Sacred Heart-Saint Benedict Catholic Church Iglesia de Sagrado Corazón y San Benito

Page created by Bernice Moran
Sacred Heart-Saint Benedict Catholic Church Iglesia de Sagrado Corazón y San Benito
Sacred Heart-Saint Benedict Catholic Church

        Iglesia de Sagrado Corazón y San Benito

English Mass Times                                                    Sunday, April 7, 2019
Monday: 9:00AM, at Sacred Heart
Wednesday: 9:00AM, at Sacred Heart
                                                                    fifth Sunday of lent
Thursday: 9:00AM, at Sacred Heart
Saturday: 4:30PM, at St. Benedict’s
Sunday: 8:45AM, 10:30AM, 5:00PM, at St. Benedict’s
                                                                   Domingo, abril 7, 2019
                                                           quinto domingo de cuaresma
Latin Mass Times
Tuesday: 6:30PM, at Sacred Heart
Wednesday: 7:30AM, at Sacred Heart
Thursday: 12:00PM, at Sacred Heart
Friday: 6:30PM, at Sacred Heart
Saturday: 8:00AM, at Sacred Heart
Sunday: 10:30AM, at Sacred Heart

Horarios de Misa en Español
Lunes: 7:00PM, en Sagrado Corazón
Martes: 9:00AM, en Sagrado Corazón
Miercoles: 7:00PM, en Sagrado Corazón
Viernes: 9:00AM, en Sagrado Corazón
Sabado: 7:00PM, en San Benito
Domingo: 7:00AM, 12:30PM en San Benito

English Confessions
Saturday: 3:30PM-4:15PM, at St. Benedict
Confesiones en Español:
Sabado: 6:00PM-6:45PM, en San Benito

Contact Information & Office Hours
Horario y Teléfono de Oficina del Centro Pastoral
680 College Street
Hollister, Ca 95023
(831) 637-9212 (phone) 637-7299 (Fax)
Monday - Friday, 9:00AM-12:30PM, 1:30PM-5:00PM
Lunes a Viernes, 9:00AM-12:30PM, 1:30PM-5:00PM
St. Benedict’s Church: 1200 Fairview Road, Hollister, Ca
Sacred Heart Church: 680 College Street, Hollister, Ca
Sacred Heart-Saint Benedict Catholic Church Iglesia de Sagrado Corazón y San Benito
PASTORAL STAFF                                               PRAY FOR OUR SICK
Fr. Stephen Akers: Parish Administrator                                    Prayer for the Sick & Homebound
                                                               Loving God, Jesus your Son, went about doing good and healing all,
Fr. German Rodriguez: parochial vicar                                         your gifts of love are countless and your
Fr. Dat Nguyen: parochial vicar                                                           goodness infinite.
                                                               We ask your blessing on the members of our parish who are ill and
Fr. Hugues Beaugrand: Latin Mass Priest                                             those who are homebound.
Fr. Heibar Castañeda: in residence                                 Give them strength in body, courage in spirit and patience
                                                                      in pain. We give you thanks for the gift of their lives.
Rachel McKenna Ed.D., Sacred Heart School Principal                 Sustain those who suffer the loss of well-being, mobility,
                                                                    and freedom. We place them into your hand in the name
Isabel Romero: Parish Business Manager                                    of Jesus your Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Sr. Mary Kelly: RCIA, Liturgy Coordinator
                                                                                 Please Pray for the Following:
Silvia Sierra : Front Office
Nancy Lopez: Director of Religious Education (English)
Maria S. Villegas: Director of Religious Education (Spanish)                    Jose Ernesto Viacava Rocca
Ellen Emma: Wedding & Quinceañera Coordinator                                            Jim McEachern
Karla Perez: Wedding & Quinceañera Coordinator
                                                                                          Josie Sanchez

                                                                                         Agustin Ochoa

                                                                                        Salvador Agredano

                                                                                         Maria Gonzalez

            MINISTRY DIRECTORY                                         DIRECTORIO DE MINISTERIOS
   Please call the office for informa on on these ministries:      Por favor llame a la oficina para obtener información sobre
                                                                                       estos ministerios:

