Adoration/Church
                 1 Kgs 19:4-8; Ps 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9;         4:00pm         Vigil Mass
                 Eph 4:30—5:2; Jn 6:41-51                        Sunday,      August 8
Monday           Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross,            8:00am        Mass
                 Virgin and Martyr                               10:30am       Mass
                 Dt 10:12-22; Ps 147:12-13, 14-15, 19-20;        Monday,      August 9
                 Mt 17:22-27                                     8:000am        Mass
Tuesday          Feast of Saint Lawrence, Deacon and             6:00pm
                 Martyr                                          Tuesday,     August 10
                 2 Cor 9:6-10; Ps 112:1-2, 5-6, 7-8, 9;          8:00am        Mass
                 Jn 12:24-26                                     9:00am        Legion of Mary / Burke Hall
Wednesday        Memorial of Saint Clare, Virgin                 9:00am        Sr. Exercise / Social Hall
                 Dt 34:1-12; Ps 66:1-3a, 5 and 8, 16-17;
                                                                 9:00am        Mat Ministry / Social Hall
                 Mt 18:15-20
Thursday         Saint Jane Frances de Chantal,                  Wednesday,   August 11
                 Religious                                       8:00am        Mass
                 Jos 3:7-10a, 11, 13-17; Ps 114:1-2, 3-4, 5-6;   6:00pm        Choir Practice/Church
                 Mt 18:21—19:1                                   7:00pm        Wed Evening Bible Study/Burke Hall
Friday           Saints Pontian, Pope, & Hippolytus,             Thursday,    August 12
                 Priest, Martyrs                                 8:00am        Mass
                 Jos 24:1-13; Ps 136:1-3, 16-18, 21-22 and 24;   9:00am        Sr. Exercise / Social Hall
                 Mt 19:3-12                                      Friday,      August 13
Saturday         Memorial of Saint Maximilian Kolbe,             8:00am        Mass
                 Priest and Martyr                               Saturday,    August 14
                 Jos 24:14-29; Ps 16:1-2a and 5, 7-8, 11;        9am—3pm       Adoration/Church
                 Mt 19:13-15                                     4:00pm        Vigil Mass
                 Vigil: 1 Chr 15:3-4, 15-16; 16:1-2; Ps 132:6-   Sunday,      August 15
                 7,9-10, 13-14; 1 Cor 15:54b-57; Lk 11:27-28     8:00am        Mass
Sunday           Solemnity of the Assumption of the              10:30am       Mass
                 Blessed Virgin Mary
                 Day: Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab; Ps 45:10, 11,
                 12, 16; 1 Cor 15:20-27; Lk 1:39-56