Director Of Liturgy, Adult Faith Forma on,                     Coros unidos en Cristo - Chris na Sanchez              673-0664
Love Ministry & RCIA—Sr. Mary Kelly             637-9212
                                                               Adoradores del San simo– Amparo Chavez                 637-7783
Sacred Heart Altar Society– Rose Davis          776-3270
                                                               Coros                Efrain Parra                      245-9900
St. Benedict Art & Environment– Mary Ellen B.   637-2879
                                                                                   Irene Casas                        637-7036
Bap sm prepara on– Silvia Sierra                  637-9212
                                                                                   Linda & Lupe                       637-5117
Choir-Music Ministries– Eileen Garske           637-9212
                                                               Divina Misericordia– Ana Monteon                       637-6072
Divine Mercy Devo on – Connie Perreira          637-1316
                                                               RICA para adultos– Sr. Mary Kelly                      637-9212
Eucharis c Minister Training– Sr. Mary Kelly    637-9212
                                                               Formación de Fe– Maria Socorro Villegas                637-8291
Faith Forma on– Nancy Lopez                     637-9212
Fishes and Loaves– Kathy Hough                  801-0265       Encuentro matrimonial– Maria y Jesus Aguilar            664-6792
Lector training– Chuck Obeso-Bradley            637-9212       12 Apostoles– Irma Rivas                               245-9206
Lectors– Chuck Obeso-Bradley                   637-4951        San Juan XV– Epifania                                  637-6089
Eucharis c Ministers– Kathy Hough               801-0265       Saludadores– Ana & Alejandro Mar nez                   637-2358
Ministry to the Elderly & Homebound Sr. Mary    637-9212       Lectores– Luis Espinal                             201-978-9577
Sacred Heart Thri Store– Marcella               637-7998       Ministros de Eucaris a– Humberto Q.                   637-9125
Youth Group– Licha Rubio                        801-7193       Monaguillos– Rosie Lopez                              637-4368
Knights of Columbus – David Fears               524-2389       Sociedad Guadalupana– Marlene Salcido                 637-3694
Respect Life Ministry – John & Tess Ucovich     630-1898       Tienda Sagrado Corazon– Marcella Harris                637-7998
Young Ladies Ins tute –Denise McAbee            801-8733       Cristo La Buena Nueva— Gerbacio Roque                 537-3580
Open Air Parish Bookstore — Anne e & Don Perry
Sacred Heart-Saint Benedict Catholic Church Iglesia de Sagrado Corazón y San Benito
                   OBSERVANCES                                           LOS
                                                                        LOS   SANTOS
                                                                            SANTOS      Y CELEBRACIONES
                                                                                   Y OTRAS OTRAS CELEBRACIONES

Sunday:       Fi h Sunday of Lent;                                      Domingo: Quinto Domingo de Cuaresma;
              Third Scru ny                                                      Tercer Escru nio
Thursday:     St. Stanislaus                                            Jueves:  San Estanislao
Friday:       Abs nence                                                 Viernes: Abs nencia
Saturday:     St. Mar n I                                               Sábado:  San Mar n I

                                                                               MASS WEEKEND READINGS

                                                                        TODAY’S READINGS
                                                                        First Reading — See, I am doing something new!
                                                                        (Isaiah 43:16-21) or Ezekiel 37:12-14.
†=Deceased / Difuntos                                                   Psalm — The Lord has done great things for us;
Saturday / Sábado, April 6/Abril 6                                      we are filled with joy (Psalm 126) or Psalm 130.
4:30pm      †Emma Perreira
7:00pm      †Pedro Guzman y Manuel Guzman                               Second Reading — I have been taken possession
                                                                        of by Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:8-14) or Romans
Sunday / Domingo, April 7/Abril 7
7:00am      †Maria Aviles †Guadalupe Cuevas
8:45am        For our parishioners                                      Gospel — Go, and from now on do not sin any
10:30am     †Italo DiTano †Leo Soares †Fernando Vais †Anna Marie
12:30pm     †Jose Carmen Arreola †Armando Carranza †Oscar Correas       (John 8:1-11) or John 11:1-45 [3-7, 17, 20-27, 33b
             †Ceferino Cañada †Fracisco †Jesus Mar nez †Juana           -45].
             Aguirre †Jose Rodriguez Castañeda y Almas del Purgatorio
5:00pm      †Joe Reis

Monday / Lunes, April 8/Abril 8                                         LECTURAS DE HOY
9:00am       Wellbeing of Catherine Dabo                                Primera lectura — El Señor hace algo nuevo para
7:00pm       Samuel, Rosa Fonseca y familia                             el pueblo escogido (Isaías 43:16-21) o Ezequiel
Tuesday / Martes, April 9/Abril 9
9:00am      †Daniel P. Garcia
                                                                        Salmo — Grandes cosas has hecho por nosotros,
Wednesday / Miércoles, April 10/Abril 10                                Señor
9:00am      †Shirley Horn                                               (Salmo 125 [124]) o Salmo 130 (129).
7:00pm      †Ernesto Hernandez
                                                                        Segunda lectura — El bien supremo es conocer a
Thursday / Jueves, April 11/Abril 11                                    Jesús como Señor (Filipenses 3:8-14) o Romanos
9:00am       Wellbeing of Charlo e Lopes                                8:8-11.
                                                                        Evangelio — Que el que no tenga pecado re la
Friday / Viernes, April 12/Abril 12
9:00am      †Alfonso Mendez                                             primera piedra. (Juan 8:1-11) o Juan 11:1-45 [3-7,
                                                                        17, 20-27, 33b-45].
Sacred Heart-Saint Benedict Catholic Church Iglesia de Sagrado Corazón y San Benito
Sacred Heart-Saint Benedict Catholic Church Iglesia de Sagrado Corazón y San Benito
Sacred Heart-Saint Benedict Catholic Church Iglesia de Sagrado Corazón y San Benito
 Selected excerpts from book “Jesus our Eucharis c                            partaking of His beauty, His goodness and His purity in this Divine Sac-
                                                                              rament, you will become all beau ful, good and pure.”
                       Love”                                                    Can we not also exercise our wills thus? Let us learn from the saints
                                                                              and start imita ng their good works.