     Diocesan Special Collection
                                                                 Our parish goal for
           August 22, 2021                                                                            $82,571.11
Catholic Campaign for Human Development/African                  2021 Our Catholic Appeal
Church Catholic Campaign for Human Development                   Sacred Heart
 The Catholic Campaign for Human Development was                 is $82,571.11
mandated by the U.S. bishops to address the root causes
 of poverty in America through promotion and support                                                   $58,332.39
 of community controlled, self-help organizations and
                                                                 Paid to Date - $58,332.39
                transformative education.                        Balance - $24,338.72
  The Office of Advocacy and Justice of the Diocese of
Orlando receives grants from the Catholic Campaign for
Human Development for its outreach programming in
         the local communities of the Diocese.
                                                                    Sacred Heart Weekly Offering
                                                                                  August 1, 2021
 St. Vincent de Paul or Sacred Heart School                       Offertory Income Last Week……......$7,309.00
  PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE                                      Online Giving this Week ....….…..…..$2,102.00
 To them directly not to Sacred Heart Church or St. Gerard.       Total Income ………….….………….…......$9,411.00
    Blessings for your continued support
                                                                  Attendance This Week…..………………………..436
Sacred Heart Church & Saint Gerard Mission
SACRAMENT INFORMATION                                              SAINT OF THE WEEK
SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM:                                       St. Theresa Benedicta of the cross, Virgin
Parents & Godparents are required to attend a               and Martyr—Feast Day August 9th
Sacramental Preparation Class. Please call the Parish                            Born on October 12, 1891, of Jewish
Office at 428-6426 to register.                                                  parents, Siegried Stein and Auguste
SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE:                                                           Courant, in Breslau, Germany, Edith
Couples wanting to be married at Sacred Heart Parish                             Stein showed a strong aptitude for
must be registered and practicing members of this                                learning, and by the time of the out-
parish. An appointment must be made with one of the                              break of World War I, she had studied
parish priests at least 6 months in advance of the                               philology and philosophy at the
wedding. The Diocese of Orlando requires a marriage                              universities of Breslau and Goettingen.
preparation program for all couples.
FIRST HOLY COMMUNION                                                             Following the war, she continued her
Children who are 7 years or older, who have been                                 higher studies at the University of Frei-
baptized Roman Catholic, and who have                       burg and was awarded her doctorate in philosophy Suma
participated in at least one full year of Religious         Cum Laude at age 25. She later became the assistant and
Education during the previous year may be eligible          colleague of Professor Husserl, the famous founder
to prepare for the Sacraments of Eucharist.                 of phenomenology, who greatly appreciated her brilliant
At Sacred Heart Church the Sacrament of                     Edith was searching for the truth and found it in the
Reconciliation is available every Saturday afternoon        Catholic Church, initially through her study of the
from 3:00 to 3:45pm or by appointment - 428-6426.           autobiography of St. Teresa of Avila and the works of
ANOINTING of the SICK:                                      St. Thomas Aquinas. She was baptized in the Church on
If you have a loved one who would like to receive the       New Years' Day, 1922.
Anointing of the Sick please call the parish office,
428-6426.                                                   Following her conversion, Edith became a famous author
                                                            and philosopher, and spent her days writing, translating,
COMMUNION for Shut-Ins:
                                                            teaching, and lecturing. She entered the Discalced Carmelie
Call the Parish Office- 428-6426 to arrange a Friday
visit.                                                      Nuns’ cloistered community at Cologne-Lindenthal on Oc-
                                                            tober 14, 1933 and made her profession of vows at the age of
MINISTRY to the SICK and Homebound:                         43, taking the name Sister Teresa Benedicta of the Cross.
If there is anyone at home who cannot get to Mass to
celebrate the Sacraments because of illness or age,         On August 2, 1942, Edith was taken from her monastery and
please call the parish office, 428-6426                     transported by cattle train to the death camp of Auschwitz.
                                                            The conditions in the box cars were so inhuman that many
                    Deceased Priest—                        died or went insane on the four day trip. She died in the gas
                    Diocese of Orlando                      chambers at Auschwitz and was cremated at the age of 51
                                                            on August 9, 1942. She was beatified by Pope John Paul II at
                Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,       Cologne on May 1, 1987, and canonized in Rome twelve
               and let perpetual light shine upon him.      years later.
      May the souls of all the faithful departed,
       through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
          .August 8, 2008 – Rev. Sean Shine                          St. Alphonsus Villa is seeking a
 Father Shine was born May 5, 1926 in Cloghast, County                         PT Nurse, LPN/RN, to
Limerick, Ireland. He attended Kimmage Manor Seminary                          care for our Redemptorists.
and was ordained as a Holy Ghost Father June 29, 1952 in
Dublin. From 1953 to 1968, he was assigned to missions in
                                                                               We are looking to cover
 the Archdiocese of Dwitcha, Nigeria. When the Nigerian                        some day shifts and some
 government expelled foreign missionaries, Father Shine                        evening shifts to include
  made his way to Florida. He was incardinated into the                        every other weekend.
   Diocese of Orlando in 1978. He served at Our Saviour                        We are also looking to fill
     Parish in Cocoa Beach, All Souls Parish in Sanford,
  St. Brendan Parish in Ormond Beach, and Epiphany in                          a PT CNA position for
      Port Orange. In 1981, he was appointed pastor at      evening shifts and some night shifts to include
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish in Bartow. From 1983 until his    every other weekend.
    retirement in 2000 Father Shine served as pastor of            If interested, please send resume
             Immaculate Heart of Mary in Ocala.               to:, or call
           Father Shine died August 8, 2008.                                 (386) 456-3208.
Sacred Heart Church & Saint Gerard Mission

The Way to Live is to Hel Others
                                    Wondering what the Eagles are doing this summer? Many of them found some time to visit
                                    local places while others are enjoying staycation and at the same time helping our local
                                    community. It may be summer vacation for the school faculty, staff, and students but this
                                    does not mean that they do not have time to serve others especially the
                                    poor in our local community.
                                    Religion teacher Mrs. Maria Bilodeau coordinates service and drop offs
                                    and, with the help of math teacher Mrs. Diane Halsema and Social
                                    Studies teacher Mrs. Jeannie Ferguson, deliver clothes, food, shoes, and
                                    socks to the less fortunate both in FROG and the local soup kitchen in
                                    New Smyrna Beach. Students like incoming 8th graders Erica L. took the
                                    time to drop off toys while Ofelia S. with the help of her grandmother
and parents made bracelets for seniors in local nursing home and some were distributed to women in the
local soup kitchen.
                    Incoming 7th grader Connor R. together with his Scout Troop adopted a sea turtle
                    nest and are currently monitoring the nest to help the Turtle Patrol. Bags of brand
                    new and gently used clothes and belts which are very much needed this summer
                    were donated by Mrs. Buck, Mrs. Zelenty, and a few other teachers.
                    Sacred Heart School community always works together to care for others. They all
                    believe that the way to live is to help others. Just like what Mother Teresa said,
                    “Never worry about numbers. Help one person at a time and always start with the
                    person nearest you.” This is precisely the reason why the poor in our local
                    community of New Smyrna Beach, Edgewater, and Oak Hill are dearest and closest
                    to the hearts of our Sacred Heart students and teachers.
                       No one will ever be alone for as long as SHS is here! Go Eagles!