                    The exercise of the will                                            Holy Mass is the Sacrifice of the Cross
   Third, to find the riches of the Eucharist, one should exercise the            Only in Heaven will we understand what a divine marvel the Holy
will. One must do this by bringing the divine lessons of the Eucharist        Mass is. No ma er how much effort we apply and no ma er how holy
into his life. What good would it be to discover the infinite worth of         and inspired we are, we can only stammer if we would explain this
the Eucharist as we ponder It and seek to love It at Communion me, if         Divine Work, which surpasses men and angels.
we do not proceed to live It?                                                    One day St. Pio of Pietrelcina was asked, “Father, please explain the
   The Eucharist teaches a love that goes beyond telling. It teaches          Holy Mass to us.”
total self-sacrifice, and an unequalled lesson in humility and self-              “My children,” he replied, “how can I explain it to you? The Mass is
effacement. It teaches pa ence and unrestricted dedica on. But what            infinite, like Jesus…Ask an Angel what a Mass is, and he will reply to
do we draw from all this? We surely ought to achieve something, if we         you in truth, ‘I understand that Mass is offered and why it is offered,
but reflect how Jesus has loved us and s ll loves us with such great           but its value, its worth, are beyond my comprehension.’ One Angel—a
generosity “even to the end” (Jn. 13:1).                                      thousand angels—all of Heaven knows this and thinks like this.”
   If we feel frail, we need to turn to Him, to speak to Him and not
tarry about asking His help and support, for He is the very One who
said, “Without Me you can do nothing” (Jn. 15:5), while with the Eu-                                 The Altar is Calvary
charist not only are we capable of everything, but we also obtain what
should amaze and move us, that is, our iden fica on with Jesus, as St.            St. Alphonsus de’ Liguori went so far as to say, “God Himself cannot
Augus ne tells us: “It is not a case of us transforming Christ into our-      bring about an ac on holier and greater than the celebra on of a Holy
selves, as we commonly do with food; but it is Jesus who transforms us        Mass.” Why? Because Holy Mass can be said to be a synthesis sum-
into Himself.”                                                                ming up the Incarna on and Redemp on; It contains the Birth, Passion
   First of all, let us go before Him: “Come to Me…and I will refresh         and the Death of Jesus—mysteries which God accomplished for our
you” (Mt. 11:28). Let us o en visit Him, entering a Church every me           sakes. The Second Va can Council teaches that “at the Last Supper,
we can and pausing a li le while before the tabernacle, and put both          the night in which He was betrayed, Jesus ini ated the Eucharis c
our heart and body before Him! The saints were constantly eager to            Sacrifice of His Body and Blood, in order to con nue the Sacrifice of
make visits to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, to make Holy Hours of          the Cross throughout the centuries un l His return.” (Sacrosanctum
adora on, spiritual Communions, ejaculatory prayers and earnest acts          Concilium, n. 47).
of love that come from the heart. How much profit they gained from                Earlier, Ven. Pope Pius XII had also formulated this stupendous in-
this and how much good they passed on!                                        sight: “The altar on Golgotha is not different from the altar of our
   One day in Turin a friend, who was his companion from the universi-        churches; even this is a mountain [like Mt. Golgotha] on which stands a
ty, asked Bl. Peter George Frassa , “Let us go and take an appe zer.”         cross and the One crucified, where the reconcilia on between God
Peter George took advantage of the occasion and replied, indica ng to         and man takes place.” St. Thomas Aquinas, in an enlightening passage,
his friend the nearby Church of St. Dominic, “Of course. Let us go and        wrote, “The celebra on of Holy Mass has the same value as the Death
take it in that cafe.” Entering the Church, they prayed for a li le while     of Jesus on the Cross.”
near the tabernacle; when they approached the offering box, Peter
George said, “Here is the appe zer.” And from the pockets of the two
youths came alms for the poor!                                                To be con nued…
   Thinking of the Eucharist during his sermon, St. John Chrysostom
once asked, “How can we make of our bodies a host?” and gave this