                                                  MINISTRY NEWS

                                        THANK YOU -                                           Catholic Women's
                                        THANK YOU -                                              Association
                                                                                           Are seeking new members
                                         THANK YOU
                         To all who participated in our
                                                                      JOIN US!
                       “Change for a Change” fundraiser.
                    We collected over $5,000, which will           for fellowship,
                   provide much needed                                 fun and
                   assistance to our local                           community
                          hot meals                                   projects.
                        programs and                             Membership drive
                   St. Vincent DePaul.                             the weekend of
                  Thank you again for
                                                                   August 21—22
thinking about and praying for our less
fortunate brothers and sisters during                             after all masses.
this time of great need.                                              If you are
                                                                    interested in
                    Catholic Women’s Assoc                        learning more—
              Tues, August 10th, 2021 - 5 to 9pm
               SACRED HEART BENEFIT NIGHT                             PLEASE JOIN US - after each mass on the
                                                                                 weekend of August 14 & 15 to
              Stavro’s—800 No. Dixie Frwy, NSB.                               welcome and meet our new school
        Early bird menu is available until 6pm.                               principal. Mrs. Elizabeth Labreche.
 Ten percent (10%) of the proceeds during these hours                                        Heavenly Father,
 (dine in or take out) are donated to Sacred Heart for                          bless our new principal Mrs. Labreche
           special projects during the year.                                    Give her the strength, guidance & support
     Look forward to seeing you at Stavro’s.                                       to help our school grow with wisdom,
                                                                                           grace and knowledge.
Sacred Heart Church & Saint Gerard Mission
Saint Gerard Mission                                                  Mass Schedule—
  3171 S Ridgewood Ave, Edgewater, FL 32141                                   Sunday - 10:00am - Only

                                                                     The Mass is nothing short of amazing. Through it, we
                                                                     encounter God in the most intimate way possible as we
                                                                     hear him speak to us in the Liturgy of the Word and as we
                    MASS INTENTION
                                                                     receive him Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity in the
Sunday,            August 8                                          Holy Eucharist. In his video-based study A Biblical Walk
10:00am     +    Giacomo Carone             by Grace & Felice        Through the Mass, Dr. Edward Sri explores the roots of
                                                 Albanese            the words and gestures we experience at Mass and
Sunday,            August 15                                         explains their profound significance. This fascinating tour
                                                                     of the Mass will renew your faith and deepen your love
10:00am     +  Micky & Mary Gawdun        by John & Jacqy            for and devotion to the Holy Eucharist.
            & Children Maryann & Patricia      Gawdun
         All Scheduled Mass Intentions listed above                   We will be offering An Informal Inquiry Session on
    are being said at St. Gerard Mission 10:00am mass by              August 22 at St. Gerard after Mass to entertain questions
                  our Redemptorist Priests.                           you might have regarding the study with the hopes of
                                                                      assisting you in your decision to participate. Scholar-
                St. Gerard Weekly Offering                            ships are available.
                       August 1, 2021
                                                                      Join us for A Biblical Walk Through the Mass at
 Offertory Income Last Week..….….…....$1,550.00                       St. Gerard Catholic Mission Church in Edgewater,
 Online Giving this Week..……………..........$241.00                      Florida beginning October 6 from 10:00 am – 11:30
                                                                      am and continuing every Wednesday for six weeks
 Total Offertory Income……….................$1,791.00                  finishing on November 10. The cost of the study is $20
 Attendance This Week……………...……….….…….135                             per registrant which covers the cost of the book and
                                                                      For more information or to register for the study,
                                                                      visit the Registration Table after mass at St. Gerard’s
                                                                      beginning August 22 /Theresa David at 386-299-8303/
                                                             Registration and Information
                                                                      will also be available at the Sacred Heart Office M-F
Our parish goal for                                                   from 10:00 am – 3:00 pm.
2021 Our Catholic Appeal
St. Gerard                                                                               The Catholic Community of
is $27,848.48                                                                                  St. Gerard’s -
                                                                                              The Catholic Community of
Paid to Date - $15,969.30                       $11,879.18                                St. Gerard’s takes great pleasure in
Balance - $11,879.18                                                                              welcoming our new
                                                                                                Sacred Heart School
                                                                                           Principal, Elizabeth Labreche
         Heavenly Father, we could never thank our military men                          After Mass this Sunday. All are in-
             & women Policeman, fireman and 1st Responders                              vited to stop for a “Meet and Greet”,
          enough for their courageous service and sacrifice to our
   country and its people. Show us ways in our communities,                               with refreshments and chat with
 churches, and families to thank and love them better. Keep and      your St. Gerard friends and take time to give Beth and
 protect these heroes and their families, in the powerful name of       family a good ‘ol fashioned St. Gerard welcome
                      Jesus we pray. Amen.
Sacred Heart Church & Saint Gerard Mission
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