answer: “Let your eyes look at nothing evil, and you have offered a            Source: From the book “Our Eucharis c Love: Eucharis c Life Exempli-
sacrifice; let not your tongue speak unbecoming words, and you have            fied by the Saints” by Father Stefano M Manelli, FI
made an offering; let not your hand commit a sin, and you have
offered a holocaust.”
   Just recall the eyes of St. Cole e, which were always lowered and
recollected in sweet modesty. Why? She once gave the answer: “I have
filled my eyes with Jesus, upon whom I have gazed at the eleva on of
the Host at Holy Mass, and I do not wish to replace Him with another
   Let us think of the edifying reserve of the saints in speaking, control-
ling well the tongue which had been consecrated by contact with the
Body of Jesus.
   Recall the good works which souls, filled with a love imparted by the
Eucharist, have accomplished because Jesus communicated to them
His own sen ments of love for all of our fellow men, especially those
most in need. Thus St. Francis de Sales exhorted every soul to ap-
proach the Eucharist as much as possible, because “by adoring and
Sacred Heart-Saint Benedict Catholic Church Iglesia de Sagrado Corazón y San Benito
   Extractos seleccionados del libro “Jesús nuestro                      cer la voluntad. Uno debe hacer esto trayendo las lecciones divinas de
                                                                         la Eucaris a a su vida. ¿De qué serviría descubrir el valor infinito de la
                  amor eucarís co”                                       Eucaris a mientras la meditamos y buscamos amarla en el momento
                                                                         de la Comunión, si no procedemos a vivirla?
                      Un ejercicio del corazón.                             La Eucaris a enseña un amor que va más allá de contar. Enseña
                                                                         auto sacrificio total, y una lección sin igual en humildad y desamor.
   Segundo, para explorar las riquezas de la Eucaris a, usamos el cora- Enseña paciencia y dedicación sin restricciones. ¿Pero qué sacamos de
zón. Si cada cris ano debe amar a Jesucristo: "Si alguno no ama a        todo esto? Seguramente deberíamos lograr algo, si tan solo reflejamos
Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, sea anatema" (1 Cor. 16:22), el amor por la    cómo   Jesús nos ha amado y aún nos ama con tanta generosidad "hasta
Eucaris a debe brotar del corazón y estar vivo en todos nosotros. .      el final" (Jn. 13: 1).
   Entre todos los santos, quizás uno de los mejores modelos sea San        Si nos sen mos frágiles, debemos volvernos hacia Él, hablarle y no
Pedro Julián Eymard, en quien el amor por la Eucaris a alcanzó tal       demorarnos en pedirle ayuda y apoyo, porque Él es el que dijo: "Sin mí
intensidad que se transformó en un amor de locura. Es por esta razón no puedes hacer nada" (Jn. 15: 5) , mientras que con la Eucaris a no
que fue llamado "el tonto del San simo Sacramento".                      solo somos capaces de todo, sino que también obtenemos lo que de-
   Ahora incluso el amor necesita ejercicio. El corazón debe ser ejerci- bería asombrarnos y conmovernos, es decir, nuestra iden ficación con
tado para amar al verdadero Dios, para anhelar "El Autor de la Vi-       Jesús, como nos dice San Agus n: "No se trata de que transformemos
da" (Hechos 3:15).                                                       a Cristo en nosotros mismos, como solemos hacer con la comida; pero
   La comunión santa representa el punto más alto de este ejercicio de   es Jesús quien nos transforma en sí mismo ".
amor, cuyas llamas consumidoras unen el corazón de una criatura y           En primer lugar, vamos delante de Él: "Ven a Mí ... y te refresca-
Jesús. Santa Gemma Galgani podría exclamar a este respecto: "Ya no       ré" (Mt. 11:28). Visitémosle a menudo, entrando en una iglesia cada
puedo evitar pensar en cómo, en la maravillosa grandeza de su amor,      vez que podamos y deteniéndonos un poco antes del tabernáculo, ¡y
Jesús se hace percep ble y se muestra a su criatura más humilde en       pongamos    nuestro corazón y nuestro cuerpo delante de Él! Los santos
todos los esplendores de su corazón". ¿Podemos decir acerca de los       estaban constantemente ansiosos por hacer visitas a Jesús en el San -
ejercicios del corazón de Santa Gema, quienes deseaban ser una           simo Sacramento, para hacer Horas Santas de adoración, comuniones
" enda de amor" en la que ella mantendría a Jesús siempre con ella?      espirituales, oraciones de eyaculación y actos de amor sinceros que
Ella anhelaba tener un "pequeño lugar en el ciborium" para poder         vienen del corazón. ¿Cuántos beneficios obtuvieron de esto y cuánto
estar siempre con Jesús. Ella pidió conver rse en “una bola de fuego     bien obtuvieron al transmi rlo.
en llamas con amor” para Jesús.                                              Un día en Turín un amigo, que era su compañero de la universidad,
   Cuando Santa Teresa del Niño Jesús se enfermó bastante, se arras- le preguntó a Bl. Peter George Frassa , “Vamos y tomemos un aperi -
tró con gran esfuerzo a la Iglesia para recibir a Jesús. Una mañana,     vo”. Peter George aprovechó la ocasión y respondió, indicando a su
después de la Santa Comunión, estaba en su celda, agotada. Una de        amigo la cercana Iglesia de Santo Domingo: “Por supuesto. Vayamos y
las hermanas comentó que no debería esforzarse tanto. La Santa res- llevémoslo a ese café ”. Al entrar en la Iglesia, oraron un rato cerca del
pondió: “¡Oh, qué me parecen estos sufrimientos en comparación con tabernáculo; Cuando se acercaron a la caja de ofrendas, Peter George
una comunión diaria!” - Algo que no está permi do en todas partes en dijo: "Aquí está el aperi vo". ¡Y de los bolsillos de los dos jóvenes salie-
sus empos. Ella ardientemente le suplicó a Jesús: "Permanece dentro ron limosnas para los pobres!
de mí, como lo haces en el tabernáculo. Nunca re res tu presencia de         Al pensar en la Eucaris a durante su sermón, San Juan Crisóstomo
tu pequeño anfitrión.                                                     preguntó una vez: "¿Cómo podemos hacer de nuestros cuerpos un
   Cuando Santa Margarita María Alacoque abandonó el mundo y se          anfitrión?" Y dio esta respuesta ...
consagró a Dios en el claustro, hizo un voto privado y lo escribió en su
sangre: “Todo para la Eucaris a; nada para mí ". Es inú l tratar de
describir el ardiente amor de la Eucaris a por parte del Santo. Cuando
no pudo recibir la Sagrada Comunión, estalló en ardientes expresiones
de amor como estas: "Tengo un deseo tan grande por la Sagrada Co-
                                                                         Con nuará…
munión que si tuviera que caminar descalzo por un camino de fuego
para obtenerlo, lo haría". Con una alegría indecible.
                                                                         Fuente: El Libro “Our Eucharis c Love: Eucharis c Life Exemplified by
   Santa Catalina de Siena a menudo le decía a su confesor: “Padre,
                                                                         the Saints” por el Padre Stefano M Manelli, FI
tengo hambre. Por el amor de Dios, dale a esta alma su alimento, su
Señor en la Eucaris a ". También confió:" Cuando no puedo recibir a
mi Señor, entro a la Iglesia y allí lo miro ... Lo miro ... Lo miro otra
vez ... y esto me sa sface ".
   Durante su larga y dolorosa enfermedad, St. Bernade e una vez
expresó la felicidad que sin ó en momentos de insomnio, porque en-
tonces pudo unirse a Jesús en el San simo Sacramento. Refiriéndose a
una pequeña custodia dorada que estaba representada en la cor na
de su cama, dijo: "Su visita me da el deseo y la fuerza para ofrecerme
como un sacrificio, cuando me siento solo y con dolor". Esto se llama "
ejercicio del corazón ".
                 El ejercicio de la voluntad.
  Tercero, para encontrar las riquezas de la Eucaris a, uno debe ejer-
Sacred Heart-Saint Benedict Catholic Church Iglesia de Sagrado Corazón y San Benito
                                           Holy Week Schedule of Liturgies
Saturday Vigil/Palm Sunday, April 13/14: Regular Mass Schedule
Monday, April 15: Regular Mass Schedule
Tuesday, April 16: Regular Mass Schedule
Wednesday, April 17: Regular Mass Schedule
Holy Thursday, April 18: Bilingual Mass of the Lord’s Supper + Liturgy of Washing of feet, 7PM @ St. Benedict
Good Friday, April 19th: Bilingual Way of the Cross from Sacred Heart Church to Saint Benedict, 9:15AM @ Sacred Heart
Good Friday, April 19th: Veneration of the Cross (ENGLISH), 1PM @ St. Benedict
Good Friday, April 19th: Veneration of the Cross (SPANISH), 7PM @ St. Benedict
Saturday, April 20th: Bilingual Easter Vigil, 8PM @ St. Benedict
Sunday, April 21st: Regular Mass schedule including 5PM Mass (NOT cancelled this year)
                               Horario de Misas y Liturgias durante Semana Santa
Domingo de Ramos, Abril 13/14: Horario Normal de Misas
Lunes, Abril 15: Horario Normal de Misas
Martes, Abril 16: Horario Normal de Misas
Miercoles, Abril 17: Horario Normal de Misas
Jueves Santo, Abril 18: Misa Bilingüe Vespertina de la Cena del Señor + Liturgia de Lavado de Pies, 7PM en San Benito
Viernes Santo, Abril 19: Via Crucis Bilingüe de la Iglesia Sagrado Corazón a la Iglesia San Benito, 9:15AM en Sagrado Corazón
Viernes Santo, Abril 19: Veneración de la Santa Cruz en Ingles, 1PM en San Benito
Viernes Santo, Abril 19: Veneración de la Santa Cruz en Español, 7PM en San Benito
Sabado, Abril 20: Vigilia Pascual Bilingüe, 8PM en San Benito
Domingo, Abril 21: Horarios de Misa normal

Tiempos de confesión adicionales durante la Cuaresma               Misa mensual en el cementerio “Calvary” a sido trans-
                                                                            ferida al Primer Sabado del Mes
¡Buenas no cias! Venga y par cipe de la Misericordia de
Dios yendo a la Confesión durante la Cuaresma.                    La misa en el panteon “Calvary” a sido transferida al Pri-
Agregaremos media hora después de la misa de 7AM los              mer Sabado del mes a las 10AM. La siguiente Misa sera
domingos, y media hora después de la misa de 10:30 AM             el Sabado 6 de Abril a las 10AM
los Domingos. Se mantendrán los empos normales de
                                                                           TOP HATTERS 26th Annual Bike Blessing
confesión del sábado.
                                                                  April 14 Palm Sunday
                     Lectors Needed!
We are always looking for volunteers to be Lectors and            Blessing of bikes at Sacred Heart Church service at 1pm
to help Proclaim the Word during Mass.
If you are interested in becoming a Lector during one of          All bikes & public welcome
our Saturday or Sunday Masses, please contact Chuck
                                                                     A new way for our parish to communicate with you
Obeso-Bradley at 831-524-1331, or
                                                                                       coming soon
We offer regular Lector mee ngs during the year to help            We are happy to announce we are going to implement
you to improve your public speaking skills, and to learn          next Sunday (Palm Sunday) a new way for our parish to
more about the Readings.                                          stay in touch with you. Make sure to bring your cell-
                                                                  phone with you next week 
     1st Saturday Fa ma/Pro-Life Rosary Devo on
                                                                             Come and Pray during 40 days for life
Please join us at the 1st Saturday Fa ma/Pro-Life Rosary
Devo on service at St. Benedict’s Church at 3:45 p.m.             Come and pray with us during our 40 days for life
prior to the 4:30 p.m. Mass                                       na onwide campaign (March 6-April 14) where we pray
                                                                  outside the nearest Planned Parenthood for the sanc ty
  Una nueva manera para comunicarnos con nuestra
                                                                  of life specially the unborn. We gather every Monday,
                                                                  Wednesday, and Friday from 11:45am to 1PM at 760
Nos complace anunciar que vamos a implementar el                  Renz Lane, Gilroy, Ca. Call 408-847-2000 for more info.
próximo domingo (Domingo de Ramos) una nueva forma
de mantenerse en comunicación con nuestra parroquia.
Asegúrate de traer su celular la próxima semana 
Sacred Heart-Saint Benedict Catholic Church Iglesia de Sagrado Corazón y San Benito
                     Save the Date                          Monthly Mass at Calvary Cemetery has been trans-
Young Ladies' Grand Ins tute #172, El Gabilan (YLI)               ferred to first Saturday of the Month
cordially invites you to our Fashion Show Fundraiser        The Mass at Calvary has been moved to the first
to be held on Sunday, May 5th at noon at Old City           Saturday of the month and will remain so for the
Hall Restaurant in Gilroy! $25 Dona on includes             foreseeable future. The next Mass will be on April 6,
lunch! There will be raffle prizes! Proceeds to               10AM
benefit Fishes & Loaves, Sacred Heart Thri Store,
Seminarians and the 2018-2019 Grand President's               INVITACION Al GRUPO “APOYO Y UNIDAD” DE
Program: The American Heart Associa on. Full                                  AL-ANON
details to follow. For ques ons contact Julie
                                                               ¿Estas cansado de promesas rotas? ¿Se molesta
at elgabilan172@a .net
                                                            por la bebida de otra persona? El alcoholismo es
                Take out Polenta Dinner                     una “enfermedad familiar”. Por más de seis décadas
Join us for an Italian Polenta and Sausage Dinner on Sat-   Al-Anón ofrece esperanza, ayuda y apoyo a familias
urday, April 27. Dinner will include polenta with Marina-   y amistades de alcohólicos.
ra sauce, Italian sausage, and dessert. Cost is $15 for        Es mamos que cada alcohólico afecta las vidas
adults and $8 for children 10 and under. All meals are to   de por lo menos cuatro otras personas … alcoholis-
be picked up at Immaculate Concep on Hall, Tres Pinos       mo es realmente una enfermedad familiar.
from 5-8PM. For Tickets call Brenda Ellis 831-635-9842         Desaprueba la idea de vivir pensando en los er-
or Harry 831-801-6956                                       rores y las desilusiones del pasado: concibe el fu-
          Sacred Heart Thri Announcement                    turo solo como una serie de días nuevos, cada uno
                                                            con renovadas oportunidades para conseguir au-
Thank you for your con nued support on this important
                                                            torrealización y progreso.
                                                               Entérese de lo que ofrece Al-Anón. Al-Anón es
Special Holiday Hours for our Thri Store:                   anónimo y completamente gratuito:
                                                               Reuniones los Miércoles a las 7:00pm, 210 calle
Mondays—Thursday: 10AM-12PM                                 San Benito salón “C” o hable con Denise/831 297-
Saturday, April 6: 10AM—12PM                                2634
Closed for sales on Monday 3/25/19
Monday 3/25/19: open for registra ons only
                                                                 Addi onal Confession Times during Lent
Closed on Easter Monday 4/22/19                             Good News! Come and partake of God’s Mercy by
                                                            going to Confession during Lent. We will add half
The Sacred Heart Thri store is grateful for dona ons        hour a er the 7AM Mass on Sundays, and half hour
received from parishioners enabling us to operate. We       a er the 10:30AM Mass on Sunday. The normal
are located on 7th Street in the Saint Vincent DePaul
                                                            Confession mes on Saturday will remain.
building behind the pastoral center, The Thri Store is
the oldest in San Benito County directly providing food              Sta ons of the Cross during Lent
and clothing to the needy. Please call 831-637-7798 if
you have ques ons about our programs or wish to join
                                                            We will have the Sta ons of the Cross in English
us in our 100% volunteer efforts. Dona ons of gently         every Friday during Lent at 7PM a er the La n
used goods are welcome only when we are open (or by         Mass at Sacred Heart
appointment).                                                         Vía Crucis durante la Cuaresma
                                                            Se rezara el Vía crucis durante la Cuaresma cada
                                                            Viernes de Cuaresma a las 7PM en la iglesia San Be-
Sacred Heart-Saint Benedict Catholic Church Iglesia de Sagrado Corazón y San Benito
Sacred Heart Parish School
                Preschool to 8th Grades
    Office Hours / las horas de oficina: 7:30am to 3:30pm
           670 College Street, Hollister CA 95023
       Phone: (831) 637-4157 FAX: (831) 637-4164
              Principal: Dr . Rachel McKenna
                Business Office: Mar k Lema
                                             THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY
                                                                                    GRACIAS POR SU GENEROCIDAD

             FINANCIAL REPORT                                    2019                     REPORTE FINANCIERO
                Weekend of March 30/31                                                     Fin de semana de 30/31 de Marzo
          Plate Collections—Saturday / Sunday                   $10,675     Colecta Sábado y Domingo
                                       Latin Mass                 $671      Misa en Latin
                                Second Collection                $2,572     Segunda Colecta
                              Sacred Heart Masses                $1,030     Misas del Sagrado Corazón
                                                            2019 AMA Report
          Goal: $41,800   Total Promised (including one-time pledges): $17,396 Total Received (including one-time pledges): $9,963

               Second Collections 2018                                                    Segunda Colecta 2018
             April 7 weekend: Fishes and Loaves                                             Abril 7: Peces y Panes
             Thank you for your generosity!                                            Gracias por su generosidad!

            Eucharistic Adoration                                                           Adoracion al Santisimo
Come and spend time with the Lord!                                                         ¡Ven adorar al Señor!
             Sacred Heart Church                                                          Iglesia de Sagrado Corazón
    Every Sunday from 1pm to 3 pm                                               Todos los domingos a las 1:00pm—3:00pm
Wednesdays after 9 am Mass to 7 pm. Mass                                        Miercoles después de misa de 9:00am—7 pm
                7-8 p.m.                                                        Necesitamos adoradoras para el Santísimo Sa-
We need adorers for the Blessed Sacrament                                        cramento 9:45am—5 pm. Por favor, regis-
from 9:45am to 5 pm. Sign up for a time of                                       trarse para un momento de adoración en la
    worship at Sacred Heart Church.                                                      Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón.

      CHAPLET OF THE DIVINE MERCY                                                     CORONILLA DE LA MISERICORDIA
                   Sacred Heart Church                                                         Iglesia de Sagrado Corazón
       Wednesdays in Spanish after the 9:00am mass                                 Miércoles en español después de la Misa de 9:00am.
Thursdays in English at 2:00pm (at Pastoral Office Chapel)                                    Jueves en ingles a las 2:00pm
   First Wednesday of each month in Spanish at 3:00pm                             Primer Miércoles de cada mes en español a las 3:00pm
          (with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament)                                    (junto con Hora de Adoración al Santísimo)
                    St. Benedict Church                                                           Iglesia de San Benito
       Saturdays in Spanish befor e the 7:00pm mass                                  Sábados en español antes de la Misa de 7:00pm
 Sundays in Spanish befor e the 7:00am & 12:30pm masses                          Domingos en español antes de Misa de 7:00am y 12:30pm

                  Pray the Rosary                                                                Oración del Rosario
Pray the Rosary and the Novena to our Mother of Perpet-                                      En Ingles en el Centro Pastoral,
ual Help every Tuesday at 3:15 pm in the Meeting                                                     680 College St.
Room of the Pastoral Center, 680 College St. Everyone                                             Martes a las 3:15pm
is welcome!                                                                                       Todos Bienvenidos!

Deadline for bulletin requests is, MONDAY the                                   Nuestro plazo para recibir anuncios es Lunes de la
week prior by 2:00pm. E-mail Address:                                           semana previa a las 2:00 dé la tarde. Esta Thank you for includ-                                disponible este correo electrónico:
ing the date, time, location and contact phone num-                    Por favor incluir su
ber as well as the name of the sponsoring ministry,                             nombre, teléfono y grupo organizador en el correo
organization or group.                                                          electrónico.

Sacred Heart Church
Hollister, CA


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